#💌┊letters from armin
ringsofsaturnnnn · 1 year
𝐨𝐡, 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐫
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.˚┊..⃗. rules :: about me
.˚┊..⃗. enter the solar system
.˚┊..⃗. theme made by my lovely mutual @arlerts-angel 🤍
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© 2024 ringsofsaturn | please don't copy or repost any of my works. i have not given permission to anyone to repost my content anywhere outside of tumblr.
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arlerts-angel · 5 months
um wait armin w neglect kink… if you don’t like this don’t respond because i don’t want to be embarrassed
you’re super horny whining and begging for his attention and he’s just completely ignoring you!!! it’s so out of character for him because he’s usually so so loving and sweet and takes such good care of you and now he’s not paying attention to you at all :(
you secretly know it’s because you started a stupid argument with him yesterday and never apologized… yes you were being a brat but this isn’t fair!!!
maybe you end up riding his thigh and yet… he still won’t look at you. the only indication that he’s even enjoying this is that he’s hard in his sweatpants, and that his fingers tense slightly at the noises you make while he tries to focus on his work on the computer :((((
but if you apologize he’ll fuck you within an inch of your life to make up for his neglect :3
HEAD IN MY HANDS!!!! oh my god 😩
imagine his inner conflict in this situation too omg. DESPERATE to give you the attention you need want (because we all know he's all about giving!!!), to be the one who gets you off, but there's something gratifying about neglecting your neediness to him.
maybe it's hearing how much you want and need him, or the way you're so desperate for his touch that you'll get yourself off on his thigh... all while a blubbering mess, half apologizing as you're cumming <3
tagging a few babes who might enjoy: @ambassadorarlert @heliiacus @sukunascrustyfinger @drinklavalamps @ringsofsaturnnnn
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yxstxrdrxxm · 8 months
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SYNOPSIS: Perfection lies on the eye of the beholder. Or, in this case, in the hands of an alchemist who dabbled in sculpting.
TW/s: yandere behavior, Albedo is a bit of an impulsive bastard, abstract in writing, nsfw tws includes usage of drugs, odd materials, dollification, toxic relationship. Please dni if you are uncomfortable.
NOTE FROM HR: Happy Valentine’s Day! If you asked Albedo, he had nothing to gain to be able to celebrate an occasion such as this, but it seems you guys have been together for months. I wonder what he has in store to celebrate this day with you, hm?
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Albedo is what many would say is never considered to celebrate Valentine’s Day. If you ever told him what that occasion is like, he would simply tell you the meaning and not what he truly thought about it. After all, that is normal for many to expect, right?
Well, that is what the old him would’ve thought, but he had a lover now. One that understood him, and the person that seemed to look at him like he was someone to be cared for.
To be fair, he and Kendall are what people would say that are polar opposites. He was stoic and hard to approach, but to the likes of Kendall, he simply showed sides of him that he wanted her to see past.
Why? It was simply because the two shared the same ideas and bonded well. Thus, for the alchemist, he thought it simply made sense to do that.
One of those was when they picked up a book that he had seen and he told Kendall if she was aware. Although she wasn’t, the time they spent together deciphering and discussing the contents of the book when they read it together was nice. He had never been interested in reading anything but scholar-approved journals, so picking up something light with her had been an interesting perspective.
There was one thing that he remembered so clearly—in the passage of the book, ‘Challenger Deep’, he remembered asking her how she felt with the narrative being shifted so often. He recalled how many were speaking of how difficult it was to follow them, like they couldn’t figure out what was happening.
Her words caught him by surprise, though.
“It’s not that bad when you think about it. After all, the story is focused on the boy, so if they can’t follow what’s going on, that’s their problem.”
It was then that he realized just how different they were. And Gods, he was absolutely not letting this opportunity go.
So, he began to speak to Kendall more. He began to look into what she thought of certain topics, books, and even past those with art forms as well. But in the midst of it, he found himself feeling more and more attached to her.
It was a strange conundrum. He didn’t understand the feeling at all. It felt… Foreign.
He didn’t like that.
What was stranger yet was that he saw her profile in the MixMatch app. He had been on it for months since he needed more funds for his projects, and it was the easiest way for him as he had been scouted by the bigwigs of Celestia Inc, so to see her in there and the profile she has set up was a curious coincidence.
Now, any sane person would’ve simply ignored her profile and scroll past to the next one, but Albedo is no foolish man. Nay, he wanted to see just how far he can go when he managed to match with Kendall and see how deeper their relationship could become.
With one swipe, they were both matched up by the app. Just like how history led them to be tied together since day one.
After that time, the memories became a tad bit fuzzy for Albedo to remember. It had gone through so many changes: from the time they were finally together, then the small celebrations they hosted, and even their first kiss. It was almost sweet with how Albedo tried to be accommodating and loving to Kendall, but there were times that it was difficult.
Love is difficult for him. But he has his ways to show that to you.
Such a shame that one of them led you to the situation he’s facing right in front of him.
Standing in front of the somewhat finished sculpture he made, he found himself… Strangely at ease. His expression remained unchanged, though, but the sight of it made him internally smile. It was something that he himself can live on proudly.
In a weird way, it made him feel a bit human. It was perfect for him.
Granted, the materials he made was not something he can get right away. It had to be curated, picked by hand, and he needed to make sure it fit his vision. One slight and it would’ve been thrown away, discarded like a child’s toy when they’ve grown old to even touch it anymore.
He was a picky man. He wanted what’s best for him and his lover, and he had dedicated himself for far too long to be able to back down now.
Raising a hand, he gently swiped it across the cheek of his muse, his eyes softening. The feeling of smoothness meeting his bare fingers sent tingles in his spine, tracing it ever so closer to their eyes and lips, and even drifting to their neck. There were a few blemishes, sure, but it was fine—it looked close enough that he was able to modify it to make it look authentic from the naked eye.
He spent 6 months working on the statue before him. His life’s work, he coined as such. He had always wanted to express his feelings to his lover if they’ve stayed for this long, and even then, he wanted to give it to her as his memento for the occasion.
Looking down, he hummed in satisfaction at the placement of the props he curated. He made sure that the statue had the finest of jewelry hung on their body, its hair and clothing pristine as he first found it, and he gave extra care to spots he saw that weren't perfect.
The dust that was left from his smashed previous attempts and frustrations are all but swept away, hidden from anyone that dares to enter his workshop.
Grabbing the cloth next to him, he lifted it up and tossed it on top of the statue’s head, gently letting it flutter down to the ground. He didn’t want anyone to see it, and he made sure that every spot of that statue he made was covered to a T.
“... It’s perfect,” he whispered, looking down at the time and the pendant. “Now, I need to give this to her tomorrow morning. I must get some rest.”
He has a busy day tomorrow, after all.
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Heading up to Kendall’s apartment, Albedo caught sight of his lover. Although there were bandages wrapped around her head and other parts of her body, he gently tapped on the door; a small greeting for her to hear, not one that may be too disruptive for someone who’s in recovery.
As her head turned and the two saw each other, the sculptor smiled.
“Greetings. Still trying to decipher the book, are you, Kendall?”
The latter blinked, the cogs obviously turning before he saw her nod with a gentle smile. “Yes, I wanted to know why I’m drawn to this book,” she answered him, making him hum and walk closer to her. Pulling up a seat, he glanced at the cover and the contents to see what she was reading.
“Challenger Deep… I see. This book can be quite tricky to understand,” he comments, his hand reaching to the cover. “However, you can try and read it later. I have something to show you at my house, Kendall.”
Closing the book, the blonde looked at his partner, smiling ever so gently with how she lit up.
It was different. So different from the reaction she’d give him, and it sometimes made him feel like he was dreaming. Alas, he isn’t, and he knew that to be the case for him and Kendall. After all, he made sure it wouldn’t come to light.
“Let’s go. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”
Grabbing her hand, he grabbed the book and placed it on the table, keeping it closed. Leading his lover out of the living room, he helped her get her shoes and make some bits of conversation between them. He didn’t wish to make the mood tense, but it seems that she’s beaten him to it.
Albedo is never this talkative to anyone. To him, speaking takes a lot of his energy, and he is never fond of the idea. Though, with the one he’s with, he never found the idea revolting nor exhausting; she reminded him of Sucrose, minus that she’s a lot more outspoken with her thoughts to the alchemist.
It was an amusing sight: a man who refused to speak more than he had to, paired with a woman who loved to speak to those she found close with.
Their journey down to his apartment was as quick as he remembered. He kept a tight grip of Kendall as they went out and about, telling her that she must stay close, lest someone would see her and bring either of them trouble.
He knew why it must be done. People may still be out to look for her, and he didn’t want to risk anything to happen to his beloved.
Still, the real surprise came when he managed to reach his home. Pulling out the keys, he pushed one in and turned it, unlocking the door and letting her enter right inside his abode. Though, he found himself looking back for a moment.
It was strange. He swore he felt eyes pierce through him, but…
It must be nothing, he thought. No one would ever dare to follow me.
Turning back around, he entered the house, the floorboards creaking under his feet as he closed the door shut. He could already hear noises from inside his house, but he paid it no heed as he simply walked through to find where she ended up.
The soft thudding of boot meeting the floor echoed, and even the soft creaks didn’t deter him as much as it had used to.
He was used to it. It was his only home, after all.
“Albedo?” he heard a voice faintly call out. “Albedo, what is this?”
Ah, she’s found it.
“I’m right here,” he answered, entering his studio and watching as she stood in front of the now uncovered statue. The light began to shine and give the features more clarity, laying bare to what the two can see without a moment to lose.
The statue before the two had parts of themselves that had been sculpted by hand and blade, the skin color being the same as the one Kendall had with a few stitches and blemishes that Albedo wasn’t bothering himself too much to clean up. The attire had been commissioned by someone he knew, as it accentuated the statue’s body from head to toe.
The eyes remained closed as the hair was cut to her hairstyle, but there were some obvious patches and discoloration that shows its original color, which was something different entirely.
The face is what caught her by surprise, however. She had expected it to look like it was the same as hers, or even a human being’s face, but it was just patched with makeup and rough cuts. It was far too eerie to even put it to words, but Kendall can only look at it and then turn her gaze to Albedo.
He made this, did he? So why did this happen? Why is it made to look like an abhorrent abomination?
“I assume you like it, do you?” he asked her, his face still holding that same smile as he went closer to her. “You must be. After all, I’ve wasted blood, sweat, and tears over making this for you.”
It seems that’s all the answers they need from him.
“Don’t you think it’s perfect, too?”
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@.throw-letter-away | do not republish or repost my works anywhere | 2024
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mikumanogi-blog · 2 years
2023-03-23  “I can hear the ocean” Tereblog 31 [ENG]
From a recording we did for Nogizaka Under Construction some time in September
 Studying while sitting in a classroom where you can hear the sound of the waves would be amazing wouldn’t it.
 Hello, I’m Ikeda Teresa thank you for once again opening my blog ^ ^
 From a young age I would often go to the ocean. My dad loved surfing and so we often went on vacations to the sea. I have a tiny bit of a dislike of sea salt but I would still collect so many shells that I couldn’t even hold on to them all and I would make things like frames and I would make a lot of sea products (?) from them for my summer break free handicraft project🌊‎🤍
 Maybe I have some link to the ocean!
By the way when it comes to swimming… don’t expect me to have a great time! Lol it’s important not to drown when it’s an emergency🫡
I feel like I broke my knees
 Kokoro ni mo nai koto, I heard that it has already passed 1 million views on the official Nogizaka YouTube channel👏🏻  ̖́
There have been many people congratulating me on Letters, as well as all the blog comments. It is thanks to them that I found out about it \(^o^)/ 
 Thank you very much! I hope to make this a beloved song for everyone and I hope to make the performance even better than it already is 🥹‎🤍
I look tired
I’m currently reading the blog comments, on letters you can send pictures and it makes it even easier to see what everyone is doing during the day (#^.^#)
 🍚Food that I saw
Katsudon (non-closed type)
Roast beefe don
Vegetables (With steak underneath)
Kaarage set meal
Cup star instant noodles with a Teresa signature (←YAY!)
Meat with a lot of fat
Melon bread
They all looked so delicious, I’m jealous🤤😤😡
 I’m also going to answer some comments!
📮I watched “Nante bi da!” yesterday 📺 Shogun’s Tingatinga, I couldn’t help but laugh when they were talking about how they used seven colors only once and “Ano hi Boku wa Tossa ni Uso wo Tsuita” started playing. The staff really know their Nogizaka songs don’t they
(Blog name: Teresa no Fandom)
🕊 If we ever do an episode on “family crests” on that broadcast it is important for me to ask them to play ‘Unubore beach” lol when I think about it I have this image of a famous or distinguished bushi going “come on come come on♪”
📮 I’m so glad that the cutie Tere-pan don’t have vampire like teeth because otherwise you would be highly lethal (few)
(Letter name: Bou bou niwatori)
🕊Tere-pan isn’t a cutie, especially during a full moon… 🩸◥ ƪ(΄👁۝👁‵)ʃ ◤‪ 🩸
📮 I saw the MV for Kokoro ni mo nai koto’s MV!!!!! My favorite part of the MV was between 0:00-4:13!!!!
(Letter name: oyasumi)
🕊 wike
📮 Teresa, who’s your favorite character from Kuroko no basket?
(Letter name: hiru)
📮 I’m going to ride IKEDA WAVE….🏄‍♂️
(Letter name: Chikuwabu)
🕊 The only thing you can do is ride this big wave (I said it myself)
📮 What is the last thing you order during your final order at Yakiniku?
(Letter name: Koori no Majo)
🕊There is no word such as ‘final order’ in my dictionary. I start with ordering white rice, and then I finish with meat until the very end
Thank you very much ( >ω< )
I’ll answer more in the future 📮💌🕊
Armin a good night
I love the setting sun, but I love watching it set over the horizon of a body of water even more!  On the day of this shoot the sun was shinning very bright over the ocean and it was gorgeous
 Thank yo-yo for reading this far ( ・_・)/-------◎
I’ll write again, so until then!
#Tereblog #31 (Terekara)
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oceansvanidicus · 3 years
💌 - @massensterben
send 💌 for my muse to write a letter to yours
Dear Bertholdt,
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, it was for the mission, I didn’t me
How are you? You’ll have to forgive me for such bad lettering. I don’t write to anyone. Everyone is always right in arms length. Even now I find that I don’t know to say that doesn’t sound like I’m trying to pretend nothing is wrong, everything feels wrong.
Eren’s hair is longer now, he looks just like his dad. You’ve never seen Grisha but he was a plain man with plain hair and a plain face but he’s got his mama’s face. He’s lovely and I think he misses you too he knows it too.
Do you know I can still taste blood behind my teeth?
I think about you often, it’s hard not to, and I hope that you can forgive me. Even now, I know that I’ve forgiven you for what you’ve done. I haven’t forgotten anything but I think I understand now. When your back is to the wall you lash out, when you’ve been taught how the world should be, you can’t forget, we’re all wild dogs and we’ve made our packs.
The biting’s gotten worse.
Have you gotten better? I think everyone is better when they are forced to reclude into their own mind but it’s a matter of if you’re driven mad by it or not.
Have you ever seen the ocean before? There’s a chance it’s not such a marvel to you but I’ve never fell in love faster in my entire life. The waves as they crashed, the salt in the air, the freedom.. that’s what the ocean felt like. There’s life in that water, bigger and more vibrant than simple lakes or rivers. I think that’s the real show of selfishness, hiding such a world. Sometimes I think I’m angry at you and it’s such an unreasonable anger that I don’t even know if it’s really mine or not.
Really, I know I don’t have the right but then there’s this pain that feels like betrayal. Like I’m betraying you. You were still my friend and now I’ve got something from you and it isn’t a gift.
I hope you’re fine. That’s the truth. I hope wherever you are you know that we’re only the monsters we turn into. Sometimes we turn into monsters of our need and sometimes the world turns us into them. I think the world has turned us both into different types of monsters and that’s why I have no right to judge you.
I’ve tried that and it got me nowhere, now I’ll try to understand.
We do miss you. I hope you don’t see us as devils. We’re all monsters, Bertholdt, some of us are just monsters of necessity.
Yours, Armin.
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ringsofsaturnnnn · 10 months
*holds ur hand with a dorky smile*
~ armin 🪸🌊
*holds hand back*
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arlerts-angel · 11 months
what height do u hc armin as (if you have a height hc for him)? i feel like with the way he is drawn there is NO way that he is 5’4. i get a more 5’8 vibe from him. wbu??!!
just slightly over 5'6! i love the idea of him being just a few inches taller than me! 🤭
i'm pretty sure by season 4 he's like 5'6? i could be wrong though. the internet says 5'4 and 5'6 so i guess it's up to us 😩��
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yxstxrdrxxm · 9 months
MATCHUP FOUND FOR [ @armin-ocean-eyes ].
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[ YES ]
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Quite the irony, no? An alchemist such as ALBEDO wouldn't be the type you can approach so easily. However, two introverts can find comfort in one another, especially when it comes to reading and researching.
As a chemist, ALBEDO is fascinated with how your mind works. He can relate a lot to not wanting to approach people, but it was due to different reasons: for him, he found it too much of a hassle to speak to someone that doesn't spark his attention. But to you, he thinks you're worth spending time with.
ALBEDO has Klee that enjoys sweets like you, so being able to make one with Jean's help was worth the experience. And seeing your face made him rethink if he should change his course years ago and pursued psychology.
Although he doesn't share the same interests in cottagecore, he could see the appeal. ALBEDO would inform you of things he thinks you might like about it as a result, sometimes even telling you people that can help you with them like Tighnari, who's a ranger in a different country and excels in forests.
If you two have any books you'd like to share, he will be the first to talk to you about what caught his eye. Just... Be prepared for him to start rambling if the topic interests him.
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arlerts-angel · 10 months
My Dearest Angel,
I love you so much. I know I tell you all the time, but it’s true. I love you so so so much. I truly don’t think you’ll ever understand how much I love you. Everything about you is just… perfect to me. The way you laugh, the way you smile. Oh angel, you always have me in such a trance. Just one look from you truly brightens my day.
I hope to see you soon. I want to see that cute smile of yours once again.
Much love,
— A. Arlert
🥹🤍 the love of my life, i love you beyond comprehension
(thank you, i needed this. ❤️)
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arlerts-angel · 10 months
Hey, dear! Sorry that this is a little late. I had to do some running around. Would you want to go out with me tonight? I'll take you wherever you want. I also have some gifts for you when we get back from our dinner date. One of them is better if we open it in the bedroom. See you later, maybe? - Armin
a million times yes 🤍
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blushing like an idiot rn
brain go brrr
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yxstxrdrxxm · 9 months
Albedo be creating horrors beyond human comprehension on a Tuesday afternoon and then goes home and cooks a nice dinner for date night. Get a man who can do both.
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yxstxrdrxxm · 9 months
Can you imagine albedo and dottore meeting. The experiments they would do together lmao 😭😭
these two are going to have some true neutral and chaotic evil like?? Imagine...
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yxstxrdrxxm · 9 months
Albedo being relatively "normal" for a yandere seeing all the other yanderes be absolutely insane
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Also albedo probably doing some weird and crazy experiment
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I swear Albedo do b the type to go "?" and proceeds to go experiment within his lab. That shit explodes but hey, at least he got some material.
Rip whoever is on his radius, he's going to drag them for a test run and they see the Horrors(tm) in his lab for 5 hours /exag
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yxstxrdrxxm · 9 months
Hi, just wanted to say thanks so much for the matchup, I love it!!! 🩷🩷🩷 I love albedo!!🩷🩷 He also seems like a normal sane character 👀lmao (but who knows👀 he is after all not fully human soooo👀👀)
Once again reminding you to take care of yourself and drink plenty of water and to pace yourself while writing these so you don't get burned out :) 🥰🩷🥰
Hi, and aww, I'm so glad you liked the matchup you got! It was a close tie with Tighnari (considering some of your likes), but I went with Albedo because I thought it'd be a somewhat cute dynamic lol.
(to spare today's matchups, I didn't add anything suspicious or those blocked texts. The next ones won't be though LMFAO)
Also yeah, he's pretty much as ""normal"" as a yandere could be in a matchup, just a bit... Distant. Let's just say you better be hoping he doesn't deal with some concerning experiments yk—
And I will! 🫡 I took yesterday a bit of a day off because Mei's matchup ended with me having little to no idea on what I needed to do next, but I am back in business. Hopefully I can finish these next week because like fuck am I doing these on the weekends LMAOOO
(those are reserved for something a little exciting 🤭 and maybe some heads up too lol)
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arlerts-angel · 9 months
Ah, my sweet angel!!
Merry Christmas, my love. I hope the day treated you well. I’m sorry that I couldn’t celebrate it with you. You know how Eren can get when he’s all stressed. I kept begging him to let me come see you, but he kept insisting that he needed my help.
Anyways, I hope to see you soon. Before you fret, don’t worry. I got you a gift. I hope you love it, angel. I (obviously) thought of you when I saw it.
Merry Christmas, lovely.
All the love in the world,
— A. Arlert
i don't need a thing in the world except you 🥰 but, i know whatever you picked is perfect because it came from YOU 🥹
merry christmas to you too 🩵
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yxstxrdrxxm · 7 months
Just wanted to say the event was amazing!!!! And I loved the albedo fic!!! I love how abstract-ly it was written lol!!! You're an amazing writer keep it up!!🩷🩷
also tysm for the compliment! I had a lot of fun writing Albedo's, though it's unfortunate that it's not as intense (yandere wise) as I'd like.
(also orz ty, I hope you enjoy the event on March :D)
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