#💌! maisie
mahs-dumpster · 18 days
a/n: I don't have a title for this one and for some reason I'm kinda shy about this so. I'll just post this and move on. Yup. Uhh tagging @4necdote bc I mentioned this to her
cw: fellow honest should be a content warning tbh; oc x canon (Maisie x Fellow); possibly ooc because I still haven't read Playful Land
words: around 1k
He couldn't take his eyes off of her, not after hearing her sing so beautifully on that stage. Her voice was high pitched, but it was soft and almost heavenly, it almost never went off tone, whenever a mistake was made she covered up so masterfully and wonderfully that it made it seem like the song was being improved. Every word seemed to captivate the audience — captivate him — and make them hypnotized, in awe of what they were experiencing at the moment.
That's why, to Fellow, he couldn't help but stare at the jazz singer who was currently drinking all the way across from him at that bar. A few minutes ago she looked like an angel, — in a way, she still does — almost ethereal… but now, she seemed human, like she could be reached, and Fellow wanted more than anything to talk to her, to use the charisma he had been building over the years to his advantage, not for a scheme like usual, but to get her attention, to make her beautiful blue eyes look at him. 
He needed to hear that voice directed towards him. 
As Fellow got up, with an idea as to how to approach her in mind, he saw that another man apparently had the same thought as him. He clicked his tongue and sat back down, not wanting to be pushy and try to fight for her attention, not wanting her to have this view of him before he even spoke.
The redhead glanced at them ever so often, curious as to how their interaction was gonna go. He saw as the man’s words seemed to make the cat beastwoman cringe, a wrinkle showing on her delicate features, and a twitch of her fluffy white ears; he tried touching her waist, which caused her to push him away, seemingly making the man angry. It was then that Fellow decided to take action. He walked straight towards the two after asking for another drink, a plan to shoo the man away, but before he could reach closer to them both he heard a loud groan, followed by a sound of satisfaction that came out of the singer’s throat. She had stepped on his foot, irritated with his advances and tired of repeatedly saying ‘no’.
Before Fellow could laugh though, he saw how the guy lifted his hand, his eyes widened in shock and anger as he quickly left the drinks there and ran towards the two, his hand holding the man’s wrist. 
“Now, there. That isn't very gentlemanly, is it?” Fellow said, his joking manner present as ever but his voice was firm. He pushed the guy, standing in front of the smaller woman who watched the situation with curiosity and shock at the audacity of the guy for trying to hit her. “I suggest you better leave. You wouldn't wanna get in trouble here.” 
It was a threat. Fellow’s fangs showed as he pronounced every word, his eyebrows furrowed with irritation. The guy grumbled something he couldn't care less about and walked away, then, Fellow finally sighed and looked behind him, a bit of worry in his eyes. 
“Are you, uh… are you alright, miss?”
“Oh.” The singer came back to reality and slightly bowed, a sweet smile on her lips as she nodded. “Yes, I’m ok. Thank you for helping me out, mister…?”
“Fellow Honest at your services, your ladyship.” He bowed playfully, making the woman giggle. It was music to his ears. “I have been keeping my eye on you ever since I saw your performance a few minutes ago.”
“Ah, I see. And what did you think of it, mister Honest?” 
“I can hardly speak my mind without knowing the name of the lady I talk to, can I?” Fellow said, his hand extended in a silent encouragement for her to introduce herself. The girl took his hand a bit hesitantly, but curious nonetheless.
“Well, alright." She started. "My name is Maisie Bows. Thank you for listening to my singing earlier today.”
“Maisie.” He tried, and realized he loved how the word rolled off his tongue. He hummed as a smile showed up in his face, then he brought her hand to his face, kissing gently the back of her hand. “A beautiful name for a beautiful lady.” Maisie let out a laugh, a more genuine one, and he noticed her cheeks getting red. She seemed to be delighted with their interactions, not being able to contain the smile on her face even after she stopped laughing.
“My, aren't you quite the charmer, mister Honest.” The woman joked, and Fellow couldn't help but chuckle, his hand never leaving hers. “Now, your opinion on my performance…?”
“It was one of the best I’ve ever heard.” She lifted an eyebrow as if she didn't believe him. “I promise, or my name isn't Fellow Honest.”
“I guess with a name like that you really can't lie.” Maisie sat down again on one of the benches at the bar, retrieving her hand from his grasp, and Fellow immediately missed her touch. “So. You came here just to play hero and compliment my singing?”
“Actually, I was coming here to offer you a drink.” He confessed, walking towards where he left said drinks, offering one to the woman sitting in front or him. “That is, if you would let me.” Maisie stayed quiet for a moment, as if thinking it over.
“I… don't really accept drinks nor food from strangers.” Is what she said, but he could see there was more in her eyes, a certain yearning he couldn't quite comprehend. He’d be a fool to simply give up when he saw that.
Fellow left the two drinks at the bar and called the bartender, looking at Maisie once they came closer. “If not, then let me pay you one. Your choice.” Maisie smiled and leaned against the bar, looking over at the options of drinks and pointing to one specifically. Fellow immediately ordered it and started drinking the one he already had in hands, not before curiosity struck him. “May I be so bold and ask for a dance as well, miss Bows?” 
Maisie turned to Fellow, she tried to contain a laugh but failed, she bit her nails as she pondered over his question, then she looked at him.
“We’ll see how this conversation goes.”
“Fair enough.”
Maisie stirred in bed, the sound of her alarm clock bothering her sensitive hearing. As she turned it off, she sat up on her bed, a hand on her face as she remembered her dream, or better yet, her memory.
Her hands went to her phone, quickly opening the gallery and finding the small folder of photos she was not able to delete. A finger went over a picture of her and Fellow on a date, her wearing his stupidly big jacked as his arm was around her shoulders.
Maisie's eyes stung.
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halucynator · 10 months
hi hello! if you see this, could you please send me your 13th song from your spotify wrapped for a playlist? thank you <33
to all the people who told me their songs, thank you ily <33
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mareagirls · 1 year
hi! if you’re still taking requests could you do a peter or remus one where the reader is shy and someone makes fun of that (like in a super backhanded way) and peter or remus hear and defend her?
when i say this is months overdue, i mean months and months and months :') sorry for not writing it sooner! this is all over the place and i kinda hate it but i rly wanted to try writing remus rip :') i hope it's alright! I'll check for mistakes later <3
“You okay?” Remus nudges your shoulder gently with his own as the two of you make your way up Sirius’s drive.
“Yeah. I’m a little nervous about meeting your friends though.” You give him the truth because you’ve never been much good at lying to Remus, and he's always been far too intuitive for your liking.
The boy pulls you to a stop outside the front door. If you listen closely, you can hear music playing inside. Laughter maybe. 
You gulp, pulling your sweater around you. Remus looks at you patiently. His hair is falling into his eyes, you notice. You fight the urge to brush it up.
“It’s just… I’m not good at talking to new people. What if they think I’m weird? They might not like me.” You’re not fishing for compliments, you never are, doubting yourself is almost like second nature. Remus shakes his head before pressing a firm but gentle kiss to your hairline.
“Sirus and James love you, honey. They don’t mind that you’re timid.” The boy sounds truthful, and honestly you have no reason not to believe him. Remus’s closest friends have been nothing but kind to you since you first met them. 
“And so what if someone doesn’t like you?“ he continues. “That’s their problem. I like you. I think you’re absolutely lovely.” Remus, takes your hands in his and massages tiny circles into your skin. 
You try to internalise his words, do you best to weed out all the anxiety you’re feeling and make space for his comforts instead. 
Still, uncertainty lingers in your chest at the prospect of meeting all of their other friends. Remus must sense it because his hands come up to cup your face gently and you lean into his touch
 “My quiet girl,” Remus murmurs, and there’s so much tenderness in his voice that you think you might die from it. “You’re just a little shy is all. It’s not a flaw.” 
You soften some more at his words and Remus squeezes your hand. “If it gets too much at any point, you just let me know and I’ll make up an excuse to leave.”
“Okay,” you murmur.  “I will.”
But you think to yourself that you won’t be doing anything of the sort. Remus has been talking about this get together that Sirius organised for weeks, and it's been ages since he's seen some of the people invited. The last thing you want to do is take him away from them. 
You walk to the door behind Remus, happy to let his body shield yours as you enter. His hand gives yours two short squeezes. 
I’m with you. It’s unspoken, but it’s there.
James and Lily open the door before Remus can knock. James is grinning from ear to ear, all teeth, a lazy arm slung over his girlfriends shoulder.
“Moony!” He pulls Remus in for a crushing hug. “We thought you’d never show up!”  His attention shifts to you as he peers over Remus’s shoulder. “And you brought Y/N! Even better!”
Remus smiles at his friend and you find yourself smiling too. James’s enthusiasm is infectious.
Lily moves forward to hug you. You've only met her a couple of times, but she's always been sweet and friendly. You hug her back.
"Thank god you're here," she whispers, conspirational. "The boys have been doing my head in."
James gasps, appalled. Lily just smacks his arm.
You're about to reply to her, when, a loud squeal reaches the four of you. 
“Remmy! It’s been ages!” 
You look up to see a girl you don’t know making a beeline towards Remus. When she reaches him, she practically drapes herself over his shoulder. Remus, polite as ever, gives her a short hug before untangling himself and pulling his arm back to his side. 
“Hey Maisy. It’s nice to see you.” He places an easy hand on the small of your back, nudging you forward ever so slightly but still giving you ample time to stop him if you don’t want to go. “This is Y/N. She’s my girl.”
My girl. My girl. My girl. You go warm at the sound of the petname, something giddy and sweet blooming in your chest at the way he’s presented you. You offer Maisy a small wave, feeling braver than usual. “It’s nice to meet you.”
For a split second, Maisy looks as if she’s swallowed something sour as she looks at you, but the expression is gone in an instant and replaced by a sweet smile, doe eyes. You wonder if you’ve imagined it.
“Sure, nice to meet you,” she’s speaking to you, but her attention is trained on Remus. Before you can do or say anything else, Maisy reaches between the two of you once more and grabs hold of Remus again, trying to pull him further into the house.
"C'mon, Remmy. We've got to catch up! I haven't seen you in ages! Dorcas and Marlene will be so happy to see you again!"
Before Remus can ask you if you'd like to come too, you shuffle next to Lily and smile up at him. You don't want to take him away from his friends, and you know that if your expression starts to give away how anxious you feel, Remus will spend the whole night by your side. You don't want his friends to think you're clingy.
"Go, Rem. I'm with Lily."
Lily loops her arm through yours and nods fiercely. "I'll take good care of her."
Remus catches your gaze one more time before Maisy drags him off, a question in his eyes.
Are you sure?
You give him a resolute nod.
"I'll see you in a bit."
Then, he's being whisked away, and Lily is pulling you in the opposite direction towards the kitchen.
You find Remus in the living room a while later. The party has died down and by now, it's only James, Lily, Sirius, and Maisy left. Remus is sitting next to Sirius murmuring something quiet to the other boy who laughs out loud. Your heart warms when you realise he's left a space for you on his right hand side.
You sit down, leaning against him ever so slightly - a moth to the loveliest flame of all. Remus turns to face you.
"Hey, sweetheart." His hand comes around your shoulder as he speaks like it's muscle memory. "It's not too loud, is it? I know this lot can be rowdy sometimes."
"No not at all," you reply honestly. "I'm having a really good time. Lily is so so nice."
Remus looks over to where the girl in question seems to be teasing Sirius about something. There's nothing but affection in your boyfriend' gaze as he looks at them.
"She really is."
"Are you having a good time. Rem?"
Remus response is earnest, "I hadn't seen some of these people since we left school. It's been real nice to catch up."
James walks in then, phone in one hand, notepad in the other. “I’m ordering pizza," he declares. "Who wants what?"
He looks at you you first because you're the closest. "Y/N? What do you feel like having?"
You're not prepared for the anxiousness that blooms in your chest at being put on the spot. Beside you, Remus lets his hand brush absentminded patterns on your arm. It's grounding. His tiny way of trying to reassuring you - he knows you struggle sometimes with unexpected choices, especially under pressure. You love him more than ever in that moment.
“Can I- please may I have a moment longer?" You manage, words coming out in a tangle. "If that’s okay. I’m really- I’m sorry I just haven’t decided yet-”
You’re rambling, you realise, but Remus bumps his knee against yours and the world shifts back on its axis again.
“Sure,” James smiles easily. “I can come back to you.”
You breathe in a sigh of relief - centered by by the feeling of Remus’s gentle hand against your skin.
“Everything okay, dove? We can share a pizza if you'd like.” 
He says it quietly whilst Lily and Sirius tell James their orders, but you catch it regardless, shooting him a nerve-wracked smile back. Before you can respond and tell him that you'd like that a lot, another voice grabs your attention.
Opposite you, Maisy has finished telling James what she wants. You think she rolls her eyes when she catches you looking up at her.
You try to give her the benefit of the doubt - she and Remus are friends after all - but when she yawns and loudly proclaims how hungry she is, you can't help but feel like it's aimed at you, or more explicitly, how long you're taking to choose something.
James, bless his heart, waves her off, “I’ll place the order in a second. Y/N, have you decided what you’d like yet?”
“No- I’m sorry-... I don’t mean to hold everyone up- I’m really sorry-” Your palms start getting sweaty with panic as you feel eyes on you. The urge to get yourself out of the situation as soon as possible growing stronger by the second. Remus saves you.
"Y/n and I will share a margherita."
And it’s as easy and simple as that. You don’t envy Remus, but you do sometimes find yourself wishing you could replicate a fraction of the quiet confidence he carries himself with.
James nods and finishes writing it all up. Maisy seizes the moment of quiet.
“Ugh, finally. Remmy, you didn’t say your girlfriend was so quiet.” She smiles at you, but there's not a shred of warmth behind it. “She's like a little mouse.”
Silence. Your heart thunders against your rib cage and you find yourself wishing for the sofa to swallow you up. Out of the corner of your eye you see Lily open her mouth to say something, and even Sirius sits up from his slouch, indignance splayed over his face. Before either of them can step in, your boyfriend speaks. 
“Maisy, stop.” 
Remus’s voice harbours a sharpness that you don’t often hear.
“What?” Maisy looks around, confused. “I’m just saying what everyone’s thinking. She’s not exactly the chattiest. Poor thing can’t hold a conversation to save her life, and we’ve been trying to order pizza for ages now-”
“You’re being rude.”
Your stomach churns at Remus’s appalled tone and you reach out blindly, searching for his hand. Remus takes it, but his eyes don’t move from Maisy who is, for once, speechless.
His tone softens a little when you squeeze his fingers. You’re not good around tension.  
“You’ve barely even spared her a glance since we got here.” 
Maisy looks has the nerve to look indignant as she flattens her skirt out primly. When she realises that no one is going to back her up, she grabs her things and makes her way out in a huff, muttering a quick whatever. Lily glares daggers at the back of her head, but Remus barely pays Maisy any heed, his eyes on you instead. Noticing how tense you've become, Sirius, James, and Lily are kind enough to talk amongst themselves. 
“I’m sorry, dove,” Remus shakes his head. “I thought she might have gotten better after all these years. She shouldn’t have spoken about you like that, you know that right?”
In all truth, you’re not sure how to feel. You're overwhelmed, definitely. Feeling slightly to blame for what's just transpired. It’s nice to be defended, but part of you hates that it had to happen in the first place. You probably would have let Maisy keep walking all over you if Remus hadn’t stepped in. 
“Hey,” he nudges your chin up from where it’s dropped against your chest. “Eyes up here, honey. “
You force yourself to look up and see nothing but patience and concern in his gaze. 
When you press your hands hard against your warming cheeks, his eyes soften even more and he reaches out to clasp your fingers in his. 
“What if she was right, Rem?” you whisper, wide eyes darting to where his friends are still chattering to each other and then back to your boyfriend. “I was holding everyone up.”
Remus is shaking his head before you can apologise again. 
“No, sweetheart. She was out of order. I should have said something sooner. I’m sorry I didn’t. I'm sorry I let her drag me away earlier."
You want to tell him that you don't hold any of it against him. That you wanted him to have fun and see his friends.
Remus doesn't seem to mind at all when you don't. You'll have chance to talk about it more later, when it's just the two of you and you're less overwhelmed.
For now, he simply tucks you under a protective arm. The rest of the night goes on without a hitch.
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lonelychicago · 11 months
hiii what's your favourite the good witch deluxe song????? I loved most of them: hard to choose for me lmao
ohhh it is so hard to choose!!
i think for me right now i'm obsessed with the song, holy revival and the last one and those have been the ones that got me the most!!
bit guy on a horse, yoko and truth is are so good too and ugh, she's so talented. she literally has all bops, not one single skip.
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deedis · 8 months
Hi areeba
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chappellrroan · 8 months
Yeh waala sunna agar na suna ho
i loved it
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badlandsdeluxeedition · 11 months
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duncantashi · 10 months
15, 27, 75 for the spotify wrapped ask game <3
15. kabira from yeh jawaani hai deewani
27. skinny dipping by sabrina carpenter
75. there it goes by maisie peters
spotify wrapped is HERE! send me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist
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locklylemybeloved · 1 year
but im still the girl with the blush 😳 giving a glowing review 🌟
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maxlarens · 3 months
bought ur tiny mclaren sticker 🤭
🤭🤭🤭🤭 slay!! mines coming in the mail 😇😇
for everybody’s reference here’s my redbubble
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mahs-dumpster · 6 days
a/n: this is a surprise gift for @4necdote because I love Grace and Floyd‼️ hope you like it girlie<3
cw: oc x canon (Grace x Floyd)
Words: 1k+
Maisie fixed her dress as she walked around the corridors of the school. It wasn't the first time she had visited Night Raven College, as a former Royal Sword Academy student she had plenty of shared school events where she had been able to visit the place, but still, it had been years since she walked through those corridors… it was still as gloomy dark as she remembered.
She knocked on the headmage’s office and opened the door once she was able to hear an older voice allowing her to get in. As she did so, her eyes immediately landed on Grace, her favorite nephew, her sweet little angel, all dirty and with her hair and clothes a mess.
Maisie sighed.
“Sorry, my sister and brother-in-law are currently busy with a show, I’m her caretaker until they're back.” The older cat beastwoman said as she sat down in front of the headmage. “Why exactly am I here?”
“I'm sure you're well aware of miss Bonchatte’s little fights with one of our other students.” the older man said, holding his hands together on top of the table. “She has received a lot of detention time because of it, I simply can't allow her to continue with such behavior.”
“He started it!”
“Of course he did, ladies never start fights.” Maisie chuckled but soon stopped once the headmage gave both of them an unamused glare. Maisie cleared her throat. “I understand, headmage. I will talk to my nephew and—”
“Simply talking isn't cutting it anymore, miss Bows. Your nephew needs discipline, that's why I called you here.” He stared at both of them for a while, until nodding to himself, as if finally making a decision. “And for her to be disciplined, she will not have her leave during our next break. She will stay here and take care of supplying the fire fairies with dry firewood during the break, as well as helping the other ghosts with whatever they need.”
“Hold on, headmage, isn't that a bit too harsh?” Maisie tried to change his mind, her sympathy for her nephew growing each time. “This is unfair, the whole break? Seriously? Just because of a fight?”
“It's not because of a fight, miss Bows, it’s because of multiple fights. Do not worry, mister Leech will also stay here and help her out. Even the members of Ramshackle dorm will be at campus during break, your nephew will not be alone.”
“But— I want to see my mother, I want to see my family!” Grace pleaded, both hands in front of her to try and convince her headmage. “Please, mister Crowley, please! I promise I'll be good, I promise I'll never fight with Floyd again, even if he starts it! I promise!”
“I can't run that risk, miss Bonchatte. You had multiple chances to stop such behavior.” He looked at Maisie once again, a look that said he would simply not change his mind. “I'm sorry, miss Bows. I hope you understand, I'm with my hands tied.”
The older woman sighed, a hand running through her hair as she slowly nodded and accepted his decision, trying to think of a way she’d be able to tell her sister without her freaking out over it. She got up and bowed to the headmage, apologizing for the trouble her nephew had caused, then, she grabbed Grace’s hand and walked out of the office.
As soon as the door was closed, Maisie looked at Grace, disappointed. The younger cat lowered her ears and averted her gaze.
“... you're the one who always encourages me to defend myself.” she mumbled and Maisie groaned, crossing her arms.
“Yes, I do. But defending yourself is different from getting yourself in trouble.” She frowned, staring at her nephew with a disapproving look. “isn't he double your size? He could’ve hurt you really bad, you know?”
“Ya should’ve seen what she did to me if ya think so.” Grace flinched at the familiar sound of Floyd's voice; both women turned as watched as he stopped leaning on the wall and walked closer to them, his hands on his pockets as if he'd been bored this entire time, his face and arms full of scratches as his own clothes were torn at some parts. “She might be small, but she's fierce.”
“What are you doing here? Get lost.” Grace turned around, crossing her arms in anger. Floyd simply stuck his tongue out to her and Maisie watched their interaction in curiosity.
“So… I assume you're the boy who's always tormenting my nephew?”
“How do you even have the balls to admit it like that! You—” Maisie put her arm in front of Grace, making the younger one grumble in annoyance and click her tongue. “Whatever. I'll go back to my dorm, I can't stand to look at his face. Thanks for coming, auntie.” With that, the younger one turned around and walked out of the place, each step stronger than the other.
“Listen, uh… Floyd, was it?” The merman nodded, his look suddenly changing into boredom as the source of his fun wasn't there any longer. “Sorry for what Grace did. But can't you at least try and be a bit nicer to her? She's always complaining about how you keep irritating her.”
“Huh?” His eyebrows furrowed and he seemed to get annoyed at her comment, but Maisie didn't seem affected, making Floyd believe the fierceness ran in the family. “I'm not trying to fight her, ‘kay? Just trying to get her attention yet she thinks everything I do is try to pick a fight.”
The beastwoman blinked, a confused look in her eyes. What, he didn't want to fight? He was trying to get her attention? What exactly was going on in that kid’s mind?
“Sorry, you said you want to get her attention? Why?”
“I don't know, she's fun, I guess? There's never a dull moment around her.” He shrugged, clearly losing interest in the situation. “Tell her I'm sorry or whatever. Bye.”
“Wait, wait!” Maisie managed to walk in front of him, preventing him from going back to his dorm. Now, his patience was really running out easily, but Maisie simply couldn't let what he said slide like that, she needed to do something. “I'll let you go if you just listen to me, I'll be fast, can you please do that?” He clicked his tongue but nodded, wanting this to be over already. Maisie smiled at him, an idea forming in her mind. “You want to get her attention, right?”
Floyd lifted an eyebrow at that. “Yeah?”
“Grace is softer than you think. Trust me, if you want to get her heart— I mean, if you want her to look at you, do something that she likes.” She said, trying her best to help him out. "How about you apologize to her, and not only that, you apologize with a gift? Grace loves milkshakes, as well as romance novels, so… how about instead of doing what you're normally doing, try to give her something like that. Pay for her milkshake, try to buy her a novel she's interested in— ah, she’d been wanting to read ‘Tie The Bow’ for a while now.”
Floyd blinked, what the older one said finally registering in his brain. He looked to the ground as if pondering what he said. “That's how I get her to look at me?”
“Yes. She might need a bit of patience, but I can guarantee you, you’ll be able to crack through that wall soon enough.”
“‘kay. Thanks Grace’s auntie.” He began walking away, but not before waving goodbye with a newfound hope in his mind and a toothy grin.
Maisie chuckled to herself. She did find it suspicious, the way Grace would blush whenever Maisie asked how this guy looked like, how if one of her siblings teased her with Floyd she’d suddenly go quiet, and now that she knew Floyd was just bad at expressing himself? Of course she was going to play cupid!
Her phone rang. An unknown number sending her a message, but she knew exactly who it was, by the constant ‘sorrys’ and ‘I just want to apologize’... Maisie turned off her phone for good, deciding to visit Sam at his store before going back to the Shaftlands.
Not everyone, however, had the best intentions.
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halucynator · 10 months
i need more mutuals!! interact if you like gracie abrams/taylor swift/maisie peters/sabrina carpenter/conan gray/olivia rodrigo/phoebe bridgers/lucy dacus/julien baker/alix page or lana del rey
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softerhaze · 1 year
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true blue;
come get your jorts and your joveralls, fresh outta blender
∴  base game compatible, 4 meshes for f frames and 2 meshes for m frames, teen-elder
∴  the high waisted f frame shorts are a retexture of earfly’s joey shorts, mesh is included
∴  the overalls are a major upgrade from my old maisie dungarees (i know what i’m doing now, wow!) but still look best with tight-ish fitting tops + the texture may clash with some tops due to how they’re mapped
∴  every item comes in the 35 swatches of @sforzcc‘s old money palette 💌
∴  terms of use, but basically: my tou is open and my content is available for free; don’t put it behind a paywall of any kind, and don’t charge for anything that derives from it
updated 3/27/23: fixed a texture issue with the overalls and a mesh issue with the m frame shorts, so please redownload! also added recolor PSD’s to dropbox
download (dropbox) || alternate download (simfileshare)
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lonelychicago · 1 year
I never really listened to Maisie Peters. What songs should I start with ?
i'm gonna list my favorite songs with my favorite lyrics here bc !!!!!!
history of man: "women's hearts are lethal weapons, did you hold mine and feel threatened?" AND "he stole her youth and promised heaven, the men start wars yet Troy hates Helen." AND AND "I stay up, you're sleeping like a lamb. I beg you and you don't understand. I hold on, I try to hold your hand. I save you a seat and then you say you wanna stand." JUST !!!! THESE LYRICS, LORD.
wendy: "you're calling like the future, then you're closed up like a fist." "and you're pretty like a girl, til you're vicious like a man." (literally, who writes that. i'm unwell.) "what about my wings, what about wendy." WHAT ABOUT HER WINGS, HUH
okay this was a bad idea bc i love all her lyrics so so so much. so just, also listen to these pls
the band and i
john hughes movie
coming of age
two weeks ago
the party
the list
you signed up for this
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deedis · 8 months
every time I see that "me to you / more like pee to poo" post it reminds me of my good friend and her wife so I send it to both of them. and both my good friend and her wife do hate and despise this post, and tell me as much every time I send it. so thank you for giving me a new way to torment my good beloved friends 👍
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chappellrroan · 9 months
Everytime I listen to Gracie im literally so overwhelmed by her music like I love her sm and then I'm like oh how much I love vio for introducing her to me
this means so much to me i love you okay😭
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