#🐰:  starter.
reactivatedrockstar · 6 months
Thunder roared outside of the Pizzaplex, prompting the rabbit to tilt his ears back. He loved the rain, he adored watching it from a window with something mellow playing on in the background. He could stare at the raindrops as they trickled down the window and splattered onto the pavement from the warmth of the Pizzaplex for hours. He has spent hours watching the rain.
However, thunderstorms were a different story. Especially bad ones like tonight's was. Bonnie had heard two large branches snap and fall in the parking lot, not that he saw it, he'd long backed away from the window by this point. He was a bit thankful that it was not only after hours, but that the Mega Pizzaplex closed early- surely nobody could have possibly gotten hurt from that. The wind whistled at a painful volume, and each crackle of thunder hurt his still somewhat new ears, earning a flinch and a whine if they didn't force him to malfunction completely. Oh he hated this-! He tried to place himself somewhere in the middle of the Pizzaplex, away from all the sounds from beyond the walls, but... it wasn't enough, it still hurt his ears, and now he probably just looked like a big dork, pressing his ears against his head and giving them the occasional anxious tug with a whine.
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gonemadgirl · 1 year
Anyway, here's a starter call. specify verse or else i pick mwahahahaha
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gcldbrew · 1 year
for right now, my main rule of thumb is, if we’re still mutuals & i respond to one of our old interactions don’t feel obligated to respond back.
i’m back at square one when it comes to active interactions but I’m still attached to like most of everything that was in my drafts though its months old…
of course tagging, plotting, and asks are always welcomed. i’ll be reblogging more prompts to get back into practice.
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nitebit · 10 months
yay cannot wait to be on break for a whole 4 days and actually write!!!!
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cultbunny · 2 years
˗ˏˋ          ————        open starter    !
“ christmas killings don’t happen EVERY YEAR, you know. ” she’s very insistent on doing this because of it. she’s got the knife at the ready and everything. killing for the SPIRIT OF IT. it’s not her, of course. it’s who’s in her head. you can tell by the voice - crackly, staticky, sharp like electricity, a possession gone right. “ you and i, we should be SO LUCKY ! ” she sounds so excited about it, too, like it’s not life or death on the line. “ so stop running, would you ? ” there it is, just a touch of exasperation in her raised voice as the distance becomes wider, as she finally cuts the cute skipping and takes on a chin-up, shoulders-back, kubrick-stare gait. not her walk at all, but a man hellbent on resurrection.
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fogged-up · 1 year
@chrchgrl sent: [ wipe ] seeing receiver cry, sender reaches out and wipes their tears away (with their fingers or with a tissue)
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She'd been invited over - just for lunch. The kids were at school, and Vanessa had the day off. A lunch date was fine. But she didn't expect to start crying on the couch with her closest friend sat beside her. It had started with her gently mentioning the stress that'd been mounting as of late due to finals. Then she started talking about her family, how the calls between her and her mother were always turning into arguments. Vanessa couldn't stop herself, emotions once kept under tight wraps bubbling over in stumbled sentences. Vanessa didn't realize she was even crying until Rosa reached out a hand, gently wiping tears that stained her cheeks with a thumb. Something so gentle snapping the thread of torment that was unspooling from the young woman's throat. "God, I'm sorry- I just..." Vanessa sighed, leaning back and pinching the bridge of her nose. "I feel like shit."
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1streason · 2 years
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peeking over the shoulder of [ your muse ] , bronya point a finger . frown and all as she brings attetion to your lack in skills when it came to this level .
"bronya thinks you need help with this ."
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bijoupreciieux · 8 months
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◤‧₊˚🌙🐰˚₊‧⁺˖◢    ❝  oh,  you  like  them  don't  you?  ❞  usagi  comes  to  the  conclusion  with  a  mischevious  glint  in  her  baby  blue  eyes  &&  a  giggle  bubbling  from  pink  frosted  lips.  ❝  of  course  they  must  like  you  back,  how  could  they  not?  you  should  flirt  with  them  so  they'll  ask  you  out  on  a  romantic  date.  oh!  i  can  hear  the  wedding  bells  already!❞  usagi  clasps  her  hands  together,  her  eyes  practically  shimmering. 
open  starter  for  usagi  tsukino. verse:  to  be  determined.
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twoiesfnafocs · 8 months
"Listen: it's either the music or the messy room. You can't have it both ways."
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reluctantfollowcr · 11 months
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mcltiples · 1 year
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There was a footstep that sounded not too far away. Vanny could sense the being from where they were. Just around the corner. Oh fun it could be to get a hold of a new friend.
"Where are you?" Came the distorted voice. "I have a special present for you."
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reactivatedrockstar · 8 months
"Oh my gosh! Ahahaha!! You- you have to read this card a child made me- it is amazing!!"
Dear Bonney,
I luv you with all of my butt. I would say hart, but my butts bigger. Happy valantines day.
Love Tassie
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gonemadgirl · 10 months
like this for a kiss from Alice to ur muse lmaooo
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nitebit · 1 year
my google docs are so outdated ahghsdg gonna hide and fix that bye
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cultbunny · 2 years
˗ˏˋ          ————        closed thread    !        [    @lastafton    ]    .
half of her is SCREAMING, blind with feeling, overwhelmed, white pinprick stars at the edge of her vision. it makes seeing through the homemade rabbit mask even harder. she has to take a full pause in her skipping about to try and readjust. a few deep breaths. THE REAL HER ALMOST CAN’T TAKE IT. what causes a reaction so visceral ? she has to blink, repeatedly, has to stay still so the world doesn’t run out from under her, so she doesn’t lose her mind. it’s... just a boy. ( a boy that her brain is ready to TEAR APART. ) no. just a boy. a sullen-looking boy. and she has a knife in her hand and a costume adorned. she has the power here. she has ALWAYS had the power. her head tilts. like she’s listening to something. to someone. and when Vanny speaks, it’s her voice, but it’s crackling, like it’s travelling across an old-school telephone wire. tainted with him. “ your father sends his regards. ”
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rabbitbandit05 · 6 months
for starters, I love your writing so so much! i have a bunch of request ideas but won't overwhelm you too much, but one concept I had was modern mizu x spiritual reader? if that isn't too much of a problem, like maybe the reader is into witchy stuff and believes in the universe and signs, and practices magick? like just imagine mizu walked in their apartment and there are just little altars, and the reader does little cleansing rituals, and gives mizu little 'spell jars' and is just so in tune with nature and I am wondering how you think Mizu would react? i was scrolling on tiktok and saw a video and got the idea, and if you are okay with writing that I think it'd be silly seeing how mizu thinks of it (in a positive light probably?) hcs would be preferred :)
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Mizu with a Spiritual/Witch Reader
Anon- this is brilliant. I had to write this down as soon as I saw this.
I tried to incorporate as much as I could remember from when I was a practicing witch, as well as doing additional research to double check it. I just did some general things but I hope you like it!
Also again: requests are open for both headcanons and longer writing prompts. Those who have submitted- I’m working on them! 🐰🙏
I don’t think Mizu 100% gets it, but understands some of it
When you two had met, and after talking for a bit, you casually mentioned how you knew you would get along with Mizu because you had done a reading (a tarot reading) that morning and were expecting new beginnings
And new beginnings she was- you two started dating after talking for a few weeks.
During the first few weeks of dating, you would gift her small candles (which you explained the colors meant different things- many of which you gifted her were blue- which apparently meant peace of mind and good fortune- both things she needed)
You would also give her gemstones- rose quartz (if you know- you know 😉), Citrine, selenite, and amethyst
and even one time a aquamarine- since you claimed it reminded you of her eyes
At first she kinda brushed off the comments and didn’t think much- she knew you had to be some sort of witch, but didn’t really mind and didn’t understand the extent of it
Until she walked into your apartment for the first time-
“You’re like a crow” Mizu would blurt out after entering your apartment and seeing the crystals, the herbs in pots that littered the window seal, the hanging tapestry’s, and that didn’t even mention the multiple windchimes that hung throughout the apartment that casted rainbows on the walls of the sun hit it just the right way
Mizu can see it already on a sunny afternoon- the windows open, light filtering in, the scent of your candles and herbs around her- it was a comfort she couldn’t quiet place
“A crow???” You look at Mizu not offended, but more confused- this snapped Mizu back to present day as she realized what she had said
“I mean- I misspoke-“ Mizu is now flustered. She didn’t mean it negatively but more like an assessment of the surroundings.
It reminded her of a birds nest with how cozy your home was, and she once heard that crows like to collect shiny things- and give it to people- much like you. The connection had just popped up into her head really.
She sees it not as just some hobby, but that it was a part of you and important to you
The occasional prayers to whoever your deity is (if you have one) has become a regular occurance for her and actually, she tries to be as respectful as she can be
Mizu joins in occasionally in whoever you are praying to- even if most of the time not knowing-
She also can’t turn to you mid session and ask who you are praying to because that might be rude to interrupt
One time, Mizu walked into your apartment (she had had a rough day), and you stopped her at the welcome mat before she could walk further into the apartment
“I sense bad energy on you…” you calmly state “stay there-“ and you ran into the kitchen and returned with an egg
“Ummm… do I need to eat this?” A giggle erupted from you
“No- you need to roll it all over you to get rid of the bad energy. If we crack it and the yolk is cloudy, it means it worked” yeah cause that made more sense than eating the egg- Mizu thought- but she still let you roll the egg all over her before cracking it open and finding the yolk cloudy as you said.
“There! See?” You showed her and she simply hummed out a thank you and kissed you on your head.
She really adored everything- from your alters to the small jars you would gift her on special occasions or just because you felt like it- she cherished each and every thing.
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