#answered ; 🐰
leeknowsnot · 1 year
for your kinktober list I suggest Seungmin for make up sex
editing it in! thank you for the suggestion, anon ^^
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wayfayrr · 4 months
I just remembered how sometimes I yell at Link when he does something that annoys me, like if I’m trying to walk across a really skinny plank but he accidentally walks off/falls off, or when I’m trying to run from an enemy but he starts climbing a tree instead. I’ll just be like “Link no! Get off the stupid tree omg ur gonna die!” Or “Link! Stop falling off the platform! I just wanna get to the top already!” Would he be mad at me for yelling at him? Sad? …..?
Then there’s an unrelated issue that isn’t his fault that my controller sometimes drifts, so he’s walked off cliffs before bc it was drifting slightly forward and I didn’t notice. The most annoying one on my controller is when the motion control stops working and I’m trying to aim my bow and arrow but it freezes so I have to quickly manually flick the analog stick so it works again but by then I might’ve already gotten hit. Is he mad at me for these problems?
Oooooooh! Then there’s the whole having to scroll thru the whole menu options when u wanna attach something to ur arrow. Ugh that takes forever! Like I wanted a bomb flower but now I want a keese eyeball and that’s all the way at the other end of the menu! Is he frustrated w that? (Ik technically it’s “paused” when I do that but let’s say he’s still conscious when I’m doing that it’s just everything around him is frozen in time. So like he’s just crouching there waiting for me to finally attach an eyeball lol).
Or what about the sages?? I love them all so much but trying to find them (and the right one when u have all of them) and activate their ability is sometimes annoying. I’ll want Sidon’s shield for a second but instead Tulin does his gust. Or when I’m just trying to pick something up he’ll blow it away lol. What does Tears think of that?
Sorry this got so long. I understand I had like 4 ideas in this ask, they all just came into my mind at once lol.
I think he'd get a bit upset over you yelling at him, he gets that you're worried that he'll get hurt but it's not always his fault? sometimes sure but it's just starting to hurt his feelings more than anything. when you're playing he's just a puppet in your hands and as much as he loves you he's still 'a person'. if you struggle to even put him anywhere near that position soon then well, it's not like you can yell at him again for it right? he doesn't want to upset you after all.
I don't think that he'd ever blame you for console defects like that, hell he could even be behind a good number of them, it's not your fault the game is buggy. The only time he could ever be bothered by it is is you close out of the game because its so buggy, if the game is getting to the point where it's bordering on unplayable he still can't blame you but it'll get under his skin so much more. is he not good enough for you? is his game not good enough for you to work through the glitches? don't be surprised if you can't exit the game or turn off your switch for a bit :3 surely nothing has gotten corrupted or broken beyond repair right? No he hasn't sabotaged it himself, how could he - why would he?
The menu is honestly pretty sucky at times for throwing items and sticking them to your arrows, besides from reshuffling it to get what you need to be closer to where you start scrolling from. I think tears is most likely to get irritated at the games own design for that, because it'd be so much easier for him to just grab what you needed from his pad to fuse it onto one of his arrows but he just can't, he's stuck having to abide by the rules of the game, watching you struggle with the admittedly awful UI Nintendo cursed him with. If he wasn't so stressed about you resetting him - or worse reporting your 'faulty' copy of the game. he'd take his own steps to make it better for you - maybe he'll even do it earlier if you carry on struggling like this. He just needs to get more confident about it <3
the sages probably mess with him so much, he wants you ALONE and now he's constantly got these guys running around him?? he's gotta interact with them to try and get his abilities (lwk this could make him more jealous of wild who gets to have you one on one all of the time) And most of the sages abilities are optional anyway so I mean, maybe you won't notice if he simply disables them right? he won't delete them outright so if you miss them you can use them but if you don't reactivate them? maybe he could.... so then it'll be just you and him, just link.
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anantaru · 7 months
do you ever ? do you think maybe . i personally believe it’s !
let me fill in the blanks:
do you ever aventurine? do you think maybe aventurine. i personally believe it's aventurine!
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brdingbnny · 6 months
*cradling the sac in one arm and helping you waddle with the other, I lead you out into the hallway and we begin walking towards the medbay*
I know it feels strange but.. it doesn't really matter, we can work out what to do once we get you through this
Alright - I trust you, Bee
*we settle for the nearest medbay sick bed, not wanting to risk going any further, another contraction builds, whatevers left inside drops considerably lower*
Oh- oohhhh okay...
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melobin · 7 months
imagine edging Anton until he cries 🤭
he’d be so pretty and whining. tears filling his eyes when you let go of his cock after edging him for the fifth time … a few tears slipping down his face when you wrap your hand around his cock again. tries to look into your eyes whilst you talk to him but fails, ending up with his eyes barely open and his fingers digging into your skin. begs so prettily to cum when you deny him again. ends up making such a mess when you finally let him cum
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jessythebunny · 24 days
For Duck, What Ya Think Of Abby’s Upgraded Outfit? Also *Virtual Hug for Jessy(Bestie)*
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Oh also *virtuel hug back:3*
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wolfawaycamp · 5 months
Rylan gets together during camp. After finding out, Chris gives Dylan a (very light) shovel talk.
🐰 turns out that I CANNOT be brief talking about these two but I hope you enjoy nonetheless. :3
The green rectangle of the swimming pool glowed like an emerald in the night, its undisturbed surface both tranquil and tantalizingly forbidden, as Dylan and Ryan made their way to the low brick wall surrounding it, to the the torn panel of the chainlink fence. It had taken Dylan the better part of three weeks to convince Ryan to give him a shot, but now that he finally had, Dylan was working on convincing him to bend a rule or two in the name of some harmless fun.
It was a sweltering July night, stuffy even at this elevation in the Catskills, and Dylan had floated the idea of a night swim without really expecting his new boyfriend to take him up on it. Ryan rarely did anything he thought might displease their boss. But even the camp-leader’s pet struggled to sleep in this heat, and perhaps Ryan was finding it difficult to resist the temptation of a little one-on-one time between the two of them. Dylan could flatter himself by thinking so, anyway.
He climbed easily onto the top of the low wall and held a hand out to Ryan, hauling his boyfriend up next to him. “Mr. H should really get this fixed,” Dylan said, grinning like a Cheshire Cat in the moonlight, “seems like an insurance liability for the pool to be this accessible. An attractive nuisance, I think they call it.”
“You’re an attractive nuisance,” Ryan teased, shoving Dylan off the edge of the wall and jumping down after him.
“Hmm, all I hear is that you think I’m attractive.” Dylan preened, winking over his shoulder at Ryan, who shoved him again, playfully, closer to the pool.
“The emphasis was on the ‘nuisance’ part,” Ryan countered, and Dylan shot him a fake pout. Ryan grabbed Dylan by his shirt, pulled him in for a kiss that was soft and warm and perfect—albeit entirely too short—and, fuck, he could really get used to that. “Of course I think you’re attractive, you massive dork. I’m dating you, aren’t I?”
Ryan could be pretty direct. Dylan was pretty into that. “Well, every time you say that, I end up pinching myself to see if I’m dreaming and, unbelievably, I’ve been awake every time, so I think the answer is yes.”
Ryan shook his head, but one of those cute little half-smiles tugged upwards at the corner of his mouth, even as he turned away in a failed attempt to hide it.
“So, how long d’you think it takes for the pool to cycle through enough fresh water so that it’s less than one third urine?” Dylan asked, staring into the deep end.
Ryan’s nose crinkled in disgust. “Okay, gross, you talked me into getting in there with you and now you’re talking about urine.”
“I’m just stating facts, man. You know the kids pee in there. They just do. That’s why the chlorine smell is so strong. Pure chlorine doesn’t even smell like that. It’s a chemical reaction between the chlorine and the ammonia in urine and sweat and stuff, gives off these chemicals called chloramines and that’s what you smell in the pool.”
“That’s enough professor, you’re ruining chlorine smell with your chemistry bullshit and it’s one of my favorite smells! Stop saying the word ‘urine’ and take your shirt off.” Ryan emphasized this by taking his shirt off and Dylan didn’t think he’d ever get tired of gazing at a shirtless Ryan for as long as he lived.
“Okay, yeah, I hear you, less chemistry,” Dylan pulled his own t-shirt off over his head, “more, uh, chemistry.” He waggled his eyebrows, hoping the feigned swagger was convincing enough.
Ryan ignored the quip and dove into the pool. Dylan followed, hurling himself gracelessly into the water with a laugh. The pool was still warm from the day’s sunlight, but getting wet made the air feel cooler when they back came up, at least.
“Keep your voice down,” Ryan shout-whispered, “Chris’ll freak if he catches us out here.”
“Oh, come on, what’s he gonna do, fire us?” Dylan flicked water at Ryan who splashed a little back at him. “We’re already understaffed. I’d like to see the old boy try to work the PA system, do all the scheduling, and teach all those sailing classes himself.”
“He probably could do the sailing,” Ryan reasoned, “he’s the one who taught me when I was a kid.”
“Yeah, but now he’s like 100, no way he could haul kids out of that lake like you do.” Dylan put a hand on Ryan’s upper arm and even this chaste contact sent a thrill running through his entire body. They hadn’t been together long and they’d barely ever been alone together. Getting to touch Ryan at all still felt like a privilege. “No way he has the upper body strength.”
“Stop talking about Mr. H,” Ryan said, “stop talking, period,” and Dylan might have taken offense if it hadn’t been clear from his tone and the look in his eyes, the way he’d come closer and angled his face upward towards Dylan’s, that Ryan had other plans for their mouths—better plans.
Dylan nodded, leaning in close, and then… a beam of blinding light landed on them from the other side of the fence. Ryan jumped away from Dylan as though he’d been electrocuted and Dylan ducked his head under the surface of the water as if he could hide, as if they hadn’t already been seen.
He surfaced to the sound of Mr. Hackett shouting, “Ryan, Dylan, out of the pool, please.”
Dylan risked a glance at his boyfriend and had to stifle a laugh at Ryan’s wide-eyed expression. As the chastened boys exited the pool and tried to quickly towel dry and wring out their trunks while still wearing them, Ryan whispered, “I told you we were gonna get caught!”
“Yeah, yeah, save it. You can gloat later.” Dylan whispered back, pulling on his shirt and cringing a little at how it stuck to his damp torso.
“I am not gloating! It’s not like I wanted us to get in trouble!”
Dylan clambered onto the wall and helped Ryan over again and Ryan immediately fell all over himself to apologize to their boss, who was standing there in his usual head-to-toe khaki ensemble as the two boys dripped miserably in front of him.
“I’m really sorry Chris, I…” Ryan began, and Mr. Hackett, flashlight in one hand, held the other up to silence him.
“I don’t wanna hear it. Ryan, you go straight back to your cabin right now, I’d like to have a word with Dylan.”
“Hey, no, it was my idea,” Ryan lied, and Dylan immediately corrected him, doing his best to ignore the warmth that spread through him at Ryan’s attempt to take the blame.
“It was definitely not his idea,” he said simply.
“Look, I don’t care whose idea it was, you both broke a rule and you’re in the same amount of trouble. And we will talk about it in the morning. Ryan, go to bed.”
Dylan and Ryan gave each other a nod, resigned to their fates, and Ryan headed back to his cabin. Dylan turned to face the camp leader, who had begun walking toward Dylan’s cabin on the far end of the circle near the radio hut. He wasn’t speaking now, so Dylan broke the silence.
“So, uh, am I… fired?”
“No, god no. Dylan, nobody’s fired! I haven’t fired Jacob or Emma for any of their antics yet, why would I start with you?” Mr. H asked and Dylan had to admit this was a fair point. “I wouldn’t even care about you two being in the pool,” he went on, “if I didn’t have to worry about the kids in your cabins needing something while you were distracted.”
“Oh, right. Okay. Then, uh, what did you wanna talk about?”
“You and Ryan, you’re obviously involved and I just… I want you to be careful, okay?”
Oh. Oh no. Oh no. Was Dylan’s boss trying to have a safe sex talk with him right now? Had he had it with Ryan already? Well, this was mortifying. He thought he might rather have been fired. Plus, what was the point if they kept getting interrupted before anything worth getting a lecture over could even happen?
“We’re not, I mean, we haven’t, y’know, not yet anyway…” Dylan floundered, his cheeks flushing, “we haven’t really had time, but if we ever did, I mean I’m sure we will and, when we do, then we’ll definitely be…”
“No, that’s,” Mr H. chuckled awkwardly, “that’s not what I meant, although you definitely should, uh, use protection. And, please don’t do… that when you’re on the clock. But what I meant was, be careful with his feelings.”
“His… feelings?”
Dylan blinked at him blankly. Of all the outcomes he’d imagined for this relationship, him hurting Ryan’s feelings had never even occurred to him. In fact, Dylan had thought the most likely scenario would involve his own heart getting pulverized in the end.
“I’ve known Ryan for years. He’s like a… close family friend at this point,” Mr. H said, and Dylan only realized when he finished the statement that he’d been expecting him to say Ryan was like a son to him, but he hadn’t. “I don’t know how much he’s told you about his family life.”
“Not a lot, actually,” Dylan admitted.
“Well that’s his decision, but I don’t think he’d mind me saying that it hasn’t always been easy for him. Feels like he’s maybe looking for some kind of stability. And that’s not always something you can get out of a relationship when you’re this young. I remember being your age, everything feels really intense. I just… don’t want to see him get hurt.”
“Mr. H., I—I really like Ryan,” Dylan said, feeling awkward as hell but being very earnest, “I’m trying my best not to fu—uh fumble this, okay? And you’re kind of… well you’re sorta freaking me out, actually, but I, um, appreciate the sentiment, anyway. I don’t want Ryan to get hurt either.”
“Well, that’s good to hear. Because I think Ryan really likes you too.”
“You do?” Dylan swallowed. “What, uhh, what makes you think that?”
“Because,” Mr. H smiled, “he just lied to my face trying to keep you out of trouble. That kid never lies. He’s… really bad at it.”
“Oh. Yeah, he really is,” Dylan agreed. “Wait, Mr. H, is this the part where you tell me you know a guy who can make me disappear if I do anything to hurt him?” Dylan laughed, softly, at his own joke, but Mr. Hackett didn’t.
The camp leader let out a long-suffering sigh instead, clapping the young man on his damp shoulder. “Let’s just both hope it doesn’t come to that, Dylan, hm?”
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clerk427 · 4 months
Saw you were getting transphobic asks and just wanted to say, what a loser lmao. Anyway here’s a Kinito to cheer you up yay
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Sniffle he looks adorable in your style, the colours are so nice I really wanna hug him oughh...... That really made my day, thank you!!!!!!
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I made a few small doodles because I got so happy!! And stuff!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!! Thank you again!!!!!!!!!
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aduh0308 · 23 days
Yumyumyum 🙂‍↕️😼
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wayfayrr · 5 months
I’m asking as a request but if u can’t or don’t want to it’s ok. Then maybe just a quick 1 sentence answer for each Link bc I’m curious? lol, So a little while back @luimagines wrote some divorce hcs. So…how would the yandere Links deal with a reader that wants a divorce?
Divorce? you think you can be rid of them? no, no hope whatsoever.
not even death can separate you
but I do think they'd be a little different in how they handle you suggesting it (also going to be using reader suggesting a divorce because they found a way home and didn't want to make the links choose between them and hyrule)
also pinky if you see this I absolutely adore your work but never actually read the divorce hcs dfbgdgbdbfcgb (got too sad like a fool)
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Legend would be the fastest to start outright panicking, immediately shutting down any hopes of you leaving. Barring windows and even going as far as to chain you to the bed so you can't leave. You're his and his alone.
Tears would break down, after thinking for a second that it's a joke he'd collapse onto you sobbing for you not to leave and forget him like everyone else does. But he won't force you to stay. If he learns why you did it? well remember this fic where wars lost himself a bit- Tears would kinda come to this conclusion a lot faster quickly following you into your world
Rulie takes after legend a little, in how he handles it after the first few hours. To start with though? He's a shaky stuttery mess trying to breathe and stay calm while failing but then he instantly jumps to keeping you away from society and tied to him.
Sky would laugh it off, seeing through you and the reason that you've even suggested it, divorce isn't even a potential for him. He's been reading your diarys and keeping a close eye on you - you think he wasn't aware of this beforehand? He promises you that it isn't even a choice to follow you to your home rather than staying here before kissing you silly and grabbing your waist so tight it almost hurts. Like he's offended you'd even think such a thing.
Twilight would freeze up to start, not, refusing to believe what you said. you have to repeat it a couple of times for it to really sink in, at which point he's already started snarling, wolfie starting to show in his actions and words. He could be rational and hear you out but he's just all over the place like he's been hit by a flashbang - take your chance to get away while you have it
Four would split instantly, the colours not being able to work together through it. Each wanting to handle it in a different way ( yes I know this isn't the most canon but it's more interesting sfvvsfvs) vio wants to plan out the why, blue is in charge of safe proofing the house while green and red are all over you, taking turns to watch you so you're never unsupervised. It'll take a lot of time and rebuilt trust to get him to rejoin.
Warriors would shatter, begging, pleading, sobbing and doing anything you ask of him to stay. even if you were to ask him to make himself bleed. he doesn't eat nor sleep for days on end as he tries and begs you to tell him why, why you would ever want to leave him. He looks more ragged than he ever did on the journey like he's seconds away from death. And when you finally do tell him- he breaks down all over again tugging you into his arms as he's begging for there to be more, that you didn't do all of this to him for something so small and that it isn't even a thought to him of course he'll choose you.
Time is in a weird place, he isn't entirely familiar to hylian/human traditions yet so the word divorce itself throws him for a loop, until you explain what it is to him. Which is where he turns ice cold, the more happy go lucky time you knew is gone, replaced by someone simply wearing his face as he goes through robotic motions. for time though I could also see him using the ocarina throwing himself into a pointless loop trying to stop you from suggesting it but he can't and it slowly destroys his sanity
these got longer as I went oops, I didn't think I'd write so much for it ngl got into the flow a bit
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vamp-domme · 6 months
Mhm. Rings, tattoos, brands. All Excelent ways of noting devotion and ownership. But nothing else beats the true romanticism of a collar. The neck is so beautiful, so sensitive. The collar adorns it perfectly, a light warmth, a promise of protection and ownership, as well as a warning to all other vampires. This neck is already claimed.
Our Mother is a little possessive in the most wonderful way ❤️❤️❤️
Oh indeed I am. I adore the personalization aspect of a collar - I prefer lace, myself, but that is simply because of my own personal taste. But to give my fledglings a little ritual they must adhere to daily, to always ensure their collars are fastened, helps them remember their position.
The only one who removes their collar, is me. And after I've taken my due, I carefully return it to its rightful place, along with a bandage to seal the wound.
No one will wonder to whom my darlings belong.
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
My bad- doggirl inclusion time
Eager to please Princess fighting between the desire for praise and respect that she never got from her parents and that's what drove her to Johnny all those years ago, his kindness and his reverence for her, and now she's losing it to a cruel conqueror who's killed her parents. Ghost has taken all the respect Johnny had for his princess and turned it into pure manic lust, he doesn't respect her anymore, sees her as something to be earned and won, and Princess wants so badly to get her old Johnny back, the Johnny that fed her sweetness on the silver spoons she's been given, and so she tries to microdose giving in, tiny things that really are so much bigger than she thinks, calling Ghost by his name, for once, earns her a beaming smile from Johnny and she feels *good* about herself for the first time in a while, she needs that, and so she tries so hard to tightrope walk and not fall in like Johnny has but the only thing worse than not getting Johnny's praise is getting his rejection, and when she tries to pull away again or remind him of the terrible things Ghost has done, he snaps, calls her *selfish* for not being willing to understand and accept that he adores ghost too and that Ghost is taking care of them and she's being a brat and ungrateful etc
Ghost is willing to push Princess slowly because Johnny is doing all the heavy lifting. If he feeds Johnny praise and makes Johnny a good puppy, eventually, by proxy, Princess will get there, too. He drip feeds her pleasure and sweetness from a distance and watches as she starts to get eager for it, to need it, and the first time he calls her a good girl and sees the glimmer of *excitement* in her eyes rather than disgust, he knows he's got her, hook line and sinker.
princess training herself in an effort to train johnny has me laughing my ass off (lmaoing, even)
love ghost letting princess push johnny into his hands because she keeps rejecting his affection for ghost, and the more rejection she gives johnny the more johnny looks to ghost for comfort, and then he does the same thing to her :( she just keeps trying to push johnny to distrust ghost, and johnny reacts badly (angrily) every single time, and then she subconsciously seeks that comfort from somewhere else. and well, she's hardly able to talk to anyone but ghost... it's natural for her to feel comforted when anyone shows her affection, there's a certain point after so much stress and betrayal that it stops mattering where the comfort is coming from
also. ghost praising reader by degrading johnny. tells her isn't he such a silly puppy, trusting me? not like you, you're far too smart of a girl while he's literally letting her curl up in his lap and stroking away her tears lmao
(more on that - ghost telling reader she's so good for letting johnny fuck her, even when he doesn't do so well while johnny's fucking her and he gets sooooo sad :( wants to make his girl feel good and his master proud, and he's not doing either :( ghost telling johnny if he can't fuck his princess right, he won't be allowed to at all)
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brdingbnny · 8 months
I just realized something!
Can’t bunnies get double-pregnant?😏
Think about it. You’re sitting there moaning and grunting with effort, pushing out an entire litter of cute little babies as your partner rubs and kisses your massive belly. After hours of contractions and pushing, the last of your babies are born, yet you still have another litter growing inside.
You sigh blissfully and pat your still gravid bump, knowing that you’re going to do this again in only a few months.
Oh 😳
Oh my -
Well, that'll certainly keep me busy 😵‍💫🤤
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melobin · 7 months
shotaro with breeding kink??
i kinda feel like when taro cums he cums a lot, it’s thick and there’s so much of it. would drip out of you in white gloops and make such a mess of the bed underneath you but neither of you would care. he’d have you from behind, making sure to press his cock as deep as possible once he’s cumming so none of his cum goes to waste.
send me a member of riize + a kink
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jessythebunny · 11 days
My Stanley would like to hug your Skarloey and jokingly flirt with him to make my Rhen jealous
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hannibalzero · 6 months
I bet Anakin gets milk drunk whenever obi wan lets him nurse because obi wan produces so much milk and ani can’t get enough.
Thick rich milk practically cream. Anakin is the king of milk drunk, but it's pretty bad haha like the whole Jedi temple can feel how sleepy drunk the force is because Anakin drank to much.
It's why Obi-Wan tires to stop nursing.
Master Yoda can't take another extremely milk drunk force contact high.
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