#🐢 sunshine
amyysfics · 1 year
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when @feelbokkie and I match again but she still acts like she doesn't want to kiss me
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sunflowerrboyy · 2 years
a long overdue edit of adam <3
song: jackie and wilson - hozier
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iridescentflamingo · 1 month
TMNT Head cannons
Bayverse Turtles. Just ideas that kind of poured out tonight. (Aged up turtles, you can pick but I want them 30-ish. ~NSFW)
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The easiest turtle to win over is Mikey. He practically throws himself at you. When you give him positive attention back, he just ramps up his flirting. He has pet names for you for days. Eventually, he'll settle on one or two good ones and use them instead of your name almost always. You are going to have to confirm that you have feelings for him before he takes it to the next level. Due to the fact that he is so very straight forward and right out the gates with his cat calling, you have to confirm that you are not just being nice and playing along. He's a flirt, not a creep. (Maturity has found him, it just took him a few more years than his brothers)
Once you do, your fate is sealed. Mikey is definitely a very handsy, flirty, hiding no feelings and having practically no shame kinda dude. He doesn't care if anyone sees, hears, smells etc. his flirting and most of his physical romancing. Telling you how hard you make him a bit louder than he should, toughie tough. Making out on the couch in front of everyone, he doesn't care. Getting caught with his hand down your pants in the kitchen, oh well.
What he does keep secret and quiet is when he vents. Always expected to be the fun and sunshine brother, you become his confidant when he's got heavy feels things to unload. To make sure that it doesn't bog you down, he tries his hardest to end with something more positive and turn it back into good-vibes.
The other thing he'll keep more on the down-low is when the two of you are trying new fetishes or engaging in kinky play for the first time. He doesn't want to be interrupted or for you to get embarrassed and then never want to try again, so that stuff stays in his room, when he knows it's private and he won't be bothered. After y'all get comfortable with it, maybe then he's less cautious.
Leo is tough to know. He's dead set on his duties to the point that it's most of his personality, until you get to know him better, and that only happens if he lets you. It'll be slow. He will start by sharing random tidbits of himself that don't have to do with ninjutsu, weapons, or his leadership responsibilities. In the beginning they're bland, basic facts; which pizza toppings he prefers, his favorite type of TV show, his preferred genre of book. They're things you could gleam from just being around him for more than a few days. He's stupid cautious.
His next step would be to ask if you want to do some training with him. He sticks to simple things, testing your abilities and skills. It's really more to learn about you, but it's a start. He takes it easy on you, mostly dodging until you get frustrated, and then maybe he humbles you with a sneaky move like knocking you off your feet. He doesn't ask you if you want to practice again, he waits for you to ask.
Over time, the training becomes more physical and he shares actual details about himself, but you have to be giving info in return. Knowing what his favorite movie is probably would never be information that The Foot uses against him, but you never know. You have got to meet him, tit for tat, and offer your own truths. If he catches you lying, you're not just back to zero, you're in the negative.
Eventually, if you've managed to gain his trust and build a strong connection with him, Leo will open up properly. He will joke, play, swat, and treat you like one of his brothers, with a more gentle approach because you're not a 200lb+ muscled turtle.
If romance blooms, expect another slow trudge full of trust building and honesty before you get any proper boyfriend-esque attention. Once past the awkward "we shouldn't, it's too dangerous, how would this work?, I'm not human, will you really be happy here?" Swamp of despair, it should be smooth sailing. Be honest and he's all yours.
All that time spent building that relationship will return ten-fold from Leo with whatever type of affection you ask for. He wants to please, he wants you happy, and he will make it so if possible.
Raph is going to keep his feelings secret for as long as he can. He hides his insecurities by trying to be the biggest, heaviest hitter, and a tank for his brothers. And those are just his viewed shortcomings compared to his three brothers. When looking at you, he compares himself against all men. He has little hope. In the mirror he sees a big, green face with sharp features and a scowling, RBF. He may act like hot shit in front of his brothers, but it's a front. Besides his appearance and size, his temper can flare, and he's come a long way since he was a teen, but it can still explode from him, which is terrifying to see, especially up close. He's very aware and is afraid that if you see him in that state, it will only reinforce the fact that he's a monster.
You will see glimpses of how sweet he can be from time to time, but they won't come often. When you're around, his guard is up doing double time; keeping up appearances and keeping his feelings in check. Over time his facade will falter occasionally. He'll be laughing at your jokes, ribbing you when you get frustrated over video games, checking to see if you've eaten, and maybe even leaning against you as he nods off on the couch. When you smile at his playfulness and kindness, he'll smile back until he catches himself and suddenly remembers that he has something to do. It will probably be going to their home gym.
If you can manage to get him to accept that you honestly and truly think he is not a monster, and that you want to be around him, and miss him when you're not with him, you're going to get someone who can be a huge teddy bear cuddler, but also someone who likes to get physical and more rough in the bedroom. This is going to take a lot of repeating yourself and him asking, not always subtly, if you really mean it. If you're sure you wouldn't be happier with some other guy. If your eyes work. If he's really not too big. If if if... You will learn that kisses can usually stop him from spiraling.
Sometimes Raph wants to cuddle and be soft and tender. Despite his size he is careful. He handles you like you're a porcelain figurine in the beginning. With the practiced ability to knit, his large hands can be surprisingly dexterous and delicate. He is not a bull in a china shop unless he chooses to. Quiet times together have him completely wrapped around you, holding you carefully close and seeking your body warmth. You are careful not to laugh the first time he slips and churrs when he begins to doze off in your arms. He won't do it again if you embarrass him.
Over time, he allows himself to be a bit more rough with you. At first it is just careful roughhousing, perhaps some near choreographed play tackles or even picking you up and pretending to slam you on the bed, setting you down carefully with sound effects instead of actual violence (Raph may have loved watching WWE growing up). After a bout of rougher hands-on play, he notices that you're turned on. This changes things immediately. Taking advantage of the situation, the play shifts from silly to sexual in an instant.
You both end up having the most amazing sex you've ever had thus far. The next day you talk about it as you ice bruises and he apologizes as you hobble around when you first get up from bed. As a couple, you set limits and it becomes a more regular thing. You enjoy this rougher type of sex and he enjoys being able to be less careful. Being rough is in his nature and you loving it and getting off to it just helps strengthen your bond.
(Saved the best for last~)
Donnie is guarded, but secretly hopeful about the possibility of a relationship. This busy, brainy, tech wizard of a brother is a master of design and invention, but he still has his own hang ups. Instead of fighting off insecurities, he fights anxiety, boredom, and possibly depression. Instead of working out or training, he buries himself in his work. Keeping busy keeps his mind from wandering into darker thoughts. It also leads him to pass out and sleep dreamless sleep. He knows that it isn't healthy, but the other thoughts aren't good for him either.
When he notices that you've taken an interest in what he is working on, he eagerly shares to the point of info-dumping. If he catches himself, he apologizes out of reflex. You have to dismiss it or he will assume that, like his brothers, you do not have time to hear him ramble. Asking him questions, especially if you do not understand what he is talking about, will spur him on to explain. He's patient and wants to share his knowledge. If you pretend to know, he can tell, and won't say anything, but will take note that you're just trying to be nice in order to placate him and get him to stop.
Always watching and analyzing everything, he'll take notice who you talk to when you arrive, who you spend the most time with, how you react to his other brothers antics and conversations, who you decide to sit next to, how much physical contact you give and to who... He sees it all and makes mental notes. He will also overthink things. Were you just laughing at Mikey's jokes, or was that flirting? Were you smiling at Leo because he was kind, or was that something more? Was that shove you attempted to give Raph just for fun, or were you trying to spur him to touch you? If you don't give him equal or more attention, he will notice and make pessimistic predictions.
If you give him the most attention out of his brothers and are genuinely interested in his projects and research, he will take note and begin to test you a little. While handing him a screwdriver, he notes how you react when his fingers linger on yours a little longer than they should have. As he explains the wiring on a smaller machine, he stealthily monitors your pulse rate when he moves close enough for your arms to press against one another. After some motor oil droplets splash on your cheek, he watches your face for any signs as he gently wipes the dark spots away with his thumb. Every action is inconspicuous and easily dismissed, but a treasure trove of valuable information before he makes any kind of decision as to what to do.
If he is completely positive that you harbor a crush on him, he meticulously plans his own confession. A true romantic, he wants this to be perfect. The two of you will be alone, most likely in his lab space where he is most comfortable. His brothers will either be out or busy. You won't have any idea that this is a special evening and will be under the guise that you're coming over to help him out with a project, as you often did. He'll let the evening start out with that project, but will end up shifting your attention to something else he's made. The secret project will be something impressive that has you in awe, asking how long he's been working on it. That's when he makes his move.
His answers have been rehearsed in his mind over and over, but his nerves still cause him to shake and some of his answers carry a hint of nervousness, but his face is confident and sure. He reports his data to you and details how he's noticed your affection. Still monitoring you, he is careful and has a backup plan readied in case he has to abort his admission. If everything goes as planned, you end up with his hand on your cheek and a gentle first kiss upon your lips.
Donatello is almost clingy with his affection. You receive messages when you are not around him and when you are at the lair, he is close to you or at least nearby. He seeks physical contact often but in more discrete ways when around others. At the dinner table, he'll move his leg so that his calf is leaning against yours. During movie night, he is hip to hip with you on the couch, encouraging you to lean against him once the flick starts. It's not completely hidden, but its modest.
Away from prying eyes, it is a completely different story. Hands end up under and in clothing as kisses turn from soft and sweet to hungry and demanding in seconds. All you have to do is say the right words. Donnie proves time and time again that he is a quick learner and has your body figured out within a couple of weeks. You find it difficult, at first, for him to properly let go and let you take the wheel, but in time the trust is built and he allows you to give without also receiving. He turns out to be a versatile switch after deviating from his original, more dominant, tenancies.
His favorite thing to do is make you climax. His second favorite thing is to climax together. His third is using toys...
@thegirlwiththeninjaturtletattoos @sophiacloud28 @thelaundrybitch @the-cauldron-witch @tmntngl @avery73 @tmntngl
(lmk if I missed anyone's tags)
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Disaster Twins cuddling Sunshine Nuggets! 🥰💙❤️💜🧡 I saw @plaidartist ‘s doodle of Donnie and Mikey snuggles (2nd pic) and I immediately thought of one of the bros doing the same for MJ! 🥹🐢 She gave me permission to redraw it in my style and I chose Leo to be the cuddly big bro. No huge reason, I just felt like drawing the blue boy. 💙🐢
Hope this made you smile today! God bless you all!
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bluerskiees · 2 years
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♡ Seems cold but is actually very sweet in private.
♡ Craves your attention, sulks when you're busy.
♡ Personal space? Whats that?
♡ Bought you a puppy as a gift, but quickly got jealous after seeing you both get along so much.
♡ Likes it when you both cuddle, having you close to him is the only thing that keeps him sane.
♡ Would shield you from his dark impulses. Swears he'd rather lose his life than lose you.
♡ Gets nightmares about toman and his past every now and then but you're always there to help him.
♡ Likes it when you sing for him with your fingers running through his hair after he had a nightmare. :(♡
♡ Always has his hands on you. Be it your waist, thighs or others.
♡ Dates: Would take you out to rich 5 star restaurant but his favourite is always the late night walks you have. Hand in hand, you snuggling into his chest, savouring the street foods/ Ice cream.
♡ Forehead kisses are his fav type of kisses.
♡ Insecure af. Thinks he doesn't deserve someone like you :(
♡ Not good at expressing his emotions as words, he let you know he appreciates everything you do with a small note or a gift <3
♡ Has your contact saved as "Sunshine" , "Sugar" or "Angel"
Sunshine — You light up his dark world
Sugar — The way you're sweet; The other half of his bitter coffee
Angel — A precious thing sent to him from heaven ; Other half of his demons
♡ Doesn't smile in front of you often but, smiles secretly when you aren't looking/when he's alone in his office.
♡ Never lets you work or do anything; treats you as if you're a fragile flower ready to break even at the slightest touch.
♡ However, that doesn't stop him from ruining you completely in bed.
♡ Uses sex as a way of relieving his pent up emotions. Angry sex ? Yes. Crying in the middle? Yes.
♡ Best aftercare — Showers you with kisses and compliments. Tells you were such a good girl for him etc....
♡ LITERALLY doesn't care if there are people or bonten higher ups in the room. Would randomly pin you to the wall or his desk and kiss you as if you're a meal and he's starved.
♡ Never raises his hand no matter what. Would kill a thousand guys with no issues but not hit a girl. Especially if its you.
♡ Did anyone look at you inappropriately? They're as good as dead.
♡ Lets you colour his tattoos and would probably have you initials/name marked.
♡ Actually believes money can't buy everything. Afterall, you didn't bugde when he asked you to stay away from him. "A fragile flower like you shouldn't be anywhere near a monster like me".
♡ You're one of his very few weakness so he's mostly scared about what would happen to you if any of those filthy enemies came to know about you.
♡ Would NEVER let Sanzu anywhere near you. Considers him to be a bad influence for you as You're so innocent. Unlike anyone in bonten.
♡ Keeps everything you bought for him hidden safely in a locker.
[I can only imagine the surprise of someone planning to break open his safe only to find simple bracelets, rings, a camera and a few shirts. Like imagine the face of the poor man taking all the risk to get valuables like drugs, weapons, money, documents etc... but finding items like this ? Needless to say, he was tortured by mikey later when he found out someone was trying to steal his most precious things, after you that is.]
♡ Likes it really rough. His life I mean.
♡ LITERALLY an emo boi who loves you dearly.
♡ If he was an emoji, he's definitely be "🐢"
< Always has his shell aka a barrier around everyone except when its you. Poor boy went through a lot and has had many unhealthy ways of coping and finally he decided to isolate himself. Away from the world. Away from everyone. Just like a turtle always being alone inside it's shell >
♡ Has thought about proposing you many times, the thought of you becoming Mrs.Sano makes him more happy than anything.
♡ Tokyo's most dangerous criminal organisation's leader. Gets super soft when you tell him how much you love him.
♡ He knows you both live in different worlds. You, an angel sent from heaven, someone who looks like the personification of cottagecore aesthetic, while he's the complete opposite of you. A ruthless demon who lived in the mysterious shadows, enjoying nothing but the blood and screams of others. He sees the way you put others before yourself. Infact, that's how he met you.
♡ It was a chilly night, he was standing in the sidelines watching sanzu hit a traitor with his car. He sae you too, rush in to help others not knowing about the mess your getting yourself into. That's where it all began.
♡ Definitely stalked you before but oh— thats a secret no one has to know. Not even you <3
♡ You're the RAINBOW in his stormy, gloomy life :(♡
Anon I really do hope you enjoy this 😭🖇
⤷ ୨🎐୧࿐ @/anon
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Requests are closed for now.
🍕🐢 I try to answer all asks, but it can take up to several weeks. If you haven't received an answer, try resending it! 🐢🍕
Yo, I wanna start to properly tag screenshots with characters and episodes for archiving purposes (my beloved) but I don't always remember the episode and the screenshots on my computer no longer have the episode title in the name
Do you think you can help me by naming the episode in the comments/reblogs of the screenshots posted sometime?
EDIT: If I already attempted to tag an episode and couldn't remember the title, I will leave a #to tag
If you see I mistagged something, don't be afraid to let me know as well!
TAGS (work in progress)
Leo | Donnie | Mikey | Raph | Mad Dogs (all four) | April | Casey Jr. | Splinter | Lou Jitsu | Baron Draxum
Other major/minor characters follow suit and are tagged with their names
The Movie
Race | Turtle Tots | Sentient Bed | Raph's Catchphrase | C.O.W.A.B.U.N.G.A. | Cucumber-Mikey vs. Manticat
Mystic Mayhem | Origami Tsunami | Donnie's Gifts | War and Pizza | Newsworthy | Repo Mantis | Down with the Sickness | The Fast and the Furriest | Mascot Melee | Shell in a Cell | Minotaur Maze | Bug Busters | The Longest Fight | Hypno! Part Deux | The Gumbus | Mrs. Cuddles | Stuck on You | Al Be Back | The Purple Jacket | Pizza Pit | Smart Lair | Hot Soup: The Game | The Evil League of Mutants | Late Fee | Bullhop | Mind Meld | Nothing But Truffle | Shadow of Evil | Portal Jacked! | Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree | Operation: Normal | Sparring Partner | You Got Served | How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will | Mystic Library | The Purple Game | Man VS. Sewer | The Mutant Menace | Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man | The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek | One Man's Junk | Snow Day | Cloak and Swaggart | Jupiter Jim Ahoy! | Insane in the Mama Train | End Game
Many Unhappy Returns | Todd Scouts | Goyles, Goyles, Goyles | Flushed, but Never Forgotten | Lair Games | Breaking Purple | Repairin' the Baron | Air Turtle | Pizza Puffs | Sidekick Ahoy! | The Hidden City Job | Always Be Brownies | Mystery Meat | Donnie vs. Witch Town | Raph's Ride-Along | Hidden City's Most Wanted | Bad Hair Day | Fists of Furry | The Clothes Don't Make the Turtle | Battle Nexus: New York | E-Turtle Sunshine of the Spotless Mind | Shreddy or Not | Anatawa Hitorijanai | Rise
Background | The Lair | Video | GIF | Animatic
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skylarbee · 10 months
our sunshine baby in paris, 11/11/2023 💕🐢
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astronautrobot · 4 months
Hi, there!
Kinda late, I've never really completted one of these art challenges before and highly doubt I will be finishing this one... Nevertheless, I'd really like to start sharing my art here, even if it is like half of the list XD
Un poquito tarde, nunca he terminado ningún reto de arte y dudo mucho que termine este.... Aún así, me gustaría empezar a compartir mi arte aquí, aunque sea solo la mitad de la lista XD
So, without further introduction, the little ray of sunshine that brought me to the fandom
Sin más introducción, el rayito de sol que me trajo al fandom
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Favorite turtle:
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haecien · 1 year
What tropes i would absolutely kill to see w/ svt members
(Psst... if anyone sees this and decides to write svt with these tropes @ me please omg)
He would get so competitive i love him, he would also deff tease you a lot when you'd get a lower score than him
Academic rivals or Trouble maker x Goody to-shoes - Jeonghan👼; Same reason as s.coups for the academic rivals:D idk why... if they ever fucking teased me id be giggling
IVE WRITEN THE LAST TROPE AND OH MY GODDDD, jeonghan would be such a flirt and mixed with teasing??? GOD IM ON THE FLOORR
Soulmates (bonus points if you're soulmates even in pass lives) - Joshua🦌; No matter what, you'll always find yourself back to him. He is the only one fitted for you
BRO. if you both got separated since you both got reborn, he will still find you. He loves you too much that he can't seem to let you go
Actor x fan - Jun😼 ; majority of the times this is very toxic, but no reason like id imagine maybe either you would be apart of the film crew or makeup team, but you were such a big fan of him ever since you watched one drama of him
He would admire how nice you were to him, you never shouted or did anything to make him upset. You were very soft towards him🤭
Workplace love - Hoshi🐯 ; No reason. Jst hear me out! He deff found u as the cool co-worker he could always rely on. Bonus points if its a love at first sight type too🤭🤭
Or maybe it would be a business proposal type of romance
Love at first sight - Wonwoo🐱 ; God i wanna see wonwoo being so whiped after seeing you for even just a glance
He would stand there FROZEN because he was so shocked over how beautiful you were to him.
70's/60's era - Woozi🍚; I jst wanna see woozi in a white long-sleeved shirt with his sleeves rolled back with slick black pants, bonus points if he's also wearing suspenders!!!😭🤭🤭😭🤭😭🤭
Imagine jihoon as a detective, GOD HAWKVEJE he'd be real serious about his job, I feel like suddenly you would be caught up in a case that he needs to investigate. Then you guys become closer in the process😭
Admiring from a far - Minghao🐸; its not you whos admiring him, ITS MINGHAO ADMIRING YOU.🤭🤭
People always wondered who was that person in his paintings? Yeah its you, he saw that you were perfect for being his muse. But how could be possibly contact you? He's too shy for that, he'd constantly paint and paint you, he never rushed it. His strokes were always so light, it made the painting even more beautiful then it is.
At that point minghao had already memorized every little detail about you
I went a lil overboard with hao
Popular kid x Quiet kid - Mingyu🐶; LIKE. He'd literally fucking be the only one who ever payed attention to you. No one could notice you were in the room yet mingyu was the only one who ever felt your presence
Sunshine x Grumpy (basically opposites attract) - Dokyeom🌞 ; Ugh I need a sunshine Dk in my life. He'd be such an energy boost to a very grumpy reader:((
" Whats wrong? Cheer up!! " and he'd endlessly hug you🥺 JAKSJDJIDHD he is an quality time and physically touch person:( acts of service & gift giving too!
Only child x Multiple siblings - Seungkwan🍊;
... hear me out, not sure if kwan has siblings but he's gnna be the one with the multiple siblings, or maybe its an au where svt are his siblings. But non the less kwan would not hesitate to introduce you to his multiple siblings. You're not used to this but this adds on to the warm feeling seungkwan has
Oh my god , that would be comforting and chaotic as hell
Confused x Hyper - Vernon🐢; he deff wouldn't understand your hype about something, but he's trying to😭😭
" VERNON!!! look at this new - ********* " whatever is going through his head is literally a loading screen " uh huh.... " hes confused but he's here for it
Full of themselves x "Get a reality check" - Dino🦦 ; title sounds obnoxious BUT HEAR ME OUT.
Like, the reader would always complement themselves yk "bro everyone wants me forreal! "
And dino is like " Im the only person WHO wanted you. "
Cien rambles
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lovemkx · 6 months
i’m terrible with words but miles knows i love him and that i’ll always wish him all the best. he truly is a sunshine and it’s a pleasure to be his fan, and admire him both as an artist and as a person. he’s the type of person who makes you smile and giggle before he even opens his mouth to tell a joke. i love him lots and that’s it, happy birthday mr. miles kane 🤍🐢
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rainbowsky · 8 months
Hello rbs, what ggdd dramas/movies are must watch in your opinion?
(I am sorry if you already answered this question before 🥺 I am new here and I the search function doesn't work very well)
Hi new turtle! 💛🐢💛
I have a post with GG and DD's projects here.
In terms of what I feel are must-see... I think ideally we should try to watch them all. It's their body of work, after all.
I could also answer that question in various ways depending on why I think it's valuable to see various projects. For example, I recommend fans watch Oath of Love even though I totally loathed it (my full review is still in drafts), because I feel anyone interested in GG's career trajectory would find it interesting.
However, I'll answer this from the perspective of you wanting to start out with the most enjoyable projects.
DD must-see projects*
*Assuming you've already seen The Untamed - if not, GO WATCH IT NOW.
Hidden Blade
Being a Hero
GG must-see projects
Our Song
The Youth Memories
The Wolf
That can get you started, but like I said, I hope fans will watch them all. It's a goal of mine as a fan to have seen and be very familiar with all of their work.
Ace Troops (haven't seen all of it yet but my sister is a prolific C-drama watcher and massive GG stan and she says it's his best of any project he's done - second only to The Untamed)
Sunshine By My Side is widely loved, although I haven't seen it yet.
I also answered this question a while back, but less comprehensively, for anyone who's curious.
As a new turtle you might also find my masterlist post helpful.
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amyysfics · 1 year
This you?
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Fuck you. Out of sprite I'm saying that this is NOT me smh
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smolvenger · 9 months
Time for Carrie's Birthday Celebration Starting 01/07 and going on until 01/12!
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Helloooooo friends! My birthday is January 10th (turning 29), so I thought we could do a little thing! Let's do a *drumroll* BIRTHDAY CELERATION SLEEPOVERRRRR!
A fun little light hearted thing!
Tell me about or send me these emojis for...
something you’re looking forward to!! 👀
about what you’re reading/watching 📖
your pet(s) <3 🐶🐱🐰🐹
your go to shoes/jacket/accessories 👟
songs (rn or all time) 🎵
comfort film, show, or read (+ favorite scene) 🧸
animal (+ when’s the last time you saw one) 🐢
bad joke or reference (+ if you say it often) 🙊
FMK! 🍑🔪make me pick and I'l do the same for you
would you rather?
never have i ever… 🖐
confessions: 💭
Or ship me with someone or a character (if it ever gets to our boy, Loki, pick a specific era) and I'll ship one with YOU
I am also opening BLURBS based on several of these blorbos so give me a character or person and I will write a blurb based off of Fanfic/Book Tropes!
Characters I am willing to write for:
Loki (ofc)
President Loki
Jonathan Pine
Robert Laing
James Conrad
Prince Hal/Henry V
Sir Thomas Sharpe
Caius Martius Coriolanus
William Buxton
Professor! Tom Hiddleston
So pick one and one of the following BookTok/Fanfic tropes:
"Who did this to you?"
"My wife"
"Touch her and you die"
AU: Modern, Tudor, Regency/Austen/Bridgerton, anything
Arranged Marriage
Enemies to Lovers
Friends to Lovers
He falls first
First Date
First Baby
Love Confession
Meet Cute
Forced Proximity
And There Was One Bed!
Grumpy x Sunshine
With any of these, if you want, you CAN request the blurb be on the spicy side and I will oblige, heheheh
I don't know what my birthday will bring and I don't want to feel lonely or the pain of not accomplishing enough and getting older so let's make this a fun one!
@asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr @loz-3 @liminalpebble
Masterlist for my works can be found here.
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kattythingz · 1 month
🍓🛼🔪🎨🍄 (I know you already got the last one but I'm fishing for more Edgreed)
🍓 - how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
🛼 - describe your latest wip with five emojis.
Hmmm, as far as ch6... 🏘️🔫🥀🧗‍♂️🍖. Enjoy figuring that out LMAO.
🔪 - what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Hypnosis, all the way back in 2020. Only, I couldn't be satisfied with just basic research, cuz my project was pretty ambitious (it reached ~120k, tho I never published it lmao), so I took it a step further and decided to take advantage of my needing a college elective for the semester. And basically took a psychology class. As research. For my fanfic.
I was, uh. Pretty dedicated. The fic fell through, but the class was super informative and fun! I even kept my notes for it :D
🎨 - link your favorite piece of fanart and explain why you like it.
Not even exaggerating how this art changed my ENTIRE brain chemistry. The art style. The shading. The EXPRESSIONS? THE CLEAR DEVASTATION ON ED'S FACE AS HE TRIES TO COMFORT LING. This art single-handedly inspired most of ch3 of Crown, particularly the hug and how I wanted edling to have a moment exactly like that from it.
It's just. So fucking beautiful. God.
🍄 - share a head canon for one of your favorite ships or pairings.
WELL, SINCE YOU ASKED. I've mentioned before how I don't think edling are the type to get pettily jealous, HOWEVER. Edgreed is a different story. Greed is—well, Greed. He absolutely hates being ignored by Ed, and ESPECIALLY hates it when Ed ignores him AND gives others attention instead (my beta called it pigtail pulling and she's so right). Once they find their footing together, I imagine Greed is very touchy and basically takes every chance to have a hand on Ed. Tho that never stops him from eagerly showing off Ed as HIS possession.
(He literally just brags about Ed. A lot. He likes seeing other people be jealous of HIM for having Ed.)
Edgreed is just so delicious in that Ed's suddenly the sunshine in this dynamic (to a degree) and Greed is the grumpy lmao. It's brilliant.
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moonchildstyles · 8 months
haven’t sent in any thoughts in forever bc my brain has been blank but I was just thinking ab citrine h (bc when am I not, let’s be real) and how if it was really cold and windy outside one day ofc dande and bonnie would be inside w him and sunshine staying warm in their beds with all the fuzzy blankets, but h wouldn’t have the heart to turn away any animal that came to his door:( like maybe a couple of squirrels and some bluebirds ended up on his porch he would ofc usher them all inside and sunshine would be so :) bc he just has a heart of gold! but also idk if his meadow has some sort of magic around it to stop it from being wintry or snowy for the sake of his flowers, so if that’s the case I can just imagine how many animals end up in his space trying to stay away from the cold like :( he’d get so excited when they all started showing up and he would make sure everyone had enough water and little snacks and things and he would start recognizing them from who has been there before, like “sunshine, I think that deer over there finally lost its spots it’s doing the same thing before it lays down as that baby one was doing a few weeks ago!” like he’s just so cute I need him 🐢
omg wait stop:(((((( I LOVEEEEE the idea of all of these extra little cute animals hanging out and h feeding them and keeping them warm:( I love that so much you know he would keep all of these animals if he could but he always wants them to be free and happy and if they come back he'll take care of them:( and him remembering some of the animals and like keeping track of them to make sure they’re safe and happy and just :((((((((((( idek what to say im just picturing him feeding a little deer from hand and its the most sweet little thing ive ever SEEN:((((((((((((((
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@inkluvs - ivy my sweetheart 🍀
@beezywriting - beezy❤️
@katsu28 - kait💜
@countryboylullaby - bee🌻
@writingandbaking - baker my beloved pastry chef🥖
@miscellaneous-fan - Cella⭐️
@shouldve-said-no - Drew/Devika
@justpjostufff - Ara
@just-another-lovesong - jas🐚
@starsinmyeyesbloodonmyhands - lucy🔱
@shadesofsteve - macy🦦
@sweetbabygirlsworld - coco🍪
@lovesickpdf - hana🤍
@spaceagebachelormann - marlee✨
@bealovesmarauders -bea🪸
@su-alteza-emia - emia🌺
@thebestieyoureinlovewith - sage🌿
@starstruckmoony - Nena
@odairsangel - Ava🤍
@dewdropdummy - My Child
@sincerelyyoursg -  gabi🐚
@toadstool-amongst-the-tulips - daniella my sunshine🌷
@shefollowedthestars - Nova
@starlit-epiphany - raven🌒
@woahlifehitsyahuh - Jasmine
@kaleb-is-definitely-sane - kaleb🐢
@loverliner - sabrina🫧
@diorgirl444 -Flo🩰
@sp1rit-realm - hannah🍄
@siriusownsmyheart - sara 🌷
@doyouknowwhoyouare13 - nyx🌙
@meredarling - mere🪻
@storyofaromance - yasmin🌺
@munsonsreputation -Kay🍓
@on-my-contrarian-sh1t - cleo🌸
@babyrunsforfanfic - angel🧸
@esperisdrunkinwonderland- espie my cowboy🌼
@masivechaos -margot⭐️
@corp0real - eva rose🪐
@bug-boy32 -Ryleigh
@writingsbybirdie -Kate🪼
@haydipoof -That Fuckin Kid
@steviesnailbat -
@auroracalisto -Aurora
@loving-and-dreaming - love💋
(just lmk if you want a different name or emoji <3 and when did there get to be so many of you guys jfc)
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