#🎶and when you wake up next to him in the middle of the night with your head in your hands you're nothing more than his wife🎶
the only way I'll ever accept eloise being married to phillip crane is if she goes to visit cressida and have her own version of the scene with colin and mariah but this time it's lady crane asking what could've been and a rendition of goodluck babe starts blasting in the background and i need it so bad actually
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here-comes-the-moose · 2 months
Hunter: Okay we’re going out tonight but no funny business. *looks pointedly at Crosshair and Wrecker*
Crosshair: Relax, we won’t even drink that much.
Wrecker: Yeah! What Crosshair said!
*later in the evening at about 2am*
Hunter: *face-palms and sighs*
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demonio-fleurs · 5 months
the headcanon ask game!
for both sabo and koala:
Send in a character or characters and an icon and I’ll give you...
i am so sorry this took so long btw, a mixture of me being busy and also having to come up with these on the spot made it take longer than i wanted it to!
these also range from "simple and straight forward" to "mini fics/drabbles" haha, sorry for the inconsistency
🏳️‍🌈 A sexuality headcanon
they're both bisexual, although koala is (in my opinion) far more likely to be vocal about it than sabo, who is too busy with work to think about relationships.
koala realized she was bisexual when she met betty for the first time, and no i will not elaborate further. meanwhile sabo has just always kinda known that gender doesn't matter for him.
(more under the cut!)
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood
one day, while traveling the seas with the sun pirates, their ship was attacked by slavers looking for a profit. they were arrogant, and believed they could easily take out the group of fishmen on the ship.
koala doesn't remember much about that night, except for how frightened she was, as the ship had been caught up in a cyclone right before being attacked.
but she does remember huddling in a corner of the ship, wide eyes staring as a man came rushing towards her. she remembers jinbei, stepping out of nowhere and using Samehada Shotei against the slaver, and how the sheer force of it was enough to cause the man to be tossed across the room, knocking him out. jinbei then turned to her, and had her crawl onto his back for safety until they could ensure there was no one left on the ship.
that memory stayed burned into her for the rest of her life, and the day that hack told her that she'd finally perfected the Samehada Shotei technique was one of the happiest moments of her life.
for the longest time, sabo's childhood was not defined by memories, but rather feelings and vague nightmares. he remembered there being a great, terrible fire, and the fear he felt when he saw it. he remembered the feeling of a bird, trapped in it's cage and wanting so desperately to fly free. so many dark emotions, so many nights waking up in a cold sweat, gripping onto his sheets.
but sometimes, there were positive thoughts and dreams from his childhood. a song played in a bar on a mission might bring back the memory of tall, towering trees amidst a humid jungle. koala clinging to him in the middle of a hot night brought back the feeling of creaky wooden boards beneath him, and the starry night sky above him.
it wouldn't be until after ace's death that he gained the context necessary to understand those lingering childhood memories, but context didn't make his heart feel any less heavy in his chest.
🎶 A headcanon about music
one day while laying low in a bar and trying to plan out their next steps on an important mission assigned to them by dragon, koala began singing along to an old song that was being played on a dingy old piano in the corner. to her surprise, sabo began humming along with it, despite it being a song that was usually only known by pirates.
after their mission, she sat down with him and sang the lyrics in the hopes of triggering some memories from his past, but the only thing that came to mind for sabo was a warm summer night in a jungle.
later on, he'd put together that he must have heard the song from luffy, who taught both him and ace the lyrics to "prepare them" for their life as a pirate.
💝 A headcanon about their love language
sabo is a very "physical touch" person, when they are alone he is constantly either in their lap, or clinging onto them, almost as if when he lets go of them, they'll disappear forever.
koala, on the other hand, is more of a "quality time" type of person. to her, so long as she is near the person she loves, that is quality time, even if they aren't doing the same thing. this doesn't mean that she isn't physically affectionate, in fact she can be quite clingy when she's worried or upset, but that isn't her primary love language.
❤️‍🔥 A romantic headcanon
oh gosh, haha, i'm honestly one of the worst people for romance but here we go
one of sabo's favorite things to do when coming home from a mission is to put his head in koala's lap and fall asleep. almost every outside observer wonders when koala will get fed up with him and kick him out of her lap, especially since she'll complain about it to anyone who will listen, but hack knows that koala secretly loves it. when she thinks no one is looking she'll often run her fingers through his golden locks, and simply enjoy the downtime with him.
😶 A random headcanon!
sabo has fangs like a dragon 3:
koala has an incredibly high spice tolerance, but primarily bc she enjoys food that has strong flavors.
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puckpocketed · 3 months
sharks to kings trade !!! your beloveds are sending penpals to each other in the form of players (-puckszone)
the Grundstrom for Burroughs Trade Vibe Check
HELLO beloved jane puckszone my pink scalloped hem my midnight candy gram my mist over still waters… thank you for stopping by i LOVE waking up to trade news in my inbox i LOVE that our california girls are having playdates . 🎶you can check out any time you like, but you can never leaaaveeee 🎶 <- type beat. about the California Swing; this big road trip every team gets subjected to multiple times each season on account of proximity, it used to be MISERABLE and FOUL because at one point we had 3 good teams !! i hope we get back to that one day 🥹🤲
Carl Grundstrom. CARL GRUNDOTHY …!!!!! I am genuinely VERY happy for him 😭💙 he was pushed out of the lineup during playoffs for some unfathomable reason (rat clenching fist of rage about it) . he’ll be getting more minutes on the Sharks GOD WILLING……. did you watch him at worlds? i did…!! i really liked his, idk what to call it, spirit??? like SORRY LAK but you may have fumbled a bad bitch… ough to see him benched and playing like 2 mins a night during playoffs… god he played one 25 second shift during one of those games and meanwhile they were double shifting our beautiful boy quinton byfield WHO WAS ILL BTW… i thought the kings needed grundy’s fighting spirit out there on the ice :(((
anyway adoption papers under the cut!!
Grundy for the Sharks moots:
We call him Grundy (me and you jane puckszone + the two skeletons and four moths on kingsblr) and i think i’ve seen Jim Hiller call him Grunny? grundy sounds better to me so i use that <3
He’s a solid 4th liner i mean this in the best most complimentary way possible… he does SO well … throw him out there to rest your first line and the puck might just do good things!!! my defensively responsible little guy…!! like. i love hard workers they are so dear to me <3
Low key underrated shooter? mostly in that i don’t know if i ever saw him pass loooool but yeah no he has more goals than assists this past season like IF the puck is on his stick he WILL shoot it godbless !!
Perhaps on the Sharks he moves up the depth chart 😭👍 middle-six winger anyone…praying for his success so bad you don’t even KNOW
HITTER!! this boy is big and throws hits! Plays the body when defending, plays the body when forechecking <3. i love you grundy and so does the mike grier Size/Skill/Will agenda. with this trade we are swapping hitter for hitter, but making room on our blue line (Shakir full time NHL arc???? PLEEK)
Grundy might genuinely be a great fit for the Sharks Culture Plan because i never saw a game where he wasn’t extremely invested and intense … i liked that about him vewwy much but that might just be me and my penchant for becoming attached to random depth players 🥹
More broadly, the pattern of picking up guys who need a new opportunity marches on… dellandrea and now grundstrom. we may not have uhhh affordable housing or more than 20 wins but the one thing sj does have in spades is ice time <3
i do wonder what all this does to our guys in the AHL who’ve been very hungry to break through but ough. alas. </3 perhaps that’s a conversation best had on a podcast and not by me, i can’t be objective here!!
on the LAK side of things:
Kyle Burroughs played way too many minutes on a bare bones Sharks defense please don’t look at his uuhhh -42 rating and take it seriously 😭
he might look like a silly guy from a 2010s sitcom but he is in fact a GOON!!! the fighting majors… lordy….. also i haven’t checked the stats recently but last time i did he was right up in the leaderboards for hits.
this move from LA does puzzle me!! Clarke and Spence should be getting more priority ice time next season. the Burroughs trade would push them out of the lineup unless Burroughs is getting put in the AHL or lak get rid of another defenseman.
perhaps an omen? Matt Roy leaving? or perhaps noted gorgeous leg weight Andreas Englund? <- i’m more inclined to this as it seems Burroughs and Englund would occupy the same role!!
endeared by Kyle Burroughs’ moustache deeply <3 him and j.middleton are sisters to me as per one of my posts…
anyway i hope he gets fewer minutes and less rough deployment on the kings jskdjdkgk he truly went THRU it this past season 😭🙏
in conclusion Cali Polycule please come back from the WAR i need this place to be hell on earth again CALIFORNIA SWEEP….!!!!
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Why does everyone think I’m Gay?
Also me:
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halfelven · 2 years
ALL of the fic writer asks, if you’re willing ! If that’s too much, first 5 + 7
this took awhile to write out but here you go~
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
Hmm I’ve orphaned a couple of stories I wrote that were requests, but that was more because they didn’t fit with my other ideas. I don’t embarrass easily, and I use it for evil.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Elrond leaned back against the wall. The cloudy light illuminated him. ‘You’re staring again.’
‘I’m sorry!’ Gil-galad blurted. ‘You’re just so so beautiful!’
‘Mm,’ Elrond said. He shook his head.
‘Like you should have birds flying around your head and flowers blooming at your feet.’ Gil-galad waved his hands.
Elrond smiled. ‘And you look like you stole stars for your eyes.’
‘See?’ Gil-galad said. ‘I am in my truest of hearts, a thief.’
Elrond tilted his head back and watched the rain fall on the ceiling.
‘Then be a pirate, and I’ll be with you, and we’ll attack the ships of Númenor.’
Gil-galad shook his head.
‘You’re not going to let this go, are you?’
Elrond lifted the wine to his lips. ‘Stubbornness is my greatest flaw.’
'But not my only one.'
'Duly noted,' Gil-galad said.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Just ‘playfully’ mean? I’ve put in a couple cliff hangers that I didn’t need to.
✍️ Do you have a beta reader?
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Announcing High King Whatever because I never know what will happen next
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
I make it sound ~pretty~ (poeticish)
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
Um. They’re okay? I wouldn’t write an entire story around a first kiss for myself
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Yes, usually. Right now I’ve been looping That Unwanted Animal by The Amazing Devil and Guest Room by the National
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
Libre office when I’m on my laptop and usually I just write in the saved messages of telegram if I’m on my phone. Sometimes I’ll use google docs but I don’t like it
⛔️ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
A few but I don’t think anything posted. I have a bunch from 2020 that I still can’t touch though due to associations with that time, but they’re on hiatus not abandoned
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
I met one of my friends who I now see sometimes irl through Silmarillion fanfic (we’ve been to Italy, Greece, Estonia, Sweden, and Norway together and she’s visited me in Finland, and I’ve visited her in Egypt, which has been really fun!) We were discussing our stories on the train in Italy, and she decided then and there that she had to catch up with it so then we both read my story so that I could see where she was when she wanted to talk about it, and it’s one of my treasured memories
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
I don’t know who else considers it sweet but for me it’s ‘with the sun’ and I think about it a lot.
🍷 Do you drink and write?
Occasionally, but I don’t drink a lot so not often
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
through realm of shadow
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Late at night~ I also like to write down my dreams after I wake up and I write on and off throughout the day (and ideas to write later) but I like writing on the tram anytime
💖 What made you start writing?
In general? I have been in love with stories forever and I have an immense imagination and taught myself to read and write to read more stories and share mine. Fic? Grand imagination and I used this very detailed self-insert universe in Middle-earth to distract me from my terrible life and told myself all sorts of other canon divergent stories. I started posting fic after stealing my neighbour’s internet because I was exploring the world (a little) and was writing about the Fellowship navigating the modern world (because I also felt like a time traveller)
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
I save my favourite comments and read them back for inspiration 💜
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
Yes. And I also just study everything constantly anyway so I put information I gleaned from that in them
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
Selfish (deserved and might be my favourite I’ve written)
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
Not yet (that they’ve commented)
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
I love it! ‘with the sun’ has the most beautiful fan art and I think about it constantly too
📈 How many fics do you have?
108 right now that are published
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Usually outline them and then change my mind because I can’t write if I already know exactly what will happen, because if I can’t find out as it goes along, I get bored of the writing, since it’s more vivid just to play it in my head. (also I don’t understand ‘fly by the seat of your pants’ and looking up the origin is not helping??? like if you are flying without instruments how is it by the ‘seat of your pants’???)
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
don’t have any at the moment that I’m invested in. currently obsessed with an original work. (not 100% true i want to write a phantom troupe road trip fic)
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
- Write little stories/scenes that are like 100 – 300 words long. Helps you find your voice + the characters’ voices. I had a fic where I was writing one of those little stories everyday for I think about 100 days.
- Ignore fanon if you hate it or even just mildly dislike it.
- I used to write scenarios on little scraps of paper and then characters on other scraps of papers and mix them up (separately) and then I’d have to write the scenario, like: Boromir and Legolas have to change a flat tire, are separated from the others in Moria, or w/e
- Stick characters in a broken elevator and see if they kill each other.
- Mix all the names up, pair them up, put them into aliens-forced-them-to-do-it marriages and see if they kill each other. I did this too see how characters work together when they’re forced to be around each other. I also do this and the elevator/other tight scenario with my ocs all the time. I also force them to go grocery shopping.
- Write a scene centred around an emotion but you’re not allowed to write down the names of any emotions in the scene.
- Write ‘I hate this’ when you’re stuck 49 times until you have 147 words and then write why you hate this until you have at least 300. (If you hate it because you think you’ll fail then write the scene badly and see what the worst could even be.)
- Write things so self-indulgent and specifically suited to your tastes that if someone else falls madly in love with it you might wind up finding a best friend.
💞 Who's your comfort character?
oh no (though Elrond is the original)
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
I’m picking the character now and it is Boromir and he is gay and aromantic
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Probably Killua. I like writing deeply disturbed characters. This says nothing about me.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Killua came in with a half eaten apple in his hand.
'They're baking Kalluto into a pie in the kitchen,' he said to Illumi. 'Might wanna stop it.' He sat down on the arm rest of the chair and bit into the apple. 'He might get minced!'
As if on cue, Kalluto let out a high scream in the kitchen.
'There he goes,' Killua said. 'Gettin’ minced.’
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
Probably ‘the face of god’ bc I don’t really have an explanation for it or ‘playing house’ but I’m not particularly concerned about that
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
I like it when I read it again two months later
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
⌛️ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
I honestly don’t know for sure? I think around 800 – 1000 words per hour is pretty normal for a first draft
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Romance and I’m not particularly invested in it so I don’t really care to practice that often
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
‘selfish’ and ‘winter bird’ both have parts that are hard to read back sometimes. and ‘with the sun’
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
I don’t want it. This is for fun. It’s not professional writing. And I mean this in the nicest way possible but I have gotten quite a few comments for how to ‘better’ my writing that would make it worse and the ‘don’t use said/says’ all the time use ‘whined, hissed, roared, screamed, snarled’ instead is the ‘advice’ I’m talking about. Don’t do it. Also the other one is ‘don’t use their names so much.’ I am never writing ‘the black haired man’ unless the pov character doesn’t know the character’s name.
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
I don’t know I feel I use angst the most. But I like tagging torture and psychological torture because I like writing them
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softly-potter · 2 years
Master List
FINALLY created the master list! Transferring all my fics here because lets be honest, Tumblr is making a comeback. All of my fics are available on Ao3 @softlypotter_0 and Wattpad @softlypotter_ as well.
You’ll probably notice some empty titles and unclickable titles; I'm going to be working on transferring my stories here over the next few weeks so bare with me :)
💋=implied smut, 🔥 = includes smut, ♨️=purely smut, ☁️ = fluff,  💔= angst, 🎶= song/music inspired, 🔪= includes violence/gore
Bucky Barnes X OC/Reader 
Eradicate ☁️💔 - Bucky's always had a soft spot for the girl down the road. (2 Chapters) Chapter One | Chapter Two | Epilogue
Quickly Falling ☁️ - After interning in the body mechanics division of Stark Industries, Cassandra finds herself drawn to one of clients. (One-Shot)
Romantic Homicide🎶💔🔪- Bucky helps Wanda steal Visions body to give him a proper funeral, but her goodbye ends up differently than he imagined. (One-shot)
Stay Forever💋☁️ - After settling into a friends-with-benefits routine, Wanda tries to break their cycle in the hopes of something more. (One-shot)
I Like You♨️☁️🎶 - Wanda & Bucky finally get the break they deserve. (One-shot)
Little Love🔥☁️💔 - When Wanda ends up pregnant a few weeks before their wedding, having an impending family shocks them both. (9 Chapters)
Still Friends ♨️💔🎶 - After a chance encounter at a party, Wanda and Bucky find they have more in common than they realized.This fic is heavily inspired by 'Friends' by my lovely friend Poppy. She is aware of this fic and I've been given permission for this marvel-version retelling! If you haven't read her dramione fic 'Friends', I HIGHLY suggest it. I fell in love with the story and couldn't help but wonder, what if it was Wanda and Bucky instead of Hermione and Draco? Thus "Still Friends" was born. Enjoy! (18 Chapters)
Turning Out🔥💔🎶 - With their marriage crumbling right before their five-year wedding anniversary, Wanda tries different ways to keep her husband. 
Bring Him Home☁️💔 - During a mission, Bucky goes back into Winter Solider mode, and Wanda helps him back. (2 Chapters)
Touch Tank ♨️🎶 - Struggling to sleep, Wanda asks for help from an unlikely pot-smoker. (8 Chapters)
Dance with Me🔥💔🔪 - All the times Bucky asked Wanda to dance, and the one time he didn’t. (2 Chapters)
Where do Babies Come From?🔥💔🎶 - Wanda & Bucky are more over their heads then they originally thought when finding out she’s pregnant. (2 chapters)
What We Know♨️💔 - The up’s and down’s of loving a super solider.
Am I Dreaming♨️💔🎶 - Realizing she needs more help than either of them can provide, Wanda breaks up with Bucky before she admits herself to a pysch ward. (One-shot)
The Lists☁️💔 - After losing her brother, Wanda keeps a list of everyone important to her, so that she can keep them at a safe distance, but Bucky has a list of his own. (One-shot)
Frank Castle X Karen Page/OC/Reader
Slowly♨️☁️ - Karen asks Frank if he can slow down; he’s more than happy to oblige. (Friends with benefits au!)
Returning the Favor♨️☁️ - After accidentally seeing a picture not meant for him, Frank realizes there may be more than professionalism between him and the newest hire of Nelson & Murdock.
Reckless 💔🎶 - Astorias always been faithful to her husband but she isn't sure he can say the same. (2 Chapters)
Family Line 💔🎶 - Draco & Astoria struggle dealing with her illness and all the repercussions that come with it. (3 Chapters)
Love💔🎶 - Newly engaged, Astoria tries vocalizing her feelings to Draco. (One-Shot)
Meeting in the Middle☁️💔 - After being released from Azkaban, Draco suffers from night terrors and Astoria is forced to play along until he wakes up. (One-shot)
If Anything Happens, I Love You☁️ - Grown and married, the Golden Trio and Slytherin Group prepare to send their children off to Hogwarts. Told by one chapter per couple, a sneak peak into their family lives. (5 Chapters)
After Tonight 🔪🔥💔 - After the war and Voldemort wins, he dies from old age; but not before attempting to create a potion to keep him alive. His remaining Death eaters finish what he started, and soon a potion that staves off death is in the hand of every pure blood, Death eater and the wealthy. The key ingredient to the potion? Muggle-born blood. (ON HIATUS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE)
Iniquity ♨️💔 - Draco's having a hard time coping with the world post-war, and he uses sex and alcohol to get by. It never occurred to him that Hermione might be coping in a similar fashion. (14 Chapters)
You Get Me So High 💔🎶 - Draco and Hermione meet for one final time before their separation is official. (One-shot)
Grounding 🔥☁️ - A few years after the war, Draco is working as an Auror. Constantly in dangerous and life-threatening scenarios, he aches to give his fiancé a normal life but isn't sure he deserves it. (2 Chapters)
Milk & Honey 🔥☁️ - Inspired by the quote “I’ve had sex, she said. But I don’t know, What making love, Feels like” by Rupi Kaur, Hermione and Draco have sex for the first time since they started dating. (2 Chapters)
Happier Than Ever💔🎶 - Hermione finds an unlikely place to turn to when she begins having panic attacks. (One-Shot)
A Pathological People Pleaser💔🎶 - After 5 years of dating, Hermione is fed up with waiting for Draco to take the next step. (One-shot)
we can’t be friends💔🎶 - After a tumultuous breakup, Pansy informs her friends Ginny and Hermione of a facility, Brighter Days, that uses a new obliviation technique to remove a selected individual from their memory. Hermione thinks it’s an unorthodox method…until she goes through a breakup of her own. (3 chapters)
A Consumption of Grief 💔🔥☁️ - Pansy's estranged mother has died, and after an unfortunate event at the funeral, Theo shows her who her real family is. (One-shot)
Care Less More💋💔🎶 - Pansy keeps Draco’s bed warm when he has no one else around. She goes to great length to prove she could care less; but a certain Gryfindor hopes she can see her value. (One-shot)
Regulus Black x OC/Reader
Hiraeth 💋💔 - Adelyn has been promised to Regulus since childhood, and wants nothing more than to be his wife. She knows she makes him happy, that they can flourish together. But we all know how Regulus' story ends. (4 Chapters)
Cancer🔥💔🎶 -Waking up in what he knows is a dream, Jaune spends the day with a family that could've been his had Beacon never fallen. (One-shot)
All Roads Lead to Home♨️☁️ - Emerald is greeted by an unexpected (and drunk) visitor in her home. (One-shot)
Leave the City♨️☁️🎶 - After finding Ruby lost in her thoughts, Weiss offers a way to bring her back. (One-shot)
talk ♨️☁️🎶- Struggling with adapting to their new life in Vaceuo, Ren finds a way to finally shut Nora up.
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doveypink · 3 years
goodnight kiss [obey me! belphegor]
summary: belphegor invites you over when he can’t sleep. who are you to refuse? word count: 0.6k warnings: gn!reader, based on the “belphie can’t sleep” chat. a/n: this chat was so cute, i love that he teases mc + i also cover my affection with jokes :D
Tumblr media
4 new messages!
Belphegor: It’s the middle of the night now, isn’t it?
Belphegor: Time to sleep for all the people who go to RAD.
Belphegor: I can’t get a wink of sleep.
Belphegor: I’m just getting wider and wider awake.
The barrage of pings from your phone wakes you from your slumber as you read Belphie’s messages. You type a quick response, about to roll back over as the pings blare through your room once more.
You: Boohoo, can’t talk too tired
Belphegor: Hey! Listen to me!
Belphegor: Come to my room.
Belphegor: Then you can tell me all your boring stories.
Belphegor: I’m sure THAT will put me right to sleep.
Belphegor: 😗🎶
Meanwhile, Belphegor watches as a checkmark appears below his message, notifying him that you read the text. He receives no response in return; you must have already gone back to sleep. The demon sighs, opting to scroll through Devilgram to waste time instead. He was joking when he made the request to you — at least, that’s what he tells himself — but it would be nice to have some company anyway. He would never say it aloud, but the demon quite liked having you around. Despite his initial behavior upon meeting you, you have long since forgiven him and accepted his flaws. Not that he believes he deserves any of that, of course.
The demon nearly jumps out of his skin when the door to his room suddenly swings open and a figure hobbles towards him. Belphegor quickly regains his composure upon realizing that it is only you, wrapped up in a blanket with your face peeking out. You stand next to his bed and stare at him with sleep-worn eyes. “Scoot,” you demand.
Belphegor scoffs but makes space for you anyway, his cheeks burning when you cuddle against him. He’s thankful that he can put on a good act when he teases, “Hey, you’re supposed to tell me a story. Don’t sleep yet.”
“I came all the way over here for you and this is how you treat me?” You chide. “I can go.”
Belphegor wraps his arm around your waist before you can even consider getting up. “No, I told you to come. You’re not about to leave so easily.”
Huffing, you snuggle further into the demon’s chest. Belphie’s nightshirt is soft and carries a sweet aroma like freshly done laundry. You shuffle around a bit until your nose is buried in the crook of his neck, indulging in the scent of cinnamon apple radiating from the demon. “You smell nice,” you mumble, kissing his skin so softly that he hardly notices.
“My weird little human,” Belphegor mutters, “Do you really have to sniff me? What are you, a bloodhound?”
“Maybe,” you respond flippantly. “And ‘my’? I didn’t know I belonged to you.”
Even half asleep, you are as sharp as ever. Belphegor didn’t think you would notice the slip of his tongue, the minor possessiveness that he has over you. He can count on you to always see right through him. “Well, you did follow my orders…,” the demon trails off, covering his mistake with the guise of a joke.
“I came because I wanted to, dummy. And I know you needed the company,” you clarify, squeezing your arms around him gently. Belphie does not respond; instead, he silently kisses the top of your head and waits for your breathing to become heavy with sleep. His wish was granted by earning a night with you in his arms — a few blissful hours to steal you all for himself without interruption, to kiss you as you slept peacefully. He did not get to hear you tell him one of your boring human world stories, but he finds himself falling asleep all the same.
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izayoichan · 3 years
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Vy: Silly stinky! Lobo: Ow!
He felt himself being helped up by Vy, who chuckled and shook his head. Remembering the bambi on the ice scene that Arlene had loved so much when she was little. 
Vy: There, safe on snow Lobo: Thanks!
This was Lobo’s favorite time of the day, there were snacks for everyone! Being back on safe ground, Lobo and Felix guided their humans to a nice seating area, everyone sitting down, chatting and enjoying their snacks. Felix sitting on the table enjoying their special, while Lobo had his bone on the ground. Discussions around them were mostly about Christmas, food they all wanted, and of course the presents they hoped to find under the tree. 
Lobo: Presents! Felix: And more boxes than you can imagine! Lobo: You and your boxes.
It was one thing Lobo would never understand, that both cats seemed to have this thing for boxes, whenever there was one, both would want to be in it. A while later, they all headed back home, humans and pets alike ready for a relaxing evening. 
Christmas Eve
Lobo: MORNING! River: Lobo… it’s early..
River sighed as he found his sofa filled with Lobo, followed by many licks to the face. 
Lobo: Special day, LOTS to do!
River just shook his head slightly, and gave the old man a scratch behind the ear. They did indeed have quite a lot to do, they had a couple of adoptions up, which of course Lucas would keep away from, they were still keeping his presence there hidden. But with everything else, he was very much present, and he intended to ask the boy if he wanted to join them for the evening. They had even set up a guest room for him to sleep in so that he and Munchie could stay the night if they said yes.
River: You go wake the helpers, and we’ll meet you in the middle. Lobo: YES!
This was always his favorite thing when River asked him too, he knew he was allowed to go wake everyone, and he took his work very very seriously. 
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