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luvistqrzzz · 2 years ago
"you've literally taken us for granted" im sorry what-
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jo-speaks · 3 months ago
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sarahalainn · 3 months ago
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本日はNHK BS放送です!2曲披露します!🎤
植松伸夫さん出演の「レジェンドゲームヒストリー #ファイナルファンタジー 」
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So straight after I perform Cinderella, there’s a show on video game music featuring Final Fantasy legends including Nobuo Uematsu. Uncanny!!
A very Happy start to the New Year!
Con TIKI sistersの投稿😍
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not-goldy · 11 months ago
Fanservice. Every single one of them.
I wanna eat it. * Points camera at Jimin *
so why did jimin get embarrassed and jk changed the subject "i meant the cake"?? commit to the joke boys 😡
Arrest me.
god give bts some acting lessons.
bc why tf did they leave jk hanging like that??? that wasn't cute or funny, it was awkward as hell. someone, ANYONE, pls just laugh and save me and jungkook 😭😭
Do you want Rameyon?
yet it was portrayed as "jungkook is still hungry" and jimin's insane ass responded with "i'm sleepy"..... just to go spend more of the morning (bc they're STILL awake at 6 AM 😐) with jk and bam....
ok sure.
Rabbit spit is spicy.
a convo between hobi and jimin
said rabbit with spicy spit was in the way back of the room.....
at least make it front and center if you're going to "play gay" smh
I will give him a kiss.
pls explain why joon looks like he's going to have a panic attack and slap both of jikook and tae changes jimin's answer to "50 white shirts" instead of "playing along" 🎤
You liked being tied up, don't lie.
meanwhile hobi looks disgusted with them
Runs fingers through hair, breathes heavily, licks lips before wishing his bro a happy birthday.
so why add the bro?
and why didn't bts make fun of it the same way as jimin's message for tae??
and where is jimin's response? seems like a lot just to not have said birthday boy respond 😔
was jk's mom also in on the fanservice with the seaweed soup?
interesting 🤔
Hickeys/Neck Biting
was not aware there was footage of said hickeys being made? anon where did you get that 👀 ???
why was jin not allowed to touch said mark? but jimin could rub all over it? why are the best two actors (jin and tae) in the group horrible at playing along with said "fanservice" for jikook??
why did jin not know what was going on with the picture that made jimin stay and continue the jinjikook live?
ear sucking
special shout out to the goosebumps on jk's arms for playing along
the lil head kiss and screaming i love you was a nice touch
tiddy slapping, thigh pinching, hand licking
you mean normal things between friends?? 😭
crotch footsie
just giving your bestie boners for fanservice 🥰
hands all up on each other's asses at every opportunity.
yes bc jimin damn near fingering jk is normal
You like me that much?
another awkward moment jk inserted himself into lol
I'm shameless, so is that why you like me more?
will actually pay for bts to learn to act bc what tf 😭😭
Jk starring Jimin down when he tied his own hands up and was being walked around on a leash.
jk once again all the way in the back
it'd make more sense for tae to be the one doing fanservice as he was the one pulling jimin around, but ok let's go with bs that i have to zoom in on to notice.....
Both getting in each other's face & lip space inching closer and closer til one backs off
so why does jin and hobi freak tf out and wipe their mouths?
do they (hybe) not have any new material for jikook? bc it's going on 11 years with the same damn bit 😓
actually i think we jikookers deserve better than this
also where is my travel show hybe? i'm not being serviced 😔
It's the way they call it fan service but every one's uncomfortable with it for me😩😩😩
Some fan service 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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kreimpos · 3 months ago
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🎸My head is filled with dissatisfaction Everything about this world is full of BS All of you, all of you, all of you, all of you Everyday, everyday, everyday, everyday How did it come to this? I just can't live with myself!🎤
Posted using PostyBirb
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zerooup · 10 months ago
Erm, happy anniversary! (I think it is. Well, its close enough me thinks)
Ty you guys for sticking with us all this time! (And for putting up with our occasional bs) And also happy tumblr anniversary from us to you! ^^
-Aki and friends 🎤
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lesbianpoetess · 8 months ago
(saw the thing u reblogged abt asking u 3 questions:4)
favorite color?
Drake or Kendrick
Do u know SKZ? (if yes ily)
tysm for sending the ask >_< !!!
my favorite color is red, i have no particular reason for it but i feel attached to it more than any other color 🖍
im not into rap music/culture, but kendrick's diss was so good the beef reached my ears lol since drake is a pedophile and did a bunch of other bs im going with kendrick 🎤
i used to be into kpop with only a few bands but i lost interest in quarantine TT skz was not one of them but i listened to the popular songs (of that time) ^^
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mulderscully · 2 years ago
get to know me with five drinks 🍹
tagged by @nostradamus0, @thirdeyeblue and @naaer thanks besties 🫶🏻
1. gotta give it to water bc where would we be without her? literally nowhere. she's everything and she's everywhere. and she's there for me at 3 am like no one else 💆🏻‍♀️ chug, chug, chug.
2. i'm that do not talk to me until i've had my coffee person. i'm sorry 😭 i don't segregate coffee. a latte is coffee, an espresso? that's also coffee. i just love coffee in all it's forms!!
lately my go to is the toasted oatmilk espresso 😩
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3. 🎶🎤 if you like piña coladas 🍍 this doesn't have to have alcohol in it to be good. i'm puerto rican so i'm legally requires to love pineapples and coconuts! lately i do drink them with rum but for the longest time i just had them virgin and they still hit. i once paid $17 for one at the puerto rican festival bc it was served in a hollow coconut.
4. apple cider babey. not just a fall drink to me. i will drink it anytime. iced, hot, sparking, hard? i love she 🍎🍏
5. really hard choice between chai and yerba mate but i had to choose mate. my uncle/god father is from paraguay and got me hooked on the stuff from a young age. tea has nothing on her. and i don't mean the bs they sell at whole foods in a can. i mean HER:
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tagging: @wexler-mcgill @softiescully @thewollfgang @tinyconfusion @reputation @edierone @angelic37 @jpierrepontcriss @xenobites @slayerbuffy @chasingfictions @mindymeeks-martin and anyone who wants to!!
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apprenticestanheight · 1 year ago
thoughts on an angry teenage adam getting an eyebrow pierced as an act of rebellion 🎤
I feel like this is something he absolutely would’ve done!! He’d do it out of rebellion against his parents or against like,, the SYSTEM or some angsty teen bs (signed, angsty teen who wants either a septum or an eyebrow piercing SO BADLY) and then his parents wouldn’t notice and he’d keep the piercing in for shits and giggles anyway lol
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sirensplayhouse · 2 years ago
hi baby 🎤 anon I didn't know you were kaous on tumblr the moment I heard from you and how are you my love I miss you so much
i need relationship advice
I can't tell if the boy I like likes me or not.
he does things to me that others don't, he treats me special but suddenly he's cold
Or is he just trying to connect me to him?
hey love <3,
you know i’ve always found the saying “if a boy teases or picks on you they like you” to be complete and utter bs✋🏾simply because it deals of toxicity and i never understood why people won’t find other ways to express themselves. so i say that to say this judging from this ask i take it you obviously like him so why not be open and honest ? make the first move and if you don’t want to you can always wish/manifest for him to make his feelings more clear and understandable.
i wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide to do love 🫶🏾and be sure to come back and tell me
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dreadsuitsamus · 2 years ago
ELS BABY!!! Tell me about your relationship dynamics with Bulma and Vegeta🎤🩷 (ignore it if you don't want to. i hope you have good day/night :3 mwaah)
baby i love you so much for this ask skahfskdurheh 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 answer below the cut since it got a little long teehee 🤭
also have the most wonderful day/night, my love! 🩷🩷🩷
bulma and i were happily married for seven years before we ever even met vegeta. we met as teens and the sparks flew almost instantly and those sparks have never left! but living with vegeta (this was actually at my insistence! i am too soft) made us slowly realize we had room for another and it made a perfect dynamic
bulma and vegeta are definitely bold and their personalities clash at times, and thus they do the majority of the arguing. i often end up as a mediator between them, though sometimes i just let 'em fight lol especially if it's over something extremely petty (one time they argued over if it's "sock sock shoe shoe" or "sock shoe sock shoe", with vegeta winning that one since i've always secretly hated that bulma does "sock shoe sock shoe" when getting ready 🤢)
neither of my babes can cook, and with veggie man's appetite i had to step my game up. it's not due to a lack of money for takeout or a private chef, but more so my pride lol i took classes and i learned how to make better meals for them! not just taste wise, but balance wise as well. i make sure they get alllllllllll the proteins they need, especially vegeta for his training. vegeta and i have a secret though, which is that he loves texas toast but hates loving something with such a 'ridiculous' name so he never, ever asks for it to be included with a meal. i'm not dumb though, i see how his eyes light up when i make it! so i make it at least once a week with dinner, just for him. sometimes i even make it for him as a midnight snack, since it's so easy to make. he my baby<3
bulma and i do all the pda. when the three of us are out together, you'd never know vegeta is our man. he's not into public affection, and that's just fine with me and bulma since we still have each other to hold hands with or smooch when we're feeling a little needy. vegeta will blush a little when he sees us kiss in public, and if we blow him a kiss he pretends to not like it but secretly he's just ready to go home so he can get those kisses for real. one time bulma and i got drunk during a night out with the girls and when vegeta came to the club to bring us home (he missed us lol) we smothered his face in smooches and he turned redder than bulma's lipstick when he saw all the lipstick stains we left. it may have been the booze, but watching vegeta try to wash it away was funny 🤭
i ended up in the role of housewife, basically. vegeta trains most of the day, and bulma goes to work doing her scientist thing. sometimes it gets a little lonely for me to be home all day and doing the housework, but it is also the most relaxing feeling lmao these two brats are a lot of work!! but when they come back home my heart is definitely full again<3 also bulma's laundry is the worst bc so many of her clothes are dryclean only or have some sort of bs way to clean them. vegeta's laundry is so much easier to do and that's why he gets an extra kiss from me on laundry day. bulma gets her extra kiss every other day of the week though, and for no special reason. she my wife and i like to smooch her<3
when i have a bad day after running a bunch of errands, vegeta will listen to me rant until i tire myself out and opt to just snuggle with him while he watches tv. he knows i just need an outlet for my rage and has no problem being the one to hear me. bulma, however, will be the one to want to go find the people that gave me a hard time, especially if it came from an employee, and then she ends up being the one vegeta has to listen to until she tires herself out and opts for tv snuggles. it's mostly petty stuff when i rant about my day, though if it's particularly bad then vegeta himself will want to find the people that upset me and deal with it his way
and then it's us listening to vegeta rant until he gets tuckered out and needs tv snuggles
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newpathwrites · 9 months ago
I started medical school weeks after an extended hospitalization for uncontrolled autoimmune disease and sepsis, still recovering, at age 22. My classmates were energetic and motivated from the get-go, and I stuck out like a sore thumb, and nobody understood what I was going through at all. Some wanted me to drop out right at the beginning including my ‘advisor’. In retrospect, the ableism I faced during that time was astounding from people dedicated to helping the sick.
Joke’s on them because I graduated AOA in the top decile of my class. 🎤 (mic drop obvs)
Unfortunately, though, this discomfort and ableist BS continues into your 30s, 40s, etc, especially if your illness is not immediately visible.
being chronically ill in your 20s is so embarrassing. “what have you been up to lately?” ummmm I’ve been trying to get into food and eating again. yeah. trying to psych myself up about it again after taking a three year break to almost shit myself to death. Anthony Bourdain is helping.
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yellingmetatron · 11 days ago
🎤 ( one for his "meeting" people playlist ) 🎤 ( one for his "i'm tired of your bs so i'm putting on my headphones list")
Ooh, specifications. Noice! Of course for meeting people, being what he is that can get... a bit intense. Hmm... this calls for ska:
Reel Big Fish-- You Don't Know
Well first of all, I'd like to say fuck off (fuck off, fuck off, fuck off!) If you don't get it why don't you go Shove your head back up your ass And don't waste my time I don't need your opinion 'Cause you don't know what it's like You don't know what it's like You don't know what it's like to be like me You don't know, so keep your mouth shut
I swear this isn't the only "meeting people" song, but this is definitely on the list. He does not often look forward to meeting people, especially if they are the ones initiating contact. If he is curious about someone, it's a whole different thing.
As for "tired of bs, on go headphones"... lemme think...
Faun - "The Butterfly / Adam Lay Ybounden"
Adam lay ybounden Bounden in a bond; Foure thousand witer, Thought he not too long.
And all was for an apple, An apple that he tok, As clerkes finden Wreten in here book.
Never had the apple, The apple taken ben, Ne hadde never our lady, A ben Hevene Quen.
Blessed be the time The apple taken was Therefore we moun singen Deo gracias!
Yes there is a bit of Middle English in there, forgive me. Anyway, I find it kind of amusing that this is so much less aggressive than his meeting people song was, but again, this is but one of the list. It's him wanting to go to his happy place.
This song in particular holds a special place in his heart because it affirms a doctrine called felix culpa, or "happy fault"-- the idea that the Fall of Man was actually a good thing. Among other things, as this song outlines, it meant eventually Mary ascended to Queenhood of Heaven. And Heaven needs a Queen, as far as Meta's concerned. Felix culpa isn't a super popular doctrine as far as I know; I don't believe it's official dogma for any Christian denomination, and it certainly isn't within the Hellaverse fandom within which I sometimes play. Metatron takes a very holistic view of the universe (he can't help it) and is grateful that sometimes mortals can look a little further too.
I cannot help myself, this was absurdly long x'D
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longnewmedia · 17 days ago
🌟🎸 Sneak Peek Alert! 🎸🌟
Ready for a dose of hard-hitting honesty wrapped in a killer riff?
Coming soon, my new single "AIN'T MY FIRST RODEO" is about to drop some truth bombs! 🎤🔥
Ever had someone treat you like an idiot, try to pull the wool over your eyes, thinking you're just another gullible soul? Well, they clearly missed the memo, 'cause this "ain't my first rodeo"! 🤠🎵
Get ready for a badass anthem dedicated to all those snake oil salesmen, grifters, and bullshit artists out there. This one's for everyone who's ever had to cut off the BS mid-sentence and show 'em the door. 🚪✋
Trust me, you're gonna want to crank up the volume for this one! 🤘 Stay tuned for the official release date – it's gonna be epic. 🤘🔥
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marie1-kersaint · 1 month ago
https://www.facebook.com/share/18E44thJq2/?mibextid=WC7FNe ⁦‪@facebook‬⁩ THE CAT IS HAVING A SNEEZING COUGHING or SEIZURE FIT i did not ask you to play music over my stuff.
if i wanted music 🎼 i would have used #MICHAELJACKSON 🙄 🆘⁦‪@MetaNewsroom‬⁩ ⁦‪@facebook‬⁩ ⁦‪@FacebookGaming‬⁩
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utsur-ikumi395 · 2 months ago
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ALSYIOOOO A NEWWW ABSTRACTTYUIOOOO AHH PIECEE MWEHIWOWOOW 💕🌈🌈🎆🎆🥰💖🥰💖🥰👾🎤💙🥘🎤🏆🥘😭😭💥😭💥😭❤️🎶🏅😆😆💕💕🥇🥘😁💕😁🍱🍱💖💗💞❤️💘💕❤️💗☸️💛🕎☸️🧡🧡🧡☮️💖💗💞<33
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