#🎀: my ride or die predatory maniac
midnightpsychos · 1 year
"why the fuck are you so mad about the pictures ? It's just pictures and nothing more .don't be so mad summer "
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“How would you like it if I posted these photos of you? Hm?! Bet your sweet mamas boy ass wouldn’t like it. Oops - already posted them.. karmas a bitch, bitch”
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
Uh-uh, come here!" Any muse from Nate
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Steph looked at Tyler while she went to go get a drink of water because the girl had to keep herself hydrated. "I'll be right there! I'm just getting some water!" She shouted to Tyler as she pulled out a pack of pills that helped Steph control her concentration which she didn't get the chance to tell Tyler about.
Swallowing the pill, she took the water with her as Steph went back into the bedroom where her crush and future partner was lying in bed - waiting for her to get her ass back into bed, "hey handsome" she said to Tyler before hurrying back into her bed.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
@predatorymaniac is getting a starter from Jules:
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A few weeks after Jules meeting up with someone she had been texting on this app, she realized that the person who hooked up with her was married and had two children with their wife, Jules knew that that had to end before she got herself into some serious shit. But she met someone else, someone who was named Tyler - they’ve never met but as the time went on and they both talked as often as they could considering that they were both in school still, Jules felt her world light up after meeting this mysterious guy on the other side of the phone. 
What she didn’t know was that it was Nate Jacobs who was pretending to be Tyler, and once she finds out - she’d probably never speak to him again (not like she ever did anyway) but that’s besides the point of the present. Jules was busy, looking into her locker when her phone pinged to which she thought was Tyler but ended up being Rue just telling Jules that she will be a bit late today because something came up.
Jules knew deep down that it was about another drug test she would have to do but instead for Lexi to do the sample because there was at least one person who would never touch drugs in the friend group that the three of them formed and that person was obviously Cassie’s younger sister - Lexi Howard. 
Closing her locker, Jules decided to be the one to text Tyler first for once because most of the time it was Tyler texting Jules first and never the other way around - so that’s exactly what the girl done, she would always smile at the messages between Tyler and her even though some of it was more confidential due to Jules being able to open up around him, considering that she never met Tyler, she felt he understood what she went through. 
Jules didn’t really expect Tyler to reply to her because she knew he already started school, which was the same time that she would usually start - providing that she never skipped homeroom but it just wasn’t something she fancied most of the time when it was the literal definition of hell. 
But to her surprise, Tyler responded and they hit off another conversation - by this time Rue had returned from wherever she was with Lexi as soon as the bell went, “guys… I know that you both have just walked through the door but I’ve got something to say” Jules said excitedly for the first time in a while. Rue and Lexi gave each other the odd look as if they thought that Jules was messing about with them because it was something that Jules made them used to. 
She was known as the joker of the group so whenever she had something, both Rue and Lexi never knew when Jules was being serious with what she was saying, “okay - so what’s the news? And please don’t joke around because you genuinely seem really happy” Jules heard Lexi say while Rue looked like she had seen a ghost.
“So, I’ve been talking to someone else since I’ve told you about what happened with that other fucker who was sick and needed someone else to suit his pleasure but then I found out that he was married and he even had children!” Jules hoped that both of the other girls got who she was on about because Jules went to them about anything on her mind - well tell a little white lie - except for self harming herself and when her usage of drugs got out of control sometimes. 
“But anyway-“ as she continued once explaining about DominantDaddy and the shit she got herself into with him to which were about hooking up but she would never tell anyone about, “I’ve met a guy called Tyler and no we’ve never met but I feel like there’s some mad chemistry going on between us over texts, like - I’ve told him stuff that I would never be able to say in person to people. Overall, he just makes me happy and I’m grateful for that”
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
when did you stop loving me? Nate x cal well tylerc
back to same old Cal @predatorymaniac
|| “do I even need to explain why? You know fully damn well when I stopped, your bitch ass ended up exposing me and getting me thrown in prison! If it wasn’t for you then I wouldn’t have a criminal record and be on probation of using the stuff I use to have a good time, and this whole new identity that you’ve created just to escape the past clearly hasn’t worked because I’m still here.” 
|| Cal never wanted to be apart of Nate’s big move but it’s like everyone knew everything about both of them and it pissed Cal off, the only reason that he was in New York was for his son and it was honestly a waste of time when he could be at home - chilling while drinking his life away like it was worth not living.
|| This was fucking Nate’s dream, not Cal’s and he hates being dragged into it when he was being peaceful in his own little world but oh no - he had to come over just for Nate to ask him when did he stop loving him - some bullshit excuse to get Cal out of his house.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
MOUTH ] ; the sender slides their fingers into the receivers mouth. Any muse please
hehe @predatorymaniac new oc incoming!!
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Steph looked at Tyler while he inserted his fingers into her mouth. “What the fuck are you doing? You high or something bro?” She laughed as she as also high at this stage and having his fingers in her mouth wasn’t really a bother to her.
Steph was new to town and Tyler helped her settle, they became friends then best friends and it felt like they finally connected whenever they were in their high states
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
@predatorymaniac: the family reunion
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The boys’ parents had sat them down in the living room, telling them that they had news to share. In came Vincent’s little sister: Kaylee, it would be the very first time her and Bobby would meet since no one had updated her when Vincent left for New York to Bobby, Kaylee walked through the doors of the mansion as she saw both boys on the couch. 
Thinking she is seeing double, she thought it was some messed up prank that Vincent was doing on Kaylee since it was something that her big brother would always do on her. “Cmon Vince, you know I hate when you do stuff like this on me, I know you might have a twin but it doesn’t mean that you have to photocopy yourself to play pranks on me” 
Kaylee had realized what she had said and looked at both of them again before opening her mouth, “holy shit, you’re Bobby? Vince finally found you?” Her face lit up and regretted everything she said prior as she tried her best to hold back tears. Vincent got up and hugged his Abby sister, trying to shush her and make sure that she knew that it really was Bobby that had returned home with Vincent.
“Yeah, that’s right Kay, that’s your older brother and my twin bobby, I’m sorry that we couldn’t come over sooner it’s just that things came up and now mom and dad have news to tell us… I wonder what that could consist of?” Vincent returned to his sit as both Callie and Alex entered the room, making sure that their 3 children were around for them to announce the news. 
It was the first time that Bobby and got to meet all of his family at once but Vincent made sure that Bobby was cool calm and collective while they revealed what news they had in store, “so - we know your history Bobby and what you still sometimes do now to this day but your mother and I have something we’d like to say” Alex started both Callie and him off. 
“When we were your age, before I ended up pregnant with both of you, your father and I - well - we were famous serial killers” Callie continued which made Kaylee  choke on her drink a bit.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
"shit I'm bobby and you are who what is your name ? I seen you at the bar and I just wanted to say hi to you and shit ." Bobby to Archie
@predatorymaniac, get ready for my horrible impression of Irish people (Irish people don’t come for me please)
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“Ay, my names Archie. What’s your name wee boy? I have seen you come into this bar many o’ times every odd couple of weeks for a drink. Well thank you for saying hi and it’s nice to meet a wee nervous guy like you” Archie was preparing drinks while talking to the young bloke, they felt a tingly warmth in their belly as they spoke to the boy.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
“ we all have secrets, don’t we? ” Nate x cal
“Well I did have my secrets but they all got exposed because of you but I’m not going to dive in it when you know the whole story or us”
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
Send 👗 to help my muse pick out an outfit bobby x Vincent reversed
“Alright, before we get started with the hair dying and other stuff. We’re going to pick out what you’re going to wear, one already picked out mine so don’t worry about it but we need to sort you out” it had been a while since Bobby was told that the family were going to another state to escape being thrown in jail. And it had gotten to the point where Vincent was helping Bobby with his new identity.
“You have the option out of these five clothes Bobby” Vincent started to explain before pointing out each of the clothes to him, hopefully this was going to be easy as pie but Bobby was very indecisive when it came to anything other than killing and Vincent was trying his hardest to help his twin run away and do it successfully once and for all.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
I’m here to cheer up @predatorymaniac with a euphoria starter from Cassie
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What was she thinking when she invited her best friends boyfriend over after Nate told Cassie that he had some news or whatever about him and Maddy to which it sparked Cassie’s interest to know what exactly was going on with them after finding out that Nate had came into Maddy’s house and held a gun to Maddy’s head unexpectedly.
Her door bell ran and because her mom was flat out sleeping on the couch, it was more or less a good time for Nate to come over so they could ‘talk’ about Maddy and hoping they nothing would progress between the two of them alone in her room together. Cassie was dressed in some pink pj’s as she walked down the stairs trying not to wake up her mom from the deep sleep she was having.
She opened the door and greeted Nate normally, whenever an incident happened between Nate and Maddy, Cassie would always get two completely different messages from the both of them and what happened between them and in all honesty - she was sick of hearing Maddy saying “he’s a jerk but I love him and he can be so sweet at times”
Cassie picked up some clothes that were left on the floor before letting Nate come into her room. Lexi wasn’t in either because she had gone to hang out with Rue and Jules, so it was just her, Nate and her mother in the house - Cassie closed the door to block out any snoring that was coming from downstairs.
With both of them sitting on her bed the silence was the worst feeling ever, it was just the clicking of the clock that that was left in Cassie’s room while she was growing up. There were pictures of when Cassie once was happy stashed up on her makeup table of her family looking like a real family but when people took a closer look at the Howard’s, they realized that the family as a whole was just a mess built up on lies. 
Cassie had to learn the hard way of not being able to get whoever you want and that’s when she met Maddy, Cass looked up to Maddy as someone who was a goddess compared to the likes of Cassie herself which really shook her confidence. Basically long story short, Cassie wanted Nate - no - she craved for his touch but she could never saw that to either Maddy or Nate due to them being the ones in an on and off relationship throughout high school. 
Considering that they were just about to graduate, it was like everyone’s body’s were trapped as the kid versions of themself, Cassie looked like she had been dragged through hell and back while Nate managed to stay hot but was broken as all shit inside to which he masked it up by being the ‘jock’ everyone thought he was destined to be. After a massive debate on whether to break the silence or not, Cassie decided to break it but little did she know that her and Nate would began a secret relationship while he sorted out who he wanted (either Cassie or Maddy) because he simply couldn’t have both. 
“So, what was this thing you needed to tell me? It did seem important because you’re meant to be hanging out with Maddy and you’re with me which is not weird at all” Cassie asked Nate as she tried her best not to jump all over him and make him hers once and for all, she was in the mindset of being ‘fuck it’ and decided to go for Nate just doing it via baby steps. What could be the harm in having some fun? Cassie thought to herself.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
A continuation of the “🥀” asks but this time for Cole off of @predatorymaniac
|| “I wake up and keep blaming god for risking my one and only love from me, why did he have to take the one person who understood me and felt comfortable enough to tell me about his backstory? Why couldn’t he of chose Tyler’s twisted father to go instead of him? These are question that I always ask myself that I’ll never know the answers because god will never own up to his actions and the bigger question on why he takes people like Tyler away but keeps pricks like Cal on this earth. 
Other than the venting about how much I hate god, I’ve come here to tell you about how my boyfriend and was soon to be fiancé because I wanted to propose to him before he died but I’m not getting into any of that when I have more important things to say about my love. Tyler was the most misunderstood person I have ever met and proper judged him for leaving behind who he once was to become someone else who he felt more comfortable with inside and I’m forever proud of him for that, he was someone who loved me for me and was never scared to be open with our relationship even though we wanted more private life whenever he wasn’t on tour. I love him so much and will never forget what an incredible person my devil Tyler Angel was.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
@predatorymaniac sent “🥀 for summer”
|| “Things were never meant for this to be the way it has gone in, I was supposed to go - not Nate. I’ve lost so many people and Nate really helped me get over the thought of lost, yes we were enemies but over time and me being away in Armenia celebrating the life my mom wanted me to have made my feelings towards him became romantic ones and i worshiped all of our memories we had together. The whole things bittersweet and my daughters completely broken over the loss of her dad, our grief will forever mourn with us but I’ll never forget my dear heart.
Nate was a lot of things but he made mistakes to which he rectified and became a much better person who people loved more, he will be in my thoughts until I eventually pass and I really looked forward to starting a family with Nate but for now, I’m looking forward to seeing what else he’s left for Amara and I. Nate’s my everything and forever will be, I love him and he is my heart, fly high my sweet sweet angel and I hope to meet you in the afterlife soon”
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
For Archie
@predatorymaniac 3/4 completed so far
|| “Words cannot be expressed on how much this has affected me, having you leave me when you were the only person I felt like myself around, you just decide to die on me. I know and understand that life was never for you a very good experience but I’ve been through similar situations as well so I know how you feel about being loved but you gave me more than I could ever hope for by actually being my boyfriend even if it was bittersweet. If this is god’s way of telling me that he isn’t happy with how I’ve chosen to live my life then it was something that hasn’t stopped me from being me and it was unfair on you. 
If there’s one promise that I can make you, it’s that I will never fall in love again. You will never be forgotten and forever loved, you’re the only one for me and even though you’re not by my side, you are in my heart, my heart beats for you, my heart is you. I love you my James dean so fucking much”
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
📲 message sent: ] i see me in your future 🔮[ 📲 message sent: ] i can't see you right now but i bet you look great[ 📲 message sent: ] can you send me a selfie? i just want to show my mom what my future partner looks like.[ 📲 message sent: ] are you http? because without you i'm only :// for anyone
This just shouts either Alexa or when summer and Nate were enemies before they were separated for 5 years so I’m going to do both @predatorymaniac
Alexa and Bobby:
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[ text from getaway driver (lol) to serial killer (my boy) ] : have you had too much to drink or what Bobby? Those pick ups are definitely lousy but haven’t failed to put a smile on my face
[ text from getaway driver (lol) to serial killer (my boy) ] : is it your way of telling me that you want me to pick you up? If so, you could’ve just asked me and I would always say yes
Summer x Nate (enemy au back 5 years ago):
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[ text from the ‘princess’ to the mamas boy ] : what the fuck are you doing texting me all that stupid shit? Aren’t you meant to be winning the heart of your ex?
[ text from the ‘princess’ to mamas boy ] : it in all seriousness, don’t go chasing after her and then coming to me when she breaks your heart again. You’re not my problem so why do I need to care for you? 🖕🏻🩷
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
)🌟 ― i love how you portray your muse(s)🎀 ― i love your aesthetic / graphics💯 ― your headcanon posts are always on point✨ ― i love the way you write💫 ― i enjoy writing with you😊 ― i enjoy talking to you💖 ― you seem like a genuinely nice person☀️ ― your posts always bring me joy❤️ ― you're one of my favorite blogs🌺 ― simply admiring you from afar
Thank you for being in my life and just overall being patient with me and everything that we’ve done together. I seriously cannot ask a better person other then you to be my best friend and my everything, you always make my day and no one else has been able to do that.
I’m so lucky that I get to call you my everything and really appreciate everything you do for me whether I have the energy to do it or not, please, please, never change for anyone. You’re my gem 🩷
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
"fuck me well shit " bobby x alexia
have some soft Alexa @predatorymaniac
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Alexa looked at Bobby after he said that - she did want to be his but she wanted to take things slow. She didn’t have any clue that her fellow crush might’ve had a crush on her too but Alexa was scared of falling in love, especially since they both have killed for each other. 
It was some sort of fancy dress party that Alexa had been invited to by a couple of her friends and she had decided to take Bobby as her plus one since he loved to dance with her and Alexa wanted to savour the moment and the time she has left with Bobby before he might pass. That was her greatest fear, being left on her own by the person who might love her and treated her as someone more than an Uber driver.
Alexa was dressed in a slutty pirate dress when she didn’t want to but her friends knew that she fancied Bobby to which it was embarrassing how much she wanted Bobby. “Did I hear that right? You actually do want to fuck me?” Alexa felt her thighs clench together, having the thought of her and Bobby fucking while at a party, Bobby didn’t know it but Alexa was someone who was into public sex but she wouldn’t want to do it if Bobby was uncomfortable at the thought of it. 
Without thinking, she grabbed his hand and dragged him into an empty bathroom - locking the door - and all of a sudden kissing Bobby, he tasted sweet but salty at the same time and it was getting Alexa turned on even more with kissing him more intensely each time after they stopped to both take a breather, “ah shit, sorry, my lipsticks all over your lips” she chuckled as Alexa goes back into another cheeky kiss.
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