#🎀: muse ~ Archie Hawkins
midnightpsychos · 1 year
For Archie
@predatorymaniac 3/4 completed so far
|| “Words cannot be expressed on how much this has affected me, having you leave me when you were the only person I felt like myself around, you just decide to die on me. I know and understand that life was never for you a very good experience but I’ve been through similar situations as well so I know how you feel about being loved but you gave me more than I could ever hope for by actually being my boyfriend even if it was bittersweet. If this is god’s way of telling me that he isn’t happy with how I’ve chosen to live my life then it was something that hasn’t stopped me from being me and it was unfair on you. 
If there’s one promise that I can make you, it’s that I will never fall in love again. You will never be forgotten and forever loved, you’re the only one for me and even though you’re not by my side, you are in my heart, my heart beats for you, my heart is you. I love you my James dean so fucking much”
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