#🌸here i baked you some bread! | request finished
lauralestrange7 · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could write a James Pottet x Reader where the reader is Remus' neighbor and they teach him and Sirius how to use a skateboard (totally didnt get this idea from watching amazing spiderman lol) thank you!♡
Skateboard | James Potter |
Hey, just wanted you to know that the reader here is a female student.  Please comment below your thoughts on my attempt. My requests are open 🌸 🌻🌼
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Thank you for requesting! I'm sorry this took so long I have been really busy with school. Also, this probably isn't my best work I apologize for that again. Hope you enjoy it nevertheless!
James sat down groaning softly as he lazily grabbed a piece of toast. “Oh Prongs, would you stop! It’s been a week! You have to move on mate, now you tried your best with Evans. You see women are extremely jealous creatures you just have to date a girl prettier than her. And then Evans will regret not going out with you, she’ll start giving you signals and that’s when you have to play hard to get, mate. Before you know Evans will be all over you.” Sirius explained to his friend. Remus took a seat beside Sirius “You really seem to know your way around women eh Pads?” he said buttering his toast. “Now Mooney don’t limit my power to be just around women,” Sirius said with a wink. “So, you really think that’ll work?” James said he seemed to give Sirius advice some real thought. “I’m certain it will mate” Sirius reassured his friend helping himself with some mashed potatoes.
“Well anyway, my mom invited you lot to spend a few weeks of summer at our’s,” Remus said looking at his friends. Peter who had been quiet all along, said “I can’t, my mum says that it’s bad enough not seeing me during the school year.” Sirius rolled his eyes “Oh Peterkins! I miss you so much!” He mimicked Peter’s mom in a high-pitched voice.” Everyone laughed at this even James “I’d love to go mate” he said to Remus “Yeah me too I just can’t get enough of our Mooney wooney” Sirius said and everyone started laughing again.
So, in the first week of August Sirius and James showed up in the Lupin’s fireplace, “Oh Remus look they are here, don’t just stand there boys, come sit” Mrs. Lupin said smiling at the two. Mr. Lupin was sitting at the table reading the Daily Prophet, “Hey boys everything alright?” he asked “Yes sir” the pair of them said. And Remus walked into the dining and took a sit, “Hey guys I was thinking we could go around the town after a while”. “But first some breakfast boys,” Mrs. Lupin said setting the table, so they started having their breakfast. There was a slight knock at the kitchen door and a girl walked in holding a tray and a skateboard. “Y/n” Mrs. Lupin smiled at the girl as she tightened her apron “Morning Mrs. Lupin, me mum baked some soda bread this morning,” the girl said handing the older women the tray. “Well, that’s nice of her” Mrs. Lupin said smiling as she took the tray, “Now why don’t you have some breakfast here?” she asked. “Aye thank you Mrs. Lupin, I’m telling you I don’t fancy that soda-bread all that much” Y/n said putting down her skateboard and taking a seat beside Remus with a “Good morning Mr. Lupin”. Y/n apparently hadn’t noticed James or Sirius yet, her eyes flickered first on Sirius and then on James. Even though their eyes met for a mere seconds James felt a familiar jolt going through him. The girl then looked at Remus suggestively, “Oh yes I’m sorry” He apologized “James, Sirius this is Y/n she’s my neighbor and Y/n these are my best mates.” He introduced. They resumed their breakfast, after a while, Mrs. Lupin walked out of the kitchen and flicked her wand as Mr. Lupin’s empty cup was refilled. “Remus why don’t you take Y/n along when you are taking Sirius and James to see the town?” she suggested. “Yeah Y/n, if you want to, you can come along with us,” he said looking at her “Okay I will,” she said as she finished the breakfast.
After all of them had finished, Y/n grabbed her skateboard and the four of them set out, “Cool skateboard” Sirius commented. “Thanks, want to ride it?” Y/n offered him the board. Sirius shook his head sheepishly, “I’d love to but I don’t know how to ride a skateboard, it’s actually more James’s thing, he’s the best seeker Hogwarts has seen in a century, he’s really good with his broom.” Sirius said grinning proudly at James. Who smiled too, he knew what Sirius was trying to do but nevertheless he said “I’d like to learn if you would teach me.” Y/n looked at him and smiled warmly “Sure,”.
“Hey does Mooney know how to skateboard?” Sirius asked with an amusing smile on his lips, “Can you imagine Remus with a skateboard zig-zagging down the streets,” Y/n said and the three of them roared with laughter. Remus rolled his eyes “Ha ha very amusing” he said sitting by a stream that ran slightly further from their house. Sirius took a seat beside him hurriedly opening his shoes and socks before dipping his legs in the water. Y/n leaned against a nearby tree and James did the same “I haven’t seen you around Hogwarts before” he said honestly. “Because I don’t go to Hogwarts” Y/n replied gently “Oh? A different school?” James asked curiously he didn’t really know a lot of wizarding people who had never attended Hogwarts. “No, I am home-schooled” Y/n replied again with that same tone “Right” James nodded he looked at her she had beautiful h/c hair and shiny e/c eyes which sparkled in the late morning light. “So, you’re a seeker?” she asked looking at him “Yeah,” he said looking away quickly hoping she hadn’t caught him staring already. “My brother was a seeker too; he was really good.” She said looking away again a sad smile tugging at her beautiful lips. “That’s great, he attended Hogwarts then?” he asked “Yes, he did.” she said sadness laced in her voice. James remained quiet wondering what caused the pained expression?
Sirius was splashing water at a groaning Remus, “Want to learn how to skateboard?” Y/n suggested. James nodded enthusiastically and they walked towards a deserted street. James fell down a couple of times but then he learned how to manage his balance slowly he was able to go a long way without having to stop and regain his balance. Y/n smiled and cheered James on.
Around mid-afternoon, they stopped smiling and laughing they started walking back to the stream. “There they are Mooney, he was wondering where you two went but I told him that James was probably getting som-“ Sirius stopped, looking at Y/n’s raised brow daring him to carry on. “She taught me how to skateboard!” James said “That’s nice but we need to go back for lunch now,” Remus said as he started walking, Sirius winked at James and followed Remus, “That was fun,” James said smiling at Y/n softly “Thanks”. “No bother,” Y/n said returning his smile. “I’d better get home too. help Mami set the lunch.” Y/n said looking down the street “Hey erm if you want to, we could err go get some coffee or something later?” James said the words were out before he could stop himself. Y/n smiled “I’d love to.” She said colour rushing to her cheeks.
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Have a good day!
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Make a request ✨🤍xoxo
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kinoko-kinhelp · 3 years
༉‧₊˚.Shufflemancies for Wilbur and his relationships with Quackity and Ponk
Hello! Since you sent two requests I decided to merge both of them into one post!
For your relationship with Quackity I got Loved by FEiN. This song was kind of tricky, but my take on it is that both you and Quackity felt alone. Him after Karl and Sapnap left him (assuming that happend in your canon), and you after losing Ponk. These losses ended up having a negative impact on the both of you, and maybe you found comfort in the fact that you both felt alone, and had made mistakes because of that? 
For your relationship with Ponk I got the song I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry. My take on this is that the two of you were both very close while Ponk was alive. He made you happy and you cared about him very deeply. You had a hard time moving on after he passed, and might still not be fully over it?
Just a reminder that these are only my interpretations of the songs I got, you’re free to interpret them however you’d like, however I hope this helped! Thank you so much for your request!
-Mod Niki🌸
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kinoko-kinhelp · 3 years
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Mumbo with ocean themes! for an anon, thanks for request!
-Mod Scar 🦙, Mod Niki 🌸
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kinoko-kinhelp · 3 years
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Stimboard for Jack anon with themes of fire and water! I had a lot of fun with this one so thanks so much for the request, hope you enjoy!
-Mod Niki 🌸
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kinoko-kinhelp · 3 years
༉‧₊˚.Moodboard for James from Tales from the SMP ༉‧₊˚.
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(art by isometricmelon on twitter)
Thank you so much for the request! This was definitely a challenge for me so please let me know if anything needs changing!
-Mod Niki 🌸
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kinoko-kinhelp · 3 years
༉‧₊˚.Moodboard for Tubbo with themes of Ranboo, Snowchester, and warmth ༉‧₊˚.
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(art by krispy-dream on tumblr)
Thank you so much for your request! Let me know if anything needs changing and I’m happy to change it
-Mod Niki🌸
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kinoko-kinhelp · 3 years
༉‧₊˚.Shufflemancy for Smallishbeans, and his relationship with Scott and Jimmy after 3rd Life ༉‧₊˚.
The song I got for you was “The Whole World and You” by Tally Hall my interpretation of this is that after 3rd life was over, you Scott and Jimmy all finally felt like you had got a breath of fresh air. It was nice to not worry about dying, so the three of you were all at ease. Maybe you all tried to move on and forget, or maybe this song is just in a sense trying to cover up or deny that what happened in 3rd life did hurt you? But the three of you had each other, even if things were awkward. It was comforting to have people who shared what you went through, and you all became really close in Empires. The best you all could really do was forget and move on, so thats what you did.
Of course this is just my interpretation, you’re free to take this however you’d like, you know yourself best! I hope this helped
-Mod Niki 🌸
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kinoko-kinhelp · 3 years
༉‧₊˚.Headcanons for a Fae Shubble ༉‧₊˚.
-Scott would often tease you for how short you were, but it was all in good fun and he never actually meant any harm in it.
-One time you and Jimmy thought it would be fun to count how many freckles you had, it took forever, and by the end of it jimmy and you either gave up, or you eventually got an exact number of how many freckles you had, both of which are hilarious.
-You’d always loved the giant flowers in Katherines empire. One day Katherine came over and helped you plant some in your Kingdom. Afterwards you helped her plant giant mushrooms in her Kingdom, and the two of you became very close.
-Lizzie tried to give you swimming lessons, but you backed out last minute!
-It would always be super difficult to clear the corruption from the Undergrove, and it could end up taking you an entire day sometimes.
-If it had been a really long day, you would climb or fly on top of one of the mushroom homes and stargaze, until you eventually dozed off still on the roof.
-You tried to pick up a lot of hobbies, such as baking, crafts, flower crown making, and you were terrible at all of them. they were still tons of fun, and you’d really enjoy doing all of them.
-Out of everything you did try, gardening was by far the most successful! You started experimenting with different types of mushrooms or plants, and it actually became a genuine hobby for you!
Thank you so much for your request, I hope these were helpful!! -Mod Niki 🌸
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kinoko-kinhelp · 3 years
༉‧₊˚.Shufflemancy for Ghostbur༉‧₊˚.
The song I got for you was Into the Open Air by Julie Fowlis! This song reminded me a lot of L’manberg, how eventually everything everyone fought for came crumbling down, even though the nation was still so young (I would check the lyrics out because they definitely hit hard). Maybe whatever secret you were keeping, or whatever you were being protected from had something to do with L’manberg, or one of the people in it! It could of somehow been related to Wilbur, or maybe you knew something was going to happen that was related to L’manberg and didn’t tell anyone? There are a lot of things it could’ve been, since the song is very general! You are also free to interpret the song any way you’d like! I hope this helps.
-Mod Niki 🌸
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kinoko-kinhelp · 3 years
༉‧₊˚.Headcanons for a Fwhip with Dragon Wings༉‧₊˚.
-When the two of you were younger, Gem would try and help you learn how to fly! You were both pretty young, and your attempts to fly would normally end with you crashing into something. Eventually though, you did manage to learn how to fly! Gem was so proud of you when you finally got the hang of it
-While Gem helped you with that, you helped Gem study to become a wizard! You'd always help her get the things she needed to practice her magic, and you were her #1 hype man! She was always super proud to show you whatever spells or magic she'd learned lately.
-Gem taught you how to make potions! You quickly fell in love with the hobby, and still enjoy making them every now and then.
-Because you'd always had wings, you'd often forget to add entrances that didn't require wings to use. This was a huge issue until the other rulers began getting their own elytra.
-You found the redstone corruption in the Grimlands completely by accident! You discovered a chunk of it deep in the mines, and brought it back up with you in order to investigate. When it started growing in your empire, you decided to keep it! Gem was originally worried, but when Xornoth's corruption started to spread her attention was more on that than the redstone corruption, which seemed relatively harmless so far.
-You absolutely loved fireworks. Whenever you had free time you'd spend it making different fireworks, all with unique patterns and such!
-You'd put on firework shows for your allies, or the people of the Grimlamds. Everyone loved them, and you became fairly well known for them.
-Sometimes you, Gem, Sausage, and occasionally Pearl would all have board game nights! The four of you would gather at someones Kingdom (usually Gems) and play board games late until the night. Sausage would always take them way too seriously, and most nights it would get very chaotic!
Thank you so much for the request! I had a lot of fun coming up with these so I hope you enjoy them
-Mod Niki 🌸
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kinoko-kinhelp · 3 years
༉‧₊˚.Shufflemancy for Canon Divergent 3rd Life Jimmy! Thank you for requesting!༉‧₊˚.
The song I got was Cecily Smith by Will Connolly! Originally this one confused me slightly, but my interpretation on this one, was that the Castle helped you to cope with losing Scott. They might've been there to listen to you talk about him, and all the good memories you had with him. Although it was sad to lose him, they were all there for you and the group of you became quite good friends!
Of course this is just how I interpreted it, and you're happy to interpret it however you'd like, I hope this helps!
-Mod Niki 🌸
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kinoko-kinhelp · 3 years
BearSMP Kin assignment for Anon
Hello! Based on what you said I would kin assign you Guqqie!
Guqqie is an alien (despite telling the rest of the smp she was human) who crash landed near the bear smp. Since then she's been working on ways to make it back to her home planet, but she hasn't had much luck as of yet.
She's very friendly, and bubbly, but at the same time not very put together! She wants to be friends with the others, but is scared of becoming attached, so she tends to close herself off.
I'm not fully up to date with her lore, but I hope this helps!
-Mod Niki 🌸
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kinoko-kinhelp · 3 years
Niki moodboard with themes of winter, embers, and warmth
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Here you go!! Let me know if anything needs changing
art by Temmietems on twitter
-Mod Niki 🌸
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kinoko-kinhelp · 3 years
༉‧₊˚.Orgins SMP Playlist for Wilbur, with themes of baking and friends!༉‧₊˚.
(I had a hard time with songs about baking so I’m sorry if there aren’t any that fit for baking!)
- Sugar Rush (Addison Grace)
- Bloom (The Paper Kites) 
- To the Sky (Owl City)
- Small World (Jack Staubler)
- The Whole World and You (Tally Hall)
- The Valley (Oh Hellos)
- Rain Clouds (The Arcadian Wild)
Hope these are alright ^^ thank you for the request
- Mod Niki 🌸
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kinoko-kinhelp · 3 years
Shufflemancy Results for Tubbo, thank you for your request! 
For Tommy, I got the song “I Like Me Better” by Lauv. From this I’d guess that you guys stayed close throughout most of the timeline. You complimented each other, and share a ton of good memories!
The song I got for Ranboo was “Ur Gonna Wish U Believed Me” by Cavetown. My personal interpretation on this song is that the two of you were definitely close, but there was also a disconnect. The perspective of the song is also clearly from the perspective of someone who was deeply hurt, and later ‘said some things they didn’t mean’. Maybe one of you not being ready to open up about certain things caused some strain onto the relationship? 
Of course you’re free to interpret the songs however you’d like, hope this helps
-Mod Niki 🌸
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kinoko-kinhelp · 3 years
Headcanons for Callahan!! Hope these are alright!
• You and Alyssa had a flower garden! The two of you would often go there when the SMP got too chaotic.
• You knew ASL and taught it to most of the early SMP members ( some of them would still use it to talk to each other later on ).
• You had a hobby of making cake! You were surprisingly good at it as well.
• Sometimes you’d anonymously leave cake outside people’s homes, nobody ever found out it was you.
• George and Sapnap showed you around Kinoko Kingdom! Afterwards you’d visit them both every now and then to check in on them.
• One time while you were visiting Kinoko you stumbled upon Niki’s underground city
• After that you’d always make time to visit her city and see how she was doing during your visits to Kinoko
-Mod Niki 🌸
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