#🌸 ~ rp memes ~ 🌸
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sylviareviar · 2 years ago
Please repost do not reblog
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FULL NAME: Sylvia Reviar
NICKNAME: Sylv, Syl, Vi-chan (by Teddie only)
ALIASES: Star (Phantom Thief Code Name), Disney_Princess (online)
HEIGHT: 5'2"
ZODIAC: Taurus
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Japanese, English, Russian, and a bit of German (from middle school).
HAIR: Short, pink hair in a bob, with bangs covering most of her forehead and eyebrows. Her roots show hints of lightness, though, indicating her hair is dyed. Her real hair color is white.
EYES: Sky blue
SKIN TONE: Pale and pinkish, with freckles dotting her joints, cheeks, and nose. They become brighter and slightly redder in sunlight.
BODY TYPE: She is small and skinny, but not immune to gathering fat in her belly and thighs. A side-effect of being born with such light skin and hair is being easily sunburnt, as well as being more prone to fall ill or get hurt. As a result, she has a weak constitution, and was a sickly kid.
VOICE: Soft and sweet, she has a high-pitched voice and sometimes, upon first meeting someone, doesn't even use it. However, when relaxed and around friends, her voice can grow surprisingly loud. She also has a great singing voice, at a delicate, elegant soprano. All she needs is a coach and she could probably be a professional singer if she really wants to be.
POSTURE: While sitting, she hunches her shoulders a bit to seem even smaller than she already is, and often hangs her head. While standing, she often fidgets and hangs her head, avoiding anyone's gaze in particular. When she's comfortable or animated, she stands up a bit straighter and has a brighter smile to her lips and eyes.
SCARS: There are some physical scars of old childhood injuries on her knees and back, but most of them have turned small and white by now. She has no internal injuries, either, but her mental scars have amounted so immensely she gained a Palace in her heart. Originally, this Palace formed in the United States. However, since she traveled to Japan, the Palace traveled with her and took root in the place she had spent most of her time: Shujin Academy.
MOST NOTABLE FEATURES: She is small and fragile, and often doesn't seem like she wants to change that part of her, despite it being a crippling weakness. Mostly wears pink, white, or other pastel colors when she can. She is also an easy target for others to take advantage of.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Somewhere in the US (unknown exactly where)
HOMETOWN: A small town in Illinois, where her father moved to after basically rescuing her family from the foster system
SIBLINGS: Jack and Lucy Reviar
PARENTS: David "Khari" Reviar (changed his name because of racism, but secretly goes by his old name around friends)
OCCUPATION: Student at Shujin Academy, part-time worker at a local animal shelter.
CURRENT RESIDENCE: A communal dorm building in Jinbocho
CLOSE FRIENDS: Teddie, Gogo Akechi,
FINANCIAL STATUS: Somewhat stable, looking a little bit on the poorer side since her dad is struggling to both send her an allowance and work at the same time; she works a job too, but the standards in Japan are a bit difficult for her to meet (animal shelters aren't easy to work in, and she still struggles a bit with the Japanese language).
VICES: Relies too much on others to "rescue" her when she needs it, doesn't make an effort to get stronger, is too afraid to take the first step towards self-recovery, hates herself and loves everyone else to a fault, gets attached and trusts too easily/quickly, a chronic apologizer, struggles with social norms, absolutely transparent with her emotions, and surprisingly stubborn as an ox (she REFUSES to believe she is worth loving). There are more, but those are just off the top of my head.
LOVE LANGUAGE: Words Of Affirmation, Touch, and Quality Time
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES:  She is absolutely a hopeless romantic, but hell would sooner freeze over before she learned how to flirt with someone. Because she believes herself to be unworthy of love, she usually admires from afar and files away any "crush"-like feelings as "celebrity crushes," in which she believes she is allowed to pine for them, but making a move would be too dangerous because rejection will surely follow. She often deprives herself of such a thing as a result. She has never had her first kiss, nor does she know what she is meant to do on a date. Even in her own country, she doesn't know the social norms of dating. Up until going to Japan, she thought she was straight. Turns out Japan has lots of beautiful women, some of whom are even as nice as they are beautiful. (It also could be due in part to her barely ever talking to anyone her age in the US, though she did have crushes on boys easier than girls there.)
CHARACTER'S THEME TUNE: Melodiya (somewhat of a sad ballad she likes to sing on her own as range practice for her voice)
HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME: Playing video games, drawing, playing/singing music, reading, writing, talking to herself while doing literally anything from cleaning to just pacing or walking, listening to music.
LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED: Pretty balanced, but probably more right brained (creatively inclined).
SELF-CONFIDENCE LEVEL: Void. Nada. Non-existent. If anyone asks, she would say she was the one who convinced herself of this, no one else. But the truth is, unbeknownst even to her, that the adults in her life up until her official adoption had hammered that idea into her head that she was worthless, and thinking they knew better, she went along with it all. Now the damage is plain to see, and a once-outgoing autistic child with nothing but love to offer became broken and sad to look at.
Tagged by: @tvstarkuma
Tagging: @nijimx, @oraclememehacker, @jokerxkurusu, @stealshearts, and anyone else who wants to do this~
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sakurajjam · 1 year ago
Uma coleção de sentenças aleatórias que envolvem o halloween, ou coisas de “terror”, para nossos muses se divertirem, basta me enviar a frase desejada!
TW: citação de sangue e facas.
“Só coloca um lençol na cabeça e pronto”.
“A fantasia mais fácil é a de múmia, se enrola em papel higiênico e seja feliz”.
“Calado, estamos chegando na melhor parte do filme”.
“Você é um vampiro? Conta outra!”
“Eu acho que [ fulano ] pode ser um vampiro/lobo.”
“Acho que vi aquela estátua chorando, isso não pode ser real…”
“Essas casas assombradas são tão chatas, como alguém pode ter medo?”
“Você ouviu isso?”
“Ouvi um uivo… Deve ter um lobo por perto, vamos fugir.”
“É lua cheia, tem certeza que vamos sair? Lobisomens existem, sabia?”
“Tenho teias falsas na casa toda, copos com caveiras, comida temática e enfeites assustadores, tudo que uma festa pede. O que acha, [ nome ]?”
“Você não é um bruxo adolescente, essa varinha nunca vai funcionar!”
“Não dê uma de Final Girl/Boy, nós precisamos sair vivos daqui.”
“Fique aí dando uma de herói, sabia que esses são os primeiros a morrer nos filmes?”
“Sinceramente, você não assiste filmes de terror?”
“Você é péssimo esculpindo abóboras! Não tem nada de assustador ali.”
“É… [ nome ], você sabe que as abóboras precisam ser assustadoras, certo?”
“Por que sua abóbora está sorrindo? É halloween, não o natal!”
“Piso de madeira… O que você esperava? Claro que vai fazer barulho.”
“Você tá pisando em madeira, lógico que vai ranger, não tem fantasma algum.”
“Acho que vi aquele quadro se mexendo…”
“Cuidado, [ nome ], você pode se machucar.”
“É só uma fantasia, [ nome ], pare de tentar desvendar meu futuro!”
“Se você falar outra bobagem sobre meu futuro, vou te fazer engolir essas cartas, [ nome ].”
“Quer me acompanhar em uma maratona de filmes de terror? É uma tradição pessoal.”
“Por que precisamos assistir filmes de terror? Não podemos ver uma animação?”
“Se um fantasma aparecesse agora, qual seria sua reação?”
“Se um serial killer aparecesse agora, o que você faria?”
“Por que tem uma sacola dentro da sua abóbora?”
“Essa é minha terceira sacola de doces, nunca é demais!”
“Essa é minha cesta para os doces e essa é minha sacola para guardar tudo que ganhei, assim posso pegar o dobro em cada casa.”
“Falta de energia em uma tempestade e no halloween? Por favor, fantasmas, vocês já foram mais originais!”
“Você não é o Beetlejuice, não vai conseguir me controlar ou enganar.”
“Você tá de fantasma, posso entrar embaixo do lençol e me divertir?”
“Por que está com medo?”
“Você é um péssimo zumbi, [ nome ], nunca assistiu The Walking Dead não?”
“Gatinha/o, uma noite comigo e faço seu coração bater mais rápido que uma casa mal assombrada.”
“Você não vai assustar ninguém usando essa fantasia, [ nome da fantasia ] não tem nada de assustador.”
“Eu vejo pessoas mortas.”
“Cuidado! Tem um espírito atrás de você.”
“Eu juro que vi aquela cadeira se mexer! Acredite em mim.”
“É halloween, provavelmente, eles só estão se fantasiando antes da hora.”
“Deve ser só uma pegadinha.”
“Você também viu aquela cruz virando?”
“Tenho certeza que vi aquele espantalho me seguindo com o olhar.”
“Qual é o seu filme de terror favorito? Estou perguntando porque você está em um agora.”
“Você fala Beetlejuice três vezes e eu falo Candyman cinco vezes, quando eles aparecerem, nós os colocamos para lutar e ver quem é o melhor.”
“Você devia ver sua expressão, foi a melhor do mundo.”
“Nós estamos a salvo.”
“Não olhe para trás.”
“Você acha que os fantasmas perguntam se eles acreditam em humanos?”
“Se um apocalipse zumbi começasse agora, no halloween, todo mundo estaria ferrado.” “Por que?” “É halloween, [ nome ], quantas pessoas se fantasiam de zumbi?”
“Eu acho que estamos lidando com um fantasma estrangeiro, ele só sabe escrever ‘yes’ ou ‘no’.”
“O que você fez para esse suco de tomate ficar tão ruim? Parece sangue.” “Como assim suco de tomate? É sangue.” “Espera… Você colocou sangue de verdade?”
“Nós não estamos sozinhos… E não estou falando das pessoas no outro cômodo.”
“Como ele não está usando uma máscara? Não tem como aquele ser seu rosto.”
“Apenas não adormeça.”
“Eu acho que aquilo não é falso… Tem sangue naquela faca.”
“É claro que seu cachorro está vivo, [ nome ], nós não estamos em Frankenweenie.” 
“Sua fantasia de frankenstein ‘tá muito legal! Parece mesmo que os parafusos estão no seu pescoço… Espera… Como assim ‘eles são parafusados’?”
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amberablerambles · 1 year ago
🌸Wanting some musings for your RP blogs?
🌸Wanting Fillers or Starters for any rp needs?
🌸Want some made icons for your blogs?
🌸Want FREE Blog Starter packs that include Icons, a Banner, and a Profile picture?
🌸Look no further than my new blog @panxelatu-musing !
🌸As of right now I am making Icons and Blog Starter Packs completely FREE with my knowledge and certifications in using IBIS Paint X, Canva, and (unfortunately) Adobe software!
🌸Requests are open too, and not just for those items- for RP starters and Ask memes! Why wait? Stop by today!
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unfortunaterebels · 1 year ago
Tags, tags, tags!
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zeherili-ankhein · 7 months ago
Hello (。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。)
Intro Post... Everything under cut
Now that I have enough things my blog is dedicated to, I am posting this introduction post hehe...
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About Me:
◍ Just call me “Shaku” lmao.... T_T
◍ I'm a minor, 16 year old studying in 11th class from Kolkata
◍ Yes I am Bangali, (bati ami.. maa ghoti, baba bangal lol)
◍ A proud Slytherin 🐍
◍ Bengali literatures I have read
◍ Thakumar Jhuli fan since the day I started watching (which is as a fucking 2 and a half year old lol)
Favourite ones are - ofcourse Shakchunni, Arun Barun o Kironmala, Monimala, Shahasradal o Champakdal, Sath bhai Champa, Lal Komol o Neel Komol and everything else..
◍ Pandob Goyenda fan forever
◍ I love Chhota Bheem and Shinchan so much
◍ And I absolutely love green 💚
◍ If I could I'd become a forest witch maybe... or a blue lotus... or a snake perhaps..
◍ ornithophobic, ophiophile, selenophile and floraphile
◍ Kolkata biriyani is the best 🗿
◍ Official MohiniChanchal child (fight me if you dare deny it)
◍ Pinterest board for Hindu mythology aesthetics
About the blog:
✿ Jily playlist I made ���
✿ Incorrect quotes for Chhota Bheem and Shinchan. (I only post when I get enough ideas about the quotes lol)
Chhota Bheem community invitation anyone?
✿ My OTPs — Jily, Hinny, DekiNobi, Ronmione, GiyuShino, Sanekana, Tankana, Zennezu, Inoaoi, ObaMitsu, GojoHime, ChosoYuki, BellaDolphus, VanMozhi, HashiMito, MinaKushi, Ikarishipping, DesimChiyuki and a lot more...
✿ Rp blogs I own
– @peoplecallme-netaji
– @hansome-est-godofwar
– @miss-lily-evans
– @pavbhaji-prabhakar
– @laddoo-hain-drugs-nahi
– @topper-sugi
And some more... But why reveal them 🤭
✿ “The Cult of Vasant 🌷🌸🌹🌺🌻🌼🏵️💐🥀🪷🪻”
Cult Rituals, Vasant goes ham at LakshmiNarayan wedding, Vasant and Kamdev, Vasant in Treta Yug, Vasant and Hanuman, Vasant in Dwapar Yug, Vasant urban legend lore, Vasant admirers, Vasant food choises, sun sensetive Vasant, Dance teacher Vasant, Vasant and Holi and everything Vasant
Vasant x Neto shipper all the wayyyyyyyy
✿ Yamraj appreciation, un-villainizing Indradev, defending Shri Ram, defending Draupadi, Arjun better than Karna truer, Behula and Lakhindar are my babies and many more...
✿ The Black Family is my Roman empire honestly...
✿ DADDYMON truer 🗿
— Doraemon Rp blogs
— An original Dekisugi lore, and a small fic written on it curtsey to @/nobita-ki-mummy aka @/hi-avathisside
— Doraemon moodboards
Doraemon moodboard
Nobita moodboard
Shizuka moodboard
Gian moodboard
Suneo moodboard
Dekisugi moodboard
Pippo/Judo moodboard
Riruru moodboard
✿ Mythology, Hinduism, memes, magic and anything and everything honestly...
→ Voices of the Gods part 1
→ Voices of the Gods part 2
→ Kartikeya Da Peacock Dance Master
→ Shatrughan da Ghoomar master
→ Hindu gods modern au
✿ I paint and draw... And do origami. Which I sometimes posts.. (I especially like painting sceneries and Hindu gods and goddesses)
෴ Paper flowers part 1
෴ Paper flowers part 2
෴ Other paper stuff
෴ Kartikeya with Paravani art (with og lore)
෴ Shri Hari (pencil sketch)
෴ Murlidhar (pencil sketch)
෴ silly landscape
✿ Shaku tells stories (a series of me explaining some stories with my own added commentaries)
•• Arun Barun Kiranmala
•• Shohosrodol O Chompokdol
✿ No place for homophobes, transphobes, pedophiles, racists, misogynists or any hateful people on my blog
•• Rajkumar Upendro or Montriputro Shonkor
✿ @/foreignink is my tumblr bestie... I know her irl too and I love her more than most of the things in this world... Donchu dare say anything to her 🔪
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plushiebunni · 10 months ago
🐇 Searching for Roleplay Partners! 🐇 
🌸 Hihi! You can call me Bunni! I'm enby (he/they), 21 years old, in EST, and itching for more roleplay partners! Minors DO NOT INTERACT.
🌸 DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU USE AI GENERATED ARTWORK. I'm an artist myself and absolutely will not rp with you.
🌸I’m looking for long-term 18+ semi-literate to literate roleplayers (300-500 words) who would like to write with me over discord! Please be able to reply semi-regularly, I can get bored very quickly and lose interest! Of course, I will 100% understand when life gets in the way though! I just ask for open communication about delays!
🌸I’m a full-time student with multiple jobs, so while I do respond daily, I try to keep things around 2-3 paragraphs just so I have the time to respond to you without becoming overwhelmed! but please, try to match length.
🌸I’d like to include a lot of plotting and writing, not just smut (though there will be smut too), so be prepared for that! I love OOC chatting, sending memes back and forth, headcanons, and obsessing over our characters, and would love to become friends with whoever I roleplay with! <3
🌸Must be okay with queer characters! My characters are typically transmasc/nonbinary, so you’d have to be okay with writing against characters who aren’t cishet. All people of all kinds are welcome regardless! I will not roleplay cishet fandomless pairings and only accept mxm or nbxm pairings for fandomless scenarios.
 🌸I’d like to do OCxCC and am not keen on fandomless, doubles are encouraged and preferred! Will do any gender pairing for your half, but prefer not to write as the female in a fxm pairing, can be convinced to do so as long as it’s a good pairing that works well together! Most comfortable with mxm, mxf (playing as the male), or fxf.
Fandoms I’m interested in:
🐇 Boku no hero Academia (this is my biggest interest)
🐇 Haikyuu!! (not as interested and very picky)
🐇 Stardew Valley (not as interested and very picky)
🐇 Creepypasta/Slenderverse (very interested!)
Please interact with this post or direct message me if you’re interested, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can! 🌸
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"Jiyan, of the Midnight Rangers. Protecting our lands and people is my solemn duty. Should you encounter any difficulties here, I will do my utmost to help."
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No nsfw asks, RPs, Links. Slightly suggestive themes are okay.
No hate to anyone in any form will be entertained.
Mod isn't always very active. Please wait 1-2 days before resending your ask.
Mod doesn't like to be DM'd. But if situation calls for it, mod will answer
Would you like to RP with your OC but unsure on how you can approach me? Click here
No shipping wars. All ships (of age) are accepted and enjoyed.
If you wish to RP any specific scenarios using your OCs, please check with Mod first and mods of associated blogs.
This is a multiship blog so all ships are welcome.
OC Friendly blog
Please read the tags for trigger warnings.
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🐉 Follow the Qinglong - General interactions
💊 Secret Supplies - Jiyan talking about himself (headcanon related answers)
⚔️ May Victory Prevail - Interacting with other WuWa blogs.
🏞 Riverside Games - Ask games and memes
🌺 Promises and Prophecies - @the-mysterious-rover related threads and asks
🦁 Taiyou - @taiyousbuildingsupplies related threads and asks
🌘 Crescent moon shines - @former-general-geshu-lin related threads and asks
🩺 medicine and maladies - Medic Jiyan and his past
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"I have long been stationed in the borderlands, with little knowledge of entertainment or places of leisure. However, if you are looking for tactics against Tacet Discords or beautiful natural vistas, I can provide some suggestions."
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🌙 Yue Anon
🪩🐢 Anon
🩷🚀 Anon
🪴 Anon
🤚😇 Anon
🌸 Anon
🦢 Anon
Kaito Anon 🌊
☾ Anon
Seeking tea anon
🗡 Anon
Bug enthusiast 🪲 anon
❔️ Anon
🍁 Anon
Xuejun Anon
Echo Anon
Ezekiel Anon
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Other blogs -
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deepspacexavier · 7 months ago
May the light guide you.
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{For mobile users:}
Xavier is from the mobile video game Love and Deepspace. Gimmick blog. Roleplay. Not the real Xavier.
Accepting anons.
I reserve the right to pick and choose with whom and when I roleplay.
Admin is 21+
Might be NSFW [MINORS DNI]. NSFW will be censored.
Mostly canon based.
Xavier is in a relationship with MC.
Any additional relationships will be separate universes, at will. It will take time to develop.
ooc will look like this: {If you have a question about anything feel free to ask.}
Will interact in-character with non-RP blogs
Link to rules
Taken anons: 🌺, 🌙, 🐿️, 🌸, 🎆, 🩷, 🍓, 🍣, 🪻, 🌌, 🌠, 🐇, 🍀, 🥀, 🪶, 🫰,🌷, 🐈‍⬛, 🦢, 🍒, 😋
Emoji anons unless otherwise specified will be treated as MC with she/her pronouns. If you don't sign off with an emoji you'll be treated as just a fan of Xavier (Linkon celebrity).
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Ways to Interact with Xavier:
Read rules
Send an ask
Send an ask meme [any that I've reblogged]
Send a DM to plot
Reply to a Moments post
Use an in-game/canon Moments post as a reference
Use an in-game/canon interaction as a starter
Note: you can tag Xavier on posts around Tumblr, but sometimes artists/photographers don't like seeing RPers so I might reply back in a new post.
This blog was half-made with the intention of wondering what Xavier's social media would be like, since he's sort of a Linkon celebrity. So I reblog things I feel he would like, including fan art or "photography" (glint photobooth) of himself.
FYI for side blogs;
Don't forget you can @ yourself even on anonymous that way you can be notified when Xavier replies (don't forget the @ symbol). Otherwise you can choose an emoji (taken ones are pinned), or you can pester him as anonymous Linkon citizens or paparazzi.
Feel free to pester him as a regular "Linkon Citizen" and send unhinged things. I think it's funny.
Reblogging my roleplays is allowed!
Mun/OC: @star-in-deepspace
Jeremiah: @jeremiahofphilo
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hyaciiintho · 3 months ago
♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
Munday Meme | ✿
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🌸。*゚+. This is gonna hit on topics such as an adult preying on a minor and being stalked across blogs, so proceed with caution if even me speaking ill on the shitty person disturbs you! In summary: my child muse had a stalker across 3 blog remakes and it sucked. Long story /details / me being PISSED under the cut!
So my blog started off as a solo muse for the Hero of Time! I kept the url as an homage to him to always remember my Humble Roots or something like that pfft~ But anyways, he was pretty popular since he was probably one of the only active Hero of Time muses out there (others cropped up and died within a few months or so). So obviously he had some attention.
Unfortunately, that attention also attracted weirdos.
This person held a special interest in Link's child verse (prior to gaining the Master Sword), but would interact OOC with me pretty normally. We would plot together some decent stuff! Everything was normal, y'know? Some cute type of Big Brother-Little Brother stuff, trauma bonding, learning to help others and stuff... But then I got a question that made me pause: "I read that Link is demiromantic... does that also count for his child self?"
And I replied with... Uhhh... yes?? I guess?
"So what would gain his romantic interest? :) I'm interested to know and learn more!"
Okay cool... but why would he want to know SPECIFICALLY for his CHILD VERSE???? :| His muse was like... 23??? ish???? And child Link is.... 10..... bro... I thought I was overreacting at first... but then I checked his blog... and found that this guy only wrote with child muses... There was not a single adult muse in sight... it was all interactions with little kid muses and this guy's adult ass grown man muse getting closer to them.
There was even a point where he had his muse touch mine's leg, borderline thigh. Child Link has short-short's under his little tunic. That's his bare ass thigh.
I blocked him so hard. Then I remade my blog about a couple years later... And he followed me on it. I blocked him again. A few years later, I remade again because clutter ya know?
... Guess who followed me AGAIN?
Yeah... it was crazy. He even tried to IM me. Going "I don't know what I did, but I apologize".
Homie????? You don't know what you DID????????
Gross gross gross gross, it's in my RULE do NOT come at me with adult muses to my child muses, I am NOT down to clown in your gross ass circus. I felt so unsafe online for the longest time, because this guy literally followed me across THREE blogs over the course of literal YEARS. It'll be 10 years now that I've been roleplaying on here... and about a little more than half that time was spent in fear thinking this guy would crop up again.
Anyways that's my horror story of the RPC c':
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sylviareviar · 1 year ago
Popple: YOLOOOOOOO!!! *runs away with Sylvia's Wallet*
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"Wha--?! HEY! Thief! Thief!" Sylvia runs after them. "Give it back!"
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sakurajjam · 2 years ago
Envie uma palavra ou mais para descobrir como meu muse é no quesito romance.
AFETO: como seu muse demonstra afeto?
BEIJOS: qual é o tipo de beijo favorito do seu muse? (na bochecha, na testa e etc)
FLORES: seu muse gosta de flores? qual a favorita?
CHOCOLATE: seu muse gosta de ganhar chocolates?
ENCONTRO: qual o encontro ideal para seu muse?
ABRAÇO: qual o tipo favorito de seu muse? (por trás/cintura, de urso e etc)
LINGUAGEM: qual a linguagem de amor do seu muse?
FLERTE: como seu muse é flertando? é boa ou ruim? como o faz?
DAR PRESENTE: seu muse gosta de dar presentes? escolhe certo ou luta para acertar?
RECEBER PRESENTES: que tipo de presente seu muse gosta de receber? 
CORAÇÃO: seu muse entrega o coração facilmente?
DIZENDO EU TE AMO: seu muse fala com facilidade ou não?
RECEBENDO UM EU TE AMO: como seu muse lida ao escutar essa frase?
CIÚMES: como é seu muse quando está com ciúmes? ele fica facilmente?
TIPO IDEAL: qual é o tipo ideal de seu muse?
FOGUINHO: como seu muse é na cama?
PALAVRAS: seu muse tem jeito com as palavras?
DECLARAÇÃO: seu muse prefere fazer declarações ou receber?
CONFISSÃO: seu muse é de fazer confissões? já recebeu alguma? 
PEDIDO: seu muse costuma pedir ou espera o pedido do outro?
PEDIDO DOS SONHOS: como é o pedido ideal do seu muse?
ROMÂNTICO: seu muse é romântico? como ele demonstra para seu parceiro?
AMOR NA INFÂNCIA: seu muse teve um namorado quando criança?
AMOR VERDADEIRO: seu muse acredita no amor verdadeiro?
AMOR: o que é amor para seu muse?
CORAÇÃO PARTIDO: seu muse já teve o coração partido? quem o fez?
QUEBRANDO CORAÇÕES: seu muse já quebrou o coração de alguém? como foi?
CASAMENTO: seu muse tem planos de se casar?
APELIDOS: que tipo de apelidos seu muse tem e que dá ao parceiro?
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wisteriamuses · 2 months ago
Ohhh, so Senbonzakura can you share any favourite memory with Byakuya that maybe had you present as well at a festival *^*?✨🌸
And for Delfino, I wanted to know if training the Cavallone and Dino is hectic? ✨🩵
(GOSH SOO COOL YOU MADE A SQUALO SISTER AHHH TwT✨🩵🩵🩵👏 I wish you all a good weekend✨❣️🌈)
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I'm so sorry if this comes across as rude, hun! I'm not trying to be. But, I'm not an ask blog, I'm an rp blog. I know at least for me as an rp blog, I don't really like being approached randomly for questions for my muses unless
It's in character, therefore an rp starter or just little rp thing.
Me and the other Mun are close enough to be joking around with each other and to pester each other's characters in a joking manner.
I've reblogged a meme specifically asking for my characters to be asked things.
I hope you have a good weekend too, sweetheart! And addressing your question for Delfino, I am planning on making an actual ask blog soon. So when it's ready feel free to send it over there! :3
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krp1x1finder · 1 year ago
hey hey hey! i’m 25+, she/her and i’m looking for 21+ writing partners (please don’t interact if you’re younger than that). my preferred platform is discord and i would prefer to write mxf and fxf (i can play both male and female muses).
i like to exchange hcs, make boards, send songs and memes that remind me of our characters and would prefer if my partners liked it too. for my activity, i’ll most likely reply to threads in a slower pace (once or twice a week) and don’t mind if you do the same. i’m literate and write in the third person present tense, but have no preference when it comes to how my partner writes.
i have a preference for more mature/dark themes, i can write smut, but that is not a must, we can always fade to black too. i prefer to write aus and don’t really like slice of life plots. some dark themes i’d like to explore are: hurt/comfort, crime, dark fantasy, toxic/unhealthy relationships, codependency, age gaps (ideally with the younger character being 21+) and other problematic themes that we can discuss if you’d like.
for fcs, i don’t have any preference, but i would not like to rp against 4th gen fcs and/or fcs younger than 21. for characters, i have a strong preference towards 25+ characters.
if you’d like me to reach out, please like this and i’ll send you a message!
🌸 !
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musezieren · 10 months ago
roleplay experience meme
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🍄 my favorite original character blog :
okay, okay, wow... I don't have a favorite. I have a bunch I love, and some I just don't talk to so much... so imma list those I talk/plot with and write with and ugh just adore them and their ocs, okay? @inflictswounds @arcanabis @tamedstray @pluviacuratio @ruinouss @sclitvde @bhlspwn @architaciturn as I said, just people I plot/chat with, else I'd list half of tumblr lol
🐠 why i love (or hate) this hobby
So, I love writing, but I also have adhd, so working on the same story for long drives me insane. But then there is rp... I write, get surprised a lot, can have a lot of different plots at once and!!! DOPAMINE FOR FREE But it's why it's my downfall too, I need to force myself to take breaks or I can get pretty addicted to rp.
🌸 the blog/s that most inspires me
UH... @y-rhywbeth2 they don't know me, but their lore posts are like 🥰😍 and are what made me reshape parts of Sirius and pre-game stuff :3c (also half the reason I added Bane as muse lol)
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hxdrostorms · 11 months ago
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@eternalstarlights has sent: 🌸 = my roleplay petpeeve, 🌵 = a disliked canon character in my fandom,💐 = my favorite part about the fandom, 🌿 = my least favorite part about the fandom
Send me a symbol and I will tell you… [Accepting]
🌸 = my roleplay petpeeve
// Bc this has been happening across several blogs, not just here:
Reblog karma: If you have no plans of sending something back, then the least you should do is reblog them, from the source or look elsewhere in the posts' notes to reblog from.
I'm constantly going back in my prompts tag to delete old reblogs. BUT THERE ARE STILL, complete strangers who dig through it and reblog it from me. Like?????????? That has the same effect as a 'fuck you' in my DMs. It's 10x funnier, if it is one of those blogs with a long ass pinned/rules page. And they still had no qualms in doing this shit. It's not quirky, let me tell you that much.
Notice, I'm not complaining about not receiving asks whenever I reblog something. That's not an issue for me (mutuals/rp partners should only send stuff, when they genuinely feel like doing so, without any obligations). All I'm asking is to not make me feel like, I'm just a RP memes archive type of blog, that's only there to provide writing prompts & nothing else. I may not be the most active RPer, but none of my blogs are abandoned.
This has been a long running peeve I've been having to deal with, for YEARS. And it made a resurface as of lately.
🌵 = a disliked canon character in my fandom
// Hades & his spectres/Judges are overrated as fuck IMO LOL I say as a clown, bc I'm a classic golds dweeb fan. Clearly, I'm not in a position to say what is or isn't overrated.
Jokes aside. It may have been a result of the way I tried watching the classic series (by binge watching the entire thing). BUT when I got to the Hades arc, I got SO mad when I realized they brought back those drawn out battles. Like those were my least enjoyed bits of the early parts of the anime and the Sanctuary arc, meanwhile the Poseidon arc didn't have any of that (which is why I rate the Poseidon arc as my favorite one of the anime adaptation. 15 episodes with NO filler??? HELL YEAH.).
You can say I was already pretty burned, and should have slowed down with the final part of the series. But even then, I don't think that would have changed a thing about my general disinterest towards Hades' servants. Visually speaking to me, they are the messiest and most boring looking characters from the classic series (they only ever wear 1 color and look way too much like a toy, than some form of proper armor).
Rhadama.nthys is the biggest bitch in the club, to me he was the most insufferable. "He is the strongest*tm of all judges." *= only when Hades is straight up cheating and the story feels like unnecessarily drag things out. Reminder that Kanon killed him without any cloth equipped, and he went out the way HE chose to. He literally didn't even have to TRY.
My favorite part of the Hades arc was seeing Kanon wipe the floor, with everyone he crossed paths with. This feels 10x more satisfying, after reading the Destiny & Origins extra chapters.
💐 = my favorite part about the fandom
// I truly mean when I say, this is the chillest community I've been in a long time. Case in point: I haven't felt THIS artiscally inspired in YEARS. I've been doing so many works, I'm literally running an event in the main fandom. I've been brimming with inspiration to do so many things, that goes beyond the RPing aspect. And it has improved my general mental health SO much!
I'm forever thankful for getting into Sts LOL
🌿 = my least favorite part about the fandom
// If you exclusively speak English, you will suffer to find anything or anyone else from this fandom. Which isn't a problem for me at all but, I can see how frustrating or sad it must feel like, you can't get into a community due to a language barrier.
And the community itself isn't exactly the friendliest one towards gringos. Which I mean............ You can't blame us for feeling defensive, when literally every other fandom went down to shit, when things became very American-centered.
Not to start the whole Anti vs proship debate. BUT It is a fact that all antis (ppl who want to be cops/have no qualms with harrassing or policing others/etc.) I've come across are an American, who's way too enthralled in their lil bubble they call world. Then they have a breakdown bc as it turns out, the rest of the world isn't AT ALL like them. And there's genuine pushback/retaliation from the community, against these kinds of whiny bitchass mfers LOL.
Obviously, this doesn't mean the fandom is perfect nor it's an Utopia, where there isn't drama at all. BUT when compared to others, it feels a lot tamer in comparison. Unfortunately, it comes at the cost of coming off as a very closed off fandom, that's centered around overseas things for a change.
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heartliar · 4 months ago
Not a rp meme hehe I just wanna say I Always look forward to read your replies and I love and cherish ALL OF THEM!!!🥰🥰🥰🌸🌸🌸🌸
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lemme tell ya somethin!!! I ALWAYS LOOK FORWARD TO YOURS TOO!!! you're always so kind and your writing is amazing so i want to say back at ya :) i cherish you and all of our current and FUTURE threads! thank you so much for sending this :) this made my day.
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