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Canon Divergent Multi Fandom Multi Muse - Read Pinned Post
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wisteriamuses · 1 month ago
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"Be more confident in yourself despite your weaknesses and failures." -Sawada Tsunayoshi
KHR Multi muse, private, indie and highly selective. Rules and muse list are in Pinned Post.
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wisteriamuses · 2 months ago
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Can you please give this a like or reblog if interested in writing with a KHR multi muse blog? Rules and muse list are in the pinned post. Hope to work with you soon!
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wisteriamuses · 2 months ago
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Your only context is: I've been watching bleach for the first time, I know only what I have been told about him by @moonlit-mystery-writer and I have only seen like 10 seconds of him. I said I would properly draw and finish this when I saw Mayuri for the first time so I march forward regardless.
Also based on this fucking post
Other note, he is REALLY fun to draw
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wisteriamuses · 2 months ago
I'm sorry I haven't posted much lately and haven't gotten to the rest of my drafts. I've been dead tired lately lol
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wisteriamuses · 2 months ago
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Luce quietly takes the tissues and wipes her eyes, smiling softly at Reborn. She couldn't be happier that this all went over well...
"Thank you so much, Reborn," She says with her voice as light as air, "I truly can't thank you enough for being so understanding."
Reborn listen attentively as Luce started to explain her motive and aims. Reborn pulled his hat down. After finish listening to Luce's explanation.
Reborn's respect for the women grew when he learn that she had been carrying all of those burden on herself. Reborn took the tissue box on the desk handing it over to Luce. "I think you will need these. I will be one of those who follow you and carry those burdens on your shoulder. Just give us the order. Our Contract is still in place."
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
Nemu nods slowly in response. It makes enough sense... Her focus shifts back to the experiment as well and she quickly starts to note down the results. Mentally she runs through different factors that could've caused this reaction before eyeing Urahara to see if he had any ideas.
Kisuke looks behind him for a moment, confused. "I invited you to watch, Kurotsuchi-kun, notes are more than enough. I expected nothing from your presence here. Does that make sense?" He explains, turning back to the experiment, which was starting to glow a bit.
"Oh, is it melting...?" The scientist murmurs aloud, watching as the iron seems to sag a bit.
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
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A week, that should be just enough time to get everything set up if he's quick about it. He might have to rush a little, but that's a small thing to deal with.
"That sounds perfect! I promise I'll get everything ready for us."
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"I think, if the Central 46 have to be involved, they'd rather have you training me or involved with it? You can redirect energy blasts...and that's one of my main attacks besides swordsmanship." Ichigo notes, looking...a little sheepish that he really only has two things he can do, mask not included.
"I have a break from school in a week or so, would that work? It's about a month. And then...I could stay in Soul Society over some weekends? We don't need to start right away." A week isn't much time to deal with paperwork and c46...
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
Update! I officially have a job! I'm gonna be trying to knock out some drafts today!!
Hopefully in the new year I'll get my drafts all done! Been a little burnt out with writing, I'm sorry yall.
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
Hopefully in the new year I'll get my drafts all done! Been a little burnt out with writing, I'm sorry yall.
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
"Merry Christmas. Luce." Reborn hand luce a present consisting of a necklace where she could put a photo.
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Luce looks the locket over calmly, a warm smile quickly spreading across her face.
"I can't thank you enough, Reborn."
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
"Oh right here." Plops an apple pie in front of Fran.
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Fran happily takes the pie before looking back at Mukuro. He sets it down again to the side and hugs Mukuro.
"Thank you, Master."
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
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"Owww, I give you a gift and you're so mean! I'm never giving you a gift ever again!"
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"I don't need a sweater." A cleaver is going into Fran's apple now. Anyone wanting some apple cyder? This kids blood is ready.
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
"So! Basically! When the cold air meets with our mouth's warm air, it turns it into water vapor and that makes it visible. It's like mini clouds!" Nemuri rambles, taking off one of her mittens and handing it to her friend as she does so. She can risk a cold hand to make sure at least one of Shoyo's isn't cold.
@wisteriamuses from x
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Shoyo nodded eagerly at her friend's words. Sure, she could stab a guess or two, but a primary source was better than an intuited one, of course. And Nemuri was the science wiz between the two of them anyhow, so she accepted the fact that she knew readily!
She gave a small smile to the other shinigami, before nodding again, flexing her fingers for a few moments so abate the numbness of the cold.
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
I swear I'll get to my longer drafts later, hopefully tomorrow, I'm low energy right now and can only manage my smaller interactions right now lol.
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
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"Wonderful!" Lussuria chirps, motioning Kyoko to follow and leading the way to the store.
"If you need help, I'm rather good at judging makeup shades~ I practice."
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❝You're so welcome, Lussuria-san.❞ Kyoko couldn't help my giggle, Lussuria was always such a lovely person to talk to.
Kyoko blinked, pressing a hand to her lips in thought. ❛Should she...?❜ She felt her cheeks flush. She wasn't really one for makeup, but maybe she should give it a shot... with a burst of determination, she nodded her head. ❝Mm, yes! I'd love to know, Lussuria-san!❞
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
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"No? Is it because you don't have the sweater yet? Don't worry, I do. Merry Chrysler, Master."
He illusions a sweater with Mukuro's face.
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Got to hold himself and not try to stab. "No."
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
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"A sweater with your face on it?"
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