#a living dream: nemu kurotsuchi
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wisteriamuses · 4 months ago
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Nemu knows this is an awful habit to get into. She knows all the risks picking this habit up can bring. Yet, here she is carefully lighting her kiseru then holding the pipe to her lips.
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
Nemu nods slowly in response. It makes enough sense... Her focus shifts back to the experiment as well and she quickly starts to note down the results. Mentally she runs through different factors that could've caused this reaction before eyeing Urahara to see if he had any ideas.
Kisuke looks behind him for a moment, confused. "I invited you to watch, Kurotsuchi-kun, notes are more than enough. I expected nothing from your presence here. Does that make sense?" He explains, turning back to the experiment, which was starting to glow a bit.
"Oh, is it melting...?" The scientist murmurs aloud, watching as the iron seems to sag a bit.
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uraharashouten · 5 years ago
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Anonymous said:
What is the long game Urahara aims to play? o:
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I’ve been wondering that myself for awhile, Anon. But I think two places we can look to find clues as to his motives and end goals are his research and his chosen champions.
His Research
First, consider where he’s been directing his research efforts over the past century and change: Blurring boundaries. The Hougyoku was an avenue he used to explore erasing the boundaries between Hollow and Shinigami, before he deemed it too dangerous. After that, he turned his attention to blurring the lines between Human and Shinigami. And to that end -- creating artificial life.
Exhibit A: Isshin’s gigai. Isn’t it interesting that, when Isshin wanted to save Masaki, Kisuke already had this human-shell gigai for him to step into? No doubt it was an upgrade from the reiatsu-blocking ones he had designed for himself and the Visored on exile. But this was a new and improved model, capable of all human biological functions including reproduction, so he must have kept working on it.
Exhibit B: Ichigo.  Let’s not forget Kisuke was directly responsible for Ichigo’s conception, the product of a Quincy human and a human-locked shinigami. But that alone wasn’t enough. When events conspired -- or he conspired events -- to land Ichigo in the position of needing to get his shinigami powers back, Kisuke’s solution was to sever his chain of fate. This effectively ended Ichigo’s life as a normal Human, for good. In some sense, being the child of a dead man and now being technically dead himself, Ichigo is a functional prototype of a natural-born Human that is able to fluidly travel between the worlds of the living and the dead. Now we’re definitely blurring lines.
Exhibit C: Rukia’s gigai. It was remarkably well-made, as stated by Twelfth-Division; practically indistinguishable from Human -- and in fact, had the added feature of actively sapping her reiatsu to turn her Human, given enough time. Presumably this would represent a further revision to Isshin’s gigai. I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest he might have continued his Human-Shinigami breeding program using her, if things had worked out differently.
Exhibit D: Nemu Kurotsuchi. No, she is not Kisuke’s creation. But since Mayuri is obsessed with surpassing his predecessor, doesn’t it stand to reason that his own research would be along the same lines, no doubt informed by the direction of Kisuke’s research, but striving to one-up him? Mayuri developed an artificial soul, capable of growth. That’s half the battle, right there. Which brings me to...
Exhibit E: Ururu and Jinta. We don’t know exactly what they are when we meet them, but it becomes clear that they have the capabilities of mod souls. Project Spearhead, which was about installing mod souls in recently-deceased human corpses, was retired because (at least according to the party line) it was deemed unethical. But what if you installed an artificial soul, capable of development, in an artificial human body, capable of development? Something like Isshin’s Human shell, only in child form, and with the possibility to grow...  Sorry, Mayuri, he’s still one up on you.
Why, though? Why is he so interested in artificial reproduction? Well, perhaps we can find a clue to his motives by looking at his champions.
His Chosen Champions
Kurosaki Ichigo and Kuchiki Rukia are not only the co-protagonists of Bleach, they’re Urahara’s co-champions. This is easier to see with Ichigo -- we get training montages and missions -- but a little harder to see with Rukia. Nevertheless, Rukia is important to Kisuke. At first she seems to be merely his pawn and secure Hougyoku lock-box, but as that fails to work out and both Ichigo’s and her powers develop, he seems to have something different in mind for the team -- as revealed on his ‘deathbed’, when he dramatically states he is leaving everything to those two.
And what do they have in common? Compassion. Ichigo is fiercely protective to those who can’t protect themselves, and even wants to reform Soul Society.* Rukia believes it is a shinigami’s duty to protect every conscious soul.  Now, considering that would include Pluses, recall Mayuri liquidating 28,000 of them in order to maintain the Balance during the Thousand Year Blood War. As one-time captain of Twelfth Division, that would have been Urahara’s responsibility. I have to believe that a man whose bankai is based on a Bodhisattva of Compassion would be looking for a system overhaul that would not necessitate the destruction of conscious souls, wouldn’t you? 
Kisuke wants to disrupt the Soul Economy
If you think about where souls come from and who is capable of producing new ones, you begin to see a problem. It’s apparent from canon that Shinigami reproduction only happens among those with high reiryoku, and most likely the purview of nobles. The human population of earth has grown exponentially in the last century, resulting in a high demand for souls. A number of these can be recycled from Hollows like Menos Grande that are high-capacity soul pinatas, but it still puts a strain on the system. And Quincies present a particular problem and an additional strain in that they destroy souls entirely.
Soul Society as an afterlife is already problematic, forcing Pluses with little reiatsu to live in squalor, basically waiting for their turn to be recycled. It’s not a great time for them. The ruling class actively disrupts any attempt to organize; Souls in Rukongai live in makeshift families because they can’t find their own. Anyone who exhibits any “talent” insofar as exhibiting reiryoku is either recruited to the Academy or, if they refuse to serve the Seretei, considered a dangerous element and sidelined in the Maggot’s Nest. The entire system is in place to serve the Soul aristocracy. 
Urahara was fine with serving the System as long as they left him alone to do Science -- but I believe that being railroaded by the System and sent into wrongful exile came as something of a wake-up call to him. He was always subversive; lately he has channeled his subversion into upsetting the established order in new and creative ways. He had some plan with Ichigo and Rukia that we must presume did not pan out, because -- well look at the Bleach ending. There was no climactic event requiring their cooperation. And in the aftermath, status quo upheld. Ichigo’s dream of reforming Soul Society unrealized. Mission failed, Plan B in place: Human-Shinigami breeding program continues with Kazui; procreation on the part of non-Noble-blooded Rukongai-hailing folks implemented in Ichika. But it’s hardly the best he could do...
So: imagine if, by pioneering research into an alternate means of new soul production, he could eliminate the resource constraints that lead to conflict and aristocratic control? And imagine if all Pluses could have some degree of reiryoku and a little more self-determination, rather than stuck in limbo, at the mercy of the ruling class? Imagine, if you will, that the afterlife didn’t suck so much? Wouldn’t that be nice?
...He’s working on it.
[[ shout-out to @nightbeat-cat​ for helping me hash out my thoughts, and no doubt having significant influence on them! ]]
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kxrotsuchi · 4 years ago
First Nights
The first nights together with a newborn was always nerve racking for any parent. So many things could happen to the child and they’d never expect it. It was especially nerve racking for Mayuri Kurotsuchi. While he acted like his normal self that day as he cared for his newest edition to the Nemuri project. Most assumed he had parenting down pat since this was the seventh edition,however this was only the second one to make it to full infancy.
He watched his tiny creation as she rested in her bassinet. She’d already woken up a few times, but hardly made a sound as she fussed though. As much as it worries him,he knew from the equipment he had hooked up to her that her vital signs and brain signals were normal. Clearly she was just a quiet baby... Even still he busies himself in making her another bottle and make sure her changing station was good. He couldn’t bring himself to relax,not after the last one...
He finally sat himself back down in the rocking chair he set up next to the bassinet just in time for his young daughter to start her quiet fussing again. He softly picks her up and offer her a bottle first. A little smile paints across the normally cruel scientist’s face as she accepts it. He relaxes a little as he watches the little life he made gulp down the nutrients she needs to live. He sighs silently,brushing away his previous worries. It was almost morning and so far Nemuri was alright.
As soon as she was finished,he put a towel on his shoulder and carefully burped her. The last few times he’d done this,his baby hadn’t spit up, but he didn’t want to risk it. Last thing he’d want is to leave the room to change clothes. He didn’t want to leave her side for even a moment tonight... Though one glance at the clock told him it was alright sunrise thankfully. There was a captain’s meeting in the morning he was going to bring her to. Undoubtedly she’d be a surprise to everyone. After all,he hadn’t told anyone why he was hauled off in his lab all day on his birthday and he had all the things in the nursery discreetly brought in.
He carefully lays the dark haired baby back down so she can rest again. One of her little hands grabbed onto one of his fingers though and held on like her sweet life depended on it. He held still for her,not having the heart to move her miniature fingers from around him. He never thought he’d get to this stage... The Nemuri Project was his dream since he was a third seat and now he’s getting to see the fruit of his hard work right in front of him...
“Sleep well,my little Nemu.”
He whispers quietly,not wanting to disturb her sleep.
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bleachlists2 · 6 years ago
Live Tweets from the Shinigami-Human-Quincy-Arrancar-Fullbringer Dinner
By Mod Serenity
Technical Author’s Choice, but also requested by @innersuperhero, @aestheticbleach101, and @shadowfaery7 :)
So, because I made those lists about what various groups of Bleach characters would wear for a formal event, I’ve decided to create a list of this joint formal event as a live-tweeting! So, without further ado, here are the live-tweets from the Shinigami-Human-Quincy-Arrancar-Fullbringer Formal Dinner, held in Karakura Town!
1) Ichigo
“Apparently, there’s a formal dinner tonight with the Gotei 13. And the Espada and Arrancars. And the Quincy. And the Fullbringers. And other Karakura Town people.”
#this is probably gonna end in disaster #especially if Karakura Town is the venue! #not only that #my dad and sisters have been invited as well #I should get ready now
2) Yumichika
“I can’t wait to see what everyone is dressed up in. They’re all going to look wonderful!”
#I love parties #so many pretty clothes to see
3) Rukia
”Okay, we just got to the venue, and apparently there’s some kind of fashion show that we all gotta participate in.”
#the Gotei 13 is going after the Karakura people though #Squad 0 are the judges too #I can’t wait to see what they’re all wearing #especially Inoue #she’s gonna be gorgeous!
4) Shutara
“Kurosaki Ichigo looks pretty fine in that tux. Inoue Orihime looks just like a princess in that gown.”
#well I already know who the winners of the Karakura people are gonna be
5) Sentoki
“Well, the humans and Karakura people are done. Time for the Gotei 13!”
#they’d better look good!
6) Ichigo
“Squad 6 is coming on now. Byakuya and Renji are both in black-tie tuxedos.”
#and Renji’s hair is actually down #he looks so good! #seriously #he should wear his hair down all the time!
7) Renji
“@ flower-noble: I guess wearing my hair down was a good idea, huh? Thanks for telling me that in advance.”
#we both look pretty classy tonight #I can feel Ichigo’s eyes on me actually
8) Byakuya
"Who would’ve thought that Zaraki Kenpachi would actually keep his suit clean tonight?
#I suppose even Squad 11 knows how to keep it classy
9) Ishida
“...WTAF is Kurotsuchi wearing??”
#are those... accordion pants?? #WTAF #the moment Kurotsuchi walked down the catwalk everyone was silent #seriously though #what is up with that outfit?? #especially since Nemu looks normal next to him 
10) Orihime
"OMG, Kuchiki-san looks lovely! @ dancing-snow-bunny: I love your dress!”
#so classy and elegant! #and so cute as well!
11) Rukia
#seriously though #that dress was made for you! #so beautiful!
12) Sentoki
“And now for the Espada, Hueco Mundo Crew, and Fracciónes!”
13) Gin
“@ beautifulshopper10: Rangiku, you look simply radiant tonight.”
#she is perfection itself #I wouldn’t mind spending some time with her tonight
14) Yumichika
"Halibel and Nelliel look simply stunning! BUT WTF IS THAT CHARLOTTE GUY EVEN WEARING
#HE LOOKS LIKE A DRAG QUEEN OMG #but Halibel looks like an actual queen!
15) Grimmjow
“@ strawberryprotector15: I can feel your eyes on me, Kurosaki. Admit it, I look good, don’t I?”
#yeah I know how to dress up #I can be classy whenever I want to be
16) Sentoki
“Now the Fullbringers are next!”
17) Orihime
“@ pinkcutie: Omg, Riruka! Your dress is so gorgeous and cute!”
#pink and a ballgown! #we match! #yaaaayyyy!!!
18) Riruka
“@ robot-princess: Why are you so excited over matching...?”
#you look really cute though
19) Renji
“@ coffee-boots: I gotta say, you look fine as hell tonight!”
#I’m serious #that’s such a nice dress you’re wearing
20) Jackie
“@ stray-dog-06: I appreciate your compliments. And you look just as handsome tonight.”
#you really are a good man
21) Oetsu
“Finally, it’s time for the Sternritter!”
22) Byakuya 
“Jugram Haschwalth’s hair is a thing of beauty. It practically rivals Ukitake’s hair. @ thebalancer: will you tell me how you get it like that?”
#I must know your secret
23) Haschwalth
“@ flower-noble: You wish to know the secret behind my hair? I’d be glad to tell you. Besides, your hair is also quite lovely.”
#I’d love to share my secret with you #if you’ll tell me the secret behind your hair as well
24) Renji
- “I gotta say, Bazz-B has one nice-looking tux!”
#looks kinda punk #but it’s totally awesome!
25) Bazz-B
“You look pretty cool yourself, @ stray-dog-06!”
#nice eyebrows too! #and your hair!! #I’m so jealous!
26) Rukia
“... As Nodt is wearing a blood-splattered tuxedo. And Gerard is in a Thor costume.”
#I seriously hope that’s not real blood #WTAF are the Quincies anyways?!
27) Hikifune
"It’s time for dinner now! While we decide on the winners, I hope you enjoy my home cooking!
#I made it all especially for tonight! #all of my best recipes are the main course for dinner!
28) Orihime
"OMG, the food is soooooo good!! I’m gonna cry, this is so delicious!!”
29) Nelliel
“This is the best food I’ve ever eaten in my whole life!!”
#Soul Society chefs: way better than Hueco Mundo meals!
30) Tousen
"Soul Society may be a corrupt place, yet Hikifune’s meals are full of purity and goodness that I cannot complain.”
#Hikifune’s meals #perhaps the only good thing about Soul Society
31) Halibel
“I sure hope Aizen-sama told Aaroniero not to release in the hall here.”
#I would like to be able to eat my dinner without seeing a tentacled monster eating the food
32) Riruka
“OMG, what the actual hell is that thing at the Espada table?!”
#a giant tentacled monster!! #omg that’s so gross!
33) Rukia
“Well, now I know what’s gonna be haunting my dreams for the rest of my life.”
#I have to see Aaroniero release again?? #and this time for eating?? #oh god I did not want to know how a tentacled monster consumes its dinner
34) Aizen
“@ tentacles-09: I thought I told you to wait until we got back to Hueco Mundo to eat your dinner?? Just for that, I’m raising my spiritual pressure until you go out of release.”
#maybe Gillian Espada weren’t such a good idea #had I known that Aaroniero would be a tentacled monster I would not have used the Hogyoku on him #I need to think these things through from now on
35) Ukitake
“That’s the Espada that Kuchiki fought against? The one who impersonated Kaien?”
#poor Kaien #he must be weeping
36) Liltotto
“Well... that was a thing...”
#anyways #I can eat anyone else’s meal if they don’t want it
37) Bambietta
“@ quincy-glutton: Touch my food and you die.”
#I mean it
38) Ichibe
“It’s time for the awards to be presented, so listen up, everyone!”
39) Rukia
“Best Dressed Human Female goes to: Inoue!”
#I knew it! #I knew she would win! #if she didn’t I would riot #that dress is just too gorgeous!
40) Ishida
“Best Dressed Human Male goes to Ichigo?!”
#dammit how does Kurosaki have a better fashion sense than me?!
41) Kurotsuchi
"I cannot believe that Kuchiki Byakuya won ‘Best Dressed Male Captain’ over me.”
#you fools just don’t understand fashion at all
42) Byakuya
“And Unohana won Best Dressed Female Captain.”
#I’m not sure how to feel about that
43) Renji
“Hell yeah! I won the Best Dressed Male Lieutenant!”
#I knew wearing my hair down was a great idea! #Squad 6 baby! #we know how to look good!
44) Hisagi
“Best Dressed Female Lieutenant goes to Rangiku!”
#I knew she’d win that award! #Rangiku always looks good no matter what she wears!
45) Grimmjow
"Hell yeah, I’m the king! Won Best Dressed Male Espada! And Nelliel won Best Dressed Female Espada!”
#wow Nnoitra’s pissed off #he just screeched and tried to fight me #Aizen reiatsu-slammed him into sitting back down tho #nice! #eat it spoon-hood!
46) Yumichika
“So Best Dressed Female Fracción went to Sung-Sun. BUT HOW COME BEST DRESSED MALE FRACCION WENT TO CHARLOTTE??”
#he looked so ugly!
47) Tsukishima
“Of course I’d win Best Dressed Male Fullbringer. And of course Riruka would win the Best Dressed Female Fullbringer.”
#we look just perfect don’t we?
48) Kyoraku
“So Haschwalth wins Best Dressed Male Sternritter?”
#must be the hair #of course #his hair is as wonderful as Jushiro’s hair!
49) Bambietta
"That’s right, everyone! The Best Dressed Female Sternritter is me! So eat it, all of you!”
#Haschwalth and I are the king and queen now!
50) Ichigo
“Whoa, whoa, nobody told me there was dancing at this thing!”
#apparently all winners of the fashion contest have to dance with each other?? #that means Inoue and I are dancing together #god I hope I don’t step on her feet #I’m bad at dancing!
51) Tatsuki
“@ strawberryprotector15: You step on Orihime’s feet, I’ll punch you!”
#don’t you dare mess this up for her!
52) Chad
"Ichigo and Inoue are dancing now. Reminds me of Beauty and the Beast.”
#it’s actually very beautiful
53) Yoruichi
“Finally Ichigo does something right!”
#nice to see he’s careful not to step on Orihime’s toes!
54) Rukia
“Unohana-taichou and Nii-sama dancing: possibly the most graceful and elegant thing I’ve ever seen!”
#Nii-sama looks dignified as ever! #as expected of him!
55) Kira
“Whoa, Abarai and Grimmjow sure have some awesome moves!”
#I’m serious #the music changed to something more club-like #those two are killing it on the dance floor #Matsumoto and Nelliel are speechless #so is everyone else #looks like the Sexta Espada and Sixth Lieutenant have hit it off pretty well
56) Orihime
“I danced with Kurosaki-kun. And I managed not to mess it up! It was absolutely magical!”
#I feel like dancing all night now! 
57) Unohana
“Looks like the dinner is over. It was truly a wonderful evening.”
#we definitely should do it again
58) Urahara
“Looks like Byakuya and Haschwalth are now talking about hair. And Abarai, Grimmjow, and Bazz-B are bonding.”
#unexpected friendships #the power of fancy dinners??
59) Yamamoto
“This was indeed quite a success.”
#everything worked out #and surprisingly #nothing was destroyed
60) Ichigo
“This... actually went way better than I thought it would. Maybe we should do this again next year!”
#unexpected success #let’s do this again shall we??
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amethystviolin · 8 years ago
Jushiro Ukitake x Reader - Chapter 13 - Research
           “Mayuri, who’s that?” you asked
           Momo spoke up, “Captain Kurotsuchi is the head of 12th Company!  They are responsible for Research and Development.”
           “Research and Development?  Why do the Soul Reapers need a Research and Development Division?”
           A quiet chuckle came from behind you, Aizen spoke, “Just because the Soul Reapers have existed since the beginning of time does not mean that we do not need to understanding the changing world around us. The Human World continues to change and improve, and so do we.”  He smiled broadly.
           You felt slight unease at the words, but were unsure why.  You looked at Momo, “If you think it’s best I’ll go see him”.  
Momo smiled, a warm smile that reached all the way to her eyes.  “It’s the best way the Soul Society, and you, can find out about your powers.”
You shook your head, “When should we go?”
Aizen spoke next, “Momo come with me, I’ll write a letter to Captain Kurotsuchi and we can see when he would be willing to see you, he can be a very busy man.”  Aizen turned and began walking away, Momo stood hastily following.  After a few steps, she turned and waved,
“Y/f/n, just wait right there, I’ll be back soon!”
Despite the fear pricking the back of your mind, you smiled and waved back. Things here move so fast…… but somehow, amidst all the change the atmosphere was peaceful, calm.  You sat back against the tree and closed your eyes, breathing deeply through your nose. The sounds of the practicing Soul Reapers filtered through your mind and calmed you.  You opened your eyes in time to see Momo hop past holding what appeared to be a letter to her chest.  She waved again, and was gone – bounded over the wall.  You looked around you and noticed that no one seemed to be paying any attention to you, you cautiously stood and walked back to your room, carrying your new sword with you.  You found the book on Kidō you had left earlier and picked up right where you left off, becoming engrossed on the complexity of spells the Soul Reapers used to defend, attack, and protect.
The sun hung low in the sky when Momo returned to the barracks.  She got you from your room and took to you to dinner with Captain Aizen again, telling you to leave your sword behind. As you sat, waiting to be served, you found yourself anxious at the response from Captain Kurotsuchi.  When the dinner was finally served, Captain Aizen spoke while you and Momo began eating,
“Y/f/n, as I’m sure you’re already figured out, Momo has returned from Mayuri’s and has informed me that the Captain’s division will be ready to receive you in two days times.  In the meantime, Momo has informed me that you have shown interest in learning how to use your sword.”
You quickly swallowed the food in your mouth, “Yes, sir, if that’s okay with you.  I wouldn’t want to do anything that would get anyone in trouble”.
“Of course, it’s okay.  I agree with Momo that it will hone your mental skills as well as your help you adjust to your spiritual body.  Momo can start instructing you in the morning”
You heart leapt, you couldn’t explain why, but you felt lighter, somehow. “That’s wonderful, thank you Captain, and thank you Momo!”
Momo smiled, as she was chewing her own food.  The rest of the meal was spent in silence, just the clatter of plates and the shuffling of bodies while the meal was consumed.  The fatigue from the day was finally setting in. You excused yourself and went back to your room.  Your sword sat on your bed, you picked it up and held it.  The same feelings as before came over you - the familiarity of the sword. You hadn’t realized you even fell asleep until the morning’s rays hit your face.  Your eyes fluttered opened and you saw you still had the sword in your hands.  A smile crept on your face.  Your thoughts were disrupted by the knocking at your door.  The door slide open and Momo appeared.  
“What are you still doing in bed, sleepyhead?”  She cheerily said while stepping into your room.  She stood next to your bed while you sat up and placed the sword next to you on your bed.  
“Come on!  Let’s get to the practice yard! You won’t learn anything by sleeping the day away!”  She pulled on your hand and you stood.  She walked in front of you, well, more a mix between a walk and a skip.  You couldn’t help giggling at her, she stopped and turned towards you.  
“Is something wrong?”
“No, not at all Momo, it’s just … you remind me of someone I used to know.”
She stood closer to you, “Did you have to leave them to come here?” Her face was full of concern.
“No…. not really.  Her name was Aki and she was a spirit.  She became a Hollow before I left, Jushiro helped me….. oh now what did he call it?”
“Hollow Purification?”
“Yeah, that’s it!  He helped me send her here, somewhere, and hopefully happier she’s a peace now”
Momo smiled broadly, “If she came here she is somewhere in the Rukongai District, that’s where all the souls go when they come here.”
“Really, can we go and look for her! Where is the Rukongai! Can you show me!”
“Whoa, slow down Y/f/n, the Rukongai is on the outer edge of the Soul Society.  I can take you at some point but right now, you’re not even allowed outside the Squad 5 barracks, remember?”
Your excitement was cut off, you had almost forgotten why you were really here. “Right, I guess I did get carried away.  Should we get to training then?”
Momo lead you back to the familiar training yard.  She handed you a wooden practice sword, a Bokken she had called it.  She began with basics, hold, stance, and movements.  When you began having these down, she threw in forms.  The rest of the day, and the next were spent with Momo, learning the way of the sword.  You had numerous bruises and sore muscles from the training.  You had had no idea how much your mind and body played into the art.  Momo was an excellent teacher – patient, creative, and enthusiastic.  You felt that you were really progressing, even if it was only two days’ time.  The second evening, Momo invited you to the bathhouse in the barracks for some well-earned relaxation.  You happily accepted and were grateful when you were able to soak in the hot waters of the bathhouse.  The heat of the water worked wonders on your muscles and sore skin.  Now thoroughly relaxed, and refreshed, Momo walked you back to your room and bid you goodnight. Sleep came easily to you that night, but your dreams were black.
You were sitting on the floor in the dark, alone. There was a solitary light above you, but no apparent source.   Voices were whispering from just beyond the light, just loud enough to be heard but quiet enough you couldn’t hear what was being said.  They steadily grew louder and louder until you covered you ears, trying to block out the sound.  This was fruitless, the voices only grew louder and louder, calling your name, “Y/f/n, Y/f/n, Y/f/n, Y/F/N!”
Momo was shaking you awake, “Y/F/N, are you okay!?”
“Just a nightmare,” you rubbed the sleep from your eyes, “what’s up Momo?
“It’s time to get ready to go to Captain Mayuri’s.”  
You couldn’t believe that you had almost forgotten!  You sprung out of bed and quickly dressed.  Leaving your sword behind, at Momo’s insistence, you readied for the day. You set out with Momo and were finding yourself in walking outside the barracks.  The streets were wide, filled with people, Soul Reapers, going about their daily business. Many stopped and looked at you and Momo as you were passing by, whispering to each other, reminding you of your nightmare.  Momo chattered to you as you walked, seemingly oblivious to the Soul Reapers around her.  Shortly, you found yourself in front of what appeared to be another barracks.  The gate were very similar to the Squad 5 ones, but, somehow, you felt that familiar prick of fear behind your eyes. The door swung open and the girl from the World of the Living was standing in front of you.
“You!  You were in the World of the Living before!”
“Yes, my name is Nemu Kurotsuchi, Lieutenant of Squad 12.”  Her voice was soft and curt.  She stood to the side and gestured for you to come in the gate, “if you would come in”
You and Momo cross the threshold, Nemu stopped Momo with a hand on Momo’s arm.  “We do not require you to wait, we will return the Saisei, when we are completed with our testing.”
Momo’s face changed from its usually happy to concern, “It’s okay and I don’t mind waiting”.  
Nemu remained firm, “I assure you it is not necessary to wait, my Captain is uncertain of how long the process will take, you are not needed”
“I am not going to lea-”, before Momo could finish her sentence the gates swung shut with a resounding boom.
You were alone, Nemu gestured for you to follow her, “If you would please come in.”
You felt like it was not really a request.  Your feet obeyed and you fell into quiet step behind Nemu.  She led you through quiet halls, the building felt off.  The walls were too smooth, the lights – too bright, the rooms – too quiet.  Squad 12’s barracks were quite the change from the clamoring of Squad 5’s.  After what felt like an eternity, Nemu led you to a door at the end of the long hall.  She gestured to the door,
“Go through the door and wait for your instructions”.
You hesitated, and she repeated her instructions, more tersely.  “Go through the door and wait for your instructions”.  
You looked at her and the door.  Again, she was not giving you any real options right now.  She remained still, like a doll, with her arm extended to the door.  You steeled yourself, determined to no longer be afraid.  You threw the door open.  Inside was a single metal chair, a light hanging above it.  
Click, “Please sit down on the chair.” Click, a voice cut through the darkness.  Once you had done what you were asked, another click was heard, click, “Please focus your spiritual energy, so we may obtain baseline readings.” click
You let out a breath, not realizing you had been holding it in at all. You focus you breath and envisioned y/f/c ball inside of you, like Captain Aizen had shown you.  Click, “Interesting, very interesting, these readings are good.  Now you will externalize that energy.” click
           Click, “Yes, as you did when you made your sword” click.  The voice sounded board and annoyed with your questions.
           You brought your hands together and formed the y/f/c ball within it. After this you lifted your hands towards the voice, showing the steady gleaming ball.  Silence followed for what felt like forever.  You almost felt you heard whispering voices, like in your nightmare, but you pushed these thoughts aside quickly, before you frightened yourself.
           Finally, click “Can you project the ball?” click.
           You tried to get the ball to leave your hands, it fluttered out, disappearing into thin air.
           Click “Again.” Click
           You tried again, but with little change from your last outcome.
           Click “Again.” Click
           You pushed the ball out, again, and watched it die out, again.
           Click “Again.” Click
           This went on for hours. You tried to project the ball and watched it die out.  The only instruction you were given was “Again”.  You felt sweat pouring down your body, blurring your vision and stinging your eyes.  You felt ready to collapse.  Once again you tried to throw your ball from your body.  
           Click “Again.” Click
           That. Was. The. Last. Straw.  You drew in your breath and pulled all your remaining energy to your hands.  You formed the ball and threw it, smashing into the opposite wall, crumbling the wall in smoke and dust.  After the dust, cleared several confused heads poke through the now-gaping hole in the wall.  Their faces tell you that they were not expecting what had just happened.  
Very suddenly, Nemu appeared again.  She gestured for you to follow.  As she led you back to the Squad 5 Barracks, you noticed the sky was dim, showing purple skies.  You chalked it up to your own fatigue and carried on.  Nemu walked you directly to Captain Aizen’s office.
           “Sensei y/l/n’s powers are beyond what we initially expected.  Captain Kurotsuchi will require additional time with her to map the full extent of her powers.  I will come and get her in the morning for further testing”.  Without waiting for any response, Nemu turned and left the room, leaving you alone with Captain Aizen.
           “Is she always like that?” you heard yourself asking aloud, looking at the door where Nemu just left.
           A chuckle came from Aizen, “Nemu can be very….programed at times.  She is a very efficient Lieutenant.”  You turned towards Aizen, “Y/f/n, you look exhausted, why don’t you go to the bath house and I’ll have dinner sent to your room”.
           “Dinner?  It’s only been a couple of hours.”
           “Y/f/n, you were at Squad 12 for ten hours. Go now and relax.”
           You understood you were dismissed and left.  As you walked back and gathered your things from your room, you couldn’t help but think. Ten Hours, surely it hadn’t been more than four.  Your eyes were stronger when you walked to the bath house.  You looked for the sun and noticed, it was indeed well below the horizon now.  
           The waters of the bath felt more inviting now than ever.  You scrubbed the sweat and dust from your body, before exiting and changing clothing. Dinner was waiting outside your room and you felt your stomach grumble upon the sight of it.  You picked up the tray and sat inside your room.  You don’t think that your mouth had time to taste the food before it was already in your stomach.  The meal was filling and only made you more tired.  You placed the tray outside the door and decided to turn in for the night. The moon was creeping up as you pulled the cover up and over you.  Darkness overtook you soon leading you into dreamless sleep.
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
"Are you sure you don't want me to handle it then?" She questions while swiftly jotting down notes as the results appear on screen. Perhaps he was being protective of his work, which she couldn't blame him for if that's the case. But then why put her in charge of notes? She wasn't unhappy about it at all, simply... Confused.
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"We are, but keep in mind that many of these will explode. The barrier should hold, Tessai-san created it for me, but nothing is absolute. You may have to dodge." He warns, setting his hands on the orb of the machine, slowly feeding his reiatsu into the first of a series of metals.
They start with iron, as displayed on the screen in front of Nemu.
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
Nemu takes the notebook and pen quietly, concealing her surprise. She's used to be an active participant in most experiments, so she'd simply assumed... She can do this though. It's not like note taking is an impossible task for her.
"Are we ready to start yet?" She questions blankly.
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"I invited you to watch, but if you want, you can write things down from the machine as we go? It'd save time for me later, so I don't have to watch the recordings five or so times." He hadn't expected her to offer her help, but he's going to take it! It's not often he gets an assistant.
Kisuke hands her a notebook and pen, setting himself up to push reiatsu into a machine that will measure how much he's putting in, how much he's put in, and keep him away from the potential shards of metal.
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
Nemu nods quietly in understanding. That reasoning makes sense, even if she hasn't quite experienced that herself.
"Thank you, Akon." She hums plainly before thinking to herself. It's interesting really; what she does and doesn't understand from experience yet. Clearly, it's something she should attempt to work on soon enough.
"Do you have any recommendations on how to do that?"
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"In my experience, it's somewhat relaxing." Akon began. "It's not so much about what you get out of it, more or less it's about being in the moment while you're doing it." He explained.
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wisteriamuses · 5 months ago
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"... Yes?"
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wisteriamuses · 3 months ago
Nemu nods plainly as she listens, following behind Urahara calmly. The experiment sounds simple, but she doesn't doubt there's more to it given it's something Urahara's doing. Perhaps he's making something with the enhanced metal?
"What do you need me to do for the experiment?" She asks calmly, awaiting orders.
Nemu narrows her eyes a little and purses her lips for a moment before nodding.
"... Yes, let's go see."
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wisteriamuses · 4 months ago
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Nemu nods quietly before trying another drag of her kiseru. The experience isn't unpleasant, but... "I don't fully see the appeal of smoking yet," She plainly admits, "Why do you do it?"
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For a moment, Nemu tenses, but soon relaxes when she realizes it's just Akon.
"It's not a secret per say... But I also have not informed him I'm doing this now yet." She explains calmly.
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wisteriamuses · 4 months ago
Nemu narrows her eyes a little and purses her lips for a moment before nodding.
"... Yes, let's go see."
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Nemu hums with a low tone, her eyes looking around with a cold gaze before she responds.
"No, nothing like that. I'm simply here to... observe."
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wisteriamuses · 4 months ago
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For a moment, Nemu tenses, but soon relaxes when she realizes it's just Akon.
"It's not a secret per say... But I also have not informed him I'm doing this now yet." She explains calmly.
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Nemu knows this is an awful habit to get into. She knows all the risks picking this habit up can bring. Yet, here she is carefully lighting her kiseru then holding the pipe to her lips.
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wisteriamuses · 5 months ago
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Nemu hums with a low tone, her eyes looking around with a cold gaze before she responds.
"No, nothing like that. I'm simply here to... observe."
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"... Yes?"
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