#𝑭𝑨𝑹 𝑢𝑽𝑬𝑹 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑴𝑰𝑺𝑻𝒀 𝑴𝑢𝑼𝑡𝑻𝑨𝑰𝑡𝑺: main verse
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blackarrcw Β· 9 months ago
@tilosecretbirb continued from this.
When his brother had joined him, the question pulled the young prince's attention toward the other. A small grin forming across his features as he'd realized that he would have the other helping him in creating said scene. "Of course there is." The brunette answered, brows wiggling in mischief.
With Fili at his side anything had been possible to pull off. Turning his head the young warrior's attention had been on their uncle, his expression shifting from the proud look to one of mischievousness as an idea slowly formed in his mind. "We should try and take on uncle first." The brunette suggested.
Thorin was going to be the difficult one to try and create a distraction with, but with careful planning and timing, things would more than likely be pulled off relatively easily. Raising a hand to pat his brother on the shoulder, the dwarf prince moved away from the other making way to the older dwarf - who was simply minding his own business with sharpening Orcrist.
"Uncle Thorin." The words pulled the elder's attention toward his younger nephew. Here they go; he had the king's attention.
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blackarrcw Β· 9 months ago
Bilbo had been sent away from all of the battling in Erebor and Dale, Thorin not being in his right mind had banished him from the mountain - never to return again. So, the hobbit had only assumed that it was just time he go home - back to the Shire. Thankfully he would be meeting Gandalf about half way so that the Baggins would be ensured a safe travel without getting attacked by goblins, orcs or dragons of the sort.
Bilbo's brows had furrowed slightly as he tilted his head, bag that was hung over his shoulder had been clung to.
Fear gripped his gut setting the small creature on edge a bit as he turned but remained still nonetheless. Was it an Orc? Did one of Azog's followers chase after him in the background to trail his footsteps? His grip on his bag loosened slightly as he thought to reach for Sting, defenses already on high.
"Have you come to collect your meal?"
Bilbo spoke after a long time of silence, the exhaustion from moments ago slipping away quickly as he mentally prepared himself to run. Whether this being was trying to be quiet or not, the Hobbit hadn't been certain. It seemed that no matter where he went everyone always underestimated his capabilities of stealth, his great hearing ( elf-like ears - his hearing was considered fantastic.)
It also showed that many underestimated the fact that Hobbits also had senses and the creature seeking him out had not expected him to know that he was there, probably.
Despite his enormous size, Bruce had managed to slip away during the chaos. As the battles breached several fronts across Erebor’s field, its sister mountains, and Dale, the Olog skirted around the perimeter beyond the manmade city and traveled as far westward as his limbs carried him until the smoke had cleared from the skies and the smell of blood no longer punctured the air. He’d been fortunate enough to evade what was left of those Orcs and Trolls who had retreated. However, stragglers were little issue compared to other problems…
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Within a few days of traveling, Bruce had managed to remove the bladed shields from both of his arms. But this confounded muzzle! It was only fitting that one of the commanders suggested such a cruel device. A rusted piece of metal warped around the Olog’s snout to muffle his speech. Preventing any word of his pleading to reach the ears of the other side. To prevent his fraternizing with the enemies with whom Bruce had neither quarrel nor desire to battle. The leather strap of the muzzle wound to the side and the back of his head and braided into a chain with no clasp. Even with his claws free, the Olog had no such luck removing the contraption. The muzzle made it difficult to drink, and impossible to eat; with only two slits carved into the metal allowing access to any drops of water.
It had been days since he’d eaten, and the fatigue of fleeing had manifested into soreness in all four of his limbs. Β 
The Olog needed this device off himβ€”desperatelyβ€” but dared not travel back from hence he came. Any Elf, Man, or Dwarf in their right mind would shoot him upon sight. But he needed to find someone.
Despite the muzzle providing its own issues, Bruce felt marginally grateful towards the cover of forest which further aided his escape. Standing nearly fifteen feet tall and skin a slate-blue, the Olog couldn’t exactly camouflage well in an open field. The forest produced an odd mixture of ease and claustrophobia as he traveled, but it was not long before Bruce picked up on a novel scent. Olog-hai had a remarkably keen sense of smell, even with a barrier like a muzzle. And this scent was not something Bruce had encountered before.
The Olog crept down on all fours, silencing his footfalls as he moved along the underbrush toward the source. When Bruce finally did happen upon the creature, he could only blink owlishly in puzzlement. The stranger a few meters ahead grew no taller than a Dwarf but pointed ears protruded from a head of curled locks. Not a Dwarf, but not an Elf. Not a Man, either from the scent.
But… this creature appeared to be quite alone. No army or regiment to be seen, even for such a little creature. If there was any an opportune time, this was certainly it. Bruce held his breath as he carefully moved closer, meter by meter towards the stranger. Β 
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blackarrcw Β· 8 months ago
starter for @lotrqueen21
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The Last Homely House - that was what Imladris had been called many times. It had also gone by another name; Rivendell. It was the one place where Elyssa Blackvale could come to learn more of her lineage, to know of her father and what her bloodline consisted of. She knew that her father had been an elf, that much was a given. However she hadn't known of what he did, who he was or what his accomplishments were.
As far as she knew; her father was sitting in Esgaroth.
Her time in Rivendell had passed ever so slowly, finding herself in the library with her nose in a book for hours - at least until the light of the sun had disappeared and the dark sky had appeared in its place. Each and every day the half-elf's day had consisted of this; reading all day long until it was nighttime, then she'd forget to eat every now and then because she was so engrossed in a book.
Until the news of a company of thirteen dwarves and a halfling had appeared. Strange for such a group to appear in these parts but she supposed that there had been someone noteworthy that may have had a hand in their arrival: Gandalf the Grey. Saving at the current chapter in her book, the brunette carefully creased the corner of the page and then closed it up, setting the book aside before standing.
Hearing the sounds of laughter and song from the outside had piqued the woman's curiosity, pulling her out of the library and down the halls of her home bringing her to where all had been dining.
Crystal blues had taken in their guests, a look of wonder appearing upon her features before she turned her attention towards Elrond, Lord of Rivendell. Beside him had been the said wizard that brought about much chaos and mischief, offering a kind smile to the elder before her gaze turned to a tall, dark haired dwarf. This must have been the leader, she figured, her head tilting as she moved towards the three "Elyssa, I assume you know of Gandalf the Grey - infamous in his own right." Elrond spoke, offering a brief introduction although one had not been needed, "And this is Thorin Oakenshield; Son of Thrain."
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blackarrcw Β· 9 months ago
@tilosecretbirb asked: "that's not the worst thing i've ever heard, but it's certainly up there. ❞ Eir to Elyssa
"....There have been worse things?" She questioned, blinking slowly as she looked to Eir, her head tilting a moment or two. That wasn't something she expected to hear, but then Elyssa was a bit on the sheltered side due to her mother and Elrond. Perhaps it was a good thing she didn't know a lot of people, only her small circle of peop;e she'd met over time.
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blackarrcw Β· 9 months ago
starter for @oakthcrn
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Thranduil had them locked up in the cells as the Mirkwood elves partied above, enjoying the festivities and drink. Thorin and company were left to suffer, somewhat, though they had been given a bit of food to sustain. The dwarf lord had found himself lost in his thoughts, many times thinking they should have avoided the Greenwood all together, the anger rumbling and building within him at not listening to his own thoughts. The soft murmurings of his company filled the halls, eventually silencing when footsteps approached the cells, pulling the brunette from his thoughts to focus upon the unexpected visitor. "Lark."
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blackarrcw Β· 8 months ago
Time had done things to people.
In Aragorn's case, it had left him wondering. A mission had gone wrong an his second in command had gone missing - no word of why, whether she was alive or not, etc. It wasn't until he'd confronted one of his men that he'd gotten information from them. Truth be told; whatever had happened that day, he couldn't blame Hal for going into hiding. In fact, he had never gotten mad at the fact she did so.
Did it hurt? Yes.
Because he believed he was a trusted figure for her but with this, it seemed that hand been the case so much.
As soon as the warrior had gotten the information Aragorn had immediately began packing his bags, readying his horse. Giving the creature a gentle pat upon the neck the brunette slowly turned his head as footsteps behind him stopped, "Are you sure Hal will speak with you?" It wasn't a matter of if she would, it was more of what she'd be willing to divulge if she didn't turn him the other way.
After all; her comfortability mattered most, and that was something that the man could respect. "If she seems it fit, yes." Was all he said then lifted himself up upon the steed, one foot in the stirrup as the other had swung over straddling in the saddle. Once all was steady bright blues looked to the other, "Keep watch, take care - send word should anything arise." And with that he'd ushered his horse to move forward.
More time had passed - the Ranger uncertain of how much.
But what he was certain of was that his destination was right in front of him. Clambering off of the horse, Aragorn had given another gentle pet to the steed's neck, grasping the reigns within his hand tugging forward gently for the creature to follow. He stood at a gate, hearing the growls of a wolf though he hadn't moved. It was just in his best interest not to do so. A child had been with the animal, making the man's brow furrow slightly until both had disappeared.
And before him appeared Hal.
For: Aragorn | @blackarrcw Muse (s): Hal + Theo Verse (au): Laughter of a child
Hal had never intended to have children. Not because she didn't want them - she had. Once. But because she didn't want to turn into her mother and destroy their childhood. It was merely a dream though, one that had been destroyed by words and injury. Destroyed by L I F E.
Or so she had thought.
"Mama! Mama!"
Nesthir, known as Theo to protect him, was a surprise. Unexpected but not unwanted. A source of hope for a former Ranger with no path to lead her back home again. Not that she knew where home was anymore. A mission gone wrong had sent her into hiding and cutting contact with everyone who cared, fearing their reactions. Only four people knew the truth but they wouldn't say a word to anyone.
"Having fun with Kai, kiddo?"
"Yes..? But he's growling at someone by the gate." The quiet 4 year old gave a half questioning answer as he wandered into her arms, looking partly confused and partly tired. Worn out by playing with his wolf companion, it didn't take long for Theo to fall asleep.
Dark grey eyes went cold the minute her son fell asleep and she took him inside, where another wolf was watching them. She carefully put him in his room, quickly followed by the other wolf who curled up by his bed. A faint smile formed briefly at the familiar sight, before she left the room. Being a mother didn't mean she had become slack in her Ranger training, in fact she had got better.
"Kai, go inside please." She murmured quietly, running a gentle hand through the wolf's fur. It licked her hand and disappeared inside the house with one last warning snarl at the stranger, trusting her. The weapons, cool gaze and neutral expression hadn't changed much from her days of being a Ranger. But upon seeing who it was, the coldness cracked slightly.
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blackarrcw Β· 8 months ago
"Thorin." His gaze had pulled from where he'd been looking to his long time friend, Dwalin. A soft grunt was given in response as his arms folded across the battle axe, his body leaning slightly "There was someone over there behind the harp." The warrior responded quietly, nodding his head in the direction. his features sporting a slight frown but it soon disappeared when he turned his head towards Elrond and the others.
"Thirteen. Thirteen of them! Ai, Master Talagan, I fear I shall join you soon... the others may tra-la-lally all they like, but the Valley-lord wants your poor dear student to die of an aneurysm--!"
A whispered expletive, one Chief Counsellor Erestor would likely chastise her for, left her lips at the shift in expression as Prince Oak-And-Thorns-Or-Whomever had caught her wide-eyed stare. She hid behind her harp with a whimper, ears slicked back against her head.
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blackarrcw Β· 9 months ago
Her lack of interest in his wealth had been one of the very reasons he'd grown to love the other. But it was also the fact that she was not of the line of Durin nor was she of the council an thusly; she wasn't privy to all the rumors going on and whatnot. Thorin had remembered a time when the two had been young, he'd gained an interest in her work and her as a whole, but it was the fact that she had a kind - warm inviting presence about her.
That was what he needed during those rough times, Thinya had given it to him without complaint. The dwarf had turned to face her completely, larger hands still at his sides before he finally raised them to cup her face once more. This dam meant everything to him though words could not accurately express what he'd felt for the other.
His actions would have to do the telling, he supposed.
Thumbs gently stroked her cheeks as he continued to gaze into those green hues he'd come to adore, "You are all I want, love." The royal whispered, his head tilting a moment before he finally lowered his hands from her face to grasp her hands within his own. His gaze shifted from hers to their hands as he thought things over. Love was not something he believed to be in the cards for him. Accepting that quest knowing that there was a high possibility of not returning alive was his priority. His only wish at that time was for her to be happy even if it hadn't been with him, Thorin would have died knowing she was happy and had someone there.
Not that she needed it, of course.
Titles be damned.
He wanted this dam to be in his life whether it was as his Queen or not. Of course, this was breaking tradition entirely and Thorin had been the biggest proponent of tradition, but for her he was willing to break away from all of that. For his nephew, who fell in love with one of the elves. They say that once you hit a certain age you're too old to learn new things, but the dwarf liked to say that he wasn't so old as to not change his ways.
It would be hard - in regards to his nephew, especially because of the long standing distrust and hate between dwarves and elves. But there was nothing about him saying that wouldn't try. And here was Thinya; the dam who was a jeweler having lost her titles that very fateful day. Technically now considered to be that of the common folk, a working class dwarrowdam, but the brunette had always seen her for much more than appearances and titles.
And now the other was bowing.
Shaking his head, Thorin simply motioned for her to straighten up, "You do not need to bow to me, love." The rumbling tone and words feel from his lips as he turned away from her to take a look at the grand scene below them. Her words struck a chord within him, tugging at the strings. Standing by the fact that emotions were quite complicated, the dwarf king was willing to walk through this tale with her - to explore any and all aspects of their relationship.
But one fact still remained: they would have to contend with the Council.
What the hell had it mattered? He was king, was he not? It was only his right to choose whom he so wished to spend the rest of his years with while on the throne. Thinya had always been special to him though it wasn't until now that he was finally able to say so.
"I don't care if you do not have titles or anything of the sort." The brunette said softly, hands curling into fists as he looked away "You are who I want at my side, standing beside the throne and being my Queen."
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blackarrcw Β· 9 months ago
He was very worried about his young nephews. Bright blues stare at the woman for a long time, silence filling the space between both of them as he released a deep sigh, realizing that if he didn't say what he was thinking on then she would continue to look at him knowingly and in amusement. While he didn't want to give in to that, the heavy thought that his nephews had not made it clouded his mind.
"My nephews. Were you able to treat them?" Thorin finally caved, asking the question that had been on his mind and what prompted him to get out of the bed in the first place. Ignoring the throbbing pain within his chest, foot and head - his determination was what was driving him to move about, right now. He needed to know that the lads were okay so that Dis could be notified to return home and be with them.
"Kili and Fili. They were on the battlefield as well." His head tilts downward, his gaze shifting to his hands as said hands curled tightening into a fist upon his lap. If there was the likelihood that the dwarf failed his kin, that little bit of information would be quite pertinent to know by this point.
@lady-llewellyn asked: β€œHope is a thing with feathers that perches the soul, and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.” (For Thorin please.)
The dwarf had merely turned his attention to the woman for a moment, those words were deep and thought provoking. Something that Thorin had not had in such a long time, but was now presented with that opportunity. Hope. Hope was once out of his reach at one point in time - a thought he believed to be long gone and taken from him so long ago. But the way it was presented to him now, the way it had been when the Battle of Five Armies had taken place, he wanted to take it for himself. To hold on to and allow himself to feel something outside of stoicism, to once again allow hope enter his world and give him something to pull out of that darkness with. "Your words paint it so prettily. Is that truly what you feel?"
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blackarrcw Β· 9 months ago
Did he need more than just a break?
Deep brown hues looked to the woman, his head tilting before he shrugged his shoulders "I don't see why not." The brunette answered resigning himself to cuddling with lambs. He'd never even touched one before so this would certainly be am experience. The most of animals he'd been around were horses and dogs, pigs even as well as chickens.
"Mead sounds good, actually." The young prince thought, his head tilting a moment before shifting focus to the woman. "My uncle and brother will be looking for me, though." It was a frustrating and sad thought all around that Kili couldn't catch much of a break - he was second born, after all. He was not quite in direct line for the throne. And any business that was taking place could be taken care of by both his uncle and sibling.
Perhaps those words had cut quite deep.
Much more so than Kili had expected. The brunette's gaze had lingered upon the other for a few more minutes long before he turned his head, looking the opposite direction. How was he to answer that question? What brought him here? While technically, Fili was the next in line for the throne and being properly trained by their uncle, there was always the fear that his brother would step down and relinquish all power he had.
Kili didn't want that just yet.
Sure, he'd matured over the course of the quest but that hadn't quite meant that the archer was ready to take over as monarch. Tilting his head the Durin simply turned his focus back to his companion "I needed a bit of a break, I s'pose." He answered after some few minutes. his arms slowly raised as they folded across his chest, his footing shifted slightly "You sound like you already have been down that road, I take it?"
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blackarrcw Β· 9 months ago
The Hobbit's expression had been one of a deadpanned look. Eggs, of all times - that is what would get the raven to help him get back on the right track?!? The level of frustration that ran through the Baggins' veins was enough to make his head pop off. Slowly, Bilbo turned away for but a moment only to face the creature once more.
"Alright," he starts, shifting his footing before starting a slow moving walk "Say I get you this egg you want, would it really entice you to help me in regaining course back on the road?" The Hobbit questioned his companion, having stopped walking altogether.
It was all a silly ridiculousness if he thought about it. Talking to a raven and bargaining with the blasted creature only to feel as though he were being turned around in circles. A frustrating feeling in deed, but alas. Suppose this was what he was in for if he wanted to continue in communicating with the creature. Bilbo just wanted to go home to his books, food and arm chair - not wanting to be lost any longer.
But to be in the safety of his warm, cozy home.
@tilosecretbirb asked: ❝you know where we going? are we trying to get lost? ❞ Tílo to  Bilbo
Confusticate and bebother this raven!
He did not get lost and would be damned if he allowed this bird to ask otherwise. "We are not lost." Hold on, wait a minute - why had that sounded familiar? The Hobbit had stopped in his tracks to think on that for a few moments before he turned his head to the raven, "Are you trying to get me lost?" Bilbo questioned, expression switching from pure frustration to irritation and curious. Thorin would more than likely be proud of him for talking to a raven, for one.
For two: .....they were absolutely not lost. The Hobbit was certain that they weren't lost - even if they were going in a circle a time or two. Oh for Yavanna's sake. The blasted bird had gotten him distracted and thus they'd gotten lost.
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blackarrcw Β· 9 months ago
Holding her book close to her the half-elf had simply stood her ground, "I am no wizard, nor do I know of magic." Elyssa responded after some time. All she was doing was doing a bit of research in elvish healing, locating some of the herbs that some of the practice had called for. Again, she was asked to state her business and so the russet haired woman took in a breath, "I was merely doing some research for my particular trade."
There it was.
Russet curls bounced slightly as she tilted her head, "I am but a practitioner of healing - a student of sciences." A chance to reassure she'd meant no harm by coming to these woods. If she had to, she'd bring up Elrond if need be, but Elyssa had decided to keep that bit to herself to see how this was going to play out. Whether her captor believes her words or not, the healer knew them to be true.
She needed certain herbs that the mountain didn't quite have, nor did Dale. "My reason for being here is that I need certain herbs to complete a healing ointment and they are located somewhere here in these woods. Would you deny a young woman her need to learn more about her trade so that she can safely return home to help the sick and needy?"
@tilosecretbirb asked: ❛ go ahead. underestimate me. that’ll be fun. ❜ Eir to Elyssa
They were known to be quite the cocky bunch, perhaps moreso than dwarrow at times. Sometimes, it was hard for Elyssa to tell but this one had shown otherwise. "It'll be unwise to underestimate anyone." The half-elf spoke, keeping her book close to her as she kept focus on the other, "I'd be stupid to do so, as would anyone else." The russet haired woman tilted her head a moment before shifting her arms to let the book that was held fall against her lap. That was all anyone did these days: underestimate and assume. That wasn't what she wanted to do at all.
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blackarrcw Β· 9 months ago
It saddened the half-elf to know that FΓ‘r was at this point of giving up to save her father. The heavy door shut completely, silencing the other dwarrow's frantic mumblings and the pitching of a pitiful cry that fell. There was a hint of warning beneath the next words that the dam had given her, and yet her curiosity still got the best of her.
Elyssa had followed behind the other, opting to keep her questions and thoughts to herself. There had to be a way of healing the ailments the older dwarrow faced, something within the books of the elves that had long since gone. The russet haired elf had shook her head, pushing thoughts aside as the two had quietly made way out into the light once again. "I shouldn't have looked."
@tilosecretbirb asked: ❝ i have confided this in you, please do not betray that trust. ❞  FÑr to Elyssa
Steel blues looked to the dam beside her, silence filling the air between the two as Elyssa had taken a few small moments to think things over. That sense of proud had come through knowing that the dam had spoken truth - what had just been said was said in confidence that nothing would be said outside of their conversation. A hum left the half-elf, followed by a nod "You've my word I will not tell a soul."
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blackarrcw Β· 9 months ago
Perhaps those words had cut quite deep.
Much more so than Kili had expected. The brunette's gaze had lingered upon the other for a few more minutes long before he turned his head, looking the opposite direction. How was he to answer that question? What brought him here? While technically, Fili was the next in line for the throne and being properly trained by their uncle, there was always the fear that his brother would step down and relinquish all power he had.
Kili didn't want that just yet.
Sure, he'd matured over the course of the quest but that hadn't quite meant that the archer was ready to take over as monarch. Tilting his head the Durin simply turned his focus back to his companion "I needed a bit of a break, I s'pose." He answered after some few minutes. his arms slowly raised as they folded across his chest, his footing shifted slightly "You sound like you already have been down that road, I take it?"
@tilosecretbirb" asked: I'm nobody! Who are you? Are you a nobody, too? ” herinΓ½i to kΓ­li
A nobody?
No! He was not some nobody. He was a prince - an heir to the line of Durin. The expression upon his features changed from genuine curiosity to a slight irritation, "I am not a nobody." The brunette answered, expression changing as he carefully thought over his answer "I am of one of the most prestigious bloodlines; Durin's Folk." The archer explained, eyes softening a moment "Thorin Oakenshield is the king beneath the mountain." Hoping that would get some sort of reaction out of the other.
If not then he didn't know what would.
"Why do you consider yourself a nobody?" The young archer asked, his head tilting as his curiosity struck in that moment. He'd heard people refer to themselves as such, even his own Uncle and the Hobbit themselves did the same thing, bringing up more confusion from the dwarf.
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