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meowmoedotcom · 3 months ago
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straycatj · 3 months ago
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Kofuku: known as Kofu, Kofu-chan, rarely Kofutan, Kofutaro,or Kofuku-san, and the alias is the black menace
He was adopted from the animal shelter when he was around 2months and a half. Although it was said he might not live so long because he had the anal prolapse, now he has no problems and has gotten so big.
He had a violent childhood attacking Mr.J every day, but his nature is only a home tiger so he can't greet with not only her guests but grandpa yet.
He hates being hugged, runs away when she calls him, and falls on the floor with the face that doesn't know what he's thinking these days, so it's still impossible for landlady to communicate with him. She can feel his affection only by his staying beside service with sharing her pillow when she wakes up.
He loves rice SO much and eats cooked rice or prepared mochi rice. And he always goes his way physically,then broke a lot of things at home so he let her spend quite an extra money...
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ike2910 · 2 years ago
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ゴーール🎉🎉🎉 1点リード🎉  @japanfootballassociation #ワールドカップサッカー #ベスト8を目指して #つな超え #サッカー日本代表頑張れ #頑張る日本 #堂安律 #日本代表 #ベスト8へ #猫のいる暮らし #新しい景色を2022 #サッカー日本代表 #坂口マロン #おしゃべりペット #コスプレ猫 #新しい景色を2022 #猫好きさんと繋がりたい #サッカー好きな人と繋がりたい #茶トラ男子部 #サムライブルー #アルピニアラボ #サンデイ #ペコねこ部 #ペトコト取材班 #ねこくら https://www.instagram.com/p/ClyuJb2ve5G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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102ka0fficial · 2 years ago
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ひょこっとでてきたのよ⁉️ そして飯食べてた❗️ 接近して久々猫みた✨ そして三角公園にてテレビみたww まあ人生色々な瞬間を見たね! #西成 #西成三角公園 #西成三角公園付近 #猫 #猫のいる暮らし #にゃんすたぐらむ #関西 #大阪 #探検 #社宅暮らし #転勤 #楽しむことが大事 #色々 #人生たのしんだもん勝ち #人生���楽しむ #引越し #見るべし #いいね https://www.instagram.com/p/ClwIQW4yMJ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nihongo-enthusiast · 8 months ago
The 6 Differences Between は and が
The important fact is AFTER は
• この犬は私のぺットです。This dog is my pet.
You want to emphasize that this is not a stray dog. It is not someone else's pet dog. It is MY PET. So anything comes after は is the main part you want the listener to pay attention to.
The important fact is BEFORE が
• この犬が私のベットです。This dog is my pet.
You want to emphasize that THIS IS THE DOG that is my pet. Not other dogs. Imagine you're at a park and there are 3, 4 other dogs playing together with your dog and you want to tell your friend that THIS DOG is the one that is your pet dog, other dogs are not yours. So, what comes before が is the main part you want to tell the listener.
More examples:
• このケーキはおいしいです。This cake is DELICIOUS! (You want to tell your friend that this cake is indeed very good. Your emphasis falls on おいしい, so you use は, because the important fact is AFTER は.
• このケーキがおいしいです。THIS CAKE is delicious. (You want to tell your friend that among all the cakes on the buffet table, this particular cake you are pointing to is the most delicious one. Others are not good.) Your emphasis falls on このケーキ (THIS CAKE), so you use が, because the important fact is BEFORE が.
New information and things that you mention for the first time, use が. Old information or topics that have been mentioned earlier but is now repeated again, use は.
• 学校にマイクという男がいます。There is boy named Mike in my school.
You started the conversation with your friend by saying there's a new student named Mike in the school. That is the first time you mentioned Mike. It is new information, therefore use が.
• マイクはアメリカ出身です。Mike is from America.
You mention Mike the 2nd time now and it is no longer a new information. It is considered old information, therefore use は.
Stating facts without adding your personal opinion or judgment use が. By adding your own opinion or judgment, use は.
• 外に猫がいます。There is a cat outside.
You are just merely stating a fact that there is a cat outside. This sentence doesn't include your description about the cat. No personal opinion or judgment about the cat.
• あの猫は白いです。The cat is white in colour.
You are putting your description, your judgment into the sentence about the cat. When you are adding your own thoughts, opinion, description about something, use は.
• 日本の料理はおいしいです。Japanese food is tasty.
You are putting your opinion/judgment about Japanese food in your sentence, therefore, use は.
When you make comparison, use は. When you eliminate other options, use が.
• お茶は好きですが、コーヒーは好きじゃありません。I like tea but I don't like coffee.
If two actions are done by the same person, use は. If two actions are done by two different persons, use が first, then use は for the second action.
• 私はごはんを食べるとき、テレビを見ます。I have my meal and I am watching TV.
• 私がごはんを食べるとき、父はテレビを見ます。When I have my meal, my father watches TV.
To modify a phrase into a noun, use が.
• これは彼女が作ってくれたケーキです。
What cake is this? This is the cake that is baked by my girlfriend. The phrase 「彼女が作ってくれた」 is to modify the cake, to describe about the cake.
Quiz Time
• ��屋は広いです。
• 部屋が広いです。
In English, both sentences mean "The room is spacious." But what is the difference?
In 部屋は広いです, it shows a comparison contrast nuance (read DIFFERENCE 4). If you say this, the listener will believe that you are making a comparison of this room with all the other rooms in the house. You want to say this room is spacious, whereas the other rooms are smaller in size.
In 部屋が広いです, you are merely stating a general fact about this room being spacious (read DIFFERENCE 3). You are not making any comparison. Your sentence has no added personal judgement or opinion. You are stating a fact about the room being spacious.
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koch-snowflake-blog · 1 month ago
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豊島 心桜(とよしま こころ、2003年9月25日 - )は、日本の女優、グラビアアイドル。新潟県五泉市出身。アービング所属。
高校時代より『週刊プレイボーイ』からグラビアのオファーがあったが、上記の理由で抵抗感や恐怖感を持っていたために断っており、高校卒業後にオファーを受諾した。母と祖母は最初のオファー時点で乗り気だったうえ、2歳下の弟[注 13]の彼女も応援してくれており、『メジャー感』を購入したことを弟経由で連絡してきたという。なお、祖母はグラビア開始以前に(ドラマやバラエティなどの)出演作品をすべてチェックしており、厳しいアドバイスもくれていたという。また、同デジタル写真集の表紙は『君が獣になる前に』のプロデューサーの目に止まり、それを見せてもらった監督も快諾した結果、千田ミヤ���役への起用につながったという。
高校2年時に校則で禁じられていなかったからとUber Eatsを呼んで学校に激怒された結果、3年時の生徒手帳には「デリバリー禁止」が追記された。また、水泳の授業については「朝から塩素の入った水で髪を濡らしたくない」との思いから体調不良と偽って一度も出なかったため、入学時に購入したスクール水着はタグ付きのままで実家に眠っている。当時はオンライン授業ばかりになるなどのコロナ禍にあり、修学旅行については駄目になった海外の代わりである沖縄へ荷物を送ったが、生徒に新型コロナウイルス感染者が出たことから沖縄も駄目になり、1週間後に荷物が返ってきた。さらには、大阪へ変更された時点で緊急事態宣言が出されたため、すべて中止になってしまったという。
『週刊プレイボーイ』2023年47・48合併号にてグラビアを初披露する際にビキニを着用したが、これは1歳半の時にキティちゃんのビキニを着用した時以来のことだった。なお、初披露に際しての予習では頓知気さきなのグラビアを良いと思っていたところ、掲載号の表紙を彼女が担当していたため、思わずテンションが上がってしまったという。また、通常の『週刊プレイボーイ』を見ておこうと思っていたが、増刊『週プレPREMIUM 2023上半期グラビア傑作選』に多数のグラビアアイドルが掲載されているのを見てこちらを先に買い、後から通常の『週刊プレイボーイ』や何冊もの写真集も買って予習したという。
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dufferpuffer · 6 months ago
Did you ever figure out what's Snape's pronoun in japanese? 👀 I'm curious
I have jumped through so many hoops... I want to buy the hardcovers in Japanese, so I didn't want to spend money just to check a word... but piracy is hard for Japanese things... So I've signed up for an Amazon kindle unlimited thingy account and Amazon is useless in my country nobody has a fucking amazon account
AND THEN to read it I have to download the KINDLE APP on on my PC and log into AMAZON on it uuugh whinge whinge complain tantrum
I got all the japanese books - and I've been tipped off that he might use 'Wagahai' and FUCK do I hope he uses wagahai but it seems I cannot use the search function with kanji. Nor does it seem to search through furigana. Only hiragana and katakana. uuuugghhhhhh So I just need to... search for Snapes name in every book and scour the pages. Cool. Cool.
So I am looking through each book's every mention of スネイプ... Dumbledore uses 'Washi' and is, as always, delightful - using the typical old man 'jya's. I hope he and Sebarusu enjoyed their umasou custard tarts. Shoutout to Suneipu's poisonous eyes at Hari- and Ron.
「ミネルバ、わしは歓迎会のほうに戻らんと。二言、三言、話さねばならんのでな。さあ行こうかの、セブルス。うまそうなカスタード・タルトがあるんじゃ。わしゃ、あれを一口食べてみたい」  しぶしぶ、自分の部屋から連れ去られるように出ていきながら、スネイプは、ハリーとロンを毒々しい目つきで見た。
秘密の部屋 (p. 124) How come "さあ行こうかの、セブルス。うまそうなカスタード・タルトがあるんじゃ。わしゃ、あれを一口食べてみたい" sounds so much cuter in Japanese
I got ONE 'Watashi' - but I'm not satisfied with it. It's in a note written for Slytherin to train their new seeker. "I, Professor Snape,"
秘密の部屋 (p. 167) But a note is formal. What does he call himself casually...?
「校長、一言よろしいですかな」 影の中からスネイプの声がした。ハリーの不吉感がつのった。
秘密の部屋 (p. 218) ("Headmaster, May I have a word." From within shadows came Snape's voice. Harry's sense of foreboding increased.) Unrelated - just iconic af.
スネイプはますます底意地の悪い笑いを浮かべた。  「校長、ポッターが真っ正直に話しているとは言えないですな。すべてを正直に話してくれる気になるまで、彼の権利を一部取り上げるのがよろしいかと存じます。我輩としては、彼が告白するまで、グリフィンドールのクィディッチ・チームから外すのが適当かと思いますが」
秘密の部屋 (p. 219)
HE USES WAGAHAI!!! He is SO cat themed in Japanese, what the hell... English its always bats and spiders, Japan is straight up like 'He purrs and is a cat' ... For people who don't know: Wagahai is an old-timey male pronoun. It's long been out of use and sounds arrogant, pompous, formal... "I'm better than you. I look down on you. You're a peasant; I'm a Lord." It re-gained popularity within fiction because of the 1905 book about a teachers pet cat by Natsume Souseki, 吾輩は猫である (I am a cat). It is STRONGLY associated with that book and cats in general. It's almost always used for non-human characters, especially to give an 'old military man' or 'from a different time' feel.
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sou0902 · 20 days ago
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chibiutsubo · 8 months ago
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ninaniena828 · 1 month ago
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@co_827 @co.sian
#ねこ #猫 #猫のいる生活 #三毛猫 #縞三毛 #コウ #白猫 #シアン #ニャルソック #見廻り #ご苦労さまです #cat #cats #nikonz5
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meowmoedotcom · 15 days ago
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ほつれた糸でも体が勝手に反応してしまう猫のサガ #Shorts​
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pricechecktranslations · 2 months ago
The Restaurant of Many Ingredients (Much Meat)
As he strokes his red crest,
Fry Kitchen grumbles that he's covered
Head to toe in white hairs
This is the first time in his life
生まれて初めて 昔は
That he's ever ground flour with a stone mortar
This hadn't been his standing in life in the past
Though he'd stooped to the position of undead servant
Though his form had changed to that of livestock
It actually isn't all that bad
It was now that he realized
That stacks of money piled up on a desk
Don't really mean anything
The smell of charred meat wafts through the air
He prays that he isn't next
He'd always been so bored and fed up
So he finally bid farewell
To his 23 siblings
Pork Chop had set out on his own
This should have been a happy thing
But somehow it was a little lonesome
He cuts vegetables while snuffling and snorting
He's gotten used to holding a knife
Since he's chopped up countless people
He'd once been uncommonly stingy
But nowadays he can't even hold a candle
To those blockhead cousins of his
The bear's eyes are looking his way
He prays that he's not its prey
Chateau Briand had declared that
As long as it was by the one he admired
He wouldn't mind being eaten
He hadn't been able to speak to them that day
And so couldn't save them
His regrets linger even now
He'd become the 16th cook
Though he had mustered his will and applied for an apprenticeship
The mansion was already an empty husk
And now everything
Is different from the way things were then
Yet there are some things that haven't changed
He spies a listless looking red cat
It pats the meat of his belly
I wordlessly gaze upon
The sight of my pupils
Carrying out their clumsy cooking technique
I've forgotten most of my past
Even so, this kitchen
Has a scent that brings back memories
To go traveling with someone, and make food with them,
Wasn't that the life that I had once
Wished to have?
These guests from the parallel world bustling through the restaurant,
I reach for the new ingredient
That I've prepared for them
The flower of happiness is a lovely red
It'll be a perfect spice for the main dish
Again he looks towards his apprentices
He'll have to select
The main ingredient for the main dish
He isn't lacking in choice
This is Mister Dog's restaurant
Of many ingredients
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servant222 · 4 months ago
20240709 ぐるぐると考える日
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歯医者では詰め物をしてもらった。歯医者さんがぎゅーぎゅーと力を入れて詰め物を詰めている時に、持っているピンセット?の先がズレて私の上顎に突き刺さってとても痛かった。ごめんなさい!と謝ってくれて、治療後に歯科助手さんが 「大丈夫だと思いますけど、少し血が出てしまったのですみません。」 とワンタフトブラシと歯磨き粉をくれた。刺さった直後はとても痛かったけれど今はもう痛くない。
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dokushoclub · 7 months ago
I've already started another book in Japanese that I will post about soon, but the 本を守ろうとする猫の話 book hangover is real, so I'm posting a longer quote for you that stuck with me over the last month.
Context: Rintarō was raised by his grandfather who has just died. While he is still grieving, he starts going on adventures with a talking cat to save the books. On those adventures Rintarō is able to change some hearts by reflecting back on lessons his grandfather taught him when he was still alive. This is one of those lessons:
林太郎が学校を休みがちになり、がむしゃらに夏木書店の書棚をあさっていた頃のことだ。学校に嫌気がさしていた林太郎は、本の壁の中に閉じこもり、しだいに外界に対して興味を失って活字の世界だけに没入していった。そんな孫に、無口な祖父は珍しく言葉を重ねて告げた。 ”ただがむしゃらに本を読めば、その分だけ見える世界が広がるわけではない。どれほど多くの知識を詰め込んでも、お前が自分の足で歩かなければ、すべては空虚な借り物でしかないのだよ” 難しい言葉の連なりに首をかしげる孫を、祖父は静かな瞳で見返しながら、 ”本がお前の代わりに人生を歩んでくれるわけではない。自分の足で歩くことを忘れた本読みは、古びた知識で膨らんだ百科事典のようなものだ。誰かが聞いてくれなければ何の役にも立たない骨董品に過ぎない” 祖父は孫の頭をそっと撫でながら付けくわえた。 ”お前はただの物知りになりたいのか?[...]読むはよい。けれども読み終えたら、次は歩き出す時間だ” 夏川草介:本を守ろうとする猫の話 p47f
I though it was a very kind and gentle way for a grandfather who manages an antique book shop himself and who certainly is a book worm just as much as his grandson to reach out to a young boy who was on the verge of shutting himself off completely.
I also think it's generally good advice: Read your books and then walk with the new knowledge and experiences for a while. See were it will lead you and give it space to influence how you see the world around you.
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moonyasnow · 5 months ago
TWST OC Showcase: Tomoe Sakurada
Housewarden of Ramshackle; the Dorm based on the Lonely Ghosts' Spirit of Adaptability
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(Vice Housewarden: Irina Barret)
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Human Right-handed Japan - Ramshackle Dorm 159cm / 5'2 - #000000 / 0, 0, 0 January 1st - Capricorn - 19 y.o. 1st year - Freshman - Class A, no.9 No Club Best Subject: History of Magic Hobbies: History Pet peeves: Irresponsible People Favorite food: Unadon Least favorite food: Raw fish Talent: Storytelling Floyd-given name: Emperor Penguin Rook-given name: Mademoiselle Trickster Cater-given name: Tom-Tom
Link to all my OC Showcases here!
Some quotes:
She flushes with embarrassment. "Pardon me, I tend to get carried away when talking about history…"
She puts her face in her hands and sighs heavily, bordering on despairingly. "They are my friends, but…how could they be this stupid?!" — "Grim not having the foresight and being too cocky to anticipate this I could see coming. But the other two…!" She puts her face in her hands again and muffles a faint scream. "Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one in our quartet who does not occasionally just turn my brain off!" She slowly removes her hands and turns her face up to the ceiling, taking several long, deep breaths. "Now…let's try to find a way to fix this. Luckily, I know how men like that 高利貸し operate."
One day at Tokyo international airport, a newly hired businessman named Takahiro Sakurada, returning from his first work overseas, made eye-contact with a very pretty stewardess he remembered from his flight, Hanae…and then proceeded to miss the step-off of his escalator, while trying to steady himself somehow ending up doing some type of a flip before ending up on his back, legs up in the air against a wall, blowing his tie out of his eyes. Upon seeing this, Hanae began laughing uncontrollably nearby. Because of their jobs, they ended up meeting each other like that at airports quite often, and Takahiro eventually asked Hanae out on a date, and the rest is history. Eventually they married and had Tomoe, three years later followed by her younger sister Sachie and three years after that, younger brother Kouta. They ended up deciding on an arrangement where Takahiro would work as normal, just taking less international flights if possible, and Hanae would be a stay-at-home mother with the kids during the school months, and then take up her air stewardess job again during summer vacation, upon which the kids would stay with their paternal grandparents in a small, rural country-side farming village in the mountains. And when they were home with their parents like usual, they lived in a still quite small village right by the sea, and Tomoe, Sachie and Kouta would walk for 20 minutes to get to the train station, and then take a 30-minute train ride to the city where they went to school, then walk for 10 more minutes to reach the school from the train station.
Tomoe had always been a momma's girl, and looked up to her mother a lot. In Tomoe's opinion— and also in the opinion of her father— her mother was the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen. She was also incredibly kind, a hard worker, dependable, patient, accepting and an exceptionally loving mother. She's always wanted to be like her mother. Some of her favorite time with her mother was when they would cook together, . She also has many fond memories of times when Tomoe had forgotten to make lunch, only for her mother to hand her a bento as she was about to rush out the door, or kiss her hands if she got a paper-cut to 'kiss the boo-boo away'. She still did those things even after Tomoe had become an adult, saying she would always be her little girl. It usually made her a little bit bashful the older she got, but she liked it, still being spoiled a bit and treated like a kid by her mom even though she was supposed to be a responsible adult by that point. Her father had always been a little bit eccentric, a bit of a goofball with a love for stereotypical dad jokes, rhymes and wordplay that the whole family always said, but he never quite admitted, was very bad. He's a little bit clumsy, a little bit incomptetent, with a very big heart. As well as a bit of a scatterbrain who can get very worked up about small things, with a tendency to overdramatize, which paired well with her mother's more level head and calm, objective approach to life. Some of Tomoe's fondest memories of him are of him making up very strange reasons to try to scare them into doing things like brushing their teeth or always holding a parent's hand while crossing the road. Once he made up a story that if they're not pulled out, baby teeth eventually have baby teeth of their own, so if Tomoe and her siblings didn't get rid of them their mouths would be covered in tiny itty-bitty teeth. He was however very good at numbers, finance, and money in general, and to try to teach his kids to also be better about it he'd do things like make them sign contracts to go take out the trash in return for ice-cream, and sometimes he'd hide some strange things in the terms and conditions, and when they'd signed it he'd show them the thing he added and tell them that since he's their dad he'll be nice and let them off the hook, but to always be careful and think before signing something, especially if it appears too good to be true. And ALWAYS. READ. C O N T R A C T S.
Tomoe absolutely loves her family, and she and her siblings have always been really close. Her sister Sachie had always been the human firework of the family. She had endless energy and the attention span of a puppy, and their grandfather sometimes joked about not having a remote to turn down her volume. When she found something new she thought was exciting, she devoted her entire life, every single moment to it, lived and breathed it…fooor about a month. After which she found something new and started the process all over again. She had a lot of friends and loved talking to people. And in stark contrast, Kouta had always been the quiet one who preferred spending time to himself. He got tired by social interaction, was the first of the children to ask for his own room, had generally always liked being alone and was quite shy. He didn't speak a lot and had a face that stayed mostly stoic. though he spoke so little, the things he did say were always heard by the rest of the family, and they made sure to always include him, but also give him a choice of whether or not he wanted to join them, and let him know he could change his mind at any time. At family gatherings he usually preferred to sit in a corner listening to something or other on his headphones. He loved their grandmother most of all and usually always clung to her when he was little. He had always loved soccer, and could usually be found practicing by himself. He was part of a nearby soccer team, and whenever his team won a match he'd always blush and smile bashfully. For each child's birthday, they had a tradition of renting a hotel room in Tokyo for a day or two to go shopping, go to a theme park, watch movies or eat sweets and junk food. Since Tomoe's birthday coincides with the New Year— Shōgatsu— during her birthday trip she always chose to go to the biggest Shōgatsu celebration in Tokyo. She loved dressing up in a pretty kimono, eating hanami dango, candied apples and taiyaki, visiting a temple, and having fun with the people she loves. Watching the fireworks, it always felt like they were specifically for her, for her birthday. They'd arrive at around 23:30 on the last day of December, then celebrating the new year, watching the year's first sunrise together, then going to a temple to ring out the old year, then all eat pancakes for breakfast, still wearing their New Year's kimonos with fur lining.
If anyone in the family ever fought with each other, it was usually Tomoe and Sachie, what with how opposite their personalities are. Tomoe had always valued following the rules, being polite, neat and tidy, and being meticulous. And Sachie always just raced off at top speed towards anything she liked and spoke to everyone casually, not caring for rules much and being bad at cleaning up after herself. When it was just Tomoe, Sachie and Kouta, Tomoe was left in charge, and once while they were together at a summer Fireworks festival, Tomoe literally had to tie a ribbon between her and Sachie's wrists to make sure Sachie didn't run away. She got pretty upset about that and was mad at Tomoe almost the entire time, asking why Kouta didn't also have a ribbon on his wrist, and Tomoe replied 'because Kouta is well-behaved'. They fought sometimes, but they never formally made up, since they as siblings knew each other well enough to realize that fighting sometimes was just how things went between them. Well, they only formally made up if the argument they'd gotten in had been bad enough, at the behest of their parents or grandparents. And they always knew the other loved them.
She'd always loved hearing stories about things that happened long, long ago. As a child, she'd often beg her grandfather to tell her stories about when his father and mother both worked as doctors in World War II, and loved listening to her grandmother describe what things were like when she was little. She thought all the old people in her town were so cool because of all the things they knew and how much stuff they'd done over the years, and how much they'd seen which she hadn't. Which is why as soon as she started going to school and learning history, she absolutely fell in love with the entire subject. It boggled her tiny mind that there was so much she didn't know that people had done before she was even born. So many people's stories, all weaving together to form a tapestry of the world. Her history teacher, a half-Japanese, half Mexican man named Mr. Cabello— a large burly man with a full beard— was her favorite teacher, and the clear passion he had for his subject as well as his sense of humor always made her even more interested to keep learning more about history. He was her inspiration for wanting to be a history teacher in the first place.
She was part of a group of a total of four friends, with three other people besides her. When she was 6, on the first day she started school, two girls came up to her to introduce themselves, since they noticed she was alone at recess. Well, more like one of them charged over to her and the other trailed along behind the other one. The one who approached her first was very friendly and held out her hand to introduce herself as Tooru Yamato, and the other as Kaede Okazaki. Kaede and Tooru had known each other their entire lives, since they lived right next to each other, and their families had become friends before they were born. So they were practically raised together, and always went to the same school, ever since the first day of kindergarten. The three of them became friends, with Tooru acting somewhat as the leader, with her very open, unashamed and straightforward personality. But she could become a bit too fired up and eccentric at times, which is when Kaede would pull her away before she embarrassed herself too much. She also had very big plans, but wasn't always very responsible, which Tomoe told her wouldn't do if she really wanted to 'become an astronaut' like she'd always talked about. Kaede was the youngest, born on December 30th at the end of the year, technically 363 days after Tomoe, and was always very laid back and casual about everything, often bringing up funny ideas that she knew Tooru would think sounded awesome and wanna do right that instant, just because she thought seeing Tooru excited was nice. And also kinda funny due to the extreme lengths she'd sometimes go to in order to do those things, all of which Kaede had prevented from becoming even more extreme. And Tomoe was often the ones who scolded them when both of them got a bit too wrapped up in their fun. She was often the voice of reason, but, to her resigned acceptance, 'the baby of the group. All due to her being the shortest and having been really shy as a child when they'd first met, which she'd long since outgrown. But she didn't mind it too much. She just knew it meant they cared a lot about her. Then when they were 12, their school got a transfer student from Tokyo. So they met the final member of their group: Miki Uehara. They started hanging out when one day, Tooru charged over and in her usual loud tone of voice asked Miki an endless barrage of questions, introducing both herself as well as Kaede and Tomoe. Kaede had to rein her in again, and Tomoe apologized for her rudeness. After school that day, since Tomoe was going home with Kaede and Tooru to hang out, they asked if Miki wanted to come with, and Tomoe said they could show her around the city, since she'd only just arrived a day or two ago, and she accepted, acting like she didn't have anything to do anyway. But Tomoe noticed she seemed a bit excited. Miki was a bit of an ice queen with a prickly attitude who always seemed to be looking down on everyone else. She was the type who acted like most things were stupid, but did secretly care. She was very into fashion, following many really expensive fashion magazines religiously, and also loved taking glamour shots of herself, which Tooru and Kaede loved photobombing. Miki acted annoyed, but kept each and every single one. They all made a promise that when in the future they had families of their own— because Tomoe wanted to be a mother and might consider adopting a child on her own if she didn't marry anyone, and Tooru said she was going to adopt at least 5 pets— they would all remain close and let their children play together.
Years passed, and eventually, the time drew closer to the end of High School and her and her friends' graduation. They had all applied to schools they wanted to attend after graduation, and they would receive replies sometime during the break. Tomoe was looking forward to graduating, although it would also feel a bit sad. Their lives would all change forever, and they'd become adults. The end of school was a bittersweet feeling, but they were all looking forward to what the future would bring, and to keep sharing their lives with each other even though they went on separate tracks. Tooru said she was going to be an astronaut, with studying business marketing as a second choice and starting her own marketing company. Miki was going to try to get into a school focused on fashion design and marketing. Kaede was going to take a year off to think about what she wanted to do. And Tomoe— of course— was going to continue her studies of history and anthropology and get a teaching degree. And they all promised to stay in touch, to call and text every day and update each other on what was happening in their lives. And, like they always had, they'd go to summer firework festivals together.
Some miscellaneous info about her:
She's very responsible, and as an oldest sibling, used to being in charge of people less emotionally mature than her. This often makes it so that when she's around someone younger than her, or someone who ACTS younger, she has a tendency to slip into 'mom' mode.
She's VERY smart, though she doesn't often display it openly, as she leans quite heavily into the Japanese societal rules of politeness and humility. But she does have a lot of pride for the fact she always got the best grades in her entire school back at home. She was always at the top of the school rankings grade-wise, and was often asked for help tutoring. She's a very quick thinker in general, and has really good skills of observation and deduction, while not being too proud to have her mind changed and being flexible enough to change her approach quickly when presented with new information. She's also quite the strategist— Zhuge Liang of 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms' fame is one of her biggest idols— and nowadays she's gotten used to no one really being able to beat her at Shogi.
But she's not always the best at working in groups. She's very aware of her own strengths, limits and capablities, and is very careful, being good at changing up her plan last-minute if it calls for it, and often knowing just what to do to make it so. But when something out of her control goes wrong in her plan- which it basically never does since she's so good at quickly changing course- she's not great at dealing with it. So she often prefers doing all the work on her own, even in group projects, because, while it might sound egotistical, she's aware she's often more competent than the people she's grouped with, and knows she could do it all herself. So therefore, needing to leave it to other people whose competency she doesn't always trust is difficult for her. She at least prefers to instruct them on how to do it.
She's always been a person with a love for humanity and for the earth, a positive person who can see the good in everything. And the people around her have always said that seeing her smile happily is a captivating sight. She's the kind of person who sometimes calls people she cares about out of the blue just because she started thinking of them and wanted to hear their voice and speak to them for a while, even if there's nothing she really wants to say. She loves the people in her life a lot.
In her free-time, she practices Kyūdō, or Japanese Archery. The art requires a lot of patience and discipline, and to her it's a sort of meditation, as well.
She also follows the rules of politeness, manners and hospitality as much as she can, being very polite to others. When it comes to other people's manners, if anyone around her gets into trouble for being rude, she will be of the opinion that their rudeness definitely lead to it, and insist they apologize. And if someone she feels some level of authority or responsibility over— like Grim, for example— she will definitely tell them off for being rude right away. But otherwise she mostly lets people behave however they like, so long as it doesn't pose a problem to anyone else.
For her and Irina, I'll be doing breakdowns of what they did during and in-between the books. Includes spoilers for: Books 1-7
On a night like any other, just one week before her High School graduation, she went to sleep like normal, prepared to wake up and go to school the next day like she always had. Her head was swirling with hopes for the future, and of looking forward to seeing her friends again like usual. And the next day after school, she would pick up her siblings from school, and then go home to celebrate Kouta's 12th birthday, Tomoe having a gift for him in her closet that she was excited to give him.
But when she woke up, she wasn't in her futon. She was laying on top of something that was hard, but a little bit too soft to really be called hard. It was like a carpeted floor, or a very thin chair-cushion. When she came to consciousness, her body felt stiff and her back hurt. All she could see in front of her was darkness. She tried to open her eyes, but saw the same thing, so closed them again. In the distance she thought she could hear the muffled sound of someone talking...
But for a while, none of it really seemed real; she was too tired to realize how different it was from when she'd fallen asleep the night before, and her mind was still fuzzy enough that she thought it was a dream. But a light source was suddenly introduced into her small, dark world. The lid had been removed from the box she was laying in. Now when she blinked open her eyes, her sight was filled with the bright glow of blue flames, and the knowledge that the somewhat hard, somewhat soft surface she'd been laying on was the interior of a coffin, its walls laced with a plush velvet.
And then cue the whole Grim business. But, when she went with the Headmage into the hall of mirrors, there was already a commotion, due to the fact that people were talking about a 'magicless student'. There was a very nervous-looking girl with long pink hair standing in front of the mirror, looking like a cornered animal, having literally frozen up in fear.
When Tomoe also eventually went up to the mirror, and it declared her, too, as magicless, the room broke out into further uproar, and Crowley had to make the Housewardens hurry to get their students to their respective dorms.
Tomoe and the girl, whose name was revealed to be 'Irina', spoke with each other and to the Headmage about their homelands, it was discovered the two of them knew of each other's homes, meaning they had to at least be from the same world, ruling out the possibility of either one of them lying about it, since it was obvious they'd never met each other before.
As for all the Books, she generally does what canon Yuu does, but I'll state anything that deviates or is of particular interest.
Book 1
When Ace came to Ramshackle and she found out why he'd been collared, the first thing she did was tell him that it's very rude to just eat something from a communal fridge without asking first. But in the end, she at least agreed to help him make a new tart and come with him to apologize.
Book 2
As soon as they encountered Ruggie, she immediately knew he'd done something, like magic of some kind, knowing food was the one thing Grim would never concede, and so was immediately suspicious of him. While she didn't decide to link Ruggie to the case they were investigating immediately, she certainly pinned him as a possible suspect right away.
Book 3
For a few weeks, Grim ended up becoming quite sick. He'd eaten something long past the expiry date, then a bad cold took advantage of his weakened state. He was forced to mostly stay in bed, meaning it was up to Tomoe to do all the school work for once. She was absolutely ecstatic.
Her and Grim's grades suddenly shot up dramatically, going from the lower brackets to the top 50, landing comfortably at place #5. Tomoe was extremely happy, feeling a sense of peace overcome her she hadn't realized she'd been missing. It almost felt like torture to her to be in any way linked to such a bad grade.
That she got such a massive spike up in her grades during the exam period caused a lot of raised eyebrows. Ace and Deuce ended up asking her if she'd 'made a deal with Azul too'. She had no idea what they were talking about— until anemones suddenly sprouted from their heads.
When Crowley himself asked her if she'd made a deal with Azul to make her grades so good, she was incredibly offended. She, an honest student who'd gotten straight As through her entire school career and was proud of it, would never cheat! The only teacher who really believed her was her favorite teacher, Professor Trein. He was the teacher who got to see the most of just how engaged she always was in class because she'd be one of the few who constantly raised her hand to ask questions, and payed a lot of attention in his class, even while everyone else had fallen asleep around her. Confirmation from him that he at least knew she'd never cheat— him even telling her that he knew she was smart and could do great if she was only given the chance— calmed her down enough to ensure that her coming battle against Azul wasn't fueled by her desire to clear her name.
Not to say she wasn't still very frustrated by the situation.
And after it was all over....
She went up to them and flicked each of them once on the forehead. "I am very disappointed in all three of you. If it was so easy for you to gain access to a study guide, how would it not occur to any of you that many others must also be able to easily access it?! Not to even mention how obviously shady Azul is! If you wanted help studying, you should have just asked me, Riddle, Cater or Trey for help. Or anyone, really!" She sighed. "Thanks to assistance from Leona, Ruggie and Jack we were able to break you free from your contracts and get your magic back. But next time— and I dearly hope there will not be a next time— something like this happens, there is no guarantee that we would be able to. So I want all three of you to promise me that nothing like this will ever happen again." Her eyes bore holes into each of them. "Are we clear?" — "I said 'are we clear?'" Tomoe is not typically someone who gets upset— in fact, it takes a lot to make her truly angry— but when speaking in this situation, her tone was stern, bordering on threatening. She posed an intimidating figure, standing with her hands on her hips looking at the three of them lined up before her with her eyes and brows narrowed in frustration, as though she was looking down at them despite Ace and Deuce being quite a bit taller than her. As well as the fact she was speaking in a louder voice than normal, almost booming, going quite a bit lower than her usual tone of voice. — "Good." She sighed gently and her face and tone of voice returned to normal. "From now on, every other Sunday between 10 and 12 we will have a study session at Ramshackle dorm."
Tomoe ended up becoming a frequent thorn in Azul's side, advising students not to make contracts with him and that if they believed the deal seemed fair, he would find a way to tip it in his favor. The two hate each other. But they also have some respect for the other as academic rivals, and just how closely matched they were in terms of intelligence as well as hard work, waging some manner of silent war with each other all throughout the rest of their time at school. Lawful Good vs. Lawful Evil
And seeing her, to him surprising, ruthlessness in getting his help, Leona gained quite a bit of respect for her as a person after it was all over. In fact they both ended up realizing that, despite the obvious difference in her being so hands-on and his hands-off approach, they were remarkably similar. In Leona, for the first time, she found someone who could keep up with her natural quick-thinking. She actually felt her heart flutter a little when their first chess match against each other resulted in a draw.
And after the events at Mostro Lounge, she 'somehow' seemed to find her way to where he was more often. Or perhaps it was him who just 'happened' to be in places she'd pass by. Maybe a bit of both. They both began to introduce each other to more and more strategic board games, Tomoe to Yoté and Dara, Leona to Shogi and Go, and kept finding their win-lose ratio begin to plateau as soon as the other figured out the rules. It didn't take long before many students were betting on who would win the next match. They may not have been there for the actual games themselves, but it was usually easy to tell who won, lost, or if it was a draw based on the two's respective moods.
It felt refreshing to for once be allowed to go all out against someone and not have to bother thinking about being polite all the time. She was still very polite toward everyone else, of course, but he was a special exception. The two teased each other quite often, too. It seemed that both of them could dish it out, but neither could really take it, huffing and pouting and becoming defensive when the other did it. He made her incredibly frustrated at times, which was a very new experience for her, as she'd never had an equal she could really get upset at without it being for good reason before. With him she didn't always need to be responsible and mature or relied upon. She kinda liked it. He could get under her skin in a way no one else had ever managed to; challenged her in a way she'd never realized she craved.
And as for his side of things, she had a lot more patience with him than most people did. She treated him just like she would anyone else. She wasn't afraid to call him out on it when he acted out of turn, and stuck by him even when he did, but otherwise didn't mind his grouchy, callous way of acting, sometimes even teasing him for 'acting like a grumpy cat'. Eventually it became commonplace to see her sitting under a tree while Leona used her lap as a pillow, Tomoe turning the pages of a book laid on the grass with one hand and using the other to play with his hair. And, knowing how much it hurt her that no one in Twisted Wonderland knew anything about Earth history and she thus couldn't talk about it with anyone, he let her basically infodump to him about it whenever she wanted— so long as she kept playing with his hair, of course. He always acted like he was asleep, but really, he listened. And she knew he did. And he probably knew that she knew. But they didn't say anything about it. For once, they didn't need to.
And Leona actually ended up making her more open to being a bit less hands-on, learning to delegate and to trust they were competent enough to handle themselves. And she in turn encouraged him to become more involved in the activities of his Dorm where it was needed, such as cracking down on Savannaclaw students' frequent starting of fights.
She can also tend to overwork herself sometimes, so Leona forcefully pulling her away to take a nap was exactly what she needed. And Leona having been the one at fault also gave her some kind of excuse for why she was 'slacking off'. And when Cheka visited, she was more than happy to take over Leona's responsibility of babysitting him; she'd always loved kids and had a very motherly personality, and the little lion's eyes always lit up when he begged her to tell him another story. ...Though Leona did become a little bit jealous of her spending so much time away from him when Cheka visited, so he often ended up joining in on their activities anyway.
Book 4
She knew what was up basically as soon as she heard Jamil refer to her and Grim as having helped other dorms.
Book 5
She was one of the few who actually liked Vil's diet, always having liked vegetables and healthy food. Not to mention it felt nice to have the whole 'food' situation handled. She was happy that Irina, who insisted on cooking for her and Grim a lot got to take a break from it too, even if she noticed irina seemed to be quite anxious about it. Irina seemed quite anxious in general to suddenly have so many new people living at Ramshackle, and Tomoe thought she seemed to really miss the quiet of the Dorm.
And when Vil ended up finding out just how good Tomoe's grades were, but that Ace, Deuce and Grim's grades were still that bad... He lost a little bit of hope in humanity.
Book 6
She went after Grim. The whole incident made her realize just how important Grim had become to her in such a short time; she felt like a mother who'd lost her child. She was worried for the others too, especially Leona, but she knew they could handle themselves. It also made her realize that...she was probably going to end up staying in Twisted Wonderland. If she went back home, she'd most likely be 'that one mysterious disappearance case who turned up again' for the rest of her life. Not to mention that she'd be the only one who knew what had happened in the months she'd been gone; no one else would ever believe her. And she knew that her friends and family had each other. But Grim only really had her. And she wasn't going to just leave him.
And after the events of this Book... She has nothing against him personally, and knows he didn't exactly have much of a choice in what happened, but she can't help but not like Idia especially much. She just associated him with her friends being injured, her Dorm destroyed and what is bacially her son being kidnapped. She's always been very open-minded and believes in forgiveness if the other person has owned up to and endevoured to change their behavior or weren't even entirely at fault in the first place. And she'd even admit that she thinks they could potentially become friends, as she also likes video games a fair bit. But as of right now, the wound is still too fresh.
Book 7
I have not yet read Book 7, though I've been able to surmise basically what the main plot is.
She is asleep. She dreams of some strange, fanfiction-esque alternate reality: a historical Japanese setting based off the media she'd engaged with of the Muromachi period. Everyone she's met from Twisted Wonderland is there, as is her family and friends from back home, and she's the Samurai/Strategist/closest companion/lover of Leona, who's here the second son to the Emperor and breaks away from the Imperial family and starts a war to win personal status. She knew she couldn't persuade him it was a bad idea, so instead she decided to just do everything she could to make sure their war went smoothly.
But she's always been more interested in the lives of historical people in general, whether they be Priests or Warlords or Commoners or Emperors, than she has in the actual bloody side of warfare. So the dream barely actually shows any of the 'war' parts, seeming to be mostly just in a lull period where preparations are still being made, but the war has already broken out. And when it does show combat, there's way more of an emphasis on the strategy.
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And on the topic of me technically having 2 'Yuu's, here is which events Tomoe would go to. If there is a Story Event not on this list, assume Irina went:
Fairy Gala: Operation Steal the Show Wish Upon a Star Camp Vargas Exercise in Survival Twisted Halloween: Spectral Soiree Sam's New Year Sale: 2023 (EN server) Portfest: A Striking Performance Cloudcalling in the Savannah Twisted Tsumderland 1 Playful land Stitch's Tropical Turbulence
More sprites:
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Bonus: Family & Friends
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From left to right: Miki, Tooru, Kaede, Tomoe
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koch-snowflake-blog · 5 months ago
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詩野(しの 、2000年6月16日 - )は、日本の女優、モデル。旧活動名及び現愛称は「たんぺ」。本名非公開。
生年月日 2000年6月16日(23歳)
身長 160cm
2021年4月11日、ミスiD2021でSPOTTED PRODUCTIONS賞を受賞。
メンバーはShino(詩野), Mio(夕月未終), Hitomi(鈴音ひとみ), Anzu(∫積分あんず), Nibeko(にべ子)の5名。会場でMUSIC CARDを発売開始。SAWA楽曲カバーの「KeepOn」「転職活動」の2曲を収録。2023年12月30日解散。
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