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tinkertailordiverspy · 11 months ago
넌 내 배터리를 다 써버리는 불빛이야
내가 공항에서 마시는 커피 속 크림이야
왜 내가 너와 함께인건지 모르겠어
내게 선택권이 있었다면
도살장에 들어가는 어린양처럼
번개를 맞은 소처럼
너는 내게 램프의 지니야
난 누구든 될 수 있었고
그래도 나는 언젠가 얼어붙을거야
그래도 난 때가 되면 이렇게 얼어붙을거야
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kellyjeonblog · 1 year ago
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축구볼라고 이번주 첨으로 칼퇴했는데 20분째 와그라노 지니야
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km-doyeon-blog · 5 years ago
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#엑스맨다크피닉스 #혼영 #TV포인트 #KT #기가지니 #지니야 #영화보여줘 #좋아요 #맛팔 #선팔 #댓글 #환영해요 #소통해요 #여행 #통합교육센터 #기획 #컨설팅 #워크숍 #이벤트 #KM #KM에듀 #KM엔터테인먼트 #KM기획 #KM컴퍼니(Pyeongtaek에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2-bf3QnRlX/?igshid=1ja395bmfw5i9
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seoulpancakes · 3 years ago
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지니야 오늘 특별 무대도 수고 많았어 ㅎㅅㅎ ♡♡
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bitjaruu · 8 years ago
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sugarjia · 8 years ago
#독거노인 #여친놀이 #지니야~ 지니랑 사귀고 싶다 👍👏🙏🚗🚘🚕 . . . #kt올레 #harmankardon (내여친마음속에서)
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taengstagramcom · 6 years ago
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taeyeon_ss: 오늘부터 나랑 같이 꿀잠자자 지니야♡
https://instagram.com/p/BxVH9bNhm6J/ https://scontent-mia3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/9bdd0e4270be74d19c8c18899466f4be/5CD9F7FD/t51.12442-15/e35/58453582_315858369083940_5838769953495203181_n.jpg
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dr-m-r-ma · 6 years ago
The Design in Her Mind
Part 4/?
Genre: drama, romance Rating: PG-13 Group: Monsta X
Summary: Sooyeon meets Monsta X by chance on the streets when they try to help her and her friends shake off creepers, but the meeting ends on a sour note. Some time later, Sooyeon meets the boys again, but at Starship’s headquarters. Although they act cold to each other, Shownu becomes more and more curious about her.
Disclaimer: This is 100% fictional and my own story. It is unrelated to the actual events and real persons of Monsta X and Starship. In regards to this particular fic, I’ve created new K-Pop groups and Sooyeon Kim is my original character. Parts will be written in Korean with English translations. I did not major/study in English/Korean, nor was I ever strong in English/Korean grammar, so there will be grammatical mistakes. This fanfic is written in third person and past-tense for ease of writing.
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December 12 I never want to do that ever again.
Sooyeon grimaced at the sight unfolded in front of her. She stood in a room with people yelling about the wrong fit of a shirt and hands moving quickly across faces. Much to her discomfort, her eyes were met with coldness from the Monsta X members.
< 2 hours ago >
*Bzzt* *Bzzzzzt*
Without even looking down from her screen, Sooyeon accepted the call and put in her earphones. “네, 김수연입니다.” (Translation: “Yes, this is Sooyeon Kim.”) She lifelessly said, as she hastily clicked around her computer to complete the spreadsheet.
“아, 네, 김수연씨 맞으시죠---악!!” (Translation: “Ah, yes, this is Sooyeon Kim right-- ack!!”)
The sudden clatter on the other side surprised Sooyeon as well and she glanced down at her phone. Hmm, not a number I recognize…. She waited until the other person spoke again.
After some grunting and huffing, the voice squeaked, “어… 김수연씨, 지금 안 바쁘시면--” (Translation: “Uh… Miss Sooyeon, if you’re not too busy--”)
“네, 바빠요.” (Translation: “Yes, I’m busy.”) Sooyeon cut her off calmly. It was mean, but she learned to cut people off early when they wanted her to do work unrelated to her job. She could help out here and there a little, but sometimes people would take it too far and she’d have to stay late to finish her own job.
There was some shuffle and a different voice got on the phone. “본론만 말할게요. 김수연씨, 메이크업 아티스트같은 일 한적 있죠? 벌써 김수연씨의 팀장님에게 허락 받았으니, 지금 빨리 KBS 신관 공개홀로 오세요.” (Translation: “I’ll get straight to the point. Miss Sooyeon, you have experience as a makeup artist, right? I already received permission from your supervisor, so come quickly to the KBS New Wing Open Hall.”)
The call disconnected and Sooyeon stared at her phone in disbelief. Did he just hang up on me?! She looked up at her supervisor for confirmation, and without even looking up, her supervisor threw up an okay sign with one hand to Sooyeon. Ugh. Grabbing all her necessities and her coat, she quickly ran out of the office.
As she made her way to the subway, she checked the transit -- fuck, it’s going to at least take 40 minutes… and I have to take both subway and bus. Once she got on the right subway, Sooyeon shot an angry text at her cousin.
Soo: 한달도 안되서 내가 메이크업 아티스트 일 했다는게 벌써 알려져있네?? 어떻게된거지??? 9:15 (Translation: How is it that it hasn’t even been a whole month and people already know I’ve done work as a makeup artist?? What could have happened??? 9:15am)
Minutes later, she received a string of messages from both her cousin and her cousin’s friend. As she read through, Sooyeon sighed. Both of them apologized, with her cousin’s friend explaining that the stylist team were in absolute frenzy and chaos because one of the main makeup artists got stomach flu. She accidentally let it slip to the team leader that Sooyeon had experience working in the field, but assured Sooyeon that she didn’t mention any other details.
She texted both of them in the group chat:
Soo: 일이 이상하게 꼬이면… 알지? 뒤 돌아보지 않고 그만둘거야. 9:32 (Translation: If the situation gets out of hand… you know, right? I’ll quit without looking back. 9:32am)
< 10:17 am >
There was chaos building up in that small room, holding all seven members of Monsta X, and each member had his respective stylist team tending to the hair, makeup and clothing of the member. Sooyeon felt her eye twitch, already feeling the energy drain. In the corner of her eye, she saw a hand wave at her.
Before she could turn towards the person, however, a voice squeaked to her.
“김수연씨 맞죠?” (Translation: “You’re Miss Sooyeon, right?”)
Her eyes shifted to the voice -- it was the same voice as the person who timidly called her. Sooyeon faced a petite female with ash-pink hair tied in a messy and sweaty bun. Her face was filled with exhaustion and Sooyeon couldn’t help but frown at the sight. What time did they start? It almost looks like she’s been working all night….
The girl shoved a black toolbox into Sooyeon’s hands and said, “이거면 괜찮죠? 어… 컨셉사진들은 여기안에 있고, 현우와 주헌이 담당이에요. 물어볼게 있으시면 저, 아니면 팀장님에게 물어보시면 되요.” (Translation: “This is good enough, right? Uh… the concept photos are inside here, and you’re in charge of Hyunwoo and Jooheon. If you have any questions, you can ask me or the team leader.”)
“잠깐만요…” (Translation: “Wait a minute…”) Sooyeon squinted at the petite girl, wondering if she heard right. “두명이요? 시간은 얼마 남았죠?” (Translation: “Two people? How much time do I have left?”)
The girl flinched, even though Sooyeon wasn’t necessarily being snappy. Sure, she was annoyed that they had basically thrown an impossible task of handling two members she had never worked with as well as not knowing the concept beforehand. All of this was so last minute, she had to mentally lower the heat and reduce her anger to a simmer.
Suddenly a different voice from behind Sooyeon, the same voice that ordered her to come, said, “지니야, 넌 빨리 가서 일 해.” (Translation: “Jeanie, you can go quickly and do your work.”)
Sooyeon turned to face the man, and he reached his hand out. “안녕하세요, 전 스타일리스트 팀장, 최준하라고 합니다. 와주셔서 감사합니다.” (Translation: “Hello, I’m Joonha Choi, the stylist team leader. Thank you for coming.”)
“아… 네…” (Translation: “Uh… sure…”) Plucking one hand off the toolbox, she shook his hand hesitantly. Rolling her eyes obviously around, she asked him, “그래서… 제가… 두명이나 해야되요? 언제까지…” (Translation: “So… I… have to do two people? Until when…”)
Joonha pursed his lips and looked up at the clock in the room. Looking back at her, he smiled apologetically. “죄송해요, 메이크업 하는 직원이 갑자기 아파서… 두명만 남았는데 한시간 있다 리허설이에요. 그때까지 할 수 있겠어요?” (Translation: “Sorry, the person in charge of makeup got sick suddenly… there’s only two members left, but rehearsal is in an hour. Can you get it done by then?”)
What. The. Fuck. The toolbox nearly slipped out of her hand, and the loud clatter inside the box caused both Joonha and Sooyeon to quickly grasp the box. His fingers brushed against hers, and just like that, a chill ran down her back and she could feel her forehead break out into small beads of cold sweat.
“괜찮아요?” (Translation: “Are you okay?”) A different pair of hands grasped Sooyeon’s shoulder and supported the toolbox from underneath.
Sooyeon instantly relaxed in the hold and turned her head. Her eyes softened at Shownu’s worried expression, but realizing she was 100% sober this time, she shifted her expression to her professional face.
Joonha continued to look at her apologetically and Sooyeon sighed. What else could she do now that she was there? Glancing at Shownu and Jooheon, who was peeking from the corner, Sooyeon said, “한시간은 좀 어��울것 같은데… 한시간 안에 80% 끝나고 리허설 중가중간 수정하면서 완성해도 되나요?” (Translation: “One hour is kind of tough… I can do 80% in an hour and complete in between rehearsal, is that okay?”)
Although a little reluctant, Joonha nodded his head once in approval. She opened the toolbox and saw a variety of makeup products. So here I am… again. Doing this. She motioned for Shownu to sit, and with a brush in one hand and two foundations in her other hand, Sooyeon quickly got to work.
< 2 hours later >
“Ugh…” Sooyeon groaned in her seat. The other stylists were also hunched over in their seats while the boys went to record their performance. In between rehearsals, she and the other stylists ran back and forth to pat them dry, fan them and fix up their hair, makeup and clothing. All of them felt like zombies at this point.
Joonha walked over to Sooyeon and asked, “잘 하시는데 왜 그만뒀어요?” (Translation: “You seem to be good, but how come you quit?”)
Turning her head to face him, she looked at him with one eyebrow raised. He seemed nice and friendly, but Sooyeon was overall wary of new people. Especially in this industry. “그냥 적성에 안 맞는것 같아서 그만뒀어요. 솔직히 재밌는데, 너무 힘들어서 계속 못 했어요.” (Translation: “I quit because it just didn’t seem to fit well with me. Honestly, it’s fun, but I couldn’t continue because it was too tiring.”) She pointed to the people lying half-dead around them, to rest her case.
He looked at her skeptically before shrugging off whatever he wanted to say next.
“수연씨, 현우씨가 수정이 필요하대요.” (Translation: “Sooyeon, Hyunwoo says he needs touch ups.”) Jeanie reached out and alerted Sooyeon.
Sooyeon looked up, and there Shownu was, standing at the door frame, staring intently at her. She stared back momentarily, wondering, ‘왜 저렇게 보지…?’ (Translation: ‘why is he staring at me like that…?’) before her eyes widened. Right on cue, Joonha yelped, “여기까지 오게 만들어서 죄송합니다! 수연씨, 얼른 가세요.” (Translation: “I apologize for making you come here! Sooyeon, hurry up and go.”)
He flung her towards the door only for Sooyeon to skid to a stop before crashing into Shownu. Annoyed by Joonha and embarrassed to have made the artist come outside of the stage zone, Sooyeon nodded a small bow and breathed a quick “죄송합니다. 빨리 해드리겠습니다.” (Translation: “I’m sorry. I’ll quickly do it [for you].”) She stepped around Shownu to walk quickly towards the stage, and he followed suit.
They walked mostly in an awkward silence, with the exception of Shownu muttering to himself. Sooyeon couldn’t catch what he was saying, but frankly, she was caught up in her embarrassment to really try to hear. When they got to the stage area, Minhyuk noticed them first.
“PD님, 셔누형 왔어요!” (Translation: “PD-nim, Shownu[-hyung] is back!”) With that, Minhyuk ran over to the two and dragged Shownu away.
Confused, Sooyeon grasped Shownu’s wrist. “잠깐, 메이크업 수정 필요없으세요?” (Translation: “Wait, don’t you need touch-ups on your makeup?”)
Minhyuk looked over and matched her confusion. He turned to Shownu and asked, “그러네. 왜 스타일리스트분이랑 같이 와? 수정 필요했으면, 여기 있는 사람한테 받으면 됐잖아.” (Translation: “That’s true. Why did you come with a stylist? If you needed a touch-up, you could have asked one who was here.”)
“몬스타엑스분들, 빨리 무대 위로 올라오세요.” (Translation: “Monsta X, please come up to the stage quickly.”)
Sooyeon quickly pried her hand off Shownu’s wrist as the directors hailed for Minhyuk and Shownu. Minhyuk bowed and ran to the stage, and Shownu also walked off.
Strange. What was that all about? As she turned around to walk back to the staff room, Sooyeon felt a small gust of wind and a hand clasped over her hand. The sudden intimate touch made her flinch with shock, and she turned back to face the stage again. Her breath hitched when Shownu stood dangerously close to her.
“좀 이따가… 수정이 필요할것 같으니까, 여기 있어요.” (Translation: “I think I’m going to need a touch up soon… so stay here.”) Shownu breathed in a low voice and squeezed her hand. He was close enough to her that she had to angle her neck up to look up at him. As her eyes met his, the overall atmosphere weighed down on her and she could only nod in response. Before letting go of her hand, Shownu flashed a small smile and left her once more.
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The image of Shownu whispering so closely to her constantly replayed in her mind. After the performance run throughs, Sooyeon was busy packing up the materials and cleaning the waiting room with the other stuff that she didn’t have a chance to talk to Shownu again. Not that she was prepared to do so, if the chance came up… but she was confused by his suddenly bold and questionable moves. He definitely seemed like a different person from when she first met him to him as a professional idol. On the other hand, when he held her back, he seemed completely different from the other sides of him as well.
She looked up and realized her surroundings. A phone was placed in front of her, displaying a news article with Shownu’s and Jooheon’s faces as the front photo.
“기사 보셨어요? 수연씨가 해준 스타일링이 맘에들었나봐요.” (Translation: “Have you seen this article? It seems like [people] liked your styling.”)
Sooyeon stared blankly at Joonha, who had just spoken to her, and two other people she only knew through the directory. They were part of upper management who handled Monsta X related work and people. A part of her knew where this conversation was going, but a part of her wanted to deny it.
Joonha seemed to be searching for answers in her face, but she wasn’t having it. She continued to stare emotionlessly at him, which caused one of the directors to speak up. “혹시 메이크업 아티스트 일 더 하실 생각 없으세요? 우리 회사에서--” (Translation: “Have you ever thought about working more as a makeup artist? At our company--”)
“아니요, 생각 없어요.” (Translation: “No, I haven’t thought that.”) Sooyeon slowly stood up and bowed deeply. When she straightened her back again, she continued, “제가 일하는곳에서 계속 일 하고 싶어요. 요번에는 너무 갑작스럽게 불려나왔는데 이런 일이 또 없길 바래요.” (Translation: “I want to continue working where I am now. This time, I was called out suddenly, but I hope this doesn’t happen again.”)
With that, she bowed once more and excused herself out of the meeting. She could hear disgruntled murmurs as she closed the door, but she chose to ignore them. Worst case scenario, she’d just have to resign and find a new job. Just… anything but that. I don’t want something bad to happen again….
*** TBC ***
A/n: My creative juices are failing me these days (ㅠㅠ)
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moonssidesblog · 3 years ago
블랙티비 365 ROOT SPORTS
블랙티비 365 ROOT SPORTS
Read more about 블랙티비365 here. 서비스 일정은홈케어 전문 서비스 팀과 사전전화 시 결정하시게 되며, 최소 7일전에 접수하셔야 원활한 일정 조율이 가능합니다. 직접 서비스 본 서비스는 주���결제 후 2~3일 후 순차적으로 홈케어 전문 서비스 팀이 사전 안내전화를 드립니다. “지니야, 뉴스브리핑 들려줘” 바쁜 시간 나만의 뉴스사를 선택하여 최신 뉴스를 들어보세요. #blacktvshow 아울러, 교환∙반품∙보증 및 결제대금의 환급신청은 [나의쇼핑정보]에서 하실 수 있으며, 자세한 문의는 개별 판매자에게 연락하여 주시기 바랍니다. 도서산간 지역의 경우 결제하신 기본 교환/환불 배송비 외에 편도 기준 최대 8천원(왕복 기준 최대 16천원)까지 추가 비용이 발생할 수 있습니다. 택배사,…
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komorich1 · 4 years ago
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오전 12시에 만석🇨🇳🇰🇷 "코모리치 헤어증모술" 탈모를 고민하고 해결하는 방법은 수천가지~수백가지 방법이다. 모두가 시간이 지니야 효과아닌 효과를 기대한다. 코모리치의 탈모커버는 즉각적인 효과 시각적인 탈모커버 그리고 두피관리로 진행되는 고객의 고민을 해결하고 관리에 들어가는것 이기에~ 개념이 다른 접근방법의 탈모글로벌기업입니다. 한국에서도 강남본점~ 한국교육문의🇰🇷 ☎️(82)02-565-1041 📧 [email protected] 。 중국교육문의🇨🇳 ☎️(86) 136-6003-8836 📧 [email protected] 。 #头发软榻 #稀疏 #发际线后退 #헤어증모술잘하는곳 #코모리치본사🇰🇷 #붙임머리 #헤어증모술 #헤어증모무료교육 #가발 #남자가발 #여성가발 #항암가발 #헤어증모교육 #komorichwig #komorich #komorichchina #Extention #education_china #Extention_education #Hairloss #hair_education #alopeciacare #脱发 #头皮护理 #增发 #可貌丽姿 #增发教育 #物理增发 #韩国物理增发 #物理轻增发 (Beijing, China에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGbfIO1liR7/?igshid=1hb66iljh915x
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pieng-pieng · 7 years ago
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😍😍😍 @Regranned from @leopardmino - @actorleeminho 울미노 간만에 꿈에서 반가웠당~^^조카넘 지니야 티비 켜줘 소리만 아니었어도 좀 더 볼 수 있었을 텐데~쓸데없이 잠귀는 밝아가지고~많이 아쉬웠다는 거만 알아주기~ㅋ울미노 푹잠하는 밤~굿나잇~♡ #이민호 #actorleeminho #LeeMinHo #MINOZ #PMZ #MinozWorld #미노미 #Always #레오파드미노 - #regrann
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gaemsin · 5 years ago
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캬아아아!!! 내 지니야❤❤❤❤ #BOMIN #Golden_Child # #류주하 #주하 #보민 #최보민 #골든차일드 #골든차일드보민 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-bmxQDBKWn/?igshid=1r0w6p8kqvx6v
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koreabjj · 6 years ago
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⠀ 자몽맥주와 알라딘 지니야! 내소원도 들어주렴 ⠀ #자몽 #자몽맥주 #grapefruit https://www.instagram.com/p/B08xBGoJQFv/?igshid=qutrz145ahh4
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keonmastasasa · 6 years ago
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[INSTAGRAM GraphStoryImage] taeyeon_ss: 오늘부터 나랑 같이 꿀잠자자 지니야♡ https://www.instagram.com/p/BxVH9bNhm6J https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/a43ea725b5dbdf87ddb3d800a1107789/5CD9F7FD/t51.12442-15/e35/58453582_315858369083940_5838769953495203181_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com
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zizukabi · 7 years ago
RT @moonbba1: 오늘 지니 설치하고 시험해 봤네요ㅋㅋ "지니야, 이재명이 누구야?"ㅎㅎ https://t.co/cDVKK8QCil
오늘 지니 설치하고 시험해 봤네요ㅋㅋ "지니야, 이재명이 누구야?"ㅎㅎ pic.twitter.com/cDVKK8QCil
— 흑신 (@moonbba1) August 29, 2018
via Twitter https://twitter.com/zizukabi August 30, 2018 at 12:15AM
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hotissuelist-blog · 7 years ago
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