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아이와 함께 어린시절 떠올리며 추억을 나눠보세요♡ 아이의 소근육운동 발달에 정말 좋은~☆ 유나출판사 추억의 종이인형 1,2,3,4,5,6 . #베스트셀러 #아무놀이챌린지 #집콕놀이 #종이인형 #종이딱지 #추억 #문방구 #베스트셀러 #방콕놀이 #선물추천 #유나출판사 #장난감 #소근육발달 #뇌발달 #홈스쿨 #추억의종이인형 #페이퍼토이 https://www.instagram.com/p/CTS8XXmBcW0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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인터프라자 리틀호안미로 미로롤러해양 페이퍼토이 인형 인터프라자 리틀호안미로 미로롤러해양 페이퍼토이 인터프라자 리틀호안미로 미로롤러해양 페이퍼토이 상품구매 인터프라자 리틀호안미로 미로롤러해양 페이퍼토이 상품구매
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#종이인형만들기 #보노보노인형 #종이인형 #감상미술 #만두국 #동생그리기 https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5Osc3HrTY/?igshid=anxxnehz5shy
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. My mom used to make me paper dolls and they were so beautiful. Everything comes vividly to my mind like yesterday. You can see the full image at Grafolio.com☘ http://naver.me/xc5kgnKo #유년시절 #어린시절 #childhood #paperdoll #종이인형 #엄마 #그라폴리오 #mom #grafolio #drawing #draw #wip #sketch #instaart #일러스트 #일러스타그램 #일러스트레이터 #illustrator #artistsoninstagram #artwork #watercolor #수채화 #pencildrawing #illustration #ahnji #2019 #Biarritz (at Biarritz, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuKihXHnPbG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1htqcrq8nvxi3
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Put wings on a dinosaur & Origami play // 공룡 그리기 & 종이인형 만들기 I drew a dinosaur, and I played a piece of origami with a piece of paper.
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Kai - 230317 Dancer Jrick's TikTok account update: "종이인형 로버 챌린지 🔥❤️🔥 #roverchallenge #kai"
Translation: "Jongin hyung's Rover challenge 🔥❤️🔥 #roverchallenge #kai"
Credit: jrickbaek.
#EXO#EXO K#Kai#230317#exo vid#exo k vid#kai vid#tiktok#mention#translation#album:rover#fs:jrickbaek#comeback:Fight
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hello! first off i love your blog so thank you for all your amazing content! second, i was wondering if you (maybe with the help of your followers in case it's too much work) would mind listing the nicknames for all the s4 members that they all came up with for each other over the course of the episodes - sometimes i dont understand what they mean in english since i'm still new to korean. like i know 'yeol jeong hoon' comes from 'yeol jeong' which means 'passion' or 'enthusiasm' but like? what about 'koravi'? the subtitles don't even translate this. sorry if this is a bother, thank you anyways for all your hard work! and have a nice day ~
good question! thank u for this ask and here’s a non-exhaustive list:
(and thank you @maisarasora and @kdramapsycho for the help!)
열정훈 (yeol jung hoon): 열정 (yeoljeong/yeoljung) meaning enthusiasm
도둑 (doduk): means thief, referring to how he "stole" one of the nation's most beautiful actresses, han gain, as a wife
대둑 (daeduk): same as above, 대 (dae) stands for great, so in this case it'd make him the great thief (above any other thieves)
큰형 (keunhyung) / 맏형 (mathyung): oldest hyung
아버지 (abeoji) / 아빠 (appa): father, dad
버카 (beoka): 버리는 카드 (beorineun kadeu) meaning a discarded card, referring to how he's been doing worse at games than he used to
김종면 (kim jong myeon): 면 (myeon) meaning noodles, referring to his love for noodles!
신바 (sinba): 신난바보 (sinnan babo) meaning excited fool, a nickname the s3 members gave him
예능 시조새 (yeneung sijosae): ancient fossil of the entertainment industry, since he's been on so many shows for so long, some of them with nation's mcs like yoo jaesuk and kang hodong
김대상 (kim daesang): referring to when he won the daesang (grand prize) at the 2016 kbs entertainment awards
간헐적 천재 (ganheoljeok cheonjae): intermittent genius
14학년 (14 hak nyeon): 14th grade, based on how long he's been on the show
에이스 (ace)
설종민 (seol jongmin): referring to his relatively extensive knowledge in history, prob based on seol minseok, a history lecturer/tv personality
돼지 (dwaeji): means pig
뚱 (ddung): 뚱뚱해 (ddungddunghae) means fat. like the above, many of his nicknames are just variations of these two, which is honestly a shame and i hope they stop fatshaming him
예능 뽀시래기/예.뽀. (yeneung pposiraegi/ye.ppo.): meaning entertainment cutie, referring to his entertainment newbie days. when shortened, sounds like 예뻐 (yeppeo) which means pretty
운선호 (un seonho): 운 (un) means luck or lucky
종이인형 (jongiinhyung): meaning paper doll, prob referring to his terrible dancing
얼레벌레 (eollebeolle): meaning sloppy, half-assing
감선호 (gam seonho): 감 (gam) means feeling or guts, referring to how he tends to have good guts about things
집주인 (jibjuin): literally meaning landlord or house owner, as in the landlord of the outdoor tent, not so much a nickname but the members have started calling him this bc he sleeps outdoors in the tent so much
춤괴물 (choomgwimul): meaning dance monster, referring to his terrible dancing
초딘 (chodin): 초딩 (choding) means kid
누렁이 (nureongi): a dog's name, used when he's asking for food from the winning team like a dog
뚠뚠 (ddunddun): dk what this means, prob from the show 개미는 오늘도 뚠뚠 (gaemineun oneuldo ddunddun/the three ants) that dindin stars in
독딘 (dokdin): 독한 딘딘 (dokhan dindin) meaning strong dindin, prob from his ability to drink so much kanari
꼬라비 (kkoravi): 꼴찌 (kkoljji) means last place, given by sy who at the start of s4 said that in his neighbourhood, people who get kkoljji are called kkorabi/kkoravi, referring to how often ravi loses during games
또라비 (ddorabi): 또라이 (ddorai) means crazy, weird
막내 (maknae): youngest
라베르만 (rabermann): from 도베르만 (dobermann), referring to how he likes to "bite" people with his sly words
큰형들 (keunhyungdeul): the eldest hyungs, jh & jm
막내즈 (maknaes): the youngest ones, dd & rv
구댄신댄 (gudaensindaen): literally old dance new dance, from 댄스 (daenseu/dance), jm & rv
종라 (jongra): jm & rv
호라비 (horavi): sh & rv
딘선 (dinseon): sh & dd
도톰과제리 (dotomgwajeri): 'do' tom and jerry, tom and jerry refers to how they like to fight, 도톰 (dotom) is a play on 두툼 (dutum) which means thick, sy & dd
예능공룡 (yeneung gongryong): literally variety dinosaurs, referring to how jongmin is a dinosaur-aged veteran in the entertainment industry, and how dindin aspires to thrive as much and as long as jm does, jm & dd
유부클럽 (yubu club): married club, jh & sy
라빅 & 라지 (rabig & large): 라빅 as a play on 라비 (ravi) and 빅 (big), referring to how much ravi eats, and 라지 (raji; large) referring to seyoon, sy & rv
OB: old boys, jh, jm & sy
YB: young boys, sh, dd & rv
대중소팀 (daejungsotim): large-medium-small team or team LMS, jh, sy & dd
배신자 3형제 (baesinja samhyungje): means the three traitor brothers, jm, sh & rv
김씨 3형제 (kimssi samhyungje): means the three kim brothers, jm, sh & rv
역부족 (yeokbujok): team inadequate, jm, sy & sh
덜부족 (deolbujok): team less-inadequate, jh, dd & rv
배우팀 (baewootim): actors team, jh, sy & sh
가수팀 (gasutim): singers team, jm, dd & rv
다큐팀 (dakyutim): documentary team, jh, sh & rv
예능팀 (yeneungtim): variety team, jm, sy & dd
뚱호라비 (ddunghoravi): sy, sh & rv
이쪽팀 (ijjoktim): 이쪽 (ijjok) literally means this side, as in this side team. bang pd came up with the name bc the team couldn't come up with one, jh, jm & dd
저쪽팀 (jeojjoktim): 저쪽 (jeojjok) literally means that side, as in that side team. the boys came up with the name after others reacted badly to the team name 회덮밥 순댓국 설렁탕 (hoedopbap sundaetguk seolleongtang) meaning raw fish bibimbap; blood sausage soup; ox bone soup and abbreviated 회순설 (hoesunseol), jh, jm & dd
밴댕이 (baendaengi): large-eyed herring, jh, jm & dd
#text#thank u anon appreciate this ask!#pls feel free to add anything i missed or correct me. thanks everyone!#the members also call bang pd all sorts of titles including teacher. captain. boss. or just geuribang#in one of the recent episodes someone was called ginjang pd (nervous pd) but i cant rmb if it was smiley pd and why#important
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스팀에서 사서 3.9시간 플레이했고 엔딩을 보았다. 할로윈 세일을 했었는데 때를 놓치고 정가에 샀다.
단순한 플랫포머 핵앤슬래시 콤보게임인줄 알았는데 아니었다. 왜 아무도 말해주지 않았어? 말했다구요? 죄송합니다. 캐릭터와 스토리가 인상적이고 도트 배경이나 캐릭터, 컷씬 연출에도 깊게 고민하고 많은 공을 들인 것이 느껴졌다.
예를 들어 대화 씬도 약간의 리얼타임 요소가 있어서 단순 선택지 외에 상대가 말하는 도중에도 말을 자르고 선택을 할 수 있고 일정한 시간이 지날 때까지 선택을 하지 않으면 별개의 선택이 된다거나 하는 요소가 있는데, 이 자체가 그렇게 새로운 것은 아니지만 이들을 스토리 연출에 적극적으로 활용하는 부분들이 있고 제법 멋진 씬이었다.
실제 플레이는 주인공이 가진 일종의 예지능력을 기반으로 그냥 예측하는 것이고, 플레이어의 실패는 예지능력 속의 실패라서 몇 번이고 다시 플레이할 수 있다. 그리고 성공한다면 비로소 실제 움직임으로 이어지는데, 이것은 CCTV 속 주인공의 움직임으로 표현된다. 실패를 정당화하고 성공한 플레이 궤적에 대한 일종의 리플레이를 보여주는 방식을 설정으로 풀어낸 것인데 꽤 흥미로웠고, 나중에 이런 설정과 연출을 다시 이용하는 연출이 나오는 것이 멋졌음.
게임의 기믹을 이용하여 플레이어들에게 보여주고 그것을 다시 배신하는 연출이나, 기믹을 설정으로 풀어내고 그 설정을 다시 연출에 활용하는 것이 좋았다. 스토리나 캐릭터는 사실 새로운 면이 거의 없고 깊이도 거의 종이인형 수준이지만 그렇기에 맘껏 이런거 할 수 있었던 것 같기도 하고..
주인공은 예지능력을 기반으로 시간도 느리게 할 수 있고 리트라이도 ��한이지만 딱 한 대만 맞으면 죽기 때문에 난이도가 낮지 않다. '모르면 죽어야지' 스테이지도 좀 있어서 죽어가면서 플레이할 필요가 있기도 하고.. 반면 컨트롤이 그렇게 좋은건 아니고 움직임이 생각보다 그리 다양하거나 경쾌하지도 않다보니 액션 게임으로서는 적당히 괜찮은 게임 정도 였던 듯. 85/100.
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"GOOD THING. [remix]" ⠀ Track List 1. 너와 같이 (feat. Paul Blanco) 2. 종이인형 (feat. 창모 (CHANGMO)) 3. 검은 구름 (feat. THAMA) 4. 나쁜 아이 (feat. K.vsh) 5. 좋아 (feat. Hash Swan) 6. Come along with me (feat. TAEK) 7. Guilty (feat. 수란) 8. Good thing (feat. g1nger) 9. Callin' (feat. Def.) 10. 적막 (feat. Sep of 히피는 집시였다)
20/09/29 18:00 KST
#jeebanoff#krnb#goodthing. album so good he releasing a remix!!#JUST LOOK AT THE FEAT LINEUP OMGGGG#pls make a physical i swear just take my fckin monehhh
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#첫줄 #안녕👋 몇년만에 볼링!! 몸은기억하고있다!!! 그럴줄 알았다....ㅠㅠ 예전같지 않네 ㅎ 다시 볼링입덕할 기세!!!! . . . . . . . #볼링 #게임 #볼링장 #내기 #몇년만 #몸이 #종이인형 #휴식 #힐링 #소소한일상 #소소한행복 #일상 #기록 #보고서 #데일리 #인스타그램 #인친 #소통 #인스타데일리 #스포츠 #운동 #korea #daily #seoul #mjun (Seoul, South Korea에서)
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2017년 7월 28일부터 8월 13일까지 월요일 휴무 전시관에서 교육있습니다 많이 놀러오세요~~~~ #독립기념관 #전시연계교육 #종이인형 #독립운동가 #7월28일~8월13일 #놀러오세요(The Independence Hall of Korea에서)
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Kai - 230319 Dancer Kim Seokchan's Instagram update: "우리의 종이인형 종인이형과 #rover 챌린지 🫠 @zkdlin"
Translation: "#rover challenge with our paper-doll Jongin-hyung 🫠 @zkdlin"
Credit: nino.kim.
#EXO#EXO K#Kai#230319#exo vid#exo k vid#kai vid#instagram#mention#translation#album:rover#fs:nino kim#comeback:Fight
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Chubby.T's closet👙 . . #츄비텅#chubbytongue#아트#디자인#art#design#패션#fashion#종이인형#인형#일러스트#illustration#셀피#일상#데일리#팔로우#맞팔
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