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bts-trans · 3 months ago
231031 Big Hit's Tweet
[네이버 포스트] 미남 김태형 시작, 미남 크게 시작, 미남 빵빠레 불면서 시작, 미남 축제 시작, 미남 페스티벌 시작, 미남 파티 시작 (@ https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.naver?volumeNo=36809445&memberNo=51325039&navigationType=push) #BTS #방탄소년단 #V #뷔 #V_Layover
[Naver Post] Good looking Kim Taehyung - let's begin, a grand opening for these good looks, welcoming the good looks with a lot of fanfare, a good looks festival begins, good looks parade, good looks party
Naver Post Translation
Keep reading for a plain text version of the blog post. Since Tumblr unfortunately has a picture limit for posts, please check out our twitter post or the HD version on our website for a version with all pictures included!
Title: [BTS] V ‘Layover’ 활동기를 모아모아!
Title: [BTS] V 'Layover' promotions - let's round up all the memories!
(Hi-A!) (T/N: Stands for ‘Hi ARMY’, which is how Bangbell always starts these posts.)
(슬쩍).. (눈치..)…
(Stealthily).. (Taking in the situation..)..
,,ᴗ ̯ᴗ,,
아미들 안녕하세요?! 방림이 입니다. (어색…)
Have you been well, ARMY?! This is Bangbell (feeling awkward…)
방림이 안갔다. (아빠 안 잔다 톤으로.)
Bangbell didn’t go anywhere. (Said in the tone of “Dad isn’t asleep”*) (T/N: *A famous meme in Korea where a dad pretends he isn’t asleep when caught dozing off.) (,,•﹏•,,)
아주아주.. 오랜만이죠! 오랜만에 돌아온 방림이가 가져온 포스트는요!
It’s been… a really really long time, hasn’t it? Now, for the post that Bangbell, who’s returning after a long time, brought!
다양한 콘셉트로 아미들의 마음을 사로잡았던! V의 ‘Layover’ 앨범 활동기 인데요! (박수) (함성)
This is V’s ‘Layover’ album promotions that captured ARMY’s hearts with its various concepts! (Applause) (Screams)
길게 설명할 필요가 없죠! 바로 극극극극극극극 성수기 미모 를 자랑하는 뷔의 얼굴 감상타임 시작.
There’s no need for long explanations! Appreciation hours for V’s visuals, which boast of a beauty that is in its pe-e-a-a-a-a-k are now open.
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안무연습하다가,, 합주하다가,,, 귀엽고 사랑스러울 수가 있는거임? ㅇㅇ 아무래도 이 남성은 가능합니다.
While practising the choreography,,, While performing,,, Is it even possible to be this cute and lovely? In any case, it’s possible for this man.
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연탄+연탄아빠 = 힐링 투샷 너무 좋다…… 동의하면 끄덕여. (아미들아미안해요나너무오랜만에와서이제야써요)
Yeontan + Yeontan’s Dad = Healing This two-shot is so nice…… If you agree with me, please nod. (ARMY, I’m so sorry. I’m writing now after taking such a long time coming back)
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김태형특. 늘 예쁘면서 맨날 더 예뻐져서 아미들 만나러온다고 함 ㅜ!! (감동MAX) 예뻐지는방법.. 삽니다 @@ 선제시 @@@ ჱ̒⸝⸝•̀֊•́⸝⸝)‪
Kim Taehyung’s speciality. He comes to meet ARMY while getting prettier every day when he’s already so pretty always !! (EmotiontotheMAX) The method to getting prettier.. I’ll buy it from you @@ name your price @@@ ჱ̒⸝⸝•̀֊•́⸝⸝)‪
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(지독한 방탄의 방탄사랑… 앞으로도 계속되길…)
(Bangtan’s serious love for Bangtan… we hope it goes on like this…)
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음악방송.. 뷔 때문에 행복했다…! ʕ۪ ⸱̼ ·̮ ⸱̼ʔっ ♡̷
Music show performance… we were happy because of V…! ʕ۪ ⸱̼ ·̮ ⸱̼ʔっ ♡̷
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NPR TINY DESK KOREA 부터 NPOP ,, 잘생김 축복의 끝이없다 끝이없어… 조용히 얼굴 감상 타임 가질게요.. 방림이가 길게 써봤자 뭐하나. 사진 1나 더 올려주는게 좋지. (??)
From NPR TINY DESK KOREA to NPOP ,, There just isn’t an end to being blessed by this handsomeness… going to take the time to quietly appreciate this face.. What’s Bangbell doing writing these long paragraphs. Uploading one more photo would be nice, wouldn’t it. (??)
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V Band Session 영상 안 본 아미들 없죠…? 방림이는 오늘부로 뷔 에 대한 마음을 접습니다.. 그 다음 끝선에 맞추어 반 접습니다 뒤로 돌려 양쪽 모두 펼칩니다 끝부분을 살짝 접고 중심선에 맞춰 위로 올려 접은 뒤 뒤집으면 예쁜 하트 완성 ♡ ( σ̴̶̷�� .̫ σ̴̶̷̤ )
All ARMYs have watched the V Band Session video, right…? Bangbell will give up her feelings* for V from today onwards.. After that, fold it in half along the ending line Bring the fold to the back and spread it out on both sides Fold the ends very slightly Match it to the centre line and lift it after folding If you turn it upside down, you’ve completed a pretty heart ♡ ( σ̴̶̷̤ .̫ σ̴̶̷̤ )
(T/N: This word for “give up feelings for” also has another meaning of “folding” which they’re making a pun on below.)
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짜잔 귀여운 사진은 뽀너스)
(Ta-da some bonus cute pictures)
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명불허전.,,! 오락부장의 면모를 보여줬던 런닝맨!
As expected, he lives up to his name.,,! Running Man which showcased our moodmaker’s personality
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뷔크닉. 뷔주얼. 기념일로 기록해. 진짜 감동돼… (어디까지내려가는거에요..?)
V-icnic V-isual Keep this as a memento. I feel really emotional…
( -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄ _ -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ )
(How much farther down are you going to make it go..?)
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그러다가 또 귀여움까지 있다? 이건 반칙이거든 솔직히,, 게임반칙,, 인정,, 뷔의 귀여움 반칙,, 내 인정 모답니다,,
여기서 잠깐.
In the middle of this all, being cute on top of it? Honestly, this is against the rules,, Playing against the rules,, I’ll accept it,, V’s unfair cuteness,,, No, I can’t accept that,, ·̫
Going to pause here for a moment.
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귀여움의 끝이없는 연탄이까지,,, 방림이의 깜짝선물 어떤데…?
Including even Yeontan, whose cuteness knows no end,,, How was Bangbell‘s adorable present…?
아.. !
선물이 부족하다구요…?
You’re saying this present isn’t enough…?
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셀카 드드드드등장…!! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ 아미들 이제 쪼오끔 만족하시나요?!
Selfies have a-a-a-a-arrived…!! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ Is ARMY satisfied a tee-ny ti-ny bit now?!
오랜만에 온 방림이의 포스트! 오후,,, 2시,, 한창,, 잠오는시간,, zZzzz,,,,, 아미들의 졸음이 조금이라도 달아났을까요?! 방림이는,,, 그럼 또 다음에 돌아오도록 하겠습니다!
This was the post from Bangbell, who came back after a long time! It’s 2pm,, in the afternoon,,, peak time for,, feeling sleepy,, zZzzz,,,,, was I able to help ARMY’s drowsiness escape even a little bit?! Then Bangbell will,,, come back again next time!
아미들… (비장) 붕어빵 사먹어요. (방림이 tmi 붕세권임.)
ARMY… (serious) Eat bungeoppang*. (Bangbell’s TMI: I live close to a bungeoppang place)
(T/N: *Bungeoppang is a fish-shaped pastry with filling and is a popular winter street food.)
A-Poof! (T/N: Short for “Bye ARMY! Poof!”, which is how Bangbell always ends these posts.)
본 포스트는 BIGHIT MUSIC 에서 직접 운영하는 포스트입니다.
This Naver Post account is personally run by BIGHIT MUSIC.
[End Note]
Trans cr; Eisha & Aditi Typeset cr; Chika @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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userbbh · 2 months ago
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250203 incheon international airport 엑소 백현 ‘가까이서 보면 더 잘생김’
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sonjaney · 2 years ago
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주말동안 먹고 즐긴 시간들
아무리 생각해도 예쁘고 잘생긴 게 최고다
심지어 귀엽잖아 우주를 구하는 잘생김 최고..!
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fybriankang · 1 year ago
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day6_kisstheradio: 🌙 231210 키스더라디오 📂이번주 영디 셀카 모음.zip 영디 얼굴에 풀 묻었네요🤔 잘생김 뷰티풀 귀여움 원더풀💟 #데이식스의키스더라디오 #데키라 #영디 #영케이 #데이식스
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tomorrowxtogether · 2 years ago
230819 [T-MI] 수빈이 얼굴에 김 묻었다! 잘생김🐰🌟 (feat. 반짝이는 얼굴) - TXT (투모로우바이투게더)
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jade-loam · 1 year ago
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쿠르잔 신규 NPC 네페르
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fy-parksungjin · 7 months ago
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240908 day6official
[ #DAY6_BEHIND ] DAY6에게 My Day는 행운이야~ 놀라움 뿐이야 🎵 💜💙오늘 잘생김 진짜 장난 아닌데 🩷🤍 데식 보유국이라 햄보카다… 🫠
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iflybae · 1 year ago
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240324 spotifykr update
더보이즈 잘생김 사건
ㄴ 스포티파이 비하인드 포토 속
더보이즈가 너무 잘생긴 사건이다.
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ohwhale22 · 2 years ago
twitter link
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[#오늘의방탄] 김태형 그만. 잘생김 그만. 멋있음 그만. 귀여움 그만. 젠틀함 그만. 섹시한 그만. 사랑스러움 그만. 아미들 심장 저격 멈춰 제발.🖐🏻
google translation: [ #Today's Bangtan] Kim Taehyung, stop. Stop looking good. Stop being cool. Stop being cute. Stop being gentle. Stop being sexy. Stop being adorable. Please stop sniping ARMYs’ hearts. 🖐🏻
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to-luna · 2 years ago
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230510 <원샷초대석> 짱어스 셀카 왔어요🤍 지구 최고 미남 울어스 비주얼은 카메라를.... 다다다~~ 찢어버려! 이런 잘생김 절대 못지워✨
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bts-trans · 2 years ago
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230918 Big Hit's Tweet
[#오늘의방탄] 김태형 그만. 잘생김 그만. 멋있음 그만. 귀여움 그만. 젠틀함 그만. 섹시한 그만. 사랑스러움 그만. 아미들 심장 저격 멈춰 제발.🖐🏻 #오늘의뷔 #V #뷔 #BTS #방탄소년단 #V_Layover #CDTV #CDTVライブライブ #청량부터섹시함까지다가능 #그만사랑하겠습니다
[#Today'sBangtan] Kim Taehyung, stop it. Stop being this handsome. Stop being this cool. Stop being this cute. Stop being this gentle. Stop being this sexy. Stop being this lovely. Please stop shooting ARMY's hearts. 🖐️
#TodaysV #V #BTS #V_Layover #CDTV #CDTVLiveLive #CanPullOffAnythingFromCoolToSexy #INeedToStopBeingSoInLoveWithYou
Trans cr; Eisha & Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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userbbh · 4 months ago
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241201 cgv yeongdeungpo 백현, 잘생김 듬뿍
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voxyldy · 2 years ago
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김태형 그만. 잘생김 그만. 멋있음 그만. 귀여움 그만. 젠틀함 그만. 섹시한 그만. 사랑스러움 그만. 아미들 심장 저격 멈춰 제발.🖐🏻
#오늘의뷔 #V #뷔 #BTS #방탄소년단 #V_Layover #CDTV #CDTVライブライブ #청량부터섹시함까지다가능 #그만사랑하겠습니다
[Todays BTS]
Kim Taehyung, stop. Stop being handsome. Stop being cool. Stop being cute. Stop being gentle. Stop being sexy. Stop being lovely. Please stop shooting at ARMY's hearts.🖐🏻
#Today's V #V #BTS #BTS #V_Layover #CDTV #You can do anything from refreshing to sexy #I'll stop loving you
Source: @bts_bighit
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fybriankang · 7 months ago
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day6official: [ #DAY6_BEHIND ] DAY6에게 My Day는 행운이야~ 놀라움 뿐이야 🎵 💜💙오늘 잘생김 진짜 장난 아닌데 🩷🤍 데식 보유국이라 햄보카다… 🫠
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btstwtarchive · 2 years ago
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130722 [Text] 여러분 모하세요옹?? 지금은 희망 time !! 질문 세 개만 받아볼께요!!! @-@/ 으하하하하하[Trans] What are you all doing?? Right now it’s Hope time!! I’ll answer three questions!!! @-@ euhahaahaha
Reply 1 [Text] 오늘저녁 !! 닭밥 진형한테 해달라고하세요 크크크크크크 나도 껴야지 [Trans] Tonight’s dinner!! I’m getting Jin-hyung to made chicken-rice keukeukeukeukeu I also have to share A/N: According to the translator notes the first question was "Tonight’s dinner!! Recommendation!!!!!!!!♥♥"
Reply 2 [Text] 답멘 투척 ! 나 잘생김 /단호/ [Trans] Here’s the mention! I’m good looking /determined/ A/N:According to the translator notes the second question was "If you don’t answer me, Hope-oppa is ugly /frightened/"
Reply 3 [Text] 그럼 여기 희망투척! 아무일 없을꺼에요 /희망/ [Trans] Then here’s a hopeful mention! everything is going to be alright /hope/ A/N:According to the translator notes the third question was "Hope ㅠㅠ I’m really busy so I’m tweeting from the bathroom… what should I do if I get scolded?????? kkkk"
130722 [Text] 흠... 뭔가 져두 아쉬운대용 @-@) 그럼 마지막 하나더!!! 참신한 질문!!! [Trans] Hm…. somehow it’s regretful for me too @-@) Then, final one more!!! A rather exciting question!!!
Reply 4 [Text] 10cm-이제.여기서.그만 [Trans] 10cms. now. here. stop A/N: According to the translator notes the fourth question was "What’s the length of your nose?"
All Tweets Translated by Iraide of bts-trans on Tumblr.
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enduu115 · 29 days ago
엇 김묻었다 잘생김....
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It was my first time drawing in Procreate. It's amazing, I'm thrilled. (♥_♥)
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