jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[少女的王座—The Throne of Girl—] Valentine’s Day 2021 Message English Translation (Vergil)
*The Throne of Girl Masterlist. *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut!
Albert / Alex / Devot / Uriel / Vergil / Adrian
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ♔Valentine’s 2021♔ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
I presume that no couple truly in love with each other will ever bear to miss this special occasion that only happens once a year. I wish to spend such a special day alone, together with you; a time only for us two. This is a present that I’ve prepared for you, Princess. I hope it’s to your liking.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[少女的王座—The Throne of Girl—] Valentine’s Day 2021 Message English Translation (Albert)
*The Throne of Girl Masterlist. *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut!
Albert / Alex / Devot / Uriel / Vergil / Adrian
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ♔Valentine’s 2021♔ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
I never thought that I’d be able to spend this special day with you. Previously, I was always worried that my existence would draw some criticism towards you, but you didn’t seem bothered by it at all… I really hope, from the bottom of my heart, that I’ll be able to spend this day with you every year from now on. But am I being too greedy to wish for something like this?
Anyway, I will follow you wherever you go in the future to come; I won’t lose you again— Allow this gift of mine to serve as the proof of my vow to you.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(少女的王座—The Throne of Girl—) Main Story: Chapter 1 Part 1 English Translation 
*I’m making another bad decision. *The Throne of Girl Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut!
Chapter 1-1 / 1-2 / 1-3 / 1-3B / 1-4 / 1-5 / 1-6 / 1-7 / 1-8 / 1-9 / 1-10 / 1-11 / 1-12 / 1-13
Phone Call from Adrian / Lancelot
It was as if my body itself was encased within raging flames.
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I struggled to open my heavy eyelids— Not this place again—
The dry, cracked earth, and the fiery rain that fell from the skies… Dyed in the color of blood—
The entire world, burning in the pits of despair… It was a scene of an apocalypse— Just like the gods had foretold.
I tried to move my body, but the blinding pain that followed rendered me immobile. And the person lying next to me seemed to have already long since breathed his last.
???: This day arrived after all. 
A voice suddenly sounded, coming out of nowhere; but I could vaguely sense that someone was walking in my direction.
Feeling his gaze upon me, I struggled to make out his face, my vision increasingly blurring as I did.
???: ...You will fall into a peaceful sleep. There, in your dreams, you will be able to escape all the pain and suffering you have to endure in this world."
???: But—
???: You cannot escape me, just like how you cannot escape fate.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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???: Your Highness... Highness... Your Highness!
The dream gradually faded away as a familiar voice rang in my ears.
MC: ...Mngh? Where am I?
???: You're in the Royal Palace. Your Highness, have you forgotten about the tea party you're supposed to be attending this morning?
MC: Tea party...? What tea party?
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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A sharp rustle sounded as someone pulled the curtains open, and I reluctantly opened my eyes.
The soft light of the morning sun illuminated the luxurious, yet unfamiliar room. And standing in front of those bright windows was a reassuring figure— Albert.
MC: What... So, it was all just a nightmare...
I breathed a sigh of relief. Just seeing Albert here made me feel at ease.
To me, he was my playmate who grew up together with me; His identity, to others, however, was the head of my personal guard.
He meticulously sees to my daily life on a day-to-day basis. He was like family, or something akin to a brother to me.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Albert: Your Highness... Did you have a nightmare again?
MC: Yeah… I must be unaccustomed to being in the Royal Palace, otherwise I wouldn't have been having that dream ever since the first day of my arrival here…
I despondently buried my head back under the pillows.
It had been quite some time since I left Pepsilia, my hometown, for the Royal Palace.
This luxurious, yet unfamiliar room is my bedroom located in the Royal Court. Even though this room was grand and beautiful, the disturbing nightmares visited me every night made me miss my room back in my hometown more and more.
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Albert: Looks like you've been especially tired as of late...
Albert: But you're going to be late to the morning tea party if you don't wake up now.
MC: Mngh…? Tea Party…? What Tea Party?
MC: Wait! A tea party, you say!?
MC: AAAHHH!! What time is it now? Why didn’t any of the maids wake me!?
Albert: The maid came in half an hour ago, but you wouldn't wake up no matter what, so I came in her stead.
Albert: You'll still be able to make it if you hurry.
Hearing this, I shot up from my bed, full of energy.
MC: My dress! Where is my dress? Quick, pass it to me!
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ♔What’s past, it’s prologue♔ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
 Next Part: (Chapter 1-2)
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[少女的王座—The Throne of Girl—] Valentine’s Day 2021 Message English Translation (Uriel)
*The Throne of Girl Masterlist. *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut!
Albert / Alex / Devot / Uriel / Vergil / Adrian
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ♔Valentine’s 2021♔ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Spring has arrived. Legend has it that it was around this time of the month that Midgard ushered in the Long-lost Spring after the Eternal Winter… The next saint in line wasn’t able to see the beauty of such a scene, but we shouldn’t lose out on it. The children of the Orphanage have prepared some gifts for you, and I… I prepared some for you too…
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[少女的王座—The Throne of Girl—] Valentine’s Day 2021 Message English Translation (Devot)
*The Throne of Girl Masterlist. *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut!
Albert / Alex / Devot / Uriel / Vergil / Adrian
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ♔Valentine’s 2021♔ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
I look forward to spending this special occasion with my fiancée today. Additionally, this is a gift that I’ve specially picked out for you; I think you’ll find it very handy indeed. As the ruler of a country, you’ll have to abide by the agreement we’ve made; I will be waiting here, for you.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[少女的王座—The Throne of Girl—] Valentine’s Day 2021 Message English Translation (Alex)
*The Throne of Girl Masterlist. *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut!
Albert / Alex / Devot / Uriel / Vergil / Adrian
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ♔Valentine’s 2021♔ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Hey, sis! I saw a bunny the day before, a deer yesterday, and today… Can I see you today, on this special occasion? Winter is over; and the first bloom of Spring opens ever beautifully so today. Can I admire this breathtaking beauty with you, sis?
This is my present for you; this doesn't mean that I expect a return gift from you or anything like that! I just hope you like it!!
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(少女的王座—The Throne of Girl—) Main Story: Chapter 1 Part 12 English Translation
*The Throne of Girl Masterlist. *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut! *Main Story will be tagged under #Throne of Main
Chapter 1-1 / 1-2 / 1-3 / 1-3B / 1-4 / 1-5 / 1-6 / 1-7 / 1-8 / 1-9 / 1-10 / 1-11 / 1-12 / 1-13
Phone Call from Adrian / Lancelot
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Those monsters had been slightly trickier to handle, but I'd managed to eliminate them without a hitch.
MC: These guys look like low-level monsters to me. They'd normally all be hiding in the forests, and wouldn't dare to invade humans all...
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MC: But why would these low-level monsters be all the way here, out in the streets of the city and actively attacking humans?
I tried thinking of the reason behind this strange phenomenon but gave up soon enough.
MC: Forget it, I'm not the type of person who has a natural talent for cracking mysteries… I'd never be able to think of a reason even if I wreck my brains upside down; best leave it to someone else.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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Simmering with questions, I headed back to the Palace.
Suddenly, I recalled not having seen neither hide or hair of Albert all day.
MC: (Wonder if Albert's back yet? I want to tell him about what happened today.)
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MC: (Should I go back to his room and check if he's back yet?)
Should I go back to his room now?
▷Choice: Go back and check first
MC: (It's been quite a while now, so who knows, maybe he's back? I should go back and look for him first.)
▷Choice: Just hang around outside for a while
MC: (It’s still early, so there’s nothing to do even if I head back early. Besides, Albert might not even be back yet, so why don’t I just lurk around outside for a while more?)
And that was how I ended up wandering around the palace. It was near evening; the maids and servants hurrying back and forth, preparing for the various banquets that were to take place at night.
MC: Alas… The Palace is really bustling with activity day in and day out.
I paused in my footsteps, heading towards a more remote area. I might encounter some more “annoying” nobles if I were to stay in the livelier places after all.
I was in the inner depths of the Palace before I knew it. It was relatively quiet here, seeing as how it was the place where the Empress, her Majesty and the Royal girls lived.
But it was at this very same moment that my eyes passed a familiar figure.
MC: (That figure… Isn’t that Albert!?)
I looked at that person in disbelief— He had walked out of the Palace, where the Empress resided, in a hurry.
I had unconsciously ducked just shy of a corner, but my heart was pounding against my ribcage.
MC: (What is Albert doing, going to the Empress like that?)
MC: (I even heard that The Empress was secretly harboring male lovers, and there were also rumors spreading around the Palace that “His Majesty’s wife was an insatiable temptress” . Albert doesn’t look half-bad, so… It can’t be that he…)
I couldn’t help but to give myself a slap on the forehead as my blood ran cold as the thought registered itself in my mind; Albert had already disappeared from my field of vision.
MC: (No, no can’t do! I have to go back and ask him just what’s going on here!)
I went back to his residence and knocked on his door, but got no reply. 
MC: He isn't back yet…
Just as I turned around to leave, I heard Albert's voice.
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Albert: Were you looking for me, your Highness?
MC: Where did you go, Albert?
Albert: Nowhere at all.
MC: Then why didn't I see you when I went looking for you just now?
Albert: I just went to ask a senior sword master for advice on my swordsmanship skills.
Albert: Did you require me for something?
What should I tell him?
▷Choice: Nothing much.
MC: Nothing much.
MC: There were no Social Activities planned today, so I wanted to go out fishing together with you… But in the end, you only returned after I’d finished fishing.
Albert: Unfortunately, that does seem to be the case...
MC: I’m fine with going fishing by myself and all, but you said that you’d gone off to meet a senior? Who was it?
Albert: The Commander of the Imperial Guards— Sorin.
Albert: He's the best of the best among the Sword masters of the Seven Kingdoms; and I've always wanted to speak to him for quite some time now.
MC: Really? I didn’t know that you actually had acquaintances in the Palace...
Albert: We just… Got to know each other by chance.
MC: ……
MC: (But aren’t the Imperial Guards on routine patrol at this time of the evening?)
▷Choice: You’re lying
MC: Really? Then why did I just see you coming out from the place where the Empress resides?
Something inexplicable flashed across his face upon hearing this.
Albert: Your highness, I was only—
Furious at his lie, I interrupted him before waiting for him to finish.
MC: Do you not know that she— That she's a carnivore when it comes to men?
MC: And get, you still went into her place of residence!?
He was stunned as he heard me out, only to frown at the end.
Albert: It's definitely not like what you think it is, your Highness; I swear! I will never, ever, do anything dishonorable; and neither will I ever do anything that'll sully Pepsilia's name!
MC: Then what were you doing there?
Albert: The Empress summoned me, asking me a couple of odd questions before dismissing me. Nothing else happened.
MC: The Empress questioned you? What about?
Albert: They were all pretty trivial things; like how the King was treating me, and about how I was doing recently.
MC: Why's the Empress asking you all that?
Albert: I don't know why I was summoned either.
Judging from the serious expression he had on his face, I think he wasn't lying about all those things he'd told me earlier; but my heart twisted with an inexplicable feeling. 
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MC: (Is he hiding something from me?)
As I inwardly doubting myself, Albert seemed to have suddenly remembered something, turning towards me with apology written all over his face.
Albert: That asides, your Highness, the banquet that's being hosted by his Majesty, the Emperor, is about to start soon. So, let's head there as soon as you've picked out a dress.
MC: !!!
MC: That's something of such importance!!
MC: A banquet held by His Majesty, himself, cannot be compared to the likes of those Tea Parties! This is something I absolutely cannot miss!
MC: Not only can I not be late for it, I must also turn up earlier than I'm supposed to!
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Albert: I'll be waiting here to escort you to the venue once you're done changing.
MC: (I'll just have to ask Albert about it next time when I have the time to spare.)
MC: (Whatever it may be, I trust that he isn't doing anything bad.)
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ♔What’s past, it’s prologue♔ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Previous Part: (Chapter 1-11) | Next Part: (Chapter 1-13)
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(少女的王座—The Throne of Girl—) Main Story: Chapter 1 Part 10 English Translation
*The Throne of Girl Masterlist. *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut! *Main Story will be tagged under #Throne of Main
Chapter 1-1 / 1-2 / 1-3 / 1-3B / 1-4 / 1-5 / 1-6 / 1-7 / 1-8 / 1-9 / 1-10 / 1-11 / 1-12 / 1-13
Phone Call from Adrian / Lancelot
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I groggily woke up from my sleep in the morning. The bright light from outside filtered through the windows into the room; everything was peaceful and quiet.
MC: Doesn't seem like there are any maids here to wake me up today...
I glanced at the time, ducking my head back under the soft covers.
MC: I feel like there aren't going to be any social events today, so I can sleep in…
Just as I closed my eyes, preparing to return to sleep for a second time, my phone suddenly rang.
MC: …Ugh… Why is someone calling me all so early in the morning?
Snatching up my phone a little reluctantly, I forced my eyes open; my drowsiness dying off real quick when I saw just who was requesting for a video call with me.
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MC: ...Alex?
Alex Pepsilia was my younger brother, and the youngest child of the family.
MC: (Pepsilia and Hubrigy have a 4 hour time difference.)
MC: (It's 7AM here now, which means that it's only 3AM over there, right?)
MC: Unless he hasn't slept at all?
I sat up and rubbed my eyes, pressing the answer button.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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Alex: I just knew that you were sleeping in, sis!
MC: Sleeping in is a right that god has bestowed upon us!
Alex: Such a thing didn't exist in the Church's teachings...
MC: Huh… You mean, even God hasn’t said anything like “Make sure to get a good rest everyday and get enough sleep”? Surely there must be something along those lines!
Alex: ... Wasn't it "God's blessing allowed us rest on every seventh day of the week"?
MC: ...Doesn't it mean the same thing?
Alex: No way! They're completely different!
[Alex had been sent to the Vatican to live there for a while, due to his frail and sickly constitution, to pray for God's blessing while he received treatment from the Holy See.]
[And he had become more devout to God upon his consequent return.]
MC: Fine… You’ve caught me red-handed.
MC: But I’ve also found out that you’re still not asleep despite it being 3 in the morning!
MC: Shall I… Tell Father and Brother about this matter?
Alex: !!!
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Alex: Sis…
MC: Juuuust joking!
MC: Still, it’s so late; why aren’t you asleep?
Alex: I couldn't fall asleep…
Alex: I mean, Father, Brother, you, and even brother Albert went all the way to the Royal Palace in Hubrigy; and in the only one being left behind... 
Alex: The Castle is so big and empty, and no one pays me any mind… There's no way I'll be able to sleep like this!
Alex: Hey sis? When will you be coming back?
MC: I’ve still got to stay here for about another month!
MC: Haa… I want to go home too...
MC: This Palace has such an overwhelming number of rules; I wouldn’t stay here for another day if I could help it!
MC: But it’s currently the Capital’s Social Season, so Brother has been forcing me to participate in Tea Parties, Balls, blah, blah...
MC: He said that he just wanted me to make acquaintances with more royals. Humph! They’re just forcing me to participate in “Blind Dates”, if I had to be blunt about it!
Alex: Ehh!? Then... Do you have anyone you fancy, sis? 
MC: Not. A. Single. One!
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Alex: Really? Thank God!
Alex: —Ahem! I mean, hurry and come on back if there isn't anyone you fancy over there!
MC: I have no common topic with them at all. They all either have their eyes growing on the top of their heads or talk about extremely boring things!
Alex: That's right! There's no way those people will ever be worthy of you, sis!
Alex: Hurry and come back sis! You can just live with me just as we've always done, right?
MC: If only Brother was of the same mind as you...
Alex: It'll be fine! Just leave brother Lancelot to me.
Alex: I'll make sure to convince him not to set you up for any "Blind Dates"!
MC: Really?
MC: It would be greatly appreciated if you can persuade Brother to stop dragging me off to these “Blind Dates”!
Alex: Yup! I'll send a message to him in the afternoon saying, "Looks like sis doesn't like aaanyone at all, so hurry and let her come home already"!
MC: Alex… I now stand firm in my belief that you’re the only one who relates to me best in the family!
MC: Even Albert came along with us to the Royal Palace… Only for him to be on the same mindset as Brother, himself! He’s not helping me anymore!
Alex: What? Even brother Albert? Even him…
Alex: I'm sure he must have been coerced by Father and brother Lancelot! Yeah; I'm sure he was!
Alex: Don't blame brother Albert for it, sis...
MC: You’re not wrong… But...
[I sighed. Alex was right. Brother and father must have specially instructed Albert one way or another for him to be so "respectful" of the rules in the Royal Palace."]
Alex: Anyway, just leave brother Lancelot to me and don't worry about it!
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Alex: By the way, how's the Royal Palace? It must be way different from Pepsilia, right? Have you gotten used to the place yet?
MC: It’s really very different here. The Capital of Hubrigy is known as the “Heart of the Empire”; and it really deserves its reputation, for it’s way more prosperous compared to us!
MC: I hear that this place houses the largest Amusement Park and Zoo in the entire continent! Not to mention the famous Aquarium which is said to have every single species of marine life on this entire planet!
MC: There are also many delicious street food, gourmet stores, free markets and so on and so forth… Oh yeah! I think there was also a particularly popular Circus around here...
Alex: Ooooo!! Sounds like there are lots of interesting and yummy things there!
Alex: Sis, I… I wanted to go along with you…
MC: Don't worry! There'll be another chance next time!
[Even though I say that… I'm aware that he's always been of frail health…]
[Let's not even mention anything about him coming together with us to Hubrigy; even normal plans for a short trip out always ended as that. Just a plan.]
[The only time he had a successful long-distance trip elsewhere was only after we went to the Vatican and visited the Holy See, to pray for god’s blessing to see the trip through successfully.]
[I looked at the time and saw that it was getting later and later. It was nearing 4AM back in Pepsilia—]
▷Choice: Chat longer with him
MC: Let’s wait for your health to get better, and for you to get stronger. Then, you can come here with me and enjoy yourself as much as you want; how does that sound?
Alex: Sure, sounds great!! It's a promise then! When that time comes… Yes, let's go there together with only us two!
Alex: Let's skip all those boring social events! I'm sure we'll be able to play to our heart's content with just the two of us!
MC: Uwah, hearing you say that makes me a little impatient for that time to come; I can’t wait…!
Alex: Don't worry about it, sis! I won't make you wait long!
MC: Aw, how sweet of you, Alex!
▷Choice: Persuade Alex to go to bed.
MC: But it’s almost 4AM; it’s not good for your health to be up so late!
Alex: I...
Alex: I… want to talk with you a little longer, sis...
MC: You can’t. I’ll be very worried if you don’t hurry and sleep soon...
Alex: ...Alright...
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Alex: I'm gonna prepare for bed then. How about you go outside for a change if you're free?
MC: Yeah! I happen to be free later, so I’m absolutely prepared to sneak out and go fishing.
MC: I hear that the Capital is home to a species of fish that can spit out precious chromatic beads, so I’m thinking of trying my luck.
MC: The people here use them as amulets! Rest assured, for this sister of yours is blessed with super good luck! I’ll definitely be able to show it to you!
Alex: I think I've read about that fish in one of the books on the Church's library. I recall that it's pretty hard to catch, and if it proves to be too much trouble for you, then maybe…
MC: Don’t worry, something as simple as fishing won’t pose a problem for me at all! I’m going off to fish now, and as for you~ Hurry and go to sleep!
Alex: Alright, sis!
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Having said that, I waved at Alex through the video call before cutting the line.
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MC: (I should change and head out.)
I put the phone in my hand down, hurriedly getting out of bed to wash up and change into a fresh set of clothes.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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MC: (It’s such a rare occasion to be able to go take a breather outside. I should ask Albert to come along with me while I’m at it!)
I stopped in front of Albert’s room, knocking on his door.
MC: Albert!
MC: ...Albert?
I knocked on the door, but it was unexpectedly quiet within the room.
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MC: (Hm? What’s going on? Unless… Did he go somewhere?)
MC: (Where did he go off to so early in the morning? Unless Father of Brother needed him for something?)
MC: (Oh well, it’s just fishing; I can go alone.)
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ♔What’s past, it’s prologue♔ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Previous Part: (Chapter 1-9) | Next Part: (Chapter 1-11)
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(少女的王座—The Throne of Girl—) Main Story: Chapter 1 Part 2 English Translation
*I’m making another bad decision. The Throne of Girl Masterlist. *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut! *Main Story will be tagged under #Throne of Main
Chapter 1-1 / 1-2 / 1-3 / 1-3B / 1-4 / 1-5 / 1-6 / 1-7 / 1-8 / 1-9 / 1-10 / 1-11 / 1-12 / 1-13
Phone Call from Adrian / Lancelot
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Albert and I hurried out of the door. It was only when we stepped outside, that we could feel the true extent of the Hubrigy Palace's splendor.
The elegant white halls of the Palace were luxurious, yet majestic.
The stone pillars that supported the long hall were all decorated with intricately and exquisitely carved designs, it’s snowflake-colored marble flooring covered with a dark red wool carpet that extended to the end of the corridor.
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MC: The Royal Palace’s Court is truly magnificent… The only bad thing about it is its vast size. It takes such a long time to walk from the living quarters to the banquet hall everyday...
Albert: It is the Royal Palace after all. It is the most prosperous place in the seven kingdoms, but those that live here are all members of the royal family, so all this pomp and circumstance is only natural.
MC: Even with that being said, isn’t this too torturous? I must walk such a long distance so early in the morning just so that I can attend a Tea Party...
MC: Right, why did father and brother suddenly come here anyway?
Albert: Even I am not clear as to why…
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Albert: But I heard that His Majesty, the Emperor has something of utmost importance that requires the Council of Seven to convene; that’s why both your father and brother have been urgently summoned here, to the Royal Palace.
Albert: Additionally, the kings of the other five countries have also been invited to attend.
MC: Then, wouldn’t they be fine and dandy all on their own? ...Why do I have to come here too...
Albert: It might be the social season now, but even then, it’s rare for all the big figures of the seven kingdoms to gather together like this.
Albert: King Ronald and Prince Lancelot both hope to make use of the opportunity that this social gathering presents to find you a fiancé. 
I could understand what Albert was talking about all too well.
Father and Brother had both informed me about the purpose of my trip here before we arrived at the Royal Palace—
This was because I was about to reach adulthood, and the daughters of noble families, especially ones of the royal family, will face marriage almost immediately once they become of age.
It can be called an unwritten rule of sorts, but the daughters of noble families will only be regarded as an actual adult only after their issue of marriage has been settled.
MC: But—
MC: (As far as I know… Most of the marriages between nobles are for mutual benefits of interest.)
MC: (Can I really find someone who truly loves me from their bottom of their heart in a place like this?)
MC: Alright… I just knew that all of you can’t wait to marry me out.
MC: I received a ton of messages from both my father and brother alike as soon as I checked my phone, all emphasizing that I must attend those Tea Parties, Balls, and whatnot...
MC: Honestly! do they really want to kick me out of the house that badly?
Albert: Of course not! How could the King and Prince be willing to kick you out?
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Albert: I... I too, wish for you to attain happiness.
Noticing that Albert’s mood had shifted slightly, I hurriedly attempted to clear my actions.
MC: Huh? No, No! I’m only joking with you, Albert...
Having turned my head to talk to Albert, I failed to notice the figure coming my way.
I wasn’t able to get out of the way in time and almost ran into whoever it was, but thankfully, Albert had stepped forward and pulled me out of the way just in time.
I hurriedly regained my footing and arranged my skirts proper. The lady in front of me, decked out in pearls and all things glamorous, looked at me up and down with scrutiny.
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Lady Nephren: Your Highness, Ma’am.
She took two steps back. With her back ramrod straight and chin slightly raised, she curtseyed in a way that appeared respectful, but it was clear that her eyes were full of disdain. I quickly curtseyed in return.
MC: G-Good day to you, Your Grace.
The Duchess of Nephren straightened herself back up, raised her chin arrogantly and spoke harshly.
Lady Nephren: With all due respect, Your Highness. It is beneath someone of your status to be charging around violently like this; doing so will only tarnish your reputation as the Princess of Pepsilia, so please keep it in mind in the future.
I took a deep breath, feeling a twinge of guilt.
MC: (I heard the Ladies that resided within the Palace were very strict and demanding when it came to how one conducted oneself. I can't believe I've actually been caught red-handed by one…)
MC: Thank you for your kind words, Duchess. I'll be sure to pay more attention to it in the future.
I said everything in a single breath and was planning to leave right after, only to realize that she didn't quite intend to stop right there.
She took one look at Albert, who stood behind me, her expression twisting into one of contempt.
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Lady Nephren: In addition to that; Your Highness, you are about to come of age, so it'll be wise for you to observe proper royal etiquette— like the boundaries between men and women.
Lady Nephren: Please do make sure not to walk too closely with such lowly retainers; it's an insult to the face of the royal family.
MC: (A lowly retainer? Albert isn't a lowly retainer!!)
That sentence of hers angers me!
My face flushed with anger, and I wanted to argue back with her; but if I clashed with her here, surely news of this would reach the ears of the nobles in the Royal Palace in no time at all...
The Duchess insulted Albert. What should I do?
▷Choice: Keep quiet and pay no heed to her.
MC: (As if I'll lower myself down to the likes of someone like her!)
MC: Sorry for bothering you! I have some things to settle, so I'll be excusing myself first.
Albert: ……
However, the Duchess seemed unwilling to let things go as it was, but it was at this very moment that an unfamiliar, yet vaguely familiar voice sounded.
▷Choice: Calmly reason with her.
MC: (Albert is someone of absolute importance to me! I can't let her get away with this!)
But at the same time, I mentally remind myself that I must be calm about this.
MC: (I can't argue with her here, otherwise it'll be just as she said. Who says the Princess of Pepsilia doesn't know the rules of etiquette?)
MC: (I'm not going to argue, but I'm sure I can reason with her.)
MC: I'm honored that the Duchess is keeping an eye out for me. However...
MC: Even though this "Retainer" standing beside me right now isn't of royal blood...
MC: His noble virtues and outstanding swordsmanship skills have earned him my father's approval, who has then seen it fit to personally appoint him as the Chief Knight of the Pepsilia Kingdom.
MC: How can you call someone like this lowly; am I right?
Albert: ……
Lady Nephren: Aha, the King of Pepsilia really does play favorites when it comes to appointing people…
Lady Nephren: Who doesn’t know that this captain of yours was adopted by your father ever since he was a child, despite being of unknown origin? Oh, I heard… Didn’t Lord Ronald treat him as one of his own?
MC: You...!
MC: (Who cares what she is the Duchess of, she’s going way too far!)
I was just about to retort back when a voice that sounded unfamiliar, yet vaguely familiar suddenly sounded not far away from us.
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???: It's been a long time, Princess Celia.
Two heterochromatic pupils, as beautiful as gems, and those nearly perfect features; a face that had been all but burned vividly into my memories. I found myself stunned speechless for a while.
MC: (...Adrian? It... It really is him!)
MC: (Five years… It’s been five years since I last saw him!)
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ♔What’s past, it’s prologue♔ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Previous Part: (Chapter 1-1) | Next Part: (Chapter 1-3)
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[少女的王座—The Throne of Girl—] Valentine’s Day 2021 Message English Translation (Adrian)
*The Throne of Girl Masterlist. *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut!
Albert / Alex / Devot / Uriel / Vergil / Adrian
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ♔Valentine’s 2021♔ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
The weather was fine last night, the stars all shining bright in the clear skies. The stars are the same as every other day, but I still miss you even more so; much more than usual. I wonder if you’re looking up at the same starry sky like me?
These gifts are my heartfelt feelings for you, I hope that they can be my replacement for today, accompanying you. Please wait for me a while more, I’ll be able to accompany you myself in the near future.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(少女的王座—The Throne of Girl—) Main Story: Chapter 1 Part 7 English Translation
*The Throne of Girl Masterlist. *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut! *Main Story will be tagged under #Throne of Main
Chapter 1-1 / 1-2 / 1-3 / 1-3B / 1-4 / 1-5 / 1-6 / 1-7 / 1-8 / 1-9 / 1-10 / 1-11 / 1-12 / 1-13
Phone Call from Adrian / Lancelot
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I reluctantly walked into the Ballroom. The venue was brightly lit, the ladies and gentlemen within dressed exquisitely, lavishly, shining bright and beautiful.  
Still, I was really not used to places as crowded and lively as this.
MC: I can’t believe my brother made me do this even though he knew that I hated social events like this.
Inwardly complaining to myself, I saw a familiar figure at the Ball.
MC: (Adrian!)
I took two steps forward, only to realize that Adrian was surrounded by countless young noblewomen.
Allie: It's such a great honor to be able to meet you here, your Royal Highness, the Crown Prince.
Adrian smiled and nodded.
Kelly: That's right! I've not seen you in a long time, but you've only gotten even more dashing!
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Adrian: You've gotten much prettier yourself too.
Maria: Your Royal Highness, may I have the honor of asking you for a dance?
Adrian: Of course, sure thing.
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MC: (So he's actually really popular...)
MC: (But I suppose that's a given. He has the looks and he's also the Crown Prince to boot. It's obviously only normal for him to be so greatly welcomed by the girls.)
I was still rooted to my spot when the elegant dance music filled the room.
Everyone in the Ballroom gradually started to dance as the melody started up; it was almost as if I was the only person in the entire venue to be standing awkwardly alone by myself.
MC: (No one's going to ask me for a dance after all…)
I was just contemplating standing at a corner when I noticed a tall figure coming up from behind me, eventually coming to a stop before me.
Dressed in a swallow-tail coat, his pretty eyes twinkled in a gentle smile.
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???: You’re wearing such a stunning dress, Princess; it’ll be a waste for you not to dance.
MC: And you are?
He gracefully extended a hand out towards me.
???: Someone who’s asking you for a dance.
I was stupefied, but he had already taken my hand gently into his, starting to fall in step with the music.
By the time I regained my senses, I had already been brought out onto the dance floor.
His eyes held warmth, his facial features exquisite, yet gentle, with an unspoken elegance in the way he moved and carried himself.
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MC: (It feels like he's… Staring at me…)
MC: (...Just who is this guy?)
???: You have beautiful earrings.
MC: Thank you.
???: This is but a fact; so why are you thanking me for just stating the fact?
MC: This was something passed down by my mother, the Queen, and you're the first person to have ever praised it.
???: One will always have praise to spare for the beautiful.
MC: My mother was simplistic in nature, so even her jewelry is minimalistic...
MC: This pair of earrings are very unremarkable when put in contrast to this lavish Ball.
He leaned forwards as he followed the steps of the dance, coming up by my ear.
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???: But the truly beautiful things in this world don’t tend to look very eye-catching on the outside. Now, Princess… Wouldn’t you say that you’re just the same?
The distance between us closed even further. My eyes flickered up to him in bewilderment, only to see his elegant and handsome features up close, clearer than ever.
He placed his hand on my waist, unhurriedly turning us around in tandem with the music; yet I felt my face warm as my heart skipped a beat. 
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
In a moment of panic, I accidentally stepped onto his foot.
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MC: S-Sorry! I apologize, I...
???: Don't worry about it; you don't have to take it to heart.
Even though his tone was gentle, and he didn't seem to blame me for it at all, I still couldn't help but to feel sorry about it.
MC: (It's our first-time meeting, and he was so kind to ask me for a dance… And I stepped on him…)
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???: Are you not good at dancing, Princess?
MC: I...
MC: My… My mother had passed away early, so I didn't have any noblewomen or girls like that around me. No one has ever really taught me how to dance, hence my clumsiness.
My voice gradually softened as I spoke.
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???: Is that so… Then how about you practice with me tonight?
???: That way, you won't have to worry about stepping on the feet of others when you dance with them.
His tone was gentle, relaxed. I raised my eyes to meet his clear orbs. His lips curled into a gentle smile. I stared at him, stunned for a few seconds before reacting—
He was implying that he was afraid that I'd end up stepping on others.
Realizing that, I couldn't help but to snort in laughter.
MC: You're inviting me again? Not afraid I'm just going to step on you some more?
???: It's a great honor to be able to dance with you, Princess.
Seeing his smile that was as pleasant as a spring's breeze made me gradually relax as well.
What should I tell him?
▷Choice: Praise him for his way with words
MC: You really have a way with words and making them sound all the sweeter.
???: But lying beneath it is only, but the truth. You probably don't like dancing, am I right?
I froze at that. Now that was one hell of a truth, he gleaned from me. I really didn't like dancing.
MC: Yes, it's true that I don't like it. And I also know for a fact that none of the royals here would ever ask a Princess like me, one that came from the countryside, to ever dance with them.
▷Choice: Tell him that you didn't actually intend to dance
MC: Actually, I didn't even intend to dance. It was my brother who dragged me into this place.
???: Do you not like dancing, Princess?
MC: Not one bit at all.
MC: Besides, I'm well aware deep down that the people here are all up their high horses and will never look to dance with a Princess from the countryside like me.
My mouth had unconsciously formed a pout as I spoke, but he only gently closed his eyes, his tone slow but light.
???: The reason why you feel that way it's because you've grown to fear it ever since you came to the Capital.
That's the first time I've ever heard anyone say that. I paused. This feeling is out of fear? Not disgust?
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MC: Are you saying that I'm scared of those big, important figures?
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???: No. What you're afraid of are not those people, but rather, the rules of the Royal Court 
???: I don't think you know this, Princess; but what we know as society was something that originated from fear itself.
MC: Really?
???: Back during the era where things were still undeveloped, mankind found it hard to survive in the world in its natural state alone. Fearing death, they found the need to herd together. Thus, that was how society was created.
???: Society was created out of fear; but humans will always hold suspicion towards strangers. So, mankind created common rules and rites. 
???: With these set-in place, humans started to look out for each other and avoided killing each other.
He winked at me, before continuing his explanation slowly, thoroughly.
???: Running away from fear is the very essence of society itself. Speaking of which, this is the first time you've ever been to the Capital, yes? From the standpoint of someone who's not familiar with the unique rules of the Royal Court, the hesitance you feel is only natural.
I listened attentively, as if I was listening to a knowledgeable teacher as they taught the class.
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MC: So, according to what you say, I do have a bit of social phobia...
???: The nobles and ministers here actually feel the same fear that you do.
MC: So you're saying that they're scared of me?
???: The nobles and aristocrats of the Capital have already gotten used to this stagnant lifestyle of theirs; therefore, they feel uneasy whenever any part of your behavior fails to conform to their norms.
???: They are afraid of breaking the very same rules that they made— For example, they're just like the fishes who live in the pond who panic from the waves caused by a pebble that gets thrown into the waters.
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MC: So, you’re saying that I’m the pebble that’s being thrown into the pond?
???: You're not just a mere pebble from what I see.
MC: Oh?
I glanced at him in suspicion, only to see him incline his head with a smile that reflected in his purple eyes like how light reflected off water under the bright, dazzling lights.
???: You, Princess, are but a rare gem in this world.
I felt my face start to warm again at that sentence of his, not knowing how to react for a split second.
Just then, the dazzling lights before me flickered, plunging the entire hall into absolute darkness...
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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MC: Wha—!?
The shrill screams of the noblewomen, the confusion that wormed its way into the conversations of the gentlemen, and the anxious shouting of the attendants immediately filled the hall.
MC: What's going on?
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???: Looks like there was a power trip somewhere.
It was then that the crowd around us began to push each other around.
Kelly: Ah! Who stepped on my dress!?
Duke Riarty: Get out of my way; let me out of here!
Lady Mandela: Joseph! Joseph, where are you?
MC: I don’t know where brother and Albert are either...
???: Don't worry; I will bring you outside.
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MC: (Looks like the lights won’t be coming back on in such a short time. It’ll be better to go out first.)
The thought had only registered itself in my head when a pair of warm hands clasped over mine.
There was no time for my hesitation, for my body was being led away by an inexplicably reassuring force as I followed his footsteps out of the hall.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ♔What’s past, it’s prologue♔ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Previous Part: (Chapter 1-6) | Next Part: (Chapter 1-8)
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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Haha, sure thing! Feel free to add me (I only have limited spaces in Themis though)
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(少女的王座—The Throne of Girl—) Main Story: Phone Call from Adrian Aselva Hubrigy English Translation [ 空白的五年 : The Five-year Blank]
*The Throne of Girl Masterlist. *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut! *Main Story will be tagged under #Throne of Main
Chapter 1-1 / 1-2 / 1-3 / 1-3B / 1-4 / 1-5 / 1-6 / 1-7 / 1-8 / 1-9 / 1-10 / 1-11 / 1-12 / 1-13
Phone Call from Adrian / Lancelot
Adrian: Hello? (Y/n)?
Adrian: It's me, Adrian.
MC: Oh! Adrian!
MC: I never thought that you'd be the one calling me…
Adrian: Sorry, I didn't take the time into consideration. Am I bothering you?
Adrian: I'll call back again if you're busy.
MC: Huh? No, no! Don't worry; you aren't bothering me at all.
MC: I'm just… A tad surprised, is all. I didn't quite know how to respond for a while.
Adrian: It's surprising to see that you haven't changed your phone number even after all these years.
Adrian: Meanwhile, I...
Adrian: I was so busy after I came back to the Country that I wasn't able to make a backup of my contacts at all.
MC: No one can blame you for that either.
MC: Actually, it's already been 5 years, so wouldn't it be weirder not to change numbers? Many people in our class already changed theirs.
Adrian: I see…
MC: Don't worry, I'll definitely make sure to tell you if I ever change my number!
Adrian: Okay, same here.
Adrian: I won't change this number of mine unless something happens.
Adrian: You can call me anytime if anything happens, and I'll also be waiting for your messages.
MC: Oh, but… Won't I be a bother?
Adrian: Of course not.
Adrian: I'll never think of you as a bother no matter when it is that you choose to contact me.
MC: Alright then; so long as it doesn't cause you any inconveniences. Thank you, Adrian!
Adrian: It's fine, I say. We aren't the sort of friends who hesitate when it comes to each other, yeah?
Adrian: So…
Adrian: That's why I was really happy when I saw you again in the Royal Palace, (Y/n).
MC: ...Me too!
Adrian: I'll have to pardon myself first then. Feel free to contact me again whenever.
MC: Okay! Bye-bye!
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ♔What’s past, it’s prologue♔ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Next Part: (Phone Call from Lancelot Pepsilia)
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(少女的王座—The Throne of Girl—) Main Story: Chapter 1 Part 5 English Translation
*The Throne of Girl Masterlist. *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut! *Main Story will be tagged under #Throne of Main
Chapter 1-1 / 1-2 / 1-3 / 1-3B / 1-4 / 1-5 / 1-6 / 1-7 / 1-8 / 1-9 / 1-10 / 1-11 / 1-12 / 1-13
Phone Call from Adrian / Lancelot
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MC: What’s with the guy!? Acting so high and mighty…
Albert helped me gather the fallen feathers, suddenly noticing something that had dropped onto the grass, reflecting light. 
Albert: Hm? Look at this, your Highness… Is this a decorative medal?
Albert: The crest on this should belong to Landfalke. But only the royal family of Landfalke can wear this decoration. 
My heart lurched.
MC: (The royal family!? Is that why he was acting all high and mighty?)
I shouldn’t have agreed to my father and brother to come to the Royal Palace back then; if only I knew that the members of the royal family who came to the Capital were all people of his ilk…
MC: They only look down on me for the “bumpkin” of a Princess I am, and I can’t get used to seeing how they do things anyway, so not going would be the best of both worlds!
Albert: Of course not. I’m sure your Highness is well-loved by many!
MC: You don’t have to comfort me… It’s not like I haven’t interacted with any of those royals in the past few days; I know it very well deep down.
MC: Those people either look down on me, disgusted by this Princess that came from the “countryside”, or attempt to approach me only because they wish to maintain their own interests and retain their own territories.
MC: Besides, those royals are honestly so boring!
MC: When I think about how I have to participate in those Tea Parties, Balls, partake in gossip of the aristocratic circle and whatnot on a daily basis after I marry any one of them, it gives me a right headache!
MC: And as for me… I only wish to live a life of freedom.
MC: It would be great if I could go hunting with both my brother and you everyday, happily, just like in the past.
As if struck by something, Albert clammed up, blushing as he lowered his head.
Albert: Prince Lancelot can’t stay with you forever, you know...
Albert: And the same goes for me as well...
His last words were but a whisper.
MC: Albert? Did you just say something?
Just then, my phone rang.
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MC: Huh? Father and brother messaged me?
MC: Oh… It’s just another reminder to participate in the Ball tonight. Geez, how annoying!
Albert: It’s getting late. Your Highness, you should hurry back and prepare for the Ball tonight.
MC: Ugh… I have to go participate in another social event… And I really don’t want to.
MC: And look! I accidentally tore up my dress while hunting earlier...
I pointed to the corner of my dress where I had accidentally ripped it, looking up at Albert with puppy-dog eyes.
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Albert: Great then! Your Highness, you can use those feathers you obtained from the Halcyon to create a new dress; I’m sure it’ll be stunning!
MC: Honestly! To think that I’m going to actually have to use the “reward for my hard work” that guy gave me...
I gave a hapless sigh as Albert handed me the Halcyon feathers.
MC: But I guess it’ll make for a beautiful dress indeed...
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ♔What’s past, it’s prologue♔ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Previous Part: (Chapter 1-4) | Next Part: (Chapter 1-6)
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(少女的王座—The Throne of Girl—) Main Story: Chapter 1 Part 9 English Translation
*The Throne of Girl Masterlist. *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut! *Main Story will be tagged under #Throne of Main
Chapter 1-1 / 1-2 / 1-3 / 1-3B / 1-4 / 1-5 / 1-6 / 1-7 / 1-8 / 1-9 / 1-10 / 1-11 / 1-12 / 1-13
Phone Call from Adrian / Lancelot
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My thoughts were with the field of flowers and the beautiful light bugs I had witnessed earlier the entire way back. 
Just thinking about the dream-like scene and what Vergil said lifted my spirits like no other.
MC: (I can't wrap my head around how life in the Palace seems so dull, yet the royal advisor here actually proves to be rather interesting.)
Just as I was lost in thought, Albert, who was by my side, suddenly asked.
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Albert: Your Highness? Are you, perhaps, thinking about that advisor?
MC: Yeah; I'm rather surprised by him.
MC: I never thought that such a dull place like the Palace would hire someone as interesting as him to be the Royal Advisor.
Seeing the apparent joy on my face, Albert lowered his eyes.
Albert: Please forgive me, your Highness. But,
Albert: I’m sure that the advisor's motives in approaching you are not as they seem; you must exercise caution.
Albert is very wary of Vergil; what should I do?
▷Choice: Tell him that he's overthinking it 
MC: You're overthinking it; Vergil isn't a bad person.
MC: Besides, what sort of motives can he have towards a country bumpkin of a Princess like me?
Albert: It'd be best if you were a little more wary, your Highness. People who backstab don't show it on their faces.
▷Choice: Promise him that you'll be more wary about it.
MC: Okay. I promise you to be more wary about him, regardless of whatever motives he may have!
Albert: Yes, your Highness; that would be undoubtedly the best course of action.
I sighed; it felt like Albert had been super on edge ever since he came to the Capital.
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MC: Everyone was dancing earlier at the dance, leaving me to be the only one standing awkwardly in the corner. Vergil was the one who was kind enough to ask me for a dance; that's how I met him.
MC: And I'd also accidentally stepped on foot while we were dancing, but he wasn't bothered by it.
MC: He said that it was because I was too "fearful" of socializing. As long as you’re calm and relaxed deep down, even horrid conversations will turn out to be a little cuter in comparison!
MC: So I really don’t want to indiscriminately write him off by second-guessing. Don’t you often say, seeing is believing?
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Albert: That guy might seem as if he’s not doing anything, but he’s oftentimes trying to get closer in contact with you… At least that’s what my gut is telling me; so you have to be more careful about it, your Highness.
The light and shadows of chandeliers that hung in the corridor casted mottled shadows on his case, making his light blue eyes appear deeper and darker.
Looking at his face that was filled with worry, I couldn’t help but to feel a little exasperated.
MC: Besides, I’m sure you’re also aware that the nobles we’ve met these days are all high up their horses, looking down at us beneath their noses both overtly and covertly...
MC: And all they do is talk about boring gossips all day.
MC: Compared to those nobility who seek nothing but personal profits, I hope I’ll be able to make more friends like Vergil.
Albert: Please pardon my rudeness, your Highness.
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Albert: I couldn’t find you anywhere earlier and was worried when I found you together with someone else, I didn’t know or recognize; so, I couldn’t help but to...
Hearing the deflated tone in his voice, I turned back to look at him.
MC: I know you’re worried for me. But I really think Vergil isn’t the sort of person you think he is.
MC: Besides, don't I still have you by my side?
Albert looked a little helpless under my gaze, but smiled, appeased, and nodded.
Albert: Yes, I will definitely protect you; always.
After saying so, he checked the time on his phone.
Albert: Now, it’s already late today; so please rest up early, your Highness.
MC: Okay. You should hurry and go rest too. Don't overthink things too much!
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Albert: Yes, your Highness.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ♔What’s past, it’s prologue♔ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Previous Part: (Chapter 1-8) | Next Part: (Chapter 1-10)
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(少女的王座—The Throne of Girl—) Main Story: Phone Call from Lancelot Pepsilia English Translation [ 緊急聯絡 : Emergency Call]
*The Throne of Girl Masterlist. *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut! *Main Story will be tagged under #Throne of Main
Chapter 1-1 / 1-2 / 1-3 / 1-3B / 1-4 / 1-5 / 1-6 / 1-7 / 1-8 / 1-9 / 1-10 / 1-11 / 1-12 / 1-13
Phone Call from Adrian / Lancelot
Lancelot: Just what happened between you and Devot, the King of Landfalke, before; for you to act like that upon meeting?
MC: It's… It's not like I can help it either! He was such an ass!
Lancelot: Care to tell your brother what happened?
Lancelot: Father will be really angry if he ever finds out that you'd gone off and stepped on the toes of another King when you'd only just arrived in Hubrigy… Even I can't help you if that happens.
▷Choice: Tell him that it's not that important
MC: I met him down at the Hunting Grounds, and he stole my prey, a Halcyon, that I'd been stalking for a long time and killed it. I argued a bit with him, but it's not anything all that important...
Lancelot: Honestly, you… It's fine for you to be so willful back home, but here… It's a good thing you met Devot and not someone else.
Lancelot: I know how Devot is, so this incident isn’t really serious at all.
Lancelot: But… Coming back to the topic, what do you think of him?
▷Choice: Express my fury regarding Devot
MC: I was obviously the one who had been tracking the Halcyon the longest, and I even had it nearly tame and docile...
MC: But he just had to suddenly appear out of nowhere, killing my prey with a single shot from his bow and snatching it away without even giving me so much as a chance to explain myself. Not to mention how he even made a mockery of my hunting skills!
MC: Don’t you think he’s an ass too, Brother!?
Lancelot: Looks like he still has that same attitude from back then… This really can’t be considered your fault.
Lancelot: Even with all that considered, he was still able to maintain his calm demeanor at the ball. As expected of a candidate that both Father and I have high hopes for.
Lancelot: He might look imposing, but he’s actually a really nice person.
Lancelot: How about it? Feel up to interacting with him again?
MC: ...Huh? What do you mean “how about it”?
MC: Brother… Are you…? Are you trying to marry me off to him?
Lancelot: Be it for the benefit of the family, or taking your future happiness into consideration, Devot is still the best Candidate out there.
Lancelot: He’s really amazing. I’ve been classmates with him for many years and both Father and I both think highly of his character. If it’s him, then I can entrust you to him with no worries at all.
▷Choice: Worry if Devot really took it to heart.
MC: About that… What if he really took my rudeness to heart today?
Lancelot: No matter what it may be, you still must find time to send him a message and apologize to him.
▷Choice: Express that you’re adamant on not marrying Devot
MC: No way! I’ll shrivel up and die if I were to marry someone like him!
Lancelot: Really, you… Alright, let’s put this entire issue about marriage aside; but you still have to find time to apologize to him for your actions today.
Lancelot: He’s still the King of Landfalke after all, so it wouldn’t be good to offend him.
Lancelot: Here’s his contact——
Lancelot: Okay… Fine…
Lancelot: I'll apologize.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ♔What’s past, it’s prologue♔ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Previous Part: (Phone Call from Adrian Aselva Hubrigy)
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