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wonderlifeofsara · 3 years ago
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@bottlelounge_ has been on my list for a while and I finally got to visit 🥰 This zero-waste store & cafe has plenty to offer - from plant-based dishes featuring @paap_tempeh or @eat_wemeet “chicken” to homemade bakery items like this cookie and scone 😍 I also tried the homemade Soy Milk Tea and it is definitely one of the best I’ve ever tried! Plus they have my all time favorite chocolate @vivani_chocolate so there is nothing else to wish for 💙 Maybe only the stunning bike at the front? 😂😍 Location: Bottle Lounge, Hongyeon-gil 26, Seodemun-gu, Seoul 오픈 했을 때부터 너무 가고 싶은 @bottlelounge_ 드디어 방문했습니다 🥰 이 제로웨이스트샵과 비건 카페는 @paap_tempeh 또는 @eat_wemeet 제품으로 만든 마시있는 식사류 하고, #비건 쿠키나 스콘이나 다양한 베이커리 아이템도 있습니다 😍 순수로 만든 두유밀크티도 주문했는데, 제가 먹어본 것 중 최고였습니다! 게다가 제가 제일 좋아하는 @vivani_chocolate 초콜릿도 찾았습니다 💙 앞에 있는 멋진 자전거만 살 수 있었으면…😂😍 위치는: 서울 서대문구 홍연길 26 1층, 보틀라운지 . . . #비건카페 #제로웨이스트 #제로웨이스트샵 #보틀라운지 #비건맛집 #서대문비건 #zerowastekorea #zerowastestore #seoulvegancafe #vegankorea #koreanvegan #veganseoul #veganinspo #비건 #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodblog #veganfoodideas #비건유튜브 #비건생활 #채식주의자 #나의비거니즘일기 #plantbased (서대문구에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChcXoGkvv-R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wonderlifeofsara · 3 years ago
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What is better for summer than ice cream? 🍨 Ice cream might be one of my favorite foods and I’m so happy that the #vegan options in Korea are expanding 👏 Just now, one of the best I’ve tried @coconuzm has a pop-up in my area so it feels like Christmas? 😂 Check out this cafe and try all their various flavors until the end of August! Location: Local Stitch Works Better Cafe, 2nd Floor, 88 Jandari-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul 여름에 아이스크림보다 더 잘 어울리는 음식 있을까요? 🍨 아이스크림은 제가 가장 좋아하는 디저트 중 하나있고 요즘 한국에서도 #비건 옵션들을 많아지고 있어서 너무 행복해요 👏 최근에 드디어 @coconuzm 아이스크림 먹어봤는데 너무 맛있어요 ❤️ 우리 동내에서 팝업이 운영하고 계셔서 크리스마스 같아요 😂 8월 말까지 거기서 다양한 아이스크림 맛을 만나 보세요! 위치는: 서울 마포구 잔다리로 88 2층 . . . #veganicecream #veganseoulcafe #비건아이스크림 #비건카페 #망원비건 #서울비건 #veganseoulfood #vegancommunity #vegankorea #koreanvegan #veganseoul #veganinspo #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodblog #veganfoodideas #비건유튜브 #비건생활 #채식주의자 #나의비거니즘일기 #plantbased #vegantreats (at Mapo District) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgUSHv3vrBv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wonderlifeofsara · 3 years ago
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[eng/한국어] These days I feel like I’m eating nothing but dumplings 🥟 there are so many new #vegan mandu on the market here so the choices are greater then ever! I got to try the new @unlimeatofficial dumplings and I have to say, these are absolutely amazing! The flavor of the plant based meat is perfect with the spice, the skin is just right and it pairs well with Bibim Noodles ❤️ Bibim Noodles: 1 pack of konjac noodles 2 tbsp gochujang 2 tbsp rice vinegar 1 tbsp maple syrup 1 tbsp sesame oil 1 tbsp soy sauce 1/2 tsp gochugaru 4 garlic cloves minced Toppings: cucumber, radish, pear, sesame seeds, green onion 요즘은 만두만 먹는 것 같아요 🥟 요즘 새로 나온 #비건만두 너무 많아서 기뻐요 👏 저는 새로운 @unlimeatofficial 만두를 먹어봤는데 정말 맛있어요! 식물성 고기와 매운 맛, 만두피도 좋고, 비빔국수와 잘 어울려요 ❤️ 비빔국수 레시피: 곤약국수 1팩 고추장 2 tbsp 식초 2 tbsp 메이플 시럽 1 tbsp 참기름 1 tbsp 간장 1 tbsp 고추가루 1/2 tsp 다진 마늘 4개 토핑: 오이, 무, 배, 참깨 . . . #vegancooking #비건비빔국수 #비건집밥 #vegancommunity #veganrecipes #비건레시피 #vegankorea #koreanvegan #veganseoul #veganinspo #비건 #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodblog #veganfoodideas #비건유튜브 #비건유튜버 #veganyoutuber #채식요리 #비건요리 #비건생활 #채식주의자 #plantbased #vegannoodles #bibimbnoodles #koreanrecipes #vegandumplings https://www.instagram.com/p/CcxlY4hvzQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wonderlifeofsara · 3 years ago
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Part two of the @britebelly #vegan pizza tour 🥰 Not a fan of pineapple pizza but well… this one is quite good 👍🏻 (for those who hate it there’s plenty of other delicious toppings) ❤️ I enjoyed the crust and tomato sauce with a slight kick ❤️ You get delicious vegan cheese and plant based meat, along with roasted tomatoes 🍅 Which one would you choose? @britebelly 피자 투어 2 🥰 파인애플 피자의 팬은 아니지만 음.이 피자는 맛있어요 👍🏻 (파인애플 싫어하시는 분들 위해 다른 맛있는 토핑도 많이 있어요) ❤️ 크러스트랑 토마토소스를 살짝 맵고 구운 토마토, 맛있는 비건 치즈, 식물성 고기와 너무 잘 어울립니다 🍅 여러분 어떤 피자의 토핑 선택하시겠습니까? . . . #vegancooking #비건식사 #vegancommunity #vegankorea #koreanvegan #비건 #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodblog #veganfoodideas #비건유튜브 #비건유튜버 #veganyoutuber #채식요리 #비건요리 #비건생활 #채식주의자 #나의비거니즘일기 #plantbased #브라잇벨리 #britebelly #eatright #eatbright #비건피자 #아시안노밋피자 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfeJ9hDP-RZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wonderlifeofsara · 3 years ago
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#제품제공 Found my dream summer companions 💙 I’ve been a big fan of @harlie_k - a fully vegan & sustainable accessories brand based in Daegu 🥰 They have a big variety of smaller and bigger bags - this Beanie Mini Tote Bag is not only super pretty but surprisingly spacious, with many pockets as well 🥰 I love this light blue color but you can choose from many others! It’s perfect in combination with the Sami Chain Card Wallet - compared to other vegan leathers it’s durable and smooth and has a handy chain 🥰 Which color would you choose? 드디어 좋은 #비건 찾았습니다 💙 오래전부터 대구에세 시작된 #비건 & #친환경 액세서리 브랜드 @harlie_k 팬이였는데 이 비니 미니 토트백 받고 너무 너무 기쁩니다! 매우 예쁘고 넓고 주머니도 많습니다 🥰 이 연한 파란색을 제일 좋아하지만 다른 많은 색 중에서 고르실 수 있습니다 ☺️ 세미 체인 카드 지갑과 너무 잘 어울리고 다른 비건 가죽에 비해 내구성이 좋고 가볍고 편리한 체인도 있습니다 🥰 여러분 어떤 색을 선택하시겠습니까? . . . #veganfashion #veganbag #veganleather #비건페션 #비건가방 #비건지갑 #vegancommunity #vegankorea #koreanvegan #veganseoul #veganinspo #비건 #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #비건유튜브 #비건유튜버 #비건생활 #채식주의자 #나의비거니즘일기 #할리케이 #친환경제품 #친환경가방 #가방추천 #카드지갑추천 #hlk https://www.instagram.com/p/CedX1HfP-fM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wonderlifeofsara · 3 years ago
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What’s your go to quick meal? Since I started working recently I find it hard to motivate myself to cook anything… but always looking at Elisa’s delicious toast I wanted to make it too 🥰 This is my go to tofu scramble, made with sundried tomatoes and with a side of while wheat bread ❤️ You can find the recipe on @happyskinkitchen 🥰 I just added chopped sundried tomatoes and some sprouts on top 👏 바쁘실 때 뭐 드세요? 최근에 알바 시작한 이후로 요리 하고 싶지 않지만 이 맛있는 토스트를 보면서 저도 만들어봤습니다 🥰 간단한 두부 스크램블에 말린 토마토 넣고 통밀빵과 먹었습니다 ❤️ 이 레시피를 @happyskinkitchen 에서 찾으실 있어요 🥰 . . . #vegancooking #비건식사 #비건집밥 #veganrecipes #비건레시피 #vegankorea #비건빵 #비건아침 #koreanvegan #veganseoul #veganinspo #foodinspo #비건 #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodblog #veganfoodideas #비건유튜브 #비건유튜버 #veganyoutuber #채식요리 #비건요리 #비건생활 #채식주의자 #plantbased https://www.instagram.com/p/CdszLu6vAY3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wonderlifeofsara · 3 years ago
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[eng/한국어] Once again trying to figure out how to eat a burger that’s almost as big as my head 😂 This special @britebelly pop up is only available at @monksdeli until May 14th so don’t miss out on it! There are two options - Plant Burger and Plant Steak Plate 🌱 While both were very delicious if I had to pick only one I think it would be the Steak ❤️ Definitely don’t miss out on this if you can! 다시 한 번 제 머l얼굴보다 더 큰 것 같은한 버거를 어떻게 먹을지 고민하고 있었어요 😂 이 특별한 @britebelly 팝업은 5월 14일까지 @monksdeli 에서 놓치지 마세요! 플랜트 버거와 플랜트 스테이크 플레이트 두 가지 메뉴 있습니다 🌱 둘 다 맛있었지만 하나만 고르자면 스테이크 있을 것 같아요 ❤️ 시간 되시면 꼭 가보세요~~ . . . #vegancooking #비건식사 #비건버거 #비건맛집 #비건서울 #veganburger #britebelly #vegancommunity #vegankorea #koreanvegan #veganseoul #veganinspo #foodinspo #비건 #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodblog #veganfoodideas #비건유튜브 #비건유튜버 #veganyoutuber #채식요리 #비건요리 #비건생활 #채식주의자 #plantbased (Monk’s Deli에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdDjo_ovHLM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wonderlifeofsara · 3 years ago
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[eng/한국어] Curry kimbab? It works 🥰👏 I got to try the brand new Plant Ball Curry Rice from @britebelly and while it’s delicious on its own I thought that wrapping it in some seaweed and adding some fresh veggies would be a good idea 😍 I love the plant based balls full of protein and how the curry is very flavorful - you would not know it’s a frozen meal 😍 카레 김밥요? 너무 맛있어요 🥰👏 @britebelly 새로운 플랜트볼 카레라이스 그냥 먹어도 맛있지만 야채를 넣고 김밥 만들어도 너무 좋아요 😍 식물성 단백질이 가득한 카레의 풍미가 너무 ���아서 냉동식품인 줄 모르실 거예요😍 . . . #vegancooking #비건식사 #비건집밥 #vegancommunity #비간김밥 #비건카레 #브라잇벨리 #vegankorea #koreanvegan #veganseoul #veganinspo #foodinspo #비건 #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodideas #비건유튜브 #비건유튜버 #채식요리 #비건요리 #비건생활 #채식주의자 #plantbased https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc7vkwyPWeS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wonderlifeofsara · 3 years ago
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[eng/한국어] Finally made it to the famous @pinch_brunch_bar in Apgujeong, Seoul ☺️ This brunch place & wine bar has quickly become famous for its unique dishes that take veggies to the next level 🥰 We tried the Mushroom Toast with homemade soy yogurt, Persimmon Curry with Gnocchi and Cilantro Tart & Chocolate Dessert ❤️ The curry was so nice and really new, my fave has to be those epic mushrooms though! The bread was also 😍 and cilantro tart!! Definitely recommend ☺️ What would you try? 드디어 서울 압구정에 있는 유명한 @pinch_brunch_bar 방문했습니다 ☺️ 이 브런치카페 & 와인바는 채소로 독특한 비건 요리 너무 잘 만들게 유명해졌습니다 🥰 우리는 두유요커트 버섯 토스트, 홍시 카레, 고수 타르트 & 초콜릿 디저트까지 먹어봤어요 😍 카레는 너무 신산하고 너맛있고 제가 좋아하는 버섯 빵도요 ❤️👏👏 고수 타르트도 생각보다 잘 어울리고 맛있어요!! 반드시 추천해요 😍 . . . #vegancafeseoul #veganbrunch #pinchbrunchcafe #vegangangnam #강남비건 #비건카페 #비건맛집 #앞구정카페#vegankorea #koreanvegan #veganseoul #비건 #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodblog #비건유튜브 #비건유튜버 #veganyoutuber #비건생활 #채식주의자 #plantbased (핀치브런치바에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbRLIi_Pp5_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wonderlifeofsara · 3 years ago
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[eng/한국어] I’m out of quarantine and celebrating by planning everything I’ll want to bake this semester 😂 If you’ve got some leftover apples rush and make this delicious and good for you Spiced Apple Cake 🍎 I found the recipe on @optimisticfoods page and used one of their delicious and super creamy Almond Drinks in Vanilla 🥛 This cake is made in one bowl, it’s not too sweet and so incredibly fluffy! Obviously all vegan 🌱 Find the recipe in the comments! What would you eat it with? 남은 사과가 있으시면 이 맛있고 몸에 좋은 스파이스 사과 케이크 만드는 게 추천해요 🍎 @ 페이지에서 레시피를 찾아 크림이 바닐라 아몬드밀크 사용했습니다 🥛 이 케이크는 쉽게 만들었고 너무 달지도 않고 푹신푹신해요! 비감도 물론이죠 🌱 댓글에 레시피를 찾아보세요 😊 이 케이크는 무엇과 함께 드시겠습니까? . . . #vegancommunity #veganrecipes #비건레시피 #vegankorea #koreanvegan #veganseoul #veganinspo #veganczech #optimisticfoods #heresmyfood #비건 #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodblog #veganfoodideas #비건유튜브 #비건유튜버 #비건생활 #채식주의자 #비건베이킹 #비건빵 #비건케이크 #plantbased #vegancake #veganbaking #applecakerecipe #vegancakerecipe #winterbaking https://www.instagram.com/p/CaPcEYKv2iC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wonderlifeofsara · 3 years ago
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[eng/한국어] I don’t know how about where you are but it’s still kinda cold here ❄️ And nothing beats cold than a good old Tomato Soup right? 🍅 This recipe was shared with me by my amazing friend @hannah__jupe (courtesy of her dad) and it is truly incredible 😍 Find it in the comments below 👇 What’s your favorite soup? 여러분 지금 어디에 계시는지 모르겠지만 체코는 요즘 너무 추워요 ❄ 이 추운 날씨에 토마토 수프만큼 추운 건 없죠? 🍅 이 레시피는 제 친구가 @hannah__jupe (아버님의 레시피입니다) 알려준 것인데 너무 맛있게 나왔습니다 🥰 👇이 레시피를 아래 코멘트에서 만나 보실 수 있습니다 여러분 가장 좋아하는 수프는 무엇인가요? . . . #unicorn #vegancooking #비건식사 #비건집밥 #veganrecipes #비건레시피 #vegankorea #koreanvegan #veganinspo #비건 #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodblog #veganfoodideas #비건유튜브 #비건유튜버 #veganyoutuber #채식요리 #비건요리 #plantbased #vegansoup #vegancomfortfood #tomatosoup #tomatosouprecipe #dinnerrecipes https://www.instagram.com/p/CZHRhU4sHTl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wonderlifeofsara · 3 years ago
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[eng/한국어] One the last things I did before leaving Korea at the end of 2021 was to go down to Daegu once again 🥰 Finally I could see @dodam_____dodam and @jianetable again and they took me to the amazing @veggiehaus_ ! This all-vegan cafe and restaurant immediately had me falling in love - so cozy and the food was spectacular ❤️ I don’t know which dish was better - whether the creamy and herby Tomato Risotto or the crispy bowls of fried goodness 😂 Can’t wait to be back! Who’s coming with me then? And btw - new YouTube video is up on my channel -> link is in my bio 🥰 2021년 말에 한국을 떠나기 전에 다시 한번 대구로 갔습니다 🥰 마침내 @dodam_____dodam 님과 @jianetable 님 다시 볼 수 있었고 드디어 @veggiehaus_ 같이 방문했습니다 😍 베지하우스 너무너무 좋은 비건 카페이고 바로 사랑에 빠지게 했습니다 ❤️ 크림이, 허비 토마토 리소토와 바삭바삭한 간정튀김 중에 어떤 음식이 더 맛있었는지 모르겠습니다😂 빨리 돌아오고 싶어요! 여러분 저와 같이 갈 갈까요? 그리고 새로운 비디오 업로드됬습니다! 제 유튜브 채널로 놀러 오세요~~ . . . #unicorn #unicorn #vegancooking #비건식사 #비건집밥 #vegancommunity #veganrecipes #비건레시피 #vegankorea #koreanvegan #veganseoul #veganinspo #foodinspo #heresmyfood #비건 #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodblog #veganfoodideas #비건유튜브 #비건유튜버 #veganyoutuber #채식요리 #비건요리 #비건생활 #채식주의자 #plantbased(대구 - Daegu, South Korea에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY_bCkeMc1A/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wonderlifeofsara · 3 years ago
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One of my favorite places and one of my favorite days from this month 💙 Return to @achemice always involves trying to restrict myself from buying the whole shop… the ice cream just too good! That day I was lucky to have the best company with me and we took turns trying pretty much everything on the menu but this Mugwort Tteok Cake is always my go-to 🍰🍰 What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Location: Achemi 아케미, 성북구 Seongbokku, Seoul #vegancommunity #veganicecream #icecreamshop #vegangelato #veganicecreamshop #icecreamseoul #vegancafe #vegancafeseoul #아케미 #achemi #veganinspo #비건 #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodspace #비건유튜브 #비건유튜버 #비건먹방 #veganyoutube #비건아이스크림 #plantbased #vegantreats (아케미에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTowuARBjoO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wonderlifeofsara · 4 years ago
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I guess I’m old again... And back roaming through the wild streets of Seoul 🎂💙 New quarantine video is up! Go check it out on my YouTube channel ☺️ 📸: @4gracetruth 🥰 #unicorn #unicornadventures . . . . . . . . . . #gyeongbokgung #seoulkorea #경복궁 #vegansofig #비건유튜브 #비건유튜버 #veganyoutube #비건생활 #채식주의자 #studyabroad #seoul #instagood #seoulguide #travelblogger #lifeinkorea #travelblog #southkorea #veganfoodshare #veganfoodie #veganfashion #portrait #vegankorea #seoullife #외국인 #외국인모댈 #streetphotography #비건생활 #비건친구 #외국모델 (경복궁 Kyeongbok Palace에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CME0crBh4CG/?igshid=hrv50a6etmbv
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wonderlifeofsara · 3 years ago
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Hurry up to @bytofu_hbc to get the special @britebelly menu before it’s gone next week 🥰 I had the honor to try the Bibim Mandu Noodle Salad and it was delicious 😍 Who wouldn’t love the spicy sauce with chewy noodles and crispy dumplings 🥟 Go get it before the end of August 🥰 but even if you can’t make it in time just visit for the regular menu which is all so delicious! Thank you @bytofu_hbc & @britebelly ❤️ @bytofu_hbc로 서둘러서 @britebely 스페셜 메뉴를 드셔보세요 🥰 비빔만두 쩔 샐러드 먹어볼 수 있어서 너무 기뻤어요 😍 쫄깃한 면, 바삭바삭한 만두와 함께 매콤한 소스를 누가 좋아하지 않겠어요 🥟 8월 말 전에 서둘러가세요! 아니면 일반 메뉴 위해 가보세요 - 모든 메뉴 너무 맛있어요! @bytofu_hbc & @britebely 감사합니다 ❤️ . . . #비건맛집 #비건쫄면 #비건만두 #비건서울 #서울비건 #서울비건맛집 #바이두부 #veganseoulrestaurant #vegancafeseoul #vegankoreanfood #vegancommunity #veganrecipes #vegankorea #koreanvegan #veganseoul #veganinspo #foodinspo #비건 #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodblog #비건유튜브 #비건생활 #채식주의자 #나의비거니즘일기 #plantbased (at 바이두부bytofu) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chx6qdEhGxu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wonderlifeofsara · 3 years ago
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Turns out I completely forgot about these photos of probably my favorite day of April 🌸 Returned to my favorite #vegan cafe in Seoul @pyeongsangshi had my favorite cake and wrote my research proposal all in one day 🥰 Plus saw some cherry blossoms after being stuck inside during their prime week 🌸 Can’t wait to return for the May menu 💙 What is your plan for this month? 오늘 우연히 이 사진 찾아서 이 행복한 4월의 날에 찍은 사진 올리지 멋 했군요… 제가 가장 좋아하는 #비건 카페 @pyeongsangshi 다시 방문하게 됐고 가장 좋아하는 케이크를 먹고 하루만에 연구 계획서도 준비해냈어요 🥰 게다가 벚꽃도 드디어 봤어요 🌸 5월 메뉴로 빨리 먹어보고 싶어요 💙 여러분 이번 달 특별한 계획이 있으세요? . . . #vegancafe #vegancake #vegancakekorea #vegancafeseoul #비건빵 #비건케이크 #평상시 #비건서울 #비건서울 #비건베이커리 #케이크맛집 #vegankorea #koreanvegan #veganseoul #veganinspo #foodinspo #비건 #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodblog #비건유튜브 #비건유튜버 #veganyoutuber #비건생활 #채식주의자 #plantbased #vegantreats (평상시 암사점에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdVjvsFv1is/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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