#별 — star-gazed
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http-suhaa · 2 months ago
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A/N ; after like.. a whole almost a year now.. i finally officially (probably) remove S-G from its temporary discontinuation 🙏🙏
SYPNOSIS :: L/N Y/N a new freshman in her dream university 'DECELIS UNIVERSITY' and where she encounters dashing, handsome and populer guys, will she find LOVE? Or will she find RIVALRY?
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alwayshaveneverholdd · 5 years ago
★ 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝒹���𝓈𝓉 || 𝒞𝒽𝑜𝒾 𝒮𝒶𝓃 ★
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★ 𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: ballet dancer!san x female!reader
★ 𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮: romance, angst, smut, some shitty comedy, lots of emotions y’all
★ 𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼: mild panic attack, emotional turbulence, break-up, absolutely shit comedy by the author,  a lot of emotions y’all
★ 𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂: Choi San was your breathtaking first kiss. He was your first love. You never thought you could love anyone else. But, as life goes, things end. Now, you've been doing just fine on your own these past three years. You've learned a lot about yourself and you've been dedicated to your studies. You've made a lot of new friends; things are great. Then San comes back into your life and you have to wonder whether you want to jump into that lake of memories—if nothing else, then to just experience that short-lived high again.
★ 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓮𝔀:   “구십삼퍼센트 스타더스트.” Ninety-three percent stardust, he said as you two gazed out at the twinkling night lights of Seoul. His arm was pressed up against yours; he tilted his head up to turn his attention to the sky. “불꽃으로 만들어진 영혼들 함께, 우리는 모두 사람들의 이름을 가진 별 뿐이다.” With souls made of flames, we’re all just stars that have people names.
𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓸𝓸𝓷…
Idea by: @starsforten
Read Chapter One Here
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hd-learns-korean · 5 years ago
Song Flip Saturday Episode 1: The Life Of Riley by The Lightening Seeds
Hey all! 
Today I’m back with another new segment on my blog ‘Song Flip Saturdays’. It’s similar in style to Musical Mondays, however this time i will be using a song that’s lyrics are in English and then I will try to convert/ translate them into Korean. 
Please note: I am a beginner in studying/ translating Korean so even though I have tried to be as accurate as I can, there still may be some mistakes. If you do spot any mistakes or if my translations are totally off, feel free to lemme know so I can change them! 
Sources: I used Papago and Naver to translate the lyrics. For verb conjugations I used Verbix.com
With that out of the way lets get started with today’s song! 
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Song: The life Of Riley 
Artist: The Lightening Seeds
Genre: Brit pop/ alternative/ pop rock
My thoughts on the song: Oh my goodness this song takes me straight back to when I was a kid. It reminds me of summer holidays, picnics in the park and going to the seaside with my family. It’s a song that holds a lot of happy memories for me. If you’re looking for a song with a happy but not crazy energetic tempo, I highly highly recommend listening to this song. (It’s also good to add to a study music playlist or a cooking music playlist to have on in the background!) 
In order to create a study post from this song I will show each verse & chorus as a whole translated. Then I will show each sentence broken up underneath it. Like I said before I have used a translation tool to help song flip from English to Korean so if I’ve used the wrong words please tell me! 
은하수에서 길을 잃다
텅 빈 하늘에 미소를 짓고
백만 번의 기회가 모두 충돌할 수도 있는 그 순간을 기다려라.
나는 안내등이 될 것이다.
내리쬐는 별을 뚫고 내게로 헤엄쳐 와라.
그리고 지구로 떨어질 때 잠자는 세계를 부른다.
Lost in the Milky Way
Smile at the empty sky and wait for
The moment a million chances may all collide
I'll be the guiding light
Swim to me through stars that shine down
And call to the sleeping world as they fall to Earth
(Papago literal translation:
get lost in the Milky Way
with a smile on the empty sky
Wait for the moment when a million chances can all clash.
I'll be a guide light.
Swim through the falling stars to me.
And when it falls to Earth, it calls the sleeping world.)
은하수에서 길을 잃다
Lost in the milky way
     은하수 The milky way/ galaxy
     에서 In/ at/ from
   • 잃다 To loose/ to stray (Verb) (Conjugation – 
     Present tense: 잃어, 잃어요, 잃습니다
     Past tense: 잃었어, 잃었어요, 잃었습니다
     Future Tense: 잃을 거야, 잃을 거예요, 잃을 겁니다
     길 street/ way/ path
텅 빈 하늘에 미소를 짓고 백만 번의 기회가 모두 충돌할 수도 있는 그 순간을 기다려라.
Smile at the empty sky and wait for the moment a million chances may all collide
     텅 Emptily/ vacantly (Adverb)
    비다 (Verb) to be empty/ to be vacant/ to be unoccupied
     CONJUGATION of 비다 : Present tense: 벼, 벼요, 빕니다
     Past tense: 볐어, 볐어요, 볐습니다
     Future tense: 빌 거야, 빌 거예요, 빌 겁니다
    하늘 the sky/ the air/ heaven/ paradise
    미소 smile
    짓 act
    백만 million
    번의 changing one’s mind/ reversing one’s decision
     기회 opportunity/ chance
     모두 everyone/ all together/ everything
     충돌 collision/ impact/ crash
     순간 moment/ instant
   • 기다리다 to wait (Verb) 
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 기다려, 기다려요, 기다립니다
     Past tense: 기다렸어, 기다렸어요, 기다렸습니다
     수 number
나는 안내등이 될 것이다.
I’ll be the guiding light.
     안내 guidance/ guide/ usher
   • 되다 to become (Verb)
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 돼, 돼요, 됩니다
     Past tense: 됐어, 됐어요, 됐습니다
     것 thing
내리쬐는 별을 뚫고 내게로 헤엄쳐 와라.
Swim to me through stars that shine down
(Lit translation: Swim through the falling stars to me.)
   • 내리쬐다 shine down/ blaze down (Verb) 
     CONJUGATION: Present tense: 내리쫴, 내리쫴요, 내리쬡니다
     Past tense: 내리쬈어, 내리쬈어요, 내리쬈습니다
     Future tense: 내리쬘 거야, 내리쬘 거예요, 내리쬘 겁니다
     별 star
   • 뚫다 to shoot through/ to perforate/ to cut through/ make one’s way through (Verb) 
     CONJUGATION: Present tense: 뚫어, 뚫어요, 뚫습니다
     Past tense: 뚫었어, 뚫었어요, 뚫었습니다
     Future tense: 뚫을 거야, 뚫을 거예요, 뚫을 겁니다
     헤엄 swimming
   • 오다 to turn up/ to show up (Verb) 
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 와, 와요, 옵니다
     Past Tense: 왔어, 왔어요, 왔습니다
     Future Tense: 올 거야, 올 거예요, 올 겁니다
그리고 지구로 떨어질 때 잠자는 세계를 부른다.
And call to the sleeping world as they fall to Earth
(Literal translation: And when it falls to Earth, it calls the sleeping world.)
     그리고 and/ and then
     지구 earth
   • 떨어지다 to fall/ to drop/ to drip (Verb) 
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 떨어져, 떨어져요, 떨어집니다
     Past tense: 떨어졌어, 떨어졌어요, 떨어졌습니다
     Future tense: 떨어질 거야, 떨어질 거예요, 떨어질 겁니다
     때 the time/ the moment
   • 잠자다 To sleep (Verb) 
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 잠자, 잠자요, 잠잡니다
     Past tense: 잠잤어, 잠잤어요, 잠잤습니다
     Future tense: 잠잘 거야, 잠잘 거예요, 잠잘 겁니다
     세계 the world
   • 부르다 to call out/ to say/ to dictate (Verb) 
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 불러, 불러요, 부릅니다
     Past tense: 불렀어, 불렀어요, 불렀습니다
     Future tense: 부를 거야, 부를 거예요, 부를 겁니다
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[pre- chorus]
그래서 여기 네 삶이 있다.
우리가 갈 길을 찾을 것이다.
우리는 맹목적으로 항해하고 있다.
하지만 확실한 건 아무것도 없어
So here's your life
We'll find our way
We're sailing blind
But it's certain nothing's certain
(Papago Literal translation:
So here's your life.
We'll find our way.
We're sailing blindly.
But there's nothing for sure.)
그래서 여기 네 삶이 있다.
So here’s your life
    그래서 so/ therefore/ accordingly
     여기 here
     삶 life/ living
     있다 to exist/ to be
      우리가 갈 길을 찾을 것이다.
We’ll find our way
     우리 our/ us
     길 way/ route
   • 찾다 to find/ to look for (Verb) 
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 찾아, 찾아요, 찾습니다
     Past tense: 찾았어, 찾았어요, 찾았습니다
     Future tense: 찾을 거야, 찾을 거예요, 찾을 겁니다
     것 thing
우리는 맹목적으로 항해하고 있다.
We’re sailing blind
    맹목적으로 blindly/ recklessly/ ignorantly
    항해 sail/ voyage
하지만 확실한 건 아무것도 없어
But it's certain nothing's certain
    하지만 but/ however
   • 확실하다 sure/ certain/ confident
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 확실해, 확실해요, 확실합니다
     Past tense: 확실했어, 확실했어요, 확실했습니다
     Future tense: 확실할 거야, 확실할 거예요, 확실할 겁니다
     건 case/ matter
    아무것 anything
     없다 to not be
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난 상관없어.
그런 느낌이 든다.
괜찮을 거야
나는 여전히 그것을 믿는다.
이 세상에서
우린 시간을 찾아야 해.
무사태평한 생활
I don't mind
I get the feeling
You'll be fine
I still believe that
In this world
We've got to find the time
For the life of Riley
(Papago literal translation:
I don't care.
It feels like that.
It's gonna be okay.
I still believe it.
here below
We need to find time.
the life of Riley)
      난 상관없어.
I don’t mind
     난 I (informal +  marker)
     상관 care/ mind about
     없어 not exist
네가 괜찮을 것 같은 느낌이 들어
I get the feeling you'll be fine
   • 괜찮다 to be fine/ to be okay
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 괜찮아, 괜찮아요, 괜찮습니다
     Past tense: 괜찮았어, 괜찮았어요, 괜찮았습니다
     Future tense: 괜찮을 거야, 괜찮을 거예요, 괜찮을 겁니다
     느낌 feeling/ sense
   • 들다 to have/ to enter/ to go
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 들어, 들어요, 듭니다
     Past tense: 들었어, 들었어요, 들었습니다
     Future tense: 들 거야, 들 거예요, 들 겁니다
난 아직도 이 세상에서 우리가 시간을 찾아야 한다고 믿는다.
I still believe that in this world we've got to find the time
     아직도 yet/ still
     세상 world/ society
     에서 in/ at/ from
     우리 we
     시간 time/ hour
   • 찾다 to find (Verb) (See above for conjugation of this verb) 
   • 하다 to do (Verb) 
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 해, 해요, 합니다
     Past tense: 했어, 했어요, 했습니다
     Future tense: 할 거야, 할 거예요, 할 겁니다
   • 믿다 to believe/ to credit/ to trust in
    CONJUGATION – Present tense: 믿어, 믿어요, 믿습니다
     Past tense: 믿었어, 믿었어요, 믿었습니다
     Future tense: 믿을 거야, 믿을 거예요, 믿을 겁니다
무사태평한 생활
The life of riley
무사태평하다 to be peaceful/ to be carefree/ to be happy – go- lucky/ be at a standstill
생활 life/ living/ livelihood.
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요람에서 잠 못 이루는 밤까지
넌 영원히 살아 숨쉬는구나
이불 속 깊은 곳에서 우리는 세상을 응시할 것이다.
From cradles to sleepless nights
You breathe in life forever
And stare at the world from deep under eiderdown
(Papago literal translation:
from cradle to sleepless night
You live and breathe forever.
Deep in the blanket, we will stare at the world.)
요람에서 잠 못 이루는 밤까지
From cradles to sleepless nights
    요람 cradle
     잠 sleep
     못 not/ negation
   • 이루다 make/ achieve/ accomplish (Verb) 
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 이뤄, 이뤄요, 이룹니다
     Past tense: 이뤘어, 이뤘어요, 이뤘습니다
     Future tense: 이룰 거야, 이룰 거예요, 이룰 겁니다
     밤 night
     까지 until
넌 영원히 살아 숨쉬는구나
You breathe in life forever
     영원히 forever/ eternal
   • 살다 to live/ to be alive (Verb)
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 살아, 살아요, 삽니다
     Past tense: 살았어, 살았어요, 살았습니다
     Future tense: 살 거야, 살 거예요, 살 겁니다
   • 숨쉬다 to breathe/ to take a breath (Verb) 
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 숨쉬어, 숨쉬어요, 숨쉽니다
     Past tense: 숨쉬었어, 숨쉬었어요, 숨쉬었습니다
     Future tense: 숨쉴 거야, 숨쉴 거예요, 숨쉴 겁니다
Note: 넌 is an informal way to say ‘you’ it’s used with really close friends of the same age. I used this as my translation because I was unsure of what other variation of ‘you’ I could use. If anybody could suggest a better translation of this I’d be eternally grateful! 😊
이불 속 깊은 곳에서 우리는 세상을 응시할 것이다.
From deep under the blanket we'll stare at the world.
(The original song lyrics were ‘And stare at the world from deep under eiderdown’ but when I tried to translate this literally into papago it lost its meaning and became a weird jumble. So I changed some of the words to still give it the same meaning of the original song!)
    이불 Blanket/covers
     속 the inside, the interior
   • 깊다 To be deep/ to be bottomless/ remote (Verb)
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 깊어, 깊어요, 깊습니다
     Past tense: 깊었어, 깊었어요, 깊었습니다
     Future tense: 깊을 거야, 깊을 거예요, 깊을 겁니다
     곳 Place/ point/location
     에서 In/ at/ from
     우리 we/ our/ us
     세상 the world/ society
   • 응시하다 to look at/ to stare at/ to gaze at (Verb) 
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 응시해, 응시해요, 응시합니다
     Past tense: 응시했어, 응시했어요, 응시했습니다
     Future tense: 응시할 거야, 응시할 거예요, 응시할 겁니다
     깃털 이불 a feather quilt/ duvet (An eiderdown)
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비록 이 세상은 미친 듯이 날뛰지만
너는 자리에 앉아 꽉 잡고 있어.
Although this world is a crazy ride
You take your seat and hold on tight
비록 이 세상은 미친 듯이 날뛰지만
Although this world is a crazy ride
(Papago lit translation: Even though this world is frantic,)
     비록 even though/ although
     세상 the world/ society
   • 미치다 to be crazy (Verb) 미친 crazy (Noun) 
     CONJUGATION – Present tense:  미쳐, 미쳐요, 미칩니다
     Past tense: 미쳤어, 미쳤어요, 미쳤습니다
     Future tense: 미칠 거야, 미칠 거예요, 미칠 겁니다
   • 날뛰다 to jump/ to leap/ to become unruly (Verb) 
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 날뛰어, 날뛰어요, 날뜁니다
     Past tense: 날뛰었어, 날뛰었어요, 날뛰었습니다
     Future tense: 날뛸 거야, 날뛸 거예요, 날뛸 겁니다
너는 자리에 앉아 꽉 잡고 있어.
You take your seat and hold on tight
     자리 seat/ place/ room/ space/ location
   • 앉다 to sit down/ to take a seat (Verb) 
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 앉아, 앉아요, 앉습니다
     Past tense: 앉았어, 앉았어요, 앉았습니다
     Future tense: 앉을 거야, 앉을 거예요, 앉을 겁니다
     꽉 tightly
   • 잡다 to hold/ to grasp/ to grip/ capture (Verb) 
     CONJUGATION – Present tense: 잡아, 잡아요, 잡습니다
     Past tense: 잡았어, 잡았어요, 잡았습니다
     Future tense: 잡을 거야, 잡을 거예요, 잡을 겁니다
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[pre- chorus]
무사태평한 생활 (X3)
The life of Riley (X3)
Definition:  The life of Riley is a phrase that means to live a carefree and easy life.)
There we go guys study list complete! I hope you found it useful and also lemme know what you thought of the song! It’s a song that is so simple and easy to listen to. One of my all time faves, 90′s pop rock/ Brit pop classic! 
Now I’m off to go listen to this song again and sing my heart out into my trusty mic prop (A.K.A My wooden spoon!) 
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Happy Studying! x 
Note: Gifs not created by me. All credit should go to the original creators. I just searched for them on tumblr. 
Song lyrics sourced from: genius lyrics
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bangtan-azra · 5 years ago
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to listen the song on spotify please click here
달: moon
지구: earth
별: star
아름다운: beautiful
존재: existence
> 존재하다: to exist
곁: side
작은: small, tiny
바라보다: look at, gaze at, stare at
뿐: only
눈을 뜨다: open eyes
상처: scar, wound, cut
문득: suddenly
맴���다: spin, go around (in circles)
주위: around, surrouindings
환한: bright
- 환하게: brightly, beamingly
지키다: to protect
들키다: be caught, be discovered
이유: reason, cause
조차: even
- as in 내 이름조차 even my name
밝아지다: to brighten, to lighten
온통: all, entirely
하늘: sky
꽃이 피다: to blossom
bonus 행복하자! Let’s be happy!
sources: naver dict., genius, google translate, bts trans (Rein&Yein @bts-trans)
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ceciliamae18 · 5 years ago
달과 지구는 언제부터 이렇게 함께했던 건지 존재로도 빛나는 너 그 곁을 나 지켜도 될지
너는 나의 지구 네게 난 just a moon 네 맘을 밝혀주는 너의 작은 별 너는 나의 지구 And all I see is you 이렇게 그저 널 바라볼 뿐인 걸
모두들 내가 아름답다 하지만 내 바다는 온통 까만 걸 꽃들이 피고 하늘이 새파란 별 정말 아름다운 건 너야
문득 생각해 너도 날 지금 보고 있을까 내 아픈 상처까지 네게 다 들키진 않을까 네 주위를 맴돌게 네 곁에 있어 줄게 네 빛이 되어 줄게 All for you
난 이름조차 없었어 내가 널 만나기 전까진 넌 내게 사랑을 줬고 이제는 내 이유가 됐어
너는 나의 지구 네게 난 just a moon 네 맘을 밝혀주는 너의 작은 별 너는 나의 지구 And all I see is you 이렇게 그저 널 바라볼 뿐인 걸
In the crescent moon night 두 눈을 감아도 넌 파랗게 내게 밀려와 In the full moon night 두 눈을 뜨고서 널 담아도 괜찮은 걸까
문득 생각해 너도 날 지금 보고 있을까 내 아픈 상처까지 네게 다 들키진 않을까 네 주위를 맴돌게 네 곁에 있어 줄게 네 빛이 되어 줄게 All for you
환한 낮에도 까만 밤에도 내 곁을 지켜주는 너 슬플 때에도 아플 때에도 그저 날 비추는 너
어떤 말보다 고맙단 말보다 난 너의 곁에 있을게 캄캄한 밤에 훨씬 더 환하게 너의 곁을 지킬게
문득 생각해 너는 널 정말 알고 있을까 네 존재가 얼마나 예쁜지 너 알고 있을까 네 주위를 맴돌게 네 곁에 있어 줄게 네 빛이 되어 줄게 All for you
Since when were the moon and the Earth this close to each other? You shine just by existing Can I stay by your side?
You are my Earth To you I am just a moon Your little star that brightens your heart You are my Earth And all I see is you I am just gazing at you like this
Everyone says I am beautiful but My oceans are all pitch-black A star where flowers bloom and the sky is deep-blue The one that’s truly beautiful is you
I wonder all of a sudden, are you also looking at me right now? Even my painful scars, wouldn’t everything be found out by you? I will orbit you I will stay by your side I will become your light All for you
I didn’t even have a name until the moment I met you You gave me love and now became my reason
You are my Earth To you I am just a moon Your little star that brightens your heart You are my Earth And all I see is you I am just gazing at you like this
In the crescent moon night Even after closing my eyes you rush in with your blue In the full moon night Would it be okay to gather you into my eyes after opening them?
I wonder all of a sudden, are you also looking at me right now? Even my painful scars, wouldn’t everything be found out by you? I will orbit you I will stay by your side I will become your light All for you
Even in the light of day Even in the dark of night You stay by my side Even when I am sad Even when I am hurt You simply shine on me
Rather than saying anything Rather than thanking you I will stay by your side In the pitch-dark night I will protect that place next to you more brightly
I wonder all of a sudden, do you really know yourself? Do you know how pretty you are? I will orbit you I will stay by your side I will become your light All for you
Trans cr; Rinne | Spot Checker; Yein @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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lostinkoreantranslations · 6 years ago
SF9 “Enough” Lyrics Breakdown + Translation
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넌 필요없어 makeup 넌 불을 꺼도 예뻐 걸어만 가도 확 눈에 띄니까 내 옆에 붙어 날 꽉 잡아 (잡아)
~은/는 - topic particle
필요없다 - to not need
불 - light, fire
~을/를 - object particle
끄다 - to put out, to extinguish, to blow out, to turn off, to switch off, to shut down, to quench
~도 - also, too, even
예쁘다 - to be pretty, to be lovely, to be beautiful
걸다 - to walk
~만 - only, just
가다 - to go
확 - onomatopoeia of wind/air rushing in/past
눈 - eye
~에 - time/location particle
(눈에) 띄다 - to be in sight, to be visible, to be seen
~(으)니까 - because (of)..., typically used to provide a reason for an excuse being given (if not just being the excuse itself)
~의 - possessive particle (내 —> 나의)
옆 - side
붙다 - to stick/adhere to, to cling
꽉 - tightly, fast, fully
잡다 - to hold, to take, to grasp, to grip, to clasp, to grab, to seize
Translation: You don’t need [any] makeup / You’re [stunning] even with the lights off / [Wherever you go], all eyes are on you / [Please just] stick by my side, hold me tight (hold me)
Like ice with water 너 sky면 나는 fly 함께해줘 you know 하루도 1분 1초도 제발 멀어지지 마
V + ~면 - if, when
함께 - together
하다 - to do
V + 주다 (to give) - used to soften a command and/or make a request, often implies “please” at the end of a given request
하루 - day
# + ~분 - counter for minute (uses Sino-Korean number system)
# + ~초 - counter for second (uses Sino-Korean number system)
제발 - please (much more emphatic/emotional than V + 주다)
멀어지다 - to recede, to drift/grow apart, to die away; passive form of 멀다 [멀다 + 지다 (to become, to settle into, to sink)]
V + ~지 마 - verb pattern used to give a negative command
Translation: Like ice with water / If you’re the sky, then I’ll fly / [So] we [can] be together, you know / Please don’t [ever leave me] / Not even for a day, minute, [or] second
시들지 않는 꽃 (yeah) 향길 낼수록 (yeah) 다 너를 꺾으려 해 빠져만 가 like black hole (that's right) 난 못 줘 1도 (what?) 내겐 빛이 ���야 (woo!) 내 눈에만 더 빛나줘
시들다 - to wilt, to wither, to shrivel up, to fade, to droop, to fade, to wade
V + ~지 않다 (to not) - verb pattern used to negate verbs
V + ~ㄴ/는 - attaches to verbs to turn them into direct modifiers (think: “[noun] that/which...”)
꽃 - flower
향기 - scent, fragrance, perfume, aroma
내다 - to make, to produce, to contribute to, to donate to, to put/place
V + ~ㄹ/을수록 - used to indicate that as one situation/condition changes to a certain degree, another situation changes to that same degree (i.e. as ___ happens, ____ happens; ex.: 잠을 잘수록 덜 피곤할 거예요. - The more sleep you get, the less tired you’ll be.)
다 - all, almost
꺾다 - to break, to snap, to twist, to turn, to crack
V + ~(으)려(고) - used to express one’s intention to do something; “in order to...” (ex.: 휴가를 얻으려고 난 추가 근무를 했다. - I worked extra hours so I could take a vacation.)
빠지다 - to fall (out), to deflate, to drain
가다 - to go
못 - contracted form of 못하다 (to be bad at, to be weak in, to be inferior), placed before verb or verb phrase
# + ~도 - degree (uses Sino-Korean number system)
~에게 - “to/toward” particle (contracted here into 내게 —> 나 + ~에게)
빛 - light
~이/가 - subject particle
~이다 - to be
더 - more, further, farther, another, again, some more
빛나다 - to shine, to sparkle, to twinkle, to gleam, to be glorious, to be illustrious, to be distinguished
Translation: [Like] a flower that’ll [never] wilt (yeah) / No matter how much of your scent you give (yeah) / Everyone [wants to pick] you / I’m falling [for] you like a black hole (that’s right) / I can’t give you [up at all] (what?) / You’re my [only] light / Shine only for me [to see]
더 예뻐지지 마 야야야야야 넌 어딜 가나 제일 눈에 띄니까 더 예뻐지지 마 야야야야야 널 볼 때마다 불안해 미칠 것만 같아
예뻐지다 - to become pretty; passive form of 예쁘다 (예쁘다 + 지다)
어디 - where
V + ~(으)나 - verb pattern used to connect two clauses conditionally by expressing or implying “but/(al)though/however”
제일 - first, most, best
보다 - to see, to look, to watch, to gaze, to witness, to catch sight of, to spot
V + ~ㄹ/을 때 - when, at that time/moment
~마다 - each, every
불안 - anxiety, apprehension, uneasiness, restlessness
미치다 - to go crazy, to be out of one’s mind
V + ~ㄹ/을 것 같다 - verb phrase used to express one’s guess about something one has not experienced or something that hasn’t yet happened (think: “I think that.../It seems to me that…”)
Translation: You don’t [need to] be prettier ya-ya-ya-ya-ya / [You’re all anyone can see wherever you go] / Don’t [try to] be prettier ya-ya-ya-ya-ya / Every time I see you, I feel anxious like I’m gonna lose my mind
넌 나만 알고 나만 보고 나만 갖고파 달콤함에 벌떼같이 덤비기 전에 예뻐지지 마 야야야야야 지금도 넌 충분해 더 예뻐지지 마
알다 - to know, to understand, to learn, to recognize, to be aware of
V + ~고 - “and” connective used only with verbs
갖다 - to hold, to have
V + ~고파 - more childish way of saying V + ~고 싶다 
NOTE: I say childish not to be negative, but to show the nuance this pattern has since it’s typically used in a cutesy way; and also because this line is inherently childish since it’s a rather unrealistic and semi-selfish/self-serving request, though not necessarily in a bad way.
달콤하다 - to be sweet, to be honeyed/sugary
V + ~ㅁ/음 - ending used to turn verbs into nouns
벌떼 - swarm of bees
같이 - as, like, together/along with
덤비다 - to come at
V + ~기 - ending used to turn verbs into nouns (used ONLY with ACTION verbs)
전에 - before, previously, formerly
지금 - (right) now, the present (moment)
충분하다 - to be enough, to be sufficient, to be satisfactory, to be ample
Translation: [Say] you only know me, only see me, only want me / Before [they swarm you like bees to honey] / [Don’t worry about getting prettier, ya-ya-ya-ya-ya / You’re perfect right now as you are, you don’t need to be any prettier]
꼭꼭 숨어라 머리카락 보일라 (보일라)* 태가 달라 땅 위로 떨어진 별이 Baby that's you 말도 안 된단 말이 that's true (yeah)
꼭 - surely, fastly, thoroughly, certainly, undoubtedly
숨다 - to hide, to disappear
V + ~라 - verb ending used to give a command; mostly used by elders toward persons much younger than themselves
머리카락 - hair
보이다 - to be seen, to appear, to come in sight
태가 - frame, carriage, portage, figure
다르다 - to be different, to be distinct
땅 - earth, ground
위 - top
~(으)로 - means by which/method and/or direction particle (think: “toward,” “by,” or “for” depending on context)
떨어지다 - to fall, to slip, to drip, to drop (떨다 + 지다)
별 - star
~가/이 - subject particle
말 - word, speech, language
안 - contracted form of 않다 that is placed before verbs to negate them
되다 - to become, to be, to turn into, to come
V + ~ㄴ/는다 - plain form verb ending used to make a statement about one’s own observations or thoughts (usually done when talking to oneself)
Translation: Come out, come out where you are (come out) / You’re [so] different, like a star fallen to Earth / Baby that’s you / [I know it’s ridiculous but] that’s true (yeah)
* - lit.: “Hide yourself well or else I’ll see your hair”; this phrase is said when playing hide-and-seek with kids, hence the use of the command ending ~라
저 하늘에다 빌어 (빌어) 더 못된 것도 빌어 (빌어) 남들 눈에는 확 끌어당기는 매력은 없길 나는 바래
저 - there, that, I (more formal than 나)
하늘 - sky, air, heaven(s)
~에다(가) - emphatic extension of ~에 used to emphasize the change of one place to a new, more distinctive one
빌다 - to pray, to beg, to wish, to ask for
못되다 - to be(come) bad/evil/mean/wicked
것 - thing
남 - other (people), stranger
~들 - plurals particle
끌어당기다 - to pull, to draw
매력 - charm, attraction, appeal, magnetism
없다 - to not exist, to not have
~길 - contraction of ~기를 (basically, a contracted object particle)
바라다 - to wish, to hope, to want, to desire, to long for
Translation: I pray to [God] (I pray) / I [selfishly] pray for the worst thing (I pray) / [I pray no one else really sees / Just how incredible you really are]
세상 모두 눈이 멀어서 아무도 널 볼 수 없도록 불길처럼 번져가는 널 오직 나만이 태울 수 있길 Oh!
세상 - world
모두 - all, everyone, everybody
멀다 - to be far, to be distant
~서 - because, so (contracted version of 그래서)
The “cause” clause comes before it and the “effect” clause comes after it; important to remember the verb in the “cause” clause is not conjugated past its stem as the tense of the “effect” clause verb sets the tense for the entire sentence (Ex: 비가 오서 제가 학교에 갈 수 없었어요. - I wasn’t able to go to school because it rained.)
아무도 - no one, nobody
V + ~ㄹ/을 수 없다 - verb pattern used to express one’s inability to do something (think: “can’t…”)
V + ~도록 - verb ending meaning—depending on the context—to the extent of... (“so much so that.../until the point of...”) or in order to...; can also be used to give a command
불길 - blaze, wildfire
~처럼 - like, as if
번지다 - to spread, to run, to grow, to escalate (번져가다 is more emphatic since it combines 번지다 + 가다)
오직 - only, solely, alone, exclusively, but
태우다 - to burn, to scorch, to singe, to char
V + ~ㄹ/을 수 있다 - verb pattern used to express one’s ability to do something (think: “can…”)
Translation: [I wish everyone would go blind / So nobody could see you] / [Your beauty’s] like a blazing wildfire, [catching fire to everything in its path] / [I pray] I’m the only one who [can set your heart alight]
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bulletproof-korean · 7 years ago
Answer: Love Yourself 1
눈을 뜬다 어둠 속 나 심장이 뛰는 소리 낯설 때 마주 본다 거울 속 너 겁먹은 눈빛 해묵은 질문
➼ 눈을 뜨다 - to open one’s eyes ➼ 어둠 - darkness ➼ 심장이 뛰다 - for a heart to beat ➼ 낯설다 - to be unfamiliar, strange ➼ 마주 보다 - to look at somebody, face sbd ➼ 거울 - a mirror ➼ 겁먹다 - to be scared ➼ 눈빛 - a look, gaze ➼ 해묵다 - very old, long-pending ➼ 질문 - question
어쩌면 누군가를 사랑하는 것보다 더 어려운 게 나 자신을 사랑하는 거야 솔직히 인정할 건 인정하자 니가 내린 잣대들은 너에게 더 엄격하단 걸 니 삶 속의 굵은 나이테 그 또한 너의 일부, 너이기에 이제는 나 자신을 용서하자 버리기엔 우리 인생은 길어 미로 속에선 날 믿어 겨울이 지나면 다시 봄은 오는 거야
➼ 인정하다 - to acknowledge ➼ 잣대 - a standard ➼ 엄격하다 - to be strict ➼ 삶 - life ➼ 굵다 - to be big, stout ➼ 또한 - also  ➼ 일부 - a part ➼ 용서하다 - to forgive ➼ 버리다 - to throw away ➼ 인생 - life ➼ 길다 - to be long ➼ 미로 - a maze ➼ 속 - inside ➼ 믿다 - to trust ➼ 겨울 - winter ➼ 지나다 - to pass, go by ➼ 봄 - spring
   어쩌면 누군가를 사랑하는 것보다 더 어려운 게 나 자신을 사랑하는 거야     Maybe it’s harder to love myself than to love somebody else
차가운 밤의 시선 초라한 날 감추려 몹시 뒤척였지만
➼ 차갑다 - to be cold (a thing) ➼ 밤 - night ➼ 시선 - a look, stare ➼ 초라하다 - to be shabby ➼ 감추다 - to hide, conceal ➼ 몹시 - very ➼ 뒤척이다 - to toss and turn while sleeping
저 수많은 별을 맞기 위해 난 떨어졌던가 저 수천 개 찬란한 화살의 과녁은 나 하나
You've shown me I have reasons I should love myself 내 숨 내 걸어온 길 전부로 답해 어제의 나 오늘의 나 내일의 나 (I’m learning how to love myself) 빠짐없이 남김없이 모두 다 나
➼ 수많다 - to be countless ➼ 별 - star ➼ 맞다 - to hit ➼ 떨어지다 - to fall down ➼ 수천 - thousands of ➼ 찬란하다 - to be radiant, brilliant ➼ 화살 - an arrow ➼ 과녁 - a target ➼ 숨 - breath ➼ 걸어오다 - to come (walking) ➼ 길 - road, way ➼ 전부 - everything, all ➼ 답하다 - to answer ➼ 어제, 오늘, 내일 - yesterday, today, tomorrow ➼ 빠짐없이 - fully, thoroughly ➼ 남김없이 - without leaving anything out
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heyli5hts-blog · 7 years ago
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Just like that star we're gazing together at,                                                         I promise you, I'll try to be the star that shines brightly for a long time,             in your heart, during the days when you encounter moments of darkness.
-  Yang Yoseob solo (별) Celebrate in Seoul 2017 Concert.
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translatedvixx · 8 years ago
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별 빛 마음에 소근소근~ #엠카운트다운  #Whisper 무대를 준비 중인 #빅스LR #라비 #레오 군! 스웩 넘치는 두 사람이지만 팬들을 향한 눈빛만은 너무나도 달달 하다는 것!! 오늘 저녁 6시 #엠카 본방사수에서 눈빛 속으로 빠져보아요
Murmering in Star lights’ hearts~ #VIXXLR #Ravi and #Leo preparing for their #MCountdown #Whisper performance! These two are overflowing with swag, but the gaze they direct at fans is so very sweet!! Try falling into their gaze tonight on the #M!C broadcast at 6pm
RAVI (@AceRavi):
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pcyxiukai · 8 years ago
Secrets (The Undo Prequel) Playlist
So yes, Secrets is a thing and I’m working on the first part now. People have asked me what this prequel is going to cover and it’s going to be basically from the night they confessed to each other up until the accident, because that’s where Undo started. I’m super excited for this. And guess what!!!! THIS ONE HAS LIKE, NO ANGST IN IT. WHO’S READY?
Why - Taeyeon Make Me Love You - Taeyeon 불공평해 Unfair - EXO Cloud 9 - EXO 낮에 뜨는 별 Starlight - 수호 (Suho) I Do - Jeon Jiyoon Beautiful - Crush They Never Know - EXO 10 Seconds - AOA
Translations below:
Why - Taeyeon
Oh yeah yeah
Oh sometimes my two feet, oh as they touch As the gaze that carries me away is stolen I long for unfamiliar places that I’ll walk to lightly I end up stopping again with an empty and long sigh
Why, why, turn around again Why, why, full of dreams
If I leave now, good, good, good, yeah Everything I’ll meet, great, great, yeah My lightened heart, work, work, baby It already glimmers in front of my eyes But I hesitate, why
The needle that would turn on a compass Blooming abundantly at the place where it stops, nameless flower petals Pulled in for you, in the landscape filled with light Hurry and jump in more freely than me
Why, why, why, the day I delayed for no reason Lots of worries have all disappeared, tonight yeah
If the wind blows, good, good, good, yeah Everything that unfolds, great, great, yeah My changing heart, work, work, baby It already glimmers in front of my eyes
If I leave now, good, good, good, yeah Everything I’ll meet, great, great, yeah My lightened heart, work, work, baby It already glimmers in front of my eyes But I hesitate, why
The world isn’t all about trying to catch up Even if I walk all day the same landscape will never been seen I wrote on white paper, why, my heart smears like ink I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling to you
If the wind blows, good, good, good, yeah Everything that unfolds, great, great, yeah My changing heart, work, work, baby It already glimmers in front of my eyes
If I leave now, good, good, good, yeah Everything I’ll meet, great, great, yeah My lightened heart, work, work, baby It already glimmers in front of my eyes But I hesitate, why
Make Me Love You - Taeyeon
Make me love you Make me love you Shadows come from the light in the darkness In times that are even lonelier The hand that was carefully held out I couldn’t hold it, I’ve only hesitated but
My heart already trembles, I keep getting scared On this night when you secretly held out your hand
Make me kiss you (Ma-make me kiss you) Make me touch you (Ma-make me touch you) Make me want you (Ma-make me want you) K-kiss you, t-touch you, w-want you Make me love you Make me love you
Every day, I enter into a different world I was a butterfly, attracted to the temptation I’ve fallen into a sweet scent How do I look?
Farther, a little bit farther, high in the sky I’ve come a white star as I fly away
Make me kiss you (Ma-make me kiss you) Make me touch you (Ma-make me touch you) Make me want you (Ma-make me want you) K-kiss you, t-touch you, w-want you Make me love you Make me love you
Never seen it before (Such warm eyes) Deeply place me in your universe (I’ll close my eyes) Take me far away And make me love you
Make me kiss you (Ma-make me kiss you) Make me touch you (Ma-make me touch you) Make me want you (Ma-make me want you) K-kiss you, t-touch you, w-want you Make me love you Make me love you
Make me love you
불공평해 Unfair - EXO
If you smile at me like that (Girl, don’t you know?) It’s hard for me to not feel anything I’ve already had several cups of coffee baby But why do I still feel like I’m in a dream? If my friend saw me, he would’ve cursed at me I’m not used to being like this or saying this But in front of you, It’s like I was never like that
You’re unfair Are you being selfish? (stop it) Your eyes, your nose, your lips No matter how much I look, will they be pretty? You’re unfair Just stop right there You’re dangerous, dangerous, Take it slow (Oh my)
If you already know Please stop playing around (don’t you see) I’m getting more and more lost in you But if you play games with me It’ll be too cruel I gotta gotta slow down (Baby baby baby) baby oh
If my friend saw me, he would’ve cursed at me Seeing me be like this or say this I know it’s too fast but But you make me say this
You’re unfair Are you being selfish? (stop it) Your eyes, your nose, your lips No matter how much I look, will they be pretty? You’re unfair Just stop right there You’re dangerous, dangerous, Take it slow (Oh my)
I ask myself why I’m being like this But instead of a clear reason The trembling feelings tell me Nothing else is important I’m already calling you again
I know it’s really strange But don’t say anything and just listen
I know it’s unfair Am I being selfish? (stop it) Your eyes, your nose, your lips I wanna be the only one who looks at you, (I miss you baby) I know it’s unfair I’ll tell you straight up Any more and it’ll be dangerous, Dangerous, take it slow (Dangerous, dangerous baby) (I’m telling)
Girl, girl, be my love We drank coffee every day (My baby yeah) Girl, girl, be my love We talked on the phone every night (babe) Girl, girl, be my love It’s time that you come to me Oh baby falling let’s fall in love (Oh my)
Cloud 9 - EXO
Girl you got me flying up Very high, flying up Girl you got me flying up Very high, flying up Where am I? A place I dreamed of The air I breathe out becomes a white cloud Your clear eyes become the sky The blue dreams endlessly spread out, flying
The happiness in a blue painting Of a dream is in you Forget all the past sad moments When we didn’t know each other You’re such a big blessing, heaven I wanna stay by you forever Tell me this isn’t a dream That’ll disappear or just pass by Girl you got me
Girl you got me flying up Very high, flying up Girl you got me flying up Very high, flying up Girl you got me flying up How did you bring me here? Girl you got me flying up On top of the highest cloud
A dreamy reality, is this a dream? This disoriented feeling, do you know? When I wake up from this dream tomorrow morning Will I forget how to fly, forever?
It’s like biting a tail, the worries are endless But I found the answer in you The dark black storm clouds And fear all disappear You’re such a blessing, heaven I wanna stay by you forever Again, again, just once again Tell me you love me Girl you got me
Girl you got me I’m looking down on the earth This is the silver lining There is nothing more to hope I’ll give you the love you’ve always dreamed of Flying up, flying, flying up That’s what you’re doing to me
Girl you got me flying up How did you bring me here? Girl you got me flying up On top of the highest cloud Girl you got me flying up Very high, flying up Girl you got me flying up Very high, flying up
When I’m in your arms Heaven melts and comes inside Take me to that place Endlessly high place [Cloud 9]
The happiness in a blue painting Of a dream is in you Forget all the past sad moments When we didn’t know each other You’re such a big blessing, heaven I wanna stay by you forever Tell me this isn’t a dream That’ll disappear or just pass by Girl you got me
Girl you got me I’ve reached the embrace of the sun This is the silver lining There is nothing more to hope I’ll give you the love you’ve always dreamed of Flying up, flying, flying up Until eternity
Girl you got me flying up Very high, flying up Girl you got me flying up Very high, flying up Girl you got me flying up How did you bring me here? Girl you got me flying up On top of the highest cloud
When I’m in your arms Heaven melts and comes inside Flying up, flying up Flying up, flying up
낮에 뜨는 별 Starlight - 수호 (Suho)
This moment when I am with you If only time can stop I wanna be a star that protects you Even if I’m in a place where you can’t see A star that rises during the day A star that protects you Even if you can’t see it Even if you can’t see anything We’re following our own time Stars that go around an invisible orbit Even if we can’t see each other If only we can see each other’s hearts A star that rises during the day A star that protects you Even if you can’t see it Even if you can’t see it A star that rises during the day A star that protects you Even if you can’t see it Even if you can’t see anything So the tired you won’t get lost A star that rises during the day A star that protects you Even if you can’t see it Even if you can’t see it A star that rises during the day A star that protects you Even if you can’t see it Even if you can’t see anything I’m a star that protects you Even if you can’t see it, I won’t forget you
I Do - Jeon Jiyoon
Like the ground hardening after the rain, I got stronger Because you’re by my side, because you were there Again today, I met you in the same darkness I’m not afraid at all because it was always you Alone on a strange path, I can’t see the end, I can’t see the light In this blurry dream, I can’t see the path Please baby don’t you leave
Remember, I’ll be your light Anytime, every night I’ll embrace you, even all your pain Anytime, every night
I get pierced but I don’t know that it hurts I don’t feel anything My senses are getting dull like a scentless flower Hold my hand, I’ll be by your side Warmly, just like this Because I’m the sun, I’m right by your side
Alone on a strange path, I can’t see the end, I can’t see the light In this blurry dream, I can’t see the path Please baby don’t you leave
Remember, I’ll be your light Anytime, every night I’ll embrace you, even all your pain Anytime, every night
I’ll have the sadness, you have only happiness The sun shines on you Love, just as you want Stay as you are Baby just the way you are
I believe, just like this Every time every night We believe, I believe you always Every time every night
Remember, I’ll be your light Anytime, every night I’ll embrace you, even all your pain Every time, every night
Beautiful - Crush
It’s a beautiful life I’ll stay by your side It’s a beautiful life I’ll stand right behind you Beautiful love If I am with you under this sky Just breathing alone makes me happy It’s a beautiful life Beautiful day I live in your memories Beautiful life beautiful day Stay by my side
Beautiful my love Beautiful your heart It’s a beautiful life It’s a beautiful life
It’s a beautiful life I’ll always protect you It’s a beautiful life So lean on me Beautiful love Your tears, your smile So we can be together
It’s a beautiful life Beautiful day I loved you like crazy Beautiful life beautiful day I don’t wanna lose you
Beautiful my love Beautiful your heart
It’s a beautiful life Memories that resemble you Remain with me Your memories, your recollections
It’s a sorrowful life Sorrowful day I can’t win over sadness Sorrowful life sorrowful day So don’t leave me So I won’t live just in your memories It’s a beautiful life
They Never Know - EXO
I’ve opened all of me for you My eyes, the deepest part of my heart In a world that’s closed without a small crack It’s the only place that’s open for you They never know A completely different world Only we can feel it They never know The reason we became this close
The rain makes everything wet We’re ignoring everyone’s eyes I’ll cross the line first To the place where you are, cross that
Oh would you dare to cross the line
Yeah, don’t listen to the things That try to break us down No oh oh They’re jealous of us Because we enjoy it rather than avoiding it Our own message They targeted it Hurting us however they wanted The more I kiss the scar from the arrows I’m falling more for you every day
They never know They haven’t seen The back of the blue moon They never know The reason I’m going closer
The rain makes everything wet (Rain that covers eyes) We’re ignoring everyone’s eyes (Love is blind, love is blind) I’ll cross the line first To the same world you’re in, cross that
My love is already in your heart Filled up like a full moon, set free Past the hesitation, past that line No matter what they say, don’t believe it
Let go, don’t say no Let go, don’t say no Don’t listen to other voices baby Let go, don’t say no Let go, don’t say, don’t say You’re too beautiful For us to follow the ending They’ve already thought out
The rain makes everything wet We’re ignoring everyone’s eyes I’ll cross the line first To the place where you are Baby tell me where the line is Baby tell me where the line is
10 Seconds - AOA
Come closer, just 10 seconds So no one can know Feel me, just 10 seconds Come closer, just 10 seconds So no one can see Feel me, just 10 seconds Throw the dice, get on your feet Wherever you go, it’ll be a way to me There’s no trap, I’m excited I see your thick emotions before my eyes
Your eyes that look at me Your touch that keeps me Makes us into one
I feel you fire, my heart is higher My entire body reacts to you An unknown world, a world of possibilities The flower of instincts is definitely beautiful
Come closer, just 10 seconds So no one can know Feel me, just 10 seconds Come closer, just 10 seconds So no one can see Feel me, just 10 seconds
Kiss me so our noses touch So my breath can match your rhythm Let go of your rational, move me I’m gonna run away from the end of this night
Your eyes that look at me Your touch that keeps me Makes us into one
I feel you fire, my heart is higher My entire body reacts to you An unknown world, a world of possibilities The flower of instincts is definitely beautiful
Come closer, just 10 seconds So no one can know Feel me, just 10 seconds Come closer, just 10 seconds So no one can see Feel me, just 10 seconds
Before the night is over On this night that is especially starry Secretly lock eyes with me Our touching warmth This trembling moment Kiss me
My trembling lips, my trembling eyes are telling you Your eyes that look at me Your touch that keeps me Makes us into one
I feel you fire, my heart is higher My entire body reacts to you An unknown world, a world of possibilities The flower of instincts is definitely beautiful
Come closer, just 10 seconds So no one can know Feel me, just 10 seconds Come closer, just 10 seconds So no one can see Feel me, just 10 seconds
Come closer, just 10 seconds
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http-suhaa · 9 months ago
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stargazing noun [U] (LOOKING AT STARS/PLANETS)
the activity of looking up at the stars and objects in space as a hobby, as part of scientific study, or as part of astrology
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SYPNOSIS :: L/N Y/N a new freshman in her dream university 'DECELIS UNIVERSITY' and where she encounters dashing, handsome and populer guys, will she find LOVE? Or will she find RIVALRY?
PAIR :: Chess player!Lee Heeseung x Fem!Reader // Chess player!Park Sunghoon x Fem!Reader (Romantic to platonic)
GENRE :: Drama (AESPA) ,, Romance ,, Comedy ,, Rom-Com
FT :: ENHA members (hyung line only) ,, Hwang Hyunjin from STRAY KIDS ,, Yu Ji-min (Karina) From AESPA ,, & OCS (Original Characters)
TW !! ;; Love triangle.. (Between Heeseung and Sunghoon) ,, SWEARING ,, my grammer sucks since English isn't my first language >_< ,, and people is a bit of out of character since I don't know their personality that much so please bear with me
Note ! :: my first smau and this was my idea dew months ago in my old account called @l0-vs1ck >< this is based on my favorite C-DRAMA (Chinese drama) called "METEOR GARDEN" so I hope you enjoy and have a pleasant reading!!
Playlist :: STARS >< by suh4xxdsie
TAGLIST :: OPEN (ask if you wanna be in it! In the comments or in the inbox)
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The genggg 😋 (YNS gang) — F4 (HEES gang) — HIghschiol ganggg (Yns Highscoll Gang)
00 . Introduction (written :: 0.6k words)
02 . kicked that mf
03 . Ghost in the girls bathroom?
04. 2 milkteas and u
05. Wonyoung!
06. ME and MY bestFRIEND
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fyeah-vixx · 8 years ago
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[170112] 엠카운트다운 별 하나 바라보며 날아온 #라비 의 성공적인 솔로 데뷔무대 잘 보셨나요❓ 내일도 별빛들 마음을 BOMB💣하러 갑니다🤘🏼 - #데뷔무대 #성공적 #터질시간이왔어 #VIXX #RAVI #REAL1ZE #BOMB
[170112] M!Countdown Have you seen the successful solo debut stage of #Ravi, who flew here gazing at a star❓ We’ll BOMB💣Starlights’ hearts tomorrow too🤘🏼 - #DebutStage #Success #TimeToExplode #VIXX #RAVI #REAL1ZE #BOMB
Trans. cr: fyeah-vixx
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lrnkorean · 6 years ago
Vocabulary: “Fiance” by Mino (of Winner) (미노/위너)
108 entries (Page 4 of 5: 61-80)
별 — 밤하늘에서 별이 너무 아름다우니까 바라볼 수밖에 없었어요. 
"The stars in the night sky were so beautiful that I had no choice but to gaze upon them."
보다 — 할머니께서 아파셔서 어제 보러 갔어요. 
"My grandmother is sick so I went to see her yesterday."
보이다 — 티비가 안 보여서 시선에서 옮겨주세요? 
"I can't see the TV. Can you please move out of my way?" (lit: "The TV can't be seen, so could you please move out of my line of sight?”)
부끄럽다 —
제가 파티에 안 간 이유는 조용하고 부끄러운 사람입니다. 
"The reason I didn't go to the party is because I am a quiet and shy person." (lit: "The I didn't go to the party reason is (because I) quiet and shy person am/is.")
불 — 제 맘속에 한 불을 붙이셨다. 
"He set a fire in my heart."
비추다 — 행복한가 봐요. 얼굴이 비추고 있어요. 
"You must be happy. Your face is shining."
빠지다 — 헐~ 난 미친 놈과 사랑에 빠쪘어. 
"Omg~ I'm in love with a crazy jerk/guy."
서울 — 1) 사랑과 미움이 같은 말이면 서울 사랑해요. 사랑과 미움이 같은 말이면 서울 싫어해요. 
"If love and hate are the same thing/word(s), I love (you) Seoul. If love and hate are the same thing/word(s), I hate (you) Seoul." (lines from: "Seoul" by RM.) 
2) 어젠 여기로 서울에서 온 남자를 만났어요. 
“Yesterday I met a man that came here from Seoul.”
속 — 1) 난 너의 얼굴이 구름 속에 보여요. 
“I see your face in the clouds.” 
2) 마음 속에 아픔이 있는 듯이 그 사람은 가슴을 만지고 있어요. 
"'He'/'That man' is touching his chest as if there is a pain in his heart."
숨다 — 탁자 밑에 선물이 숨을 거야. 
"A gift will be hidden under the table."
숨통 — 그 남자의 
숨통에 한 조각의 음식이 따라 떨어져서 그가 거의 죽었어요. 
"He almost died because a piece of food went/fell down/in his windpipe."
~고 싶다 — 1) 언젠가 소설을 쓰고 싶어요. 
"I want to write a novel someday." 
2) 오늘은 제 집에 엄마와 언니가 왔어요. 
“My Mom and my sister came to my house today.” 
3) 제 생일 피티를 위한 베간 피자를 먹고 싶어요. 그리고 또한 케이크를 많이 먹어요. 
“For my birthday party, I want (to eat) vegan pizza, and eat/have a lot of cake.”
싶어 — (see above.)
쏟다 — 바닥 위에 쏟은 쥬스가 저를 넘어지게 했어요. 
"The juice (that was) spilled on the floor made me fall."
아낙네 — 선생님과 창문 사이에 써 있는 저 여자는 제가 저 여자를 제 아낙네가 되게 하겠습니다. 
"I will make that woman (who is) standing between the teacher and the window, my wife/woman/fiance.") (lit: "(As for) that standing between the teacher and the window, I will make her (become) my woman.")
아름답다 — 1) 그 집은 밖보다 속이 더 아름다워요. 
“The/that house is more beautiful on the inside than on the outside.” 
2) 밤하늘에서 별이 너무 아름다우니까 바라볼 수밖에 없었어요. 
"The stars in the night sky were so beautiful that I had no choice but to gaze upon them."
아무 — 아무 사람이 그녀를 다치려고 노력하면 난 죽여버릴 거야. 그게 약속이야. 
"If anyone tries to hurt her, I will kill them. That's a promise."
않다 — 1) 김치를 먹어 본 적이 있는데 사랑하지 않지만 싫어하지 않아도 해요. 
"I have tried kimchi before. I don't love it but I don't hate it either." 
2) 오늘 어디 갈 건지 아직 확실하지 않아요. 
"I'm not sure yet if I'm going somewhere."
알다 — 1) 조금만 버텨요. 알겠지? 
"Just hang in there, okay?” 
2) 그 여자는 누구예요? 아는 사람이에요? 
"Who is 'she'/'that woman'? Is (she) someone you know?"
어디 — 1) 오늘 어디 갈 건지 아직 확실하지 않아요. 
"I'm not sure yet if I'm going somewhere." 
2) 태양 어디야다고 물어봐? 하늘에서 태양이 있잖아요. 
“Are you asking (me) where the sun is? It’s in the sky (duh/of course/you know that/obviously.)”
Search the #fiancemino tag on our blog for the full lyrics list with translations/definitions, examples and updates/fixes. :)
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hd-learns-korean · 5 years ago
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Hi all! 여러분 안녕하세요! 🙋‍♀️ I hope everyone’s okay and that you all had a good weekend. Today I’m back with another musical Monday! Whoop Whoop! 
This song was recommended to me on my musical monday post I did a few weeks ago and I’m so glad I got a chance to listen to it! 
Song: Sun and moon by Sam Kim
Genre: Ballad/ Pop
My thoughts of the song: Wow! I love this song so much! It’s such a beautiful  song that could easily be played at wedding receptions. I can picture people having their first dances to this! 💃 
*WARNING! This post is gonna be a long one cos I’ve done soooo much research with verbs/ conjugations and sample sentences...so get yourself a drink, a snack and your notebook so we can start this study session!* 
Also quick note: I’m a beginner at writing in Korean and this is also a study session for me so If you spot any mistakes, feel free to lemme know so I can correct them! Thanks! 🥰
🌃 어둡다 - To be dark
🎁 Present Tense: 어두워, 어두워요, 어둡습니다.
⏰ Past Tense: 어두웠어, 어두웠어요, 어두웠습니다
🔮 Future Tense:  어두울 거야, 어두울 거예요, 어두울 겁니다
Examples:  비가 오면 대기한 느낌을 어두워요. It feels dark when it rains/ when it rains, the atmosphere feels dark.
📌Can also mean ‘ to be ignorant/ badly informed/ ill informed of something. 
✨ 반짝이다 To glitter/sparkle/ twinkle
🎁 Present Tense: 반짝여, 반짝여요, 반짝이어요, 반짝입니다
⏰ Past Tense: 반짝였어, 반짝였어요, 반짝였습니다
♻ Determiners (Noun modifiers)  반짝인 past, 반짝이는 present, 반짝일 future
Examples:    어제 반짝인 바다를 진짜 아름다웠어요. The sparkling sea was really beautiful yesterday.   반짝이는 별 twinkling star.
⛔ 멈추다 To stop/ to halt
🎁 Present tense: 멈줘, 멈줘요, 멈줍니다
⏰ Past tense: 멈줬어, 멈줬어요, 멈줬습니다
🔮 Future tense: 멈줄 거야, 멈줄 거예요.
Examples: 어머! 도로 한가운데에 나의 차 갑자기 ��췄다! Oh my god! My car suddenly stopped in the middle of the road. 
📖 Note:  멈추다 is used to describe a temporary stop. 
📏기울이다  1.) To lean, to tip. 2.) Devote to, concentrate on
🎁 Present tense: 기울여, 기울여요, 기울입니다
⏰ Past tense: 기울였어, 기울였어요, 기울였습니다
🔮 Future tense: 기울이겠어, 기울이겠어요, 기울겠습니다
📑 귀를 기울이다 - Expression meaning ‘To listen’ ‘Trying to hear sth well.’ 
(This is how it appears in the song ‘귀를 기울여’ ) 
Examples: ‘귀를 기울여주세요.’ Please listen carefully. ‘왼쪽에 머리 기울여주세요.’ Please tilt your head to the left. ‘난 너 목소리가 귀를 기울이고 싶어.’ I want to listen to your voice. 
👄 속삭이다 To whisper
🎁 Present tense: 속삭여, 속삭여요, 속삭이어요, 속삭입니다
⏰ Past tense:  속삭였어, 속삭였어요, 속삭였습니다
🔮 Future tense:  속삭일 거야, 속삭일 거예요, 속삭일 겁니다
👂 듣다 To hear, to listen to
🎁 Present tense: 들어, 들어요, 듣습니다
⏰ Past tense: 들었, 들었어요, 들었습니다
🔮 Future tense: 들을 거야, 들을 거예요, 들을 겁니다
Examples I found from Naver: 잘 듣다 to listen carefully, 언뜻 듣다 overhear, hear by chance. 
🤞 싶다 want to, would like to
🎁 Present tense: 싶어, 싶어요, 싶습니다
⏰ Past tense: 싶었어, 싶었어요, 싶었습니다
🔮 Future tense : 싶을 거야, 싶을 거예요, 싶을 겁니다.
Note: 보고 싶어(요) is a way of saying ‘I miss you.’ it literally means ‘I want to see you.’ 
🔇 고요하다 be silent, quiet, calm
🎁 Present tense:  고요해, 고요해요, 고요합니다
⏰ Past tense:  고요했어, 고요했어요, 고요했습니다
Examples I found on Naver:  고요한 밤 a silent night,  고요한 바다. A serene sea,  고요한 웃음. Quiet laughter.
➗ 나누다 to divide, to split up, to share
🎁 Present tense:  나눠, 나눠요, 나눈다, 나눕니다
⏰ Past tense:  나눴어, 나눴어요, 나눴다, 나눴습니다
🔮 Future tense:  나눌 거야, 나눌 거예요, 나눌 거다, 나눌 겁니다
Examples I found on Naver:  ‘이 사과를 반으로 나누자’ Let's split this apple in two.  ‘책을 주제별로 나누다’ classify books by subjects. 
😀 웃다 To laugh/giggle/chuckle
🎁 Present tense: 웃어, 웃어요, 웃는다, 웃습니다
⏰ Past tense:  웃었어, 웃었어요, 웃었다, 웃었습니다
🔮 Future tense: 웃을 거야, 웃을 거예요, 웃을 겁니다
👯‍♀️ 같다 To be the same, be equal to, be like
🎁 Present tense: 같아, 같아요, 같습니다
⏰ Past tense: 같았어, 같았어요, 같았습니다
🔮 Future tense: 같을 거야, 같을 거예요, 같을 겁니다. 
Examples: ‘민아 씨는 친절한 같다.’ Mina seems kind. ‘그는 좋은 사람 같다.’ He seems like a good guy.  ‘난 널 시험결과는 같아 있어! 진짜 대박죠?!’ I have the same test result as you! Isn’t it amazing?! ‘시험결과는 안 같을 거예요.’ The test results won’t be the same. 
👀 바라보다 1.) to look at, watch, stare, gaze. 2.) To look forward to. 3.) be on the verge of
🎁 Present tense: 바라봐, 바라봐요, 바라봅니다
⏰ Past tense: 바라봤어, 바라봤어요, 바라봤습니다
🔮 Future tense: 바라볼 거야, 바라볼 거예요, 바라볼 겁니다
Examples I found on Naver: 경치를 바라보다 See a view/ admire a view. 하늘을 바라보다. Look up at the sky. 미래를 바라보다 look to the future.  삼십을 바라보다. Be on the verge of one’s thirties. (My own example)
🤝맞이하다 To receive, to greet
🎁 Present tense: 맞이해, 맞이해요, 맞이합니다
⏰ Past tense: 맞이했어, 맞이했어요, 맞이했습니다
🔮 Future tense: 맞이할 거야, 맞이할 거예요, 맞이할 겁니다
Examples I found on naver: 따뜻하게 맞이해 주셔서 감사합니다. Thank you for the warm welcome. 박수로 맞이하다. To greet with applause. 
⭐별 Star
🌙달 Moon/ Month 
🌞해 sun
🌞🔦 햇빛 Sunlight
💖 마음 Heart/ mind/ feeling (Examples I found on naver - 아름다운 마음 a heart of gold. Lit a beautiful heart. 따뜻한 마음 A warm heart) 
🎶노래 Song/music
Wowweee that was a long post wasn’t it?! I hope this helps make studying verbs a little bit easier. I really do recommend listening to this song as it’s so peaceful. It’s nice to use study music that’s less energetic than Kpop for a change. (Not that i’m hating on kpop for one second...) If you wanna have a chill study session and pretend that your still siting in a cafe, I recommend studying with the song Sun & moon! 
If you have any Korean/ English song suggestions that you want me to turn into study posts like this, feel free to send me a message or comment and I’ll do my best to create them for you guys!
Resources I used: Naver, papago translation, verbix.com, youtube, google translate, wiktionary. 
Disclaimer: I don’t own the rights to any of the lyrics all credit should go to the original creator. I just created a study post from the words found in the lyrics. 
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idolizerp · 6 years ago
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NICKNAME(S): 별 – byul ; which means star. a childhood nickname his parents called him and sometimes still do. INSPIRATION: his parents served as his biggest inspiration, introducing him to music at an early age. without them, he wouldn’t be where he is today. SPECIAL TALENTS:
oddly flexible waist and back that he is nearly unbeatable at the limbo.
quite clever at acrostic poems.
owns a large vinyl collection of vintage songs dating back to the ‘60s.
a big harry potter fan.
has two older siblings.
pacific wide shoulders. 
hanbyul has been low-key since his scandal made headlines early 2018. his opportunity to debut solo was stripped, indefinitely postponed, but he hopes to finally release some kind of music possibly in 2019. the gravity of his scandal makes an official solo debut vague. so, he has hopes he can start small with features in songs, unpromoted and maybe, when more time passes, a feature in chain station as well. he had thought, considering love scenario’s popularity, he could have jumped on solo endeavours but the scandal set him too far back, that his main goal as of now is to get back on the good side of the company and public once again. for now, he does want to write and produce for poizn if another chance comes his way.
this is overreaching, but hanbyul is aiming to hit it big like soloists before him: tiger jk, outsider. except he isn’t a soloist yet; he’s from a boy group and that is stigma and a setback within itself. regardless, he remains positive to at least reach a margin of their success if he can’t have it all. he wants to branch away from the rules of being just an idol; he wants to break that stigma idols aren’t artists. and he hopes to do so with his music.
if chances emerge, producing songs for other artists outside of POIZN (not just exclusive to those in 99 entertainment) are avenues hanbyul very much wants to traverse through. he has a flare for dabbling in different genres, so he never wants to be confined to one type of venture. he wants to branch out musically and lyrically to a wide variety of different idol groups if possible.
crooked smirks, intense glares—they tell hanbyul that’s what suits him best. to be tough, to act tough. to be that stereotypical bad boy, who is hard around the edges but with a heart of gold. cliche, really, but works on the fans. they eat it up, screaming his name—no, screaming sirius because that’s him. the star that burns (only to burn out).
on stage, sirius is charismatic, powering through performances, burning through the grid iron, shredding through lyrics. he performs like his life is on the line, that every stage is a competition and he must win against himself; he performs in the circus of the entertainment industry at the risk of plummeting without a net to catch him, at the risk of burning… out. hard work and diligence as well as fiery passion exude in the harsh growls between notes, in the vein protruding and jaw clenching as he never fails to put on a show.
it’s where he shines best. what he does best.
99 likes that about him. likes the switch between sirius and hanbyul. sirius, who is a firecracker in the night sky. and hanbyul, who is a soft blaze in the day. a ray of sun behind a wisp of cloud.
that is the heart of gold part of him thought to be true. the heart of gold that snares with silly, prepared jokes and timely good reactions that has cameras panning to him. he is the one who looks directly in the eyes, smile soft and gaze softer—tender, like he’s looking through you (but you can’t see through him) as he recites acrostic poems. this is the hanbyul he brings to the table during intimate moments of fansigns and interviews. this is the hanbyul that surprises and catches others off guard. this is the hanbyul that plays the part of what others want from him.
hanbyul knows what to do to make it work. knows what everyone likes because he’s been pleasing people since he was young. he will pretend to be whatever works to fit himself into hearts and garner attention. because it works to be well-received, well-liked, to be an illusion of a star people gaze at, awed, when deep down he doesn’t have that heart of gold.
it’s tainted; he’s tainted.
for years his parents mold him into someone they preferred until hanbyul can’t recognize who he truly is. then it comes to him when he’s once again taken over a recording studio, he’s an ambitious people-pleasing chameleon; someone who twists his face and personality to better slot into the situation for his own personal gain.
nobody will like this version of him, he thinks, so hanbyul tucks it behind a friendly smile, convincing others he is all nice with no ulterior motives. bad boy sirius with a heart of gold is better than kang hanbyul, an ambitious soul acting like someone sweet so people can like him—so he can get what he wants, anyway, right.
the kangs’ guide to creating the perfect idol.
step one: have a child. kang jinyoung and kim sora have two children, but they had hanbyul with the hopes he can fulfill their lifelong dream. each, a failed product in the chase of fame (jinyoung didn’t pass the comedian test, and sora, a singer, never found herself signed to an agency). together, they want nothing more than to vicariously live through hanbyul, to have him famous, to have him adored by a sea of thousands—millions. their time was up, but for hanbyul, it was just beginning.
step two: training. as soon as he can walk, they teach him dance, simple choreography he can grasp and maybe master until he’s old enough to attend proper classes. and as soon as he can talk, they teach him to sing, and eomma has that covered. no need to spend expenses there, expenses they don’t have but continue to use to craft hanbyul into the perfect product. they forget about their other children, and they forget hanbyul is just a child, who is only eager to please them.
step three: auditions. any opportunity in busan is snatched. hanbyul is brought to auditions for commercials, pictorials. nothing big, nothing that can launch him into overnight success, but baby-steps. instead of making friends at school, who tease and ostracize him for not knowing how to mingle well, always busy living for his parents, hanbyul is pampered by lights too bright, he has to squint to see the cameras.
this is something he never gets used to but pretends to.
step four: seoul. the capital has more chances for hanbyul, his parents decide. so, they uproot the entire family and move to seoul with nothing but some money hanbyul earned. his hyung and noona hate it, despise the move and blame hanbyul for being so easy to fool. he doesn’t get it, though, doesn’t understand he’s being used and exploited. and he won’t understand for years to come. the lights blind him for that long.
step five: more auditions. but they are no longer for lesser tier commercials that do nothing for his fame. instead, they are for companies. thirteen, hanbyul comes prepared with a song he rehearsed over and over again until perfection—or something close to it. his eomma recommended it. a jackson 5 song because she likes michael jackson and wanted similar recognition for hanbyul once. this is a hint of his parents’ delusions, the ones his siblings warned him about, but hanbyul ignores it. for good reason because he impressed the panel enough to make it.
step six: 99 entertainment. they take him in and raise him like his parents: training, training and more training. but unlike his parents’ strong beliefs, there is nothing outstanding about hanbyul. he realizes this in vocal class when others sing better than him, clearer, higher—in dance class when he can’t seem to time his steps, can’t seem to catch up and stay in sync with everyone else. his parents warn to steer clear, that potential friends are competitors and they’re vying for limited spots. quitting isn’t an option, though. when his voice fails to reach notes, when his feet struggle to keep up, hanbyul tries regardless. tries and tries and works himself dogged tired just to keep up. his addiction to perseverance and hard work begins here.
step seven: more training. his parents aren’t remotely proud of hanbyul when months then years pass and there is no word of his debut. they assume he’s slacking off, not doing his best and accuse him of wasting their efforts to get him to where he is today. finally, he is getting a glimpse of what his siblings talk about: that his parents are only in it for themselves. he just refuses to believe it at first. yet puberty wrecks his esteem more, his voice easily cracking. someone suggests taking up rapping, that it better suits his image, anyway. so, again, hanbyul is tasked to try, and he sucks at it. but his addiction kicks in—the one aimed to please with blood, sweat and tears.
step eight: expand yourself. he finds escape in rapping, thinks it’s something similar to telling a story: his story. hanbyul listens to more of it, to the lyrics that speak of injustice, of how unfair the world is, how unfair life can be, of trying to only end up with nothing. the hardships, the pain, he relates to. pen to paper, he writes down what he stored from years having barely anyone to truly talk to, what hurts him, what pains him, the blisters on his heels, the ache in his back, the bruises on his limbs. hanbyul reads for inspiration, listens for muse, writes and writes until he can twist his tongue around his own words, his own tales and makes something out of nothing, make his stories into songs.
step nine: jump at chances. and the company likes it, likes him for pushing himself to the limit, for not giving up, for finding avenues to go on until he is considered a valuable asset. a rap competition, broadcasted, provides an opportunity to show him off, to display on a pedestal what they have hidden in their roster. young and full of potential, plus his parents are thrilled he is getting his name out there, hanbyul greedily hops at the chance to boast, to gloat, to rip through stages he exhausted himself over day after day, night after night. the reviews are mixed. while his talent is not denied, it’s judged and put under a microscope. no one thinks hanbyul deserved such a high placement, but he’s happy. his parents aren’t.
step ten: avoid scandal. hanbyul returns to training, disheartened. his parents berate him for losing, express their disappointment in him with cold shoulders and icy glares. he finds no sympathy from his siblings, who are happy the ‘golden child’ has failed, and he barely has friends after being forced view everyone as competition. again, the addiction revs its engines and the thirst of recognition he’s barely tasted erupts, and hanbyul is back punishing himself to get better, to be better, to debut so his parents will love him again. finally, finally—poizn is announced, and he’s in the final line-up. his parents are only more than happy to sign his rights away. it should be the greatest time of his life, but it isn’t.
poizn is problematic. scandal after scandal, they are continuously benched from promotions. they spend more time back in training rooms than they do on stage. this is not what he had in mind, not what he wants. where is the spotlight. hanbyul writes more than he raps, learns to produce more than he has a chance to perform his own songs. it’s what he does to keep himself sane, to tells his parents he is doing something in his spare time, but the accusations are tossed, anyway: they blame him, they blame his members, they start believing the articles and rumours of apparent bad attitudes as if they don’t know their own son. they also threaten him to stay clean, spotless because being in poizn itself muddles his name.
for years, hanbyul manages to stay pristine. then the pictures happen. all because he fell for a girl, trusted a girl but became too busy for that girl (training, writing, producing, being a workaholic) and had to break up with that girl. in return, she released his pictures right after a monster hit. after management finally chose one of his songs for a title track. after his parents showered him with compliments and affection and he was satisfied. hanbyul loses everything because of a single post.
step eleven: this is no step eleven. not for hanbyul because he is far from the perfect idol his parents raised him to be. yet he’s still trying. he won’t give up to achieve their goals because they are his, too–they ingrained it into him even if it burns him out.
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http-suhaa · 2 months ago
STAR-GAZED, 02. kicked that mf.
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A/N ; so uhm.. 😊..
SYPNOSIS :: L/N Y/N a new freshman in her dream university 'DECELIS UNIVERSITY' and where she encounters dashing, handsome and populer guys, will she find LOVE? Or will she find RIVALRY?
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