was @xiustories
691 posts
Juliet's MasterlistJuliet's pride and joy
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pcyxiukai · 7 years ago
gross. Stop stealing shit. thanks
It’s really, really sad that someone can just take someone else’s work and slap their name on it and get away with it because they have a following…that’s not fair to me or to my work, so I’m gonna hit you guys with some receipts because the Twitter user @ ratedbaek posted a story on July 3rd.
On July 3rd at nearly 11 PM, I received a message on AFF (asianfanfics, where Chemistry is still posted and has been since February of 2017) saying that someone had used my work as their own, and to see if I was affiliated with this twitter at all (which I am not). 
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(compare the dates on these two)
And I very!! civilly asked for it to be taken down and for an apology. I will post the conversation as well. To further this argument, if anyone would like a side by side of the two works, I have those as well, so if I must I will reblog this with those.
Here’s the conversation:
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Similar is quite an understatement. Literal chunks of my story have been posted into this user’s story and even though I asked for an apology, I never received one. And I did say I would bring this to everyone’s attention if I didn’t receive one. The similarities I found were also after they changed it up because they’d been called out before…so how similar was it before?? This is ridiculous and people need to start writing their own stories.
I wish people wouldn’t steal something others worked very hard on…I put a lot of work into Chemistry and this is just flat out disrespectful. Thank you.
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pcyxiukai · 7 years ago
Hello my dears!! I’m just here to remind you that this blog is inactive!! The only one that will continually post stories is @lunarexact ! thank you for understanding❤️❤️❤️
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pcyxiukai · 7 years ago
dooo thissss
Hi guys!! This is my survey I told you about! I’m super happy about 1000 followers and I’d totally love it if you could do this survey for me!! Thank you in advance <3
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pcyxiukai · 7 years ago
I want to request a new baek series if that os possible 👉👈
Go ahead :p I can’t guarantee it’ll happen but new ideas are always welcome
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pcyxiukai · 7 years ago
Please I need a part 3 of Remember Me !! That so cool Ps:I love your work ❤️
I’ll try :p I’ve got a lot in the works right now. Anything new will be posted on @lunarexact
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pcyxiukai · 7 years ago
Hii I want to read your stories but your master list is not working for me can you pls share the link of your jongin stories
Everything can be found on my masterlist on @lunarexact !!
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pcyxiukai · 7 years ago
oof u heard it im back
Juliet’s Masterlist
K E Y ♅ - One shot ☆ - Ongoing Series ♬ - Completed series ✠ - Discontinued series ღ - Author’s Faves ♣ - Fluff ※ - Angst ๑ - Smut
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pcyxiukai · 8 years ago
SHIT THANK YOU💕💖💞💘much love
August 21st: Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day
It is not surprising news that fanfiction writers are highly underappreciated.
There’s something wrong with the numbers: let’s take a popular fic with almost 4k hits. For let’s say 700 readers, it will get about 50 comments and 300 Kudos (those numbers are just an example, sometimes it’s worse than that). Maybe I’m being too kind, maybe not, but things stay the same; there’s something wrong here. Can you see it?
It takes us days, weeks, sometimes months to write a story for you. We write for ourselves yes, but we also write to share. We write to offer you content about your favourite characters. We write to bring our and your ships to life. It takes you a fraction of second to leave a Kudos, ten seconds to one, two or a few minutes to leave a comment.
And here lies our problem: there’s no proper sharing if there’s no proper feedback. An author not getting comments is generally a sad author. If I didn’t get feedback I’d wonder what’s the point in keeping on writing. A comment makes a writer’s day, most of the time even motivates them to write more.
Another important thing thrandythefabulous and I noticed: why on Earth do so many readers don’t comment (even kudos) if the fic has been up for a little more than a week or two? Why? Your feedback is still welcomed and much appreciated.
We write for ourselves, but also we write for you. And sadly, many readers are being quite… ungrateful, when giving feedback is the least they can do to thank the people offering them stories for free.
So, before we get started on our little day, let’s talk about comments:
It doesn’t matter if other readers already said what you wanted to say, we’ll still love reading it again in your words.
It doesn’t matter the fic has been up for weeks or months or years; comments on those ones are unexpected and so, it makes them ever better.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t have much to say, we’ll be glad anyway.
Most authors leave the comment section open to people who don’t have an Archive of Our Own (AO3) account, which means you can still… comment! How amazing is that.
That brings us to our little Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day.
The point of this day is simple; on August 21st, writers and readers alike would go on AO3 (or any fanfiction website really), on Tumblr, and leave a comment on their favourite fics (even the fics they enjoyed!) and/or send their authors a message about their works.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve already or never commented. It doesn’t matter if the author doesn’t know about this post. It doesn’t matter if the author already knows how much you love their work.
Just let writers know you love the fics they write for you, simple as that!
And well, don’t forget to keep leaving a Kudos and a comment in the future, and make writers happy!
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pcyxiukai · 8 years ago
idk why but your master list isn't working for me? it just says no post found.
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pcyxiukai · 8 years ago
Girl, just seeing that masterlist again makes me so pumped! Missed you and your amazing talent and even more amazing fics!!!!!
AHHHH I love my masterlist it's beautiful isnt it omg
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pcyxiukai · 8 years ago
Hi! I see you have Suho's for Life pc up for trade, what cards are you looking to trade it for?
all pcs that were up for trade have been traded/sold already!! sorry):
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pcyxiukai · 8 years ago
hey can you check out the fic I just posted? I don't know why it wouldn't let me ask you off anon but I started my account today! It's @crownedxiukai
hi love!! just looked at it (~: reblogged & followed!! i really look forward to more works
everyone go check out @crownedxiukai!!
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pcyxiukai · 8 years ago
everyone read this!!
The Crown {Kai}
Description: In the world of the crown, can love ever really matter?
Word Count: 4,346
Genre: Slight Angst / Fluff / Smut
Pairing: Kim Jongin (Kai) x Reader (feat. Jongdae)
Masterlist coming soon
Hiii everyone!! I’m new to tumblr so I hope you can enjoy this!!
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You had known Jongin as long as you’d been betrothed to him - or since birth. The two kingdoms decided that now the two of you were finally ready for marriage. That was far from the truth. You knew Jongin saw you strictly as a friend, regardless of the expectations of you. He knew that one day you’d be the one having his children, but he had his eyes everywhere else.
Your job after your marriage was clear. You had to get pregnant as soon as possible and birth a male child, the next heir to the throne. The idea of having Jongin’s children when he didn’t love you wasn’t appealing to you. Over the years of knowing him, you found yourself falling for him.
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pcyxiukai · 8 years ago
Mobile Masterlist
K E Y ♅ - One shot ☆ - Ongoing Series ♬ - Completed series ❁ - On hiatus ♛ - Above 100 notes ♧ - Below 100 notes ✠ - Discontinued series ღ - Author’s Faves
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pcyxiukai · 8 years ago
exo: yes we are boys from exoplanet.. we have powers and we’re slick as fuck using them… we are alien royalty. 
exo: ok we go to school now… and we’re wolves. lol we don’t know either we’re just doing it for the a(nime)esthetic. our powers are gone but shhhh don’t mind that. 
exo: right, now suddenly we’re in a maze and we’re fucked… none of us can leave… we’ll just sit on our asses here i guess. it’s cold. and there’s a lot of sand.
exo: update: we got out of the maze and our powers are back… but they’re fucked up and we’re all scattered around the world causing shit. we miss each other… like we can’t even talk because our phones are glitching like some dumb bitches.
exo: we’re back but now it seems we live in a wonderland… or something. we don’t know either. it’s a vaporwave-ish universe and minseok is making drugs… sehun won’t sleep until the sun is down… twat. 
exo: now we’re jedis and- wait nevermind we’re emos who fight and play basketball in the snow and hang out with space whales. 
exo: suddenly we’re monsters who go hard as fuck… we’re some real bad boys. baekhyun has a lip ring, are you shook? hell yeah you are. 
exo: update: we joined the mafia. 
exo: another update: we’re no longer in the mafia. now it’s christmas and we’re sad about an ugly bracelet. 
exo: ok and here we are and we’re hillbilly weasley pastel tropical kings… you heard right. we kokobop on any block… please love us even though we literally said we hate you and have been keeping you awake for an entire week.
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pcyxiukai · 8 years ago
I saw PCY and my immediate thought was Park Chanyeol.
THAT'S WHAT EVERYONE THINKS R I P but this user is also my instagram and my twitter lol
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pcyxiukai · 8 years ago
New url...what do you guys think :o
PCY stands for Park Chaeyoung of Blackpink...just so everybody knows.
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