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[COVERAGE ] 161231 Astro Star Quest 2016 & New Year Countdown feat. Royal Pirates, Bii, Nicholas Teo & Many More!
Kuala Lumpur, 31st December 2016 - Malaysians, including fans of Royal Pirates were invited to usher in 2017 with the biggest countdown concert in town by Astro, featuring K-pop, Taiwanese and local superstars at the Central Park, Desa ParkCity on 31st December 2016, starting from 8PM onwards till midnight for the New Year Countdown 2017. This concert has set the stage for the grand finals of Astro Star Quest (ASQ) 2016, where the 20th champion will be crowned in the presence of all previous 19 winners! Together with Korean-American band Royal Pirates, Mandopop singer-songwriter Bii, and one of the most noteworthy ASQ alumni Nicholas Teo and Canto-pop singer Eric Kwok who served as judges for this year’s ASQ grand finals. This event marked the third visit for Royal Pirates in Malaysia, where they had their first fanmeeting and showcase in June 2015 and November 2016 respectively. Malaysian fans are sure very lucky!
Astro Star Quest 2016 finals started at 8PM sharp with the grand opening with Dato Sri Liew Yew Chung, CEO of London Choco Roll as well as Wong Siah Ping, who served as Astro Chinese Customer Business’ Vice President. Then, the performances of the top 5 finalists started with Eugene Wen Keng Soon (26, Selangor), Steve Eer Xiao Hui (21, Johor), William Tan Kian Hong (24, Kelantan), Wengdyy Ooi Wen Lih (24, Kedah) and Brian Chiew Yi Bin (19, Penang) who sang their hearts out to wow the judges and fans.
Setlist: 1. Eugene
Performances: “Show Me Your Burlesque”, “舞娘” and “人间烟火”
Opponent vs. Brian (PK performances): “被驯服的象” and “你在烦恼什么”
Collaboration performance: “Lady Marmalade” (feat. Jacklyn Victor)
2. Steve
Performances: “A Whole New World”, “Love Yourself” and “还是会” + “爱情废才”
Opponent vs. William (PK performances): “I’m Yours”, Drum Solo and “OAOA”
Collaboration performance: “黑裙子” (feat. Apple, 2015 ASQ Winner)
3. William
Performances: “The Fox” and “Move Like Jaggers”
Opponent vs. Wengdyy (PK performances): “女孩儿与四重奏”, “谁人董是非” (composed song) and “Nobody”
Collaboration performance: “当你老了” and “时间都去哪儿了” (feat. Rachel Liang)
4. Wengdyy
Performances: “十字街头”, “浮夸” and “斑马斑马”
Opponent vs. Eugene (PK performances): “黑吃黑” and “血腥爱情故事”
Collaboration performance: “夜的第七章” (feat. 张引山)
5. Brian
Performances: “伤心的人别听慢歌” and “春花梦路”
Opponent vs. Steve (PK performances): “你好不好”, “演员” “特务J” and “大艺术家”
Collaboration performance: “W.H.Y” (feat. 东于哲) At 10:15PM, it was about time for the prize presentation. Winner for PEOPLE’s Choice Award Astro 2016 goes to Brian who will be taking back RM2,000 cash. The prize was presented by Astro Chinese Customer Business Vice President Wong Siah Ping. Then, the winners list goes as follows below which was presented by Dato Sri Liew Yew Chung, CEO of London Choco Roll as well as Wong Siah Ping, who served as Astro Chinese Customer Business’ Vice President.
The spectacular event continued on with the performances of former Malaysian Idol alumni, Jacklyn Victor with “Titanium” as well as other ASQ ex-winners. As the hour approaches, the performers including the Korean-American band, Royal Pirates gathered on stage to usher in the new year of 2017.
Before Royal Pirates performed on stage, they were interviewed regarding the performances displayed today and their feelings towards tonight’s results.
Q: So could you tell us about what you think about tonight’s results?
Moon: Well yes um, we all became big fans of Wengdyy. We were really happy with the results. But Brian really killed the show too. We don’t know what to expect-
James: In a good way.
Moon: Yeah in a good way. He killed it. So yeah. We were like, “Is it gonna be Brian or Wengdyy?” and then they won and we both were like, wow.
Q: They both were overwhelming favourites. So what do you think Brian’s performance? What does it take that Wengdyy have done better than him?
James: I think Wengdyy has her value as an artist, she’s very unique and she has a colour that comes across very honest. So I think that’s what touches people as well as her tone is very, um, almost haunting. It’s a very epic scale type of charisma that she has. We’re excited to see how she can do in the future.
Moon: I think Wengdyy has that style that really, you know, touches people in a good way. (Laughs)
Exsy: I also think that she has definitely has a great presence on stage. I think she’s very charismatic and she’s very unique in her own way. And I love how she has like her personal colour of music. I think Brian was stable throughout the whole show while Wengdyy has that one point where she wows everybody.
Q: You guys have been them performing from the semi-finals till today. Besides the two of them, do you guys think that anyone gave you any surprise tonight? Or rather the most improved?
Moon: I think Brian. Because at first Brian stood up to me that much, but as the show goes on and he kept on improving and tonight he improved so much that he became a possible winner. So I was really proud of him and it was a pleasant surprise that he improved so much.
James: Um, I think the same thing and also Steve, I like how she chose her songs this time and she was able to show her strengths a little more. I wanna say more about Wengdyy. I noticed that during the song where she wore the white dress, there was like a malfunction. They were trying to put it on the back and they pushed her while she was singing and she was still stable. There was maybe like two or three seconds before the lift went up so I was really impressed how she didn’t even get fazed by that and she did it like a professional as this is a competition. That’s really interesting. Very proud.
Exsy: I want give a prize to everybody because everybody is a winner. I think everybody worked hard and improved a lot. I was very proud of each and every one of them so everybody is a winner.
Royal Pirates started performing their hit songs “Drawing The Line” and “Dangerous” at 00:25AM, followed by Taiwanese superstar Bii with “都是你害的” and “Love More” and ended with a group performance at 01:00AM.
We would like to thank Astro for the kind invitation ! Happy New Year 2017 to all Malaysian K-pop Fans (MKF) followers. Coverage & Article by Angie Editor : Ai See also: Official photos during ASQ Final+ New Year Concert
#coverage#asq2016#astro star quest 2016#astro#royal pirates#royalpiratesinmy#moon#james#sooyoon#exsy#moonchul#jamesjoohyunlee#문철#로열파이럿츠#제임스#수윤#엑시
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Royal Pirates (로열 파이럿츠)
Royal Pirates (로열 파이럿츠)
Royal Pirates paid a visit to the Kpopping studio for this weeks Hot New Face with DJ Isak. Royal Pirates (로열 파이럿츠) is a pop-rock band that was formed in 2004 and made it’s official debut in 2013 under Apple of the Eye Co.
The members:: Moonchul (문철) – Vocals, guitar Sooyoon (수윤) – Maknae, drums, vocals James Lee – Leader, vocals, bass
About the music:: The song ‘Shout Out’ has two version the…
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여름이 무서워요 여유증 수술 어떻게?
MIN에서는 유선조직의 바로 아래 지방층을 살려 가슴의 접시모양 변형을 방지합니다.2) 여유증의 재발여유증의 원인인 유선조직을 완벽히 제거하지 못한다면 다시 재발할 수밖에 없습니다. 모든 수술 후 발생할 수 있으며 주사기로 흡인제거하고 압박해두면 대부분은 한 달이내에 치유됩니다. 여유증은 유선 조직이 대부분인 유선조직형 여유증과 유선 조직은 적고 지방이 많은 가성 여유증으로 구분할 수 있는데, 사춘기 여유증의 특징은 대부분이 유선조직형 여유증이다. 사춘기 시절인 12~15세에 일시적으로 나타났다가 대부분 1~2년 정도 지나면 자연적으로 없어진다. 하지만 성인 여유증은 자연적으로 없어지는 경우가 거의 없어서 수술로 치료하는 경우가 많다. 때문에 사춘기가 지나고 성인이 된 후에도 가슴이 봉긋하면 유방 초음파를 이용해 검사가 필요할 수 있다.
유선조직은 한번 제거되면 다시 자랄 확률은 희박하나 운동 부족, 잘못된 식습관으로 체중이 증가된다면 비만으로 인해 가슴이 커질 수 있습니다. 유륜 부위에 상처가 남고, 유륜의 형태가 찌그러질 위험이 있는 기존 수술방식과는 달리 겨드랑이 안쪽을 최소 절개하여 수술이 진행되어 시간이 지나면 수술 흔적이 거의 보이지 않게 됩니다. 간혹 전신마취 수술실이 구비 안되거나 또는 전신마취기구가 없는 경우 수면마취로만 수술을 시행하는 병원이 있지만 수면마취 또한 원칙적으로 전신마취에 준하는 시스템이 구비되어 있어야 안전합니다 여유증수술병원. 열람한 웹 페이지들에 대한 정보와 관심 있게 둘러본 페이지들에 대한 자취를 추적하여 맞춤 서비스, 상담을 제공합니다.
서비스의 이용은 업무상 또는 기술상 특별한 지장이 없는 한 연중무휴 1일 24시간을 원칙으로 합니다. 해마다 약 1만명 이상이 검사나 치료를 위해 병원을 찾고 있으며, 지난 10년간 80%의 수술증가율을 보일만큼 치료에 관심도 높다. 예작비뇨의학과의원은 임상병리사가 항시 상주하여, 굉장히 빠르고 정확한 검사가 가능하여 안전합니다.
다섯째, 출처가 불분명한 온라인상의 정보를 맹신하지 않는다. 대부분 인터넷 정보는 병원 측에서 주관적으로 작성한 광고성 게시 글인 경우가 많다. 이러한 정보는 참고 용도로만 활용하는 게 바람직하며, 이보다는 실제 수술 후기나 전후 사진을 통해 실질적 효과를 판단하는 것이 좀 더 객관적이다. 대구 트루맨남성의원 문철 원장은 상당수 남성이 인터넷 매체를 통해 여유증수술에 대한 지식을 가지고 내원하지만, 부정확하고 사견이 혼재된 정보들 탓에 혼란스러운 경우가 많다며 올바른 여유증수술 병원 선택의 6가지 기준을 전했다. 외모에 대한 경쟁이 날로 심해지고 있는 만큼 현대인들은 외모의 작은 결함마저 크게 느끼기 마련이다.
혈종이 많이 고여 있다고 판단되면 수술한 부위를 다시 절개해 혈종을 제거하는것이 좋습니다. ⑤ 병원은 회원이 서비스에 게재한 정보, 자료, 사실의 신뢰도, 정확성 등의 내용에 관하여는 책임을 지지 않습니다. 회원은 서비스의 이용권한, 기타 이용계약상의 지위를 타인에게 양도, 증여할 수 없으며, 이를 담보로 제공할 수 없습니다. 서비스를 이용하여 해킹, 음란사이트 링��, 상용S/W 불법배포 등의 행위를 하여서는 아니되며, 이를 위반으로 인해 발생한 영업활동의 결과 및 손실, 관계기관에 의한 법적 조치 등에 관하여는 병원은 책임을 지지 않습니다. ① 회원은 필요에 따라 자신의 메일, 게시판, 등록자료 등 유지보수에 대한 관리책임을 갖습니다.
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틀리지 않는 법 | 조던 엘렌버그 지음 | 김명남 옮김 | 열린책들 | 2016
사피엔스 | 유발 하라리 지음 | 조현욱 옮김 | 김영사 | 2015
별의 계승자 1 | 제임스 P. 호건 지음 | 이동진 옮김 | 아작 | 2016
별의 계승자 2 | 제임스 P. 호건 지음 | 최세진 옮김 | 아작 | 2017
파운데이션 | 아이작 아시모프 지음 | 김옥수 옮김 | 황금가지 | 2013
The Happy Unfortunate | Robert Silverberg
프랙탈과 카오스 | 안대영 지음 | 교우사 | 2013
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제 3인류 1-5 | 베르나르 베르베르 지음 | 이세욱 옮김 | 열린책들 | 2013-2015
채식주의자 | 한강 지음 | 창비 | 2007
태백산맥 1 | 조정래 지음 | 해냄 | 2007
식탁 위의 세계사 | 이영숙 지음 | 창비 | 2012
거꾸로 읽는 세계사 | 유시민 지음 | 푸른나무 | 2004
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그래픽 디자인의 역사 | 리처드 홀리스 지음 | 문철 옮김 | 시공사 | 2000
행복한 훈데르트바서 | 바바라 슈티프 지음 | 김경연 옮김 | 현암사 | 2010 *어린이책
그래픽 디자인을 뒤바꾼 아이디어 100 | 스티브 헬러, 베로니크 비엔느 지음 | 이희수 옮김 | 시드포스트 | 2012
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정재승의 과학 콘서트 | 정재승 지음 | 어크로스 | 2011
발명 콘서트 | 스티브 파커 지음 | 공민희 옮김 | 베이직북스 | 2013
침묵의 봄 | 레이첼 카슨 지음 | 김은령 옮김 | 에코리브로 | 2011
수학의 파노라마 | 클리퍼드 픽오버 지음 | 김지선 옮김 | 사이언스북스 | 2015
Eat me | Viction Workshop Ltd | Gingko Press | 2012
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#RunAway with #RoyalPirates! #로열파이럿츠 #Moon #James #KimMoonChul #MoonChulKim #JamesLee #Sooyoon #KimSooyoon #문 #문철 #수윤 @rpmoonchul @jamesjhl @exsy89 @official_royalpirates
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You have no Idea how great they are. They might be underrated, but to me they in higher place in my heart for band in KR. They are so international to me. Welcome back #RoyalPirates! Don't #RunAway from me, let just run together. #로열파이럿츠 #Moon #James #KimMoonChul #MoonChulKim #JamesLee #Sooyoon #KimSooyoon #문 #문철 #수윤 @rpmoonchul @jamesjhl @exsy89 @official_royalpirates
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Love the way he enjoy his performance. As I said before, when a men do his job with love and passion, he looks very sexy. And yes, #Moon looking so hot during all the time but this time he looks so great than ever. #KimMoonChul #MoonChul #MoonChulKim #AndrewKim #문철 #김문철 #RoyalPirates # #KimBulan #OhBulan #MoonBulan #김부란 #부란 #문부란 #문URMY부란 #오부란 #Guitarist #Sooyoon #RoyalPiratesinMy #RoyalPiratesKL #HOTLINK #AlwaysOn Cc @rpmoonchul (at Bentley Music Academy Malaysia)
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[HQ] #RoyalPiratesKL 150502 Coffee Date with Lucky Fans! - MOON @ Dal.komm Coffee IOI City Mall Do not edit/ crop watermark. Take out with full credits
#로열파이럿츠#김문철#문철#moon#munchul#moonchul#kim munchul#RoyalPirates#RoyalPiratesKL#royal pirates#pictures#q
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And I already miss him @rpmoonchul. My Bulan. My Moon. My Door. #RoyalPiratesinMy #RoyalPiratesKL #RoyalPirates #Moon #MoonChul #KimBulan #MoonBulan #KimMoonChul #문 #문철 #김문철 #김부란 #문부란 (at Bentley Music Academy Malaysia)
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[HQ] #RoyalPiratesKL 150502 Fans gathering @ Dal.komm Coffee IOI City Mall Do not edit/ crop watermark. Take out with full credits
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Royal Pirates (로열 파이럿츠)
Royal Pirates paid a visit to the Kpopping studio for this weeks Hot New Face with DJ Isak. Royal…
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