#문선명의 정���! (1)
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 1 year ago
세계평화통일가정연합 (구 통일교회) 에 대한 해산명령 청구에 관한 성명
우리는 세계평화통일가정연합 (구 세계기독교통일신령협회) 및 그 관련 단체로 부터 피해를 입은 분들을 위해 상담과 구제활동을 해 왔습니다. 우리는 국가가 구 통일교회의 실태를 면밀히 조사하여 법원에 해산명령 청구서를 제출한 것에 대해 높이 평가하고 있습니다.
우리는 구 통일교회가 법령을 위반하고 공공의 복리를 현저히 해치는 '파괴적 컬트'라고 인식하고 있습니다. 그러나 구 통일교회에 대한 비판이 현재의 신자와 그 가족, 탈회자와 그 가족에 대한 차별이 되어서는 안 됩니다. 교화육성 과정에서 자유의지가 왜곡되고 지속적으로 정보 조작과 정신적 또는 경제적 학대를 받은 결과, 지금까지 구 통일교회에서 벗어날 기회를 얻지 못한 피해자들도 많다고 생각합니다.
구 통일교회와 그 관련 단체는 금전 수탈의 문제 뿐만 아니라 피해자 개개인의 인생 전체에 심각한 슬픔과 고통을 장기간에 걸쳐 끼쳐 왔습니다. 그리고 그러한 구 통일교회 및 그 관련 단체와 국회 및 지방의회 정치인들과의 유착관계에 대해, 또한 그것이 정치에 어떤 영향을 끼쳐왔는지에 대해, 아직 그 전모가 밝혀지지 않고 있습니다.
우리는 국가가 구 통일교회의 불법성과 악질성을 인정한 새로운 국면을 바라보면서, 앞으로도 지속적으로 구 통일교회와 그 관련 단체로 부터 피해를 입은 분들에게 다가가서 지원할 것입니다.
가톨릭중앙협의회 재일대한기독교회 일본예수그리스도교단 일본기독교단 일본성공회 일본침례교연맹 일본복음루터교회 일본기독교협의회
문선명의 정체! (1) 김명희
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) – 1 .    박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
유신희 – 6마리아의 한 사람 이었다.
김덕진 – 섹스릴레이의 실천자
유효민 – 통일교회의 경제적 기반에 공헌하고 배신 당했다.
홍난숙은 1998년에 미국 CBS TV 60분 프로그램에 출연하기도 하였다.
1955년 이화여대에서 일어난 문선명 섹스 스캔들
김백문의 ‘섹스 타락론’, 무엇을 말하나
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 1 year ago
In this episode, I reconnect with another survivor of the unification church who also went to the unification church indoctrination factory in South Korea. Karin and I discuss GOP, our parents' indoctrination into the moonies, our own personal journeys of coming back into our bodies after growing up with intense dissociation and so much more.
Compassion card posted in episode art with permission from Autumn Sky Art
Join Blessed Child Discord discussion group here!
Sun Myung Moon’s theology used to control members
Shamanism is at the heart of Sun Myung Moon’s church
Chongmal – The color of Truth
Poksu – The Korean (and Moon’s?) Need for Revenge
문선명의 정체! (1) 김명희
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) – 1 .    박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
1955년 이화여대에서 일어난 문선명 섹스 스캔들
김백문의 ‘섹스 타락론’, 무엇을 말하나
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 2 years ago
Sun Myung Moon's search for buried treasure in Yeosu
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▲ Sun Myung Moon in the early 1950s
From the book, Sun Myung Moon, the early years 1920-1953 by Michael Breen. (He was a devoted follower when he wrote this book.)
“But there was hope that circumstances would change, for Moon still carried with him the treasure map that Pak had been given in prison. In the summer of 1951, Moon took Aum to the coastal town of Yosu [Yeosu] to search for the treasure. Yosu had gained some notoriety as the site of a Communist uprising a few years earlier, and the victims had been buried in the public cemetery. It was there that, according to the tale Moon had heard in prison, the Korean traveler returning from India had buried his jewels. They checked into an inn near the cemetery, and began searching for a small post with the markings ‘nam-hae-bo’ (south sea treasure) in the cemetery. After two days, they gave up and returned, empty-handed, to Pusan.8
note 8. Duk-moon Aum, in an interview with the author.”
So Duk-moon Aum, the architect, confirms the truth of Chung-hwa Pak’s story.
Chung-hwa Pak, extract from his book, The Tragedy of the Six Marys – the real Satan is Sun Myung Moon!!
[In Heungnam Special Labor Camp] One day one of the captains, Joo Heung-shik, told me a strange story. One of his prisoners got sick and told him about his serious illness. The prisoner had been the captain of a big ship. He had sailed around the world during the Japanese occupation of Korea. After the end of the war, he had lived in Yeosu. When he visited North Korea to see his relatives, he was arrested for a crime. He had given a map wrapped in silk and with a note written in English to Joo Heung-shik. After the prisoner had died, Captain Joo brought the note to Pastor Kim Jin-soo for translation. The note said: “There are tombs of children in Yeosu. In the tomb of the third child, there is a box full of jewels that is worth more than $1,000,000. Since I will die soon, I will give it to you and you can find it later when you go back to the South.”
After Captain Joo told me the story, he suggested that I find the box of jewels, because I would be released earlier than he would. Since it was an interesting story, I told it to Moon. Later on, I lived in South Korea again but I never visited Yeosu and forgot about the story.
Two years later, when they were in Busan, Moon and a friend went to Yeosu. They were desperately trying to find the box. It seemed that they could find the cemetery but could not find the tomb of the child. Moon never told me that he had visited Yeosu. Later, when I found out about his visit there, I wondered how, if he were the return of Christ, the Second Coming of Jesus, the Messiah Sun Myung Moon, he could not find the box! This is the subject of this book and my confession. But at that time I was an ignorant person. I only had respect for Yong Myung Moon [the birth name of Sun Myung Moon].
(Many other sources confirm the contents of Chung-hwa Pak’s book, The Tragedy of the Six Marys. The book also has many photos.)
The Tragedy of the Six Marys book Introduction
The Tragedy of the Six Marys Table of Contents
The Tragedy of the Six Marys Chapter 7
The Tragedy of the Six Marys VIDEO transcript in English
Chung-hwa Pak did not write “I am a Traitor”  (The UC of Japan published it. Their main purpose was to keep the Japanese members on the treadmill)
Sun Myung Moon claimed authority through his “meeting with Jesus”, but did it ever happen? A look at Moon’s own varied descriptions.
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) .    박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
유효민 – 통일교회의 경제적 기반에 공헌하고 배신 당했다
유신희 – 6마리아의 한 사람 이었다
김덕진 – 섹스릴레이의 실천자
문선명의 정체! (1)  김명희
문선명의 정체! (사진으로 보는 문선명의 정체)
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 4 years ago
The Moonies Cult, Politics & Mixed Kids – Are They All Connected?
Becky and Cedric  #TheHalfieProjectPodcast
The Unification Church (also sometimes referred to as the Moonies Cult) is a religious organization that sprouted up in Busan, South Korea before making a very bold movement into the United States as well as many other countries around the world. Widely known for their mass weddings, the Unification Church has intrigued and disturbed many people in many ways in many circles – whether religiously, societally, financially and even politically. We discuss the possibility that the Unification Church has had an impact on how many mixed people, primarily mixed Korean, there are around the world today.
Japanese woman recruited and sold to Korean farmer
6,500 Japanese women missing from Moon mass weddings
Why did a Japanese Moon church member kill her Korean husband?
Japanese member, Ms. U, married to a Korean man who beat her
Atsuko Kumon Hong “suicide / murder” 2013
Japanese member, Ms. K, was forced to marry Korean man she did not like
“Apology marriages” made by Japanese UC members to Korean men
Top Japanese ex-UC leader, Yoshikazu Soejima, interviewed
Moon extracted $500 million from Japanese female members
How Sun Myung Moon bought protection in Japan
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe, transcript and links 1. “Rev Sun Myung Moon: Emperor of the Universe” documentary
.   A BBC / A&E Network co-production, 2000 2. World Domination – Sun Myung Moon died before he could take over a single country.
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
The Sunday Journal USA published two articles in Korean about the failing Moon ‘dynasty’.
Sunday Journal USA Vol. 877, April 18, 2013 (part 1)
Sunday Journal USA Vol. 878, April 25, 2013 (part 2)
Here is an extract from part 2:
전격취재 2
통일교故문선명일가의 ‘상상초월한타락상’
한학자와의 사이에 14명 자녀 중 4명이 비명횡사 나머지 자식들도 불운의 삶 ‘정신병, 마약중독, 섹스광’
문선명씨의 첫 번째 부인은 최성길씨와 1945년 4월 28에 결혼했으며 슬하에 난 아들이 문성진 (1946.4.9) 씨다. 1957년 1월 8일 문선명씨의 소위 통일교 교리인 피가름 교리 (혈통복귀의식)로 인해 최성길씨와 이혼한 것으로 알려지고 있다. 문씨의 실제적 장남인 성진씨는 1973년 7월 18일 통일교의 주요한 멤버인 김원필씨의 딸 김동숙 양과 결혼했다. 문 씨의 두 번째 부인은 김종화씨이며 이 때 혈통복귀의식으로 인해 김씨의 남편인 정명선 씨의 고소로 인해 문선명씨는 징역 5년을 언도받고 평양 대동 흥남 감옥에서 형을 살았다 (1948년 2월 22일). 그리고 문 씨의 세 번째 부인은 김명희 (1955. 6.30) 씨이며 문희진씨를 낳았으나 사망하고 말았다. 김명희씨는 당시 Y대 대학생이었으며 처녀로 통일교의 교리인 혈통복귀의식을 받아들여 문씨의 세 번째 부인이 된 것으로 알려지고 있다. 그러나 1969년 8월 1일 열차사고로 세상을 떠났다. 문씨의 네 번째 부인인 최원복씨는 통일교에서 큰 어머니로 불리고 있다. 문씨의 다섯 번째 부인이 현재 통일교 총재인 한학자씨다. 슬하에 모두 134명의 자녀 출생했으며 그 중 4명이 사망했다. 그리고 한학자씨외에 또 한 명의 부인이 있다. 말하자면 문 씨의 여섯 번째 부인인 셈이다. 이름은 최순화씨며 처녀 혈통복귀의식을 통해 박사무엘을 낳은 것으로 알려지고 있다.
“Shocking Report – part 2
The family of the late Sun Myung Moon (Unification Church) ‘more corrupt than you can imagine’
Four of the 14 children of the marriage with Han Hak-ja died in accidental deaths. The remaining children lead unfortunate lives: ‘psychosis, drug addiction, sex mania’
Moon Sun Myung married his first wife, Miss Choi Seon-gil, on April 28, 1945. [She was 19 when she was first introduced to Mr Moon.] They had a son, Moon Sung-jin, who was born on April 9, 1946. It became known that Moon Sun Myung and Choi Seon-gil divorced on January 8, 1957, on the grounds of the so-called Unification Church pikareum doctrine (a ceremony to restore the blood lineage [through ritual sex]). On July 18, 1973, Mr. Moon’s actual first son, Sung-jin married Kim Dong-sook, the daughter of Kim Won-pil, an important Unification Church member. [Kim Dong-sook was born on January 30, 1955. There have been many reports that Moon was her father. She was listed as a ‘True Child’ when she visited Moon in 2012. She could only be a ‘True Child’ if Moon was her biological father. There is no family resemblance between Dong-sook and the wife of Kim Won-pil.]
Mr. Moon’s second wife was Mrs. Kim Chong-hwa. At this time, after being accused by Kim’s husband Chong Myeong-seon of being involved in a ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum], Moon Sun Myung [and Kim Chong-hwa were arrested on] February 22, 1948 and he was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He carried out the sentence at prisons in Pyongyang, Daedong and Heungnam. [Charges of bigamy have also been mentioned by the Los Angeles Times and other sources. Mrs Kim Chong-hwa spent one year in jail at the same time as Mr. Moon. See below.]
The third wife of Mr. Moon was Miss Kim Myung-hee (June 30, 1955). [This date seems to be the date of their marriage – not long before her departure for Japan. Three Korean scholars reported that Moon married her. UC publications in Japan state that they had a marriage ceremony.] She gave birth to Moon Hee-jin [on August 17, 1955 in Tokyo]. He later died in a train accident [as the train approached Maepo station in Chungbuk Province] on August 1, 1969. It was known that Kim Myung-hee was a student at “Y” University [Yonsei University in Seoul]. As a single woman, she took part in the ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum], according to Unification Church teachings, and she became Mr. Moon’s third wife. [A Japanese FFWPU / UC publication, The Chūwa Shinbun, states they had a marriage ceremony in Korea in 1954. See issue dated September 12, 1992. Perhaps the UC gave 1954 as a marriage date to give the impression that the couple were married before their child was conceived.]
Mr Moon’s fourth wife, Mrs. Choi Won-bok, was called the ‘Great Mother’ within the Unification Church. [She joined the UC in 1954. She was also known as ‘Second Mother.’]
Mr Moon’s fifth wife is the current Chairperson of the Unification Church / FFWPU, Han Hak Ja. She bore 14 children, but four of them have died.
And there was one more wife in addition to Han Hak Ja. She was, so to speak, sort of like Mr. Moon’s sixth wife. Her name was Miss Choi Soon-wha. It was known that through the ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum] she conceived and gave birth to Samuel Park [who was born on January 28, 1966 in the US].”
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▲ Sun Myung Moon with children of his from three different mothers. This photograph was taken on January 5, 1965 at the Cheongpa-dong Church in Seoul. Moon Sung-jin (born in April 1946; mother Choi Seon-gil) is on the left. Moon Hee-jin is on the right (born in hiding in Tokyo on August 17, 1955; mother Kim Myung-hee). The younger children in the photo are Ye-Jin and Hyo-Jin. They are standing in front of their mother, Hak Ja Han.
문선명의 정체! (1)  김명희
문선명의 정체! (사진으로 보는 문선명의 정체)
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) – 1 .    박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
유신희 – 6마리아의 한 사람 이었다.
홍난숙은 1998년에 미국 CBS TV 60분 프로그램에 출연하기도 하였다.
일본인 멤버 K 씨는 자신이 싫어하는 한국인 남자와 강제로 결혼했다.
일본인 멤버 U 씨는 그녀를 폭력을 휘두르는 한국인 남자와 결혼했다.
1955년 이화여대에서 일어난 문선명 섹스 스캔들
통일교, 한학자 – 7남 문형진 미국서 골육상쟁 벌리고 있는 내막
문선명 7남 문형진 어머니 상대로 골육상쟁 소송 ‘전말’
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 4 years ago
Sun Myung Moon “a man who hunts women (a sexual predator)” 1955 report
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▲ Professors Choi Won-bok (left) and Kim Young-oon (right) encouraged their students to get “restored” by Sun Myung Moon. Annie Choi is standing in front of Moon. She was the mother of Sam Park – one of Moon’s illegitimate children.
July 7, 1955   동아일보   Dong-a Ilbo (East Asia Daily News) Seoul
He posed as the son of God.
There are many women who have been sexually abused. The behavior of Moon, the leader of the Unification Church, continues to attract attention.
Following previous report – What is the identity of The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity which has suddenly drawn such a lot of attention to itself recently due to the arrest of its leader? Did Mr. Moon indeed sexually abuse women who believe in his religion? The authorities have disclosed the two charges against him: “avoiding military service” and “unlawful imprisonment” [of a 22 year-old female Yonsei university student, Choi Soon-shil, for three days. Moon dressed her in white and denied her food for those three days.]. After comprehensive discussion, and public criticism of Mr. Moon, here is some information about the religion:
◊ Indoctrination methods – New recruits have to listen to sermons about the teachings of the religion for 72 hours (three full days). The sermons are given by Church Leader Mr. Moon. The weekly lectures on Mr Moon’s doctrines start at 10 in the morning on a Monday and run until 10 in the morning on a Thursday. If anyone doubts the teachings and wants to leave, Church Leader Mr. Moon stops them from leaving by sternly saying, “If you leave, you will die.” Mr. Moon also says, “Koreans are the people chosen by God and Pyongyang is the Jerusalem of the world.” He preaches that he is the son of God, and if a woman has a sexual relationship with him, she will give birth to a world teacher [a messiah].
�� The behavior of a man who hunts women (a sexual predator) – Mr. Moon is an eloquent speaker. They say that when he finds women who truly believe in him, he entices them into his abode (a single room inside the said Association building) and violates them. Four victims have been identified and these women are middle-aged (over 30 years of age) with husbands. Their families are above middle class. One of them is a Mrs. Kim Soon-chang (not her real name), aged 36. She was a decent well-to-do upper class housewife, but after she fell prey to Church Leader Mr. Moon’s offerings she experienced the fate of being abandoned by her husband.
◊ The financial status of the said Association – At present the Association is renting a building. The church receives donations from its 250 members in Seoul, but they do not amount to much. So the members started [a business] taking downtown landscape photographs. They then mass produce “bromide polyamide” prints which they sell all over the city.
◊ The situation of the organization – There are branches in Busan, Taegu and elsewhere, and the headquarters are in Seoul. Each of these branches has approximately 250 members, and this makes 700 members in total. Looking at the gender balance, there are about equal numbers of men and women, and the level of education is to quite a high standard.
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弄絡當(농락당)한婦女(부여)수두룩 「하느님」아들行勢 (행세) 注目(주목)끄는統一敎會 (통일교회) 『文敎主 (문교주)』行狀 (행장)
작보 = 교주의 구속으로 아연 세간의화제꺼리로『크로–즈•엎』된 世界基督敎統一神靈協會 [세계기독교통일신령협회] 의정체는무엇이며 文 [문] 씨는과연 부녀자신도들의정조까지 유린하였���지당국에 적발된 혐의는『병역기피』『불법 감금』두가지로 밝혀져있을뿐인데 文씨와그교를 싸고도는 각종정보를종합해보면 ―
◊ 敎理說敎方式 [교리설교방식] = 동교에서는 七십二 [칠십이] 시간 (滿三日間) [만삼일간] 에걸쳐 새로가입한 교인들에게 교리의 설교를한다. 설교는 교주文씨에의하여 행하여지는것으로서 매주『월요일』상오열시부터『목요일』 상오열시까지계속된다.
만약설교도중 文씨의교리설교에 의아심을가 지게되어 퇴장을 원하는 신도가있으면 교주文씨는 엄숙한 어조로『퇴장하면죽습니다』라고말하여 퇴장을하지못하도록하였다. 또한文씨는『한국민은 하느님이 선택한 백성이며 평양은세계의예루살렘이다』라고 전선하고『자기가 하느님의아들이니자기와 육체관계를하면教世主[구세주]를 낳는다』고 설교를하였다.
◊ 獵色行爲 [렵색행위] = 文씨는능변가로서 독실한신도라고 지목되는 여자들이 발견되면 자기거처 (同協會內單間房) [(동협회내단간방)] 이외의장소로 유인하여 정조를 유린해왔다고한다.
피해자로 단정할수있는 四 (사) 명의여자는 三 (삼) 십 대를넘은 중년유부녀 (中年有夫女) [(중년유부녀)] 들로서 그들의가정은 중류이상에 속하고있다. 그중의한사람인  金順昌 [김순창] 假名 [가명] = (三六) (삼육) 여사는 남부럽지않은 상류가정의 주부였었으나 文교주의 제물이된후부터는 남편의버림을받는 운명에놓이게 되었다.
◊ 同協會財政關係 [동협회재정관계] = 현재의협회건물은 세로쓰고 있는것이다. 그들은二(이) 백五 (오) 십명 (서울) 의신자들로부터 성금(誠金)을받으나 그금액은 적은것이기때문에 시내의 풍경을촬영한『푸로마이드』를 대량만들어 시내도처에서 판매하고있다.
◊ 組織狀況 [조직상황] = 釜山[부산], 大邱[대구]등지에 지부가있고『서울』내에 본부를두고있는데 신자수는 각각二 (이) 백五 (오) 십명정도로 도합七 (칠) 백여명에 달하고있다 이를성별로보면 남녀 반반씩인데 교��정도는 상당히 높은수준에 있다고한다.
There were always far fewer members than the church claimed.
According to the Ph.D. thesis of Choe Joong-hyun, UC / FFWPU member number 361 joined on April 10, 1956 (ref. page 202). In February 1959 Rev. Moon had a ceremony to end the New Testament Age in which 462 members participated (thesis page 160). The Korean War and messianic groups: Two cases in contrast (1993)
Mr. Tahk Myeong-hwan had internal UC / FFWPU documents which demonstrated that the number of churches and members was far lower than claimed by the church, which presented false statistics to the public.
“There is evidence for seven counts of adultery between sect leader Moon and his female followers.”
The husband of Kim Soon-cheol broke her leg to stop her having sex with Sun Myung Moon.
Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
Moon’s theology for his pikareum sex rituals with all the 36 wives
Ritual Sex in the Unification Church – Kirsti L. Nevalainen
How “God’s Day” was established on January 1, 1968
Naked dancers joined the Unification Church in the 1950s
Moon’s Theology of the Fall, Tamar, Jesus and Mary
Ruth A. Tucker (PhD) “Moon’s Other Gospel of Sex Rituals”
Moon used a ‘Honey Trap’ – Choi Soon-yeong
彼は自らを 「神の子」 だと偽りました。
문선명의 정체! (1)  김명희
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) .    박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 4 years ago
The red dragon who deceived the world – Sun Myung Moon
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▲ Sun Myung Moon wearing a dragon tie in 1973. The Chinese characters above are of his birth name, Moon Yong Myung. Yong = dragon. The central Chinese character, as well as the meaning, resembles a dragon with the head upper left and the tail lower right.
This is an extract from Chapter Six of The Tragedy of the Six Marys by Pak Chung-hwa. pages 253-256 LINK
The red dragon who deceived the world  253
The self-proclaimed Second Coming Messiah, Sun Myung Moon, learned his Principle from Kim Baek-moon. He then went to Pyongyang where was arrested for immoral activities; he spent time in jail; after his release he went to [Busan and then to] Seoul. In 1954, he founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. He ruined many people’s lives, but meanwhile the Unification Church gradually grew. Choi Bong-choon (whose Japanese name was Nishigawa Masaru) was smuggled to Japan to begin overseas missionary activities there [and after he was expelled he moved to the US where he was known as Sang Ik ‘Papasan’ Choi].
In addition, Kim Sang-cheol [David SC Kim] and Kim Young-oon preached in the United States. Members there also now believe in Sun Myung Moon as their praiseworthy ‘Father’ and that he is the Second Coming Messiah. Today, however, it seems that the voice of resentment rises up from the piles of dead bodies of the many women and men who were sacrificed because of the actions of Sun Myung Moon, which were nothing like the teachings of the Principle. And now, Sun Myung Moon is presenting to the public the front of the clean looking but naive Unification Church membership who do not know about the “secret [pikareum sex rituals] done for restoration” or other “secret practices”.
[The public see the mass weddings held by the church and hear about family values. The mass weddings bring in a lot of money for the Moon organization and the spectacle makes great PR. However, many second generation members have been married twice, or more, due to inappropriate matchings. There has been much sorrow.]
[Since Sun Myung Moon died in 2012 the theology for the sex rituals has been taught in Original Divine Principle workshops. Sean Hyung Jin Moon and his brother Justin Kook Jin Moon have broadcast videos explaining the truth that Sun Myung Moon had many pikareum sex rituals, and that they were necessary to cleanse the world from original sin through sex relays. Those whose wombs had been cleansed should have sex with others to purify them. LINK]
Sun Myung Moon was spending enormous amounts of money even while he was in prison for a crime. [American clergy and religious leaders were mobilized to fight on his behalf, claiming that it was a religious freedom issue and that he had been unfairly persecuted. Because of the support his cause gained] it was touted as a glorious and great miracle that he had entered an American prison. All the money he spent was precious money earned by many members of the Church at the risk of their lives.
Several years ago, a Japanese female member who was working in the United States was dropped off in a slum in a black area to sell Il-hwa Korean ginseng tea. She was gang raped and killed. The black people pulled her body out onto a road and drove a car over her body multiple times. They crushed her body to destroy any evidence. However, her Unification Church identity card was found in a pocket and it was discovered who she was.
[Another Japanese member, Atsushi Funaki was beaten with a baseball bat by two young black men. The money he had fundraised from selling roses was robbed. They beat him and left him for dead on the pavement. This was in 1992 in East Philadelphia where he had been dropped off alone in a very dangerous area. He died one week after the attack. See note below.]
Sun Myung Moon is the self-proclaimed the Second Coming Messiah, however, he wastes the money that is brought in through such miserable sacrifices like the above examples. In Japan, all Church members are mobilized to earn money even while being harassed by drunks through the spiritual sales method or by selling chocolate and gum, and all the money is sent to Sun Myung Moon.
In the name of spending the money sent in up to now, Moon is making up an outrageous plan. That is the “International Highway Construction Project”. It is intended to build an international highway connecting Japan, Korea, China, Russia, and Europe through an undersea tunnel under the Korea Straits. Even within the Unification Church, there was the sound of cynical laughter and many said that it was “impracticable”.
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If Sun Myung Moon is the Second Coming Messiah, what the hell is he doing, building an international highway! Before planning anything like the construction of an international highway, he would be a True Parent by doing pikareum sex rituals – and isn’t it the original purpose of the Second Coming Messiah to make a world free of the original sin and to restore the Garden of Eden, above all else?
Sun Myung Moon declared himself a “pastor” in American newspapers and other media outlets. Sun Myung Moon never attended any seminary, nor was he ordained as a pastor. If he has a qualification obtained from a seminary affiliated with the Unification Church, I have questions about that.
From the beginning, Sun Myung Moon said that he is the Second Coming Messiah and the third Adam. And he has repeatedly said that his mission is to create a unified, sinless world by changing the blood lineage through pikareum sex (血代交換) which means “blood exchange”. Then, how can the Second Coming Messiah transform into a pastor and fulfill his mission? Isn’t the logic of that something which even his tricks so far cannot hope to match!
It also explains why Sun Myung Moon changed his name when he came down from North Korea to South Korea. In the Bible, Revelation 12:91, it is written that a red dragon will appear in this world at the end times and deceive the world. Moon Yong-myung (文龍明), whose name contained the word dragon (yong = dragon), quickly changed his name to Sun Myung Moon, for of that reason. His birth name substantiates that he is indeed the red dragon, who is Satan.
There are no lies in this confession of mine, in which I have expressed my own shame to the whole world. I want to say that Sun Myung Moon is the true Satan.
In order to prevent many people from around the world from being deceived or victimized by this red dragon, Sun Myung Moon, I decided to publish this manuscript at the risk of my life.
I pray with all my heart for the real judgment of God on Sun Myung Moon.
[Written from August 31, 1985 to September 30, 1993.]
Pak Chung-hwa
Note: Atsushi Funaki: The police did not understand how the Unification Church could send a person with money to such a dangerous place on their own. The police said that they themselves only went to that area in pairs. They also wondered how a person with poor English could explain themselves to any attacker.
Atsushi was married. He was attacked on May 10, 1992. He died one week later on May 17th.
LINK to the Japanese magazine article: 統一教会に入信して殺されたわが兄
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▲ Atsushi Funaki, top right, dying in hospital as his mother and his brother watch over him. Top left, his brother stands at the place where his brother was beaten unconscious. The center two photos are of his funeral and his grave stone. At the funeral ceremony there were shouts of ‘Mansei’ which means ‘victory’. The mother and brother were very upset about the funeral service.
Chapter Six of The Tragedy of the Six Marys, pages 245-247:
The Infidelities and Crimes of Sun Myung Moon
Chapter Six of The Tragedy of the Six Marys, pages 247-253:
The misery of Kim Myung-hee / Another Mother / My shame for participating in orgies
The Tragedy of the Six Marys website
The Tragedy of the Six Marys video transcript – with additional material.
Interviews with the early Unification Church members who were involved in the 1993 publication of the book: “The Tragedy of the Six Marys – the real Satan is Sun Myung Moon!!” The main author was Pak Chung-hwa, but at least three others contributed sections.
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) – 1 .    박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
문선명의 정체! (1)  김명희
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 4 years ago
Bo Hi Pak declared he was leaving the UC and tore up his membership form at a top leader’s meeting in Korea
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▲ Pak Bo Hi, Choi Won-bok, Sun Myung Moon, Mrs Pak and Hak Ja Han.
The Little Angels Dance Company was the essence of tears and sweat of the entire Unification Church. How did it become the exclusive object of Col. Pak Bo Hi? If you are a believer of the Unification Church, you need to think about why the Little Angels operate under the rule of Pak Bo Hi’s clan system.
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▲ The Little Angels School in Seoul, now called the Sunhwa Arts School.
The members of the Unification Church nurtured the Little Angels by going hungry and working hard with sweat. Even though they struggled, they felt pride and the reward of advancing Korean national prestige through the Little Angels activities. By the way, Pak Bo Hi also established the Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation (KCFF) in the United States, and was also the one who achieved some success by conducting public relations activities while visiting numerous famous people, including the late Yang Yu-chan, a former ambassador to the United States.
The stated reason behind the Little Angels American performances was as  consolation performances for families who were veterans of the Korean War, and a plausible reason was to boost the prestige of Korea. It was a great success both at home and abroad. Innocent people from all over the world, who do not know that the Unification Church lurks behind the Little Angels, enthusiastically welcomed the Little Angels and the image of Korea was greatly enhanced.
Held for the first time in 1965, the first 100-day performances in the United States were a success.
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▲ 1. Col. Pak with former US President Eisenhower in 1965 2. Col. Pak with the Queen of England in 1971 3. The Little Angels at UNESCO in 1973 4. The Little Angels meet unknown 5. The Little Angels with Raisa Gorbachev in 1990 6. The Little Angels meet the Japanese Crown Prince and Princess in 1971
At that time, Leader Moon was doing a world tour during which he sought to establish ‘holy grounds’. LINK Col. Pak paid the enormous travel expenses for Leader Moon’s travels [around the world] with the foreign currency earned by the Little Angels. The money earned by the cute little children was used for such an outrageous purpose.
Pak Bo Hi had a conflict with Leader Moon due to the financial income relationship through the Little Angels. He quickly returned to Korea and invited the executive staff of the Unification Church Headquarters to the Sejong Hotel. The invited officers came to the hotel to learn about the current status of Leader Moon who was staying in the United States at the time.
At the invitational meeting, Col. Pak declared that he would leave the Unification Church and, as he had planned in advance, he tore apart his own membership form in front of the officials.
The executives were astonished, and the shocking incident was immediately reported to Sun Myung Moon in the US. This was extraordinarily shocking because Col. Pak served as Moon’s right hand man. He was also one of the main couples of the 36 couples who are the core couples of the Unification Church. And Col. Pak was at least the fourth most important executive in the ranks.
In order to persuade Col. Pak, Leader Moon talked with Col. Pak all night in the United States, but Col. Pak returned to Korea without a conclusion following their talk and caused the troubling scene in the the Sejong Hotel.
Col. Pak knew the weaknesses of Leader Moon all too clearly, as well as the inner secrets of the Unification Church more than anyone else. He was a disciple who was always loyal to Leader Moon. Moreover, he even registered Samuel Moon [who was born in Washington, DC] as his and his wife’s son on the US birth certificate (see below). In fact Samuel was the son of Leader Moon and another woman [Choi Soon-wha]. It is believed that Leader Moon and Pak Bo Hi truly shared a common destiny in life and death because Col. Pak was raising Samuel as if he was his own son.
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▲ Sam Park sitting on the lap of Pak Bo Hi in about 1972
[Sun Myung Moon had sex with Choi Soon-wha, or Annie Choi, many times in 1965 at the home of Pak Bo Hi in Arlington, Virginia, while he was on his world tour. Moon did not leave the Washington, DC, area until he knew she was pregnant. That explains why he was in the Eastern US for most of the time over about three months. Sam Park was born on January 28, 1966. Mrs. Pak had put cushions under her clothes to fake a pregnancy. The Paks pretended to be the parents of Sam and made false declarations on Sam’s birth certificate. When Sam was about 12 he figured his friendly ‘aunt’, Annie Choi, was his mother and Sun Myung Moon was his father.]
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▲ Annie Choi with Sam in the house of Pak Bo Hi.
However, people outside the Unification Church cannot tell whether the Samuel Moon that Col. Pak is currently raising is Col. Pak’s son or the son of Leader Moon. One journalist owns a house near where Pak Bo Hi also lives in Arlington, which is near Washington, DC. The journalist said it seems that the blood relationship cannot be denied because Samuel resembles Moon. But it is difficult for foreigners to conclude with confidence that he is the son of Leader Moon.
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▲ Inside the Little Angels School
Eventually, Leader Moon handed over to Col. Pak the Little Angels Company, which had been the fruit of the efforts and devotion of the Unification Church members. It is known that the Little Angels operate under Col. Pak’s rule. There has also been a saying that when the Sunhwa Arts School was founded [as the Little Angels Art School in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul in 1973], Leader Moon supported it with 200 million won.
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▲ The Theater at the Little Angels School, Seoul
Behind the Unification Church’s growth into today’s Unification Church, some believers fell and died while working hard on unfamiliar frontiers for the Unification Church; some under persecution from the established churches for being heretical, while others died from inhaling the fumes from coal briquettes. Regarding the suffering of the blood-stained believers, Leader Moon gave a few words of consolation or praise, which did not cost him any money. The leaders and followers thought that was their highest honor.
The fact that a member of the Unification Church had torn up his membership papers was more shocking and frightening than the fact that he or she would go to hell. Given that fact, why did Leader Moon, by talking to him all night long, try to persuade Col. Pak who declared that he would himself leave? Leader Moon is a sociopath who uses and treats well people who dress well, studied well, are capable, handsome, and worth using – but he completely ignores poor believers who were not educated.
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▲ Pak Bo Hi with former President George Bush, Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il
 sources: The Tragedy of the Six Marys website 
page: Identity of Sun Myung Moon

탈퇴를 선언했던 박보희   page 389
LINK: 문선명의 정체! (1)  김명희
“그는 가짜 메시아,사기꾼에 불과하다” – 홍난숙
박사무엘 비디오의 대본
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) – 1
   박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
Unification Church leader, Pak Bo Hi, was detained on fraud charges in 2004
Sung-jin Moon sent out letters in 1974: “My father is a fake Second Coming Messiah”
Bo Hi Pak contradicts himself about being the father of Sam Park
Chicago Tribune: “Government Files Trace Church from Sex Cult”
Daikan Ohnuki drove a young Korean woman to see Mr. Moon in a private home in Washington, DC, in 1965
Bo Hi Pak and The Origins of KCFF
Bo Hi Pak and the KCFF scam – and Sun Myung Moon’s ROFA scam
Sun Myung Moon’s secret love child – Mother Jones
The Fall of the House of Moon – New Republic
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 4 years ago
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사)
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野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사)
박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
An Unofficial History of the Unification Church (A History of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity)
Moon Yong Myung (龍明) ⟶ Moon Sun Myung (鮮明) ⟶ Teacher ⟶ Pastor ⟶ The Coming Lord  ⟶  True Father
He himself claims to be God. The real Satan is Sun Myung Moon.
Keunsaem Publishing Company [Seoul]
Published March 1996 (239 pages)
This is the original Korean text of the The Tragedy of the Six Marys book by Pak Chung-hwa (a founding member of the Unification Church). Eu Hyo-min, his sister Eu Shin-hee, Kim Deuk-jin and others also contributed. (On the book cover it mentions ‘two other authors’.)
In Korea the book was published as “An Unofficial History of the Unification Church”.
This book is illustrated with over 50 photos, many taken by Eu Hyo-min.
The Japanese language book was translated from this Korean document. The Japanese book was published a few years earlier, in November 1993. It was published four times within about a month. There are slight differences between the four Japanese editions.
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사)
문선명의 정체! (1)  김명희
六マリアの悲劇   真のサタンは、文鮮明だ!!
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 4 years ago
“There is evidence for seven counts of adultery between sect leader Moon and his female followers.”
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▲ Restoring so many women was tiring for Sun Myung Moon.
July 14, 1955   동아일보   Dong-a Ilbo (East Asia Daily News) Seoul
Six people arrested and arraigned, including Moon, the religious leader of the ‘Unification Church’
Following Earlier Report = The investigation of the so-called ‘Incident of the Holy Spirit Association of the Unification of World Christianity,’ which had been under police investigation, has concluded with the six persons involved being arrested and arraigned yesterday, the 13th, by the Seoul District Public Prosecutor’s Office under one case file.
The persons involved in this incident are currently being questioned on charges which include violating the Military Service Act, counterfeiting official documents, and violating the National Security Act. Also, according to one investigating official, there is evidence for seven counts of adultery between sect leader Moon and his female followers. It is expected that there will be a new investigation as an adultery case, but the investigation cannot proceed because so far there have been no complaints from the husbands of the female followers who committed adultery (adultery is an offense subject to complaint, so [a case] needs a victim’s complaint for indictment).
Furthermore, establishing the adultery case will provide the standard for deciding whether the religion is or is not a cult, so the development of the prosecution’s investigation is being watched with keen interest.
♢ List of those involved (arrested and arraigned)
▲ Moon Sun Myung (Sect leader)  =  charges of wrongful imprisonment and of violating the Military Service Act
▲ Kim Won-pil  =  charges of violating the National Security Act, and violating the Military Service Act
▲ Eu Hyo-min  =  charges of violating the Military Service Act
▲ Eu Hyo-yeong =  charges of violating the Military Service Act
▲ Eu Hyo won  =  charges of counterfeiting official documents
▲ Choi Soon-shil  =  (woman) charges of being instrumental in the conduct of fornication.
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六名(륙명)을拘束送廳 (구속송청) 「統一敎會 (통일교회)」의文教主等 (문교주등)
기보 = 그동안  치안국에서 수사중에있던 세칭『世界基督敎神靈統一協會事件 (세계기독교신령통일협회사건)』은 수사에일단락을 보아 작십三 (삼) 일관련자六 (륙) 명이 一 (일) 건서류와함께 서울지검에 구속송청되었다
그런데 동사건의관련자들은 현재까지는『병역법위반』『문서위조』『보안법위반』등혐의죄 명으로 문초를받고있으나 一 (일) 수사관계자의말에의하면 이밖에 교주文 (문) 씨와 여신자와의간통사건이 七 (칠) 건이나 확증이드러났다고하며 다시『간통사건』으로서의 새로운수사가 전개될것이예측되고있는데 현재까지는 간통관계여자신자의 남편으로부터『고소』가없어 (간통은『친고죄』즉피해자의 고소가있어야입건된다) 수사를진행못하고있는 실정이라고 한다
더욱 이『간통사건』의성립여부로 이것이『사교』냐 아니냐하는문제에대한기준도 제공될것으로서 앞으로의검찰측수사귀추가 주목되고있다
♢關聯者名單 (관련자명단)     (拘束送廳 (구속송청))
▲ 文鮮朋 (문선명) (敎主(교주)) = 不法監禁 (부법감금), 兵役浤達反 (병역법위반)혐의
▲ 金元弼 (김원필) = 國家保安法達反 (국가보안법위반), 兵役法達反 (병역법위반)혐의
▲ 劉孝敏 (유효민) = 兵役法達反 (병역법위반)혐의
▲ 劉孝永 (유효영) = 兵役法達反 (병역법위반)혐의
▲ 劉孝元 (유효원) = 文書偽造 (문서위조)혐의
▲ 崔淳實 (최순실) = (女(여))음행매개혐의
Sun Myung Moon “a man who hunts women (a sexual predator)” 1955 report
The husband of Kim Soon-cheol broke her leg to stop her having sex with Sun Myung Moon.
Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
Gil-ja Sa Eu on the 1955 Ewha Womans University sex scandal
The testimony of Professor Kim from Ewha Womans University
Moon found guilty in 1955; started two year jail sentence
Moon y estudiante de Ewha Womans University – escándalo sexual en 1955
문선명의 정체! (1)  김명희
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사)  .    박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 6 years ago
“My father is a fake Second Coming Messiah” – Sung-jin Moon sent out letters in 1974
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▲ Sung-jin Moon graduated from Kyunghee University's Department of History in 1969. 
Sung-jin was the first son of Sun Myung Moon. His mother was Choi Seon-gil who divorced Moon on January 8, 1957. 
Sung-Jin was born in Seoul in April 1946 and was abandoned by his father, Sun Myung Moon in June 1946 when Moon moved to Pyongyang. Wife and son next met Moon in Busan six years later when she tracked him down. A couple of years later Moon took Sung-jin away from his mother and, as far as is known, they never met again. 
Sung-jin was uncomfortable with being given a new ‘mother,’ Hak Ja Han in 1960, who was just three years older than himself. 
Seon-gil Choi had a strong Christian faith and could never accept Moon’s heretical ideas and his pikareum sex rituals. It is thought she died in 2008.
In 1973 Moon married Sung-jin to Dong-sook. There is evidence that she was his half sister. LINK
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▲ Sun Myung Moon and Dong-sook resemble each other.
One year after their marriage, in 1974, Sung-jin wrote this letter.
Updated November 16, 2020
Translated from the Korean text (see below).
extract from the book, The Identity of Moon Sun Myung by Kim Myung-hui who was a 430 ‘Blessed Couple’:
In 1974, Seong-jin Moon was the protagonist of the significant “Letter Incident”, in which he personally sent an important personal letter of explanation from Japan, to ten of the leaders in the 36 blessed couples.

The content of the letter was, “My Father, whom you are following, is not the Second Coming Jesus Christ, so it is better for you to go on your own way. It is not too late for you to make your own future.”

The letter caused an emergency at the Unification Church headquarters, and they scrambled to retrieve the letters from each in the group of leaders who had received one.

Immediately after the incident, the former Association chairman, Won-pil Kim, came to South Korea. The case of the letter incident was somewhat resolved by giving the excuse, “Mr. Seong-jin Moon was just trying to test your faith”.

After Seong-jin graduated from Kyunghee University’s Department of History in 1969, he married Dong-sook Kim in Japan on July 18, 1973. [It was asserted that] she was the daughter of Won-pil Kim (a former president of the Il-Hwa pharmaceutical company). On May 2, 1976, their son was born in San Francisco, USA, and he was given the name “Shin-il nim” (信一님).

Seong-jin was blocked at Gimpo Airport, Seoul, in 1974 because of his Korean military service duty, and I wonder how he did manage to leave the country after that.
[It seems that he has mainly lived in Japan. Sung-jin has rarely been seen at official church functions. Dong-sook has attended some since the deaths of Hyo-jin and Sun Myung Moon. She visited him in hospital during his final days.]
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 ▲ Moon married Sung-jin and Dong-sook in Tokyo on July 18, 1973
It has been reported that Dong-sook’s mother died before 1960, and therefore the wife of Kim Won-pil could not be her real mother since Chung Dal-ok lived until October 4, 2000. Dong-sook’s mother may have been a member of the Yang family, and there is some resemblance between Dong-sook and the Yangs who joined the Moon church in about 1953-54.
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▲ Choi Seon-gil in about 1955. She was matched to Moon as a teenager. Moon told her he was a graduate of Waseda University. Years later she discovered that Moon had lied to her. Moon never graduated from anywhere. LINK
우리 아버지는 가짜 재림주다 
문 성진은 1974년 일본에서 36가정 중 10인의 간부에게 개인별로 사신 (私信) 을 띄운 중요한 “편지사건” 을 일으켰다.
「당신들이 따르고 있는 우리 아버지는 재림주가 아니므로 각자의 앞길을 찾아 지금이라도 늦지 않으니 각자 갈길을 가는 것이 좋겠다」는 내용의 편지였다.
통일교본부에서는 이 편지 때문에 비상이 걸렸고 각자 간부들이 받은 편지를 회수하느라고 야단들이었다.
그 후 즉시로 전 재단이사장 김 원필씨가 한국으로 왔다.
「성진씨가 당신들의 신앙을 시험해 보기 위난 것」이라는 변명 아닌 변명으로 편지사건은 일단 수습이 되었다.
성진은 1969년도에 경희대학교 사학과를 졸업한 후 김 원필 (전 일화제약 사 장) 씨의 딸 김 동숙 (金 東淑) 과 [1973년] 7월 18일 일본에서 결혼식을 올렸다.
1976년 5월 2일 미국 샌프란시스코애서 득남하여 아이의 이름은 “信一님” 이 라고 명명했다. 성진은 1974년 출국시에 김포공항에서 병역미필로 출국제지를 당했는 데 그후 어떻게 해서 출국했는 지 궁금하다.
From the book by Kim Myung-hui:
문선명의 정체
The Identity of Moon Sun Myung
통일교와 문선명의 정체
The Identity of Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church
published in Korea in March 1987, and again in November 1989.
(page 343)
LINK to the Korean book
LINK to English information about this book
Dong-sook listed as a ‘True Child’
Moon’s first wife, Choi Seon-gil, and Kim Deok-jin interviewed
The Choi family’s entanglements with Moon
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
Sun Myung Moon – Restoration through Incest
Bo Hi Pak declared he was leaving the UC and tore up his application form in a leader’s meeting
“그는 가짜 메시아,사기꾼에 불과하다” – 홍난숙
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) – 1 .    박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 6 years ago
Bo Hi Pak declared he was leaving the UC and tore up his membership form at a top leader’s meeting in Korea
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▲ Pak Bo Hi, Choi Won-bok, Sun Myung Moon, Mrs Pak and Hak Ja Han.
The Little Angels Dance Company was the essence of tears and sweat of the entire Unification Church. How did it become the exclusive object of Col. Pak Bo Hi? If you are a believer of the Unification Church, you need to think about why the Little Angels operate under the rule of Pak Bo Hi’s clan system.
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▲ The Little Angels School in Seoul, now called the Sunhwa Arts School.
The members of the Unification Church nurtured the Little Angels by going hungry and working hard with sweat. Even though they struggled, they felt pride and the reward of advancing Korean national prestige through the Little Angels activities. By the way, Pak Bo Hi also established the Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation (KCFF) in the United States, and was also the one who achieved some success by conducting public relations activities while visiting numerous famous people, including the late Yang Yu-chan, a former ambassador to the United States.
The stated reason behind the Little Angels American performances was as  consolation performances for families who were veterans of the Korean War, and a plausible reason was to boost the prestige of Korea. It was a great success both at home and abroad. Innocent people from all over the world, who do not know that the Unification Church lurks behind the Little Angels, enthusiastically welcomed the Little Angels and the image of Korea was greatly enhanced.
Held for the first time in 1965, the first 100-day performances in the United States were a success.
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▲ 1. Col. Pak with former US President Eisenhower in 1965 2. Col. Pak with the Queen of England in 1971 3. The Little Angels at UNESCO in 1973 4. The Little Angels meet unknown 5. The Little Angels with Raisa Gorbachev in 1990 6. The Little Angels meet the Japanese Crown Prince and Princess in 1971
At that time, Leader Moon was doing a world tour during which he sought to establish ‘holy grounds’. LINK Col. Pak paid the enormous travel expenses for Leader Moon’s travels [around the world] with the foreign currency earned by the Little Angels. The money earned by the cute little children was used for such an outrageous purpose.
Pak Bo Hi had a conflict with Leader Moon due to the financial income relationship through the Little Angels. He quickly returned to Korea and invited the executive staff of the Unification Church Headquarters to the Sejong Hotel. The invited officers came to the hotel to learn about the current status of Leader Moon who was staying in the United States at the time.
At the invitational meeting, Col. Pak declared that he would leave the Unification Church and, as he had planned in advance, he tore apart his own membership form in front of the officials.
The executives were astonished, and the shocking incident was immediately reported to Sun Myung Moon in the US. This was extraordinarily shocking because Col. Pak served as Moon’s right hand man. He was also one of the main couples of the 36 couples who are the core couples of the Unification Church. And Col. Pak was at least the fourth most important executive in the ranks.
In order to persuade Col. Pak, Leader Moon talked with Col. Pak all night in the United States, but Col. Pak returned to Korea without a conclusion following their talk and caused the troubling scene in the the Sejong Hotel.
Col. Pak knew the weaknesses of Leader Moon all too clearly, as well as the inner secrets of the Unification Church more than anyone else. He was a disciple who was always loyal to Leader Moon. Moreover, he even registered Samuel Moon [who was born in Washington, DC] as his and his wife’s son on the US birth certificate (see below). In fact Samuel was the son of Leader Moon and another woman [Choi Soon-wha]. It is believed that Leader Moon and Pak Bo Hi truly shared a common destiny in life and death because Col. Pak was raising Samuel as if he was his own son.
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▲ Sam Park sitting on the lap of Pak Bo Hi in about 1972  
[Sun Myung Moon had sex with Choi Soon-wha, or Annie Choi, many times in 1965 at the home of Pak Bo Hi in Arlington, Virginia, while he was on his world tour. Moon did not leave the Washington, DC, area until he knew she was pregnant. That explains why he was in the Eastern US for most of the time over about three months. Sam Park was born on January 28, 1966. Mrs. Pak had put cushions under her clothes to fake a pregnancy. The Paks pretended to be the parents of Sam and made false declarations on Sam’s birth certificate. When Sam was about 12 he figured his friendly ‘aunt’, Annie Choi, was his mother and Sun Myung Moon was his father.]
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▲ Annie Choi with Sam in the house of Pak Bo Hi.
However, people outside the Unification Church cannot tell whether the Samuel Moon that Col. Pak is currently raising is Col. Pak’s son or the son of Leader Moon. One journalist owns a house near where Pak Bo Hi also lives in Arlington, which is near Washington, DC. The journalist said it seems that the blood relationship cannot be denied because Samuel resembles Moon. But it is difficult for foreigners to conclude with confidence that he is the son of Leader Moon.
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▲ Inside the Little Angels School
Eventually, Leader Moon handed over to Col. Pak the Little Angels Company, which had been the fruit of the efforts and devotion of the Unification Church members. It is known that the Little Angels operate under Col. Pak’s rule. There has also been a saying that when the Sunhwa Arts School was founded [as the Little Angels Art School in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul in 1973], Leader Moon supported it with 200 million won.
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▲ The Theater at the Little Angels School, Seoul
Behind the Unification Church’s growth into today’s Unification Church, some believers fell and died while working hard on unfamiliar frontiers for the Unification Church; some under persecution from the established churches for being heretical, while others died from inhaling the fumes from coal briquettes. Regarding the suffering of the blood-stained believers, Leader Moon gave a few words of consolation or praise, which did not cost him any money. The leaders and followers thought that was their highest honor.
The fact that a member of the Unification Church had torn up his membership papers was more shocking and frightening than the fact that he or she would go to hell. Given that fact, why did Leader Moon, by talking to him all night long, try to persuade Col. Pak who declared that he would himself leave? Leader Moon is a sociopath who uses and treats well people who dress well, studied well, are capable, handsome, and worth using – but he completely ignores poor believers who were not educated.
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▲ Pak Bo Hi with former President George Bush, Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il
탈퇴를 선언했던 박보희   page 389
LINK: 문선명의 정체! (1)  김명희
“그는 가짜 메시아,사기꾼에 불과하다” – 홍난숙
박사무엘 비디오의 대본
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) – 1
    박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
Sung-jin Moon sent out letters in 1974: “My father is a fake Second Coming Messiah”
Bo Hi Pak contradicts himself about being the father of Sam Park
Chicago Tribune: “Government Files Trace Church from Sex Cult”
Daikan Ohnuki drove a young Korean woman to see Mr. Moon in a private home in Washington, DC, in 1965
Bo Hi Pak and The Origins of KCFF
Bo Hi Pak and the KCFF scam – and Sun Myung Moon’s ROFA scam
Sun Myung Moon’s secret love child – Mother Jones
The Fall of the House of Moon – New Republic
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 4 years ago
“예수 · 공자 · 석가도 내 부하다” 라는 문선명의 말이 인쇄된 “말씀 집” 의 문제부분.
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말씀 제182호
여러분 지상 위에 몇 천억이나 되는 영인들이 영계에 모여서 통일교회 문선생 출세시키기 위하여 총동원 하고 있습니다. 무슨 말인지 알겠어요? 영계를 높이 통하는 사람에게 선생님 성명 세 글자 갖다 내밀고 이분을 위해서 기도해 보라고 하면 기도하다가 경배합니다. 아시겠어요? 그렇게 되어 있습니다. 그렇기 때문에 영계를 통일하지 못하고서는 지상통일도 못하는 것입니다. 자그만치 여기 서 있는 사람은 영계를 통일할 수 있는 능력을 갖고 왔습니다. 공자, 석가, 예수까지도 나의 부하입니다. 어저께도 불교 믿는 사람이 선생님 앞에 와가지고 “석가모니가 나한테 문선생위해 24시간 기도 하라고 나에게 명령하니 안 할 수 가 없다”고…. 만약에 석가모니도 협조하지 않으면 천법에 걸리게 됩니다. 앞으로 공산세계까지도 전부 녹아납니다.
말씀 제184호
그렇기 때문에 이 만물을 주관하고 천사를 주관해서 하나 만들 수 있는 자리에 가야만 하늘이 협조하는 것입니다. 영계는 이미 통일교회 문선생의 휘하에 들어와 있는 것을 알아야 됩니다. 그래 불교영통인들이 선생님한테 와서 경배하고 그럽니다. 불교 믿던 사람이, 유교 믿던 사람이 그럴 수 있어요? 그것 전부 공자나 석가나 전부 선생님 제자들입니다. 무슨 말인지 알겠어요? 거짓말 하나 기도해 보십시오. 그런 무엇이 있기 때문에 세계적인 문제를 제시하는 것입니다. 이런 치열한 싸움을 거치고 나야 우리의 책임을 원리원칙에 입각해서 소망 장성권을 지나가야 됩니다. 소생은 만물 제물시대 그 다음엔 장성은 지금 현재 양자시대, 예수는 양자 구원하기 위한 역사이지 아들로서의 완성 못했습니다. 그러니 다시 와야 됩니다. 다시 와서 천사를 지배하고 만물세계를 지배해야 하나님 앞에 돌아가는 거예요. 하나님 앞에, 천국에 못 들어가 있습니다. 낙원, 천국 대합실에 지금 가있는 것입니다. 기독교인들은 멍청히 알지도 못하고 큰소리 하고 있지만 누구의 말이 맞나 당장 죽어보라고요.
“예수 · 공자 · 석가도 내 부하다”라는 문선명의 말이 인쇄된 “말씀 집” (182호 29페이지와 184호 64 페이지) 의 문제부분. 말썽이 나자 “편집자의 실수였다”고 거짓 사과성명을 냈지만 “하나님도 내게 꼼짝 못한다,” “기독교는 바보들의 집단이다” (1969.1.1) 는 등 그의 망발과 망언은 그의 설교집 어디서나 찾아 볼 수 있다.
문선명의 정체! (1)  김명희
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회���) – 1 .    박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) – 2
The Identity of Sun Myung Moon by Kim Myung-hui
Sun Myung Moon: “Even God is under my thumb”
0 notes
howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 4 years ago
The Infidelities and Crimes of Sun Myung Moon
This is and extract from Chapter Six of The Tragedy of the Six Marys by Pak Chung-hwa. pages 245-247 LINK
However, as the difficult times passed and the [church] economy got better, relatives of Sun Myung Moon, who we had never heard of, flocked to take over and it became the world of the Sun Myung Moon clan.
Sun Myung Moon handed money to a person named Mr. Park. Moon was secretly buying real estate under Park’s name. This was discovered by the tax office, and Park, surprised by the enormous tax imposition of a gigantic 120 million Korean won on him, exposed the truth that Moon was buying the real estate illegally. Is this what a man who claims to be the Messiah should be doing?
As Sun Myung Moon was serving time in a prison in the United States for tax evasion [and document fraud], the Unification Church also announced that “Mr. Sun Myung Moon served in prison for no crime. He was innocent.” Given that he was spending enormous amounts of money, even when he was serving time in prison, and that Moon bought real estate in the name of others, while his relatives are stealing all the profitable companies, it is hard to imagine that this is a religious organization – [the evidence shows] it cannot be.
What is the principle in relation to the ideal world? When is the time of living together and public justice? Sun Myung Moon spoke to me about these things, but what is the present reality?
The sound of the Moon family’s “send more money” and “send cash quickly” flies around the world. In particular, in neighboring Japan, families who do not know the reality of the Unification Church believe that the realization of the ideal world is possible. They worked hard to collect money, which developed into a big anti-social problem called the spiritual sales method (霊感商法). It is a problem that can only be described as causing damage to Japanese society and it is being committed by a Korean clan [who were directing the spiritual sales fraud in Japan]. Back in the old days the ancestors had to work hard [and now the Moon clan is just looking to make an easy buck].
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▲ Sun Myung Moon admiring the marble pagodas that were manufactured in the Moon-owned Il-Shin Stone company in Korea. Marble vases and Buddha statues were also made here and sold in Japan. The church members attributed spiritual properties to the items, and sold them for huge prices. These were all part of the “spiritual sales” scandal. Over $1billion has now been paid back to Japanese customers following thousands of court cases against the church.
The church leaders were tempting and manipulating female believers who were told that “God will forgive you even if it is against the law for you to steal”. The leaders were striving for money and material things speaking in the manner of pretending to be relatives of Sun Myung Moon.
One more thing, Korea was harmed during the Japanese occupation [of 1905-1945]. Would innocent church members in Japan know the fact that Sun Myung Moon was proclaiming that he had to scrape money out the Japanese in order to repay his grudge against them? Many Korean church leaders heard him say such things.
The ideal society based on the Principle is a dream-like story, [a fantasy] and you should quickly know that the Second Coming Messiah, the True Father, is nothing but an illusion.
What on earth is the Unification Church?
Is it a religion?
Is it simply a distribution company?
What is Sun Myung Moon aiming for?
If he is just calling himself the Messiah, how did the Principle come about?
If it is said that Sun Myung Moon’s actions to bring restoration are in accordance with the Principle. Was it not enough to have six Marys according to the principle of restoration?
It is unforgivable for him to not only rob the innocence of the six Marys, but also to rape countless women and exploit their property in the name of restoring them.
By tricking her that she will be the True Mother, he raped a virgin, Choi Soon-wha, at an inn in front of Seoul Station. He used the same excuse to ‘restore’ and rape her elder sister, Choi Soon-shil. He raped another girl named Kim Myung-hee and made her pregnant, which destroyed her life as a student.
These are some of the tremendous crimes committed by Sun Myung Moon, who claims to be the Second Coming Messiah. These crimes are surely serious problems for the Unification Church.
1. A huge Moon Church scam in Japan is revealed
Moon extracted $500 million from Japanese female members
Moon church of Japan used members for profit, not religious purposes
2. An often heard rumor in the 1950s: Lee Deuk-sam was the wife of Choi Seong-mo and the mother of Choi Soon-yong and his two sisters Soon-shil and Soon-wha. The three women were rumored to “be the women in the story of “three women having pikareum sex with Sun Myung Moon”, an account made in documents by anti-Unification Church movements.” LINK
3. Choi Soon-shil was a student at Yonsei University and Choi Soon-wha was a student at Ewha Womans University.
4. Annie Soon-wha Choi herself was interviewed by Mariah Blake for Mother Jones magazine
Sun Myung Moon’s secret love child
5. The brother of Soon-shil and Soon-wha explains more about the family’s painful entanglement with Sun Myung Moon in this interview: Sun Myung Moon used a ‘Honey Trap’
“Related to this major scandal of the early days of the Unification Church, a 22-year-old female college student was arrested. The name of this student is Soon-shil Choi. In other words, it was the sister of Chairman Soon-yong Choi.”
Sun Myung Moon used a ‘Honey Trap’ – Choi Soon-yeong explains
6. ‘What Happened To Early Members by’ Michael Breen, December 20, 1998
Soon Chul Kim – wealthy woman, already married, nego husband broke her leg
Duk Sam Lee – already married [to a wealthy Mr Choi Seong-mo]. Left husband.
One daughter was intended as Father's bride [in 1959], the other became mother of Sammy Park [in January 1966].
7. Oh Yeong-choon’s testimony:
“The members that had moved to Seoul first were [Kim] Soon Cheol, [Choi] Soon Shil and [Choi] Soon Hwa, all of whom I had brought into the church. My first priority though was to meet Father. [Kim] Soon Cheol could not carry out activities because of her husband; the remaining two were still students. I was the only one who was free.”
from The Suffering Path of the Lord – Part 3
8. Sun Myung Moon emphasized to Lee Deuk-sam that the ‘sam’ part of her name was very significant. In Korean it means three. Moon said she and her two daughters were in a providential trinity formation and that they should not leave their positions. Moon told the daughters they were in Leah and Rachel positions. Moon planned to marry Soon-shil, and seven years later to marry Soon-wha, thus restoring Jacob’s course. (In the Bible, Laban and Adinah were the parents of Leah and Rachel.)
Moon never intended to be monogamous. His relationships with Choi Won-bok and Hak Ja Han are another example of a Jacob-Leah-Rachel relationship.
Chapter Six of The Tragedy of the Six Marys, pages 248-253:
The misery of Kim Myung-hee / Another Mother / My shame for participating in orgies
Chapter Six of The Tragedy of the Six Marys, pages 253-256:
The red dragon who deceived the world – Sun Myung Moon
The Tragedy of the Six Marys website
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe, transcript and links
The Choi family’s entanglements with Moon
Dong-sook listed as a ‘True Child’ AND Sung-jin Moon
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) – 1 .    박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
문선명의 정체! (1)  김명희
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 4 years ago
彼は自らを 「神の子」 だと偽りました。
「七・四事件」 を報道する新聞記事(1955年7月7日付『東亞日報』)
彼は自らを 「神の子」 だと偽りました。 性的虐待を受けた多くの女性がいます。 統一教会の指導者・文鮮明の挙動は、注目を浴び続けています。
続報 = 教主の逮捕に伴い、最近注目を浴びている、世界基督教統一神霊協会の正体とは?果たして文氏は、被害者にそう認識されることなく、性的暴行を行ったのだろうか?当局は、文氏に対する二つの容疑を開示した。一つ目は「兵役忌避」、そして二つ目は 「(延世大学女子学生の)不法監禁」 だ。文氏に関する包括的な議論と一般からの批判内容の後は、この宗教団体についての情報を紹介する。
◊敎理說敎方式 [教義説教方式] = 新しい信徒は、72時間(満三日間)にわたり、教義の説教を受けなければならない。説教は、教主文氏によって行われる。毎週月曜朝10時に開始され、木曜朝10時に終了する。説教の途中で、教義に疑いを持ち、席を立とうとすると、教主文氏は厳粛な口調で「退場したら君は死ぬ」と言い、足止めする。また、教主文氏は「韓国人は神から選ばれた民で、平壌は世界のエルサレムである」と言い、自分は「神の子であり、女性は自分と肉体関係を結ぶことで教世主を生む」と説いた。
◊獵色行爲 [リョプセク行為・猟色行為] = 文氏は話術にたけている。女性が彼を心から信用しているとわかると、自分の住居(協会の小さな建物の一室)に誘い、暴行するという。被害者と断定できる女性は4人おり、全員が中年(30歳以上)で、夫・娘がいる。また、全員が中流以上の家庭の女性である。被害者の一人の金順昌 キム・スンチャンさん(仮名)は36歳である。彼女はきちんとした、裕福な上流階級の主婦だった。しかし、教主文氏の誘いに嵌まり、夫に捨てられる運命となった。
◊同協會財政關係 [同協会の財政関係] = 現在協会は建物を賃借している。教会は、ソウルにいる250名の信徒から寄付を受けているが、それは大した額にはならない。そこで信徒は(商売を)始めた。下町の風景を撮影したブロマイドを印刷し、市内の至る所で販売するのだ。
Sun Myung Moon “a man who hunts women (a sexual predator)” 1955 report
1955年 統一教會 事件   
「私の一族は統一教会の餌食にされた」  崔淳英
中村敦夫 vs 統一教会「混淫派·血分け」論争の核心
文鮮明教祖の「血分け」ルーツで 浮上した「女子大事件」
문선명의 정체! (1)  김명희
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) .    박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
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