#명문고 ex급 조연의 리플레이
nishicchikouchi · 6 months
Okay, okay. Something funny that I really think drives me crazy a lot is how I keep getting fooled by unreliable narrators.
The cycle goes a lot like this:
MC does something > They downplay it > I believe them when they say its not much > some chapters later a character expresses that what MC did or experienced was just so out of the normal > I realise that MC did and experienced somethinv absurd
Anyway, to cut myself some slack, they sound so convinving at first ㅠㅠ but then further to the story I just realise "oh my gosh, this guys' an unreliable narrator" and when I re-read the story with that perspective...
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rantyapramble · 2 months
Class 0 Dynamic
3-0 : *Professor Im -> hands on her hip, students -> collapsed on the ground* "You lack training! Your poor weak muscles! Let's train more!"
2-0: *Professor Jegal -> open the door to the classroom to see his students circling and worshipping the big Jegal statue in the middle of the room* "Jegal-ssaem the best!" "..."
1-0: *Elegant tea party with Professor Ham~ Shalalalala~* "I hope the others can join soon." *Sips tea and eat snacks*
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ah yes, another sacrificial mc. the Unknown supernova euishin.
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somewhereouthere · 7 months
I'm reading EX rank supporting role's replay in a prestigious school but I need some spoiler for 1000 until recent.
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butterfirefly · 7 months
✨The first hundred chapters of Duke, Please Repent are free to read this March here ✨
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murasaki-cha · 10 months
Hi mura. How are you doing? I hope you're having a good day. I am shamelessly here on you ask box to recommend a novel. I've been real obsessed with it for the past months, and I've been hoping to drag someone with me XD. Title of the novel is "명문고 EX급 조연의 리플레이" idk if there's an official english tranlation but the rough translation is "Replay of the EX-Rank Supporting Role in a Prestigious School" (I think? ANYWAYS XD) give it a read please! Lemme know what you think of it. Thanks for your time. Stay healthyy <3
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One of my favorite Korean TCF artists on twitter makes fanart of it sometimes so I've heard of it!
It's been on my tbr and I'll try to read it during winter break because I'm really really busy these next 2 weeks (I even stopped reading Iron Flame because I don't have any time to read, I'm only listening audiobooks while working)
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nishicchikouchi · 15 days
명문고 EX급 조연의 리플레이 Chapter 1209
"I won't hide anything this time"
"Senior Yeom Junyeol, let's fight together"
Do you know how rare this is?!
A main character in a fantasy setting that would rather do the work alone because of his affection for others is saying. THAT HE WONT HIDE ANYTHING AND WILL WORK WITH THEM?!
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nishicchikouchi · 3 months
명문고 EX급 조연의 리플레이 Chapter 1169
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I dont think I'll be able to sleep tonight. Junyeol, Dongha, and Jinseung replays, happening this week. I wonder which of the three will we get to immediately see what happened. Because when Gukeon and Muyeong were replayed at the same time, we got Gukeon first, then Muyeong.
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nishicchikouchi · 5 months
It has occured to me that it is time that I made this, so here it is.
Do you like fantasy in modern setting? Do you like an OP protagonist that moves behind the scenes? A protagonist who's one of the biggest unreliable narrator I have seen? A protagonist who like to sacrifice themselves? Do you like found family? Do you like a great world building? Then this novel is for you!
Introducing, 명문고 EX급 조연의 리플레이 or EX-Rank Supporting Role's Replay in a Prestigious Highschool
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After clearing the final chapter of the national game, I became a nameless supporting character in the game. An EX-level supporting role that can not be measured outside of the standard and is of an unknown level.
FIRSTLY, the MC, Jo Euishin!
Since I also read the mtl of this novel, his name is also translated as Cho Euishin, God of Condolences, God of Joy, etc. Lol its pretty funny cuz his name gets translated to various names, but if one were to follow the official korean romanization, the accurate translation would be Jo Uisin.
This guy, to descibe in a sentence, another self-sacrificing and a dash of in-denial kind of character. He won't hesitate to get hurt if it means that he can protect the people precious to him, but at the same time, he tries to distance himself to people who wants or is too close to them. Like come on, this guys' sole hoobae who treats him like an older brother, he can only treat as a hoobae not as a younger brother.
Even having that kind of attitude, Jo Euishin was able to form a lot of close connections in the novel, and those connections make me scream, I love them a lot!
Jo Euishin, despite having no self-awareness to relationships connected to himself, is pretty aware of connections and has a deep understanding of human behaviour of those around him, so he gives good advice.
Overall, Jo Euishin is a character who cares for others deeply but doesn't care about his well-being as much as he loves the people he cares about.
The Plot
So, as the summary indicated, our protagonist, Jo Euishin, played a game called Player Meister Highschool, PMH for short, and he got transmigrated in another world. After finishing the final chapter of the game while he's on the verge of dying, he hears that he's a suitable candidate and became the supporting role character controlled in the game. But PMH absolutely sucked because every playable character died, having a bad ending, and the final chapter contained a very hopeless ending.
After he gets transmigrated to another world, right of the bat, he was translated into the prologue setting where, four applicants (he's one of them), and the supervisor gets killed by a rampaging enemy.
After he gets through that hurdle, he comes to an understanding that he didn't transmigrate into the game world, but actually, in another world where everything is real, and swore to move to make his playable characters and the world to have a happy ending.
The plot revolves around the the MC's life, while being enrolled in Eungwang High, the main setting of the story. He meets the game's female lead and male lead there (which he sincerely hopes get together), the playable characters, and the npc's that appeared in the game.
PMH had a lot of plot holes when Euishin played it, but as he lives in the world he's currently at and solves the main problems that occured in the game, he discovers that there's more to everything and there's a ton of stuff hidden and the questions Euishin had to the mysterious stuff that happened in the game got answered one by one.
The story progress is a bit slow, but I assure you that everything is written the way they are for a reason. Even if the story is slow, the arc progression when it happens is a bit fast cause the battle itself was short. One of the arc's that happened spanned at least a hundred chapters before it closed, containing the preparations and various battles, but when everything happened, it lasted only for 5 hours in that world. So, it is slow and fast.
Currently, they're at the end of their 1st semester in their 2nd year by the time I'm writing this, and the novel has over a thousand chapters (1113 chapters).
The Worldbuilding
There are some complicated stuff in the world building that needs to be explained, but if explained in detail, you'd be able to appreciate the story more. It doesn't actually pose a problem since most of the time, when something is introduced, it gets explained sooner or later in the story.
The way the novel is written is amazing. If you pay attention to the smallest of details, the ways the characters are introduced, the POV changes, in the latter parts of the story, you can almost predict what could happen, but somehow even if you do, its exciting, because the writer writes foreshadawing so well. They add the hints sometimes unnoticable, sometimes blatant, and when you make the connection when a reveal happens, it so hecking good.
The MC's abilities
Jo Euishin's abilities are a bit overpowered, even in terms of a world where Higher Beings (or gods) and Non-Humans exist. That world has a ranking in terms of abilities, and Euishin's powers rank very high. I'll probably spoil a lot if I explore his abilities in this, so I won't explain too much aside from that, but His Gwangrim, which is an ability every person in the world who has supernatural powers have and is unique to each person, Jo Euishin's Gwangrim, "Player's Trajectory" lets him be able to use his Playable Characters' abilities. One of his abilities caused prophecies in that world to be erased.
He's also highly intelligent, and when he makes plans, it's very elaborate that sometimes he perfectly predicts how the opponents would move.
Lastly, where can you read it?
This novel does not have an official english tranlation, but the official raws can be found on the following sites:
I assure you the translation of this novel plays a big part in why people drop it, but the novel is very much a hidden gem and you won't regret it if you continue to read despite the bad translation.
I'd like to recommend it to every moots or followers I have that has read orv, lcf, and tsctir, and enjoyed them, as EX-Rank kind of contains elements of those novels, but still doesn't feel repetitive and still has a unique storyline.
If you decide to give it a try, thank you! If you're a reader who dropped it, this is your sign to pick it up and read it again~
Thanks for your time, and have fun reading~
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nishicchikouchi · 1 year
Dont you just love an mc that sacrifices themselves for others and doesnt care what happens to them?
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nishicchikouchi · 8 months
There will definitely be an arc where they save Euishin right? I need that kind of arc. We had that in S-class that I raised, ORV, TCF... almost every novel with a self sacrificial bastard had atleast one person which tried to save them. I hope Euishin will have that moment.
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nishicchikouchi · 8 months
My goodness. This statement. So subtle...
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명문고 EX급 조연의 리플레이 Chapter 345
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nishicchikouchi · 7 months
Kshskshsjshakgkah I like that, whenever a Jin meets Euishin, their response is either really instinctively want to kill him or really want to keep him.
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nishicchikouchi · 4 months
명문고 EX급 조연의 리플레이 Chapter 1146
UGH... When Euishin said his similarities with Jeho will slowly disappear as Jeho moves forward, I cried. That single line has much implication.
Jeho was able to reunite with his parents, but Euishin will never be able to, which is why Jeho, with his parents, will be able to move on from his guilt relating to his family, but Euishin will not because his family is dead.
Jeho will be able to slowly accept the fact that people cares for him, but Euishin, because of his guilt, no matter how many cares about him, and thinks of him as a family, will never be able to accept this fact because he draws the line.
Jeho and his students were finally able to get their closure. They were finally able to talk honestly, while Euishin and his disciple, while their relationship has improved from when they started because Euishin has confided to Junyeol about when he gets injured, Euishin still hasn't been able to come to a decision to use replay on Junyeol.
Speaking of teachers, can I just... UGH. The two of them are pretty great teachers, because if they werent, their students wont respect them or like them. But they think of themselves as an incompetent one.
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nishicchikouchi · 7 months
In terms of clingyness, Hwangho might actually be worse than Seodol lol
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rantyapramble · 1 month
Going to school together~ spoiler
Tiger from Mythical Era - Golden Tiger - Eungwang High Class 0 Student - Hwang Jiho "Alright, let's go everyone."
Tiger from Mythical Era - Silver Tiger - Eungwang High Class 0 Student - Cheon Eunha "Today is a nice day."
Tiger from Mythical Era - Blue Tiger - Eungwang High Class 0 Student - Hani "To think the day would come we would go to school together."
Tiger Clan Descendant - Tiger Descendant - Eungwang High Class 0 Student - Eun Seoho "This is fun!"
Tiger Clan Descendant - Tiger Descendant - Eungwang High Class 0 Student - Eun Niho "This is nice!"
Tiger Clan Decendant - Tiger Decendant - Elementary Student - Eun Jaeho "I want to quickly enter Class 0 too!"
Tiger Clan Honorary Decendant - Human - Eungwang High Student - An Dain "You can definitely do it."
Tiger from Mythical Era - Red Tiger - Hwangmyeong Group Worker - Jeokho "Should I enter as a student next year?"
Benefactor - Human - Eungwang High Class 0 Student - Jo Euishin '...you probably shouldn't.' *side eyes* 'Your son is already broken over there...'
Tiger from Mythical Era - White Tiger - Eungwang High Class 0 Student - Baek Hogun *side eyes* "..." *nods to Euishin thought*
Tiger Clan Decendant - Tiger + Bear Blood - Eungwang High Teacher - Kim Shinrok *Pale face. Automatic steps. Soul out of his body.*
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