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(+eng) 오일파스텔 질감이 살짝 있는 프로크리에이트 가을 풍경화입니다 -꿈 글귀:문을 열면 꿈꾸던 세계가 나타나♡ -휘화- -Dream phrase: When you open the door, the dream world comes in front of you. -Hwihwa- #캘리그라피,#가을풍경화,#일러성,#디지털드로잉,#디지털캘리그라피,#프로크리에이트드로잉,#오일파스텔풍경화,#koreancalligraphy,#autumnlandscape,#landscapeprocreate,#procreateoilpastel,#감성그림스타그램,#감성글귀🌙,#좋은글그램,#꿈글귀 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci8DSG0vpdS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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achundeyan · 5 years
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GOOD NIGHT | Have a sweet dream ~
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(+eng)용기 글귀: '꿈을 그저 기억하기만 해서는 안된다. 꿈을 현실로 이루기위한 결심을 해야한다.' -멘 레이- -Courage quote: 'You should not just remember your dreams. You have to make a resolution to achieve the dreams.' -Quote by Man Ray - #캘리그라피,#캘리그라피글귀,#용기글,#koreancalligraphy,#dreamquotes4u,#꿈글귀,#couragequote,#resolutionquote,#manrayquote,#맨레이,#한글캘리그래피,#koreanexpressions,#whalewater,#수채캘리그라피엽서,#watercolorpostcards https://www.instagram.com/p/CXWDpaPvTLS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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(+eng)희망 글귀: '별처럼 빛나는 젊음의 꿈을 믿는다.' -Hopeful message: 'I believe in youthful dreams shining like a star.' #캘리그라피,#희망글귀그램,#한글캘리그래피,#dreamquotes4u,#꿈글귀 ,#감성글씨그램,#hopefulmessages ,#koreanexpressions,#손글씨글귀 https://www.instagram.com/p/CXD2ohsP1Oz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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