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star-shorts365 · 2 years ago
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I recognise Walt Disney’s talent but it has always seemed to me hopelessly corrupted. Though in most of the pictures proceeding from [Disney] studios there are admirable or charming passages, the effect of all of them to me is disgusting. Some have given me nausea.
J.R.R. Tolkien
If Disney turned his stomach we can assume Tolkien would be turning in his grave at what Amazon Studios have done with 'Rings of Power'.
Tolkien's main objection to Disney - and something shared with C.S. Lewis - was how childish Disney treated fairy tales. For Tolkien fairy tales were serious business.
At the crux of his argument, which explores the nature of fantasy and the cultural role of fairy tales, is the same profound conviction that there is no such thing as writing “for children.” Tolkien insists that fairy tales aren’t inherently “for” children but that we, as adults, simply decided that they were, based on a series of misconceptions about both the nature of this literature and the nature of children. Tolkien deeply believe in language, myth, and Fairy, in that he recognised, they are deeply human things. Indeed, it is a natural right of humanity to produce fantasy.
And ye fail completely when we believe that Fairy is for children, Tolkien argued, noting that traditionally Fairy deals with the most difficult human problems, and children - understood as yet-to-be-formed humans - fall into the category of human, but they have no special hold or understanding of Fairy. Tolkien argued that the path to Fairy is neither the path to heaven nor to hell. It might be somewhat purgatorial, however, and certainly otherworldly. Fairy itself, far from being supernatural, is the most natural of worlds. Indeed, it is extraordinarily natural, as natural things live only as themselves. Rather Platonically, the tree is truly the tree (Treebeard), wine is truly wine, and bread (Lembas) is truly bread in Fairy. That is, there is little if any separation of the accidents of a thing from the essence of a thing. Those in fairy, though, through pride of beauty, often present themselves in disguise and as things they are not, thus befuddling the wanderer.
Words, definitions, and analyses, Tolkien warned, can offer only so much understanding of Fairy. Instead, one must not only travel to and through Fairy, but he must also recognise that fairy - like all mythology - is an expression of our deepest longings and fears.
A genuine fantasy, according to Tolkien, creates an immersive experience for the reader. In a successful fantasy, the author is a ‘sub-creator’: as Tolkien puts it, “He makes a Secondary World which your mind can enter. Inside it, what he relates is ‘true’: it accords with the laws of that world. You therefore believe it, while you are, as it were, inside.”
He goes on to argue that this sort of fantasy has three essential functions: recovery, escape, and consolation. Using the metaphor of a dirty, smudged window - whose film of grime obscures what we see through it - he says that we need “to clean our windows; so that the things seen clearly may be freed from the drab blur of triteness or familiarity - from possessiveness.” Fantasy helps us with this recovery of clear vision. He distinguishes the literary escape offered by good fantasy from the negative quality of escapism. And he explains the idea of consolation by coining the word eucatastrophe. It is formed of ‘eu,’ meaning good, attached to ‘catastrophe, and it means “the good catastrophe”: the unexpected happy ending, which gives us a profound taste of joy. We see it in The Lord of the Rings with the rescue of Frodo and Sam, after the destruction of the Ring, when they are sure that all is lost; we see it even more fully in the final chapters and indeed the final pages of the tale.
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bidetnaracom · 2 years ago
버니 쇼츠 영어버전
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foodweate · 3 years ago
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lansinrentalgift · 2 years ago
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2023년 설날 포항 구룡포 이준호 수산에서 ~ #구룡포맛집 #구룡포 #구룡포과메기 #구룡포대게 (이준오수산에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cntat5zvkkC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jeondongju · 2 years ago
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오케이목장 아니고 오케이수산에서.... 구룡포과메기는 역시 추운 날이 제맛! #같이먹고싶다 #오케이���산 #구룡포과메기(구룡포항에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmgpqQ3Ptvo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lhy005 · 4 years ago
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형이 보내준 과메기.. 숑이도 한점..🐶 이번 겨울 코로나로 가족이 다 모여 먹지는 못하지만.. 과메기는 맛있네^^ . . #비숑스타그램 #비숑프리제 #구룡포과메기 #과메기 #먹방(Bucheon에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKEKzP1Dodt/?igshid=8ey90yqz64dz
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blogyourlife · 4 years ago
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#협찬 포항 구룡포 하모니과메기 진심 비린내 없이 담백한 명품 과메기 #과메기 #구룡포과메기 #하모니과메기 #꽁치 #겨울별미 #과메기배달 #스마트스토어 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ0wAhQFhdf/?igshid=u68zwftg4hui
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barabony · 5 years ago
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신선하면 김이고 머고 다 필요없다. 포항에서 직구해서 온 녀석이라 아무것도 안찍어먹어도 담백함. 진짜 과메기는 포항 하고도 구룡포! #선팔 #맞팔 #소통 #일상스타그램 #겨울 #연말 #선팔하면맞팔 #소통해요 #유지어터 #다이어터 #대구 #포항 #구룡포과메기 #과메기 #여행스타그램(야무짐에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6IjE8tFH1a/?igshid=14gxv3lwig05l
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botani1596 · 6 years ago
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한겨울 최고의 #먹거리 #과메기 는 역시 #포항과메기 #구룡포과메기 #영일만친구 #푸드스타그램 #먹스타그렘 #니콘 #d850 #nikon #photographer #photo #food #foodstagram #guamegi #冻干竹刀鱼 #サンマの干物 #クァメギ #koreanfood https://www.instagram.com/p/BsSBGJUnYpD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7vl08d4hvni8
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bidetnaracom · 2 years ago
[비데나라 포항비데랜드 소상공인마켓] 30주년 기능성깔창 52,000원 현대큐밍렌탈 SK매직렌탈 고객 선물 비데나라 서진청정비데 ...
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meang0813-blog · 7 years ago
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구룡포과메기의 계절이... 포항에 공연 갔다가 제철맞은 #구룡포과메기 를 겟하다..ㅎ 마눌이 좋아함~~ㅋㅋ #과메기 #포항여행 (구룡포대게직판장에서)
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20vs80 · 7 years ago
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포항 토박이 친구가 하는 과메기 시켜먹어 봤어요. 항상 가면 반겨주고 챙겨주고 과메기 좋아하시는 분들은 한번 시켜드셔보세요. 전 비린거 못먹는데 친구네서 시켜먹는건 쫀득하고 냄새도 안나서 맛있네요. #과메기 #형제수산 #구룡포과메기 #포항친구 #제철음식 #쫀득쫀득 #야채세트 #직접손질(형제21번지에서)
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juotte · 3 years ago
구룡포과메기 추천, 지난달 최다 판매 10위 & 상품평
구룡포과메기 추천, 지난달 최다 판매 10위 & 상품평
안녕하세요.알뜰살뜰한 쇼핑 큐레이터 해피샵입니다.^^구룡포과메기 판매 최다 상위 10개를 추천해볼까합니다~ 추천 순위는 네이버 쇼핑 트랜드, 쿠팡 판매 순위, 구글 키워드 트랜드 등 주요 온라인 쇼핑몰의 판매 데이타를 분석해서최근 많이 찾으셨던 구룡포과메기 제품상위 10가지를 정리해서 알려드리고 있습니다.~빅데이타를 기반으로 선정된 최다 판매 구룡포과메기 추천 인기 제품 상위 10개입니다.아래 보여드리는 리스트는 구룡포과메기 찾는 소비자들이 가장 좋아하고, 판매가 가장 많았던 HOT 구룡포과메기 제품 중 상위 10가지 제품입니다. 구룡포과메기 구매하시는데 참고가 되셨으면 합니다^^ 이 중에 골라보시면 후회하지 않으실거에요^^ 이미지를 클릭하시면, 상세한 제품 소개와 상품평 확인하실 수 있으니 실재 구매하신…
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coupanglove · 4 years ago
구룡포과메기 [구룡포904][4시마감 당일출발] 1등급 과메기 야채세트 손질 반손질, 20마리, 05. 반손질 과메기(진공) 40쪽 추천 구매처 후기
구룡포과메기 [구룡포904][4시마감 당일출발] 1등급 과메기 야채세트 손질 반손질, 20마리, 05. 반손질 과메기(진공) 40쪽 추천 구매처 후기
[구룡포904][4시마감 당일출발] 1등급 과메기 야채세트 손질 반손질, 20마리, 05. 반손질 과메기(진공) 40쪽 추천 후기 오늘은 [구룡포904][4시마감 당일출발] 1등급 과메기 야채세트 손질 반손질, 20마리, 05. 반손질 과메기(진공) 40쪽에 대한 포스팅입니다. 어서오세요! 행복한 쇼핑 되세요!. 절약을 위한 알뜰 쇼핑정보를 전합니다. 항상 감사드립니다. 아무래도 요즘 이슈가 되는 상품이라고 해요 구룡포과메기 관련 소문을 듣자하니 선물로도 괜찮겠다 싶더라구요. 상품구매 상품명 : [구룡포904][4시마감 당일출발] 1등급 과메기 야채세트 손질 반손질, 20마리, 05. 반손질 과메기(진공) 40쪽 판매가격 : 28,900원 상품번호 : 333071187 구매하기 추천하는 제품…
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bidetnaracom · 2 years ago
#맞팔 #선팔 #좋아요반사 #좋아요 #선팔하면맞팔 #팔로미 #팔로우 ​​#반사​ #첫줄반사 #좋아요늘리기​ #좋아요그램 #소통스타그램 #맞팔해요 #친스타그램 #인친 #소통해요​ #인친환영 #맞팔100 #비데나라 #팡지피티 #포항비데 #경주비데 #영덕울진비데 #소상공인마켓 #깔창​ #비데랜드 #구룡포과메기
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