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gallerynamba · 7 months ago
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◇sarah pacini(サラ パチーニ)◇ドレスが入荷しました。 定価:75,900円(税込) 弊社通販サイト商品ページ⇒http://www.gallery-jpg.com/item/403-302-036/ MADE IN ITALY 素材:レーヨン67%、ナイロン23%、ポリウレタン10% カラー:ブラック サイズ:00 総丈約136cm、肩幅約36cm、バスト約80cm、ウエスト約82cm、ヒップ約94cm (平置きの状態で測っています。) 高品質なストレッチジャージー生地のノースリーブ仕立てのハイネックドレス。 ボディラインに沿う様に程よくシェイプしたウエストライン。 ヒップからは片側のみバルーンの様に膨らませたシルエットになっています。 着用時もラインが崩れにくい仕立てです。 バックファスナー着脱。 ※ご覧頂いている媒体により、色の見え方が多少変わる場合がございます。 ※店頭でも同商品を販売しておりますので、通販サイトの在庫反映が遅れる場合があり商品をご用意出来ない場合がございます。予めご了承頂きますようお願い致します。 ���⠀// 🗣 いいね・保存・コメント大歓迎!ご来店お待ちしております! \\ ━━━━━━━━━■アクセス□━━━━━━━━━         なんばCITY本館の1階     大阪難波郵便局側から入って1軒目        靴のダイアナ(DIANA)の隣 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Gallery なんばCITY本館1階店 〒542-0076 大阪府大阪市中央区難波5-1-60 なんばCITY本館1階 【営業時間】11:00~21:00 【休館日】7月無休 【PHONE】06-6644-2526 【e-mail】[email protected]
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homareworks · 1 year ago
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こんにちは。 Patreonとファンボックスにドレスの無いバージョンも公開しています。 ご支援よろしくお願いします。
Hello. A version without the dress is also available on Patreon and Fanbox. Thank you for your support.
Patreon https://www.patreon.com/posts/when-i-take-off-89295046
Fanbox https://homare0601.fanbox.cc/posts/6681741
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img0081 · 19 days ago
ヘビーブラック +ホワイトドレスkwon eun -bi _ !_ https://jp.imgtag.co.kr/talent/715931/?feed_id=2141408&_unique_id=679997a4da498
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eira-ai · 1 month ago
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Sometimes, it's nice to have a touch of elegance. 💃🍷🌹✨
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andrew-excelleen · 2 months ago
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Aライン 格安オーダーメイドのウェディングドレス ブライダルガウン
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top-wedding · 1 year ago
Black Dress 2024/01/16
皆様こんばんは。 いつもTOP WEDDINGのブログをご覧いただきましてありがとうございます。 本日は黒のカラードレスをご紹介致します。 白のドレスには、「あなた色に染まります」という意味があるのは知っている人も多いと思います。 黒のドレスにも 一生相手と添い遂げるという、強い意志が感じられる意味があるんです! それは「あなた色以外には染まりません」というもの。 ドレスは白でも黒でも、結婚に対する花嫁の決意が込められています。 K.RANNE-クランネー  今の時代にフィットしたニューラスティックなドレススタイルを提案。フェミニンさと大人の抜け感を演出できる、トレンド感にあふれたドレスコレクションです。 Item…
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koch-snowflake-blog · 5 months ago
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吉岡 里帆は、日本の女優。京都府京都市右京区出身。本名同じ。A-teamを経てフラーム所属。 ウィキペディア
生まれ: 1993年1月15日 (年齢 31歳), 京都府 京都市 右京区
学歴: 京都府立嵯峨野高等学校、 京都橘大学
身長: 158 cm
事務所: フラーム
公式サイト: 公式プロ��ィール
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arctic-blade · 4 months ago
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ニシヅキ シノ on X: "足の修正とドレスの色を変えてみました! 黒もいいなぁ... https://t.co/NEEPGRl8yy" / X
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rennebright · 7 months ago
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天使マリア(黒ドレス) by こじまたけし [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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kishinaito · 5 months ago
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毎日投稿442日目 Sound Horizon エリーゼちゃん
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gallerynamba · 11 months ago
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◇LES COPAINS(レ コパン)◇ドレスが再入荷致しました。 定価:132,000円(税込)⇒SALE価格:92,400円(税込) 弊社通販サイト商品ページ⇒http://www.gallery-jpg.com/item/D30507-60S/ SHOW SAMPLE MADE IN ITALY 素材:レーヨン100% カラー:ブラック サイズ:40 着丈 約117cm、肩幅 約40cm、袖丈 約69cm、バスト 約76cm、ウエスト 約66cm、ヒップ 約80cm (平置きの状態で測っています。) ドライな質感のジャージー素材を使用したアシンメトリードレス。 身頃の片側、ウエストから腰に掛けてギャザーを寄せ、ドレープのあるイレギュラーヘムのスカートに。 袖口も同様にギャザーを寄せています。 シンプルなドレスですが、上質な素材を使用しているからこそ成立する美しさです。 ※ご覧頂いている媒体により、色の見え方が多少変わる場合がございます。 ※店頭でも同商品を販売しておりますので、通販サイトの在庫反映が遅れる場合があり商品をご用意出来ない場合がございます。予めご了承頂きますようお願い致します。 Gallery なんばCITY本館1F店 〒542-0076 大阪府大阪市中央区難波5-1-60なんばCITY本館1F 【営業時間】11:00~21:00 【休館日】3月無休 【PHONE】06-6644-2526 【e-mail】[email protected]
【online shop】http://gallery-jpg.com/
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pudknocker · 9 months ago
ルーカスはまたスター・ウォーズにおける "女性の描写" に対する批判に対しても次のように答えた。 「誰がこれらの物語の主人公だと思っているんだ? レイア姫を何だと思っているんだ? 彼女は反乱軍のトップだ。 何も知らないあの若い子供(ルーク)と、「自分は何でも分かっている」といいながら何もできないアイツ(ソロ)、そんな破天荒な男たちというか "ピエロ" たちを連れて反乱軍を救おうとするのが彼女だ、そしてそれはアミダラ女王についても同じだ」 「女性にスカートの代わりにパンツを履かせればヒーローになると思ったら大間違いだ。彼女たちはドレスを着てもいい、着たいものを着てもいい。思考し、計画し、論理的に行動する能力さえあればいい、それが英雄というものだ」
『スターウォーズに黒人がいないのは差別』と批判されたジョージ・ルーカス、ブチ切れる(海外の反応)| かいこれ! 海外の反応 コレクション
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aechlys · 2 months ago
どうか踊りましょう、 熱いダンスを !
どうぞ踊りましょう 、熱いダンスを !
I'm begging you let's dance, that feverish dance!
In that black dress that seems to put a curse on everything
Go ahead and let's dance, that feverish dance!
In that (beating) rhythm of love that seems to put a curse on everything.
—Buck-Tick, "Ash-ra"
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andrew-excelleen · 3 months ago
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Aライン 格安オーダーメイドのウェディングドレス ブライダルガウン
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telumite · 11 months ago
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doping-panda · 2 months ago
a mildly interesting red truth cut from the umineko manga + anime and its implications for the culprit
spoiler warning for the entire series!!!!
In the EP 2 VN, Maria gives Battler a crash course on Beatrice. Here's a link if you wanna reread. The part I want to talk about is this:
If we could solve the riddle that the witch announced to us, the ceremony would be halted and we would definitely be saved. And I think she also said that Beatrice would never break that promise. But this is Maria we're talking about. She herself would never break a promise, and she had the most innocent heart… So she believed that Beatrice also wouldn't break a promise. She could believe that. Maria believed that Beatrice also wouldn't break a promise. But wasn't that just an image of Beatrice that Maria imagined...? There's no proof that the real Beatrice definitely keeps her promises, right...? Beatrice: I keep my promises. If you solve the riddle of the epitaph, you should be able to reach the Golden Land. When you do, the ceremony will end. No more people will die. I do play tricks. Of course, I also deceive people. I'm no different from humans in that regard. ...But not once have I disregarded a promise I've spoken.
At face value, this means the ceremony will end when the epitaph is solved. But what's interesting is Beatrice's dialogue is cut from both the anime and the manga. Whatever you think of adaptations, you have to admit both of them making the same change is probably not a coincidence, but something Ryukishi07 pushed for. Why?
There's a common interpretation that Sayo will stop the murders when the epitaph is solved. But the manga suggests a different interpretation: Sayo won't start the murders if the epitaph is solved. But if the epitaph is solved after the murders start, she won't stop unless one of the cousins solve it. This is known as "Rule Z."
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That fits the manga solution of EP 3, which perplexingly calls Eva an accomplice even though EP 3 suggests she solved the epitaph. The synthesis is Eva solved the epitaph too late, so Sayo kept the murders going. Eva was bribed in the VIP room, which included being given the head's ring.
In the EP 7 Tea Party, Sayo knew the family would end up destroying themselves after solving the epitaph.
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The light novel adaptation even adds a passage implying Sayo was sneering at the family when it was going down:
……魔女は片手を口元にやって肘を高く上げ、黒いドレスのたっぷりとした袖で顔を覆っていた。華奢な手が静かに下されると、……全ての感情を失ったような顔があらわになる。 ...The witch had one hand over her mouth, her elbow raised, and was covering her face with the full sleeves of her black dress. When her delicate hand was gently lowered, ...her face, which seemed to have lost all emotion, was revealed.
There's also jealousy and possessiveness being one of the reasons for the murders:
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Rule Z is basically a rationalization for Sayo. She wants to destroy the family and prevent her lovers from moving on, so comes up with an unlikely lose condition to soothe her moral conscience. And an even unlikelier "lose" condition that's actually what she really wants. Her magic is frequently compared to gambling, and casinos wouldn't stay in business if they lost, right? It would also reinforce the feeling the Ushiromiyas deserved it. If someone solved the epitaph and were willing to let themselves be bribed, then fuck them!
So did Ryukishi07 retcon that red truth to better fit Manga-Sayo's characterization? I don't think so. The evidence for Rule Z is cryptic in the VN, but that red truth is actually a hint upon a reread. The promise is "no more people will die" meaning it's not a fixed truth, but a contextual one. At that point in EP 2, the only non-accomplices left alive and would be willing to solve the epitaph are the cousins. There's other hints as well:
In the EP 7 Tea Party, Sayo keeps the head's ring secret, even though the Witch's Letter says that should be one of the rewards. She also says "If the night ended before you solved the epitaphs riddle, I planned to follow the epitaph and commit 13 murders." That implies if the epitaph was solved mid-way, she wouldn't have stopped.
Kinzo deeming the adults worthless and having the cousins compete to become the new head is the fantasy narrative of EP 4. George and Battler are both even compared to Kinzo.
If you leave out Maria (who's chosen to just be the messenger), then the idea of only giving one of the cousins headship can be seen as mirroring the Love Trial, which is at the heart of Beatrice.
In EP 1-4, the cousins always survive past the 1st Twilight. EP 5 is the exception, killing all of them but Battler, but that's specifically noted as a heartless and out-of-character game.
The EP 3 TIPS suggest Eva is working for Sayo and staking the corpses. eg, Krauss' TIP says: "If only there wasn't that stupid epitaph, I wouldn't have needed a stake. What a pain. "
The fantasy narrative of EP 3 is Eva-Beatrice must kill to obtain the full powers of the Golden Witch. This can be seen as Eva having the head's ring, but not the gold.
It would make sense to reserve headship for a youth, as that'd be more likely to be accepted by the family, like in EP 4. Though if you look at it cynically, its probably because a youth is more easily manipulated like what happens to Kinzo and EP 5 Battler.
Battler and Clair compares Sayo's roulette to Kinzo's. At face value, Kinzo's roulette was to designate a new head, but it was actually to find love: his long lost daughter. It makes sense for Sayo's roulette to be the same way: it's seemingly to pick a new head, but it's actually to find her true love among the cousins.
Bernkastel's Letter name drops Rule Z, comparing it to a "constantly changing maze." That's cryptic, but you can see it as referring to how Sayo using the epitaph to recruit co-murderers like EP 3 Eva (instead of her just lying like in EP 1) would drastically change the rest of the crime.
I'm aware the VN is open to interpretation, my point is mainly Rule Z isn't baseless. The red truth was probably removed because the anime and the manga were always intended to be more straightforward, and it's possible Ryukishi07 simply thought it was too misleading.
There's a Japanese-only light novel adaptation and I can't verify if the red truth is kept in that version. It does make changes to match the manga, such as Will discussing how Genji commits some of the murders, so it's safe to assume the red is also removed there, but I can't say for certain.
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