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siim-tv · 8 months ago
目次 ▼【アーティファクトカード】CR-005黄土色魔神の基本情報 ▼【アーティファクトカード】CR-005黄土色魔神のステータス ▼【アーティファクトカード】CR-005黄土色魔神のセット効果 ▼【アーティファクトカード】CR-005黄土色魔神の評価 【アーティファクトカード】CR-005黄土色魔神の基本情報 カード番号 CR-005 レアリティ R 入手方法 モンスターカードⅠ、Ⅱ スターターⅡ 【アーティファクトカード】CR-005黄土色魔神のステータス 攻撃力+67 防御力+0 HP+425 【アーティファクトカード】CR-005黄土色魔神のセット効果 なし 【アーティファクトカード】CR-005黄土色魔神の評価 カードパックから出てくる CR-005は黄土色の魔神のアーティファクトカード。原作の七つの大罪アニメでも確かに登場はしていたが正直モブキャラ。排…
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gift-hokuriku · 2 years ago
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【日誌】黄色い春、集めました! こんにちは。今朝、外にでたら澄んだ空気のなか、昨日までの朝の寒さとは少しちがうような春の気配が感じられてうれしくなったギフトです。 ご近所の梅がとっても素敵に咲いていて、思わずパシャリ! 梅のように鮮やかなピンクはもちろん、これから咲き始めるさくらの淡いピンクや、やさしい黄色などなど 春になると明るい色を取り入れたくなります。 そして現在、ギフトの店内には黄色い春が集まっていますよ〜 今日3/8の国際女性デー ミモザの日にちなんで、今月のギフトは黄色推しです。 そういえばギフトの看板も黄色と白のストライプなので、思いがけずらない黄色がここにも! アイテムはミモザの日にぴったりなミモザの器から、菜の花の黄色がかわいいミニろうそく、黄色いスヌーピー缶のメープル香るビスケットなど。 どれもおうちのなかで春を楽しむのにぴったりなアイテムたちです。 個人的にはミモザでリースを作ってみたいなとおもっているので、 ぽこぽこした立体感がかわいいミモザの器とあわせて楽しめるよう、チャレンジしてみようと思います! (うまくいったら写真もアップできるかな笑) こんな風になにか新しいことを始めたくなるのも春だからこそかもしれません。 お出かけにもぴったりな春、ぜひおでかけの道中ギフトにもお立ち寄りくださいね。 春を感じるアイテムたちとともにお待ちしています♪ −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− [g]ift ギフト/ 金沢広坂店 石川県金沢市広坂1-2-18-1F 電話: 076-222-2126 営業時間: 10:00〜18:00 定休日:月曜日 オンラインストア http://gifthokuriku.theshop.jp/ #gift_hokuriku #金沢  #kanazawa  #石川観光 #金沢観光 #ギフト金沢 #ギフト #石川土産  #北陸土産 #from_hirosaka #ミモザの日 #yellow #黄色 こっそり増えた#スヌーピー  (ギフト 金沢広坂店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpgrVoAp0_8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tomoyamashita · 2 years ago
ずっと前から西大山駅については記事を書いていこうと思ってはいたのですが、 どういう切り口で進めていこうか決めることができず今日に至りました(汗)。 すみません。 とりあえず本記事では、西大山駅の構造と地図上での場所について見て行ければいいかなあと思います。 西大山駅の場所 みなさまご存知の、北緯31度11分。JR駅では日本最南端の駅になります。 西大山駅の駅名標。 開聞岳と幸せの黄色いポスト ここで地図を載せましたが、個人的にはある疑問が湧き上がってくるのです。 というのは、駅の所在地が西隣の薩摩川尻駅も含めて中途半端なところにあるから。 確かに、国道226号から近いといえば近いのですが、微妙に離れているような気もします。 また、観光地である長崎鼻(の入口)や住宅のある徳光地区からもかなり離れているうえ、 さらに駅前や駅付近を通るバスがいないのです。 そうなって…
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littleeyesofpallas · 3 months ago
Okay okay catching up on Bleach because I was putting it off...
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So the soul king has an actual name now and it's apparently Adnyeus(?*)[アドナイェウス] which at a glance I thought was some kind of weird mashup of Hebrew Adonai[אֲדֹנָי] and Latin deus as a kind of play on Yhwach's name being based on the tetragrammaton. But actually it's just the name Aidoneus[Ἀϊδωνεύς] which was an old epithet for the Greek Hades, supposedly meaning "The Unseen" which somewhat superficially fits for the Soul King as a king of the dead/underworld.
*(I have no idea where anyone is getting these romanizations I see flying around...)
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It's actually not the first time the name has come up. some eagle eyed fans caught that what appears to be "ADNYEUS" was shown back in episode 6 of TYBW in Ryuuken's notes, above the illustration of the castle Silbern. And then at the end of the previous season the anime added a chant to Yhwach's Auswählen that ran:
Kakageyo Gin no Monshou, Haiiro no Sougen, Hikari ni Uzumoreta, Enkan no Michi, Menou no Gankyu, Ougon no Shita, Zugai no Sakazuki, ADNYEUS no Hitsugi. Kakageru mono wa, Omae no Shinzou: AUSWÄHLEN [掲げよ 銀の紋章 灰色の草原 光に埋もれた円環の途 瑪瑙の眼球 黄金の舌 頭蓋の盃 アドナイェウスの棺 掲げるものは お前の心臓 聖別(アウスヴェーレン)] "Raise up Crest of Silver, Ash-colored(gray) Meadow, Circular Road hidden in (the) Light, Eye(s) of Agate, Tongue of Gold, Grail* of Skull, Coffin of Adnyeus. That which is Raised up is Your Heart: Auswählen."
*notably in one of Uryuu's German chants, the Japanese word for a [杯]:"sake cup" was paired with the German word Gral:"Grail", and [盃] and [杯] are alternate kanji for the same word. At the most literal the chant in Japanese just uses the word for "sake cup" like the one he uses for the schrift eucharist, but I feel like the more implicitly western imagery evoked by "skull Grail" or maybe "...chalice" is more in line with the ongoing aesthetic of Quincy spells
I'm not actually in a position to go doing a real deep dive on this but it does seem like at a glance there are associations with that alternate title with a specific incongruous variation of the god of the underworld--that is to say: characterizations of him under this epithets are not consistent with other more common interpretstions-- where he's actually got a lot of strong sun iconography. This of course maps almost perfectly with a bunch of stuff I've ranted on about a few different times in my Bleach ramblings.
Incidentally it is also the scientific namesake of the Papilio aidoneus... a black butterfly... In the first place Bleach's hell-butterflies were already a play on the real world association of butterflies and death, often either as psychopomps or themselves the souls of the dead. That they tie back in to the Soul King himself isn't too big a stretch.
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As for this "triplet world" thing... We were already told that Hueco Mundo isn't actually it's own formal realm, it's the interstitial realm that just naturally exists in the space between one world and the next. So it kinda annoys me that this feels like it's really only being acknowledged because after the fact it's just where a big chunk of Bleach's plot happened, rather than actually being cosmologically on par with the other two.
Anyway the translations going around I notice are a little sloppy, mostly in that a few are clearly just machine translated and so ignored the use of Bleach specific terminology, like "reishi" and "kishi" so here's my quick breakdown of it (thank god it's short...)
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原初の海から分かたれた尸魂界,現世, 虚圏の三つの世界。 The Three Worlds of Soul Society, This (the mortal) World, Hueco Mundo divided* from the Sea of Origin. 遍く魂魄の流れを司る礎であり, かつ世界の楔たる存在によって, The universal flow of spirits is the foundation to control, as well as the lynchpin of the world which is due to existence, 霊子の世界,器子の世界,砂の楽土の三世界が分離され, the Three Worlds of The World of Reishi, The World of Kishi, The Paradise of Sand are detached*, 『生』と『死』が隔てられた。 "Life" and "Death" were isolated*.
*so interestingly all three of these different words could be translated into english as "separated" but seem to be fairly distinct contextual differences: the first means like cutting one big thing up into smaller things the "A came from B" dynamic being the focus, the second means to be separated out almost like being categorized, and the third is to be isolated or alienated.
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So first it's saying the three worlds came from one sea of origin, and that the flow of spirits between those three worlds is the key to existence being what it is, which is to say three distinct realms where death and life are these things that can never coexist. All of which is stuff we really already knew.
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Also we're supposed to have just completely forgotten about Hell since it's not the current plot line, I guess? I anything the Three Worlds should be Soul Society, the Material World, and Hell, with Hueco Mundo as the interstitial void/aether, like it was originally defined as. That would at least map more sensibly onto the buddhist 3 realms of Form(Humans & animals: those bound by their physicality), Formless(Deva & Asura: those who exist in a hightened mental/spiritual state), and Desire(Preta & those in Hell: those defined by their strong need for what they lack)
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Maybe that only real point of interest is the reference to Hueco Mundo as suna no rakudo[砂の楽土], a "paradise of sand." In this voice I think the idea is that if life and death being separate realms is a bad thing that Yhwach seeks to rectify, then by being an inbetween realm, Hueco Mundo is a paradise, because it's a place of neither life nor death? But if it is a place of rest and comfort then I wonder if that doesn't validate my thoughts on the Vastolorde being the natural path of development for a soul in reincarnation afterall?
That aside, this mostly just lines up with existing Buddhist/Hindu parallels that were always pretty obviously implied but not so directly touched on. Once again things I've babbled about in some form or another already... I'm not about to go digging them all up right now.
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yoga-onion · 11 months ago
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[Image above: Qilin, a legendary hoofed chimeric creature of Chinese mythology that is have been born from Yinglong]
Legends of the humanoids
Reptilian humanoids (7)
Yinglong - Winged Dragon, God of Rain in Chinese mythology
Yinglong (lit. 'responsive dragon') is a dragon that belonged directly to the Yellow Emperor (reign dates: 2697–2597 or 2698–2598 BCE), with four legs, bat- or falcon-like wings and three claws on each foot. It is allowed to access between heaven and earth. It also has the ability to store water and make it rain.
Yinglong is the chief of of the four dragons are the Azure, Red, White and Black dragons, and is said to give birth to the Heavenly Horse (Qilin), and become Yellow Dragon in old age. The Yellow Dragon is located in the middle of the Five Dragon King (Ref), is a part of Wuxing & the Four Symbols (Ref2) as the embodiment of the element of earth.
The (2nd century BCE) Huainanzi uses Yinglong in three chapters. "Forms of Earth" (Chapter 4) explains how animal evolution originated through dragons, with Yinglong as the progenitor of quadrupeds.
“All creatures, winged, hairy, scaly and mailed, find their origin in the dragon. The yu-kia (founder of birds) produced the flying dragon, the flying dragon gave birth to the phoenixes, and after them the luan-niao and all birds, in general the winged beings, were born successively. The mao-tuh ("hairy calf") produced the ying-lung the ying-lung (yinglong) gave birth to the kien-ma (heavenly horse), and afterwards the qilin and all quadrupeds, in general the hairy beings, were born successively. …”
Qilin are a type of legendary animal in Chinese mythology. They resemble deer in appearance, are large, standing 5 m ( approx. 16 ft) tall, and are unicorns with a face resembling a dragon, a bull's tail and horse's hooves, and qilin horns. Its back is five-coloured, its fur is yellow and it has scales on its body.
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ヒト型爬虫類 (7)
応龍 〜 中国神話に登場する雨の神、翼のある龍
応龍 (インロン: “反応するドラゴン“の意) は、帝王である黄帝 (在位: 紀元前2697〜2597年または2698〜2598年) に直属する龍で、4本足で蝙蝠ないし鷹のような翼、足に3本の爪を持つ。天と地の間を行き来することができる。また、水を貯めて雨を降らせる能力もある。
応龍は、四龍の長あり、天馬 (麒麟) を生み、老いて黄龍になると言われている。
黄龍とは五方龍王(参照)の中央に位置しており、尚且つ四神 (四獣) の中心的存在、四神が東西南北の守護獣なのに対し、中央を守るとされる。土の要素を体��するものとして、五行思想と四神(参照2)の一部である。
紀元前2世紀の『淮南子』は、3つの章で応龍が使われている。 “地の形” (巻四地形訓) では、動物の進化が龍を通じてどのように起こったかを説明し、四足歩行の始祖は応龍であるとしている。
“翼のあるもの、毛のあるもの、鱗のあるもの、甲殻のあるもの、すべての生き物は龍に起源を持つ。羽嘉(うか: 鳥類の始祖) は飛竜を生み、飛竜は鳳凰を生み、その後に鸞鳥とすべての鳥類、一般的には翼を持つ生き物が次々と生まれた。毛犢 (もうとく: 獣類の始祖)は応龍を生み、応龍は天馬を生み、その後、麒麟とすべての四足動物、一般的には毛の生えた生き物が次々と生まれた。...“
麒麟とは、中国神話に現れる伝説上の動物の一種である。形は鹿に似て大きく背丈は5m あり、顔は龍に似て、牛の尾と馬の蹄をもち、麒角の一角生獣。背毛は五色に彩られ、毛は黄色く、身体には鱗がある。
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wdhf100083t · 1 year ago
【中文-G】骨头佬 + 小宠现在是全民学姐 - 時崎狂三 旗袍
【中文-H】HaneAme 雨波(台湾)
【中文-K】KaYa Huang
【中文-L】铃木美咲+Misaki Suzuki+软软趴在床单上+Pr社
【中文-M】Mika Ying 冉冉(香港)
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sou0902 · 22 days ago
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cctrain0722 · 1 month ago
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lets-take-a-break · 3 months ago
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ふれあい温泉 川内 Fureai-onsen Kawauchi
青森県むつ市 Mutsu-shi, Aomori, Japan
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asagaquru · 8 months ago
もういいや、と部屋を暗くして寝る準備をしても眠れず、洗面所に眠剤を取りに行く。小指の爪の先ほどの薄黄色をした小さな錠剤をもって、彼の部屋をこっそり開けるとスヤスヤと眠っていた。なんだか無性に腹が立った。じっと立って見つめると、視線に気づいたのか目を数回瞬くが無言のまま。いつもならわたしが「ねぇ〜」と布団に潜り込むなりして仲直りするが、そんな気も起きず、そのまま10分ほど経っただろうか。「なに」「こっちで寝るの。何も言わずに」返答はない。「そんな風にこの部屋使うなら家賃払いたくないんだけど」「そう」 そうってなんだよ。
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papatomom · 8 months ago
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平安時代末期の武将 木曽義仲が陣を構えた場所。
さて先月買った白龍の「米てきてき」を飲み終えたので、5月のお酒は鯖江にある加藤吉平商店さんまで出向き、酒造好適米 五百万石によるに日本酒「梵(BORN) 無濾過 純米大吟醸」 と梵の猪口を購入。
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gerokichi · 4 months ago
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yoga-onion · 1 year ago
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Legends of the humanoids
Reptilian humanoids (5)
Wuxing – the connections between the Five Dragon Kings (Ref) and the Five Elements philosophy 
To better understand the origins of the Five Dragon Kings and the ancient Chinese legend, it is worth mentioning the wuxing of natural philosophy, which states that all things are composed of five elements: fire, water, wood, metal and earth.
The underlying idea is that the five elements 'influence each other, and that through their birth and death, heaven and earth change and circulate'.  
The five elements are described as followed:
Wood/Spring: a period of growth, which generates abundant vitality, movement and wind.
Fire/Summer: a period of swelling, flowering, expanding with heat.
Earth is associated with ripening of grains in the yellow fields of late summer.
Metal/Autumn: a period of harvesting, collecting and dryness.
Water/Winter: a period of retreat, stillness, contracting and coolness.
The wuxing system, in use since the Han dynasty (2nd century BCE), appears in many seemingly disparate fields of early Chinese thought, including music, feng shui, alchemy, astrology, martial arts, military strategy, I Ching divination, and traditional medicine, serving as a metaphysics based on cosmic analogy.
The wuxing originally referred to the five major planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Venus), which were thought of as the five forces that create life on earth. Wu Xing litterally means moving star and describes the five types of Qi (all the vital substances) cycles through various stages of transformation. As yin and yang continuously adjust to one another and transform into one another in a never-ending dance of harmony, they tend to do so in a predictable pattern.
The lists of correlations for the five elements are diverse, but there are two cycles explaining the major interaction. The yin-yang interaction, which by increasing or decreasing the qualities and functions associated with a particular phase, it may either nourish a phase that is in deficiency or drain a phase that is in excess or restrain a phase that is exerting too much influence (see below):
The Creation Cycle (Yang)
Wood feeds Fire
Fire creates Earth (ash)
Earth bears Metal
Metal collects Water
Water nourishes Wood
The Destruction Cycle (Yin)
Wood parts Earth 
Earth dams (or absorbs) Water
Water extinguishes Fire
Fire melts Metal
Metal chops Wood
The Huainanzi (2nd BCE) describes the five colored dragons (azure/green, red, white, black, yellow) and their associations (Chapter 4: Terrestrial Forms), as well as the placement of sacred beasts in the five directions (the Four Symbols beasts, dragon, tiger, bird, tortoise in the four cardinal directions and the yellow dragon.
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ヒト型爬虫類 (5)
ここで、五方龍王の起源、そして古代中国の伝説をよく理解するために、万物は火・水・木・金・土��5種類の元素からなる、という自然哲学の五行思想について触れておきましょう。 5種類の元素は「互いに影響を与え合い、その生滅盛衰によって天地万物が変化し、循環する」という考えが根底に存在する。 
水は、冬の雪に覆われた暗い大地の中に潜む新しい生命の可能性と静寂の時期。 漢の時代 (紀元前2世紀頃) から使用されてきた五行説は、音楽、風水、錬金術、占星術、武術、軍事戦略、易経、伝統医学など、中国初期の思想の一見バラバラに見える多くの分野に登場し、宇宙の類推に基づく形而上学として機能している。 
五行の相関関係は多様だが、主要な相互作用を説明する2つのサイクルがある。陰陽の相互作用は、特定の相に関連する資質や機能を増減させることで、不足している相に栄養を与えたり、過剰な相を排出したり、影響力を及ぼしすぎている相を抑制したりする (以下参照):
火が土 (灰) をつくる
『淮南子』(紀元前2世紀)には、五色の龍(紺碧・緑、赤、白、黒、黄)とその関連性 (第4章: 地の形)、五方位への聖獣の配置(四枢の四象徴獣、龍、虎、鳥、亀、黄龍)が記述されている。
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utagejp · 25 days ago
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#パスタ #ミズナ #干し明太子 #イチビキ #風の谷農苑 #大地の宴 #pasta #mizuna #driedspicycodroe #daichinoutage #utage_jp #tokyo #japan
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fouryearsofshades · 3 months ago
潇湘晨报 9-20 14:28
【对话陕西76岁“出逃爷爷”陈有银:种地一生,我关掉手机偷偷骑行数千里看梦中大桥】#藏不住的青春# 76岁的老人陈有银是陕西黄土地上的一个普通农民。除了1970年应征入伍,至河南开封当了几年兵,他这辈子没有离开过家乡西安蓝田县的土地。
#The old man switched off his mobile phone and rode for a month to see the bridge of his dreams#
Xiaoxiang Morning Herald 9-20 14:28
[Dialogue with Chen Youyin, a 76-year-old ‘getaway grandfather’ from Shaanxi: after a lifetime of farming, I switched off my mobile phone and secretly rode thousands of miles to see the bridge of my dreams]
#Unhidable Youth#
The 76-year-old Chen Youyin is an ordinary farmer on the yellow soil of Shaanxi. Other than being drafted into the army in 1970 and serving as a soldier in Kaifeng, Henan Province for a few years, he has never left his hometown of Lantian County, Xi'an, in his life.
The sight of the Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan in this company commander's his hometown, described by his company commander when he was in the army, always lingered in his mind. After nearly fifty years of facing the land and crops day in and day out, the details of those scenes are blurred, and he only remembers ‘how beautiful’ and ‘how good’ the bridge was.
In the past two years, some of his advance-age comrades have described the outside world to him, saying that they should seize the opportunity to check out the outside world, and he was really moved by the thought that he would be able to test the ‘beauty’ that had taken root in his mind.
On 8 August 2024, while the field was idle and his wife, who had been sick for more than thirty years, had recently improved, Chen Youyin took with him a military mackintosh that he had brought back with him when he was discharged from the army in 1975, three changes of clothes, a large bottle of water, and more than one thousand yuan that his friends and relatives had stuffed into him more than thirty years ago when they saw that his family was not in a good condition. Borrowing a yellow bicycle from a nearby child and removing the batteries from his mobile phone as he did not want to trouble anyone, he quietly left home to ‘fulfil his dream’ alone.
During this trip of thousands of miles of riding, Chen Youyin did not count the days and nights. Knowing that his family was anxiously looking for him for a full month, he finally realised that he was in bigger ‘trouble’. When he was picked up by his family from Wuhan, he hadn't yet found the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge that his company commander had told him about. He chose to let the thought dissipate: what he had seen along the way was enough.
一、走失的76岁老人 8月上旬,西安蓝田当地多个救援队发布的一份寻人启事传播开来,称一名76岁老人陈有银于8月8日中午12时从村里骑行一辆黄色共享单车出村走失,一直未归,查监控发现老人于当日中午1时许在当地白鹿广场附近出现,走失时上身穿白底蓝格子衬衫,灰色裤子,脚穿咖色皮鞋。家属寻找未果,已报警。 陈有银本人对此浑然不知。在他描述的版本里,8日中午,他照常做了三碗面条,和妻子、孙子一起吃完。然后好好洗了个澡,换上一身干净衣裳,取出自己藏了三十多年的千元积蓄——平常家里的钱都归妻子管,买东西哪怕找了一元钱零钱都会交还给妻子。那天他买了一桶油,找回来的零钱照例放桌上,所以家人都以为他出门时身无分文。 出发前,陈有银把老人机的电池抠了。他不想让家人知道,一是怕看他年纪大阻拦,二是怕见他态度坚决,又要麻烦他们出钱出力给自己圆梦。自己骑个共享单车,一路上节约节约,应该也能做到。他也考虑过要不要留张纸条,但想想应该就几天的事,算了。
A lost 76-year-old man
In early August, a search notice posted by many rescue teams in Xi'an Lantian was spread, saying that a 76-year-old man, Chen Youyin, on August 8 at 12 noon was lost from the village riding a yellow shared bike out of the village and has not returned since turn. Checking the monitoring feed, it was found that the elder had appeared on the day at 1:00 pm in the local White Deer Plaza. He was wearing a white blue checkered shirt, grey trousers, and a pair of coffee-coloured leather shoes at the time. Family members had searched for him but with no avail and has been reported to the police. Chen Youyin himself is unaware of this. In his version of the story, at noon on the 8th, he made three bowls of noodles as usual, and ate together with his wife and grandson. Then he had a good bath, put on a clean clothes, take out the thousands of dollars savings that he had been hiding for over 30 years - usually money at home was managed by his wife; Even when he receive a dollar change when purchasing things he will give it back to his wife. That day he bought a barrel of oil and put the change on the table as usual, so the family thought he went out with no money on him. Before leaving, Chen Youyin plucked the battery of his elder's phone. He did not want his family to know; for one he was afraid that they will stop him due to his old age, and two he was afraid to trouble them so spent money and effort to see his dream came true when they realised that he was unyielding. He should be able to do it by himself by riding a shared bicycle and travelling on a budget. He also considered whether to leave a note, but thought that it should only take a few days, so he let it pass.
二、沿着国道问路走,遇见的好人很多 陈有银推测,顺着沿江的国道,应该就能到武汉。他一路东出潼关,去了河南三门峡、曾经当过兵的开封、郑州,随后南下武汉。每天骑行50里到100里,前十天还有些累,后面越骑越轻松,饿了就买些馒头、面条,晚上就用军用雨衣铺地,穿衣服睡。 途中陈有银看到了与老家黄土地迥然不同的地貌,还有那些他从来没有种过、各式各样的庄稼。以前在开封当兵的时候,路上黄沙飞天,行人嘴都不敢张,如今变成一片绿林,泥路和土包变成了宽敞大道和高楼。他还去找了自己的“老连队”,都焕然一新了。留守的战友听说他要骑行去武汉,给他赞助了一套新衣新鞋。 路上陈有银还有一个感受,就是好人挺多。遇到那些陕西老乡开店的,见他独自在外,不肯收他钱,对他像邻居一样亲切。 出于安全考虑,他在晚上通常不骑车,推着车走。有回他遇见一名骑摩托的女同志,谁也不认识谁,一直跟在他后头。他后来才意识到对方是开着车灯想给他照亮路。他说对方是名女同志,方向和自己又完全相反,不要再帮自己。接着他发现摩托车走了,警车紧接着来了,那名女同志出于担心报了警。民警了解完他的情况,也在后头打开车灯给他照路,直到他找着落脚点。 这一路上,陈有银怕迷路,沿着国道没进过城,直到武汉。
2. asking for directions along the national highway, meting a lot of good Samaritan
Chen Youyin speculated that he should be able to get to Wuhan if he travel along the national highway by the river. He went all the way east out of Tongguan, to Henan Sanmenxia and to Kaifeng and Zhengzhou where he was once a soldier, and then south to Wuhan. Riding 50 miles to 100 miles a day, he felt a little bit tired during the first ten days, but it got easier and easier the more he rode. When he was hungry, he would then buy some mantou and noodles. At night he would pave the ground with his military mackintosh and sleep in his clothes.
On the way, Chen Youyin had saw a very different landscape from his hometown, and all kinds of crops that he had planted. While he was in the army in Kaifeng, the road was dusty with yellow sands flying in sky and the pedestrians dared not to open their mouths; now it has turned into green forest, and the dirt roads and mount into a spacious avenue and high-rise buildings. He also went to find his ‘old company’, which was also brand new beyond recognition. When the comrades stationed there heard that he was going to ride to Wuhan, they sponsored him a set of new clothes and shoes. On the road, Chen Youyin also has a feeling that there are a lot of good people. When he met those fellow Shaanxi countrymen who opened shops, they refused to charge him money when they saw him alone outside of his hometown, and were as kind to him as neighbours.
For safety reasons, he usually didn't ride his bike at night and pushes it along. One time he met a comrade woman riding a motorbike. Neither of them knew each other and she kept following him. He later realised that she was trying to light his way with her headlights. He told her that she was a comrade woman and was going in the exact opposite direction to him, so she should stop helping him. Then he found that the motorbike was gone, but a police car came next. The comrade called the police as she was worried for him. The police, after understanding his situation, also followed behind him back and highting him the road, until he found the resting spot.
On the way, Chen Youyin was afraid of getting lost, so he travelled along the national highway and did not enter any city until he reached Wuhan.
3. There is no one in the taxi; how can it also run on the road?
The first bridge he saw in Wuhan shocked Chen Youyin to the point that he thought this should be the very beautiful very nice bridge that the company commander said. He counted it layer by layer. It was a steel bridge that had as much as five layers; very spectacular. It was a pity that people couldn't go up. This morning Chen Youyin wandered around the neighbourhood, pondering for quite a while what these five layers are for, if it was for soldiers to station and guard the bridge, there was no need to build it so high. His conjecture was denied by a passers-by. He also subsequently learned that the bridge was not the one that his company commander mentioend. Wuhan has twelve bridges across Yangtze River and they were rather away from each other. He had to go into the city to find it slowly.
Chen Youyin then saw two more bridges. With only one layer, they looked a little ordinary compared to the first bridge, but at night when the lights are on they were still very beautiful. He also saw a big boat sailing on the wide river with people going up and down. The river back home could never be used for sailing this kind of boat. Arriving at Wuhan in the last two days, Chen Youyin hadn't much rush. Hhe wandered around the bridge and came across a lot of new things. ‘Not to mention, that taxi, I feel very strange. I thought this car was running on the road, but how come no one was driving it. After after someone, they said it is a driverless car!’ Chen Youyin thought, now the development was really fast; his village has not changed much, but cities outside has dramatically transformed.
The next night, Chen Youyin fell asleep on a chair near the bridge, but it did not take long to be woken up by the passing sprinkler. Chen Youyin walked and walked again and got lost in a field of tall buildings.
4. After he was ‘lost’ for a month, the bridge was still not found but real life has returned
Late at night on September 7, Chen Dongyi suddenly received a phone call from the police, saying that his father Chen Youyin was found in Wuhan. Chen Dongyi immediately drove there overnight.
Chen Youyin did not want to disturb his family. He couldn't find his way, so he walked into a police station. The police saw his appearance and thought he was a homeless person and so they did not let him go, cook for him, let him rest, and buy him a ticket back to Xi'an. Chen Youyin said he had money and there no need to bother. The police was not assured and wanted to contact his family.
Once they got into contact they found that the old man turned out to be a missing person from Lantian County that the locals had sought out for a month. And Chen Youyin just found out that he had been out for a full month. His children were so anxious that not only they to find him on own, but also mobilised the entire village of young adults to search all over the village.
On September 8 past 9 o'clock in the morning, the family has rushed to the police station. Although nothing was said, Chen Youyin knew that they wre furious. He listened to their arrangements to get a haircut and rest in the hotel room for a short break, and then they returned to Xi'an. Chen Youyin did not mention the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge again. He felt very sorry for his children. He also heard that there was fraudster claimed to know his whereabouts and demanded 10,000 yuan. The fact that his son was cheated out of 200 yuan also made him feel very sorry.
But in his son's and daughter's heart, after the anger subsided, a great guilt was left. The daughter Ms Chen claimed that they never knew that his father had such a wish. Father was always that kind of character, who bores all sufferings on their own. Not only there was a lack of communication in everyday life, father was particularly afraid of troubling them.
On September 15, Chen Youyin, back in his hometown in Shaanxi, received a photo. Wuhan Police Bureau Qiaokou District Branch had printed out a photo of ‘first bridge on the Yangtze River’ photo taken by a Yangtze River Daily reporter and sent it to him.
On September 20, Wuhan City Culture and Tourism Bureau official account issued a post, claiming that they will invite Shaanxi ‘’runaway grandfather‘’ Chen Youyin and his family to go to Wuhan again to see the bridge, the river, and the lake.
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happy-pix-jpn · 4 months ago
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百日紅を撮りに向かったところ 大和高原は黄金色に輝く景色が広がっていました♫ 宇陀市にて撮影 2024年9月4日
写真撮るんだったら着替えてこよか?(笑) 秋の匂い・土の匂いを感じながら 色々お話をさせて貰って 楽しい夕暮れを過ごさせて頂きました😊
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