thistransient · 9 months
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It's that time again... The counter employee said "Have a nice flight!" and I said "You too!" 😅
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shirozen · 1 year
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Avoiding capitalism tactics
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sinoeurovoices · 4 months
美前國防官員:華府須明確告知中國 攻擊台灣等於「與美開戰」
前美國國防官員包士可29日表示,針對是否會直接介入台海戰爭、保衛台灣的問題,美國始終採取戰略模糊政策,這未能阻止中國不斷擴張軍力。他認為,阻止戰爭的最佳方法就是先發制人,總統拜登必須以「官方政府聲明」的方式,明確表態如果中國無端攻擊或封鎖台灣,將被視為「對美國宣戰」。 美國國防部長辦公室中國科前科長包士可(Joseph Bosco)28日再度投書《國會山莊報》(The Hill),以「華府須告訴中國─攻擊台灣意味著與美國開戰」(Washington needs to tell China-attacking Taiwan means war with the…
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yinxlia · 2 years
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這是吉巴羅你知道的.. 🎃🎃🎃 @funtaoyuan #桃園觀音萬聖南瓜節 #愛死機器人 #第三季 #LoveDeathandRobots #萬聖節 #水妖 #吉巴羅 #jibaro #不是工作 #我不會自找麻煩的(在 觀音萬聖南瓜節) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkVUa29vUzY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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italianteart · 1 year
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玩畫風? 玩濾鏡?
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zhuhongs · 2 years
trying to spread peace and love and all that shit but oh my godddddd. i am bitter and a hater. good night!!!
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tjryktukl · 10 days
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xiaosasagrgher · 10 days
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antsloveyun · 7 months
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two0985983777 · 1 year
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okinatoshiakira · 2 years
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stanleyhsu-blog · 2 years
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9am進場陪玩到7pm以後... 你們開心就一切都值得了。 #一定要買快速通關... #身體完全不是自己的 #下次麻煩你們自己去玩了 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmZEQwVgAh3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shirozen · 1 year
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Opening up to disorganization
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harunayuuka2060 · 6 months
Diavolo: Oh! Seren! *chuckles* Are you here to visit your parent?
Seren (6 years old): Good morning, Uncle Dia! Hm! Is Mama here?
Barbatos: MC is in the office right now. *smiles* Though they would never mind if your sudden visitation.
Seren: *beams* Okay! I'll go there now! *goes upstairs*
Diavolo: Ah, such a lovely kid.
Barbatos: I agree. However, I'm curious why Sylvas hasn't paid a visit.
Diavolo: That's because his egg hasn't hatched yet.
Barbatos: Huh?
MC: *cuddling Seren* Thank you for visiting me every week, Seren!
Seren: *smiling* I wish I could visit you everyday but I have classes.
MC: *chuckles* That's fine. Anyway, how's your dad and brother?
Seren: Mama, Sylvas doesn't want to come out of his egg.
MC: Eh? Why?
Seren: He doesn't like Papa.
MC: Huh? That can't be.
Seren: It's true! He thinks Papa is ugly and that's the reason you didn't marry him.
MC: ...
MC: Did you try to explain to him how you two were born?
Seren: Hehe. No.
MC: Oh dear. Alright.
MC: Luci? Do you want to come with me to visit Malleus?
Lucifer: I would love to, however, I have a meeting this afternoon.
MC: Oh.
Lucifer: I can ask Simeon. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to assist you.
Seren: You're not going to ask any of your brothers, uncle?
Lucifer: They are currently being punished, sweetie. So no.
Seren: *giggles*
MC: Okay. Luci, don't overwork yourself.
Lucifer: *chuckles* I'll try.
Malleus: Child of man... *smiles* It's been a while.
MC: Yes. Sorry. It was quite busy in Devildom. *their visit was last three years ago*
Malleus: Do not worry about it.
MC: By the way, Mal? Hasn't Sylvas come out of his egg yet?
Malleus: *pouts a little* Yes. Even though he has no reason to.
Simeon: It could be that he's sulking. *chuckles* I'm sure you know why.
MC and Malleus: ...
MC: Where is he? I'll talk to him.
Simeon: While you do that, I'll stay here with Seren. I'm sure your son wouldn't like to see one of their parent's lovers.
Seren: Uncle Simeon! You're going to bless Sylvas, right?
Simeon: *smiles* Of course.
Malleus: Alright. I'll accompany you, child of man.
Malleus: *completely unamused*
Sylvas: *whining little dragon noises*
MC: *cuddling him* You know you could always call me, Sylvas. Why did you have to wait that long?
Sylvas: *sad dragon eyes*
MC: *chuckles* You have also worried your father.
Sylvas: *turns his head at Malleus then snarls*
Malleus: ...
MC: ...
MC: O...kay?
Malleus: *frowns*
Seren's concept design :
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anzuchansims · 6 months
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[ TS4 to TS3 ]  Teen Outfits(TF)
My friend pitheinfinite's account has finally been restored! Thank you all for helping to reblog and tag the staff!
Teen CC is really scarce. I never thought about making CC for teens before because kids are even cuter.
But I've changed my mind recently!! (*゚∀゚*)♪ Since the conversion process isn't too complicated, if the style of clothing is suitable, I'll convert it for teens as well, not just for adults. Clothes make the man, so let's dress up those cute teens!!
I used the same thumbnail. The file links are also on the adult version page.
我的朋友 pitheinfinite 的帳號終於恢復了!謝謝大家幫忙轉格還有召喚 STAFF!
不過,我最近改變主意啦!由於轉換的步驟並不是很麻煩,如果衣服的風格合適的話,除了大人以外,之後我也會一起轉給青少年。 佛要金裝人要衣裝,來打造可愛的青少年吧!(*゚∀゚*)♪
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Teen Outfits #01
01. One Last Kiss Top short sleeves (TF) 02. One Last Kiss Top long sleeves (TF) 03. One Last Kiss Skirt (TF)
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Teen Outfits #02 / Teen Outfits #05
04. Transparent Sleeves Dress (TF) 05. Avalon Outfit V1 (TF) 06. Avalon Outfit V2 (TF)
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Teen Outfits #02 / Teen Outfits #04
07. Mary Shoes (TF)  08. Carnival Scene Shoes V1 with ribbon (TF) 09. Carnival Scene Shoes V2 simple style (TF)
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Old CC Fix / Update:Child Outfit #01
10. Mary Shoes (CF) 
Fixed the issue of the arm being pulled towards the body. Please redownload the files. 修復了手臂被拉向身體的問題。請重新下載檔案。
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ken1ymd · 2 months
2024 アメリカ共和党の新綱領
1. 国境を封鎖し、移民の侵入を阻止する 2. アメリカ史上最大の強制送還作戦を実行する 3. インフレを終わらせ、アメリカを再び手頃な国にする 4. アメリカを圧倒的に世界最大のエネルギー生産国にする! 5. アウトソーシングを止め、アメリカを製造業の超大国にする 6. 労働者への大幅減税、チップへの課税なし! 7. 憲法、権利章典、そして言論の自由、宗教の自由、武器の保有と携帯の権利を含む基本的自由を守ります。 8. 第三次世界大戦を防ぎ、ヨーロッパと中東に平和を回復し、国土全体に巨大なアイアンドームミサイル防衛シールドを構築します。すべてアメリカ製です。 9. アメリカ国民に対する政府の武器化を終わらせます。 10.移民犯罪の蔓延を阻止し、外国の麻薬カルテルを壊滅させ、ギャングの暴力を撲滅し、暴力犯罪者を刑務所に収監する。 11. ワシントン DC を含む都市を再建し、再び安全で清潔で美しい都市にします。 12. 軍隊を強化、近代化し、疑いなく世界で最も強力で力強い軍隊にする 13. 米ドルを世界の準備通貨として維持する 14. 社会保障と医療保険を削減することなく、退職年齢の変更を含めて保護するために戦う 15. 電気自動車の義務化を撤回し、コストがかかり煩わしい規制を削減する 16. 批判的な人種理論、過激なジェンダーイデオロギー、その他の不適切な人種的、性的、政治的内容を子供たちに押し付ける学校への連邦資金を削減する 17.男性を女性のスポーツから締め出す 18.ハマス支持の過激派を国外追放し、大学のキャンパスを再び安全で愛国的な場所にする 19.当日投票、有権者の身分証明、投票用紙、市民権の証明を含む選挙の安全を確保する 20. 新たな記録レベルの成功を達成することで国を団結させる
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