lighterr · 13 days
Here's a social media message summarizing the key points of the article: 2025年WSJ/College Pulse大学排名出炉!🎓📊 亮点: • 财务成功成为关键指标 • 25所新面孔进入前50强 • 公立大学表现亮眼,挑战私校地位 • STEM和商科专业优势明显 • 学生反馈占25%权重 排名反映教育新趋势,但选校需全面考虑!🤔 #高等教育 #大学排名 #教育趋势
2025年WSJ/College Pulse排名: 每年的大学排名都备受关注,而《华尔街日报》(WSJ)与College Pulse合作推出的2025年排名尤为引人注目。这次排名主要衡量大学在帮助毕业生实现财务成功方面的表现,结果揭示了哪些学校最能为学生的未来保驾护航。本文将通过对该排名的解读,探讨其背后反映的教育趋势与挑战。 一、排名标准的转变:更注重财务成功 在2025年的WSJ/College…
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liminworld · 5 months
  我国工程教育改革已进入更深更高层次,必须重视工程教育学学科建设。为加快推进机械工程学科建设,探索以智能技术和制造技术深度融合的跨学科知识体系,培养新时代卓越工程师和高层次工程教育人才,从高校机械类课程教学实际出发,由中国机械工程学会、教育部高等学校机械类专业教学指导委员会和教育部高等学校机械基础课程教学指导分委员会指导,清华大学机械工程系、清华大学出版社共同主办的“2024高等学校机械类课程教学改革研讨会”,将于2024年5月31日-6月2日在北京召开。   为了提升高校机械类课程教学质量、促进金课建设,本次会议将通过特邀报告、机械类课程教学示范、教学训练营、参观(实验室或企业)等形式来展开。会议拟邀请李培根院士、雒建斌院士、赵继教授、阎绍泽教授、罗学科教授、汪家道教授、田凌教授等资深专家,也邀请了教指委委员、教学名师参与交流,以期帮助机械类专业教师提高在课程中应用新技术和新方法的能…
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chineseholycollege · 10 months
Success Report(1-2)
一)Success Report Short Version C
Farmers are the emperors who worship human beings and heaven, the people's communes are the heavenly kingdom of God, the saints, the holy soldiers, the holy workers, the holy governments, the holy schools, the holy princes, and the holy marriage system are the eternal and unchanging ways of God:
The commune system is the ultimate achievement of human civilization: when farmers from nine families grow old, they move into the old temple of the public institution to serve their unmarried saints and are appointed as teachers. Teachers take care of the public private relationship between the family and the old temple, and command unmarried men from each family to work in the old temple's public fields
The Soldiers and Workers' Committee, consisting of 100 of the world's oldest male workers (20 members/state/committee), 'unifies global morality with the righteousness of God, unifies the basic government commune system of one monarch and eight bureaucrats, guides the five rotating heavenly kings of the five continents to lead their country's kings, marquises, and earls to worship God,' worships saints The system of holy workers and soldiers, which allows men to retire at the age of 40 before returning home for marriage, the system of saints who take merit based on "inaction," the system of righteous workers, the establishment of a committee with kings as members, the establishment of a secretariat to uniformly distribute the professions of holy workers in their continent, the recruitment of 12 year old men from the People's Commune as holy soldiers in heaven, and the defense of the righteousness of heaven, with basic government equipment of 10 holy soldiers The senior members of the holy soldiers of each kingdom are the holy general, the common general of the holy soldiers, and the execution committee orders. The holy soldiers reside in the old temple of the town, and are responsible for farming and self cultivation. The secretaries of the princes of various countries serve as committee holy soldiers, and basic government schools also implement a farming and self cultivation holy student system (marriage and succession are only allowed after dropping out of school at the age of 40)
The people's commune is the true government, empowering the government commune to exercise public power, the sage has the right to dismiss teachers, the teacher has the right to dismiss kings, and the 10 oldest saints gather in the residence of the Left Prime Minister in the basic government commune to practice seclusion. Their young people are appointed as the Left Prime Minister to assist them in guiding human and natural morality, 'setting the path for the saints of the world: the oldest saint is appointed as a marquis,' maintaining neutrality between the king and the count, ' At the age of 50, a saint can become a farmer in the state of Marquis, the oldest farmer can be conferred the title of Viscount, the oldest worker can be conferred the title of Baron, those with merit can be conferred the title of Earl, the Marquis manages the title of Viscount and Baron, the King rules the title of Earl, the Marquis Viscount and Baron are not hereditary, the government buildings and the official residences of the Duke's "Viscount" and "Baron" are all unified in the style of the old temple of the commune. We call it the Temple of Success, and the saints who have achieved the unity of man and heaven are conferred the title of Marquis for ten thousand years To demonstrate that the basic government commune system is an eternal and just political system
The daughter of the monarch belongs to the higher monarch, the daughter of the bureaucrat belongs to the lower bureaucrat, the son of the monarch supplements the farmer's family, and the son of the bureaucrat supplements the worker's family
The king issued silver coins to urban women as a backup for their families, and female saints (aged 10 to 30) served as warehouses, suppliers, and cooks under the unified leadership of their queens. The Five Continents Heavenly Kings jointly issued gold coins, and the saints' Heavenly Kings and Heavenly Empresses each were equipped with one gold coin and 10 attendants, which is called the morality of running God
The location of the old temple in the commune should be secluded, with male saints managing tea gardens, female saints managing vinegar jars, and each family operating independently. During weekly gatherings, the old temple should have a big pot of rice, with babies held by their parents, 3-year-old children playing in the old temple, 8-year-old children serving their parents, and 12-year-old adults taking on the responsibility of the old temple justice. Unmarried men aged 12 to 30 (commune saints) are public members of the old temple and no longer serving their private parents. Adults aged 30 start families and businesses, and unmarried people aged 30 are saints, A 60 year old man serves as a saint and is honored as a teacher, living in an old temple
President Xi Jinping's unified construction of the old temple of the commune has achieved the realization of the Heavenly Kingdom of God and unified the path of man and heaven. You are appointed to the heavens, take on the great responsibility, and request President Xi Jinping to assume the first position of the Heavenly King in Asia, open up the path of the Heavenly Kingdom, and unify Asian morality
Ten of the oldest male workers in urban old temples will be stationed for agricultural public sacrifices, leading the path of human civilization returning to agriculture and returning to normal. Urban community reform will become a community commune, and community old temple public fields will be opened up to worship the main lifeline of agricultural cultivation. The current military power and equipment will be invalidated, and anyone else who exercises military power without authorization will be killed without mercy! Both the current government and the current regime are unreasonable and must be reformed into a basic government commune system, with autonomy and self-reliance, opening up government farmland for self-sufficiency, and those who violate orders will be killed without mercy!
Request the Chairman to enfeoff the King to establish the success of the world, request the kings of all countries not to fulfill the mission of the Heavenly Kingdom (following the Holy Way, leading the Marquis Count to worship God and offering saints), and not to insult the Chairman's appointment
Under the great leadership of the great President Xi Jinping, the great Chinese people have achieved the great success of the Chinese revolution and achieved great imperial merits. The merits belong to the Chinese farmers, Chairman Mao, Chairman Xi, and the third line project of China. This is not only the credit of the Chinese people, but also the credit of the people of the world. Long live the People's Commune, and Long live Chairman Xi
2023.5.10 Success Report Short Edition, China Holy Academy. Global Soldiers and Workers' Committee (9.28B Edition) (10.18C Edition)
二)Global Saint Constitution T Edition
The 100 oldest male workers worldwide form a Soldier and Workers' Committee (20/continent/committee) to unify global morality, establish urban old temples and their public fields with 10 workers and 10 holy soldiers stationed for agricultural sacrifices, establish urban communes, old temples, and public fields to restore the main lifeline of agriculture, implement a basic government commune system with one monarch and eight bureaucrats, and average global morality The use of the holy worker, soldier, student, and crown prince system, which allows men to retire at the age of 40 before returning home for marriage, as well as the holy man system of taking merit based on "inaction", which guides the five rotating heavenly kings from five continents to lead their kings, marquises, and earls to follow the kingdom's marriage cycle system, offer sacrifices to gods, and offer sacrifices to saints. The secretariat of a committee composed of kings is established to uniformly distribute the professions of holy workers in towns across their continents The ultimate achievement of human civilization is the realization of the people's commune system: when farmers from nine families grow old, they move into the old temples of public institutions to serve their unmarried saints and are appointed as teachers. Teachers take care of their own public and private relationships with the old temples and direct unmarried men (commune workers) to work in the public fields of the old temples, The secretaries of the left behind princes of various countries serve as the holy soldiers of the committee, leading the work of the world's holy sons (the holy workers of the people's communes, the holy soldiers of the old temples in cities, and the basic government holy students) in the public fields, which is the main road of Rentianzheng Road
2023.11.20 Global Saint Constitution T Edition, China Saint Academy, Global Soldiers and Workers Committee
————2023.12.1Success Report(1-2)China Saint Academy, Global Soldiers and Workers Committee
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svb21 · 3 days
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挂科被警告,出勤率低被停课咨询QQ微信349732163购买辛辛那提大学University of Cincinnati#毕业证成绩单#原版外壳#高校offer#校园卡#留才留信#海牙#美国id#在读证明材料
#--------------------------------【洲际教育】留学归国服务中心 -------------------------#Q微信349732163办理毕业证成绩单、留信留才学历认证【诚招代理】#如果您是以下情况#我们都能竭诚为您解决实际问题:#1、在校期间#因各种原因未能顺利毕业#拿不到官方毕业证;#2、面对父母的压力#希望尽快拿到;#3、不清楚流程以及材料该如何准备;#4、回国时间很长#忘记办理;#5、回国马上就要找工作#办给用人单位看;#6、企事业单位必须要求办理的;#【咨询顾问:A-Mcdull】 QQ/微信号:349732163 Email:[email protected]#专注英国、美国、澳洲、新西兰、加拿大、爱尔兰、法国、德国、荷兰、意大利等地区,高精端提供以下服务:#◆办理留信留才wse学历学位认证。(网上可查、永久存档、快速稳妥,回国发展,外企,创业,无忧愁)#◆办理国外各大名校文凭(世界名校一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度)#★办理留信网认证。(国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书,将在网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息。)#◆全套服务:毕业证(certificate)、成绩单(Transcripts)、、真实留信留才认证(approve)。让您回国发展信心十足!#◆可以提供钢印、水印、烫金、激光防伪、凹凸版、最新版的毕业证、百分之百让您绝对满意、设计,印刷,DHL快递;毕业证、成绩单,真实大使馆教育部认证,速度快。
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danzoku · 3 months
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na1129 · 4 months
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#きんようび通信 #高すぎる学費 #奨学金 #高等教育無償化 #高すぎる受験料 #ドイツ #生活保障法
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conleycoral0 · 5 months
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劳伦森大学Laurentian University diploma #毕业证成绩单薇信634068167#留信认证#wse#学生卡#offer加拿大文凭#id卡#外壳#雅思托福
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kfighfg · 5 months
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劳伦森大学Laurentian University diploma #毕业证成绩单薇信634068167#留信认证#wse#学生卡#offer加拿大文凭#id卡#外壳#雅思托福
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lighterr · 13 days
NYU 又添一位校友 1. 家族传统的背离 巴伦·特朗普,这位前总统唐纳德·特朗普最小的儿子,决定在今年秋天进入纽约大学斯特恩商学院就读。这一决定与特朗普家族的传统不同,之前,唐纳德·特朗普及其三个子女——伊万卡、蒂芙尼和小唐纳德·特朗普——都曾就读于常春藤盟校的宾夕法尼亚大学。唯有艾瑞克·特朗普选择了乔治城大学。巴伦的选择,是否代表着他对家族传统的反思与突破?为什么他没有跟随家族的脚步,而是选择了纽约大学? 2. 纽约大学的选择:顺势还是逆流? 纽约大学斯特恩商学院以其商业课程的严谨性和全球化视野闻名,每年的录取率仅为8%,学费也高达6.3万美元。相比于常春藤盟校,纽约大学的排名或许并不在同一梯队,但它是否提供了更多灵活的学习选择?巴伦的选择,是否出于对学术氛围的认可,抑或是其他考量?未来他能否在此获得与家族其他成员相媲美的商业影响力? 3.…
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chineseholycollege · 10 months
Success Report (1-2)
Success Report Short Version C
Farmers are the emperors who worship human beings and heaven, the people's communes are the heavenly kingdom of God, the saints, the holy soldiers, the holy workers, the holy governments, the holy schools, the holy princes, and the holy marriage system are the eternal and unchanging ways of God:
The commune system is the ultimate achievement of human civilization: when farmers from nine families grow old, they move into the old temple of the public institution to serve their unmarried saints and are appointed as teachers. Teachers take care of the public private relationship between the family and the old temple, and command unmarried men from each family to work in the old temple's public fields
The Soldiers and Workers' Committee, consisting of 100 of the world's oldest male workers (20 members/state/committee), 'unifies global morality with the righteousness of God, unifies the basic government commune system of one monarch and eight bureaucrats, guides the five rotating heavenly kings of the five continents to lead their country's kings, marquises, and earls to worship God,' worships saints The system of holy workers and soldiers, which allows men to retire at the age of 40 before returning home for marriage, the system of saints who take merit based on "inaction," the system of righteous workers, the establishment of a committee with kings as members, the establishment of a secretariat to uniformly distribute the professions of holy workers in their continent, the recruitment of 12 year old men from the People's Commune as holy soldiers in heaven, and the defense of the righteousness of heaven, with basic government equipment of 10 holy soldiers The senior members of the holy soldiers of each kingdom are the holy general, the common general of the holy soldiers, and the execution committee orders. The holy soldiers reside in the old temple of the town, and are responsible for farming and self cultivation. The secretaries of the princes of various countries serve as committee holy soldiers, and basic government schools also implement a farming and self cultivation holy student system (marriage and succession are only allowed after dropping out of school at the age of 40)
The people's commune is the true government, empowering the government commune to exercise public power, the sage has the right to dismiss teachers, the teacher has the right to dismiss kings, and the 10 oldest saints gather in the residence of the Left Prime Minister in the basic government commune to practice seclusion. Their young people are appointed as the Left Prime Minister to assist them in guiding human and natural morality, 'setting the path for the saints of the world: the oldest saint is appointed as a marquis,' maintaining neutrality between the king and the count, ' At the age of 50, a saint can become a farmer in the state of Marquis, the oldest farmer can be conferred the title of Viscount, the oldest worker can be conferred the title of Baron, those with merit can be conferred the title of Earl, the Marquis manages the title of Viscount and Baron, the King rules the title of Earl, the Marquis Viscount and Baron are not hereditary, the government buildings and the official residences of the Duke's "Viscount" and "Baron" are all unified in the style of the old temple of the commune. We call it the Temple of Success, and the saints who have achieved the unity of man and heaven are conferred the title of Marquis for ten thousand years To demonstrate that the basic government commune system is an eternal and just political system
The daughter of the monarch belongs to the higher monarch, the daughter of the bureaucrat belongs to the lower bureaucrat, the son of the monarch supplements the farmer's family, and the son of the bureaucrat supplements the worker's family
The king issued silver coins to urban women as a backup for their families, and female saints (aged 10 to 30) served as warehouses, suppliers, and cooks under the unified leadership of their queens. The Five Continents Heavenly Kings jointly issued gold coins, and the saints' Heavenly Kings and Heavenly Empresses each were equipped with one gold coin and 10 attendants, which is called the morality of running God
The location of the old temple in the commune should be secluded, with male saints managing tea gardens, female saints managing vinegar jars, and each family operating independently. During weekly gatherings, the old temple should have a big pot of rice, with babies held by their parents, 3-year-old children playing in the old temple, 8-year-old children serving their parents, and 12-year-old adults taking on the responsibility of the old temple justice. Unmarried men aged 12 to 30 (commune saints) are public members of the old temple and no longer serving their private parents. Adults aged 30 start families and businesses, and unmarried people aged 30 are saints, A 60 year old man serves as a saint and is honored as a teacher, living in an old temple
President Xi Jinping's unified construction of the old temple of the commune has achieved the realization of the Heavenly Kingdom of God and unified the path of man and heaven. You are appointed to the heavens, take on the great responsibility, and request President Xi Jinping to assume the first position of the Heavenly King in Asia, open up the path of the Heavenly Kingdom, and unify Asian morality
Ten of the oldest male workers in urban old temples will be stationed for agricultural public sacrifices, leading the path of human civilization returning to agriculture and returning to normal. Urban community reform will become a community commune, and community old temple public fields will be opened up to worship the main lifeline of agricultural cultivation. The current military power and equipment will be invalidated, and anyone else who exercises military power without authorization will be killed without mercy! Both the current government and the current regime are unreasonable and must be reformed into a basic government commune system, with autonomy and self-reliance, opening up government farmland for self-sufficiency, and those who violate orders will be killed without mercy!
Request the Chairman to enfeoff the King to establish the success of the world, request the kings of all countries not to fulfill the mission of the Heavenly Kingdom (following the Holy Way, leading the Marquis Count to worship God and offering saints), and not to insult the Chairman's appointment
Under the great leadership of the great President Xi Jinping, the great Chinese people have achieved the great success of the Chinese revolution and achieved great imperial merits. The merits belong to the Chinese farmers, Chairman Mao, Chairman Xi, and the third line project of China. This is not only the credit of the Chinese people, but also the credit of the people of the world. Long live the People's Commune, and Long live Chairman Xi
2023.5.10 Success Report Short Edition, China Holy Academy. Global Soldiers and Workers' Committee (9.28B Edition) (10.18C Edition)
Global Saint Constitution T Edition
The 100 oldest male workers worldwide form a Soldier and Workers' Committee (20/continent/committee) to unify global morality, establish urban old temples and their public fields with 10 workers and 10 holy soldiers stationed for agricultural sacrifices, establish urban communes, old temples, and public fields to restore the main lifeline of agriculture, implement a basic government commune system with one monarch and eight bureaucrats, and average global morality The use of the holy worker, soldier, student, and crown prince system, which allows men to retire at the age of 40 before returning home for marriage, as well as the holy man system of taking merit based on "inaction", which guides the five rotating heavenly kings from five continents to lead their kings, marquises, and earls to follow the kingdom's marriage cycle system, offer sacrifices to gods, and offer sacrifices to saints. The secretariat of a committee composed of kings is established to uniformly distribute the professions of holy workers in towns across their continents The ultimate achievement of human civilization is the realization of the people's commune system: when farmers from nine families grow old, they move into the old temples of public institutions to serve their unmarried saints and are appointed as teachers. Teachers take care of their own public and private relationships with the old temples and direct unmarried men (commune workers) to work in the public fields of the old temples, The secretaries of the left behind princes of various countries serve as the holy soldiers of the committee, leading the work of the world's holy sons (the holy workers of the people's communes, the holy soldiers of the old temples in cities, and the basic government holy students) in the public fields, which is the main road of Rentianzheng Road
2023.11.20 Global Saint Constitution T Edition, China Saint Academy, Global Soldiers and Workers Committee
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chineseholycollege · 1 year
Global Military Revolution
A theoretical report on the great success of governments and people of all countries: the Global Military Revolution (July 10, 2023, China Holy College, the Global Soldiers and Workers'council)
Global Military Revolution Proclamation
Farmers from nine families moved into the old temple of the public institution when they were old to serve their unmarried saints, and were awarded as teachers. The teachers took care of the public-private relationship between the family and the old temple and guided unmarried men to work for the old temple. The People's commune system is the ultimate achievement of human civilization, the People's commune is the kingdom of God, and the farmers are the emperors who worship the heaven
The Soldiers and Workers'council (20 men/continent/committee), which is composed of the world's 100 oldest male workers, is the highest Moral authority of human society, representing God's morality to guide the development path of human civilization: presiding over the successful morality of the People's commune, dominating the global military power, guiding the five heavenly kings on five continents to lead their kings, marquises and earls to worship God and worship saints The secretariat of the committee with the kings as its members uniformly distributes the jobs of holy workers (men can marry only after retirement at the age of 40) in all continents, implements the basic government commune system of one monarch and eight bureaucrats, and maintains the development of its People's commune in the form of unified power
The morality of soldiers and workers is the path of righteousness. The establishment of an old temple in modern cities and towns, where 10 of the oldest male workers repent of their industrial sins and lead agricultural sacrifices, is a turning point for the rebirth of human civilization. The global military revolution will completely rectify the development path of human civilization. Modern government is an unreasonable and illegal gang of bandits, modern soldiers are evil slaves raised by bandits, and soldiers take it as their duty to conquer morality and establish imperial merit Soldiers who have failed are the culprits of the people. The committee declares that modern military power and military equipment are illegal and take over the world's military power. Anyone else who dares to exercise military power without authorization and kills without mercy must stop modern military activities unconditionally, and those who violate orders will be held accountable for serious crimes
The committee appointed commanders of major military regions around the world to carry out military revolutionary tasks: build People's commune, set up roads for 10 old workers and 10 holy soldiers stationed in old temples in cities and towns, cancel the public security, procuratorial and law enforcement organizations and party and government organizations, properly settle down in government communes or urban community communes, ban modern high-tech industries, open up basic government farmland, and promote the system of holy workers, specialized workers, salt, iron, cloth, farming, fishing, and other basic industries
After the victory of the military revolution, the army will be disbanded and the generals will enjoy peace. The generals will be granted the titles of king and count for their merits. The princes of various countries will stay in the secretariat as the saints of the committee to serve the elders diligently, as a model of the saints and saints, and act justly. The revolutionary generals who first carried out the construction of the People's commune, the first king of the continent, have the right to establish the merit foundation. The kings of the continent will take turns to serve as the king of the continent every five years The Heavenly King of Zhou has the obligation to jointly maintain the moral consistency of success
2023.7.10 Global Military Revolution Notice, China Holy College, Global Soldiers and Workers'council
————A theoretical report on the great success of governments and people of all countries: the Global Military Revolution (July 10, 2023, China Holy College, the Global Soldiers and Workers'council)
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chineseholycollege · 1 year
Global Military Revolution Encyclopedia B
Farmers from nine families moved into the old temple of the public institution when they were old to serve their unmarried saints, and were granted the title of teacher. The teacher took care of the public-private relationship between the family and the old temple autonomously, and guided unmarried men from all families to work for the old temple. The People's commune system is the ultimate achievement of human civilization, the People's commune is the kingdom of God, and the farmers are the emperors who worship the heaven
The Soldiers and Workers'council (20 men/continent/committee), which is composed of the world's 100 oldest male workers, is the highest Moral authority of human society, representing God's morality to guide the development path of human civilization: presiding over the successful morality of the People's commune, dominating the global military power, guiding the five heavenly kings on five continents to lead their kings, marquises and earls to worship God and worship saints The secretariat of the committee with the kings as its members uniformly distributes the jobs of holy workers (men can marry only after retirement at the age of 40) in all continents, implements the basic government commune system of one monarch and eight bureaucrats, and maintains the development of its People's commune in the form of unified power
The morality of soldiers and workers is the path of righteousness. The establishment of an old temple in modern cities and towns, where 10 of the oldest male workers repent of their industrial sins and lead agricultural sacrifices, is a turning point for the rebirth of human civilization. The global military revolution will completely rectify the development path of human civilization. Modern government is an unreasonable and illegal gang of bandits, modern soldiers are evil slaves raised by bandits, and soldiers take it as their duty to conquer morality and establish imperial merit Military meritorious service is the culprit of human civilization. The committee declares that modern military power and equipment are illegal and take over the world's military power. Anyone else dares to exercise military power without mercy, and modern military activities must stop unconditionally. Violators will be held accountable for serious crimes
The committee appointed commanders of major military regions around the world to carry out military revolutionary tasks: build People's commune, set up roads for 10 old workers and 10 holy soldiers stationed in old temples in cities and towns, cancel the public security, procuratorial and law enforcement organizations and party and government organizations, properly settle down in government communes or urban community communes, ban modern high-tech industries, open up basic government farmland, and promote the system of holy workers, specialized workers, salt, iron, cloth, farming, fishing, and other basic industries
After the victory of the military revolution, the army will be disbanded and the generals will enjoy peace. The generals will be granted the titles of king and count for their merits. The princes of various countries will stay in the secretariat as the saints of the committee to serve the elders diligently, as a model of the saints and saints, and act justly. The revolutionary generals who first carried out the construction of the People's commune, the first king of the continent, have the right to establish the merit foundation. The kings of the continent will take turns to serve as the king of the continent every five years The Heavenly King of Zhou has the obligation to jointly maintain the moral consistency of success
2023.7.7 General Instruction of Global Military Revolution, China Holy College, Global Soldiers and Workers'council, Version 7.8B
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chineseholycollege · 1 year
Again, please ask the President to establish the people's commune
Chairman Mao led the Chinese people to achieve the ultimate freedom of small-scale peasant civilization, Chairman Xi led the Chinese people to continue the revolution, and used the holy labor system of urban male workers who retired at the age of 40 to return home for marriage to reform the positions of soldiers and workers (opening up government farmland, mainly engaged in large-scale agricultural production for self-sufficiency in the government), completely conquering the scourge of banditry and achieving the imperial martial arts skills of suppressing the world. President Xi declared himself emperor in power Adhering to the successful will of the Global Soldiers and Workers Committee, acting as the first king of Asia, leading the basic government commune to maintain the stable development of its people's commune, The ultimate achievement of human civilization has been achieved: the people's commune (when farmers from nine families get old, they move into the old temple of their public institutions to serve their unmarried saints and are awarded the title of teacher. The teacher takes care of the public and private relations between the family and the old temple and guides unmarried men to work for the old temple)
President Xi Jinping succeeded without meritorious deeds, enfeoffed the world, and shared morality to establish a common morality of success for all people in the world. He led the Chinese people to achieve true imperial virtues, and was a true leader of the people and an eternal emperor
The people's commune is God's heavenly kingdom, the great Chinese people are the masters of the universe of heaven and man rather than the enslavement of bandits and demons, the great CPC is the revolutionary team of upright people and heaven, and the people's commune is the goal of the Chinese revolution. We invite the masses of the people, soldiers and workers to remonstrate with President Xi and lead the Chinese people to establish a people's commune immediately. The root of success: Chinese civilization and the people's commune live and die together, and human civilization and the people's commune live and die together
Please request the Chairman to unify and reform the provincial, municipal, and county governments as the basic government communes in order to unify and inherit political power
Please open up government farmland, commune old temple public land, urban old temple public land, and basic government school public land to establish the Eternal Holy Path of the Holy Soldier, Holy Worker, and Holy School
The chairman is requested to build the old temple of the commune to realize the morality of success: the unit building of the government commune, the residence of the son of the minister, whose shape is the same as the old temple of the people's commune. We call it the temple of success: the main hall, the left side, the right side, the left kitchen stall, the right kitchen stall
Each family of the people's commune should live in a scattered way, the old temple of the commune should be built in a quiet place far away from the road, and all buildings should be near the north of the hill to make room for the area suitable for crop production. Now the auxiliary information of the people's commune is provided by the government commune, the people are not going out, nor pay public food, how many kinds to eat, and how many crops to grow. The morality of cultivating heaven's way and worshiping heaven's people is to be righteous, just and bright, and big in harmony with heaven, Long live the people's commune, long live President Xi
2023.6.4 Re invite the President to establish the people's commune
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chineseholycollege · 1 year
Global Religious Proclamation
The Bible envisions and inspires the path of success for human civilization, the purpose of the Old Testament is to establish the Kingdom of God, and the purpose of the New Testament is to establish the path of development for human civilization through urban old temples. Revolutions have not yet been successful, the path has not yet been realized, and no one can represent God. Modern religion is illegal! People's commune is God's heavenly kingdom, and saints, heavenly kings, and military industry committees are the highest authority representing God
2023.6.1 Global Religious Proclamation, China Holy Academy, Global Soldiers and Workers' Committee
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chineseholycollege · 1 year
R英.Success Report: Long Live Global Victory
---- (1-12/12). 10 May 2023. Chinese Academy of Sacred Sciences
The peasant is the emperor who officiates at the sacrifice of human heaven, the people's commune is God's heavenly kingdom, the holy man, the holy soldier, the holy worker, the holy government, the holy school, the holy prince, and the holy marriage tobacco system are the eternal and unchanging God's heavenly way
Section 1 Global Holy Constitutions N Version
1/12. ---- Global Holy Constitutions N
The 100 oldest male workers in the world form a committee of soldiers and workers to guide the morality of the old temples in the towns, unite with the emperors of the 5 continents to implement the basic system of government, lead the counts, the dukes, and the kings to worship God, reform the profession of soldiers and workers by applying the holy work system that allows men to marry only after they have retired from military service at the age of 40, open up governmental farmland for self-sufficient government, realize the communal system (farmers from 9 families move into the old temples of the communal institutions in their old age to serve The communal system (where farmers from 9 families move to the old temple of the communal institution at old age to serve their unmarried saints and are made teachers to direct the work on the old temple's communal land) is a successful path for human civilisation
2023.4.25 Global Saint Constitution N Edition
Section 2 The Nature of the Chinese Revolution
2/12. ---- The Nature of the Chinese Revolution
The peasants are the true emperors of the universe, the goal of the peasant revolution is to build a people's commune, the people's commune where the peasants of nine families move to the old temple of the communal institution in their old age to serve their unmarried saints and are ordained as teachers to take care of the public-private relationship between the family and the old temple and to direct their unmarried men to work on the public land of the old temple is God's heavenly kingdom
Chairman Mao led the Chinese people to achieve the ultimate freedom of small peasant civilization, and his practice of the people's commune was about to succeed, but it was wrapped in the sugar-coated shells of the industrial and commercial bandits, making it difficult to break out.
President Xi led the Chinese people to continue the revolution, to conquer the industrial and commercial bandits, and to establish a system of sacred labour that allowed male workers to return to their families for marriage only after retiring from military service at the age of 40, thus completely dismantling the industrial and commercial bandit strongholds in the towns and achieving the great martial achievement of pacifying the world. By providing supporting materials, he has achieved a great success in governing the world
By building the old temple of the commune, President Xi has achieved the great goal of the Kingdom of God and has gloriously completed the task of the Chinese Revolution, being a true leader of the people and a true emperor of the ages
The people's commune is the only legitimate government, the people's commune authorises the government commune to exercise public power, all regimes in the world are unified into a basic system of government, the basic system of government is followed, the king leads the earl and the candidate in the worship of God and the worship of the saints is the sacred public power of the government, the saints of the world's kingdoms co-exist with each other, every five years the officiating parties take turns, a secretariat of the Committee of Military Workers is set up with the king as a member, the 20 oldest male workers form a unified committee of military workers, and the 20 oldest male workers form a committee of military workers. The 20 oldest male workers form a committee of soldiers and workers to guide the temple of the oldest man in the city, the ultimate moral institution of human civilisation.
The saints who have achieved the unification of mankind and heaven are named as the eternal lords of the world, so that they can observe the goal of the morality of the middle way and show that the basic system of government is the eternal righteousness of the world, which is the way of the Chinese revolution
2023.4.22 The Nature of the Chinese Revolution
Section 3: The System of God's Heavenly Kingdom
3/12. ---- The System of the Kingdom of God in Heaven Version B
The communal system, in which peasants from nine families moved into the old temple of the communal institution in their old age to serve their unmarried saints and were made teachers, and teachers autonomously managed the public-private relationship between their families and the old temple and directed the unmarried men of their families to work on the communal fields of the old temple, was the ultimate achievement of human civilization, and the people's commune was the Kingdom of God and Heaven, and the peasants were the true emperors who officiated at the sacrifices of man and heaven
A monarch and eight bureaucrats form the government commune, form the basic government, open the way for soldiers and workers to reform the government farm as a system of sacred labour (male workers can return home to marry only after they have retired from the army at the age of 40), engage mainly in large agricultural production to feed the basic government and provide auxiliary materials for their people's commune
The people's commune is the true government, the government commune is empowered to exercise public authority, the count and king are united in the basic government commune, the king leads the count and the saints are their sacred duty, the teacher has the right to dismiss the king and the saints have the right to dismiss the teacher, the oldest saints live in seclusion in the residence of the left chancellor of the basic government commune, the younger ones are appointed as left chancellor to assist them and to define the path of the saints of the world. The oldest saints are made vassals to maintain neutrality between kings and counts, and at the age of 50 saints can become peasants in the vassal states.
The saints of the kingdoms coexist, and every five years they take turns to be the chief priests of the continental kings; the kings of the five continents of the earth work together to maintain the moral unity of success; the saints who have achieved the unity of man and heaven are crowned as eternal lords, and are revered by all the people of the world for their virtues, for their moral achievements, and to demonstrate that the basic system of government is a political system of eternal justice
The daughters of kings were given to kings of higher rank, the daughters of bureaucrats to bureaucrats of lower rank, the sons of kings to supplement the families of peasants, and the sons of bureaucrats to supplement the families of workers
The king gives silver coins to women for their families, the female communal workers (10 to 30 years old) are under the direction of the queen of the king and are responsible for women's work such as storage and cooking, and the kings of the five continents jointly give gold coins for God's morality: one gold coin for each saint, one gold coin for each king of the continent, and the saints represent God.
The communal saints (aged 12 to 30 years) are responsible for the public work of the old temples of their communes, and the basic governmental saints (aged 12 to 40 years) are responsible for the work of their governmental fields and workshops
The 20 oldest male workers in each continent form a committee of soldiers and workers to direct the communal moral functions of the old temples in the towns, and a secretariat is set up in conjunction with the kings of each country to assign their sacred work to them, while the 12-year-old princes of each country remain in the secretariat as sacred soldiers of the committee (they can return to their families for marriage only after retiring at the age of 40), farming for their own sustenance and serving the elders.
The Council of Military Manpower recruits 12-year-old men from the People's Commune to serve as holy soldiers of the Kingdom of Heaven (they may return home at the age of 40 after retiring from military service) to defend the morality of the Kingdom of Heaven and to protect the legitimate security of the King; earls, lords and kings are each equipped with 10 holy soldiers; the elders of the holy soldiers of each kingdom are holy generals who jointly lead the holy soldiers to carry out the orders of the Council of Military Manpower; the holy soldiers live in the old temples of the towns and cultivate their own land and serve the elders; the holy generals must also retire from military service at the age of 40 The holy soldier system is also applied to the heir of the king and the heir of the official in the basic governmental communal schools.
2023.4.24 The Institution of the Kingdom of God.5.8B
Section 4: The revolution in modern towns
4/12.---- The Revolution in Modern Towns Version C
Town communities are reformed into community communes, community teachers are given power and self-government, community communal farmland is created to provide farming communal activities, town old temples are also to create town old temple communal fields, 10 oldest male workers are stationed to lead community teachers in farming communal activities, town old temples are unified to guide the public morality of the town
The men of the town start to become holy workers at the age of 12 and are retired at the age of 40 before they can return to their homes and get married, the women of the town start to accept the unified leadership of the Queen at the age of 12 and take on the role of storage and supply of the means of subsistence, and are retired at the age of 30 before they can: get married and start a family, the Queen issues silver coins to the women to establish their authority and function in the preparation of the path, the families are provided with 100 silver coins to measure their income and expenditure, the 10 oldest women teachers of the old temple are each in charge of a gold coin The coins were used to supply salt and sugar.
The basic government commune must also be self-governing, with the people's commune having a uniform special supply and no coins.
The commune is the true government, and it is the right public authority for kings and queens to defend morality, preside over rituals, and unify the holy workers of men and women in the service of the commune
2023.4.10 Revolution in the Modern Town Version C
Section V. Notice of the Committee of Soldiers and Workers
5/12. ---- Circular of the Committee of Military Workers
The Council of Soldiers and Workers, composed of the 20 oldest male workers on each continent, is the final moral authority of human civilization, guiding the righteous path of human civilization by the Word of God, with the right to depose its disobedient kings and to kill and destroy any anti-God.
The Council has the power to recruit men from the people's commune at the age of 12 to serve as holy soldiers; the earls, lords and kings are each equipped with 10 holy soldiers; the eldest of the holy soldiers of the kingdom are holy generals; the holy soldiers of the generals follow the orders of the Council; the holy soldiers are all farmed and raised by themselves; the holy soldiers and holy generals are not married until they have retired from service at the age of 40.
The military power and armament of the present state is illegal and must be completely abolished, and anyone who dares to exercise military power without permission must be killed!
The present governmental system of government is unjustified and must be corrected to a basic system of government, with the creation of governmental farmland for self-supply and the observance of communal public morality!
2023.4.26 Notice of the Committee of Military Industry
Section 6: The Vocation of the King of Heaven
6/12. ---- The Duties of the King of Heaven Version B
The kingdoms of heaven coexist as equals, the five kings of heaven on the five continents of the earth work together to maintain the moral unity of success, and the office of king of heaven is rotated among the kings of their continents every five years.
The kings of the heavens meet with the nations of their continents and lead the kings and their princes in a presentation to the council of warriors: they recount their moral origins, pay tribute to the lords of the ages, console the council, hand over the gold coins, perform the ceremony of enthronement, and affirm the authority of punishment.
After the meeting, the kings and kings returned to their countries, while the princes remained in the secretariat and worked in agriculture to serve the council, which was called assuming the duties of the king in order to fulfil justice.
The basic school of government shall also be a sacred system of farming and self-supporting, like that of the holy soldiers and the princes, and the heirs of the king and his officials shall not return home until they are 40 years old to marry and succeed to their positions.
2023.4.27 The Tenno's Office, Version B
Section 7 Thanks to the President General Road
7/12. ---- Thank you, President, for leading the way
Soldiers, workers, saints, kings, and workers are also on the right path. Chairman Mao and Chairman Xi are the kings of the Chinese people when they lead the youth of China to achieve the ultimate freedom of small peasant civilization and unify the old temple of the commune.
The five emperors of the five continents of the Earth are pre-determined, and whoever leads his continent in the achievement of imperial virtues is the first emperor of his continent. The first emperor has made a great contribution to the progress and unity of human civilization, is a great leader and is called the emperor of the ages, and human civilization will always be grateful to him for his great work in leading the way and opening up his homeland
2023.4.29 Thank you, President, for leading the way
Section 8 invites President Xi to assume his duties as the first emperor of Asia
8/12.---- Inviting President Xi to assume his duties as Asia's first King of Heaven, Version B
Dear Chinese people, Asian people, Dear Revolutionary Leader, President Xi:
By building the Old Temple of the Commune, President Xi has realised God's Kingdom of Heaven and unified the path of man and heaven.
The oldest town temples are the moral institutions of human civilisation, where the 10 oldest male workers are stationed to perform public rituals of life and death, pray for the righteousness of the emperor, and lead the public rituals of farming. 20 of the oldest male workers in Asia form a committee of soldiers and workers to guide the morality of the oldest town temples, unify the military power in Asia, recruit 12-year-old men from the people's communes as holy soldiers to defend the morality of the Kingdom of Heaven, and equip each basic government with 10 holy soldiers in its oldest town temple and serve its elders diligently, The holy soldiers are raised on their own and are not allowed to marry until they are 40 years old; the heirs of kings and officials in the schools of the basic government are also holy soldiers; the kings form the secretariat of the councils for the deployment of the holy workers (the workers are not allowed to marry until they are 40 years old); the 12-year-old princes of each country remain in the secretariat as holy soldiers of the councils and serve the elders
The present military power and armaments are abolished, and the older holy soldiers of each kingdom are holy generals, who lead the holy soldiers of their kingdoms under the joint command of the council, and anyone else who takes the military power without authority is to be killed without mercy.
The present government and regime are unreasonable and must be reformed into a basic system of government; government farmland must be opened up for self-support; kings must abide by the public morality of their communes; communal teachers have the right to remove kings; and the queen of the king must unify the moral functions of women in storage, provisioning, housekeeping, cooking, etc.
The President is invited to divide the kingdom in order to establish the success of the world, and to invite the kings of all countries to live up to the mission of the kingdom of heaven (to follow the holy path, to lead the earldoms in the sacrifice to God and to offer the saints) and to honour the President's appointment.
The President is invited to make alliances with the world, to build peace, and to build their own nations in their own territories.
Long live President Xi, long live the People's Commune, long live the Chinese people, long live the Asian people!
On 4 May 2023, President Xi is invited to take up his post as the first King of Heaven in Asia, Version 5.5B
Section 9: The Great Significance of the Old Temple of the Unified Commune
9/12. ---- The Great Significance of the Old Temple of the Unified Commune
The communal system was the ultimate achievement of human civilization: nine families of peasants moved to the old temple of the communal institution in their old age to serve their unmarried saints, who were ordained as teachers to manage the public-private relationship between the family and the old temple and to guide their unmarried men (communal saints) to work the communal fields of the old temple.
The basic system of government was the unified system of the king's and count's regimes: one sovereign and eight ministers formed the government commune, formed the basic government, corrected the duties of soldiers and workers by applying the sacerdotal system of male workers who could not marry until they had retired from service at the age of 40, created government farmland to support the government, and provided auxiliary materials for the people's commune
The 20 oldest male workers form a committee of soldiers and workers to guide the old temples of the towns (the moral institutions of civilisation), They were not allowed to return home until they were 40 years old and married.
President Xi led the Chinese Revolution to conquer the scourge of bandits and robbers, and to establish the world's first martial art for all the people of the world, a true leader of the people and an emperor of the ages.
By building the old temple of the commune, President Xi has realized the Kingdom of God, and human civilization has entered the era of the Kingdom of God
The basic government should open up government farmland for self-support and self-righteousness, urban communities should be reformed into community communes, some areas should be dismantled and opened up as community communal land for farming public welfare activities, old temples in towns should open up old temple communal land for farming public rituals, old temples in communes should have old temple communal land to strengthen their justice, old temples in communes should be built uniformly in rural areas and the sites should be secluded, the world is a world of people's communes, communal teachers are autonomous Self-governing authority
The land of the commune is God, the old temple and the communal fields are our ancestors, the peasants are the emperor who officiates at the sacrifice of man and heaven, the people's commune is God's heavenly kingdom, long live President Xi, long live the people's commune!
2023.5.1 The great significance of building the Old Temple of the Commune
Section 10 Capital Construction of the People's Commune
10/12. ---- The capital construction of the People's Commune Version B
The communal system in which peasants from nine families move into the old temple of the communal institution in their old age to serve their unmarried saints and are made teachers, who autonomously manage the public-private relationship between the family and the old temple and instruct their unmarried men to work on the communal land of the old temple is the ultimate achievement of human civilization, and the people's commune is the Kingdom of God and the peasants are the real emperors who officiate at the sacrifices of man and heaven
The male saints manage the tea plantations, the female saints manage the vinegar altars, and the communal saints work mainly on the Old Temple communal fields
The people's commune is self-sufficient, the basic government commune is responsible for the production and livelihood of its people's commune, and the auxiliary materials are distributed according to need
The commune teacher is the self-governing authority, has the right to allocate land and to remove the head of the commune
Each family runs its own business, meets weekly for a potluck dinner at the Old Temple, infants are carried by their parents, 3 year olds play at the Old Temple, 8 year olds serve their parents, 12 year olds serve as adults in the Old Temple, 12 to 30 year old unmarried men (communal saints) are communal members of the Old Temple and no longer serve their private parents, 30 year olds are adults with families and businesses, 30 year olds who do not marry are saints, 60 year olds serve the saints and are ordained as teachers. The Old Temple
The basic norm is to build one Old Temple for every nine peasant families and to form a people's commune; after building a people's commune in general and then dispatching its population surplus to ensure the stable development of the people's commune, the basic government commune is built according to the standards of the basic government system
The 20 oldest male workers form a committee of soldiers and workers to guide the morality of the old temples in the towns, to lead the kings of heaven to lead the kings and counts to worship God and to worship the saints, to use the system of holy government, holy schools, holy men, holy soldiers, holy workers, holy princes and holy marriages to serve the people's commune, and to open up the successful morality of the cosmic celestial beings
The great Chinese people, under the great leadership of the great President Xi, have achieved the great success of the Chinese revolution and the great imperial merit, which belongs to the Chinese people, to the people's leader President Xi, and to the people of the world, long live the People's Commune and long live President Xi!
2023.5.6 The capital construction of the People's Commune Version 5.8B
Section 11 The morality of running God in gold coins
11/12. ---- Gold coins run God's morality
The emperors of the five continents were unified in issuing gold coins, which represented the absolute perfection of morality; the emperors and empresses of the five continents, the teachers of the waiting and kingdom teacher's halls, and the saints of each country were each equipped with a gold coin; the kings did not dare to be equipped with gold coins; the gold coins represented the complete morality of God; seeing gold was like seeing the emperor; whoever was equipped with a gold coin was given special residence and special treatment; ten children were used as attendants; they made their own cooking and vegetarian meals; the teachers served them; this was called running God's morality
2023.4.12 Gold coins run the morality of God
Section 12. Long Live Global Victory
12/12. Hail Global Victory Version B
The peasants are the emperors who sacrifice to the heavens, the people's commune is the Kingdom of God, the great Chinese revolution has completed the historical mission of industrial civilization and liberated all humanity, industrial civilization will retire from the stage of history, the revolutionary ranks of the Communist Party will be transformed into the ranks of holy workers (male workers can only be married after retiring from military service at the age of 40) in the service of the people's commune, the basic system of government is the only rational and legitimate form of government, the global The basic system of government is the only rational and legitimate form of government, the council of soldiers and workers consisting of the 100 oldest male workers in the world is the highest moral authority of human civilization, the unified guidance of the functions of the old temples in the towns, the guidance of the kings of heaven in the five continents to lead the kings, princes and counts in the worship of God and the worship of the saints, the implementation of the system of the holy way (saints, holy soldiers, holy workers, holy government, holy schools, holy princes, holy marriage system) in the service of the people's commune is the eternal way of God, the people's commune is the true The people's commune is the true government, the communal teacher is the self-governing moral authority, this is the victory of the great Chinese revolution for human civilization, long live the global victory!
2023.5.7 Long Live Global Victory.5.8B
---- Success Report: Long Live Global Victory (1-12/12). 10 May 2023. Chinese Academy of Sacred
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chineseholycollege · 1 year
Global Holy Constitution O Edition
The 100 oldest male workers in the world (20 / continent / committee) form a committee of soldiers and workers, preside over the functions of old temples in towns and cities, implement the system of "holy soldiers", "holy schools", "holy princes" and "holy workers" (marry after retiring at the age of 40), work the development path of human civilization, establish a secretariat of committees with kings as members, uniformly distribute the holy work professions of their continents, unify the form of government commune (1 monarch and eight bureaucrats), order the government commune to open up government farmland for self-sufficiency and maintain the development of its people's commune, Guide the kings of each continent to take turns every 5 years as the king of the continent, lead the king, marquis, and count to worship saints, and realize the ultimate achievement of human civilization - People's Commune: 9 families of peasants moved into the old temple of the public institution when they were old, and in order to serve their unmarried saints, they were canonized as teachers, teachers were self-governing, self-care, the public and private relations between the family and the old temple, and guided their unmarried men to work for the old temple
2023.4.25Global Holy Constitution N Version 5.20O, China Holy Academy, Global Soldiers and Workers Committee
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