gavidbowie · 2 years
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harvardwang · 6 months
李友賢 陳冠廷 吳悅恩 紀琪云 湯育銘 廖子軒 金智勇
李悦恩 陳芮蓁 鄭楚玄 吳怡儒 陳冠典 林政閔 郭彥呈
林昕穎 柯博壬 樊洪範 王 曦 陳紜璽 金祺昌 彭吉民
吳峻安 陳威仁 吳舜齊 歐乃瑄 何凡宜 賴冠勳 唐聖傑 
張   傑 李沐澤 張安志 張哲源 黃曉祺 鄔翎民 鄭淞元
黃建智 陳俊儒 林秉緯 董翊河 賴柏安 黃勖堯 叢浩日
黃維貞 莊妤薇 童威凱 宋家興 黃苡寧 呂俊諺 王   敬
曾傑興 陳飛馹 洪笥宸 黃薏珊 黃柏豪 王聖燁
廖柏銜 蔡怡安 黃博裕 郭裴珞 潘家偉 李 韡
吳建鋕 鄭乃豪 吳奕翰 李峰綸 呂孟修 柳理鈞
鄭衣涵 彭盈瑾 吳姿樺 蘇榆傑 林宏宇 邱 頎 
陳加寶 黃盈樺 許秉毅 黃祥銘 柯秉志 蔣鈞傑
謝印荃 蔡佳佑 施健安 顏毅祺
劉耀文 李光燡 鄭名登 張謝仁傑 臧紹棠 藍囿竣
陶子天 卜 野 蔡沛全 屈恩霆  戴維彥 黎丞軒
陳坤華 陳宇祺 莊凱傑 劉柏裕  張宸瑄 林子軒
應德樫 吳玟玟 陳莞昀 許家洋  王彥翰 董昀澍
秦詡洋 蔡國禎 蕭瑋呈
蔡承展    王邦宇   李明穎    王哲明   陸泓瀚    陳冠元
薛雅琪    黃維慈   楊鈞皓    蘇柏鴻   翁定謙    張澄明
紀明輝    劉家綺   陳昭穎    林佩諠   謝明翰    潘品瑜
吳雨修 陳彥旭 王柏騰 王靖元 龔俊霖 高家維
陳麒元 劉朝瑞 邱毓媜 高瑜懃 郭紋均
陳兆群 陳孟唐 楊智凱 蔡欣哲 陳冠宇 蕭可豪
葉建邑 黃彥欽 陳奕岑 傅振宣 陳志瑜 林儀靜
林俋帆 廖懿德 陳明穎 陳平宏 林宇晏 金莒譯
鄭貫良 曾榮威 林佳虹
黃子駿  高平羲  李順意  林禹丞  林義昇  蘇善豪  劉永上  賴映璿
楊展銓  涂珮甄  王昱翔  汪筳逸  李香霖  方立文  呂子聖  蔡金洧
鄭學禮  張登壹  洪子晴  羅加舜  金知永  陳冠瑜  黃怡瑄  劉姿瑩
劉子琳  李挺瑋  劉文揚
陳銘堯  曾冠銘  胡峻瑋  蘇文芯  林濬承  許慶成  姚羽珊  楊智凱
侯書堯  廖英順  李毓寧  賴政穎  王鈺馨  黃子庭  賴秉程  詹興瑋
慕    丞  林彣珊  鍾采君  劉峻廷  邱晉偉  張皓翔  余   崢  陳宗慶
孫    靚
朱峻葳  黃紹輔  謝添旺  朱正育  張廣澄  楊秉鈞  林澔暐  高伯宗
連泓安  顏筱甄  蔡淙和  黃伯凱
王律翔  馬碩澤  秦得仁  鄭琰勳  徐允恩  許碩軒  涂修銓  曾宇質
蔡翔宇  王順漢  蔡朝景  陳昱言  陳建智  蕭丞恩  郭宜雯  洪脩益
紀以謙  郭博彥  洪閔德  朱芳琪  呂偉豪  王啟哲  康翠芳  劉沛禎
鄞嘉慧  曹    彤  吳祐緯  林宥宗  何勝揚  黃靖翔  陳威宇  石光仁
潘千瑞  余柏樟  沈芳妤  王昱筌  游家慶  沈琮德  沈得桓  曾丞佑
劉彥輝  龔世宇  林彥均  郭偉達  呂學杰  林昆毅  蘇聖欽  陳    翰
洪郁雯   李   吉  林安蕎  張家偉  陳立朋  吳東翰  姚冠名  郭學頤
陳昫耘  顏情晴  陳均軒  簡呈宇  楊翊愷
許至賦  曹家豪  吳哲瑋   黃信鈞  陳道賢  楊智雄  陳冠恩  劉奕頡
黃熙宇  洪��琦  張博堯   陳冠丞  楊政達  葉重宏  吳宛蓉  陳柏霖
張宇鈞  胡榮發  楊崇杰   顏碩慧  蔡承叡  黃昶豪  許釗華  陳致恩
林怡馨  林佩璇  曾玟靜  李    明  戚瑋宣  徐廣圻  陳以諾  孫暐翔 
楊沛珍  鄭為遠  張朝復  涂易瑜  吳旻憲  洪榮佑  馮郁軒  吳佩芸 
陳琇瑩  翁浥迪  蔡定志  陳彥均  葉志鵬  許心茹
喬䒩薷  陳子博  孔繁軒  楊旻桓  李名仁  歐嘉玲  陳奕鴻  黃臣延
盧至恒  馬菀嚀  許䟫源  龔士翔  劉宏倫
 吳晴杰 陳家馨 劉仲傑 林政廷 李孟霖 陳銘仁
廖振超  江欣學  潘祥漢  洪正霖  張豪中  陳民旻  陳弈叡  葉原銘
鄭亘庭  葉祐廷  葉信旻  曾多郁  鄭凱軒  陸宜宗  陳冠璿  張寶智
江佳臻  楊曜宇  趙國程
邱瑜惠  許郁培  陳翰星  陳昱先  莊蕙羽  曾宇鞍  張睿宏  陳靜儀
周琬絨  吳協益  王相智  許瑋庭  邱子倫  閆景宇  吳宗憲  莊爾修
林宏洋  王宗政  曾詩忠  郭沂道  范廣玉  郭阜達  黃 笙  游竣凱
林群翔  林谷翰  汪宗宇  王竣薰  黃煜超  賴仁傑  李俊廷  黃赫立
陳柏皓  蘇泓文  林祥億  呂柏樺  吳錫安  李孟霖  林資堯  蘇美娟
吳宗翰  沈丞潁  戴岳軒  張家瑋  黃孝瑞  范家銘  沈文彬  廖尉翔
黃炫縢  曾詠鈞  陳妙盈  李庭瑜  梁秉辰  葉馨憶  辛萬億  陳維萱
許志豪  張閎涵  詹皓閔  吳連恩  洪綺郁
許詠媛  蔡政宏  林峻民  許秦維  林駿吉  趙瀚恩  張皓翔  張晏碩
李珮瑜  王 騰  張睿鈞  李聖昱  張文憲  范乃歡  蔡博文  洪嘉揚
曾威榮  陳政廷
 陳柏翔  王翊名  孫朝義  王泓逸  許文豪  龔世豐  葉宗憲
黃彥文 邱光輝  林羿羚  馬瑞遠  傅志豪  劉耘辛  陳政廷  朱冠溱
王奕云  邱胤文  陳彥均  徐 旻  葉品樂  童銘澄  林瑞紘  林佳泓
林胤名  沈立翔  陳盈佐  王崇任  方建宏  朱 昱  馬崇恩  施振宇
田宗翰  吳承翰  賴昱傑  林承緯  黃至煒  簡舒苗  吳佳霖  黃幸星
吳珮瑗  魏郁庭  蘇育萱  王映庭  黃致捷  許秉閎  粘銘翔  巫嘉瑋
莊逸椽  鄭哲誠  鄭崴鴻  邱亭芝  曹廷筠  郭柏賢  施奕如  廖柏彰
毛漢瑜  許明理  蔡承杰  孫大程 
黃基軒  江重毅  鐘承志  許雅如  林伯翰  吳仲軒  王家偉  張家瑜
藍家盛  黃祺翔  蔡孟欣  林于暄  楊婷儒  林煒翔  戴俊丞  袁乙天
陳厚凱  詹前奕  黃耀德  吳宜興
張雅嵐  謝翔任  連育瑩  蘇冠綸  宋亞翰  吳清元  楊子毅  陳威仲
謝晉銘  陳奕儒  邱欣灝  陳柏文  羅 穎  黃奕姉  劉曉青  陳宣余
陳柏宏  洪翊庭  楊卓翰  陶玉龍  黃馨億  張耿豪  陳裕翔  欒又鈞
施自雄  蘇群閎  蔡瑞洋  張紹敏  楊佳銘  曾泰航  高舜業  吳中博
甘龍諭  褚原鑌  彭有國
馬亞聖  黃湣傑  許鼎宗  陳昱中  陳祈維  陳奕睿  賴立凱  王玉萱
李靖群  蔡雨諦  郭丞恩  賴啟堯  呂昭諭  洪振華  賴澔興  郭家豪
林志華  洪敬翔  邱元昱  李翊甄  陳柏奕  陳琬菁  蔡岱庭
黃昱維  溫宇晴  柯昂里  楊涵媜  溫威霖  林明正  芮佩霖  彭如軒
林雅婷  蔡佳頴  黃文孝  林顯隆  葛瑞翔  劉珮芬  張嘉琳  黃崑育
周明翰  鄭素惠  林奕豐  林文琦  廖芝瑩  黃冠惟  曾彥鈞  許瑋麟
劉家豪  林昭年  楊松儒  戴瑋儒  廖庭雅  陳柏宇  郭家愷  林勇吉
曾慶峰  李尚儒
林松杰  蔡銘全  吳育恩  宋政杰  劉博華  許珮瑤  賴俊丞  謝柏軒
郭明駒  劉心瑀  古偉寧  林宴週  阮皇宗
梁騰皓  賴均和  鄧紹彬  行淑絹  李健為  陳泰睿  魏文志  林威丞
杜恩瑜  陳昱辰  鐵翔雲  倪昇暉  張嘉棋  林茂聯  江 盈  謝政良
黃德倫  劉宗諺  詹欣怡  楊宗岳  簡得晉  蕭翔懌  李常榮  曾宇浩
藍晨愷  郭寧佑  洪浩竣  林子正  高志忠
洪紹航  徐志穎  郭晉愷  張仕翰  凃松騏  曾文衡  鄭智文  鄧琨憲
曾善群  楊鎧溥  方冠融  洪琮恩  陳雅俐  林慧華  游林鴻  盧文傑
蔡有倫  聶秀軒  駱俊明  劉暉弘  殷裕翔  陳泓銘  賴孟輝  林俞錞
陳畇廷  黃子容  彭繼威  吳東橋  康路恩  林燿志  張文成  黃欣婷
黃文駿  張 庭  簡佑任  彭家慶  張 皓  鄭任硯  楊建隆  劉家宏
林逸嘉  蘇泊僑  蘇盈瑛  曾子樵  陳履安  高偉智  莊承翰  吳榮三
許國威  陳俊傑  吳聯成  黃登羣  夏暘竣  羅凱俊  陳佳歡  楊承儒
顏宏旭  林哲弘  曹雁棋  黃郁茵  曾姿儀  王雅瑜  廖 罡  張修振
陳韋智  鍾裕臣  林維麒  邱彥翔  李明軒  趙立紘  蔡曉蓉  張韶邠
李廷恩  王俊皓  劉向森  戴憶芳  劉承惠  蔡文鐘  薛湘樺  許智勇
關百亨  張立杰  陳俊宏  林奇陽  卓明峰  王建豐  方正揚  簡顯蘊
魏均婷  吳佳宜  許家霖  陳逢駿  曾勇程  楊瀚昇  郭仲鈞  霍中璟
李宜庭  蔡東軒  陳宏明  賴昱中  江宇奇  林凱俐  吳佑財  饒旻晉
張桓碩  張丹齡  黃俊嘉  盧國光  楊世華  林靖勳  張簡久揚
陳冠宇  余慧倫  林子均  吳紫綺  黃安源  蔡怡倩  楊韻潔  謝宗儒
徐仲維  黃鈺荃  王怡靜  周昱伶  蕭敬詒  蘇鈺涵  張峪稱  黃仁遠
呂俊麟  胡家齊  王銓朗  陳坤新  鄭慧賢  林旻佐  范弘軒  陳亞權
洪碩謙  王振豪  何紀宏  鞠慧航  簡荐普  許有勝  胡維岑  蔡易樺
陳思樺  黃子寧  林家暉  辛金山  陳仁玉  周心如  林宗賢  施睦庭 
楊偉民  李政德  張家瑜  劉育菖  陳昶廷  詹智丞  張婷茹  劉鈞瑋
莊清彥  李珊銘  涂世達  陳翊瑋  龔 恆  王玉婷  陳志杰  葉玳鑛
陳明宏  鐘郁甯  劉羿成  王煇荃  葉艾棋 
林千又  陳子循  趙炳荃  周東穎  呂伯樂  王重隆  張家銘  彭姿凱
孫境佑  胡家芸  陳端容  林宗賢  曾琬茹  蔡能玄  林芯羽  駱昱如
梁益齊  鄭家茹  黃建舜  林沛儒  駱文斌  施睦庭
林宏豪  王新一  戴怡琳  何明得  陳宗彥  蘇柏諺  邱郁茹  林冠志
唐涫鐄  柳建廷  朱至祥  張煐慰  莊惠閔  陶孝慈  蕭松鍇  許世昊
陳保丞  郭永杰  伍紋萱  詹雅棋  楊雙安  江佩玲  朱威銘  蔡舜文
陳    清
李    芳  王立偉  張煐慰  童思叡  林柏伸  林永惟  邱睿騫  林晉宏
陳冠廷  楊雙安  呂昱賢  芮偉霖  陳長宏  林皓群 
謝傑宇  陳俊宏  鍾智堯  葉益成  郭盈萱
洪海洲  蔡宗勇  林甫育  李妍萱  劉晉平  陳伯齊  楊德正  林忻怡
許曉佩  陳央傑  潘逸妍  李昱錡  陳羿君  吳岱鴻  黃家聲  賴信銓
林龍全  楊博鈞  林易昌  羅煥昇  榮志豪  劉政杰  黃賓弘  黃冠中
林志諺  簡政躍  黃揚庭  柳亭玲
國立高雄科技大學航運技術系. 網頁設計 DESIGNGOGO
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lawpeizhi · 2 years
【現場直擊!】 Dear Jane x 馮允謙 Jay Fung - 無可避免 (Dear Jane What’s Happening Live... 一聽就迷上了這節奏,超贊超棒
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laplaylistes · 2 years
馮允謙 Jay Fung - Take A Breath (Official Music Video)
馮允謙 Jay Fung - Take A Breath (Official Music Video) https://laplaylist.es/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/hqdefault-2432.jpg
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chris-florist · 3 years
Tumblr media
今日繼續 #GoodShow !#我是現場 #音樂會 🎙️🎶 #馮允謙 & #陳卓賢 "This is Live" Concert 002 Jay Fung & lan Chan • • • • • • • • • # Florist #flowershop # Bride #花店 # 花球 #花 #flowers #香港花店 #wedding #天水圍花店 #元朗花店 #屯門花店 #開張花籃 #開張花牌 #花束 #求婚 #花籃 #花牌 #grandopening #99枝玫瑰 #開業花牌 #99roses #일상 #bouquet #hkflowershop #love #日常 #開業花籃 https://www.instagram.com/p/CS_5Wd9Je_x/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chiveburger · 3 years
hi! i've seen you talk about chinese music lately and i wanted to ask you, what are some of your absolute favorite artists ? the kpop you like is always the best of the best so i trust your taste. i've been interested in chinese music for a while but i just find it really hard to find it, specially bc i can't read chinese so i just keep adding songs to a playlist but i don't know what i am actually listening to lol.
this is so nice... thank you for trusting my taste 😭😭😭 I probably listen to cpop more leisurely than any other music. even though I haven’t been listening to anything new recently. I have a few posts listing out my favorite chinese artists (one, two, three) and a spotify playlist with some of my favorite chinese R&B artists/songs (here) but here are some songs:
JC 陳詠桐; 奇妙物語 & 我可以忘記你
JW 王灝兒; 我不想別離 & 逃生門 
黄丽玲单曲串烧 (this a stage compilation of a-lin’s performances on the program singer, I listen to this A LOT...)
馮允謙; 愛斯基摩人之吻 🏅 (a lifetime fave)
F.I.R; 月牙湾 (袁娅维 cover) / (黄丽玲 cover)
孫燕姿; 我懷念的 (cover featuring 韋喆)
韋禮安; 沒有你的世界
沈以誠; 雨
譚松韻; like a breeze 
華晨宇; 好想愛這個世界啊
this is a hodgepodge of genres either in cantonese/mandarin. I haven’t listened to a lot of new songs lately other than JC’s older album. so many of these aren’t recent, but I still listen to them very often. If you have certain artists you like, those would be good branching points to find similar ones :)
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fuyonggu · 4 years
Biography of Yang Jun (Book of Jin 40)
Yang Jun, styled Wenchang, was a native of Huayin county in Hongnong commandary. As a young man, he served in the local princely fief first as Prefect of Gaolu, then as Marshal on the staff of the General of Agile Cavalry and the General Who Guards The Army. Later, after his daughter was chosen to be the new Empress, he suddenly occupied a much higher position, and was transferred from General Who Guards The Army to General of Chariots and Cavalry. He was also appointed as Marquis of Linjin.
Those who understood the implications of such things told one another, "The purpose of establishing feudal lords is to have them serve on the borders as shields for the royal household, while the Empress should remain within the capital in order to provide for the sacrifices and expand inner learning. Yet the Empress's father has just been appointed as a Marquis with Linjin as his fief. This is an omen of turmoil."
Two of the Masters of Writing, Chu Lüe and Guo Yi, both petitioned that Yang Jun was a man of meager talents, and could not be entrusted with important matters of state. Emperor Wu ignored them. 
Beginning with the Taikang reign era (280), since (after the conquest of Wu) there were no longer any pressing issues in the realm, Emperor Wu no longer concerned himself with the duties of rulership. He only indulged himself in wine and sensual pleasures. At this time, he began to favor the partisans of the Empress, who openly came to visit him and make requests. Yang Jun, Yang Yao, and Yang Ji wielded great influence over the realm, and the people of that time called them the Three Yangs.
Emperor Wu became critically ill, but he had not yet drawn up a last will. Most of his veteran and accomplished ministers had already passed away, and the court ministers were fearful and uncertain, for they had no plan to follow. Yang Jun ousted all of the chief ministers from the bedside and replaced them with his own underlings. Indeed, he replaced and changed all of the nobles and chief ministers with his own associates. At that time, Emperor Wu's illness somewhat abated so that he regained lucidity, and when he saw that his original appointees had been pushed out, he sternly said to Yang Jun, "How has this come about?" 
Emperor Wu then ordered the Palace Secretariat to compose an edict appointing the Prince of Runan, Sima Liang, as a co-regent to serve alongside Yang Jun in support of the royal household. But Yang Jun was afraid that this would mean he would lose his current favor and influence. So he went to the Palace Secretariat and borrowed the draft edict in order to look at it, then hid it away somewhere. The Chief of the Palace Secretariat, Hua Yi, was concerned, and he continually demanded Yang Jun return the edict, but to no avail. Then word arrived that Emperor Wu had fallen back into senility, and when Empress Yang Zhi presented a petition asking that Yang Jun be made the sole regent, Emperor Wu nodded in approval. 
Yang Zhi then summoned Hua Yi and the Prefect of the Palace Secretariat, He Shao, and verbally told them that Emperor Wu had ordered them to compose a will, stating:
"In ancient times, Yi Yin and Lü Wang (Jiang Ziya) served to support the state, and their diligence has provided an immortal example; the Duke of Zhou and Huo Guang heeded the command to preside over the court, and their reputation has shone through the ages. Now the Palace Attendant, General of Chariots and Cavalry, acting Grand Guardian to the Crown Prince, and acting General of the Front, Yang Jun, has cultivated virtue and walked the path of good fortune. He is discerning, intelligent, wise, and far-seeing, and he has done much to assist the two palaces (of the Emperor and the Crown Prince). He is highly loyal, most respectful. He ought to occupy the chief position and preside over the government, following the same precedent as A-Heng (Yi Yin). 
“Thus I hereby appoint Yang Jun as Grand Commandant, Grand Tutor to the Crown Prince, Credential Holder, and Commander of all military affairs; he will keep his existing positions as Palace Attendant, chief of affairs of the Masters of Writing, and acting General of the Front. I also appoint six Army Advisors, three thousand infantry, and a thousand cavalry to be assigned to him, drawn from the staff of the former Guard General, Yang Yao. If any assistance is needed from the palace guards, then twenty people from each of the Guard Commanders shall be assigned to Yang Jun, along with ten people from the Marshals of the Palace Commandant. Yang Jun is empowered to go in and out with weapons at hand."
When the edict had been completed, Yang Zhi had Hua Yi and He Shao present it to Emperor Wu, who looked at it without saying a word.
Two days afterwards, Emperor Wu passed away.
Yang Jun now claimed his new role as regent, and he moved his residence to the Taiji Hall. Emperor Wu's coffin was then placed in the mourning hall, and the people of the six palaces all came to pay their respects. However, Yang Jun did not leave the Taiji Hall, and he had a hundred of the Guards Rapid As Tigers assigned to protect him. This was the beginning of his lack of respect.
Emperor Hui having risen to the throne, Yang Jun was promoted to Grand Tutor, Grand Commander, and Bearer of the Yellow Battle-axe. He was placed in charge of the court and the government, and all the ministers had to heed his commands. 
Concerned that the people around him might not support him, Yang Jun had his nephews Duan Guang and Zhang Shao appointed to close positions. And whenever an edict was to be sent out, once Emperor Hui had completed the draft, it would first have to be presented to the Empress Dowager, Yang Zhi, for her approval, and only then would it be carried out.
Yang Jun knew that the new Empress, Jia Nanfeng, would be difficult to control, and he greatly feared and dreaded her. So he placed many of his associates and partisans in control of the palace guards.
The noble families were stirred to anger against Yang Jun, and all the realm was indignant at him. His younger brothers Yang Yao and Yang Ji were both men of talent, and they often remonstrated with him together. But Yang Jun could not use their advice, and thus he brought his family to ruin in the end.
Yang Jun was blind to ancient traditions, and he frequently violated the established canons. He did not observe the usual practice of waiting until the beginning of the following year to begin a new reign era, but immediately ended the current one and began a new one in the middle of the year. People objected that this violated one of the principles of the Spring and Autumn Annals, according to which the final year of the reign era of a newly-deceased sovereign should be allowed to run its full course before the new reign era was declared at the beginning of the following year. The court ministers regretted the prospect of abandoning this precedent, nor would the Astrologists Bureau accept it. Thus, in the first month of the following year, the reign era title was changed once again.
Since Yang Jun himself knew that he had little support or favor and was afraid that he would not be able to ensure the obedience of those near and far, he followed the example of Emperor Ming of Cao-Wei (Cao Rui) when he had come to the throne by greatly distributed titles and rewards, hoping to thus please others. But Yang Jun ruled sternly and followed only his own counsel while ignoring criticism, so he did not satisfy the hearts of the people.
The Administrator of Pingyi, Sun Chu, had long enjoyed Yang Jun's favor. He now advised Yang Jun, "You are someone who is only related to the imperial family by marriage, yet you now occupy the same regency role as Yi Yin or Huo Guang; you wield great influence, and you oversee a tender ruler. In your conduct of affairs, you ought to consider the actions of the ancients, and you ought to make every effort to act justly, honestly, and with humble submission. Remember that during the Zhou dynasty, the Dukes of Zhou and Shao acted to support their king, while during the Han dynasty, the Marquises of Zhuxu and Dongmou (Liu Zhang and Liu Xingju) helped to purge the clan of Empress Dowager Lü. There has never yet been an instance where someone of a different surname from the royal family wielded control over the court and still met a good end. In our own time, the imperial clan is great and powerful and the princes each have their strong garrisons on the borders, yet you do not solicit their help in attending to the affairs of state. Those within harbor doubts and suspicion about you, and those without are all considering their own personal interests. Disaster is not far off." 
But Yang Jun could not follow his advice. 
Two of the Palace Gentlemen of the Central Hall, Meng Guan and Li Zhao, had both long been disrespected by Yang Jun, and they secretly criticized him, saying that he was going to usurp the state. Jia Nanfeng for her part wished to exercise control over the government as well, but she feared that Yang Jun would never allow her to do as she wished, and she could not bear being inferior in womanly affairs to the Empress Dowager, Yang Zhi. And one of the Yellow Gate Attendants, Dong Meng, had originally served Emperor Hui during his time as Crown Prince as Chief of the Ministry Men and had kept Jia Nanfeng informed of what was happening in the Eastern Palace. So Jia Nanfeng now secretly sent word to Dong Meng, plotting to depose the Empress Dowager. Dong Meng, Meng Guan, and Li Zhao secretly planned to support one another.
Jia Nanfeng also ordered Li Zhao to pay a visit to the Grand Marshal and Prince of Runan, Sima Liang, and have him bring his troops to move against Yang Jun. But Sima Liang told him, "Yang Jun is a wicked and violent man, and his downfall and death are only a matter of time. He is not worth worrying about."
Then Li Zhao went to see the Prince of Chu, Sima Wei, and Sima Wei agreed to help with the plot. Sima Wei then sent a request to the capital asking to serve on the court (which would cause him to give up his military authority at his fief). Yang Jun had long feared Sima Wei, and he had originally even wanted to summon Sima Wei to the capital as well, to prevent Sima Wei from causing any mischief from his border post. So when Sima Wei himself submitted his request to come to court, Yang Jun allowed him to do so. 
After Sima Wei arrived in the capital, Meng Guan and Li Zhao informed Emperor Hui of the plot. That night, they composed an edict. Everywhere was placed under martial law, while agents were sent to present an edict with orders to depose Yang Jun and force him to his Marquisate estate.  The Duke of Dong'an, Sima Yao, was ordered to lead four hundred men from the imperial guards to accompany the agents and attack Yang Jun.
Duan Guang knelt before Emperor Hui and said, "Yang Jun received the grace of His Late Majesty (Emperor Wu), and he is fully devoted to supporting the government. Besides, he is a widower without any sons; how could he have any reason to rebel? Your Majesty, please reconsider." 
But Emperor Hui did not respond to him.
At this time, Yang Jun was living in Cao Shuang's former residence, south of the Arsenal. When he heard that there was some disturbance in the city, he summoned his officials to discuss what to do. 
His Registrar as Grand Tutor, Zhu Zhen, urged him, "We may know who the source is of this current disturbance; it is certainly those loathsome eunuchs carrying out Empress Jia's plot, and it cannot mean anything good for you. You should set fire to the Yunlong Gate as a show of strength. Then once your affairs are in order, you may force open the Wanchun Gate, send in the soldiers of the Eastern Palace and the outer camps while you secure the Crown Prince, and march into the palace and arrest the culprits. Anyone inside the palace halls who is trembling with fear should be killed and thus sent off. If you do these things, you can escape from danger." 
But Yang Jun had long been timid and apprehensive, and he could not make up his mind. He even said, "The Yunlong Gate was a great achievement of Emperor Ming of Wei (Cao Rui); how could we burn it down?" 
One of the Palace Attendants, Fu Zhi, reported to Yang Jun during the night, and asked that he and Wu Mao go through the Yunlong Gate to observe the situation and see how things were progressing. He then said to the other officials, "The palace should not be left empty." Fu Zhi then got up and saluted, and the officials all fled.
Soon, the palace guards marched out and set fire to Yang Jun's residence. Crossbowmen were also posted atop a pavilion near the residence, where they began shooting at it, so that Yang Jun's soldiers could not get out. Yang Jun fled to a stable, but was then killed by a halberd. 
Then, heeding Jia Nanfeng's secret orders, Meng Guan and the others executed all of Yang Jun's associates and partisans as well. All of them had their clans exterminated to the third degree, and the dead numbered several thousand. They also ordered Li Zhao to burn Yang Jun's private correspondence as well, for Jia Nanfeng did not want the will that Emperor Wu had written (which Yang Jun had then taken) to be generally known among the realm either.
After Yang Jun was executed, no one dared to come and claim his body. Only one of his retainers as Grand Tutor, Yan Zuan of Baxi commandary, prepared a coffin and held a service for him.
Earlier, Yang Jun had tried to recruit the hermit Sun Deng, and he sent him a gift of clothing and a quilt. But Sun Deng ripped apart the quilt at his doorway, greatly sighing, "Hacked and torn, hacked and torn!" And for several days he claimed to be ill and pretended to have passed away. At this time, his prediction proved correct.
During the Yongxi reign era (290), there was a supposed madman in Wen county who wrote a message stating, "Glory Wenchang shall know well, great halberds on his walls shall dwell. But medicine can poison too; this halberd's blade shall turn on you." And indeed, Yang Jun had kept halberds in his residence for defense (and in the end was killed by a halberd).
During the Yongning reign era (301), Emperor Hui issued an edict stating, "My uncle (Yang Jun) was without principle and so brought about the fall of his family and his clan. Yet when I think of the Weiyang poem (which laments the loss of a relative), I cannot help but be moved by grief. I hereby appoint the Marquis of [艸+務] district, Yang Chao, as Honoree of the Court and as a Cavalry Commandant, in order to ease the grief of the loss of family, as expressed by the Liao E poem."
Yang Yao, styled Wenju, was the younger brother of Yang Jun. He served as Prefect of the Masters of Writing and then as Guard General. He had long enjoyed a good reputation, and he thus won the favor of Emperor Wu. During Emperor Wu's reign, Yang Yao had more influence than Yang Jun.
Once Yang Jun became more exalted and powerful, Yang Yao knew that this greater favor and influence would not last. He wished to resign his own positions, and several times made a request to do so, but Emperor Wu never did agree to let him resign. But earlier, when the betrothal of Yang Jun's daughter Yang Zhi to Sima Zhong (Emperor Hui) had first been arranged, Yang Yao had submitted a petition stating, "From ancient times until now, whenever the same household has provided two empresses, it has never been able to preserve itself; all met with disaster in the end. I beg that you preserve this petition in the ancestral temple, and if my words should prove true, then I may use this petition to avoid disaster." Emperor Wu did agree to this request.
The Commander of the Right, Zhao Xiu, sent up a letter remonstrating against the amount of power the Yang brothers had been allowed to wield, stating, "Remember that (the usurper) Wang Mang and his four brothers all held powerful roles. Now in our own time, the three Yao brothers each have great offices. Furthermore, there have been several sightings of disturbances in the heavens. I humbly implore Your Majesty to consider this."
Yang Yao was now even more afraid, and he insisted on being allowed to resign. Emperor Wu at last heeded him, and he gave him gifts of a million gold and five thousand bolts of fine silk.
At first, Yang Yao received praise for yielding his offices and retiring. But later, he got together with his friends and partisans and agitated to have the Prince of Qi, Sima You, sent away. The General Who Guards The Army of the Center, Yang Xiu, and the Palace Marquis of the Northern Army, Cheng Can, plotted to go see Yang Yao, holding blades in their hands to kill him. Yang Yao knew about it, and he claimed illness and would not come out. He arranged for the officials to censure Yang Xiu, and Yang Xiu was transferred to be Minister Coachman. But from then on, during court meetings, Yang Yao never dared to prevaricate, but always spoke his full mind.
As Yang Yao was about to be executed, he pleaded that he was innocent, and said, "I have a petition encased in stone pardoning me. Ask Zhang Hua about it." And everyone at that time said that Yang Yao had indeed warned about the danger posed by his brother Yang Jun, and had thus been following the same example as Zhong Hui's brother Zhong Yu once had. But the members and partisans of the Jia clan held a grudge against the whole Yang clan, and they compelled the executioner to behead him anyway. There was no one at that time who did not sigh in sympathy for Yang Yao's fate.
Yang Ji, styled Wentong, was the younger brother of Yang Jun and Yang Yao. He served successively as General Who Guards The South and General Who Conquers The North, and he was then transferred to be Grand Tutor to the Crown Prince.
Yang Ji had talent and skill. He once accompanied Emperor Wu on a hunt beneath the Beimang Hills (north of Luoyang), where he and one of the Palace Attendants, Wang Ji, both wore special attire as they rode horses and wielded bows, riding in front of Emperor Wu's carriage. A fierce beast suddenly appeared, and Emperor Wu ordered Wang Ji to shoot it; the beast fell with the twang of Wang Ji's bowstring. Soon, another beast emerged. Emperor Wu now ordered Yang Ji to shoot, and he too felled the beast. The soldiers of the six armies hailed them both with a great shout.
In many cases, Emperor Wu appointed those of honorable family and great influence to the most important military positions. Yang Ji received acclaim and appointment due to his martial skills.
Yang Ji and his brother Yang Yao were both quite worried about their positions, so they joined with their uncles, Li Bin and others, to harshly remonstrate together. It was thanks to Yang Ji's proposals that Yang Jun had Wang You denounced and sent away to serve as Administrator of Hedong, and that the imperial heir was established.
Earlier, Yang Jun had been suspicious of the Grand Marshal and Prince of Runan, Sima Liang, and had compelled him to return to his fief (at Xuchang). Yang Ji and Li Bin remonstrated against this several times, trying to get Yang Jun to drop the idea, but this only alienated him from them. 
Yang Ji said to Fu Xian, "If only my elder brother could merely recall the Grand Marshal to the capital while personally steering clear of him, then the status of our family could be secured. Otherwise, it will be a red end for us." 
Fu Xian told him, "So long as you summoned the Grand Marshal to come back, and could act in joint regency together with him, then that would lead to a general peace, and there would not even be any need for your elder brother to withdraw. The issue is merely that no one minister should amass all power for themselves, much less a marital relative of the royal family! Now the members of the imperial clan are distant because the associates of your own clan are secure in their positions. But should your family be threatened, you ought to be able to count upon the support of the imperial clan, like the lips protect the teeth. That would be a good plan."
Yang Ji was now even more afraid, and he asked Shi Chong, "What are people really saying about us?"
Shi Chong replied, "Your worthy elder brother is grasping the reins of power, while keeping the imperial clan at a distance. He ought to share his power with all within the Four Seas."
Yang Ji said, "Go and see my brother, and try to persuade him of this."
So Shi Chong went to see Yang Jun and conveyed his advice, but Yang Jun did not listen. 
Yang Ji was later killed with his elder brothers. 
On the morning of his final day, Yang Ji was summoned to the Eastern Palace. Yang Ji asked Pei Kai, "What should I do?"
Pei Kai replied, "As you are the Grand Guardian and Grand Tutor for the Crown Prince, you ought to report to the Eastern Palace."
Yang Ji had enjoyed hunting, and he had commanded infantry and cavalry for a long time, so he had more than four hundred strong fellows from the Qin region among his retainers, all crack shots. They all wished to save Yang Ji's life. But by then, Yang Ji had already entered the palace. They all sighed in regret for his fate.
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u4get2015 · 5 years
《 JOOX音樂選宅 》第二回! 聯同等一眾歌手繼續為香港人打氣
JOOX在上星期五、六一連兩晚透過 JOOX音樂選宅 Late Night 加油站邀請了12個音樂單位帶來超過6小時的馬拉松式直播,每一個音樂單位以形形色色的方法為「宅」在屋企的大家打打氣!一眾歌手除了直播唱歌之外亦有求必應,由觀眾隨心點唱,仲有歌手表演樂器、同觀眾玩互動遊戲,驚喜層出不窮! Read the full article
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olo-mag · 2 years
【人生格言】Jay Fung:無低潮的日子,我不會寫到那些歌。
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打開歌曲排行榜,總見到馮允謙(Jay Fung)的作品。近年來 Jay Fung 曝光率高,一首首 Jay Fung 式情歌,讓人認識到他唱作人的身份。以為他是後起之秀?其實他是滄海遺珠。
數數手指,他早在十年前參加歌唱節目而嶄露頭角,其音樂感、真摯的唱腔吸引不少人,讓他順利贏得亞軍。可是,當同期的朋友一一出道並成名,他卻被公司冷落。當外界為他不值,他選擇將低潮化成靈感與動力,以寫歌抒發心聲,創作了逾千首 demo。而回看過去,他豁然地說:「沒有低潮的日子,我不會寫到那些歌。」
撰文:蒲 @appleee.cheng 圖片:Jay Fung Facebook
______________ 活過不白過 Follow us on IG:https://bit.ly/2yjkquY ___________________ #OnlyLiveOnce #人生格言 #JayFung
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laplaylistes · 2 years
馮允謙 Jay Fung - 報復式浪漫 (feat. @moon tang) Sweeetly (Official Music Video)
馮允謙 Jay Fung - 報復式浪漫 (feat. @moon tang) Sweeetly (Official Music Video) https://laplaylist.es/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/hqdefault-2590.jpg
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chris-florist · 3 years
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今日繼續 #GoodShow !#我是現場 #音樂會 🎙️🎶 #馮允謙 & #陳卓賢 "This is Live" Concert 002 Jay Fung & lan Chan • • • • • • • • • # Florist #flowershop # Bride #花店 # 花球 #花 #flowers #香港花店 #wedding #天水圍花店 #元朗花店 #屯門花店 #開張花籃 #開張花牌 #花束 #求婚 #花籃 #花牌 #grandopening #99枝玫瑰 #開業花牌 #99roses #일상 #bouquet #hkflowershop #love #日常 #開業花籃 https://www.instagram.com/p/CS_5MriJYKU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chiveburger · 4 years
here are 28 songs I recommend! the bolded ones are some of my favorites, I’ve listened to them on repeat for many non sane hours. tagged by sungsiba-- summer (@sumflora​)
由我; 钱正昊 Jefferson Qian
愛斯基摩人之吻; 馮允謙 Jay Fung
壞孩子的天空; 宮閣 Gong 
Slow Dive; A.C.E
念郎; 徐深
I Don’t Want You Back; I’ll 
神探; 丁世光 Dean Ting 
命運; 家家 Jia Jia
Just to Find You; Seven Tang
미쳤나봐; Martin Smith 
花衬衫; Ki.DAstronaut Ft. Q.Luv
天光前分手; 戴祖儀 Joey
離開有甚麼可怕; 劉子碩 Zac
Astroboy.; Suggi
告別我; 薛凱琪 Fiona Sit
Happiness; Pentagon 
Like a Flowing Wind; Day6
模特; 李榮浩 
Homesick; Kim Yeon Woo
웃어주세요 Take a Smile; 406 Project
Hold Back the River; 이주혁, 신광일, 신예찬
我的追随; 羽田LAIRD
讓; VaVa Ft. Evis Wy
渡月橋; 宮閣 GONG
비를 내려줘요; Airman
2G Love; Thama Ft. Sole
계절; 성담
阿楚姑娘; 袁婭維 Tia Ray
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jetsoday · 3 years
【Staycation優惠攻略】文華東方豪歎兩晚返嚟啦!首100位再減$200!包每日早餐+首晚文華閣禮遇(歎下午茶、黃昏雞尾酒)+次晚三道菜晚餐,連住兩晚平均每晚連服務費$1,893起! https://www.jetsoday.com/%e3%80%90staycation%e5%84%aa%e6%83%a0%e6%94%bb%e7%95%a5%e3%80%91%e6%96%87%e8%8f%af%e6%9d%b1%e6%96%b9%e8%b1%aa%e6%ad%8e%e5%85%a9%e6%99%9a%e8%bf%94%e5%9a%9f%e5%95%a6%ef%bc%81%e9%a6%96100%e4%bd%8d.html 今期嘅Trip.com Weekend Sale好多5星酒店都有份,可以睇睇有冇心水!文華東方住兩晚優惠又返嚟啦!首100位減多$ 200!包每日早餐+首晚文華閣禮遇(下午茶、黃昏雞尾酒)+次晚三道菜晚餐,連續入住兩晚連服務費$ 3,788起,平均一晚低至$ 1,893起!另外愉景灣酒店山景客房一晚連早餐,送fresh護膚品+暢玩兒童天地,連服務費$ 1,457起,平日升級至海景房!美利酒店包早餐+海陸盛宴三道菜晚餐+免費泊車+平日保證升級客房連服務費$ 2,570起!而且歡迎毛孩入住!今期另一個重點係有線上音樂會觀賞證出售,有Ian Chan同馮允謙!!!Hellosss們準備好未!可以聽Ian唱Live! Trip.com Weekend Super Sale | 兩晚連住優惠 文華東方酒店 (Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong) 每日限8間 首100位減多$ 200,入住城市景觀客房兩晚連服務費$ 3,788起(平均一晚$ 1,893起),每天雙人早餐,首晚文華閣禮遇(下午茶、黃昏雞尾酒) + 次晚三道菜晚餐 *另有皇后像廣場景觀客房 (每日限5間)/海景客房 (每日限5間)/皇后像廣場景觀套房 (每日限3間) 城市景觀客房:$ 3788/2晚(周一至周三入住)、$ 3888/2晚(周日及周四入住)、$ 4288/2晚(周五及周六入住)、$ 4388/2晚(9月20, 22, 29日,
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yingmanhon · 3 years
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千祈唔好係bio’s link重溫《有誰共鳴》有關朕的訪問。否則惡運連連巧驚驚。 . 早前有幸接受商業電台《有誰共鳴》的訪問,跟大家分享了我的成魔之路⋯ 當中電台著我選八首歌曲跟大家分享。 的確,有一些歌曲很能代表我。 同時,我也為這個節目而特登聽一些我較少接觸的廣東歌。當中發現,原來好多歌都真係好好聽! . 今天,跟大家一次過分享。再次感謝這個等了十幾年的機會,及所以美麗的廣東歌。 . 《演員的自我修養》 - 許廷鏗 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwKDYFiPNZk @hui_alfred . 《為執著乾杯》 - 藍奕邦 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J94Bjw-TyRk @bluepongpong . 《致少年時代》 - 古巨基 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyRe8BHKb_Q @leoku @linxihkg @charmainefong . 《Schindler list》 - 2Cellos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDH1XN-RL5w @2cellosofficial . 《在尋找什麼》 - Subyub Lee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTBwG2gnE5U @subyub . 《Say the words》 - 曲婉婷 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gygftkyjq4 @wantingq . 《給傷心》- 新青年理髮廳 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l48tfjOfuJk @newyouthbarbershop . 《A New Day》- 馮允謙 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBvm5J3dLaM @jayfungmusic . 《有誰共鳴》節目重溫 Bio’s link. . 藝文日常 英文 ——————————————————— #字體藝術|#書法|#藝術教育|#插畫|#舞台設計 . #digitalart #procreate #calligraphy #handlettering #illustration #cantopop #happy #career #life #lyric #truegritsupply (at 𝙃𝙊𝙉𝙂 𝙆𝙊𝙉𝙂) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO7Ns7_ge5q/?igshid=rxwfc8hcwf13
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style-yesnews · 4 years
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多位藝人也現身馬草壟,參加3月19日的營火晚會,支持「饑饉30」,包括薜凱琪、黃妍、馮允謙,以及樂隊 Dear Jane、per se及ToNick,並設有合唱環節。姜濤與一眾藝人合唱MIRROR的歌曲《IGNITED》,更教大家以手指配合節奏「跳舞」,當奴笑稱自己終於可以加入成為MIRROR的成員。另外,艾粒更與關智斌合唱改編自《死性不改》的《個頭痕唔痕呀》,更在曲中夾雜《死性不改》的歌詞,大玩crossover。
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30小時的饑饉之旅以閉幕禮作結,由商業電台叱咤903總監謝茜嘉小姐及DJ主持阿強擔任大會司儀,邀請主禮嘉賓兼行政會議成員林正財醫生、香港世界宣明會總幹事馮丹媚女士、商業電台首席智囊陳志雲先生,先後致辭。馮丹媚女士感謝公眾、饑饉之旅團友、商業電台和贊助商的支持,令活動得以順利舉行,又邀請在場人士為饑饉之星鼓掌。另外,兩位「饑饉之旅團友」獲頒「饑饉終極大獎」,獲邀到現場領獎,可以與偶像一起合照,其中一位粉絲更把握機會,在台上向姜濤表達支持。她指自己第一次參加活動,認為今年整個安排都十分「Master Class」,今年的饑饉之星十分有號召力,令她更關注氣候變化,體驗饑饉。
娛樂資訊由熱新聞提供 原文連結: 關智斌、姜濤及ILUB艾粒完成30小時「饑饉之旅」 更多相關內容
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Stars-HK娛網 本站集中報道娛樂新聞,包括在音樂圈、電影圈、電視圈、劇團裡面,歌手和演員的活動和最新動向等。我們採取「只談專業,不談緋聞」的編審方針,希望帶給讀者清新的體驗。無論是中、港、台、���、韓等地的大明星以至新人的消息,娛網都會悉數報道。我們也會重點發掘未來新星,致力推廣。
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historysandwich · 4 years
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情況亦都好簡單,發動政變,右派蔣介石係為咗逼走最大政敵左派汪精衛,獨攬國民黨大權,而且蘇聯還蘇聯,中共還中共,兩樣嘢嚟嘅,並唔可以賴尿牛丸撈埋一齊嚟講,蘇聯第三國際嘅錢同軍備,蔣介石繼續需要,但中共就唔該收皮,即係修改咗孫父嘅路線,「聯俄」Okay,「容共」No way!
#常威💀 #大軍閥平反系列 #大軍閥 #民國歷史
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