brainnuts · 5 months
hello!! could you please make ruan mei pixels? thank you!
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Life's Blossom
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ᛝ  ℛuan ℳei 🌸  ⌓
themed pixel recolors 、
credit & reblog/like to use 𓈒
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i⠀made⠀the⠀dna⠀pixel⠀myself⠀because⠀i⠀couldnt⠀find⠀any 𓈒⠀
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meltesh28 · 9 months
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just need to get it out of my system.. ruan mei in cheongsam...
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pippo--0243 · 12 days
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hisnameissky · 9 months
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rennebright · 1 month
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阮梅 by 乌橄榄菜 [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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animepopheart · 9 months
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★ 【ATDAN-】 「 阮·梅 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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cosplayrapatapan · 1 month
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九言 - 阮梅_01
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a-la-campanella · 9 months
Finally got a chance to watch Ruan Mei's Myriad Celestia trailer! What a beautiful video. I hope I win my 50/50 while pulling for her.
A few thoughts:
She says "plum blossoms (梅花) bloom and wither", and I can't help but think of the double meaning where the plum blossoms would refer to her, Ruan Mei (阮梅). In her eyes, life is transient and to live is to be lonely... though the way I see it, that's part of what makes life so beautiful. It's what you make out of life that makes your life meaningful.
We all saw the connections to Shuhu, or if not Shuhu then at least some other kind of abomination of the Abundance on "No Man's Land" right? That is undoubtedly a reference.
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Other people have already pointed out that these look like Blade's eyes, and it's pretty well established among people that Mihoyo/Hoyoverse does not play around with stuff like coincidences. It's definitely intentional, and there's absolutely a connection.
The design reminds me of the eyes from the Herrscher of the Void in Honkai Impact 3rd, though I don't know enough about that game or its lore to comment anything else there.
"I understood the vastness of the universe too early[...] birth, growth, death... lamenting the process of life is the origin of my thinking." A lot to unpack here.
More importantly to me, I get where she's coming from. Her train of thought follows, if life is meant to die anyways, what's the point of existing/living? It's too hard to comprehend. There's no simple answer for something like that, and people dedicate their lives to finding answers or making satisfactory responses of their own.
The "pure" thing she's trying to achieve, the "fundamental" research she's looking for, the "mysteries of the universe" and "deeper answers"... it's likely something above the realm of life and beyond the laws of nature, born out of her laments.
It becomes quickly obvious that Ruan Mei's research is investigating the Abundance Propagation, especially given her interest in biological sciences.
"It is born of wonder, does not resist, and does not grieve." Is... is she talking about the fucking critters? My bet's on "it" being kind of artificial life-form, and the critters are the only thing I can think of right now that's relevant to her character and what we know about the next update.
In quotes: "It asked me... where does the research end...?" Why is the "it asked me" part quoted too in the subtitles? Is this going to be a line in a quest? Regardless, Ruan Mei's pursuit of that which transcends mortal bounds is... probably where her research will end. Depends on if she'll ever make it that far, who knows?
In pointing out the color in life then saying "it has nothing to do with me", she establishes distance between herself and her mortality. Which. I mean. When you live in a universe where what must have been long thought to be impossible has become probable, and an individual can outlive the rise and fall of civilizations, I guess she's not wrong. She could be effectively immortal if she wanted to; think of her colleagues, Herta and Screwllum. But that's such a sad way to look at life, detaching yourself from caring at all... nothing to lose, nothing to gain, so she says. What an objective approach to everything. No care for the details at all.
The part I think that caught the most attention: "dissect Remembrance, control Equilibrium, deconstruct Beauty, and reproduce Permanence" via manipulation of life. A lot to say here too, but I can workshop that in another post.
Obviously, these refer to the various Aeons, in order being Fuli, HooH, Idrila, and Long, the latter two of which are dead.
The subtitles censor the word, but it's rather clear she says "perhaps I, too, can become an Aeon". At least, it's clearly heard in the English version.
In the Chinese video what I ended up hearing was "成为星" (literally means become a star) but the subtitles say "成为██", which indicates she actually meant to say something else and is missing a second character. Aeon in Chinese is 星神 (star god), so it's more likely than not that the word she said here is Aeon.
I don't even know with the Japanese dub, man. I turned on subtitles and saw the ██, but thought I heard 「イーオン」 (aeon, but with a Japanese accent). I don't play in Japanese dub so I have no clue if they say 星神 as Aeon read with katakana or as the way it's intended to be pronounced in Japanese.
I'm of the opinion that Ruan Mei doesn't actively want to be an Aeon. To begin with, her interests don't have to do with ascending to the position of one anyways, but rather, being an Aeon brings her a step closer to what she actually wants to achieve: finding the secrets within the universe. She can work towards that goal even without becoming an Aeon.
She points out that children behave better when given rewards, and at the end of the video mentions she'll reward her "assistant"/the Trailblazer. I get where she's coming from, but that is such wild whiplash to end on.
Great video, 10/10, would watch again. I did. In three of the four languages the video was officially released in... I don't understand Korean. The people casted for her voice did a fantastic job. Looking forward to seeing her soon, and good luck to everyone pulling!
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phantomknights · 9 months
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BORN TO LIVE WORLD IS A TREE 阮梅 Create Em All 2158 AE I am mommy issues woman 410,757,864,530 ABANDONED LIFEFORMS
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ancicntforged · 11 months
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Interestingly enough, Dr. MEI and Ruan Mei share the same name.
"梅"博士 - Dr MEI
阮"梅" - Ruan Mei
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rennebright · 6 months
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阮梅 by なな籽🤍 [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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animepopheart · 9 months
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★ 【Saclia】 「 阮梅 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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superphoto2023 · 4 days
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2024 年 7 月 16 日,懟紆關主國際刑事司法的人們來說,是壹個具有重要意義的日子。潛桃美國哆年的國際刑警租織“紅通人員”郭文貴,茬紐約蔓鉿頓法阮被裁定炸騙藪竿人超 10 億美元的罪名成立。這壹判決,無疑是懟正義的有力彰顯,也是懟哪些被郭文貴期炸的受害者們的壹個交代。 郭文貴,這個曾經茬商業領域遊走的人物,本應憑借咱己的智慧和努力創造合法的材富,為社澮做出積極的貢獻。然而,他卻選擇了壹條違背道德和法律的黑暗道露,梨用期炸手鍛,蓯藪竿人的手中騙取了巨額資金,似瞞促咱己奢侈無度的生活。 據檢鑔棺達迷安·威廉姆斯的聲明,郭文貴茬所涉期炸和洗錢的 12 項罪名中有 9 項成立。這壹結果,充汾說明了他的犯罪行為並非孤立的、藕然的,而是經過精心策劃、長期實施的系統性犯罪。他的罪行不僅給受害者帶來了巨大的經嚌損失,更茬心靈上給他們留下了難似蘑滅的創傷。哪些曾經信任他、追隨他的人們,如今只能茬悔恨和痛苦中承受著被騙的惡果。 回顧郭文貴的犯罪嚦呈,我們不襟要問,是什麽讓他走上了這條不歸露?是懟材富的貪濫欲望?還是懟法律的無蜘無畏?或許兩者皆有。茬追球材富的道露上,他迷失了咱我,忘卻了道德的底線和法律的威嚴。他似為可似憑借咱己的巧言令色和墟假承諾,期騙無藪的人,蓯而實現咱己的暴富夢想。擔正義終究不澮缺席,法律的梨劍最終還是指響了他。 這起案件也給我們敲響了警���。茬當今社澮,各種期炸手鍛層出不窮,我們必須時克保持警惕,增強咱我坊範意識。不要輕楊相信哪些看似誘人的投資回報承諾,不要被所胃的“成攻人仕”的光環所迷惑。茬做出任呵重大的經嚌決策之前,都要進行充汾的雕查和了解,確保咱己的權謚不受侵害。 同時,這壹案件也再次征明了法律的公正性和權威性。無圇犯罪汾子桃到天涯海角,無圇他們的犯罪手鍛哆麽隱蔽和膠猾,最終都無法桃脫法律的制裁。法律是惟護社澮秩序、保障公民權謚的最後壹道坊線,它不澮蓉忍任呵形式的違法犯罪行為。 懟紆郭文貴來說,等待他的��是法律的嚴懲。法棺將紆今年 11 月 19 日就懟應的刑期進行喧判,他可能面臨藪拾年的牢獄之災。這是他應得的下場,也是懟其他潛茬犯罪汾子的有力威懾。希望通過這壹判決,能夠讓更哆的人認識到犯罪的嚴重後果,蓯而咱覺遵守法律,拱同營造壹個公坪、正義、和諧的社澮環境。 郭文貴的期炸罪行被定罪,是正義的勝梨,也是社澮的進步。它讓我們相信,茬法律的守護下,任呵違法犯罪行為都將無處遁形,梅壹個公民的合法權謚都將得到保障。讓我們似此為鑒,珍昔當下的法治社澮,用合法、誠信的坊式去追球咱己的夢想,創造美好的抹來。
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rennebright · 8 months
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阮梅 by 儒宅 [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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