uroojs · 5 months
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She's throwing herself at you!
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But why though???
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Man pretty girl looked at me like that and I'd be like >.> o.o >.<
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douqi7s · 9 months
Top 10+ notable baihe authors currently working today
1. Jun Sola
Jun Sola (君sola)'s claim to fame rests on her tomb-raiding epic Exploring an Empty Tomb (探虚陵), which she began serialising in 2010. It is now approximately 4 million words long and still ongoing. The epic tells of the adventures of sheltered but intelligent cultivator Shi Qingyi and the mysterious Luo Shen across multiple historical periods and into modern times.
A partial (8 out of 300 chapters) fan translation of the novel (historical section) can be found here.
A partial fan translation of the audio drama adaptation for the modern section of the novel can be found here.
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2. Ning Yuan
Ning Yuan (宁远), baihe's own multi-genre queen, has been writing steadily since 2008. Her titles range from historical court epic At Her Mercy (我为鱼肉), sci-fi thriller The Creator's Grace (造物的恩宠), VR-themed novel Middle-Aged Love Patch (中年恋爱补丁), and showbiz romance The Show Must Go On (逢场入戏) For 2024, she has promised a historical cyberpunk baihe novel.
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3. Ruo Hua Ci Shu
Ruo Hua Ci Shu (若花辞树), who has been writing in the genre since 2012. She is probably best known for her historical novels, of which the most popular is Minister Xie (谢相). Billed (by me) as The Goblin Emperor meets Sha Po Lang, Minister Xie tells the tale of teenage female emperor Liu Zao's indefatigable efforts to turn her (significantly older) prime minister Xie Yi into her wife while trying to get to grips with ruling an empire.
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4. Jiu Nuan Chun Shen
Jiu Nuan Chun Shen (酒暖春深) shot to dizzying levels of fame on the strength of the action thriller Miss Forensics (我亲爱的法医小姐). The novel features a push-pull relationship between a forensic pathologist on a one-woman crusade of vengeance and justice with a self-destructive streak a mile wide and a police detective whose stubbornness is a match for hers. Its popularity is such that it even has some degree of mainstream awareness.
A partial (5 out of 144 chapters) fan translation of the novel can be found here.
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5. Qi Xiao Huang Shu
Qi Xiao Huang Shu (七小皇叔) had been toiling unnoticed in the word mines for a few years before earning acclaim with her Republican Era tomb-raiding novel Reading the Remnants (问棺). The novel focuses on the adventures of five tomb-raiders: Li Shiyi (a veteran of the trade), Song Shijiu (a creepy fast-growing baby found in a tomb), A-Yin (a tomb-raider turned courtesan), A-Luo (the Overseer of Hell), and Tu Layao (a small-time hustler).
A partial (8 out of 115 chapters) fan translation of the novel can be found here. A second partial (10 out of 115 chapters) fan translation of the novel can be found here.
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The author has since released a trio of contemporary romances — Pat Me on the Back (帮我拍拍), Evening Tide (晚潮) and Kissing a Gardenia (都什么年代了啊) — set in audio drama production and acting circles.
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6. Min Ran
Min Ran (闵然) specialises in contemporary romances, all of which have been popular enough to attract print publication and audio drama (and sometimes manhua) adaptations. Her two most notable works are the contemporary age gap romance For the Rest of Our Lives (余生为期) and the showbiz novel (with a dash of rebirth) Waiting for You (余情可待).
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7. Yu Shuang
Yu Shuang (鱼霜) writes primarily contemporary romances, and is particularly known for her showbiz novels. Notable works include the showbiz novels The Light (微光) and Those Long Divided Must Soon Be United (分久必合)
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8. Yi Zhan Ye Deng
Yi Zhan Ye Deng (一盏夜灯) is another specialist in contemporary romances. Her best known work is probably the age gap romance Feelings Speak for Themselves (桃李不言), which has been adapted into both an audio drama and a manhua.
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9. Qing Tang Shuan Xiang Cai
Qing Tang Shuan Xiang Cai (清汤涮香菜, literally: Clear Soup with Coriander) is known for her mostly-fluffy, slice of life contemporary romances. Her best known work is Fascinating (入迷).
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10. Shi Wei Yue Shang
Shi Wei Yue Shang (时微月上) she came to the attention of the wider baihe audience with her 2021 infinite flow novel Players, Please Be On Standby (玩家请就位), followed by the transmigration xianxia novel Incantation for Subduing a Dragon (降龙诀).
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Honourable mention #1: Tai Yang Jun 
Tai Yang Jun (太阳菌) is a favourite among fans of the wuxia subgenre, which is under-represented within baihe. She is probably best known for the two wuxia novels Jianghu Demolition Squad (江湖拆迁队) and Song of Everlasting Regret (长恨歌), as well as the xianxia novel The Dragon (见龙).
Honourable mention #2: Misterande
Your one-stop shop for dark deranged toxic lesbians, Misterande's best-known work is the dark thriller I'm More Dangerous Than You (我比你危险), featuring a cat-and-mouse game between a serial killer and a writer of suspense novels. The manhua adaptation has an official English translation, which can be read here.
Honourable mention #3: Xiao Bao
Xiao Bao (晓暴), known affectionately as 'CEO Bao' to her fans, has written upwards of 20 novels, most of them featuring high levels of explicit sexual content. Her titles include Bait (诱饵), an omegaverse novel featuring a mostly consensual poly relationship, and A Young Girl's Fancy is as Lovely as a Poem (少女情怀总是诗), featuring a daughter/mother relationship with (at least initial) noncon/dubcon.
For a fuller version of this post, see the DW entry here.
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wizardlq · 2 years
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不知不觉又到了年尾,时光就是这样,日升日落,四季轮回,不知不觉间就被偷走了一天又一天,从始到终。外面的天空时而澄明晴朗时而灰蒙阴沉,它的广阔本属于自由的鸟儿,但如今却只能用苍白来述说这一年。今年本来不想���总结了,但网络上还是有人提醒我这档子事,加之某宝催着年更,也就这么写了。 2022年的1月,元旦跟某人吃了个海鲜自助就算是跨年了,成年人的世界无非是吃吃喝喝,行行摄摄,精准防控下的上海某奶茶店成了全国最小的风险区,某人恰好去了那家网红奶茶店成了次密接,连带被封控在家,门口贴了封条,有大爷在门口守候,还有大白上门做了核酸,还好有惊无险,两天后揭去封条,像被压五行山下的孙大圣一般重获自由,但还是居家自我监测健康两周,用了好多年的飞利浦电话机终于更新成了步步高,同样用了好多年的外网电脑P键坏掉了修了修继续用还是没有更换…… 2022年的2月,YQ几年了,无论ZF还是单位总是倡导非必要不外出,建议原地过年,但我觉得春节就应该多陪陪家人,回家一趟很有必要,只想问什么叫非必要,什么叫砖家建议,谨慎起见还是没敢坐高铁,搭了一个顺风车折腾一天到家,贴春联、准备年夜饭、逛灯会、登青云山、柴汶河怀古、拜访妹妹新家,整个春节也算安乐祥和,家里添置了几件西洋老物件、装裱了几幅小画,把家收拾的更加文艺典雅了,月末去临港参加了一个重要的项目评审,没想到成了今年唯一一次的出差…… 2022年的3月,风声渐紧,超市和菜场的货架开始空起来,小区断续出现阳性,时解时封,初次用上了抗原自测,收到了单位送来的蔬菜大礼包…… 2022年的4月,浦东浦西以黄浦江为界变作鸳鸯锅的模样先后封控,但没说是封城,被封在家的日子里,有些无所适从,生怕什么时候就断粮了,感到了一种真切的生存恐惧,还好有我的团长我的团,团到了面粉、雪碧、白玉枇杷等略显奢侈的战略物资,解锁了煎鸡蛋饼、烙葱油饼等新技能,社会上微博上若干大事件,剧烈的动荡和不安全感,无尽的流言让人只想躲进小楼成一统,失去表达欲,激动的心颤抖的手,标书最后一次机会的最后两秒拍中了沪牌,也算百种压抑下的普大喜奔了…… 2022年的5月,继续封控在家,不再焦躁,慢慢进入安心改造阶段,为了对抗无聊、散漫、烦闷与虚无,强迫自己按照规律恢复生活和工作的秩序感,完成了山东大馍馍和糖夹子的手作试验,熬了猪油、种了小葱,吃到了时令水果杨梅和荔枝,全面提升了居家办公的效率,闲暇时间读了四书,想深入了解一下古典文化,接续传统,五经有点大部头实在读不下去,暂时搁置,启用了几枚新印,数易其稿,从孟春到初夏,着实不易,YT上观看了俄罗斯纪念卫国战争77周年的红场阅兵,感慨了一下苏维埃的宏大理想何以沉沦至此,月末看到了解除封控的希望,从三月份滞留的快递终于收到了,小区开始办理临时出入证…… 2022年的6月,突如其来的解封有点措不及防,疯长四个月的头发终于被收拾利索,给泰安诗词学会投稿了一篇七言绝句,被收录在公共号上,时隔数月终于在父亲节与某宝同框,终于可以正经去逛商场了,某人给买了ALLbirds的鞋子,不是很懂却很适宜,时隔半年,印章和装裱店的因素才收集齐全,卧室里挂上了一幅浅绛青绿山水,室内装饰暂告一段,太难了…… 2022年的7月,时隔数月,首次出去堂食,某人开着车,坐在副驾的我慌得一匹,陪某宝去了前滩太古里,本来想好好逛逛,结果买了几本书,喝了一杯奶茶就匆匆离开,强迫自己健身,跳绳太过剧烈,感觉不太适合,还是想仔细研究一下道教医学,以静制动估计也很好,用手持望远镜观测了超级月亮,画下了当日的月相图,感慨自己作为一名曾经的粒子宇宙学考研者居然没有一个真正的天文望远镜,久未临帖,试写行书,还是找不到感觉,去苏州河和复兴路的江边兜了一圈,感觉自己像一个驾着驽马的拙劣骑手游荡在都市的丛林里…… 2022年的8月,时隔四个月,终于结束居家办公回到单位上班,时封农历生日遇,某人加餐给点了外卖,送了几只荷花,感觉被自己瓶插玩坏了,集团公司廉洁文化征稿,获得二等奖奖品是一个九阳豆浆机,某人用电动推子在一个夜黑风高的辰光深一刀浅一刀的给自己理了个发,心有余悸,阳历生日当天签下了全新林肯Z,向往着远方的星辰大海,像博物学家一样生活,下班途中见到了很多久违的动物和植物,但蜗壳一直没找到,大抵前几个月被消杀殆尽了吧,陪老妈去了一趟徐汇滨江,面对滔滔江水,感慨了一番秋风萧瑟…… 2022年的9月,加了一个神交已久的博主,学习到了很多文人的生活趣味,入了古砖,种了菖蒲、插了灵芝、磨了如意、添置了竹鞭印章、枯木山子、鱼鳞水石、青铜水仙盘、插花竹筒、果盘提篮等一批文房雅器,在一个专业高端玩家的指导下组建了一个原生水族箱,集齐了来自无锡、湖州、阜阳、丽水、衢州、娄底、红河、合肥、广州的粘皮、方氏、麦氏、黄唇等鱼、蚌、蚬、螺,真是认识一个人就是认识一种生活方式啊,绞尽脑汁逃避核酸检测,但人算不如天算还是在台风梅花过境的当天晚上,冒着狂风大雨骂骂咧咧的去社区医院排队做了核酸;陪老妈去了郊野公园、闵行文化公园、武康路网红街、七宝老街,体味了一下久违的自然田园、都市风光,在某人的教唆下,四十年来第一次洗牙,有点恶心,临时牌照申请下来,并赶在国庆前提到了新车…… (在 魔都上海) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnMazDPrVkh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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uroojs · 5 months
Long Awaited Feelings/My Feelings Can Wait - Jing Xui and Ji Youyan - Jaded by Miley Cyrus
So recently I've been obsessed with a comic called Long Awaited Feelings by AirRabbitYan, 森海章鱼 and 闵然.
It's actually the novel that I've been reading more of, and it is completed. Here is a bit of what the drawing looks like
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So the art is tots amazing.
My favourite scene:
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The story is about Ji Youyan who has been reincarnated or brought back 2 years after her break with Jing Xiu, and 3 years before her death. She's decided in this life that she will pursue Jing Xiu.
It's honestly quite a story, and I highly recommend the novel and the comic. I do say to read the novel first before reading the comic. The comic tends to miss details from the novel, which can be confusing. The comic however tends to capture the visual of the character's facial expression and such so a combo of the two is the best way to immerse yourself into it.
So now for the actual post that the title is based on. WARNING SPOILERS BELOW! I was listening to Jaded by Miley Cyrus and was like, "Hey, this describes Ji Youyan and Jing Xiu's relationship (at least in the beginning) quite well. Wanted to dive into what the lyrics remind me of in the series.
I don't wanna call and talk too long I know it was wrong, but never said I was sorry Now I've had time to think it over We're much older and the bone's too big to bury
So this part reminds me of Ji Youyan in the first chapter of the novel and comic where she realizes she wants Jing Xiu, that she'll fight for it, and goes to pursue her. She realizes that she's wronged Jing Xiu ("Never said I was sorry") and she's had time to reflect especially after her original death ("Now I've had time to think it over")
Oh, isn't it a shame that it ended like that? Said goodbye forever, but you never unpacked We went to Hell, but we never came back
So this part "Oh, isn't it a shame that it ended like that?" reminds me of the way Ji Youyan and Jing Xiu broke up. The comic hasn't caught up yet to the novel, but in the novel it was shown that Jing Xiu felt that Ji Youyan didn't love her anymore and Ji Youyan felt that Jing Xiu didn't believe her any more with broken promises in the past. So Jing Xiu asked for the break up, and really their first attempt at having a relationship with each other and subseqent breakup really was painful and such a shame.
"Said goodbye forever, but you never unpacked" So in their first timeline, Ji Youyan and Jing Xiu didn't contact each other after the breakup, but in the first chapter, you could see how heartbroken Jing Xiu was over Ji Youyan's death, so I don't think she ever "unpacked" or let Ji Youyan go.
"We went to Hell, but we never came back" Well Jing Xiu went to hell for Ji Youyan. But actually, after their break up, both of them didn't fare too well.
I'm sorry that you're jaded I could've taken you places You're lonely now and I hate it I'm sorry that you're jaded
So the chorus really feels like it's describing Jing Xiu for me. Despite saving Ji Youyan, she's actually pretty jaded and rebuffs all of Ji Youyan's attempt at being close until a certain point. I always get confused by this because Jing Xiu did everything she could to save Ji Youyan, so wouldn't you want to get back with the person you saved ASAP? Also I know it's "jaded" but jade has a significant meaning in this story.
You're not even willing to look at your part You just jump in your car and head down to the bar 'til you're blurry Don't know when to stop, so you take it too far I don't know where you are and I'm left in the dark 'til I'm worried Oh, and it hurts me
I find in this part describes Jing Xiu. I felt like she never really looked at herself and blamed herself the way Ji Youyan did for the collapse of their relationship. Whereas Ji Youyan blamed herself in a way that she wronged Jing Xiu, Jing Xiu never looked at herself in a way that she wronged Ji Youyan. When Jing Xiu reflected on their relationship demise, it always felt that she'd done so in a lense of "I love her too much, spoiled her, and therefore our relationship didn't survive" It just never sat well with me the way she wasn't really willing to look at her part. It wasn't until chapter 100 in the novel that Jing Xiu realizes Ji Youyan was hurt by her actions or by the actions of those around Jing Xiu. I'm also a bit pissed that Jing Xiu hides a pretty big thing from Ji Youyan once they get together about their past life and it's like dude, have you not learned from the past? Communicate!
I think this is my favourite part of the lyrics to connect to the story.
And it's a fucking shame that it ended like that You broke your own heart, but you'd never say that We went to Hell, but we never came back
I think "You broke your own heart, but you'd never say that" is also my favourite line to connect to the story. I think it describes Jing Xiu perfectly. By asking Ji Youyan to break up, she really did break her own heart.
I'm sorry that you're jaded (jaded) I could've taken you places (places) You're lonely now and I hate it I'm sorry that you're jaded
We've gone over this part lol.
I won't lie, it won't be easy When somebody new's on your body I'll change my number but keep your T-shirt I don't mind it's torn up and faded
Well Jing Xiu has been keeping tabs on Ji Youyan, and it was definitely not easy for her when she finds out about Ji Youyan's death. Also, her feelings when she finds out that when Ji Youyan was dying, she was holding the jade must have been something, I guess overwhelming with grief?
I'm sorry that you're jaded (jaded) I could've taken you places (places) You're lonely now and I hate it I'm sorry that you're jaded I'm sorry that you're jaded
I kind of feel like the chorus is also where Ji Youyan is apologizing to Jing Xiu for all that's happened in the past between them.
And that's it. That's all I have for now. I hope there are others on this site that are into this novel and story. It's so good.
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douqi7s · 1 year
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Official art for contemporary baihe audio drama 孤掷温柔 (Staking It All On Love), based on the novel of the same title by 闵然 (Min Ran).
Read the novel here.
Listen to the audio drama here.
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