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khaeda · 1 year ago
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I can finally post my art for Priest Zine (✿◡‿◡)
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1000saiaruji · 11 months ago
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Finaly i can finished drawing this ;;;^;;;, so excited My fanarts of favorite danmei "Shapolang" by Priest
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weishenmewwx · 5 months ago
Stars of Chaos 杀破狼
Vol 2, Notes 1. Pages 21 - 46.
A very kind tumblr user had to educate me that, yes, Priest edited her work after it was published (stolen on to?) on pirate websites, and so, yes, the translators were working off of a different version than I read.
But I LOVE the version I read, so I'm sharing it with you. You get BOTH.
Please excuse my angry "MISSING PARAGRAPH!" hand-written notes, as I did not realize that official edits were made post-pirate-publication.
Below are many possibly-unnecessary cultural notes that I think are just really neat, plus differences between versions. (I love the old one!)
Here we go:
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Very cool word, 帅。
Usually, I read or hear it in reference to some guy being very cool. Devilishly handsome. Dashing.
Here, 大帅 is used as "Commander-in-Chief," which is the same thing as "Marshal," which can mean (dictionary.com) "a military officer of the highest rank" as well as the one I'm more familiar with, "chief of a police or fire department in some cities."
I just like how, in Chinese, I can also-interpret that everyone is calling him "Big Handsome."
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Yah, Chen QingXu is a Boss. Who introduces herself as, like, a snake-oil peddler.
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讷于言 The young soldier was bad at words. Not sparing, not careful; just bad.
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悬壶济世 hang pot save world, because so much of Chinese medicine is boiling herbs for patients to drink.
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No one is putting powder in leather sachets. It's dried herbs.
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I usually agree with the Seven Seas' formatting, but I think it would be more clear if those sentences were broken into the original two separate paragraphs.
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Top: Gold Tank = container for violet gold. It took me a second to figure that out.
Bottom: 小兄弟. I love how you can combine the "older brother" 兄 with the "younger brother" 弟, add a "little" 小 in the front, and it becomes, effectively, "Bro," but respectful.
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In case you can't read my tiny bad handwriting: there used to be another paragraph here about how Gu Yun wants to see Chen QingXu because his meds are losing effect. The effects of drinking the meds used to last for months, then weeks, and now they only last two days.
And on the facing page, in the illustration, Chang Geng should be ON his horse.
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It hits a little different, I think, to say You have to bathe and change your clothes just to walk your horse? And it has to be this exact time and place?
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锋芒毕露 "sharp point must expose"
After years spent guarding the Silk Road, Gu Yun's propensity to show off had gradually faded...
OK. I think ten is enough for this post. More to come...
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yukacchi · 2 years ago
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changgeng is judging u for looking at yifu
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yada9y9 · 1 year ago
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a gift to a friend ♡.
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ittybittyhuac · 1 year ago
"Kill them with kindness" Wrong. CURSE OF QIN SHI HUANG
“kill them with kindness” Wrong. CURSE OF RA 𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 𓀞 𓀟 𓀠 𓀡 𓀢 𓀣 𓀤 𓀥 𓀦 𓀧 𓀨 𓀩 𓀪 𓀫 𓀬 𓀭 𓀮 𓀯 𓀰 𓀱 𓀲 𓀳 𓀴 𓀵 𓀶 𓀷 𓀸 𓀹 𓀺 𓀻 𓀼 𓀽 𓀾 𓀿 𓁀 𓁁 𓁂 𓁃 𓁄 𓁅 𓁆 𓁇 𓁈 𓁉 𓁊 𓁋 𓁌 𓁍 𓁎 𓁏 𓁐 𓁑 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆
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sakyalk2001 · 1 month ago
蒋天君 钟天君 金天君 殷天君(太岁) 庞天君 刘天君 关天君 马天君(马王爷) 温天君(瘟神) 王天君(王灵官) 康天君 朱天君 吕天君 方天君 耿天君 邓天君 辛天君 张天君 陶天君 苟天君 华天君 赵天君(财神) 吴天君 李天君 梅天君 熊天君 石天君 孔天君 陈天君 林天君 周天君 纪天君 崔天君 江天君 贺天君 高天君
仰启雷霆都司将。符圆法箓众官君。 歘火律令邓元帅。银牙猛吏辛天君。 飞捷报应张使者。苍牙铁面刘天君。 马郭方邓田大将。雷府蒋毕华雷霆。 庞刘苟毕神通大。温康岳孟显威灵。 灵官王马二元帅。地司太岁殷将军。 火犀雷府朱元帅。斗中颛霸二雷神。 天医攻气治病将。丰都府院众祇灵。 城隍社令功曹使。神虎何乔二道神。 队仗森森列左右。旌旗闪闪耀乾坤。 剑戟戈矛常在手。枪刀斧钺尽随身。 若有下邪截大道。摄赴雷狱便施行。 扫荡罡风迎帝驾。扶持道法救良民。 我今有请望来临。大赐雷威加拥护。
甲子乙丑海中金,丙寅丁卯炉中火。 戊辰己巳大林木,庚午辛未路旁土。 壬申癸酉剑锋金,甲戌乙亥山头火。 丙子丁丑涧下水,戊寅己卯城头土。 庚辰辛巳白蜡金,壬午癸未杨柳木。 甲申乙酉泉中水,丙戌丁亥屋上土。 戊子己丑霹雳火,庚寅辛卯松柏木。 壬辰癸巳长流水,甲午乙未沙中金。 丙申丁酉山下火,戊戌己亥平地木。 庚子辛丑壁上土,壬寅癸卯金箔金。 甲辰乙巳覆灯火,丙午丁未天河水。 戊申己酉大驿土,庚戌辛亥钗钏金。 壬子癸丑桑柘木,甲寅乙卯大溪水。 丙辰丁巳沙中土,戊午己未天上火。 庚申辛酉石榴木,壬戌癸亥大海水。
一宫太一(坎)北方玄天女虚危室 二宫摄提(坤)���南朱天觜参井 三宫轩辕(震)东方苍天房心尾 四宫招摇(巽)东南阳天张翼轸 五宫天符(中)中央钧天角亢氐 六宫青龙(乾)西北幽天壁奎娄 七宫咸池(兑)西方颢天胃昴畢 八宫太阴(艮)东北变天箕斗牛 九宫天一(离)南方炎天鬼柳星
登明元辰娵訾亥(十二宫双鱼宫) 河魁元辰降娄戊(第一宫白羊宫) 从魁元辰太梁酉(第二宫金牛宫) 传送元辰实沈甲(第三宫双子宫) 小吉元辰鹑首未(第四宫巨蟹宫) 胜光元辰鹑火午(第五宫狮子宫) 太乙元辰鹑尾巳(第六宫室女宫) 天罡元辰寿星辰(第七宫天秤宫) 太冲元辰大火卯(第八宫天蝎宫) 功曹元辰析木寅(第九宫人马宫) 大吉元辰星纪丑(第十宫摩羯宫) 神后元辰元枵子(十一宫宝瓶宫)
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weishenmewwx · 1 year ago
杀破狼: I’m up to chapter 98 on my Stars of Chaos Reread! And I must proclaim,
Poor Chang Geng! He’s a full-blooded healthy young man (except for the curse) (and the stab wounds) (but he’s fine, really!) and all he wants is a little sugar from his sweetie! But mean mean Gu Yun keeps (nervously) poking him full of acupuncture needles (doctor’s orders, sadly) or sending him away unkissed (ok, so Chang Geng almost got them killed a couple times there) or making him put his hands away and Sleep! (Because he’s bleeding from multiple wounds. Whoops.)
The cruelty!!
On the flip side, Poor Gu Yun! Everyone thinks Gu Yun is a lecher and a libertine, but he’s the one who has to keep a straight face when Chang Geng sneaks in a dirty suggestion or licks him in public (ok, it was at night and it was raining and chaotic, but, still). And every time he’s left alone with little (not so little) Chang Geng, he gets attacked (romantically) and Chang Geng tries to (amorously) eat him!
Sigh 🥰
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sakyalk2001 · 1 month ago
(甲乙神瘟疫)东方木神句芒 (丙丁神旱灾)南方火神祝融 (戊己神地震)中央土神后土(皇地祇、地母娘娘、坚牢地神) (庚辛神战争)西方金神蓐收 (壬癸神水灾)北方水神玄冥
东岳泰山天齐仁圣大帝 南岳衡山司天昭圣大帝 中岳嵩山中天崇圣大帝 西岳华山金天顺圣大帝 北岳恒山安天玄圣大帝
东镇沂山元德东安王 南镇会稽昭德顺���王 中镇霍山崇德应灵王 西镇吴山成德永靖王 北镇闾山贞德广宁王
东海广德灵会王 南海广利灵孚王 西海广润灵通王 北海广泽灵佑王
东渎大淮长源广济王 南渎大江广源顺济王 西渎大河灵源弘济王 北渎大济清源汉济王
东海青龙广仁王 南海赤龙嘉泽王 中央黄龙孚应王 西海白龙义济王 北海黑龙灵泽王
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weishenmewwx · 4 months ago
Stars of Chaos 杀破狼
Vol 2, Notes 6, pages 263 - 333
This novel is really too beautiful.
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"Adoptive father" is usually the guy who takes care of you after your own parents die; but here, the "adoptive father" is someone that the young people took in to take care of in his old age.
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I like how in the Chinese formatting, Priest just ends the previous paragraph with "... ..." and then starts the next one with "Until the easterly winds of change..."
This sounds weird to say, but I really like the formatting and syntactical style of all the Chinese novels I've read.
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... 一条漆黑的阶梯舌头凭空垂下来...
I got confused with "staircase unfurled", since staircases don't move.
The end of the staircase is likened to a tongue, 阶梯 舌头, and, of course, tongues unfurl.
More translation confusion: in Chinese, 阶梯 doesn't distinguish between a solid staircase and, say, a rope ladder; and the (online) text 凭空垂下来 translates to "hangs down, out of nothing," kind of like "appears out of thin air" except it's hanging, so, "from nowhere."
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矿物. I had the worst time trying to translate this. It is, officially, "ore," but Violet Gold is a liquid whereas "ore" is a solid.
I gave up and just wrote that little note that 矿物 means "thing that you have to mine out of the earth," regardless of its physical state.
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I really liked those paragraphs that aren't in this version.
So, those 7 paragraphs:
Everything metal that was on Gu Yun had been taken away, but that didn't mean that Gu Yun was at the end of his tether / didn't have options available.
He had a secret skill -- when he and Shen Yi were little, they used to play a game in the marquis's compound, "who can steal pieces off the puppets the fastest." Two wild children -- when they had nothing else to do they would get together to study how to disassemble the puppets guarding the marquis's entrance. There was one time when Shen Yi didn't dodge fast enough, and when he was being naughty the puppet mistook him for an enemy and hit him so hard that he was thrown up to the roof and his little life almost ended. Of course, Gu Yun was not able to escape a beating from the old Marquis.
The blood-lesson (beating) did not help Gu Yun gain any memory (learn from his mistake), and instead he became even more bold. The two of them repeatedly studied for a long time -- they were sure that there must be a special/secret/expert method, to be like those slight-of-hand pickpockets and pull a piece off the puppet as they passed by.
In the end, they discovered that, yes, there were pieces that could be taken off, but only parts of the mask or the piece on the elbow where the label/mark was, those types of non-critical parts, so Gu Yun's unrivalled skill had never had a chance to be demonstrated.
But, now it looked like it could be used.
The first day that the puppet delivered food, Gu Yun stealthily (eyes quick hands fast) reached out his hand, hooked and pulled, and easily removed the rusty label-plate from the puppet's elbow ----
He sharpened that plate on a rock, used it pry open his handcuffs, then finally did a big lazy stretch. Afterwards, he cut a piece of his bedsheet and braided it into a rope, caught a little rat, and at every meal he would save two mouthfuls of food to feed it, and play with it when he had nothing else to do.
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top: More edited-out lines :( If Priest didn't want us to fall in love with these lines, why did she give them to us in the first place :(
"...resist heaving a sigh and spinning the metal plate he was playing with like a pinwheel."
bottom:“ 他还不如每天嫌我给他捣乱呢。” which the translators did a fine job translating, but I like "giving him trouble" more than "getting on his nerves". 捣乱 is, literally, "pound/beat disorder," so you can see how it suggests more "messing things up."
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I find it very interesting that a typical (I think? I'm not really that well-read) form of address for a high-ranking Senior Official is 爱卿, which I think translates better to “My dear Senior Official ..." rather than "subject".
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一视同仁 "treat all alike." Which means that the old marquis treated his dumpling-sized son the same as he treated everyone else (though he did finally relent to hold his little son's hand).
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"谁要是这时候给我热俩烧饼,我就把谁娶回家” In Chinese, it's really easy to avoid numbered and gendered language. In this sentence, the word "谁" "whoever/someone" works in both parts of the sentence.
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top: A little bit was added.
bottom: Same as last time. The Chinese is very symmetrical: "Whoever is afraid to die is the first to die."
We are getting close to the end.... :)
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sakyalk2001 · 1 month ago
吴王 齐王 卫王 鲁王 赵王 晋王 秦王 周王 楚王 郑王 宋王 燕王
扬州公 青州公 并州公 徐州公 冀州公 益州公 雍州公 司州公 荆州公 兖州公 豫州公 幽州公
府城隍享公爵威灵公 州城隍享侯爵灵佑侯 县城隍享伯爵显佑伯
值年神 值月神 值日神 值时神
菩提揭谛 萨婆诃揭谛 波罗揭谛 波罗僧揭谛 摩诃揭谛
丁卯神名文伯字仁高 丁丑神名文公字仁贤 丁亥神名文通字仁和 丁酉神名文卿字仁修 丁未神名升通字仁恭 丁巳神名庭卿字仁敬
甲子神字青公名元德 甲成神字林齐名虚逸 甲申神字权衡名节略 甲午神字子卿名潺仁 甲辰神字兖昌名通元 甲寅神字子靡名化石
月下老者 和合二仙
福星中枢紫微 禄星北斗文曲 寿星南方长庚
东方东路财神大真君比干 南方南路财神大真君关羽 中方中路财神大真君柴荣 西方西路财神大真君赵公明 北方北路财神大真君王亥
门神(神威镇宅大将军) 厕神 井神 灶神(九天东厨司命灶王府君) 窗神
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weishenmewwx · 4 months ago
Stars of Chaos 杀破狼
Vol 2, Notes 7, pages 339 - 366.
Another eight notes...
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The idiom for "too late" in Chinese is 黄花菜都凉了 "The Yellow Lilly (chrysanthemum? Yellow lily?) dish is already cold", which I had to look up.
Apparently, there was a time and place in ancient China where, when the fancy nobles would throw a banquet, they would serve 黄花菜 as the final dish. If you delayed attending so long that the 黄花菜 was already cold, then you had completely missed the banquet. You were too late.
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牲口 is, technically, "draught animal" or "beast of burden," but I'm pretty sure what Priest means here is "those cold-blooded war beasts."
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top: I think of it as two separate, unrelated, consecutive actions.
bottom: 铁膝飞足, iron knees flying feet, is so easy to read in Chinese. (This is the first time I've ever seen the word "poleyns.")
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top: "young and inexperienced" in Chinese here is 初出茅庐, "first time out of the thatched cottage."
初出茅庐 is the coolest little idiom. So, in the Three Kingdoms period, there was a scholar called Zhuge Liang. Liu Bei, leader of the Shu Han, begged Zhuge Liang to become his advisor and, after three visits, Zhuge Liang agreed. This was the first time that Zhuge Liang accepted such an advisory position, and the "first time" that he left his thatched cottage (it was wartime. There was a lot of travel involved with advising a king/warlord).
Anyway, Zhuge Liang was a genius and immediately won a lot of battles through superior strategy.
next: for "dig in his heels before the capital," I feel like that could be more clearly written as "hold the capital."
next: regarding "unsalvageable situation," he's talking about his relationship with the emperor.
last: "No eggs remain when the nest overturns" is a common idiom, 覆巢之下无完卵。 We're all in it together.
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"running to the market" 赶集 is a way to describe how things are noisy and busy and people are running back and forth (not bright and merry with people buying gifts for each other).
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I think... the indescribable smell is the mix of gunpowder and blood...
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If you don't know already, the Origin Myth for Where Humans Come From is that the half-snake goddess Nuwa made humans out of clay :)
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I'm not sure why, but in English I thought that one of the Western soldiers was laughing; but in Chinese it's really clear that none of the soldiers are laughing.
Four more...
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