#足 radical
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Kanji: 果
The kanji for "fruit" is a handy little pictogram of a tree 木 with a big fat fruit drawn in on top.
Readings and vocabulary
果 is pronounced か in most compounds, and means either literal fruit or the result of something (aka the figurative fruits of your labor.) This is the most common reading/meaning since a lot of these words are used frequently:
果実(かじつ) fruit/nut/berry (実 fruit/berry)
果汁(かじゅう) fruit juice (汁 juice, broth)
果物(odd reading くだもの) fruit (物 thing)
結果(けっか) result, outcome (結 tie, bind)
効果(こうか)effect, efficacy (効 effective)
成果(せいか) accomplishment, achievement, good outcome (成 become/make/achieve)
It's also used for two verbs related to results/finishing, in which case it's read は with a た or て immediately after it:
果たす(はたす) finish, achieve, accomplish, carry out (transitive, like 目的を果たす to achieve a goal)
果てる(はてる)end, be finished, be exhausted, perish (intransitive)
果たして, the て form of 果たす (finish or achieve something) can be used like an adverb, and it means something like "Ultimately..." or "In the end..." or "As expected, the end result was..." It's very often used in rhetorical questions showing doubt, like 果たして真実なのだろうか "But is it really the truth (in the end)?"
Meanwhile 果てる likes to be in compound verbs, where it means "completely/utterly" or "to the extreme," usually with negative connotations:
疲れ果てる(つかれはてる)be utterly exhausted (疲れる be tired)
変わり果てる(かわりはてる)be completely transformed, change beyond recognition (a change for the worse - for example, a person's 変わり果てた姿 "utterly changed form" generally means their dead and possibly rotting body) (変わる change)
朽ち果てる(くちはてる)rot away, crumble to dust (朽ちる decay)
And finally 果て, the noun form of 果てる, means "end" or "extremity" or "limit," i.e. the point you reach when you've done the verb 果てる. It can be spelled 果て with the て or 果 without, and is pronounced はて either way. It also appears in the adjective 果てしない "endless, boundless, eternal" (literally "not ending/not having limits")
As a phonetic element
果 is also used as a component in other kanji, most of which share the Chinese-derived reading か, the most common one being 課:

課(カ) section, lesson, chapter (with the "words" radical 言)
菓(カ) candy, sweets, pretty much always in the word 菓子(かし sweets, confectionery, snacks) (with the "plant" radical)
裸(ラ、はだか) naked, nude (with the "clothes" radical; this one's the odd one out when it comes to pronunciation)
踝(カ、くるぶし) ankle, ankle bone (with the foot radical 足)
顆(カ、つぶ) grain of something, granule (head/face radical 頁)
夥しい(カ、おびただしい) very many, countless, immense (with 多 "many")
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Today's name is 甲斐, read Kai, or very rarely Kahi or Kōhi. Both characters are new to this blog!
First, this name is also a common word! 甲斐 [かい] means effort, worth, use or avail. You might know it from terms like:
生き甲斐 [いきがい] reason for living; purpose in life
やり甲斐 [やりがい] feeling that something (esp. a job) is worth doing; rewarding feeling; sense of satisfaction
The first kanji, 甲 is read きのえ, コウ, or カン. It means armor or carapace.
In anatomical contexts, 甲 can refer to the instep of the foot (足の甲 [あしのこう]) or the back of the hand (手の甲 [てのこう]). Also, the thyroid gland 甲状腺 [こうじょうせん]. I've always vaguely wondered why—like, does the thyroid have an armor/immune function?—but apparently it was named for its physical resemblance to a kabuto helmet!

Huh! I never, ever, ever would have thought of that, but now I see it! [x, x]
甲 can also denote the first or highest of something: e.g. first class, A-grade, high voice/note, tenor voice, or the first party to a contract. In legal documents, 甲 [こう] is Party A, and 乙 [おつ] is Party B, or alternatively, Promisor and Promisee, Lessor and Lessee, or what have you.
I went down a slight rabbit hole about this ordinal system and learned that it comes from something called the 10 Heavenly Stems 十干 [じっかん], which were the names for the days of the week in classical Chinese:
jiǎ, yǐ, bǐng, dīng, wù, jǐ, gēng, xīn, rén, guǐ
To be more precise, these were the names of 10 different suns(!!!), which people in the Shang Dynasty (c. 1250 BCE) believed appeared, in order, throughout a 10-day cycle. 10 suns!!! I love that idea!
Okay! Now, the second character, 斐, is more rare; in fact, the only common vocabulary it shows up in is 甲斐. But it's read ヒ or イ, and it means beautiful or patterned. Its radicals are 非 un-/non-/negative (which provides the reading ヒ) and 文 sentence/literature. P.S. I hope someday I'll see a contract with at least 8 parties, because that's when someone gets to be named 辛 spicy/painful...
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馬の足形|毛茛[Umanoashigata] Ranunculus japonicus
馬[Uma] : Horse
の[No] : Of
足形[Ashigata] : Footprint
It is so named because the radical leaf resembles a footprint of horses. 毛茛 is an ateji(in this case, it is the Japanese reading of the Chinese name.) Another name is 金鳳花[Kinpōge].
It commonly grows in sunny and slightly moist areas in the mountains and fields, and often grows in clusters. And its stem grows about seventy centimeters tall and produces golden, shiny, five-petaled flowers about two centimeters in diameter at its top. It is a herbaceous poisonous plant.
The way many of the flowers sway slowly and gracefully in the wind on a sunny day against the shadows of a dark forest is aptly described as 妖艶[Yōen]. And, the reflections of the flowers on the surface of the ponds or rivers, and the way they lean in the rain, are also tasteful. https://jisho.org/word/妖艶
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ミニ偏/Mini Left-Side Radical (English Translation)
Music/Lyrics/Video: Sasuke Haraguchi Vocals: Kasane Teto
"i made this after turning on late night tv"
Translator's note: This song is virtually impossible to properly translate because it's one long visual pun. And it's all based on a linguistic concept that barely exists in English (the closest I can think of are prefixes and suffixes). So there are two translation options: one that translates the song with its intention, possibly sacrificing accuracy in the process and one that translates the song as is. I'll put them in respective order under the cut!
Translation trying to keep the wordplay (wordplays bolded)
各・略る 町 田んぼの田 タダ飯 飯 食当たり 残念! 観念!何にも不可解
‘Men-’, mensuration and administration Cultivation of rice in a field is free food for me! I got food poisoning, sucks for me! Idea for me! I don’t get any of it.
あと、くっ付く角 アかイかウ選ぶ 解らない でも分かる 左側 変
Then, I attach a ‘-stand’ I choose from ‘th-’ and ‘att-’ and ‘-t-nd’ [1] I don’t understand, but I know The left side of it is strange
Mini left-side radical…
読めない 言葉が 押し寄せて来る!来る! 見えない 事から 価値 吸い取られてる 言った 才 また来る! イ 口 耳
Words I can’t say I know are coming in fast, they’re coming! From what I can’t see I inhale deeply its expense Words I say are coming again ‘In-,’ ‘deep-’ and ‘ex-’
段々 頭 頭 逆さまに成っている
Gradually my head, my head it’s turning upside down
マットな怨念 ハットな本音 伝えている筈 なのに変 ミニ偏
A matte grudge, A hat intent, It should be pretty clear, but it’s strange, mini left-side radical
マットな混線 ハットな文面 至り 足りない 何か変 ミニ偏
A matte confusion, A hat text of a letter At its height, it’s not enough! Something’s strange, mini left-side radical
糸三 糸三 イとイ ミニ偏 少し変
‘-sion’, ‘con-‘, ‘-sion’, ‘con-‘ ‘Some-’ and ‘rad-’, mini left-side radical It’s a little strange
口・吟味に 場に 土 垢に蟹 蟹 成れない 者から 価値 吸い取られてる 解らない虫 イ 口 耳
‘In-, investigation, on the ground Ground, underground, is a crab, a crab From people who can’t make it, I inhale deeply its expense This creature is absolutely unknown to me ‘In-,’ ‘deep-’ and ‘ex-’
また 頭 頭 逆さまに書いている
Again, my head, my head is being written upside down
マットな怨念 ハットな本音 伝えている筈 なのに変 ミニ偏
A matte grudge, A hat intent, It should be pretty clear, but it’s strange, mini left-side radical
マットな混線 ハットな文面 至り 足りない 何か変 ミニ偏
A matte confusion, A hat text of a letter At its height, it’s not enough! Something’s strange, mini left-side radical
糸三 糸三 イとイ ミニ偏
‘-sion’, ‘con-‘, ‘-sion’, ‘con-‘ ‘Some-’ and ‘rad-’, mini left-side radical
何処かで 見落とされて見てる 伝たわらぬ偏 ミニ偏
Overlooked somewhere and watching is a left-side radical that’s not getting through, mini left-side radical
マットな混線 ハットな文面 至り 足りない 何か変 ミニ偏
A matte confusion, A hat text of a letter At its height, it’s not enough! Something’s strange, mini left-side radical
糸三 糸三 イとイ ミニ偏
‘-sion’, ‘con-‘, ‘-sion’, ‘con-‘ ‘Some-’ and ‘rad-’, mini left-side radical
It’s a little strange
Mini left-side radical
It’s very strange!
Literal translation (the radicals are translated as their literal meanings):
'Each', measure and in towns The paddies in the rice fields is free cooked rice, sure is! I got food poisoning, too bad! I got an idea! I don’t get any of it.
Then I attach a horn I choose from 'a' and 'person' and 'h_rn' [1] I don’t get it, but I do know The left side of it is strange
Mini left-side radical…
Words I can’t read are surging in, they’re coming! I suck up value from what I can’t see The talent I spoke of is coming again! People, mouth and ears
Gradually my head, my head it’s turning upside down
A matte grudge, A hat intent, It should be pretty clear, but it’s strange, mini left-side radical
A matte confusion, A hat text of a letter At its height, it’s not enough! Something’s strange, mini left-side radical
Thread, water, thread, water [2] Person and person, mini left-side radical
It’s a little strange
'Mouth', in review, in this place, In the earth, in the filth, there's a crab, a crab I suck up value from people who can't make it A bug I don't know People, mouth and ears
Again, my head, my head is being written upside down
A matte grudge, A hat intent, It should be pretty clear, but it’s strange, mini left-side radical
A matte confusion, A hat text of a letter At its height, it’s not enough! Something’s strange, mini left-side radical
Thread, water, thread, water [2] Person and person, mini left-side radical
Overlooked somewhere and watching is a left-side radical that’s not getting through, mini left-side radical
A matte confusion, A hat text of a letter At its height, it’s not enough! Something’s strange, mini left-side radical
Thread, water, thread, water [2] Person and person, mini left-side radical
It’s a little strange
Mini left-side radical
It’s very strange!
[1] - The way the words are broken in both translations (where relevant) also matches how they're split in the video. This is most relevant in アかイかウ選ぶ, where ウ is a result of cutting 角 to look like it, but not resulting in any recognisable kanji. I tried to reflect this by omitting some letters in the word that 角 would have been translated to.
[2] - That's not 水, but the radical highlighted in the video for '三' is 氵, which is a radical that means 'water', hence the translation.
#kasane teto#utau#mini hen#sasuke haraguchi#ミニ偏#原口沙輔#translation#i'm not putting this on the vlyrics wiki a native japanese speaker is better suited to this song than i am 💀#i just wanted to throw in my hat because i noticed no one on the english side picked up that this is all one big joke about kanji radicals#...i am proud of my crab joke though#Youtube
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Chinese people and technology (2) Chinese people lack originality (Essay)
Fighter engine
1) A Westerner assessed the Chinese people as having " good memory but lack originality." This view was written before WWII, but it applies to the Chinese today.
2) Therefore, since they cannot create new technology, they adopt technology invented by other countries and improve it slightly. They mainly model fighter engines on Russian engines and improve them. (They have recently developed their engines. But performance is unknown.) They copied high-speed railway technology from Japan, but there were many problems and accidents, and it is no match for the original Japanese Shinkansen. They threatened to embargo rare metals, forced Japanese companies to form joint ventures, and copied strong magnet technology. It is a technology essential for EVs, but they cannot develop it themselves, so they copy it from Japan. Solar power generation is also copied from Japan.
However, no radical technological innovation has been achieved in any field, and Japan is developing various new technologies. And China is trying to steal them.
3) They do not transfer high-speed railway technology either. When building a railway in another country, materials and engineers are brought from China, and no technology is taught to the other country. China monopolizes everything. This brings no benefits to the construction country. Japan even teaches local engineers how to maintain it. Is China not confident in the technology it copied? It is not a technology China developed independently, so it cannot be applied. There aren’t enough case studies, and I believe their system can’t deal with unexpected situations.
4) The reason why China has spread its spy network all over the world is probably because it is unable to come up with new ideas on its own and wants to steal other countries' ideas and inventions.
Rei Morishita
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Corvus and the Dramatic Chase (コーバスと追走劇)
スタンド・アップ 鳶色のスキャンダル フラッシュバックはビートのクラッシャー さんざめく心音と謳った 動悸を患っている (Wait a minutes girl時間外 気が早い 絶対なのに啖呵みたい) ローファイに素見通 板付はここで 突破したい… Stand up! A russet scandal. Flashbacks are beat crushers, I insisted to the sound of my thundering heartbeat. I suffer from its palpitations. (Wait a minutes girl, we’ve gone into overtime. Don’t be rash. Certain though you may be, it sounds like bluster.) I’m a lo-fi window-shopping connoisseur! The stage is right here, and I yearn to break through it... KNOCK OUT!!Burn in your brain お前の栄冠を前に政策掲げろ されどこの身を果たすべからず ぶっ倒れそうな侠は狂歌唱和したい 撤退だとは言えない blood your head かなり過激な妄 トップレディ閉口のdo a fade まさに陰気でfreakyなSHOW KNOCK OUT!! Burn in your brain. Put some policies forward before you start resting on your laurels! Be that as it may, I mustn’t run myself ragged. Those boisterous fools look about ready to collapse, and yet they fancy chanting satirical tunes. I can’t tell them to retreat. Blood your head, what a radical fallacy. The top lady is at her wits’ end, do a fade. A truly gloomy and freaky SHOW! 焼け付いた 銀河に飛び立つ鳥の歌 差し伸べた手 振り去ったのは 針のように 凍てついた 神話に先立つ 灰の歌 出任せを並べては 誰かの目論見で This is the song of a bird taking flight from the scorched Milky Way. It turning away from my outstretched hand cut deep like needles of frost. It takes the lead in this myth, this ashen song. I spout the words off as soon as I think them, all in accordance with someone else’s schemes. スタンド・アップ 鈍色に光った ティルヴィングでslash at 吹き溜まり 遠からず引導をいただき 常軌を遇っている (Just a moment boy 無頼漢 バックパス渡す愚策は悪足掻き) クライアントは別注 札付きの宴 調和したい… Stand up! It shone a dull gray. Slash at all those layabouts with tyrfing! Sooner or later, they’ll be needing their last rites. I’m only doing what should be done. (Just a moment boy, you ruffian! Making that foolish back pass only serves to prolong your futile struggle!) The client has specially requested this notorious feast, hoping to come to an accord... SHUT OUT!写楽・波磔・洒脱・処罰・菩薩にも度し難い程 表裏felony crime …get this right きっと猛省 月破 movingで溜飲 downerはlooping!! 新たな理想 一層 奇想天外な高鳴るbeat yourself 退路を断った包囲網 かなり老廃でcreakyなDON SHUT OUT! Sharaku, hataku,¹ sophistication, punishment, even bodhisattva are utterly irredeemable, inside and out, they’re full of felony crime. ...get this right, I’m sure they’re repenting. Unlucky star,² bile by moving, downer is looping!! A new ideal, an even more wildly fantastic pulsation, beat yourself They’ve got me surrounded, my escape is cut off. What a worn-out and creaky DON! 錆び付いた 銀貨に芽を出す宵の歌 張り詰めたって 飛べない鳥は 徒爾の世に 楯突いた 森羅に差し出す檻の歌 色褪せた麻の葉と 那由多を執り成して An evening song sprouts from a rusted silver coin. The bird that just couldn’t fly despite how hard it strained itself rebelled against this useless world, a song of a cage that presents itself to the endless expanse, making peace with everything alongside the faded hemp crest. Wait on 絶対のboss この罰から逃げ惑う奴の有様 見たくないなら手洗って搔っ攫う 手荒手柄ってのはお呼びじゃないから あっけないwanna bet on? 並べろ トべよフェノメノなんだろ?still 洒落本 破落戸達のヒステリーはstay shooting 絶頂にcatch the next twist Wait on, total boss! That’s what happens to guys who try to escape divine punishment. If you don’t wanna watch, then go wash your hands and snatch it away! No one asked for any of this hard-handed high-handedness, after all. What a disappointment, wanna bet on? Line ‘em up! Yo, loser, isn’t it phenomenal? Still a book of manners. That hoodlum hysteria is to stay shooting, at the peak, catch the next twist! 遍くgotta劣化な廉価 誰か駄弁ったらspend dollar 連打 隠すヴェノム pump up the bellows 奪還した奴らの王道楽土を 狡猾さでなら無敗 pass the buck 惹句 さらば軽薄な玲瓏を 因果応報 手の上で踊れ! Gotta get it all, an inferior bargain. If someone starts jabbering, hit ‘em with a spend dollar barrage! I hide my venom, pump up the bellows for the Arcadia of the recaptured. When it comes to cunning, I’m undefeated. Pass the buck is my catchphrase, fare thee well, o flippant brilliance. This is what you deserve—dance in the palm of my hand! 焼け付いた 銀河に飛び立つ鳥の歌 差し伸べた手 振り去ったのは 針のように 凍てついた 神話に先立つ 灰の歌 出任せを並べては 誰かの目論見で This is the song of a bird taking flight from the scorched Milky Way. It turning away from my outstretched hand cut deep like needles of frost. It takes the lead in this myth, this ashen song. I spout the words off as soon as I think them, all in accordance with someone else’s schemes. * It may be worth noting that the word “Corvus” means “crow.” ¹ A style of clerical script in kanji. ² In flying star feng shui, this refers to a type of inauspicious bearing.
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Kanji #599 跡
Significado: huella, vestigio
Explicación: Es un kanji compuesto por el Kanji 足 y el radical Jinmeiyō (人名用) 亦, que quiere decir "otra vez".
Nemotecnia: Las pisadas que se repiten otra vez (亦) por allí son vestigios (跡), pistas suficientes (足) de que hubo un asesinato.
ON: セキ / SEKI
Kun: あと / ato あと = 跡 = una huella dejada atrás, un vestigio ★★★☆☆
Ranking de uso: ★★★☆☆
足跡 - ashiato - 足 (pie / ser suficiente) + 跡 (huella, vestigio) = huellas, pisadas ★★★☆☆ #KUNKUNA
遺跡 - iseki - 遺 (legar, heredar) + 跡 (huella, vestigio) = ruinas históricas (restos, reliquias) ★☆☆☆☆
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Sage - Radical Paradise.

❖ 此篇小說主要是填補官方的大賢者故事之中,卡布亞曆 381 年又經過 49 後,那顆深闇之星砸向伏馬城時,大賢者為何沒有拯救城中居民的歷史緣由。
❖ 沒有亦雷茲拉、沒有黑精靈、沒有戰鬥描寫,只有大賢者在 8000 年前,卡布亞曆 430 年時留下的獨白與記憶。
❖ 『』內的文字,部分引用 & 改寫至 Wilfred Owen 威爾弗雷德·歐文,於 1917 年起草的《為國捐軀》一詩。
Episode 1.
Episode 2.

Episode 3.
把垂飾與護身符重新披上肩,令「德基瑪」們的肖像畫照看我身後旅路。 然而,言語與回憶終究會失去原意。屆時,我將以蓋伏與齊貝利烏斯之矛,再度於汝等身軀雕鑿、鐫刻。這是我謹致的回答,更是這漫長救濟征程的起點與結局。

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How to write 跤 (jiāo) - a fall
The character 跤 (jiāo) is fascinating because it’s a relatively modern character, and its creation is tied to the evolution of the Chinese language and the need to represent new concepts. Here’s a breakdown of its components and likely origin: 足 (zú): This radical clearly represents a foot. This makes sense given that 跤 relates to actions involving the feet. 交 (jiāo): This component has a…
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English+Romaji Translation
komatta keisatsu ni haiku wo mirareta
I'm in trouble, the police saw my haiku
juu de utte kure re re
Please shoot me with your gun
daremo karemo kotoba ni obieta
Everyone feared those words
utsukushisa wa ihan datta
Beauty was a crime
komatta keisatsu ni doresu wo mirareta
I'm in trouble, the police saw my dress
juu de utte kure re re
Please shoot me with your gun
daremo karemo medatanai you ni
So I don't stand out among everyone
atarashii fuku wa yogashita
I stained my new clothes
komatta terebi de wa mozaiku bakari
There's trouble, the TV shows nothing but static
shikashi sore de mina wa waratta
But everyone is just laughing at it
daremo karemo anshin shiteita
They were all put at ease
sore wa kimi ga warukatta
And that gave me a bad feeling
iwakan dake ga kubi ni karami
Just the discomfort of feeling out of place tangled around my neck
ikizurakute ikigurushiina
Makes it hard to live, it's suffocating me
akireteshimatta ittai nan nanda
I've been left speechless, what the hell is this
komatta keisatsu ni haiku wo yomareta
I'm in trouble, the police read my haiku
sugu koroshitekure re re
Please kill me quickly
nanimo kamo ga tarinai shakai de
In this society where everything is deficient
fuman shika ienakunatta
All I can do voice my dissatisfaction
komatta keisatsu ni haiku wo yomareta
I'm in trouble, the police read my haiku
sugu koroshite kure
Please kill me quickly
shigeki wa kese kageki na kansei
The motivation is the erasure of radical sensibilities
規制で犠牲 全て君のせい
kisei de gisei subete kimi no sei
Sacrifices made through control
It's all your fault
komatta keisatsu ni uta wo kikareteta
I'm in trouble, the police heard my song
juu de uttekure re re
Please shoot me with your gun
konna machi ni sunda oboe wa nai
I don't remember living in a town like this
go ji no kane wa mukashi no hanashi
The 5 o'clock bell* is a thing of the past
komatta keisatsu ga uta wo utatta
I'm in trouble, the police sang my song
aita kuchi ga fusagaranai
Left at a loss for words
konna machi ni sumeru wake ga nai
There's no way I can live in a town like this
mou boku wa ikirenai
I can't live any longer
yuganda seikatsu de haiku ga umareta
From this warped way of life, a haiku was born
sugu koroshite kure re re
Please kill me quickly
itsu no ma ni ka nakami ga naku natte
The substance disappeared before I realized it
fuman shika ienaku natta
And there was nothing to voice but my dissatisfaction
yuganda seikatsu de haiku ga umareta
From this warped way of life, a haiku was born
sugu koroshite kure re re
Please kill me quickly
刺激は消せ 過激な感性
shigeki wa kese kageki na kansei
The motivation is the erasure of radical sensibilities
規制で犠牲 全て君のせい
kisei de gisei subete kimi no sei
Sacrifices made through control
It's all your fault
sore kara tensai wo yameta
And so I've given up on being a genius
tensai ni naru koto wo yameta
I've given up on becoming a genius
doko ka no tensai wa sono naka de hyougen wo shiteita
A genius somewhere is expressing themselves inside of there
sore wo shitteita
I knew that
kakushita haiku wa namida de nijinda
Blotted out with tears, I hid my haiku
utsukushii haiku de wa nakatta
It wasn't beautiful, that haiku
hontou wa subete ii wake datta
The truth is that it was all an excuse
sore de ii wake nakatta
Of course it was no good
komatta keisatsu nante inakatta
I'm in trouble, there was never any police
jibun de umi dashita maboroshi
It was an illusion all in my head
kankyou no sei ni shitakatta
I wanted to blame my environment
sore de boku wa raku ni natta
Then I'd feel better
komatta saisho kara sonna no nakatta
I'm in trouble, there was nothing like that from the beginning
hontou wa utsukushisa ni afureteita
Truthfully the beauty was overflowing
sore ga boku wa urayamashi katta
I was jealous of that
sore de boku wa
And so I'll--
Translation notes:
*The 5 o'clock bell goes off every day in most(?) Japanese cities, reminding children to head home from school. The main function of the speakers is for emergency alerts (such as natural disasters), and the 5 o'clock bell functions as a daily test of the system.
#PELICAN FANCLUB#Haiku#Hints for Liberation#i like to do a little dance to this song#because it is a banger#fav
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A little historical marker! It reads 芝口御門跡 or Shibaguchi Gomon-seki, or the remains of or a monument to the Shibaguchi Gate.
芝口 is a name read Shibaguchi or rarely Shibakuchi.
芝 means turf or lawn (see the grass radical 艹!). It's read しば or シ. Note that it does not refer to Shiba dogs; that's 柴(犬), read しば(けん).
口 means mouth or aperture. It’s readくち, コー, or ク.
御門 means gate when read ごもん. It can also be read みかど to mean emperor (of Japan), but the standard way to write that is 帝.
御 is usually an honorific prefix, and it can also mean to govern or manipulate. It's read おん, お-, み-, ギョ, or ゴ.
門 means gate and is also used as the counter for cannons(!). It's readかど, と, or モン.
跡 is often used as a suffix in place names to mean historic site, as it is here. It broadly means tracks (note the foot radical 足), mark, print, or impression. It's read あと or セキ.
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Disclaimer: These are all good resources for people who can speak English; unfortunately, I don’t know of any alternatives for other language speakers.
Another couple resources for learning vocabulary and practicing reading: For flashcards / vocab drilling, I know a lot of people use these: Anki - It’s not just for Japanese, but there are premade decks you can use for your studying purposes, for example if you’re studying for the JLPT. I never got into it, but it seems to be free.
Wanikani - This is specifically for learning kanji. It’s free for the first couple levels, but after that you have to pay a subscription. That being said, Wanikani does do an annual lifetime sale around New Years--it’s a chunk of money, but you never have to pay them again. If you’re absolutely sure you want to use it to study kanji, go for it. Again, this isn’t the one I use.
Houhou - This is the one I use! I use it because it’s free and because I have control over what vocabulary I learn. I typically pull things from materials I actually read and input them into my vocabulary stack. Unfortunately, because I haven’t touched my reviews in a while (i am busy and tired and maybe a little lazy) they’ve piled up to the 300s. However, you can alter what level you think a word is at to either give yourself a break or to review something you got out of sheer dumb luck.
For reading:
The Japanese Foundation’s Libby Digital Media Service - You can sign up to read Japanese material and language learning materials for free. That being said, I did try to sign up and never got a response; it may be because I currently don’t live in the USA/Canada and so my IP address pinged as outside of their service, so keep that in mind.
If you have a VPN, you can access serialized manga online--usually for a fee. They might have the first couple chapters up for free, but after that it’s a pay-to-read service. Sometimes they do special events and have chapters unlocked for a limited amount of time (I may have stayed up several hours to read, at that time, the latest Witch Hat chapters lol), so keep an eye out for those either on those sites or social media!
I recommend also CHECKING YOUR JAPANESE CONSULATE / EMBASSY WEBSITES. This is for everywhere with a consulate / embassy. Their job is to promote their language and culture in your country; they may have more resources available!
(there’s another similar resource that I’ve unfortunately forgotten and don’t currently have a link for D:)
I totally recommend Takoboto; I make lists for whatever I’m reading, and it’s free to use though you can subscribe to get access to things like review games.
ALSO: while you can look up kanji by searching for radicals, the cheat that I use is downloading the google keyboard (android phone here) and having one of my many keyboards being a drawing keyboard set to Japanese. It’s very generous, so your penmanship can be a mess and it’ll still usually figure out what you’re trying to write. It also has the positive side effect of minor muscle training, especially if you keep forgetting the same word over and over lol.
My last advice would be this: it takes time and effort and isn’t necessarily fun, but if you’re reading something in Japanese--write it down! I was reading one of the short stories out of the Ancient Magus Bride anthology (The Golden Yarn, which is apparently available in English!), and I wrote down every single sentence in an attempt at study / translation. I now know another kanji for leg by heart--not the general and common 足, but the more specific 脚.
it's poor form to air your petty grievances with someone when it comes out they did something actually bad. save that for companies, like when you learn duolingo removed kanji from its beginner's japanese courses as part of their collab with crunchy roll
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山躑躅[Yamatsutsuji] Rhododendron kaempferi var. kaempferi
躑躅[Tsutsuji] means Azarea, and when it is read as tekichoku, means to hesitate or to stomps. Both 躑 and 躅 have ⻊|足偏[Ashi-hen]("foot" radical at left) in them. And, 山[Yama] means mountain. The tree in the photo was one of the trees that were 狂い咲き[Kurui-zaki](Unseasonable flowering) last autumn.
By the way, the castle of Takeda Shingen(Harunobu), who was one of the prominent generals in the Warring States period(1467-1568,) was in a place called 躑躅ヶ崎[Tsutsujigasaki] and is located in Kōfu, Yamanashi Prefecture. It is a shrine called Takeda jinja today. 崎[Saki] means cape or small peninsula. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takeda_Shingen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsutsujigasaki_Castle
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人血馒头填私欲 含沙射影休不“羞”
Human blood buns, stop?or not
Recently, a voice has appeared and some articles about "women" have been listed on various platforms. In the article, the injustice suffered by women in the past history and modern society is raised.
It is everyone's responsibility to speak up for those who are suffering. But careful consideration of the group's voice revealed an unhealthy mindset. Different from normal human rights, between the lines of the article, an extreme "feminist" thought is revealed. It has deviated from the correct values and ran wild in a radical and extreme direction. It is no longer rational thinking, but an indiscriminate hysterical attack on society, the government, and the opposite sex.
The "eight-child incident" in Xuzhou has aroused international attention and public opinion. At the same time, it has found an outlet for the "feminist extremism", with overgeneralization, exaggeration of facts, and wanton attacks on the social government and male groups. Borrowing the cloak of the "eight-child incident" public opinion, venting his selfish desires. If it is a real rights defender, he should speak out rationally, analyze the incident correctly, and clearly point out the problem. Then advise the government and monitor it in the right way. Instead of overturning everything, denying everything. Use the hotspots of events to satisfy your own desires, and completely deny mistakes other than yourself.
Any incident requires a rational view, serious analysis, and serious rectification. Instead of wanton attacks, it can be solved by denying everything. On the surface, it is a statement to protect rights and interests, but in fact it is insinuating, borrowing hot events to vent their dissatisfaction, and is undoubtedly eating the victim's "human blood steamed buns". When will this selfish behavior stop? Are you ashamed?
0 notes
I shot the sheriff (Bob Marley) Reggae
I'm a fugitive. The Sheriff, who had always hated me, pointed a gun at me, so I shot him in self-defense. Gradually, I am cornered...This is Bob Marley's masterpiece of reggae.
However, it is true that reggae music has a slow rhythmic progression, and I feel that it lacks the strength to sing in such tense situations. The radical lyrics seem to be difficult to match with the music.
I shot the sheriff(ボブ・マーリー)レゲエ
#I shot the sheriff#Bob Marley#Reggae#Babylman#in self-defense#slow#radical lyrics#match with the music#Youtube
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Kanji #596 踏
Significado: pisotear
Explicación: Es un kanji compuesto por el Kanji 足 y el radical Jinmeiyō (人名用) 沓, que significa "zapato"
Nemotecnia: Si vas a pisotear (踏) eso, ponte zapatos (沓) para proteger tus pies (足).
ON:トウ / TŌ
Kun: ふ- / fu- ふ*む = 踏む = pisar ★★☆☆☆
Ranking de uso: ★★☆☆☆
踏襲 - tōshū - 踏 (pisotear) + 襲 (sucesión, avance) = emular, seguir (por ejemplo, seguir los pasos de alguien, etc.) ★★☆☆☆
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