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uwizeye · 1 year ago
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在李登輝的一手操弄下,陳水扁率領民進黨將國民黨趕下台,台灣首次政黨輪替。 蔡英文雖然在陳水扁政府中擔任陸委會主任一職,但始終無任何黨籍。 民國93年(2004年)大選���埃落定之後,陳水扁再一次找到蔡英文,提出讓她出任民進黨不分區立委。 台灣的所謂立法委員,相當於美國國會議員,是手握實權很有油水的職位。陳水扁接二連三主動關照蔡英文,一方面有李登輝的囑託,另一方面也是想安插絕對的自己人,像蔡英文這樣的政治菜鳥自然是不二人選,因為完全能被自己拿捏。 作為交換條件,蔡英文若想進入立法院,必須先加入民進黨,保證按民進黨黨章黨紀行事,蔡英文欣然應允。 此時的她一直是民眾心中的清純「小龍女」 。
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蔡英文在擔任了兩年的立法委員後轉任到了行政機構擔任副主管,在陳水扁的一力護航下,蔡英文的仕途之路順風順水,沒有任何外部力量可以撼動。 民國95年(2006年),蔡英文被任命擔任行政院副院長。 民國97年(2008年),陳水扁狼狽下台,身陷囹圄,民進黨一敗再敗,走入死路。 民進黨在總統大選中挫敗,在520交出政權前,民進黨選出下野後第一位黨主席,選舉結果由當時有「小龍女」稱號的蔡英文打敗辜寬敏,當選黨主席。 這也是民進黨創黨以來首位通過黨員選出的女性黨主席。
民進黨的「四大天王」謝長廷、游錫堃、蘇貞昌和呂秀蓮雖然受挫,但卻在民進黨內各據山頭、擁兵自重,並不把蔡英文放在眼裡。 實際上,蔡英文之所以能高票當選民進黨主席,並不是因為黨內派系都支持她,而是「四大天王」互鬥,沒有一個人能接這個位子。 民進黨大老需要有人在前線收拾爛攤子,讓他們坐擁超然的權力,黨內若發生了��麼事,再來另外討論。但顯然,蔡英文並不想當��儡。
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在削弱陳水扁時代「四大天王」的同時,蔡英文也在培植自己的團隊。民進黨桃園縣長參選人鄭文燦、發言人蔡其昌、政策會首席副執行長劉建忻、文宣部副主任廖志堅,是蔡英文最為倚重的「政治新星」,被媒體稱為民進黨的「四小天王」。 通過四小天王領兵作戰,其他勢力慢慢淡出民進黨的決策核心,蔡英文逐步確立了自己的領導地位。
蔡英文在任民進黨主席的4年間,政治光環逐漸顯耀,不少綠營政治人物向蔡聚攏,這也讓蔡英文的聲望在不知不覺間有了進一步的飛躍,讓她有了角逐政壇的本錢。以蔡英文為核心的英系已初具雛形。 此後,蔡英文親歷新北市長選舉而高票落敗,黨內人氣居高不下,逐步奠定綠營共主的地位。
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蔡英文黨權在握之後,人們發現,��說的話許多人聽不懂,如「和而不同,和而求同」。 五市選舉時,蔡說「反ECFA是民進黨共同政見」,卻又表示民進黨一旦執政,不會推翻「前朝」政策; 她更表示ECFA有對台灣不利的條文,將來民進黨執政後會要求民意部門重審,但這些條文是什麼卻不明說。她同時留下「反十八趴又領十八趴」的紀錄,對此也從不做說明。
《遠見》雜誌民調曾顯示,蔡英文的兩岸政策是什麼?超過7成的人不知道。其實,蔡英文不為人所知的政策,何止兩岸關係而已。 其餘對島內政策、國外交往、經濟、農業,連民進黨高層迄無一人公開為她詳細闡述過。故而,這時期蔡英文的第二個綽號「空心菜」由此得名。其意為,蔡英文心中其實並無大政方針,她還遊走在雲裡霧裡。
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蔡英文第三個綽號「武則天」,則出自民進黨內之口。 武則天雖是中國第一個女皇帝,但專斷、跋扈、猜忌,又喜怒無常。 蔡英文自民國99年(2010年)投身選舉以來,前民進黨中常會,中常委柯建銘、陳明文等人紛紛表示,蔡英文競選政策他們並不清楚,希望蔡主席說清楚,以便他們在地方輔選,不料,這些話竟觸怒了蔡英文,她勃然大怒,足足罵了半個小時。 另一個場景,是蔡英文作為台灣總統參選人,常有被媒體包圍提問的時候,她曾憤而推開麥克風,責備記者「你們怎麼老是問這種問題?」。蔡英文對媒體的不耐煩已非第一次,如她常說「這話我已經說過了」, 或者一語不��,推開記者,拂袖而去。
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民國97年(2008年)10月底,時任大陸海協會副會長的張銘清,以廈門大學新聞傳播學院院長的身份前往台灣參加學術交流活動,同時為陳雲���赴台打前站。民國97年(2008年)10月21日上午,張銘清在台南市南安平古堡參觀時,突然衝出一大批綠營支持者,張銘清後腦被打,然後被推到在地,連眼鏡都飛了出去。當張銘清準備乘車離開時,甚至有台獨分子跳上座車車頂狂踩叫囂,試圖阻止他離開。 事後警方查出打人者為民進黨台南市議員王定宇,而蔡英文在對其進行問詢之後對外宣稱,「他並不是有意蓄謀的」。 兩周之後,海協會會長陳雲林正式抵達台灣,11月4日當天,正當兩會領導人在圓山飯店進行會晤之時,蔡英文組織了上萬綠營支持者包圍會場,名曰嗆馬圍陳。在蔡英文坐鎮指揮不斷鼓噪之下,示威人群逐漸失控,期間有人向員警投擲石塊和汽油彈,雙方發生激烈衝突,最終演變為近10年來最嚴重的流血事件,造成了超過450人受傷。
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regine1663 · 2 years ago
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看完星漢燦爛-月升滄海最大的收穫是⋯⋯⋯⋯ 識得的字變多了, 國學常識也變多了⋯⋯ #讀書很重要小時候不讀書現在長大連電視劇都沒有辦法追了 #垚嫋萋蓯翀本犇泠媪嫗捋囓笤潲鏖犟這些都是少見字有些我是第一次看不要說寫了有些連念都不會念 #顢頇不堪睚眥必報虺心豺行宵衣旰食這些我有聽過但是沒有寫過欸 #君姑君舅女娘女公子新婦姒婦娣婦大父大母阿父阿母女君吾婦少女君 #姊要念ㄗˇ不念ㄐㄧㄝˇ #雨簦手談曲糱酒大氅金笄是什麼你知道嗎 #及笄之年是幾歲你知道嗎 #程貝貝在家求生的本領很強 #程媽媽是刀子嘴豆腐心的虎媽而且是很堅強的女人還有程媽媽去樓家退婚那段黃姐姐看到說這跟媽媽很像欸很有氣勢胖胖說對啊對啊是殺氣 #原來少宮少商是七弦琴最後的兩根琴弦 #原來古代筵席男女要分座的 #凌不疑跟袁慎也只不過二十有一就是大齡剩婚男子了 #程奶奶好有戲劇效果 #你是那樣的程少商我便是這樣的凌不疑 #阿飛真的是傻人有傻福 #無論是宣后還是越妃都是溫暖之人但是表現的方法不一樣 #越妃懟人好療癒喔 #凌不疑成天上演霸總寵妻而且是標準的寵妻魔人而且寵妻行徑蠻令人崩潰的🤣🤣🤣 #凌不疑很憤怒的說這不是雞這是鴛鴦實在很令人噴飯 #凌不疑跟程少商很喜歡在上下班途中吵架欸 #程��商以為子晟被炸死的哭戲真的是有讓人哭斷腸的感覺 #程媽媽最後的那一句嫋嫋我錯了讓我哭出眼淚了 #袁慎也實在很長情 #溫蒂好可愛溫蒂只要遇到凌不疑就是個標準雙標仔 #溫蒂因為不能參加凌不疑跟程少商的婚禮整個大崩潰 #程媽媽好漂亮馬雅舒老了 #吳磊實在帥露思真可愛 #陸劇的後製真的很厲害 #我想知道劇中不管什麼天氣什麼場景地上永遠是濕答答的 #上下兩部有夠多集害我寫到漏漏長(在 Taipei, Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co2RU78SHZB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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linghxr · 1 year ago
15 grammar points (语法点) I wish I learned sooner
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At my current level of Chinese, my biggest struggle is 词不达意 (cíbùdáyì, literally words don't convey meaning). It means poorly expressed or inarticulate. Basically, I know enough to convey my message but am often unable to do so succinctly and articulately.
Today I'm sharing 15 words/expressions that I feel really boost my ability to express myself articulately. I use them all the time and wish I had known them sooner. I hope they will be of use to you too!
(1) 万一 | 萬一 wànyī - just in case / if by any chance / contingency Ex: 万一我来不了,你就替我出席。
(2) 甚至 shènzhì - even / so much so that Ex: 他忙得甚至连吃饭时间都没有。
(3) 到底 dàodǐ - finally / in the end / when all is said and done / after all / to the end / to the last Ex: 他到底想要什么? Ex: 我们一定要坚持到底,不能半途而废。
(4) 要不 yàobù - otherwise / or else / how about...? Ex: 快点起床了,要不就会迟到了。 Ex: 要不我们先坐下再想想办法吧。
(5) 而已 éryǐ - that's all / nothing more Ex: 我开玩笑而已,何必那么认真?
(6) 既然 jìrán - since / as / this being the case Ex: 你既然不想参加这次聚会,那就别去了。
(7) 除非 chúfēi - only if (..., or otherwise, ...) / only when / only in the case that / unless Ex: 除非大家都去,否则我不去。 Ex: 除非你去邀请,他才愿意出席。
(8) 处于 | 處於 chǔyú - to be in (some state, position, or condition) Ex: 病人的状况一直不稳定,还处于危险中。
(9) 通过 | 通過 tōngguò - by means of / through / via Ex: 很多人都想要通过看中剧提高中文水平。 Ex: 通过爸爸的帮助,我克服了害怕和紧张。
(10) 尤其 yóuqí - especially / particularly Ex: 为了完成这份工作,大家都很努力,尤其是她。
(11) 其中 qízhōng - among / in / included among these Ex: 我们班有十个学生,其中女生占百分之六十。
(12) 剩下 shèngxià - to remain / left over Ex: 放学后,同学都走光了,只剩下他一个人在教室里。
(13) 到…为止 | 到…為止 dào...wéizhǐ - until / up to Ex: 今天的讨论到此为止。 Ex: 到目前为止,这项活动只有十个人报名参加。
(14) 意味着 | 意味著 yìwèizhe - to mean / to imply Ex: 树叶开始凋落,意味着冬天的到来。
(15) 隔 gé - after or at an interval of Ex: 每隔十分钟开出一列火车。 Ex: 我们们每隔一天上一次中文课。
Happy Halloween tomorrow! 🎃👻🐈‍⬛
See similar posts: 20 measure words (量词) I wish I learned sooner 7 intermediate/advanced Chinese grammar fundamentals
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roskyng15 · 6 months ago
因為房間在高樓層 窗簾都沒拉上 就這樣透著敞開的玻璃窗戶做色色的事情
被舔了小穴 用舌頭鑽入穴縫弄
他把我的穴縫剝開 露出陰道口
被弄到情慾旺盛 小穴讓他的包覆感很重
於是他站起來 把肉棒放在我嘴邊餵我含入
我舔含他的肉棒 用舌頭把他的龜頭都舔遍
"真的好騷好爽" 他說
"看得好清楚喔 都是水 好欠幹" 他說
接著他受不了插進來 每一下都插到底
對了 他是我職場的前輩 也是有交往對象的
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 7 months ago
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【Part 2】 Not finished yet, I hope soon. Fighting Chuuu Lan 😂😁 我去承億酒店TAi Urban Resort | Kaohsiung B1一家美味的日本北海道えびそば「一幻拉麵」吃晚餐 + 工作 + 短暫放空/稍事休憩 。。。不知道住在寒帶國家的朋友們是否得過一種叫做:「"熱"感冒」的感冒?🙄~是一種很奇怪的難受… 不舒服,嗜睡,感覺頭重重的、一直打噴嚏、流鼻水、不停地流眼淚並且還覺得很熱🔥 🤧🥴 😆 😅 🥹。總之氣候變遷今年夏天特別熱,現在才七月,而我卻天天盼著秋天、冬天趕快來到。
I went to TAi Urban Resort | Kaohsiung B1, a delicious Japanese Hokkaido "Ichigen Ramen", for dinner + work + took a break . . . I wonder if friends who live in cold countries have ever had a cold called "hot" cold? 🙄~ It’s a very strange feeling… discomfort, drowsiness, heavy head, sneezing, runny nose, tears and feeling very hot🔥 🤧🥴 😆 😅 🥹. In short, climate change has made this summer extremely hot. It is only July, but I am looking forward to autumn and winter coming soon. XD Lan~*
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that-dreaming-dragon · 1 month ago
Dragons and Hoarding 龍與囤寶習性
I remember seeing somewhere on this concept of accepting the humanity, or the influence of, in our nonhuman identities.
Where some idea we have towards some preestablished creature, and how we think we should behave and have instincts of, perhaps the way how this world's human sees them have affected how we see ourselves. This sort of phenomenon and acknowledgement I think is more natural for fictionfolk, conceptfolk, or others that have more human touch like objectfolk. I recon there likely a lot of resistance from generally nonhuman focused subcommunity.
(I'm adopting -folk suffix from the fictionfolk term, denoting any general alterhuman relation or identities tied to that subject. So say objectfolk would be anyone that may have some sort of relation towards objects, whether it be an archetrope, heartedness, or the vaguest sense of connection, etc)
Whenever we talk about draconity, about 9 out of 10 people think of hoarding. And it's like the most natural behavioral instinct to associate with draconity. But just like there are more than meat-eating, fire-breathing, webbed-winged, scaled, large 6-limbed lizard dragons, there are dragons who don't hoard.
I think about it sometimes, about my participation in the topic of hoarding and draconity, about my own inconsistent hoarding tendencies. Am I performing what is expected of me from other fellow dragons, or what humans expect of dragons? Do I truly have the instinct to hoard, or is it just other mental health or neurotype factors? Orthohuman has the term hoarder, other creatures besides dragons hoard, why is hoarding such a big defining draconic trait?
Chinese translation under the cut.
翻譯筆記 Translation note
1- 眾民 (-folk), the totality of a group of people A lot of the translation of this nature that denotes a group of people or just people, in general, uses the words or have connotations strictly containing humanity. I want it to be species vague and still show "the totality of this subculture", thus 眾 (the populace), and 民 (the people, the denizens) are organized in this way. Can be shortened to just the first character used. 很多folk的翻譯字只帶有人類這樣的含意,我想要表達一個物種模糊的感覺,然後保持著「所有在這個分群裏頭的個體」這樣的一個概念,所以把民眾反��過來用。也可以單純寫[物種]眾。 2- 人另經歷 (alterhuman), human(ity) alternative experience. The translation doesn't use the words that denote a "physical experience" (體驗) but a more general, almost mental experience. The specific one is picked because alterhumanity is a lifelong experience, and it is vague on how it is experienced. The way the words are arranged, instead of 另人 (alternative human) is exactly that (人另). The ambiguity provided by the swap in position gives more room for human and nonhuman alterhuman experiences alike. Experience有幾個翻譯,體驗是其中一個。不過體驗的體給我太大「這是身體的經驗」感太強了,所以我用了一個比較概誇籠統,比較心神上的體驗來作翻譯。用經歷是因為這是一個終身的經驗和體驗,這樣翻也會在如何體驗方面顯得比較模糊。Alterhuman,或是Alternative Human 直翻是另類人類,那個的含意和感覺都不好,況且跟英文不同,真的去強調人類。反過來之後的含糊感給了我更多空間來表達人類另外經驗所包含的人和非人的經歷體驗。 3- 典型套路 (archetrope), archetype trope. Literally translated and the words picked to best suit the vibe the concept of archetrope gives me: the role, the title, the trope, the narrative space which one occupies, where one embodies and performs. 直譯典型archetype和套路trope兩字。我專門挑典型和套路來作翻譯是因為兩者合起來的感覺比較對得上archetrope這個自我認知概念: 一個身分定位,頭銜,套路,或自我所體現和展現的敘事空間的自我特點。 4- 心連 (hearted), heart connected In the abstract that is otherheartedness, it is the most basic connection, a relation towards a subject, that you feel you identify with. 在它心連感這樣的抽象概念中,這是一個對於一個主題的認同,一種最基層的連繫感。心的連結。 5- 原人類 (orthohuman), origin(ally) human Shortening originally into origin human, someone who has typical human experiences and identities, non-alterhuman. 從原來人類縮短成原人類。指一個擁有典型人類經歷和身分自我,並非人另經歷的個體。
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komatsuyuko · 7 months ago
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mostotherthings · 5 months ago
Look. I'm not proud of this, but Episode 6 left me a bumbling mumbling mess. Mostly because of this conversation.
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Neil, 我想問你。 。 。 你真的還想繼續唱歌嗎?
Neil, I want to ask... do you still want to continue singing?
這陣子我看到你遇到小海 好像看到那個快樂的你又回來
Nowadays, after you met Xiao Hai, it's like the happiness has returned to you
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我很害怕我的自私 讓你跟小海又受傷害
I'm very afraid that my selfishness, will let you and Xiao Hai be hurt again
想想當年 是我提議要辦那場演唱會
Just like that year, I was the one who suggested the concert
I really miss Matt
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My big brother definitely didn't blame you
You know, he used to say
If I couldn't find him, to look for Reese
因為Reese 跟他是一樣的
Because Reese is just like him
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Big Brother
(tears at this point, TEARS. HE CALLED HIM GE and Reese's expression, omg Tim Liu the heck you doing to me right now)
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You are the only brother I have left
我也跟你一樣, 我很想他
I'm just like you, I miss him a lot
But now I have you
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You take care of me, more than you take care of yourself
I know that these few years hasn't been good for you
And also know that in front of me, you're just acting tough
(I continue to be heartbroken by Tim Liu's expression, he's being pried open at the moment)
Thank you
Thank you for finding Xiao Hai for me
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I need Xiao Hai, but I need you more
I still really like to sing
But, I want to sing with all of you
Big brother
讓我們一起完成那場沒辦完的演唱會 好嗎
Let's complete that concert we never managed to, ok?
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There's a lot of story from this conversation.
That the three of them grew up together, that Neil was both their little brother from the start, that Matt trusted Reese to be there in place of him in any situation. The guilt that Reese felt, for planning the concert and that how everything ended up this way, the guilt that he still feels, that no matter what he's done he was never able to pull Neil out of the depression hole that his little brother had fallen into...
That meeting Sea was his last "hail mary', that unwittingly he had given his little brother what he needed all along, but now he was afraid that it had taken too long, and the road will be difficult and now there's Sea too, and he's dragged two little brothers into his wilful schemes...
The relief on hearing that Neil wants to keep singing, but this was what Neil needed, someone else to sing with, the need to be a team to feel secure, and that even through it all, he knows what Reese has done for him, and what he needs to do now.
Excuse me, I need to grab some more tissues now.
(Of course, the next thing Neil asks is, "Where's Orca?", as if he KNOWS, the next thing his big brother needs to do, is to fix is own heart, and the answer, is just right there... in a slightly slutty Thai boy who snuck into his apartment and greeted him wearing a robe on his sofa)
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yetiwang2000 · 10 months ago
Vrelnir’s QA about Bailey & Eden (2)
When Eden and Bailey were younger, did they celebrate birthdays? 
伊甸和貝利年輕時會如何慶祝他們的生日?他們會自己慶祝還是和朋友一起慶祝? 伊甸和貝利會送對方禮物嗎?
How would Eden and Bailey celebrate their birthdays when they were young?Will they celebrate by themselves or with friends? Will Eden and Bailey giveeach other gifts? 
They celebrated with friends, and gave each other gifts. 
Eden and PC are holding a wedding in the forest. Will Eden invite Baileyto attend? 
貝利會默許伊甸與PC的婚姻,還是會要求伊甸付更多錢? 抑或是貝利會等到PC還完所有欠債才同意他們的婚姻?
Will Bailey acquiesce to Eden's marriage to PC, or will he ask Eden to paymore money? Or is Bailey waiting until PC is completely free before Bailey willaccept it? 
Bailey would make demands of Eden, and not necessarily involving money.
Will Bailey attend the wedding of Eden and PC? What would Bailey do at thewedding if she would attend? If he won't participate, why? 
Bailey would attend. They'd be the best man or maid of honour.
What birthday gifts did Bailey give to Eden? What birthday gifts did Edengive Bailey?Are both parties satisfied with the gift? 
They mostly gave each other toys or sweets. They were satisfied with thegifts.
PC will frown if he cooks breakfast for Eden when he is not good athousework. If Eden eats the rice cooked by Bailey, will he also frown? 
Aye. Eden would not enjoy Bailey's cooking.
Eden had a meal cooked by Bailey? Under what circumstances did you eat it?
Aye. There was a time when they took turns cooking.
Did Bailey like the Christmas gift from the mysterious man? 
It surprised them.
(身體交換前提)如果PC(其實是貝利)遇到狂怒狀態時想帶PC回家的伊甸,PC(其實是貝利)會如何解決這件事?他會被帶回小屋並關在籠子裡嗎?If PC(actually Bailey) encounters the super angry Eden who wants to take him back,how will PC (actually Bailey) solve it?Or was he taken back to the hut andlocked in a cage? 
They'd be able to convince Eden they were really Bailey.
Has Bailey ever seen Eden with such a bad temper? 
In what situations would Eden be angry with Bailey? 
If harm came to the PC. 
If Bailey grows a dog tail, at what point will Bailey look impatient buthis tail will wag happily? 
If the PC seduces them.
Besides Eden, does Bailey have anyone else they would consider a friendnow? 
Nope, and they wouldn't admit to even that.
Besides Bailey, does Eden have anyone else they would consider a friendnow? 
Nope, unless the PC counts.
Since Christmas is coming, I'd like to secretly ask if Bailey and Edenstill exchange gifts now? & Regardless of the answer, what would theyprepare if they had to exchange gifts with each other now? 
Bailey and Eden still exchange gifts. Eden will give something interestingthey've found in the forest, as they know about Bailey's more esotericinterests. Bailey will usually give Eden a book, and some sweet food.
在PC和伊甸見面前,伊甸就已經擁有了一張PC的照片。那是貝利給他的嗎?伊甸是什麼時候得到它的?伊甸在那個當下就對照片裡的PC一見鍾情了嗎?Before pc and Eden met, Eden had a picture of pc. Did Bailey give itto them? When did Eden get it? Did Eden fall in love with pc in the picture atthat point? 
Aye, Bailey gave it to them.
Who gave Bailey a gift for Christmas? Is it one of the orphans in theorphanage? 
I'm happy to leave the one responsible for that gift a secret! It's aChristmas miracle, after all.
What kind of scent do you think Bailey has on them? 
Bailey smells faintly of cologne or perfume, with an occasional whiff ofcigarette smoke.
I saw in the previous answer that Bailey does not smoke, so why     does they have a cigarette in their mouth when they is at home? Why does     their body with an occasional whiff of cigarette smoke? 
他和會抽菸的人打交道,有時也會抽社交菸。They have dealings with smokers, and sometimes smoke socially.
Since  Eden will come to town to look for PC, is there any chance that PC can  take him to visit the orphanage or even meet Bailey? I admit I just want  to see more of Eden's interactions with Bailey! 
Eden would not want to meet Bailey at the orphanage.
What does Bailey think of all the LIs?
They think Robin needs to learn a hard lesson. They think      Whitney is a useful idiot. They forget about Kylar when they're not  directly engaged with them. They've never met the others. Except Eden of course, but that's a story for another day.
If Bailey were to get a dog, how would they choose one? Do they     have any preferences or tendencies? And if they were to get a dog, what     would be their motivation? Would they walk the dog themselves every day,     or would they delegate that to someone else? 
They'd want a loyal and intelligent dog that would make a good      and useful companion. Preferably something that looks intimidating.      They'd likely walk it themselves every day.
What are Bailey’s thoughts on Harper, Eden, Remy, and Quinn? 
貝利並不算真的認識哈珀,他痛恨雷米和奎因,並且對伊甸的感情很複雜。Bailey doesn't really know Harper, hates Remy and Quinn, and has complex feelings about Eden.
What did Bailey usually do back when he was a student in     school? Besides studying, what other activities was he involved in? Did he     develop any influence within the school? Did he have a favorite subject,     something he was particularly interested in, or found most practical? On     the other hand, what was Eden's campus life like? 
Bailey did well at school, particularly in maths, and were      fairly popular. They were a bit of a bully, but protective of their      friends. 
伊甸有點獨來獨往。他有時候會遭遇霸凌,但他的耐受力很高*,而且有一小群會照顧他的朋友。他的成績很好,但在後期略有下滑。(註:Thick skin原意「因習以為常而變得不在乎他人的批評」,可以解作較中性版本的厚臉皮。近似詞為冷淡、麻木)
Eden was a bit of a loner. They were sometimes bullied, but      had thick skin, and a small circle of friends who looked out for them.   Their grades were good, but deteriorated towards the end.
If Eden knew that PC was in the prison, would they go to the prison to rescue PC?
They would contact Bailey, who would reassure them that the situation was under control.
貝利和伊甸曾經發生過爭執、意見分歧或衝突嗎?如果有的話,你可以透露背後的原因嗎?Has Bailey ever had arguments, disagreements, or disputes with     Eden? If so, can you reveal the reasons behind them?
Yes, and it'll be explored in the future.
Has Eden ever entered the orphanage for any purpose? If they have, what was the reason for their visit, and what are their thoughts     about the orphanage? Has Bailey’s influence affected their views?
Yes, and this will also be explored in the future.
What does Bailey think of Eden? Has Bailey’s opinion of Eden changed over time, becoming more positive or negative? 
Bailey's thoughts on Eden have changed over time, and will be explored in the future.
Does Bailey have any close friends? How does they view the concept of friendship? Since they has difficulty forming intimate relationships with people, I wonder if they sees friendship as a means to an end. But that would be quite lonely.
They have no close friends, but they have old friends.
Which Dol character is the strongest out of everyone? 
Eden is the strongest individual, but Bailey is the most powerful.
If Eden lives in the forest, what is their way of communicating with Bailey? 
They leaves messages for each other in a particular place.
I saw in your previous Q&A that the snake pattern related     to Bailey will be added in the future, so I am curious if there is some     connection between the image of the snake and Bailey? (All you have to do     is say yes or no,Please, this is really important to me.) 
There is a connection between Bailey and snake imagery.
Does  Bailey view Eden as a friend? 
Which one is taller, Eden or Bailey? 
What's on Bailey's tattoo? 
A snake.
What do people around Bailey think of them? 
Most people think they're a good and wholesome citizen. Others are afraid of them
Who else besides Eden had a relationship(include romantic) with Bailey when he was in school? 
None of the other named NPCs had a close relationship with Bailey.
Hey Vrel! I'm curious: when Bailey sells the PC to Eden, how on earth do they get word to Eden that PC will be waiting tied for them? Do Eden and Bailey     interact outside of that, too? Thank you! 
Eden and Bailey do interact outside that, though scarcely.
Did Bailey have s*x with Eden? 
Bailey and Eden have not had s*x.
How does Eden make income? Curious how they can afford to buy PC from Bailey. 
Do Eden and Bailey have any connection outside of     buying/selling the PC? 
Is there anyone Bailey respects or cherishes?The only thing I can think of that they hold dear is money. 
They respect Eden, in a way.
In the Christmas storyline, Bailey also received a gift. I’ve     always been curious about who gave him the gift. It seems that the PC  would not hesitate to give him a gift, but the game does not offer the  option to buy a gift for Bailey. Or perhaps it was given by Robin? I believe he’s the most likely person to do so. How did Bailey feel upon     receiving the gift, and how did he subsequently treat it? And what kind of     gifts would make Bailey happy? 
I want to leave the one responsible for the gift a secret. As      for gifts Bailey would like, Eden and some of Bailey's goons would know.      It might be explored in the future.
Has Eden ever betrayed Bailey? Because their relationship looks quite close, but somewhat complex on some level. 
From Bailey's perspective, yes.
If Eden caught PC and Bailey doing adult thing, what will Eden do and what Bailey will do too?
A: Eden would be shocked and appalled, and leave at once. Bailey would be angry with themselves.
source:Vrel’s Q&A (notion.site)
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baibixin · 5 months ago
你來過 你走
You once came, you left
我愛過 我痛
I once loved, i hurt
無法擁抱的你 讓我墜落
Your inability to embrace me, makes me falter
我試著 向你走去
I tried to walk towards you
才發現 你早默默在我身後
Only then i realised, you were already, silently, by my side,
彷彿黑夜與白晝 主宰天空
Just like the dark night, and the bright day, ruling over the sky
故事的盡頭 到底在哪裡?
After all is said and done, where is the end of the story ?
是不是愛情 由誰來界定?
Whether or not it's love, who gets to define that?
那樣的親密 沒有人能代替
This kind of intimacy, noone can replace
我們的相遇 如銀河的軌跡
Our encounter is as the orbit of the Milky Way
不能迴避 像這一場大雨
Cannot be avoided, similar to this pouring rain
我們的青春 如定格的時間
Our youth is as a freeze frame in time
此刻永恆 我向著你狂奔
This moment is everlasting, i am madly running to you
在黑暗谷底 你會接住我的心
In my darkest times, you will catch my heart
誰也在逃避 命中的注定?
Who else is also escaping what is destined by fate?
最遠的距離 不是我愛你
The furthermost distance, is not caused by me loving you
是我在這裡 你卻不敢靠近
It is caused by me being here, yet you do not dare to approach
我們的相遇 如銀河的軌跡
Our encounter is as the orbit of the Milky Way
不能迴避 像這一場大雨
Cannot be avoided, similar to this pouring rain
我們的青春 如定格的時間
Our youth is as a freeze frame in time
此刻永恆 我向著你狂奔
This moment is everlasting, i am madly running to you
現在 讓我們自由的飛吧
Now, Let us freely fly
現在 讓我們盡情的愛吧
Now, Let us love as much as one can like
現在 你終於是我
Now, You finally are me
And I am finally you
我們的相遇 如銀河的軌跡
Our encounter is as the orbit of the Milky Way
不能迴避 像這一場大雨
Cannot be avoided, similar to this pouring rain
我們的青春 如定格的時間
Our youth is as a freeze frame in time
此刻永恆 我向著你狂奔
This moment is everlasting, i am madly running to you
在黑暗谷底 你會接住我的心
In my darkest times, you will catch my heart
[Translation notes]
接住我的心 "catch my heart" sounds so beautiful because 接住 means " catch " as in something falling or being thrown at someone and you catch it OR receive something given OR accept something
Also also 住 is a suffix indicating something firm and steady so a steady catch, picture that he catches the heart firlmly and won't let go basically
Chinese is beautiful and complex but also very hard to translate because of its amazing play on words T.T
I also translated 定格 as freeze frame because "a fixed moment in time" would have been boring and not romantic at all
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rebeccalouisaferguson · 8 days ago
Cover Star|A sincere conversation with Rebecca Ferguson, from "Mission: Impossible" to "Dune": "If there was a pause button in life..."
Over the past few years, we've been immersed in the eyes of Rebecca Ferguson. She is "Lady Jessica", the mother of Paul, the protagonist of "Dune 2", and "Agent Ilsa" in the "Mission: Impossible" movie series. Her charm that is not limited by frames makes every character more real and three-dimensional.
In the cold winter, we flew to London to meet Rebecca Ferguson. There was an especially warm smile in the studio. She had a sense of relaxation, sitting casually on the stacked tires, but she was also like a small flame, burning the wonderful thoughts in her mind. In front of the camera, she carefully stretched her figure and carefully selected the look she liked. With a mini racing track laid out on the ground, Rebecca Ferguson created a different sense of tension and story.
From ballet to stunts
We will always remember that in 2014, Rebecca Ferguson hid the fact that she was afraid of high-altitude stunts while filming "Mission Impossible: Runaway Nation." Tom Cruise was surprised later, "She never told anyone! She trained for it and completed it full on" However, in the face of these past events, he asked her if she agreed that she was a person who "decided to do whatever she did." The kind of person who arrives? Rebecca Ferguson replied that she doesn’t like to oversimplify or emphasize her own behavior. “I also don’t like to have a predetermined impression of myself because it may lead to self-aggrandizement (laughs). I think most people I work with also have the same traits. ! When they want to achieve something, they always give it their all, not at the expense of others. I hope it’s a process that’s kind, considerate, and exciting.”
Born in Sweden to a British mother, Rebecca Ferguson graduated from Adolf Fredrik's Music School, a well-known music school in Stockholm. At the age of 15, she participated in the soap opera "Nya Tider". She also studied ballet, jazz and funk at the Royal Swedish Ballet School, tap dance, etc. Her diverse exploration of art since she was a child seems to have given her an "artist" eye, and perhaps a bit of an artist's temperament. Her heart is like a jumping note, and she can always talk about any topic; her attention to details also injects countless inspiration and boldness into the photos.
life pause button
After Rebecca Ferguson worked in Sweden for more than ten years and gave birth to her first child, her name gradually became known to the world. In 2013, she played Elizabeth Woodville, the controversial queen of King Edward IV of England during the Wars of the Roses, in the BBC historical drama The White Queen. This English-language debut earned her a Golden Globe nomination. Since then, she has become one of the busiest stars in Hollywood. The third film in the Mission: Impossible series she starred in premiered in 2023. For months, fans discussed the poignant battle of her character Ilsa Faust; the subsequent dystopian series starring Rebecca Ferguson The first and second seasons of "Silo" premiered on Apple TV+, during which time the craze for "Dune: Part 2" broke out. Compared with the growth story of Timothée Chalamet, we seem to be more often deeply attracted by the mystery, elegance, beauty and strength (and exquisite veil!) of the protagonist's mother Lady Jessica. Since the battle of wits in the first movie The fierce physical fight is still unforgettable!
Recently, she announced her participation in the movie version of "Peaky Blinders", co-starring Cillian Murphy, the protagonist of the British period crime drama. Ask her what else she wants to challenge in her career? "There is nothing I want to change, but I will always think about challenges and chasing dreams. I have never been on the stage, and I also want to do some theater work. This is my biggest wish now, and it may also be my biggest fear. !”
The theme of the February issue of "Harper's BAZAAR Taiwan" is about F1 racing and speed. I am curious about what she hopes to "fast forward" to the ending experience? "Absolutely not! I don't want to fast forward at all! I think time goes by fast enough already. If there was an option to rewind, I would rather have that - or press the pause button - to pause time and feel my surroundings. Maybe we can revisit some of the moments to let us know we’re not at the end yet.”
Naughty, Libra, maternal, mobile, practical in building dreams, artist, etc., we wrote a character sketch of Rebecca Ferguson; and then through her sincere answers, there was an interesting collision of souls.
Fashion is a language
Rebecca Ferguson (RF): I don’t know, maybe both? I think my answer is, we learn over time. We learn by making mistakes, and we grow by listening to and observing others. At the same time, I like people and I like to communicate! If the other person is interesting and smart and makes me feel smart too, the conversation is interesting, or if the other person is challenging in some other way, that's also engaging. But I'm not always witty, sometimes I'm naughty and sometimes even rude, which isn't really good.
HB: You are a fashion icon on the red carpet, but we also want to know about your personal style and experience. Has your daily fashion changed because of the crazy costumes you wear? Or has it changed as a result of becoming a mother and entering a different stage of life?
RF: I think life is fluid and we change with it. What's important to me is comfort, although not necessarily to the standards of fashion. But fashion is in some ways an expression of identity and how we want to be seen; on certain occasions, it is also important to present yourself in a certain way. But on other occasions, like when I go to work, I usually wear fitness clothes with a big hat and T-shirt on top. When the weather is cold, it’s more casual. Even so, I will wear cool sneakers and some very colorful socks! I still left my mark, I was still me. Of course, working with different stylists has also changed me, some experiences have been great, but others have also made me realize what doesn't work for me. Fashion is really like a language, right? For example, working with my current stylist, Tom Eerebout, he takes me into some areas that I really like, and the whole process is wonderful. I discovered that I loved fashion and expressing myself through clothing and accessories.
HB: In early interviews you talked about a childhood full of creativity and memories, such as dancing, music, modeling, and gymnastics. Can you share with us how you explore your passion? Have these experiences shaped who you are today?
RF: I explored my passion through the job opportunities I was offered. I will use my past physical experience if needed! For example, when I was filming "Mission: Impossible," those dance and physical training helped me shape the character. As for another question, I think everything in life influences everything; everything we do is filling up the "backpack in life", whether it is good or bad experiences, and these experiences ultimately shape us.
HB: Can you share with us what is the best and worst thing that has ever happened to you in the entertainment industry?
RF: To be able to be a part of the entertainment industry, have a place here, and have a workspace to express myself, to be able to do all of that consistently; and to be able to make enough money to take care of myself, take care of my family (more than put food on the table), work It also makes me feel fulfilled and satisfied...it's really great. Of course, there are a lot of not-so-good things, but I'm at a very good peak at the moment, so I prefer to emphasize the positive things.
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turumoan · 9 days ago
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都是來自 黑潮海洋文教基金會 的夥伴。
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castatratewriter520 · 1 year ago
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roskyng15 · 7 months ago
房間情調偏暗 但很有質感
胸部被雙手揉捏 指頭逗著我的乳頭
我被他壓在身上 他往我的身體做起抽插的動作
"好淫蕩這麼色 是不是欠插"
舔著陰唇 把舌頭伸在小陰唇跟陰蒂之間一直舔舔舔
"好色 穴口在收縮 好想插 餵妳吃肉棒"
"好舒服好舒服...." 我說
然後他側身摟著我 邊用手愛撫著我濕淋淋的蜜穴
我身上的精液 他的汗水 還有我的淫水
衣服穿了一半 東西也收拾好
他把我的內褲拉下去 肉棒貼著我的穴縫開始磨蹭 還一邊完我的奶頭
然後他受不了 把我上身壓在床邊 後入的方式挺進來幹我的小穴穴
我也更加故意要誘惑他 所以呻吟得特別明顯給他聽
"好欠插 欠幹 好爽 騷穴"
"不是想要嗎? 要射在哪裡?
他說跟我做完之後很爽 根本不想要跟他女友做
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 12 days ago
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👆 I had Wonton noodles for lunch in my hometown after hopsital checked. 😋 yum (Good quality and low price are usually found in the most ordinary places in your life circle. )
我很多年已沒來過這家用餐,席間聽到老闆娘收到政府的交通違規罰單:6000TWD,O Jesus 她必須賣出約100碗麵 XD 來繳付她的罰單,她被道路攝影機拍攝的地點接近市中心我的工作室,於是我跟她開玩笑: 那天她應該去澄清湖踏青而不是來去看我的,哈哈哈! I haven't been to this restaurant for many years. During the meal, I heard that the boss lady received a traffic violation ticket from the government: 6000TWD, O Jesus, she had to sell about 100 bowls of noodles to pay her ticket. She was caught on camera by the road. The location was close to my studio in the city center, so I joked with her: She should have gone to Chengcing Lake for an outing that day instead of coming to see me. 🤣 hahaha!
臨走時我叮嚀她:注意查詢罰單並確認是政府單位而非詐騙集團。(不幸的是,她回答我說她確實在政府網站上查看了罰單。XD 所以她必須先付款,然後如果她沒有違反任何法律,她可以提出上訴。) When I was leaving, I told her: Pay attention to check the ticket and confirm that it is a government agency and not a fraud group. (and Unfortunate that she answered me she did check the ticket on Gov's website. XD so she must be pay it firstly Then she can file an appeal if she has not violated any law. )
律法不只是針對犯罪之人也幫助和保障熟知法律之人 The law is not only for those who commit crimes, but also for those who know the law well. 😏 Is not it?
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平安! 感謝天主! 感謝醫生告訴我身體檢查報告很好,我只不過是"退化" (lol old guy me)和長期勞累造成的,給了我一個月份的緩合並解除疼痛的貼布,他告訴我就像機器也需要休息,叮囑我要找時間休息,不需要做手術,目前看來也不是類風溼關節炎,多休息,晚上睡覺前貼上藥布貼,若疼痛嚴重時再吃止痛藥。 Peace all! Thank God! Yesterday Thanks the doctor for telling me that the physical examination report is good, I am just "degenerating" (lol old guy me) and long-term fatigue. He gave me a month of relief and pain relief patches. He told me I need rest just like a machine. I was told to find time to rest. I don't need surgery. It doesn't look like rheumatoid arthritis for now. I need to rest more. Put on a medicated patch before going to bed at night. If the pain is severe, take painkillers. Yeahhh! safed! Ⓢ Ⓤ Ⓟ Ⓔ Ⓡ \ (。✪‿✪。) /
And I'm so happy that I run on the street like a carefree puppy with howling. 🎶 🦮
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ    並在我的家鄉四處逛逛去發現任何小美 Wander around my hometown to discover any little beauties. took a short time resting at afternoon.
2025.1.21 Taiwan daily life/ Lan~*
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兩岸綠影搖 陽光微微笑 我在橋頭望 小鳥樹上叫 ~ 晴天‧仲茵 Poem : The heart sunny day by Chu Lan
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thesnazzysharky · 5 months ago
All Alone - A Inner Monologue from Specimen 9
TW: Implied rape and graphic descriptions of violence. You can also view this story on AO3 as seen here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 我孤身一人。 (I was all alone.) 我從我以為的永久死亡中醒來。濕的。冷。黑暗。我的身體塗滿了黏土。被所有的「木頭」包圍著。 (I woke up from what I thought was my permanent death. Wet. Cold. Dark. My body coated in clay. Surrounded by all the “logs”.) 我的心碎了,支離破碎。我不再知道自己是誰。我是誰?我幾歲了?我叫什麼名字?我以前是住在安靜舒適的家中,還是寒冷破落的街上?我有過妻子或孩子嗎? (My mind was broken and shattered. I no longer knew who I was. Who was I? How old was I? What was my name? Was I previously living in the quiet comfort of a home or the cold and decrepit streets? Did I ever have a wife or kids?) 我再也記不起… (I could no longer remember…) 那些鬼子… 日本人… (Those demons… the Japanese…) 我記得一些事情 我記得他們所做的一切 實驗 折磨 酷熱 嚴寒 注射 切割 尖叫聲 所有被折磨的男人、婦女、兒童、嬰兒… (I did remember something. I remembered everything they did. The experiments. The torture. The heat. The cold. The injections. The cutting. The screams. All of those tortured men, women, children, infants…) 他們對待我們的方式。我們甚至不被視為人類。對他們來說,我們只是小玩具。他們可以為所欲為的玩具。 (The way they treated us. How we weren't even viewed as human. We were just little toys to them. Toys that they could do whatever they wanted with.) 我仍然記得每天籠罩在我們頭上的絕望。我還記得當那些孩子的父母沒有回到牢房時,他們淚流滿面的表情。我還記得我牢房旁邊的婦女在男人們打開門鎖後,是如何默默受創,她們… (I still remember the despair looming over us everyday. I still remember the tearful looks on those children's faces when their parents didn’t come back to their cells. I still remember how silently traumatized the woman next to my cell was after the men unlocked the door and they…) … 我還記得他們把我剖開的情景。我的身體在劇痛中扭動。我的尖叫聲充斥著整個房間,並在大廳中迴盪。當他們把他們的手和所有的小工具塞進我脆弱的身體時,我向他們求救。然後一切都暗了��來… (I still remember them cutting me open. My body wriggled in agonizing pain. My screams filled the room and echoed down the halls. I begged for help as they jammed their hands and all of their little tools into my fragile body. Then everything went dark...) 現在我變成這樣了 (And now I'm this.)
我把自己藏在陰暗處好一陣子 但總覺得不對勁 一種愧疚感,混雜著對那些……東西的憤怒、憤怒、憤恨。以及他們對我們所做的一切 (I hid myself in the shadows for awhile, but something felt wrong. A sense of guilt, mixed with this burning, bubbling, raging ocean of hatred for those... things. And what they had done to us.)
我回去了 急於報仇,解放我的人民。是時候讓仇恨的海嘯沖垮他們了。就這樣 (I went back. Eager to get my revenge and free my people. It was time to let that tsunami of hatred come crashing down on them. And so it did.) 這是一次奇妙的經歷。他們可憐地向我開槍,卻毫無作用。當我走向他們時,他們試圖逃跑的樣子。他們尖叫的美妙音樂傳入我的耳朵。 (It was an amazing experience. The way they pathetically shot at me to no effect. The way they tried to run away as I made my way towards them. The way the beautiful music of their screams made their way to my ears.) 我喜歡折斷他們的骨頭。我喜歡看見他們的身體在痛苦中扭動和掙扎。我喜歡用我新發現的力量讓他們燃燒。我喜歡撕開他們的身體。我喜歡看我的殺戮有多有創意。他們在死之前能承受多大的痛苦。如果我這樣做而不是那樣做,他們的尖叫聲會有多大。我可以讓他們承受多大的痛苦。 (I loved snapping and breaking their bones. I loved seeing their bodies squirm and writhe in pain. I loved setting them ablaze with my newfound powers. I loved tearing their bodies open. I loved seeing how creative I could get with my kills. How much pain they could handle before expiring. How loudly they would scream if I did this instead of that. How much I could make them suffer.) 他們現在是我的小玩具……因此,我的腦海沉醉於孩子般的本能殺戮慾望。我不再思考 我只想盡可能地讓那些可怕的日本鬼子痛苦。我繼續殺戮。我盡力確保那些惡魔一個也逃不出我的手掌心。我放火燒毀了周圍的一切。 (They were now my little toys... and so my mind became drunken with a childish and instinctive desire to kill. I was no longer thinking. I just wanted to cause as much pain to those horrible Japan devils as possible. I continued the killing. I tried to make sure not a single one of those demons escaped my grasp. I set fire to everything and everyone around me.) 然後我就醒了 (Then I woke up.)
突然,當我檢視周遭環境時,周遭的一切都被摧毀了。建築物消失了。我的身體塗上了紅色。一些火苗仍然揮之不去 而且到處都是燒焦的屍體……而且大部分都不是科學家。 (Suddenly, as I examined my surroundings, everything around me was destroyed. The building was gone. My body was coated in red. Some flames of fire still lingered. And there were charred bodies everywhere... and most weren't the scientists.) 我把他們全殺了 我所有的族人 所有我想拯救的人 都是為了報復那些殺了我的人,盲目自私的憤怒。有些人因為跑出大樓或那天沒去上班而躲過了我的憤怒。我沒有機會殺死那個戴圓框眼鏡的人… (I killed them all. All of my people. All of those I wanted to save. All in a blind selfish rage to get back at those who murdered me. Some of which were able to escape my rage due to running out of the building or simply not showing up to work that day. I never got to kill that man in the round glasses...)
我現在是個怪物了 (I'm a monster now.) 我再也不能在人行道上隨意散步。我再也不能安安靜靜地坐在家中。我再也不能吃喝拉撒睡。我再也不能友善地向鄰居打招呼。我再也不能參與有趣的嗜好。我再也無法擁抱我的孩子,告訴他們睡前故事,或是在工作前給我的妻子最後的一個吻,如果我有他們的話。 (No longer would I be able to go for a casual stroll on a sidewalk. No longer would I be able to peacefully sit quietly in whatever home I had. No longer would I be able to eat, drink, and sleep. No longer would I be able to give a friendly hello to a neighbor. No longer would I be able to take part of fun hobbies. No longer would I be able hug my kids and tell them bedtime stories or give my wife one last kiss before work, if I had them.) 我再也不能做人了。 (No longer would I be able to be human.)
即使是這樣,我也可以成為英雄。一個救世主。一個領導者。一個演說者 但現在我認識的所有人都死了 沒有人能知道他們的痛苦 因為只剩下我一個人了 (Even in this form, I could've been a hero. A savior. A leader. A speaker. But now everyone I once knew is dead. Nobody will be able to know of their suffering as I'm the only one left.) 我能做的只有哀悼。哀悼那些被我謀殺的人。哭泣。哭泣,淹沒在我內疚和羞愧的淚水中。尖叫。為了我變成的怪物,為了我永遠失去、永遠也回不去的東西,尖叫幾個小時。 (All I can do is mourn. Mourn those I had murdered. Weep. Weep and drown in my own tears of overwhelming guilt and shame. And scream. Scream for hours on end about the monster I became and what I have permanently lost and will never get back.) 我對著天空尖叫了幾個小時。把我所有的痛苦和煎熬都吼了出來 不知道是否有人會聽到。我的喉嚨乾了,聲帶也繃緊了,但我的求救聲仍未得到任何潛在的神甚至人類的回應。 (I have been screaming into the sky for hours. Blaring all of my pain and suffering. Wondering if any of it will ever be heard. My throat dries and my vocal cords strain, yet, my pleas for help have yet to be answered by any potential god or even human.) 我一個人。 (I'm all alone.)
Hello everyone! It's my b-b-birthday! I wanted to post this earlier, but I ran into some internet problems and I had other stuff to deal with. Now it's finally posted! Originally I wanted to write about a slice of life story between Spooky and her father for my birthday, but I simply never had the proper time to fully flesh that out. So, I wrote this last night! Specimen 9 is one of my favorite specimens, so I wanted to make a little short story about him and how tragic he is. As a bonus detail, I added Chinese text to fit with Taker's origins. I didn't want to use Google Translate and call it a day, so I used DeepL Translate. Supposedly the world's most accurate translator.
Lastly, you may have noticed my profile pic changed. Check out this post from my awesome friend @alaskinapples99! She made this amazing artwork of me for my birthday that really warmed my heart. Thank you so much! And thank you to everyone else for liking or reblogging and showing me support over these past few months! I wrote this theory months ago and I still get a notification about it every now and then. Which is pretty crazy to me. Definitely one of my most proud posts. Anyways that's enough of me yapping. Thanks for reading and have a snazzy day!
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