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jiunmaylin-blog · 9 months ago
第六部 曹家寶藏 楚王墓玲瓏塔 32 五月月神皋
最駭人的是每具石棺中都漂浮著個『人』。 那些『男人』半沉半浮在瀅瀅棺水之內。從他們所在距離遠看那些人皆赤裸著上半身,下半身由於穿著暗色衣物所以幾乎隱沒在水波和波面的藍光之中。裸露出水面的蒼白皮膚和棺內池水在朦朧藍光映照下全蒙著層森然詭異的藍光。
………奇幻盜墓探險小說之第六部 32
《第六部 曹家寶藏 楚王墓玲瓏塔32 五月月神皋》 ....................................... 擋在身前的是一具挨著一具的石棺。長方形石棺高高低低錯落擺放,一道道細小水瀑從位置較高的石棺汩汩注入低石棺內。這片石棺群猶如一座巨型風水流水盆。喏多道水瀑發出嘩啦啦噴濺聲,偶爾還間夾著幾響咚咚落水聲。
... 閱讀完整故事請點擊以下網址: https://tombrobber2021.com 或搜尋神獸人間 .... 《歡迎點讚、訂閱、分享 網站:https://tombrobber2021.com/ FB: tombrobber2021 IG:tombrobber2021 希望神獸人間 奇幻盜墓小說系列故事能讓您在紛擾繁忙的日常之外忘憂的進入一個奇幻、神秘且美好的世界... 》 #奇幻盜墓小說 #盜墓探險小說 #盜墓小說 #探險小說 #靈異小說 #奇幻小說 #玄幻小說 #奇幻文學 #網路小說 #神獸小說 #鬼怪小說 #尋寶小說 #鬥法小說 #恐怖小說 #恐怖靈異小說 #神獸 #鬥法 #盜墓 #靈異 #神怪 #白澤 #奇幻 #玄幻 #獬豸 #十二月神 #皋
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islandmusic · 6 months ago
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jinrizhiyi · 3 months ago
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changchaokan · 1 year ago
──────────原文────────── 帝舜謂禹曰:「女亦昌言。」禹拜曰:「��,予何言!予思日孳孳。」皋陶難禹曰:「何謂孳孳?」禹曰:「鴻水滔天,浩浩懷山襄陵,下民皆服於水。予陸行乘車,水行乘舟,泥行乘橇,山行乘檋,行山栞木。與益予衆庶稻鮮食。以決九川致四海,浚畎澮致之川。與稷予衆庶難得之食。食少,調有餘補不足,徙居。衆民乃定,萬國爲治。」皋陶曰:「然,此而美也。」 ──────────翻譯────────── 帝舜對禹說:「你也說說你的意見吧。」 禹謙恭地行了拜禮,說:「唉,我說什麽呢?我只想每天孜孜不息地辦事。」 皋陶責難禹說:「什麼叫做孜孜不息?」 禹說:「洪水滔天,浩浩蕩蕩,包圍了高山,淹沒了丘陵,黎民都遭受著洪水的威脅。我在陸路乘車,水路乘船,坐著木橇穿過泥沼,穿著帶鐵齒的鞋爬山,翻山越嶺,砍樹立樁,在山上作了標記。我和益一塊,發給黎民百姓稻穀和鳥獸的鮮肉。挖…
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polikarpov-16 · 2 years ago
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草壁皋月 唐朝服裝 漢服 角色扮演 cosplay girls
head swap 同人 二次創作
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rennebright · 1 year ago
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宇宙特工皋月 by REKAERB_MAERD ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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tuulikannel · 1 year ago
Thinking about the girl Big 5 of Assassination Classroom. It's canon that they exist, but we know basically nothing about them. One member is called Ookura Sachiko (大倉幸子), and she is "the Sakakibara Ren of the group", and... that's it.
So I had this idea that to get potential names for the girl B5, we could take a look at the top 50 final results. Great idea, sure... the only problem here is that the name Ookura Sachiko doesn't appear there at all. >_> Well, maybe Gakuhou's "teaching" methods made her collapse so badly she didn't even make it to top 50…..
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Anyway, the top 4 female names, other than Sachiko or E class girls on that list are: 19. 毛利伊織 Mouri Iori 23. 長沢寿理亜 Nagasawa Juria (Julia, I think) 27. 伊藤姫希 Itouzaki Himeki 34. 山鹿皋月 Yamagata* Satsuki
*That name can be also read Yamaka, Yamaga, or Yamashika. This list from the manga (I guess, I just googled this) has it as Yamagata.
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Based on this list #25 is Mizuno Ami which sounds like a girl, but I don't understand how they read the given name like that. As far as I can see it's 武丸 which is read Takemaru. (Whether or not this person is a girl I decided to leave them out. In that case she's just someone who happened to do well here.)
But yeah, anyway, the rest of this post will just be my new headcanons. XD So, the girl B5 members are Sachiko, Iori, Julia, Himeki and Satsuki. If Sachiko is the Ren of the group, I guess Julia might be the Seo (thinking about their skills, not personalities XD). Maybe her mom is a westerner and so she's learned English from an early age.
Himeki... is Gakushuu, no question about it. Not only has she "princess" in her name, the latter kanji means, among other things, "phenomenal". Kinda like the kanji for Shuu is "supremacy". (It's eating her alive she ended up 27th. Ouch.)
Then, we have Iori and Satsuki left to be Araki and Koyama. (I mean, of course they don't have to have clear matches, but... just for fun?) No strong feelings here, though. Satsuki's surname is literally "mountain deer" so she could get Koyama (and biology) based on that. XD Which leaves Araki for Iori, I guess. *shrug* Well, in all honesty, these two could have their own strengths that don't directly correspond to the boys.
But yeah, so. In summary, my Big 5 girls:
Itouzaki Himeki (Gakushuu) Ookura Sachiko (Ren) Nagasawa Julia (Seo) Mouri Iori Yamagata Satsuki
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vermillioncourt-if · 11 months ago
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(will generate images later)
Note: There are about 20-30 total members of the Vermillion Court's Council. These are just the important ones.
The Members of the Council of the Vermillion Court
Lord He Dongbu (荷董部)
(荷, hé, "lotus") (董部, dǒng bù, "to supervise ministry")
Lord He Dongbu is the patriarch of the He family and father of Queen He Taiyin. The Nan family and He family have been political allies for a long time. The He family is a well-established and well-known noble family of Xiatian. He is thought to be smart and shrewd, but decent to be around, despite not often voting in favor of improving the conditions for the poor. He is 66 years old at the start of the story.
Name Pronunciation: heuh don-g boo
Lord He Futuan (荷副团)
(荷, hé, "lotus") (副团, fù tuán, "secondary regiment")
Lord He Futuan is a member of the He family. He is the younger brother of Lord He Dongbu, making him the uncle to Queen He Taiyin. He has been a part of the Vermillion Court for over 40 years. He is thought of as worse than his brother in terms of attitude and general disposition. He is 63 years old at the start of the story.
Name Pronunciation: heuh foo tw-ahn
Lord Dou Gonglun (豆共论)
(豆, dòu, "bean/legume") (共论, gòng lùn, "to share theory")
Lord Dou Gonglun is the patriarch of the Dou family and father of Noble Consort Dou Rizhe. He is the leader of the well-established noble Dou family of the Xiatian Kingdom. He and his family are long standing members of the Vermillion Court. He is kind, but shrewd, preferring his silence while everyone around him talks. He is 70 years old at the start of the story.
Name Pronunciation: dough gong loon
Lord Dou Zhuaigao (豆拽皋)
(豆, dòu, "bean/legume") (拽皋, zhuài gāo, "to pull marsh")
Lord Dou Zhuaigao is the eldest son of Lord Dou Gonglun and is the older brother to Noble Consort Dou Rizhe. He is part of the well-established and powerful Dou family of the Xiatian Kingdom. He has been a part of the Vermillion Court for nearly 30 years. He is quiet and an observer like his father. He is cunning and ambitious. He is married to Lady Dou Sining. He is 48 years old at the start of the story.
Name Pronunciation: dough zsh-why gah-ow
Lord Re Yeshe (热烨社)
(热, rè, "hot") (烨社, yè shè, "glorious society")
Lord Re Yeshe is the patriarch of the Re family and the father of Virtuous Consort Re Hanshang. He is the leader of the well-established noble Re family of the Xiatian Kingdom. He and his family are long standing members of the Vermillion Court. He is considered to be too soft-hearted to be on the council, usually backing policies that would help the poor. He always seems cheerful and smiling. He is 69 years old at the start of the story.
Name Pronunciation: reuh ye-eh sh-euh
Lady Re Teguan (热特鹳)
(热, rè, "hot") (特鹳, tè guàn, "distinguished crane (bird)")
Lady Re Teguan is the eldest child of the Re family patriarch. She is part of the well-established noble Re family of the Xiatian Kingdom. She has been a part of the Vermillion Court for about 25 years. She is logical and her reasoning is always sound. She is viewed as a good moderator in case there are any issues between nobles. She is 48 years old at the start of the story.
Name Pronunciation: reuh te-uh gw-ahn
Lord Xing Loubiao (杏露熛)
(杏, xìng, "apricot") (露熛, lòu biāo, "to reveal [a] blaze")
Lord Xing Loubiao is the patriarch of the Xing family and is Worthy Consort Xing Fangguo's father. The Xing family, unlike the Hes, Res, and Dous, is a newer noble family in Xiatian with ties to foreign lands. He is a cunning and ambitious man, not afraid to push people out of the way to secure his place in the Vermillion Court. He is not very sympathetic to the plights of the common folk, either. He is 66 years old at the start of the story.
Name Pronunciation: shing low bi-yaow
Lord Xing Moduan (杏没断)
(杏, xìng, "apricot") (没断, mò duàn, "to end definitely")
Lord Xing Moduan is the eldest son of Lord Xing Loubiao and the younger brother of Worthy Consort Xing Fangguo. He is part of the newer Xing noble family, with ties to foreign lands. He has been a part of the Vermillion Court for 10 years. He is more tolerable to be around than his father, possessing middle-ground views that usually favor both parties. He is 33 years old at the start of the game.
Name Pronunciation: shing mo du-ahn
Lady Zheng Qieyan (正惬言)
(正, zhèng, "proper") (惬言, qiè yán, "cheerful words/speech")
Lady Zheng Qieyan is a member of the Vermilion Court. As one of the few sitting ladies, she's often faced with stereotypes and bias perpetrated by a majority of her male colleagues. She is the only child of the old noble Zheng family. She is smart and resourceful, maintaining an air of propriety and calmness. She is 35 years old at the start of the game.
Name Pronunciation: jh-eun chi-eh yen
Lord Yuan Cuohuang (元措谎)
(元, yuán, "first") (措谎, cuò huǎng, "to execute lies")
Lord Yuan Cuohuang is a member of the Vermillion Court. He is part of the Yuan family, a low-ranking noble house. He is one of the middle children of a middle son, so it's a bit surprising for many that he even has a place at court. He is considered to be thoughtful and intelligent and charismatic, often making deals among the other nobility for policy support. He is 50 years old at the start of the game.
Name Pronunciation: you-en ch-owah heuh-wahng
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changchaokan · 1 year ago
──────────原文────────── 皋陶作士以理民。帝舜朝,禹、伯夷、皋陶相與語帝前。皋陶述其謀曰:「信其道德,謀明輔和。」禹曰:「然,如何?」皋陶曰:「於!慎其身脩,思長,敦序九族,衆明高翼,近可遠在已。」禹拜美言,曰:「然。」皋陶曰:「於!在知人,在安民。」禹曰:「吁!皆若是,惟帝其難之。知人則智,能官人;能安民則惠,黎民懷之。能知能惠,何憂乎驩兜,何遷乎有苗,何畏乎巧言善色佞人?」皋陶曰:「然,於!亦行有九德,亦言其有德。」乃言曰:「始事事…
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