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牧歌 今江祥智 理論社 装幀=宇野亜喜良
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演奏者:松吉牧歌 on 小紅書 music:天空之城 castle in the sky
#松吉牧歌#馬頭琴#morin khuur#mongolian instrument#天空之城#castle in the sky#天空の城ラピュタ#hayao miyazaki#宮崎駿#吉卜力 studio ghibli#久石讓#joe hisaishi#ひさいし じょう hisaishi jō#b. 1950 japanese
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CHEN MUCHI (陈牧驰) as Yin Jiao, Crown Prince of Shang Dynasty
Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms 封神第一部:朝歌风云 (2023)
#chen muchi#chen muchi avatars#cdrama#creation of the gods#fengshen#yin jiao#cmovie#creation of the gods i: kingdom of storms#陈牧驰#封神#封神第一部:朝歌风云#chinese fc#period fc
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The Pastoral of the Lands from Allegory of the Cave (Part 1) Camille Saint-Saëns, Eli.W, HOYO-MiX
#hsr#honkai star rail#allegory of the cave part 1#amphoreus#chinese title: 大地牧歌#Camille Saint-Saëns#eli.w
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おはようございます。今日のJapanese SEIKYOです。

#創価学会#soka gakkai#seikyo#南無妙法蓮華経#池田大作#戸田城聖#牧口常三郎#人間革命#日蓮大聖人#聖教新聞#御書#法華経#広宣流布#nichiren#nammyohourengekyo#nam myoho renge kyo#教学#核兵器禁止条約#歓喜の歌
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「解放#10 & ROCK IT PUZZLE pre」 - SOFTTOUCH アナーキー・牧歌・ユートピア リリース ツアー 2024 大阪 -
2024.08.04 「解放#10 & ROCK IT PUZZLE pre」 2024年8月4日 (日) 場所:堺 FANDANGO open 17:30 / start 18:00 adv/¥3000+1d / door/¥3500+1d
出演 Bacon ボールズ BONE AND SKIN SOFTTOUCH opening -佐野史紀
予約フォーム https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQ_YsjK4UHATr_8a01Itw5Ga5JSWpDHLTrsuj7DjN4k2_QoQ/viewform
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【田牧筆談】:獨立中文筆會在民主台灣 ——2023年獨立中文筆會年會掠影
(文章根据廖天琪口述,記錄與整理) 10月5日,獨立中文筆會2023年年會在國立臺北教育大學國際會議廳舉行,會議主題是:文學貢獻獎的頒獎典禮暨文學與自由論壇。本次會議得到台灣文化部、台灣民主基金會、台灣華人民主書院等的支持與讚助,台灣立法院院長遊錫堃設晚宴招待全體與會人員。 第一次在台灣舉行獨立中文筆會年會,頗有感觸,記錄一些,與會員們、讀者分享。 壹 嚴歌苓獲得獨立中文筆會第二十屆「自由寫作獎」。嚴歌苓是華裔高產作家,她的一些作品如:《金陵十三釵》、《歸來》、《芳華》等隨著影視劇,進入了普天之下的百姓家,但是��麽一位受社會愛戴的作家,因為發表了批評中國當局掩蓋新冠疫情真相的文章《瞞瞞瞞》,結果微博帳號被封鎖,也因此,她從中國各大媒體的座上賓,變成當局不容的的異議作家。嚴歌苓獲得「自由寫作獎」當之無愧。可惜嚴歌苓近日因受傷未能前來赴會。 陳雲飛獲得第十三屆「劉曉波寫作勇氣獎」。…

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高雄鹽埕|美德客音樂餐廳 Madker Live House & Restaurant 餐酒館聽歌初體驗
你有在酒吧、餐酒館或是任何音樂餐廳有過邊用餐邊聽人家彈奏音樂、唱歌的體驗嗎?在台北時我一直很想體驗,但都找不到好的機會,這次剛好來到高雄玩,說什麼都要安排一下,因為結束一個行程後,已是晚上八點多,故隨意找了一家Google評價有4.7顆星的美德客音樂餐廳,直接過去,邊吃東西邊聽歌到底是個什麼樣的體驗呢? #美德客音樂餐廳 #Madker Live House #高雄餐酒館 #高雄美食 #高雄音樂餐廳 #Madker
你有在酒吧、餐酒館或是任何音樂餐廳有過邊用餐邊聽人家彈奏音樂、唱歌的體驗嗎?在台北時我一直很想體驗,但都找不到好的機會,這次剛好來到高雄玩,說什麼都要安排一下,因為結束一個行程後,已是晚上八點多,故隨意找了一家Google評價有4.7顆星的美德客音樂餐廳,直接過去,邊吃東西邊聽歌到底是個什麼樣的體驗呢? 我從來沒有體驗過在餐廳裡聽別人彈奏音樂、唱歌的經驗,那天行程排的有點晚,又加上天氣熱的關係,其實體力耗的有點差不多了,然後也差點沒有辦法體驗這次的聽歌活動,要不是家人的鼓勵,也許最後可能就以將就、留下美好的遺憾收場。 Madker Live House &…

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#food#Madker Live House & Restaurant#台灣美食#平價美食#手工月亮花枝蝦餅#月亮蝦餅#松阪豬肉炒飯#無酒精特調#美德客#美德客 愛爾人牧羊人派#美德客 松阪豬肉炒飯#美德客 聽歌#美德客 菜單#美德客 還我漂漂飲#美德客音樂餐廳#美德客音樂餐廳 用餐環境#美德客音樂餐廳 菜單#美德客音樂餐廳 酒吧#美德客餐酒館 價格#美食#美食推薦#還我漂漂飲#高雄美食#高雄音樂餐廳#高雄音樂餐廳推薦#高雄餐酒館#高雄餐酒館推薦#高雄鹽埔餐酒館
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牧野 真莉愛は、日本の歌手、アイドル、タレント。女性アイドルグループモーニング娘。の12期メンバー。 愛知県西尾市出身。ハロプロ研修生出身。アップフロントプロモーション所属。2021年4月13日より西尾市シティプロモーション特命大使を務める。 ウィキペディア
生まれ: 2001年2月2日 (年齢 24歳), 愛知県
学歴: ルネサンス豊田高等学校|通信制高校 愛知県
身長: 165 cm
グループ/ ユニット等: ハロプロ研修生; モーニング娘。
レーベル: zetima; UP-FRONT WORKS
事務所: アップフロントプロモーション
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椋鳩十の本 第十八巻 随想集 牧歌ふうのこと 理論社 装幀=平野甲賀、装画=太田大八
#椋鳩十の本 第十八巻 随想集 牧歌ふうのこと#椋鳩十の本#hatoju muku#椋鳩十#daihachi ota#太田大八#koga hirano#平野甲賀#anamon#古本屋あなもん#あなもん#book cover
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what's poppin TyoBabi fandom, I got a present for you
.zip File Download: DISCS 1 & 2 (109MB)
This FST is basically an in-depth run down of the collection of songs that were sung/mentioned/in the "VOL. 7/BOX" chapter of Tokyo Babylon 5, with some info about the artists and songs themselves. This, as far as I know, is the most thorough run-through of the music of "BOX" on the English web! I've divided it into two "discs", the first being the songs mentioned themselves, and the second being a few fun related extras. You can check out the second disc over on Radio Free T.Y.O, if you're interested ♥
Ginza no Koi no Monogatari
銀座の恋の物語 - "Ginza Love Story" 石原裕次郎・牧村旬子 - Ishihara Yuujirou and Makimura Junko mp3 download || youtube
The song that Seishirou and Hokuto are pouring their very souls into to perform in the beginning of the chapter. Released in 1961, this a smoky, jazzy duet typical of its time, telling the story of two star-crossed lovers, one in Tokyo and one in Ginza. It was an immediate hit, even having a movie based upon it made, starring Ishihara-san in the lead role. It's a staple duet in karaoke even to this day.
泣かないで - "Don't Cry" 舘ひろし - Tachi Hiroshi mp3 download || youtube
The song that the random selector spits up for Subaru to sing, which Sei-chan subsequently picks up after sending him off to buy cigarettes/exorcise the OL. This was released in 1984, by Tachi Hiroshi, a singer and actor who became quite the sensation when he had a starring role in 西部警察 (Seibu Keisatsu; "Western Police") -- incidentally, directed by the abovementioned Ishihara-san, as you'd have it. "Nakanaide" was a hit, coming in 59th on the ORICON's 1984 top singles list. It's from his seventh album In the Mood.
難破船 - "Shipwreck" 中森明菜 - Nakamori Akina m4a download || youtube
The song that the OL ghost sings. A dark and heartfelt song about a dying love, it was a massive hit when it was released in 1987, shooting straight to the top of the ORICON charts (as Nakamori-san's 17th number one hit), and has been a karaoke regular since then, just as the OL says in the chapter. Originally written and performed by the very respected Kato Tokiko for her 最後のダンスパーティ (Saigo no Dance Party; "Last Dance Party") album of 1984; she personally requested that Nakamori-san perform the song. It's been covered countless times, including by the original singer/songwriter and the cover artist themselves.
抱いて… - "Hold Me..." 松田聖子 - Matsuda Seiko mp3 download || youtube
Not actually sung, but the OL ghost suggests she'd like to sing it next. A dramatic and emotional slice of idol pop from the Eternal Idol herself, Matsuda Seiko (who also performs "Who's That Boy", found on Single White). Released in 1987 as a promo-only single from her fifteenth studio album, 1988's Citron. Despite never being released as an official single, it's one of Matsuda's more popular songs, especially karaoke-wise. It's rather interesting that the OL picks a Matsuda song directly after a Nakamori Akina track -- the pair were notorious rivals in the 80s, supposedly even in love.
Benkyo no Uta
勉强の歌 - "Study Song" 森高千里 - Moritaka Chisato mp3 download || youtube
The song Hokuto is singing when Subaru attempts to sneak back into the karaoke box. Released in 1991, it peaked at #4 on the ORICON charts, and was remixed on Moritaka's second remix album as ザ・勉強の歌 (Za・Benkyo no Uta; "The・Study Song"). It was used as the opening theme to the anime TV series "Mischievous Twins: The Tales of St. Clare's". It's a totally gimmicky song (complete with voguing in the very weird video clip), though cheerful and catchy, so its popularity on the karaoke circuit at the time shouldn't surprise anyone. (You just know that Hokuto unironically adored this song, and drove Subaru batty by singing it at every opportunity.)
Wakaretemo Suki na Hito
別れても好きな人 - "Beloved Even if We're Separated" ロス・インディオス&シルヴィア - Los Indios & Silvia mp3 download || youtube
The song that Hokuto announces Subaru should sing with Seishirou as punishment for being late. Another staple in the duets section of karaoke, still, this 1979 release was actually a cover. The song was released by two Toshiba EMI artists, Matsudaira Kemeko and the Purple Shadows, respectively, in 1969. In October 1975, Los Indios released a single-voice version, and in 1979 it was rearranged as a male and female duet, with some lyrics changed slightly. The song was an instant hit, and by 1980, it had sold a million copies.
#Tokyo Babylon#TyoBabi#subaru sumeragi#hokuto sumeragi#seishirou sakurazuka#x1999#clamp#seisub#tokyo babylon music#fst#fan soundtrack#fanmix
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演奏者:松吉牧歌 on 小紅書 music:親愛的旅人
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CHEN MUCHI (陈牧驰) as Yin Jiao, Crown Prince of Shang Dynasty
Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms 封神第一部:朝歌风云 (2023)
#chen muchi#chen muchi avatars#cdrama#creation of the gods#fengshen#yin jiao#cmovie#creation of the gods i: kingdom of storms#陈牧驰#封神#封神第一部:朝歌风云#chinese fc#period fc
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大人にならないと分からないアニメ 「赤毛のアン」: 橋本リウ詩集
ということは、当時もこのアニメを見た大人は子供よりもずっと感動し、子供に向かって 「赤毛のアン」 を見なさい、と強制したに違いない。 子供にとってはえらい迷惑な話だ(笑)。
「赤毛のアン」 というのは、実に牧歌的なエピソードの連続なのだ。 だがその話の平凡さに気を取られていると、この物語の本当の意図に気付かぬまま、終わってしまうことだろう。
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