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在兄弟倆國小時,丈夫因工作需要,添購一台電腦,自此兩人竟開始沉迷於電腦遊戲中,經常為了誰先玩而爭吵。當時有試著將電腦鎖住,避免他們繼續沉迷,但兄弟倆自行複製鑰匙,在大人不在家時自行開鎖,甚至瞞著我跑去網咖。到了國中時期,有天兄弟倆不知什麼原因,有了言語上的爭執,接著發生推擠、拉扯的行為,甚至用身體將門撞破一個洞。當時小兒子甚至向大兒子叫囂說 : 「你信不信我殺了你?」大兒子聽到後,直接衝進廚房拿出兩把菜刀,一把自己拿著,一把丟向小兒子,向小兒子回嗆:「要砍就砍啊!」好險當時小兒子因此嚇到,沒有實際的行動,不然真的會發生人倫悲劇。
在尚未迴向無緣子女的功德之前,孩子們難以管教,讓我們夫妻兩人透支心力,迴向成功後當週,大兒子就親自打電話回家,叫我一聲「媽」,讓我好感動。還買蛋糕回家請我們吃,現在會主動關心家裡的狀況了。大兒子改變許多,讓我們感到非常欣慰和感動。小兒子現在變得很乖巧、孝順,會時常回家關心我們夫妻,還勸我們要精進誦經,不要偷懶。也加入了修行社團,整個人脫胎換骨,非常精進修行,消除過去曾經修偏去外道的業障提升心性。 我們整家人的改變,都要感恩牟尼精舍佛菩薩和蔡師兄,以及眾師兄姐們。沒有大家的一路陪伴,瀕臨破碎的家庭難以圓滿。在此寫出此篇感應文,除了感謝佛恩,也希望大家能依精舍開示的功課,如實誦經迴向,只要用心做,人生也能美滿幸福。 (分享結束)
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The story of my student days
讀於奉化市岳林中心小學,我的班主任是一個年紀50 的語文老師,班主任的兒子已經是一名大學生,我的同桌是一個班級成績拔尖的優等生,汪某(化名),他媽媽和我媽認識, 而我,是一個成績中檔的學生,我在仰視他的環境下度過了我的小學。
小學時候我還是一名積極向上的學生,我會復習,預習,做作業,為什麼?都是我媽強迫的,她說,讀書能改變貧窮,使自己做上等人。我相信但又很不情願地做這些事情,這對於一個本應該好好玩地孩子是很正常的事情,所以,我每次寫作業,拖拖拉拉,發發呆,沒有手機,那個年代只有家長才會擁有手機,而且還是諾基亞,我也從不抱著幻想我會得到一部手機。我的語文是比較差的,我的數學一般般,但是每當期末我書寫卻老是能考到很優秀的成績。這樣子讀多了兩年,迎來了三年級,英語出現了。這門科目,我挺喜歡,但是又學不上去,過了一學期我媽讓我去劍橋英語學習,劍橋的學習我學會瞭如何學習英語這門課也喜歡上了這門課。在劍橋學習了兩年,每週三晚上,週五晚上和周六白天,我的英語成績突飛猛進,基本位於班級前十,這也是我後來唯一喜歡的科目。每次!我考砸了,父母就拿同桌汪X給我講人家讀書多用工成績多好,我忍這種話忍了整個初中,考好了,幾句繼續努力就完事了。三年級,還發生了一件事情,我每週都去書法鮑老師家裡學習書法,每週六,學習了兩年,這也是我從一年級就開始喜歡的一門藝術。兩年後,我停止了去老師家裡學書法,有趣的事情發生了,我的書法老師竟然主動來找我,說他家的那棟樓(5層樓每層兩戶的套房)樓道的牆壁上出現了“哈哈”兩字,他憑字體看出了是我的寫的,所以,的確是我寫的,”調皮”就是我的tag,他要求我去把這兩個字刷刷掉,怎麼刷?讓我爸去刷,WTF? “這樓到又不是你家的範圍是公共範圍,我寫的又不是你家裡,憑什麼讓我爸去弄掉,而且管你什麼事“這是我20歲回想起來後的內心獨白,當我才五年級的我根本沒聽懂他的意思。這件事情在他和我說了後一直過去了兩三週我都沒和我爸說過,不敢說,心想著自己去用修正液處理掉下,但是遲遲沒有去,這兩三週我書法老師每節課上都和我說,簡直沒完沒了,終於在第五週我和我爸說起了這個事情,我爸那時候正在和我媽討論支付暑假學習書法的費用,不是我家付不起,是因為那段時間教育局查得嚴,老師帶學生不能收錢,所以在暑假學習的時候我爸找上門付錢時候他很主動的拒絕帶學生不要錢,正好他們那天商量去給學費聽到我的話就明白了,這肯定是來變相要學費來了,當天晚上我爸就去了書法老師家裡付掉了學費,自那次起,書法老師在也沒和我提起過這件事情,我也再也給看他順眼過。關於玩電腦?想得美,一學期都不會給你玩,放假給你玩幾天快開學就不讓你玩,每天就給你1小時。
這是一段傳奇故事的起源,也是不可缺少的導火索,小升初因為只考了268,數學91,英語89,語文85,導致了我只能進入7班,普通班,也稱為中班,上有好班,下有差班,名稱什麼都無所謂至少我們的家長是這麼命名的。我的小升初成績在班級里大約是15名,全班45人,處於挺好的階段,我的班主任竺老師(男)教英語,是的,我最喜歡的科目的任課老師居然是我的班主任,但是他真的很有趣,我超級喜歡他,他教課很好,是一個很負責的老師,基本上一個月有幾個電話給我媽打過來😒Shit。剛認識這個老師,我非常約束自己,安靜,認真,舉手,我幾乎把電視裡的好學生該做的事情一件不差的演了出來,演了一學期,這裡我給我自己頒發奧斯卡最佳好學生影帝獎,所有老師都信了我是一個積極向上的好學生,家長眼中的學習積極分子,但是我的成績並不理想,我的語文成績再次成為了我最頭疼的科目,不及格再一次在這個學習出現,這個世界上最懂自己的還是只有自己,我深刻明白最適合的不是學習,而是演戲,所以我把這齣好學生戲演到了期末,期末考試一結束,我宣告自己自導自演的“初中一年級第一學期”這齣戲成功殺青,我毫不猶豫的在教室里和一個同學瘋子一般的在教室裡追逐著用粉筆互相砸對方,被從辦公室出來的班主任逮個正著,大聲的吼住了我“你在發什麼神經”,來教室後懲罰我去教室門口站著,Good,這是這輩子以來最mother fickin shit的事情了,順便還在考後的短短三天假期佈置了全班罰抄英語課本單詞的作業👍,太牛逼了。我的小學同桌,初中是4班,依然是我媽每次給我對比的優秀好學生,“人家汪X到了好班都是前幾名的再看看你,爛屎蛋,不會讀就直說好了,我也不用管你了“。這話是我周末看電視都能聽到的諷刺的話。第二學習的開始我無法繼續著我演好學生的角色,就像是一名間諜,被敵人發現怎麼繼續��底,所以我很約束的表現出了真實的一面。初中直至了第三年,我的房間多出來了台電視。是的舒服的很,玩電腦既然這麼艱難我還有電視看,每當我爸媽飯後去散步的時候我就打開電視看《俠嵐》,這也是我最喜歡看的國產動畫,那麼問題來了,作業怎麼辦,從來沒有很乖地寫過,差不多20點多我爸媽散步回來,我才開始寫作業,從來不擔心寫到幾點,我有同學們的電話, 21點就是最佳的遠程抄作業答案的時機,完成了語文數學或者數學英語的我,通過電話和其他同學們交換作業,那個年代有我這麼玩科技的真的不多,其他同學基本都是教室里分工作業的但是我基本不擔心下課就應該休息,當然也有比較煩惱的時候,寫數學來不及而且全是大題目,根本沒法電話抄,don't worry,I have good idea,第二天上學,第一排收作業的我,把我們組同學的作業和我的作業放進我的夾克里,褲子口袋藏著筆,光明正大的走到班主任面前稱自己肚子不舒去上廁所,實際則是去抄作業。關於玩電腦,父母把電腦反鎖在他們房間不讓我玩,但是破解它在我看來並不是什麼難事,他們房間的上邊有個小窗,每當他們週末出去,我就一腳踩著門把手,雙手把自己舉起來從小窗戶進入他們房間,Good,Very good,沒有你做不到只有你想不到。為什麼我父母要鎖門,在這之前他們出去都是不鎖門的,我會很直接的去玩電腦,每次他們回來都是來摸電腦溫度這一招,一熱,問題很明顯,馬腳全漏,反倒使我更加不敢玩電腦,但是反鎖門,使我更加開心,聽到他們回家的聲音我就從反鎖的門扣上鎖把門關起來,一點馬腳都不會出現,而且他們反鎖門跟本就不關機電腦,就這樣,我在這樣惡劣的環境下學會了剪輯,走上了中國影視這條不歸路。初三,下學期,我惡劣頑皮,上課和同桌玩,開小差,有一次我上課走神,班主任講課一般停下一粉筆扔過來我才被從大腦休眠中驚醒,總之班主任把我調到了第一排,一人一桌,神仙寶座,我坐著這個位置一直做到了畢業。
中考成績不理想在我身上一點都不奇怪,486分的中考成績在我們這邊只能是職高隨便挑選,普高最低分數線還差20分,死要面子的我很想去普高,心裡又暗暗喜歡著職高那邊的輕鬆的學習生活,反正我現在是很後悔沒有去職高,那時候以為職高是不能高考的。伴隨著中考的失敗我爸問我要不要去紹興諸暨的私立普高,榮懷學校,學費按照我的分數來算是22000元一年,我的虛榮心使我毫不猶豫地答應了這個決定,下定決心要好好學習。之後我們去見了當地的來自榮懷學校的招生老師,4人一間寢室,超市什麼都有,聽起來多麼美好,感覺就像是大學,一張校園卡刷遍整個學校,就是不能帶手機。我爸代替我坐著校車去參觀了我即將要去的新高中,我把看來能用good形容,據老爸說他們參觀了4人寢室,電子多媒體教室等等。開學之際,我爸再次打電話給了招生老師確認了參觀學校時候所參觀的寢室,教室是否真實,這時候老師告訴他了實話,4人寢室是要多付5000才能居住,電子教室實際是國際部學生的教室,洗衣機也是沒有的,教室是40多人,我爸聽了後再次問我是否要去,我的虛榮心再次作祟毫不猶豫地確認要去。開學了,來到了榮懷學校,和家的距離有著手指頭數掰不過來的公里數,想念家的感覺使得我再次打電話給我地父母,希望能開後門進當地普通高中,最終得知的確是可以但是3萬的關係費使得我父母讓我放棄了這個想法,我不得不在這個“監獄”中度過我的高中三年,如何形容這個學校,只能說,它就像是個“小社會”,學校裡有這麼些比較喜歡舔高職位的老師來換取利益,經常給他們帶吃的,幫他們發東西,像狗一樣地被使喚還樂在其中,就像是日本來侵略中國的時候的漢奸,而他們獲得的好處,只是手機免被收,可以經常開出門條進出校門,去老師辦公室像狗一樣待命,老師開心時候給他們一些吃的,但是他們就像是吃到了蜜一樣的開心,在辦公室的他們經常有自豪感因為他們有老師做靠山,想想可笑之極。我高一,是4班,是創新班,創新班的第三等級,往上有創新2班等級,創新1班等級,特效班,往下有普通班,所以我所在的班級是比較低的等級,為什麼私立學校還有特效班,因為他們花高價收買這些學生來學校學習,給與他們一中這種老師的教育,免學費等等,而這些錢,來自於我們花了20000多來唸書的學生的錢,但是作為商業化的學校,這並不奇怪。我的班主任是政治老師(女),是個嚴肅的老師,負責,認真,是她給我感覺到的tag,也是我繼初中以來比較喜歡的老師。手機,不能帶,但是還是很多人帶,我父母很同意老師的意思堅決不讓我帶,剛開始我只能帶ipod shuffle,只能用來聽歌的MP3,後來我以學校電話於寢室太遠為藉口,和父母要求要帶手機為了方便聯繫,這一���根本不夠充分理由,但是為了滿足我這一點,我媽給我帶了諾基亞手機,一台只能勉強上QQ的手機,太奇妙了,連好友發給我的圖片也接受不了,全寢室都有手機,而我只有一台按鍵機, 我萌生了買一部手機的念頭,幾個月堅持,最終如願以償,我存下了生活費買了部三星S3neo,有了手機,我過上了與其他室友一樣美好的高中生活,而高一的成績,從前10,跌落到了倒數10,結束。
進入了高二,剛開學,我就惹事情了,消防演戲,上午,要求我們呆在寢室,政教處幾個老師在寢室樓門口坐著聊天,這幾個人全校多數同學都看他們不爽,我拍下了他們的照片,分享到了QZone,標題是“看門狗來了“,發出後被幾個和這些老師關係好一點的學長們看到告到了政教處,某天他們被老師叫來把我帶去政教處,進行了嚴肅教育,在政教處站了一天,並要求收走我的手機,而我和別人借了部手機交了上去。高二分班後我的班主任是周堅銘,語文老師,體型肥胖,狡詐,陰險,是我給他的tag,下課經常來收手機,回寢室也會偷偷進來看有沒有人在玩手機,班級將近有一半人的手機栽在了他的手下,一收就是期末才還。傳奇故事的高潮開始,我在這個班級又是演一個正經的好學生,和這個班主任非常融洽,是老師的好幫手,就是成績差了點,但是怎麼說進來我的成績也是班級前十的,一天,下課,我從抽屜拿出了手機看消息,班主任悄無聲息地進來了,我看到他都愣住了,手機沒來及藏起來,被收走了,不服氣,打算拿回我的手機,焦急的心情使我大腦加速運轉,終於,我想到了世上有模型機這種東西,我借來同桌的手機買了台S3的模型機,第二天我便收到了這台模型機,計劃著如何借助天時地利來完成這一偉大的計劃,經過多次的觀察,晚自習是最佳的偷梁換柱時機,所有被收的手機就在他的最右邊的抽屜中,某一天的晚上,計劃實施,副班主任按時的來教室管著班級,我拿起語文作業本,和副班主任說去交作業,進入辦公室,走到班主任座位,打開抽屜,手機,Success。將近過去了一個月,班主任什麼都沒有發現,但是中間有幾個學著我的辦法去班主任辦公室調包手機的人。 12月,某個中午午休,我在看12點更新的某部劇集,把手機放在課桌中間,同桌,把他的頭也探了過來,就是因為這顆定時炸彈導致了我的手機再一次在班主任突擊檢查的時候被收走,mother fuckin…怎麼辦,招不怕舊,有用就行,觀察,計劃,與上一次不同的是,他莫名其妙的把抽屜鎖���起來,給我的計劃帶來了一點難度,要換手機必須要有鑰匙,猜測最危險的地方肯定是最安全的地方,這是我萌生的第一個想法,胖子這人陰險狡詐,看人低,肯定覺得把鑰匙放辦公室不會有人知道,某個下課我走進辦公室做調查,發現在他的鍵盤邊上,有一串鑰匙,但這時候有其他老師在我不能嘗試鑰匙是否是那個抽屜的鑰匙,當天晚自習,下課,我以上廁所的名義,身上藏著本作業本,去了班主任辦公室,用了那把鑰匙打開了放手機的抽屜,的確,這就是潘多拉寶盒的鑰匙,但是此時我聽到了開門聲,我立刻手拿作業本假裝尋找周圍的作業本,然後直至他離開,我鎖上了抽屜,迅速地離開辦公室,那一刻,冷汗直冒。我暫時放棄了換手機的念頭,等過了幾天,我又買了部模型機,東西到手後開始尋找晚自習實施偷梁換柱的機會。過了幾天,一切在按照計劃的實行,手機再次回到手中,此時,抽屜中已經有了兩部模型機。 1月,某個下課班主任突然叫我去辦公室問我知不知道有沒有人來動過他的抽屜,冷靜,鎮定,演員的修養,沒有任何破綻,“我不知道欸”,我笑瞇瞇地說出了這句話,然後他讓我離開了辦公室,等到了語文課,班主任氣憤地進來教室問道:
我一句話都沒說,簡單寫下了經過,大致是“我把我的手機用模型機換走了“,接著是讓我在辦公室站了一天。最終,可能是處於我之前關係���他還好,所以沒有把我的處分提交,只是要打電話給了我父母,我也主動寫了份檢討,寫的很生動,做牛做馬,也希望不要告訴我父母,因為手機是自己偷偷買的,一講就玩露餡了,但是他最終還是打了電話。這份檢討,導致了日後一直讓我給他辦事情,送東西,買藥,拿班級點心,處處針對我,加社團不同意,我的怒氣日漸堆積,卻無法發洩,只能樂觀坦然接受現實,幸運的是,我還有手機。高二的第二學期,一個好朋友的退學使我很心情極糟,結合之前的怒氣,我當時的腦子只能產生消極的念頭,成績持續往下跌,考上大學基本沒戲,學考科目中還帶著E,前途只是一片黑暗,還不如退學,省的浪費錢,關於這一點,每一次在家裡,我父母都會有事沒事的說一句讀不好就不要讀了,而我卻是一而再再而三的死要面子的說我能讀好的,這種話從小學便開始,聽到了高中,我演好學生演了10年不止,種種怨恨無法發洩讓我終於咽不下這口氣,某個晚上我躺在床上,想通了,我不想再繼續演了,我是個差生,我可以另尋出路,繼續留在學校肯定是沒有希望的,這種偽裝好學生的日子我再也不想過了,我要退學。 … 第二天早上,我通過學校的公用電話打電話給了我爸,明確要求退學,而我爸非常驚訝地問我為什麼要退學,這不是讀的好好的麼,”我根本就不是在讀書,我一直在浪費我的時間,這爛書我不要讀了,你們明天就來學校辦退學手續吧“,我第一次說出了實話,這種感覺很舒服,很輕鬆,我從來都沒有感受到過那一刻的輕鬆,是戰爭勝利的感覺。 “你最近是怎麼了,是同學欺負你還是班主任說你什麼了,我打電話給你班主任下”,“你不用打的,我是自己想要退學的,和別人沒一點關係,我不想讀書了,我不是那塊料,你不用多說什麼,是希望我正常退學還是吃學處分被勸退你們自己看著辦吧“。老爸沉思了,”我打電話給你班主任下,中午再說“,”嗯“。電話掛斷,回到教室,感覺走路的步伐很輕,很舒服,踩著空氣,彷彿自己掙脫了枷鎖了,重獲自由,那一刻,我屬於自由。中午食堂,我看到了班主任打電話,他在食堂門口看著我,無疑那是我爸打給他的電話,飯後午休時間,回到寢室裡,我用室友的電話打給老爸,電話中具體聊了什麼,我已經忘記了,大致就是讓我這學期讀完,我很不爽的答應了。有趣的事情發生了,那通電話後,我班主任對我的態度發生了360°大轉變,本來是什麼社團都不讓我加,現在是拼命討好我,為什麼?因為中途退學,會導致他扣工資,這所私立學校的遊戲規則就是這樣子的,我和班主任的戰爭從逆勢轉變了順勢��� 4月,我們年級再次分班,新的班主任對我很好,為人正直,很看重我的能力,但對我而言沒什麼用,這所學校所給我留下的陰影不是這麼容易就能夠抹去的了,我退學已經是板上釘釘的事情了。高二結束,退學。
經過父母的打聽,親戚姑媽是浙江紡織學院的老師,推薦我去他們學校讀成人教育,能考自考本科文憑,雖然和我計劃的工作不太一樣,但是真的比高中的黑暗生活舒服太多,面談得很好,開學就來了紡織一村的寢室,開始了一年的學習。我是未成年,所以無法參加成人高考,使得我一直是個無學籍讀書的學生。第二學期,我的兩個高中同學被原來的班主任騙來了寧波大學讀大學,從他們口中得知上大學有兩種,統招和成教,按照他們的說法,他們是在寧波大學借讀,學籍在山西那邊的專科大學掛著,畢業後比同屆學生晚一年拿大學畢業證書,我當時對此並沒有什麼想法。大學一年隨即過去,一年來什麼都沒有學到,只是認識到了很多厲害的朋友,但是不甘心只能拿成教文憑的我查閱了社會對成教的認可度,不高,但是,自考本科高,只是部分國企不認可,我又調查了他們讀大學掛學籍的做法,了解到山西和江甦的大學可以通過教育的漏洞來完成這個做法,原因是這兩個地方的大學太多,但是學生又太少,所以很多學校招不滿學生,這兩個地方實施了“註冊入學“的製度,即,沒有通過分數考上大學的人可以通過註冊入學來讀大學,畢業後文憑和考入大學的學生一樣,只限於大專學院可以註冊入學,但是,這個註冊入學只有是當地的學籍的學生才能享受,於是黑心商家們發現了這個機會,通過把學生的身份信息在江蘇或者山西的高中掛個學籍,掛滿一年,就有參加高考資格,參加當地的高考,也能夠享受當地註冊學制度,與山西不同,江甦的大學要求人必須去學校讀書,而山西的大學可以掛讀,讓學生能夠在當地享受的掛讀帶來的輕鬆,學分這些完全不用擔心,我繼續查閱這個做法的可靠性,其中被騙的人挺多,走這種方法失敗的也有,成功的也有,所以這是一個需要幾分運氣的。對於這麼千載難逢的機會,我很想抓住,所以把這個做法告訴了父母,我媽表示堅決反對,而我繼續搜尋成功案例給她洗腦希望她同意我,但是一直到暑假的尾聲,我還是沒能夠說服他。就在快暑假尾聲的時候,我的高中同學為分數不夠希望能夠通過註冊入學的彎路來尋找大學,但是奇蹟發生了,在三段線過後,浙江省的大學的最低錄取線降低了,他的分數剛好能夠填志願,最終他進了紹興職業技術學院。而我,不得不聽從父母回到紡織,暑假結束的前幾天,我又開始胡思亂想,為什麼我同桌都能考上大學,而我就不能。第二天,我撤下臉皮,和我媽說想去複讀,我媽聽到後,一口回絕”你都一年沒讀書了,你還想高考?你的心還能收得攏?“”我可以的,我現在想讀書了,人家能考上我也能考上大學“,”你給我省省吧,當初我們讓你讀書你不讀,現在又逼死一樣的要去讀,再說你還有高考的資格麼“。我沒說什麼上了樓,此時我腦子全是我媽的惡言,幾分鐘後我冷靜了下來想,如果要復讀首先得知道自己有沒有高考的資格。打開電腦,首先聯繫了复讀一年的堂姐,得來的不是能不能高考的消息,而是複讀多麼艱苦,手機也沒得玩,整整一年都要為了高考做準備,等一系列讓我退縮的話,但是,我想知道的,只是能不能高考,他給了我她复讀的學校的名字,是私立的複讀學校,那麼就可以順著名稱找到學校官網並找到學校的招生電話,Good,功夫不負有心人,我成功聯到了招生辦的老師,別的我不管,我只想知道我能不能複讀,而最終的答案就是“能!”我可以參加高考,因為我沒有成教學籍,我可以以往屆生的身份參加高考,好消息來的太突然,我掛斷了電話告訴了我興奮地告訴父母這個消息,但是他們依然很懷疑我的學習態度以至於擔心這复讀的一年是浪費的,所以,再次拒絕了我。放棄了就是不我,機會,是要靠自己抓住的,我再次聯繫了我高中的政教處老師問我的這樣子能不能複讀已經參加高考,他的答案也是肯定的,這更加堅定了我對高考的想法。暑期結束,提前幾天去學校,這樣可以不用讓父母和我一起去報學校報到。來到學校下車後我去了寧波大學同學的寢室住了兩晚,第三天我沒有去學校報導,而是自己向學校提出了休學申請,有趣的事情是沒有學籍的我根本不能休學只能退學,退學是不能的,必須要有一條退路,萬一沒有考上還能回來繼續讀書,來到了教務處辦公室,老師說沒有學籍只能寫一張證明,證明自己讀了一年,到時候回來繼續從高二開始讀書,並讓我抄了兩份,一人一份,蓋上學校的章,接著便是把退學申請的單子找各個老師簽名,幾乎所有老師的都完成了,就只差班主任的,而我懶得去弄了。這張退學申請就沒有交,使得我變成了強制退學,在我看來主動和強制沒有什麼區別,退學之後我通過朋友的認識,去了南之音樂公司面試,面試的很愉快,實習工資1500元,過幾天就來上班。 6點起床,7點坐公交車,9點才能到公司,誇張的公交時間使得我不到一周就打起了退堂鼓,上班的幾天裡我完成了一個mv和一個碟片包裝的設計。週五,我迎來了公司實習第一次出門拍攝,拍攝器材的重量讓我更加退縮,累上加累,當天拍攝的結束,我借家裡有事請假,第二天的拍攝就沒有去,過了幾天並提出了對工作的辭職,第一次工作,就此結束。與此同時,我堂哥的一個朋友想在奉化這個沒有影視文化的地區開創影視的公司,我很樂意的加入其中,一直工作了一年,一年中,每週末我都會和曾經紡織的同學一起去玩,原本應該孤獨的一年因他們變得充實起來,參加了學考,奇蹟地把之前所有的E變成了D,獲得了提前招生的資格,報了5個大學的提前招生,其中兩所大學因為考試時間相撞沒有去成,最終橫店擬錄取,紡織備錄取,為了等待紡織,我冒險放棄了橫店的擬錄取,最終等來的卻是一場空。父母的責罵,自責感,對於高考的害怕,環繞在腦海中,但是,如今能做的也只能是高考了,準備開始復習,買了200元的學習書,最終,我看的時間不超過一天,翻過的內容只有幾頁。臨時抱佛腳都救不了我,只能硬著頭皮上了。高考三天,三天的考試,三門考試碰上了同一個監考老師,她都認識我了,後面幾次見面笑瞇瞇地對我說”又是你哈“,”哈哈真有緣“我微笑的回答,隨即進入了考場。高考結束,等待的是漫長兩個月的分數線公佈,我成功偏離了三段線,但是,和去年一樣,我舔上了香噴噴的降分錄取,我的成績高於最低分數線40多分,最終由之前的同桌幫我填寫的志願,被浙江東方職業技術學院錄取,從此,我成為了我們小區的傳奇。告別了之前的工作,邁入了大學,終於能和一個正常大學生享受大學生活。為了逃避7天軍訓,我以皮膚問題去了朋友的醫院弄到了”見不得光“的病症,這幾天中,班主任找上了我,得知我有視頻後期的能力,讓我做一段軍訓的視頻,百般拒絕的我最終還是沒能逃脫,做了這個視頻證明下我不是只會吹牛的人,從此,有個學長說我成了信息學院的紅人。至此,傳奇故事待續…
This is an article about me.
primary school Read in Yuelin Central Primary School in Fenghua City. My class teacher is a 50+ language teacher. The son of the class teacher is already a college student. My desk is a top class student with a top grade. Wang (a pseudonym), he Mom and my mom know, and I am a mid-level student. I spent my elementary school looking up at him. When I was in elementary school, I was still a positive student. I will review, preview, and do my homework. Why? It’s all my mother’s forced, she said, reading can change poverty and make yourself a good person. I believe but reluctantly do these things. This is normal for a child who should be fun. So, every time I write homework, I am dragging my feet, making a daze, no cell phone, only parents in that era. I will have a mobile phone, and I am still Nokia. I never get a fantasy and I will get a mobile phone. My language is relatively poor, my math is generally the same, but every time I write at the end of the period, I can always get very good results. This read for two more years, ushered in the third grade, and English appeared. I like this subject, but I can't learn it. After a semester, my mom asked me to go to Cambridge English. I learned how to learn English in Cambridge. I also liked this course. I studied in Cambridge for two years, every Wednesday night, Friday night and Saturday daytime, my English scores soared, basically in the top ten of the class, which is the only subject I liked later. Each! I took the test, my parents took the same table Wang X to tell me how good the results of the work and how many jobs, I endured this kind of words to endure the entire junior high school, test well, and continue to work hard to complete a few words. In the third grade, there was another thing. Every week I went to the calligraphy teacher Bao’s home to study calligraphy. Every Saturday, I studied for two years. This is also an art that I have liked since I was in the first grade. Two years later, I stopped going to the teacher's house to learn calligraphy. Interesting things happened. My calligraphy teacher took the initiative to come to me and said that the building of his house (the two-storey suite on each floor of the five-story building) wall. There was a word "haha" on the screen. He saw that it was written by me. So, it was indeed written by me. "Naughty" is my tag. He asked me to brush these two words. How to brush? Let my dad brush, WTF? "This building is not the scope of your home is the public scope, I am not writing your home, why let my dad get rid of it, and control what you do" This is my inner monologue after I was 20 years old, when I didn't understand what he meant in the fifth grade. This matter has been said for two or three weeks after he and I have said that I have not said to my dad, I dare not say, I thought that I would use the correction fluid to deal with it, but I have not gone, these two three Zhou, my calligraphy teacher told me every class, it was almost endless. I finally talked to my dad about this in the fifth week. My dad was discussing with my mother about the cost of studying calligraphy during the summer vacation. My family couldn't afford it because it was strictly checked by the Education Bureau during that time. The teacher took the students and couldn't collect the money. So when my dad came to pay for the house during the summer vacation, he actively refused to take the students to avoid the money. It happened that they discussed it that day. I went to the tuition to hear me and I understood it. It must have come to the school in disguise. I went to the calligraphy teacher’s house that night and paid the tuition. Since that time, the calligraphy teacher has not mentioned it to me. This thing, I will also show him pleasing to the eye. About playing computer? If you want to be beautiful, you won’t be able to play for you for a semester. You will not be allowed to play after a few days of schooling. You will be given an hour a day.
junior high school This is the origin of a legendary story, and it is also an indispensable fuse. Xiaosheng had only tested 268, mathematics 91, English 89, and language 85, which led me to only enter the 7th class, the ordinary class, also known as the middle class. There are good classes on the job, there are jobs on the job, and the name doesn't matter. At least our parents are so named. My junior grade is about 15 in the class, 45 in the class, in a very good stage, my class teacher, 竺 teacher (male) teaches English, yes, my favorite subject teacher is actually my class teacher. But he is really interesting. I like him very much. He teaches very well. He is a very responsible teacher. Basically, I have a few calls to my mom for a month. I just met this teacher. I am very restrained. I am very quiet, serious, and raise my hand. I almost played the good things that the good students on TV did. I played for a semester. Here I gave myself an Oscar. The best student awards, all the teachers believe that I am a positive and good student, the active activists in the eyes of the parents, but my grades are not ideal, my language scores have once again become my most headache subject, no Passing once again in this study, the world who knows the most about himself is still only himself. I deeply understand that the most suitable thing is not learning, but acting. So I played this good student to the end of the period. At the end of the final exam, I I announced that I was self-directed and the "first semester of junior high school" was a successful show. I did not hesitate to chase in the classroom with a classmate and madly in the classroom, chasing each other with chalk, and the class teacher who came out of the office. I caught it and shouted at me "What are you doing?" After the classroom, I was punished and stood at the door of the classroom. Good, this is this generation. Since the child's most other fickin shit thing, by the way, in the short three-day holiday after the test, the assignment of the whole class to copy the English textbook words is too arrogant. My elementary school is at the same table, and I have 4 classes in junior high school. I am still a good student who compares my mom every time. "When people come to the good class, they are the top ones and look at you again. It’s rotten and can’t read. Just say it, I don't care about you anymore." This is the irony that I can hear on TV during the weekend. At the beginning of the second study, I can't continue to play the role of a student. It is like a spy. I was discovered by the enemy how to continue undercover, so I am constrained to show the true side. In the third year of junior high school, there was more TV in my room. It’s very comfortable. It’s so hard to play with the computer. I still have a TV to watch. When my parents go for a walk after dinner, I turn on the TV and watch “Xia Hao”. This is also my favorite domestic animation, then the problem. Come, how to do the homework, never wrote it very embarrassingly, almost 20 o'clock, my parents walked back, I started to write homework, never worried about writing a few points, I have the phone number of the students, 21 is the most Good time to copy the answer of the homework, I completed the mathematics or mathematics English, exchanged the work with other students by phone. There were really few people playing technology in that era. Other students basically divided the classroom. Homework, but I basically don't worry about taking a break after class. Of course, when I have more troubles, I can't write mathematics and it's all big problems. I can't call it, don't worry, I have good idea, the next day, school. I took my homework and put my homework and my homework in my jacket. I had a pen in my trouser pocket. I walked up to the class teacher and said that my stomach was not comfortable. Go to the bathroom, it is actually going Chaozuo Ye. About playing computer, parents locked the computer in their room and won't let me play, but cracking it is not difficult in my opinion. There is a small window on the top of their room. Whenever they go out on weekends, I step on the door. Hands, hands raised themselves up from the small window into their room, Good, Very good, no you can't do it, you can't think of it. Why do my parents want to lock the door? Before they go out, they don’t lock the door. I will play the computer very directly. Every time they come back, they come to touch the temperature of the computer. It’s hot, the problem is obvious. All leaked, but I made me even more afraid to play the computer, but the anti-locking door made me even more happy. When I heard the sound of their return home, I locked the door from the lock of the anti-locking door, and the horses would not appear, and they The anti-locking door does not shut down the computer. In this way, I learned to edit in such a harsh environment and embarked on the no return of Chinese film and television. In the third grade, in the next semester, I was so naughty, playing in class and playing at the same table, and driving a little time. Once I was in class, the class teacher usually stopped the chalk and threw it. I was awakened from the dormancy of the brain. In short, the class teacher transferred me to the first. Row, one person, one table, the throne of the gods, I have been in this position and have been graduated.
High school The unsatisfactory results of the senior high school entrance examination are not surprising in me. The score of the 486-point senior high school entrance examination can only be randomly selected from the staff level. The lowest score of the high-level score is still 20 points. I want to go to Pu Gao, and my heart is dark. I like the relaxed study life on the higher vocational level. Anyway, I regret that I didn't go to high school. At that time, I thought I couldn't take the college entrance examination. With the failure of the senior high school entrance examination, my dad asked me if I want to go to Shaoxing Zhuji's private general high school, Ronghuai School, the tuition fee is 22,000 yuan a year according to my score. My vanity made me not hesitate to agree to this decision. Make up your mind to study hard. After that, we went to the local admissions teacher from Ronghuai School, 4 people and a bedroom, everything in the supermarket, how beautiful it sounds, it feels like a university, a campus card is used throughout the school, just can't bring a mobile phone. . My dad took me on the school bus to visit the new high school I am going to. I can see it as good, according to Dad, they visited the dormitory for 4 people, the electronic multimedia classroom and so on. At the beginning of the school, my dad called the admissions teacher again to confirm the dormitory that was visited during the visit to the school. The classroom was true. At this time, the teacher told him the truth. The dormitory for 4 people had to pay 5000 more to live. The electronic classroom was actually There are no washing machines in the classrooms of the International Department students. There are more than 40 people in the classroom. After my dad listened, I asked again if I wanted to go. My vanity once again did not hesitate to confirm. After I started school, I came to Ronghuai School. The distance from my home has a few kilometers of my fingers. The feeling of missing my family made me call my parents again. I hope to open the back door to the local high school. I finally learned that it is true. Yes, but the relationship fee of 30,000 makes my parents let me give up this idea. I have to spend my three years in this "prison". How to describe this school, I can only say that it is like a "small society." "There are some teachers in the school who like to hold high positions in exchange for benefits. They often bring food to them, help them to send things, and are liked to be happy in the same way as dogs, just like when Japan came to invade China." The traitors, and the benefits they get, just the mobile phone is free of charge, you can often open the door and enter the school gate, go to the teacher's office and wait for the dog. When the teacher is happy, give them some food, but they are like eating honey. Happy, they often have pride in the office because they have teachers to do the backing, think about ridiculous. I am a high school, is 4 classes, is the innovation class, the third level of the innovation class, there are 2 classes of innovation, 1 class of innovation, special class, there are ordinary classes down, so my class is relatively low. Level, why private schools also have special effects classes, because they spend high prices to buy these students to study at school, give them a teacher's education, free tuition, etc., and the money comes from spending more than 20,000 to study. The money for the students, but as a commercial school, this is not surprising. My class teacher is a political teacher (female), a serious teacher, responsible, serious, the tag she gave me, and the teacher I liked since junior high school. Mobile phone, can not bring, but still a lot of people bring, my parents agree with the teacher's meaning and will not let me bring it. At first I can only bring ipod shuffle, can only be used to listen to the song MP3, then I used the school phone in the bedroom too Far from being an excuse, and asking parents to bring a mobile phone for convenient contact, this is not enough reason, but in order to satisfy me, my mom brought me a Nokia mobile phone, a mobile phone that can only barely hit QQ, it is wonderful. Even the pictures sent to me by my friends can't be accepted. There are mobile phones in the whole bedroom, and I only have one button machine. I have the idea of buying a mobile phone. After a few months, I finally got my living expenses. Samsung S3neo, with a mobile phone, I lived a high school life as good as other roommates, and the results of the high school, from the top 10, fell to the bottom 10, and ended. I entered the second year of high school. When I first started school, I got into trouble. In the morning, I asked for us to stay in the dormitory. Several teachers from the Political and Education Department sat and chatted at the door of the dormitory. Most of the students in the school watched them unhappy, I took They took their photos and shared them with QZone. The title was “Watchdog came”. After being sent out, several seniors who had a good relationship with these teachers saw the political and religious office. One day they were called by the teacher to call me. I took the political and religious office, carried out a serious education, stood in the political and religious office for a day, and asked to take away my mobile phone, and I borrowed a mobile phone with someone else. After the second shift, my class teacher is Zhou Jianming, the language teacher, obese, cunning, insidious, is the tag I gave him. I often come to the mobile phone after class, and the back room will also sneak in to see if anyone is playing the mobile phone. The class is near Half of the people's mobile phones were planted under his hands, and one was only at the end of the period. The climax of the legendary story begins. I am a good student in this class. I am very good at this class teacher. It is a good helper for the teacher. It is a poor grade, but how to say that I am coming in is also the top ten in the class. One day, after class, I took out my mobile phone from the drawer and read the news. The class teacher came in quietly. I saw that he was stunned. The mobile phone didn’t come and hide, he was taken away, he was not convinced, and he planned to take it back. The mobile phone, anxious mood made my brain speed up. Finally, I thought of a model machine in the world. I borrowed a mobile phone from the same table and bought a model machine of S3. I received this model the next day. Machine, planning how to use the time and place to complete this great plan, after many observations, the evening self-study is the best time to steal the column, all the received mobile phone is in his rightmost drawer, one night Plan implementation, the deputy class teacher came to the classroom on time to manage the class, I picked up the language homework book, and the deputy class teacher said to hand in the homework, entered the office, went to the class teacher's seat, opened the drawer, Phone, Success. Nearly a month later, the class teacher found nothing, but there were a few people who learned my way to transfer the mobile phone to the class teacher's office. In December, at noon lunch break, I was watching a certain episode updated at 12 o'clock, put the mobile phone in the middle of the desk, at the same table, and probed his head, because this time bomb caused me. Once again, the mobile phone was taken away when the class teacher suddenly checked. Mother fuckin... what to do, not afraid of the old, useful, observation, planning, and the last time, he inexplicably locked the drawer and gave me the plan. It brings a little difficulty. To change the mobile phone, you must have a key. It is definitely the safest place to guess the most dangerous place. This is my first thought. The fat man is insidious and cunning. I don’t know anyone in the office. I went into the office to investigate in a class and found that there was a bunch of keys on the side of his keyboard. But this time there were other teachers who couldn’t try the key if it was the key of the drawer. In the class, in the name of the toilet above, I hid the homework book and went to the head teacher’s office. I used the key to open the drawer of the mobile phone.This is an article about me. primary schoolRead in Yuelin Central Primary School in Fenghua City. My class teacher is a 50+ language teacher. The son of the class teacher is already a college student. My desk is a top class student with a top grade. Wang (a pseudonym), he Mom and my mom know, and I am a mid-level student. I spent my elementary school looking up at him.When I was in elementary school, I was still a positive student. I will review, preview, and do my homework. Why? It’s all my mother’s forced, she said, reading can change poverty and make yourself a good person. I believe but reluctantly do these things. This is normal for a child who should be fun. So, every time I write homework, I am dragging my feet, making a daze, no cell phone, only parents in that era. I will have a mobile phone, and I am still Nokia. I never get a fantasy and I will get a mobile phone. My language is relatively poor, my math is generally the same, but every time I write at the end of the period, I can always get very good results. This read for two more years, ushered in the third grade, and English appeared. I like this subject, but I can't learn it. After a semester, my mom asked me to go to Cambridge English. I learned how to learn English in Cambridge. I also liked this course. I studied in Cambridge for two years, every Wednesday night, Friday night and Saturday daytime, my English scores soared, basically in the top ten of the class, which is the only subject I liked later. Each! I took the test, my parents took the same table Wang X to tell me how good the results of the work and how many jobs, I endured this kind of words to endure the entire junior high school, test well, and continue to work hard to complete a few words. In the third grade, there was another thing. Every week I went to the calligraphy teacher Bao’s home to study calligraphy. Every Saturday, I studied for two years. This is also an art that I have liked since I was in the first grade. Two years later, I stopped going to the teacher's house to learn calligraphy. Interesting things happened. My calligraphy teacher took the initiative to come to me and said that the building of his house (the two-storey suite on each floor of the five-story building) wall. There was a word "haha" on the screen. He saw that it was written by me. So, it was indeed written by me. "Naughty" is my tag. He asked me to brush these two words. How to brush? Let my dad brush, WTF? "This building is not the scope of your home is the public scope, I am not writing your home, why let my dad get rid of it, and control what you do" This is my inner monologue after I was 20 years old, when I didn't understand what he meant in the fifth grade. This matter has been said for two or three weeks after he and I have said that I have not said to my dad, I dare not say, I thought that I would use the correction fluid to deal with it, but I have not gone, these two three Zhou, my calligraphy teacher told me every class, it was almost endless. I finally talked to my dad about this in the fifth week. My dad was discussing with my mother about the cost of studying calligraphy during the summer vacation. My family couldn't afford it because it was strictly checked by the Education Bureau during that time. The teacher took the students and couldn't collect the money. So when my dad came to pay for the house during the summer vacation, he actively refused to take the students to avoid the money. It happened that they discussed it that day. I went to the tuition to hear me and I understood it. It must have come to the school in disguise. I went to the calligraphy teacher’s house that night and paid the tuition. Since that time, the calligraphy teacher has not mentioned it to me. This thing, I will also show him pleasing to the eye. About playing computer? If you want to be beautiful, you won’t be able to play for you for a semester. You will not be allowed to play after a few days of schooling. You will be given an hour a day. junior high schoolThis is the origin of a legendary story, and it is also an indispensable fuse. Xiaosheng had only tested 268, mathematics 91, English 89, and language 85, which led me to only enter the 7th class, the ordinary class, also known as the middle class. There are good classes on the job, there are jobs on the job, and the name doesn't matter. At least our parents are so named. My junior grade is about 15 in the class, 45 in the class, in a very good stage, my class teacher, 竺 teacher (male) teaches English, yes, my favorite subject teacher is actually my class teacher. But he is really interesting. I like him very much. He teaches very well. He is a very responsible teacher. Basically, I have a few calls to my mom for a month. I just met this teacher. I am very restrained. I am very quiet, serious, and raise my hand. I almost played the good things that the good students on TV did. I played for a semester. Here I gave myself an Oscar. The best student awards, all the teachers believe that I am a positive and good student, the active activists in the eyes of the parents, but my grades are not ideal, my language scores have once again become my most headache subject, no Passing once again in this study, the world who knows the most about himself is still only himself. I deeply understand that the most suitable thing is not learning, but acting. So I played this good student to the end of the period. At the end of the final exam, I I announced that I was self-directed and the "first semester of junior high school" was a successful show. I did not hesitate to chase in the classroom with a classmate and madly in the classroom, chasing each other with chalk, and the class teacher who came out of the office. I caught it and shouted at me "What are you doing?" After the classroom, I was punished and stood at the door of the classroom. Good, this is this generation. Since the child's most other fickin shit thing, by the way, in the short three-day holiday after the test, the assignment of the whole class to copy the English textbook words is too arrogant. My elementary school is at the same table, and I have 4 classes in junior high school. I am still a good student who compares my mom every time. "When people come to the good class, they are the top ones and look at you again. It’s rotten and can’t read. Just say it, I don't care about you anymore." This is the irony that I can hear on TV during the weekend. At the beginning of the second study, I can't continue to play the role of a student. It is like a spy. I was discovered by the enemy how to continue undercover, so I am constrained to show the true side. In the third year of junior high school, there was more TV in my room. It’s very comfortable. It’s so hard to play with the computer. I still have a TV to watch. When my parents go for a walk after dinner, I turn on the TV and watch “Xia Hao”. This is also my favorite domestic animation, then the problem. Come, how to do the homework, never wrote it very embarrassingly, almost 20 o'clock, my parents walked back, I started to write homework, never worried about writing a few points, I have the phone number of the students, 21 is the most Good time to copy the answer of the homework, I completed the mathematics or mathematics English, exchanged the work with other students by phone. There were really few people playing technology in that era. Other students basically divided the classroom. Homework, but I basically don't worry about taking a break after class. Of course, when I have more troubles, I can't write mathematics and it's all big problems. I can't call it, don't worry, I have good idea, the next day, school. I took my homework and put my homework and my homework in my jacket. I had a pen in my trouser pocket. I walked up to the class teacher and said that my stomach was not comfortable. Go to the bathroom, it is actually going Chaozuo Ye. About playing computer, parents locked the computer in their room and won't let me play, but cracking it is not difficult in my opinion. There is a small window on the top of their room. Whenever they go out on weekends, I step on the door. Hands, hands raised themselves up from the small window into their room, Good, Very good, no you can't do it, you can't think of it. Why do my parents want to lock the door? Before they go out, they don’t lock the door. I will play the computer very directly. Every time they come back, they come to touch the temperature of the computer. It’s hot, the problem is obvious. All leaked, but I made me even more afraid to play the computer, but the anti-locking door made me even more happy. When I heard the sound of their return home, I locked the door from the lock of the anti-locking door, and the horses would not appear, and they The anti-locking door does not shut down the computer. In this way, I learned to edit in such a harsh environment and embarked on the no return of Chinese film and television. In the third grade, in the next semester, I was so naughty, playing in class and playing at the same table, and driving a little time. Once I was in class, the class teacher usually stopped the chalk and threw it. I was awakened from the dormancy of the brain. In short, the class teacher transferred me to the first. Row, one person, one table, the throne of the gods, I have been in this position and have been graduated. High schoolThe unsatisfactory results of the senior high school entrance examination are not surprising in me. The score of the 486-point senior high school entrance examination can only be randomly selected from the staff level. The lowest score of the high-level score is still 20 points. I want to go to Pu Gao, and my heart is dark. I like the relaxed study life on the higher vocational level. Anyway, I regret that I didn't go to high school. At that time, I thought I couldn't take the college entrance examination. With the failure of the senior high school entrance examination, my dad asked me if I want to go to Shaoxing Zhuji's private general high school, Ronghuai School, the tuition fee is 22,000 yuan a year according to my score. My vanity made me not hesitate to agree to this decision. Make up your mind to study hard. After that, we went to the local admissions teacher from Ronghuai School, 4 people and a bedroom, everything in the supermarket, how beautiful it sounds, it feels like a university, a campus card is used throughout the school, just can't bring a mobile phone. . My dad took me on the school bus to visit the new high school I am going to. I can see it as good, according to Dad, they visited the dormitory for 4 people, the electronic multimedia classroom and so on. At the beginning of the school, my dad called the admissions teacher again to confirm the dormitory that was visited during the visit to the school. The classroom was true. At this time, the teacher told him the truth. The dormitory for 4 people had to pay 5000 more to live. The electronic classroom was actually There are no washing machines in the classrooms of the International Department students. There are more than 40 people in the classroom. After my dad listened, I asked again if I wanted to go. My vanity once again did not hesitate to confirm. After I started school, I came to Ronghuai School. The distance from my home has a few kilometers of my fingers. The feeling of missing my family made me call my parents again. I hope to open the back door to the local high school. I finally learned that it is true. Yes, but the relationship fee of 30,000 makes my parents let me give up this idea. I have to spend my three years in this "prison". How to describe this school, I can only say that it is like a "small society." "There are some teachers in the school who like to hold high positions in exchange for benefits. They often bring food to them, help them to send things, and are liked to be happy in the same way as dogs, just like when Japan came to invade China." The traitors, and the benefits they get, just the mobile phone is free of charge, you can often open the door and enter the school gate, go to the teacher's office and wait for the dog. When the teacher is happy, give them some food, but they are like eating honey. Happy, they often have pride in the office because they have teachers to do the backing, think about ridiculous. I am a high school, is 4 classes, is the innovation class, the third level of the innovation class, there are 2 classes of innovation, 1 class of innovation, special class, there are ordinary classes down, so my class is relatively low. Level, why private schools also have special effects classes, because they spend high prices to buy these students to study at school, give them a teacher's education, free tuition, etc., and the money comes from spending more than 20,000 to study. The money for the students, but as a commercial school, this is not surprising. My class teacher is a political teacher (female), a serious teacher, responsible, serious, the tag she gave me, and the teacher I liked since junior high school. Mobile phone, can not bring, but still a lot of people bring, my parents agree with the teacher's meaning and will not let me bring it. At first I can only bring ipod shuffle, can only be used to listen to the song MP3, then I used the school phone in the bedroom too Far from being an excuse, and asking parents to bring a mobile phone for convenient contact, this is not enough reason, but in order to satisfy me, my mom brought me a Nokia mobile phone, a mobile phone that can only barely hit QQ, it is wonderful. Even the pictures sent to me by my friends can't be accepted. There are mobile phones in the whole bedroom, and I only have one button machine. I have the idea of buying a mobile phone. After a few months, I finally got my living expenses. Samsung S3neo, with a mobile phone, I lived a high school life as good as other roommates, and the results of the high school, from the top 10, fell to the bottom 10, and ended.I entered the second year of high school. When I first started school, I got into trouble. In the morning, I asked for us to stay in the dormitory. Several teachers from the Political and Education Department sat and chatted at the door of the dormitory. Most of the students in the school watched them unhappy, I took They took their photos and shared them with QZone. The title was “Watchdog came”. After being sent out, several seniors who had a good relationship with these teachers saw the political and religious office. One day they were called by the teacher to call me. I took the political and religious office, carried out a serious education, stood in the political and religious office for a day, and asked to take away my mobile phone, and I borrowed a mobile phone with someone else. After the second shift, my class teacher is Zhou Jianming, the language teacher, obese, cunning, insidious, is the tag I gave him. I often come to the mobile phone after class, and the back room will also sneak in to see if anyone is playing the mobile phone. The class is near Half of the people's mobile phones were planted under his hands, and one was only at the end of the period. The climax of the legendary story begins. I am a good student in this class. I am very good at this class teacher. It is a good helper for the teacher. It is a poor grade, but how to say that I am coming in is also the top ten in the class. One day, after class, I took out my mobile phone from the drawer and read the news. The class teacher came in quietly. I saw that he was stunned. The mobile phone didn’t come and hide, he was taken away, he was not convinced, and he planned to take it back. The mobile phone, anxious mood made my brain speed up. Finally, I thought of a model machine in the world. I borrowed a mobile phone from the same table and bought a model machine of S3. I received this model the next day. Machine, planning how to use the time and place to complete this great plan, after many observations, the evening self-study is the best time to steal the column, all the received mobile phone is in his rightmost drawer, one night Plan implementation, the deputy class teacher came to the classroom on time to manage the class, I picked up the language homework book, and the deputy class teacher said to hand in the homework, entered the office, went to the class teacher's seat, opened the drawer, Phone, Success. Nearly a month later, the class teacher found nothing, but there were a few people who learned my way to transfer the mobile phone to the class teacher's office. In December, at noon lunch break, I was watching a certain episode updated at 12 o'clock, put the mobile phone in the middle of the desk, at the same table, and probed his head, because this time bomb caused me. Once again, the mobile phone was taken away when the class teacher suddenly checked. Mother fuckin... what to do, not afraid of the old, useful, observation, planning, and the last time, he inexplicably locked the drawer and gave me the plan. It brings a little difficulty. To change the mobile phone, you must have a key. It is definitely the safest place to guess the most dangerous place. This is my first thought. The fat man is insidious and cunning. I don’t know anyone in the office. I went into the office to investigate in a class and found that there was a bunch of keys on the side of his keyboard. But this time there were other teachers who couldn’t try the key if it was the key of the drawer. In the class, in the name of the toilet above, I hid the homework book and went to the head teacher’s office. I used the key to open the drawer of the mobile phone. Indeed, this is the key to the Pandora's box, but at this point I heard the opening of the door, I immediately took the homework and pretended to look for the homework around, and then until he left, I locked the drawer and quickly left the office, the moment Cold sweat. I temporarily gave up the idea of changing my mobile phone. After a few days, I bought a model machine. After I got things, I started to look for opportunities to practice self-study in the evening. After a few days, everything was in accordance with the plan, the phone returned to the hand again, at this time, there are already two model machines in the drawer. In January, a class teacher suddenly called me to the office to ask if I knew if anyone had moved his drawer, calm, calm, and the actor’s cultivation, without any flaws. “I don’t know what you are,” I said with a smile. Out of this sentence, then he let me leave the office, waited for the language class, the class teacher angrily came in the classroom and asked:"Who moved my drawer and used the model machine to change the phone."..."I am standing up now, I will still handle it lightly."Keep quiet..."No one has stood up yet. I have lost 500 yuan in my drawer. If no one stands up, I will call the police."be quiet…After 30s, someone couldn’t sit still. The squad leader stood up."There is no one, I don't believe that he is alone, there are two model machines in my drawer."I threw two model machines out of my pocket. I looked at the two model machines. It was mine, only mine.be quiet…"Squad leader, give me the office."The class teacher and the squad leader went to the office. There was a debate in the classroom. I don't know what they are talking about. I only know that since he stands up, if he knows the rules of the rivers and lakes, he should not say other people. At noon, I went to ask his class teacher how to say that his face was his expression. The world abandoned him as his only thought at the time. He didn't tell me anything. In the afternoon, the class teacher brought all the mobile phones, let us call the parents about the cost of paying the new school uniform. I went up and took my mobile phone. In fact, at this time, I still have a very old Samsung. It was borrowed from my classmates, but I couldn’t remember when I handed in, so I didn’t write it on the top. In short, I went up and took back the old Samsung. The next day, the class teacher asked to hand in the mobile phone that I sent yesterday. I handed over my old Samsung, and then the class teacher asked me to take my cell phone bag and go to his office.When I came to the office and put down my mobile phone, the class teacher said:"You think about what you have done these days."A single hand was taken on the table in front of me."Write it now."I didn't say a word, simply wrote down the passage, roughly "I changed my mobile phone with a model machine," and then let me stand in the office for a day. In the end, it may be that I was in a relationship with him before, so I didn't submit my punishment. I just called my parents. I also took the initiative to write a review. It was very vivid and I wanted to do it. Don't tell my parents, because the phone is secretly bought by myself, and when I talk about it, I still have a phone call. This review led me to keep asking him to do things, send things, buy medicines, take class snacks, and target me everywhere. I don’t agree with the community. My anger is accumulating, but I can’t vent, I can only accept the reality with optimism. Fortunately, I still have a mobile phone. In the second semester of the second year of high school, a good friend’s dropout made me feel very bad. In combination with the previous anger, my mind was only able to produce negative thoughts. The results continued to fall, and I was admitted to college without a play. With E, the future is just a darkness. It’s better to drop out of school. The province is a waste of money. Every time at home, my parents will have nothing to say. If you don’t read well, don’t read it, but I’m one after another. Again, I’m going to say that I can read well. This kind of words started from elementary school. I heard high school. I played a good student for 10 years. All kinds of resentment can’t be vented, so I can’t swallow this breath. I was lying in bed at night, I figured it out, I don't want to continue playing again. I am a poor student. I can find another way out. I will definitely have no hope to stay in school. I don't want to ever pretend to be a good student. I have to drop out of school. ... The next morning, I called my dad through the school's public phone and explicitly asked to drop out. My dad was very surprised to ask me why I had to drop out. Isn't this good reading?" I am not reading at all. I have been wasting my time. I don’t want to read this bad book. You will come to school to go to school tomorrow. "I told the truth for the first time. It feels very comfortable, very relaxed, I have never Feeling the ease of that moment is the feeling of victory in the war. "What happened to you recently, is the classmate bullying you or the class teacher saying what you are, I am calling you the class teacher." "You don't have to fight, I want to drop out of school. I have nothing to do with others. I don't want to study." Yes, I am not the piece of material. You don’t have to say anything. I hope that I will drop out of school or I will be persuaded to go back and do it myself." Dad pondered, "I called your class teacher and said "Noon" at noon. The phone hangs up and returns to the classroom. I feel that the pace of walking is very light and comfortable. I step on the air, as if I have broken away from the shackles and regained my freedom. At that moment, I belong to freedom. At the noon canteen, I saw the class teacher calling. He looked at me at the entrance of the cafeteria. No doubt it was the phone that my dad called him. After lunch break, I went back to the dormitory. I called my dad on the phone of my roommate. I specifically forgot about it. I have forgotten it. It’s about letting me finish this semester. I am very upset. Interesting things happened. After the phone call, my class teacher’s attitude towards me changed 360°. What kind of community didn’t let me add it, now I am desperately trying to please me, why? Because dropping out of school, he will be deducted from his salary. The rules of the game in this private school are like this. The war between me and the class teacher has changed from a contrarian trend. In April, our grades were again assigned. The new class teacher is very good to me. I am honest and value my ability, but it is of no use to me. The shadow that this school has left me is not so easy to wipe. Going, my withdrawal is already a matter of course. After the second year of high school, drop out of school. the UniversityAfter my parents inquired, my aunt and aunt were teachers of Zhejiang Textile College. I recommended that I go to their school to study adult education. I can take my own undergraduate diploma. Although it is not the same as my planned work, it is really much more comfortable than the dark life of high school. The interview was very good. I started to study in the dormitory of Textile Village and started a year of study. I am underage, so I can't take the adult college entrance examination, which makes me always a student without a student status. In the second semester, my two high school students were deceived by the original class teacher to go to Ningbo University. From their mouths, they learned that there are two kinds of colleges and universities, and they are enrolled in Ningbo University. According to them, they borrowed from Ningbo University. The student’s degree is hanging in a college in Shanxi. After graduation, I got a university diploma one year later than the same student. I didn’t think much about it at the time. The university passed away in a year, and I didn’t learn anything in the past year. I just realized that I have a lot of powerful friends, but I am not willing to take the diploma of education. I have consulted the society’s recognition of adult education, but it is not high, but the self-study is high. Only some state-owned enterprises do not recognize it. I have also investigated their practice of studying at university. I understand that universities in Shanxi and Jiangsu can do this through educational loopholes because there are too many universities in these two places, but the students are too There are few schools, so many schools are dissatisfied with students. These two places have implemented the “registration enrollment” system, that is, those who do not pass the scores to the university can enroll in the university through enrollment, and the post-graduate diplomas are the same as those admitted to the university. Only colleges and universities can be enrolled in the school. However, this enrollment can only be enjoyed by local students, so the black-hearted merchants have found this opportunity to hang a student’s identity information in Jiangsu or Shanxi’s high school. After one year, you will be eligible to take the college entrance examination, participate in the local college entrance examination, and enjoy local registration. The academic system is different from Shanxi. Jiangsu universities require people to go to school, and Shanxi universities can read, so that students can enjoy the ease of reading in the local area. There is no need to worry about credits. I will continue to check this practice. The reliability, there are many people who have been deceived, there are also failures to go this way, and there are also successes, so this is a bit of luck. For such a rare opportunity, I really want to seize it, so I told my parents about this practice. My mother said that she is resolutely opposed, and I continue to search for success stories to brainwash her and hope she agrees with me, but until the end of the summer vacation, I still haven’t Can convince him. At the end of the summer vacation, my high school classmates were looking for a college with a score that was not enough to hope to pass the enrollment, but the miracle happened. After the third line, the minimum admission line for the university in Zhejiang Province was lowered. The score was just enough to fill in the volunteers, and eventually he entered the Shaoxing Vocational and Technical College. I, I have to listen to my parents returning to textiles. A few days before the end of the summer vacation, I started thinking about it again. Why can I go to college at the same table, and I can't. The next day, I removed my cheeks and told my mom to go to repeat. After my mother heard it, she refused. "You haven’t studied for a year. You still want to take the college entrance examination? Can your heart be closed?" I can, I want to study now, I can apply to the university if I can take it, "You give me a province. When we let you read, you don't read it. Now you have to die, you have to read it. Do you still qualify for the college entrance examination?" I didn't say anything on the floor. At this time, my mind was all my mother's bad words. After a few minutes, I calmed down and thought that if I want to repeat, I must first know whether I am qualified for the college entrance examination. When I turned on the computer, I first contacted the cousin who had re-read for a year. I didn’t get the news of the college entrance examination, but how hard it was to repeat, and the mobile phone didn’t have to play. I had to prepare for the college entrance examination all year, and so on. If I withdraw, but I want to know, I can only get a college entrance examination. He gave me the name of the school she re-read. It is a private repeat school. Then you can find the official website of the school and find the admission phone number of the school. Good, Hard work pays off, I successfully joined the teacher of the Admissions Office. I don't care about anything else. I just want to know if I can repeat it. The final answer is "Can!" I can take the college entrance examination because I have not become a teaching student. The identity of the previous students took the college entrance examination. The good news came too suddenly. I hung up and told me that I was excited to tell my parents about the news, but they still doubted my attitude so that I was worried that the year of repeating was wasted. So, I refused me again. If I give up, it is not me. The opportunity is to catch it by myself. I once again contacted the teacher of the political and religious department of my high school and asked me if I can repeat the exam. I have already answered the college entrance examination. His answer is also certain. This has strengthened me. The idea of the college entrance examination. At the end of the summer, go to school a few days in advance so that you don't have to ask your parents to report to the school. After I got off at the school, I went to the bedroom of my classmates at Ningbo University for two nights. On the third day, I didn't go to the school to report. Instead, I applied to the school for a school leave. The interesting thing is that I can't leave school without a student. Can drop out of school, drop out of school is not possible, must have a retreat, in case of not being able to return to continue to study, came to the Office of the Office of Academic Affairs, the teacher said that no student can only write a certificate to prove that they have read for a year, to When I came back, I started to study from the second year of high school, and let me copy two copies, one person, cover the school chapter, and then I will find the application form for the withdrawal of the teacher. Almost all the teachers have completed, only the difference The class teacher, and I am too lazy to get it. This application for withdrawal is not paid, which makes me a forced dropout. In my opinion, there is no difference between initiative and coercion. After I dropped out of school, I went to the South Music Company for an interview through a friend's understanding. The interview was very pleasant. 1,500 yuan, come to work in a few days. I got up at 6 o'clock, took the bus at 7 o'clock, and arrived at the company at 9 o'clock. The exaggerated bus time made me retire in less than a week. In the few days after work, I completed a mv and a disc packaging design. On Friday, I ushered in the company's internship for the first time. The weight of the shooting equipment made me more retreat, tired and tired. At the end of the day's shooting, I borrowed something from my family to take time off. The next day I did not go. After a few days and proposed resignation of the work, the first work ended. At the same time, a friend of my cousin wants to start a film and television company in Fenghua, an area where there is no film and television culture. I am very happy to join it. I have been working for one year. Every year, every weekend, I will have a textile classmate. I went to play together. I had to be alone for a year. Because they became full, they took the exam, miraculously changed all the previous E into D, obtained the qualification for enrollment in advance, and reported the enrollment of 5 universities. Two of the universities did not go into the competition because of the examination time. In the end, Hengdian planned to take admission and the textiles were accepted. In order to wait for the textile, I ventured to abandon the planned admission of Hengdian, and finally I was waiting for an empty space. Parents’ scolding, self-blame, and fear of the college entrance examination are all around their minds. However, what they can do now is only the college entrance examination. They are ready to start reviewing and buy a 200-yuan study book. In the end, I don’t see the time. More than a day, the content that was flipped was only a few pages. I can't save me if I can't hold my feet, I can only bite my head. Three days of college entrance examination, three days of exams, three exams met the same invigilator, she all met me, and later I met and smiled and said to me, "You are Ha", "haha really have a fate" I smile Answer, then entered the examination room. The college entrance examination is over, waiting for the long two-month score release, I successfully deviated from the three-line, but, like last year, I took a savory drop-off admission, my score is more than 40 points above the minimum score, and ultimately The volunteers who filled out the previous table to help me were admitted to Zhejiang Oriental Vocational and Technical College. Since then, I have become a legend in our community. Say goodbye to the previous work, entered the university, and finally enjoyed college life with a normal college student. In order to escape the 7-day military training, I went to a friend's hospital with a skin problem and got a "can't see the light" illness. In the past few days, the class teacher found me and learned that I have the ability of the video later, let me do a military training. Video, I refused to escape in the end. I made this video to prove that I am not a person who only brags. Since then, a senior said that I became a red man of the School of Information. At this point, the legendary story continues...
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◤銷魂的台灣,激情的夜晚嫵媚的身體所有男人的崇拜對象◥ ◤正妹預約趁現在,激情愛愛趁現在喔 MT HT 住家 自選喔◥ ◤性福區域:台中、台北、高雄、彰化、南投、新竹、桃園,台南 香港。日本◥ 全套服務:洗香香 愛撫 口交 按摩 S 愛愛 69 清水溝 角色扮演(可無套 可多P唷) PS:想要特殊服務的要提前跟我講喔
最強陣容- 實在價位 - 每天不斷更新 -各行各業兼職正妹 任君挑選 各行各業 -不同的規矩 - 全套服務 - 安全第一 奶水人妻茶坊口爆處女爆乳無套約妹+賴j8562
服務:69 按摩 洗澡 口交 後門 無套 中出 口爆基本服務+特別服務
新鮮正妹網站:http://ameblo.jp/kpkp9630/ 新鮮正妹網站:http://kpkp789.hatenablog.com/ 新鮮正妹網站:http://kpkp410.hatenablog.com/ 新鮮正妹網站:http://fdf520000100.blogspot.tw/ 新鮮正妹網站:http://kpkp520.hatenablog.com/ 新鮮正妹網站:http://fdf520000100.blogspot.tw/ 新鮮正妹網站:http://wwwwwkk000333.blogspot.tw/ 新鮮正妹網站:http://dfhsdfjdfj410.blogspot.tw/ 新鮮正妹網站:http://wwwwooo000.blogspot.tw/ 新鮮正妹網站:http://ff0f00000.blogspot.tw/
+賴j8562只要配合一次升級VIP就是永久的半價之後約小姐無套內射旅館費一律免費 可以加入���群(裏面是19-23歲的女孩子裏面有影片可以裸照視訊 )送原味內褲絲襪
1.從此約妹妹半價 2.從此幫出旅館費用 3.從此無需在給車資 4.從此無套內射不用加小費 5.從此跳蛋 絲襪 情趣服裝 用品隨你選 6.從此約會地點隨你定也可妹去見朋友 7.從此看妹妹自慰影片選妃 8.從此升級本茶莊vip 優先約到各種高品質小姐 【 空姐 AV女優 小有名氣的麻豆和Show Girl 兩男一女的3p或者兩男兩女的4p 中日混血-中韓混血-中俄混血-中英混血-中巴混血-中泰混血-中法混血 處女 人妖 (處女和人妖少之又少需提前一周預約)】
+賴j8562加入即可看主頁無碼真人自慰 可以視訊選妹還有處女 另有奶水人妻現場擠奶視訊 18歲處女跟客人做愛無碼照 高檔貨色空姐私密照外露 三嫌藝人偶爾兼職 免費摸奶 加入立減1000不約妹妹 加入有優惠唷+賴j8562
1號:瑞兒 160 E 24 49 淫蕩爆乳健身教練 2號:曉梓 159 34E 23 49 性感火辣爆乳麻辣教師 3號:莫妮卡 160 D 24 49 氣質美腿淫蕩秘書 4號:阿妹 159 E 25 49 淫蕩風騷奶水人妻 5號:心琪 165 F 49 肚皮舞教練妖嬈火辣
1號:如如 163 34E 23 49 夜店女王稱霸全場 2號:倩倩 162 E 21 49 性感火辣外貌學生 3號:兔兔 165 D 21 49外貌協會性感嫩模特 4號:蓮心 159 E 24 49 氣質性感火辣美容師 5號:筆筆 160 D+ 21 49 氣質女主播
1號:奶昔 156 C 18 45 可愛清純超級甜美 2號:琳達 158 D 21 48 電眼性感好像棉花糖一樣 3號:鹿鹿 157 B+ 19 46 眉清目秀幼齒學生妹 4號:可兒 160 C 22 48 外貌協會性感火辣 5號:邵婷 159 E 19 48 中泰混血兒性感火辣
NO1--開運OL藝名:可可 163cm Ccup 23歲 46kg 纖細有致 溫柔 體貼 配合度高 奶子不大不小 剛剛好 服務:顏射 吞精 喇舌 鴛鴦浴 殘疾澡 奶式按摩 奶炮 乳交等等很多好玩 的招式 你們都可以玩(嘿嘿 你可以買2節 3節 3+1 6+2壓 我很多客人都這樣 買 可以玩到很多喔 一小時幾次妹都願意喔 還私下玩後門 私下玩無套 絕對安全唷)
NO2--XXX小學妹藝名:朵朵 162cm Ecup 21歲 47kg 網路小模甜美可愛的外形 胸部有料,熱��短褲,笑容甜美,服務貼心,超值優惠哦
NO3--長榮空姐藝名:琳琳 165cm Ccup 24歲 47kg 鮑魚敏感很美 可69 舒服殘廢澡 可陪泡澡 床上表情聲音銷魂 MM做愛時很會享受其中
(一)紅牌 粉色嫩鮑魚來咯~~~~
名字:小丸子 身體密碼:158.C.45.19歲 小隻罵 清純可愛 在家乖乖女一枚 床上小天使 淫蕩誘人~她是屬於你的
(二)無套紅牌~~~好這口的茶友們趕緊哦! 黎娜 162cm-Ecup-47kg-28y 【性感 全程無套Queen】
瑤瑤 164cm-Hcup-50kg-27y 氣質 韻味人妻 最強H奶讓你吸到飽 可吸 可親 可舔 全程可無套讓你體驗0距離感 安全衛生大可放心 豐滿 翹臀讓你爽到爆
(四)遇困少女 求幫助 ~~~ 大家幫幫她 感溫!!
巧克力 159cm Ecup 20歲 46kg 嬌小 甜美 陽光型寒假學生妹兼職 單親 媽媽是殘障人士 為籌過年及年後學費錢選擇兼職這條路 急需用錢 希望有那位好心哥哥能幫幫她 讓她跟她媽媽能過個快樂年 感恩!! 無刺青 不抽煙 外在條件優質 乖乖甜心女 床上配合度高
神秘?「知名藝人」?,限時...非誠勿擾~! 詳情還請私LINE小妖精喔!
藝名:傑西卡 168cm.D杯.23歲.47kg 特徵:高挑 大奶 氣質美女 是個中英混血兒 五官深邃 超級大美女一個 東南亞公認美女
藝名:卡卡 166cm.E杯.21歲.46kg 特徵:性感 氣質辣模 極品嫩模 錯過那是你的損失
一名高檔嫩模下海來?金咯,非誠勿擾~! 詳情還請私LINE我喔!!藝名:瑞娜 168cm.F杯.21歲.47kg 特徵:性感 天然F奶 身材辣 瘦 高顏值
網路夯(F)奶人妻 奶砲女王【波波】163cm/50kg/Gcup/27歲
紐扣 159cm-Fcup-47kg-20y 童顏巨乳 長相甜美可愛 皮膚白 天然F奶
伊莎 168cm-Ecup-48kg-23y 高檔尤物~ 氣質 伊琳混血模特 高挑 身材辣 美腿 五官精緻 敢玩 來體驗一下不一樣的床戰遊戲 頂級尤物正妹 異國風味
丹娜 166 E 23 47 氣質車模 胸大屁股翹,身材勁爆 性欲強,服務全能 臉蛋很漂亮
徐娜 身材密碼:164cm-Fcup-47kg-24歲 公定價:6000 /1S/1H 超優質 氣質 天然F奶正妹 身材火辣 皮膚白嫩 本身是長髮不是短髮哦! 假髮的假der 無套bj 帶套S 舔蛋 可親 可舔 口交技術棒 敢玩 超級淫蕩 很騷 配合度很高
名稱:米塔 三圍:【164.G.49kg.24歲】 樣貌:【氣質+甜美+可愛+淫蕩】 介紹:【喇舌+女友fu+初次下海=完美女神】 客人評價:氣質 淫蕩 藏不住的G奶 手感超棒 無刺青 不抽煙 好友fu 溫柔健談 服務很認真 態度好很滿意 特殊內容: 69 乳交 舌吻 口爆共浴 按摩 備註:【一次性買3節:可免費約2個妹妹】 性感爆乳辣妹 個性很open 身材火辣 淫蕩指數:100% 品質率: 100% 配合度指數:100%包你滿意
奶茶 162 D 23歲 年輕的單親媽媽求救 下海只是為了尋求一份生活費 你可以來幫幫她嗎? 生孩子不久 據推斷應該還有乳汁 因為家裡就她自己在帶寶寶 所以的話 可能說去 旅館跟哥哥愛愛的時候 要帶上自己的寶寶喲 不介意的哥哥可以唷(如果介意的話 那可以交代妹妹 把寶寶交給其他人照顧) 可以陪你玩你想要的尺度 當然 前提還是不變態 不SM喲 配合好的話 會給你1H/2S 加節的話 會適當的給肛交和中出喲 不是每個妹妹都會配合的
本月抽獎 獎品: 快來抽獎吧 +賴j8562歡迎你~~
第一名:本人免費伴遊一天 第二名:免費處女一個 送兩張半價卡 第三名:麻豆 學生妹10k之內的免費一個 送一個半價卡 想抽第一名消費20k以上 其他的就是10k以上都可以抽獎
現在來約妹消費 月底約妹可以半價送2次 或是選擇一次免費 2項選擇看你選擇要那種【價位不限】
PS:買2送1 買3送2 也可約一節 ...多買多送+特別服務 還可獲得免費抵消卷 介紹朋友一起消費可以兩次半價
洋妞外送茶約奶水處女無套肛交妹找北中南奶水人妻茶坊口爆處女爆乳無套約妹+賴j8562台北,新竹,台中,彰化,南投,員林,嘉義,台南,台南、嘉義、宜蘭、台灣、香港、澳門新加坡台中外送茶彰化外送茶南投外送茶莊員林外送茶莊嘉義外送茶台 南外送茶高雄外送茶莊,按摩美容護膚 桑拿全套外送台北新莊雅緹找小姐/板橋金色年代一夜情交友西門町找小姐喝茶服務台北士林板橋土城喝茶留言版純兼職外送美女外送GTO台中外送茶台北援交外約全套服務,台中,彰化,南投,新竹,台灣外送茶莊,台中茶裏王,桃色誘惑嘉義,台南,高雄一夜情人外約上百位佳麗兼職點點,蘇菲,水靈,溫蒂,小果,歪歪,amy,薇薇,依晨,冰冰,依依,莫琳,虞姬,珊珊,小Q,海倫全民女���伊情人全臺頂級外送茶.,夏娃,念念,語嫣,珍欣,米琪,S姐,葉子,娜美,小辣椒,可可,米雪,灣灣,欣萱,笑笑,圓圓,米蘭,羅琳,阿雅,維尼,海薇,千惠,蝴蝶,小舞,糖萱,天心米外送茶坊台北外送茶坊,台中外送茶,高雄外送茶,美女外約服務/台中/高雄/新竹/彰化/南投/全臺外送本土兼職妹妹茶莊極品俱樂部嚴選絕色經典,成人性愛慾茶園,找茶討論區,最強催情唯美貼圖外送,高檔平價好茶,淫照聊天是尋夢園美女外送,情趣用品八大行業指油壓全套,哪裡有好茶,motel,hotel,性感絲襪芭比baby第一手貓都卡提諾喝茶臺北全套服務/新竹叫小姐/臺中兼職妹妹外約外送/竹北好茶外送/高雄鐘點情人/中���區一夜情絕色正妹外送/大同區約妹/松山區找茶喝/大安區找女人台中外送茶彰化外送茶南投外送茶莊員林外送茶莊嘉義外送茶台 南外送茶高雄外送茶莊,按摩美容護膚桑拿全套外送台北新莊雅緹找小姐/板橋金色年代一夜情交友西門町找小姐喝茶服務台北士林板橋土城喝茶留言版純兼職外送美女外送GTO台中外送茶台北援交外約全套服務,台中,彰化,南投,新竹,台灣外送茶莊,台中茶裏王,桃色誘惑嘉義,台南,大高雄台南台中新竹屏東嘉義彰化臺北外送茶莊/愛薇外送茶莊/外叫喝茶魚訊茶訊情報論壇討論區/高雄兼職美女外送鮮茶莊/台南情色美容護膚台中鐘點情人外約/高雄台南一夜情人外送/高雄台南台中飯店叫小姐/台南援交妹外約/極品俱樂部嚴選絕色經典/成人性愛慾茶園個人工作室全套外叫 鮮茶莊兼職美女辣妹外送全套S外約私樂園,清純兼職學生妹外約,網路一夜情人鐘點情人聊天妹外約,學生援交付現金外約,喝茶吃魚討論論壇網未婚男女成人未婚男女戀愛交友聯誼,出差旅遊找伴遊情趣用品傳火車站叫茶/南港區叫妹+賴j8562萬華區約妹打炮/+賴j8562信義區美女外送/士林區酒店外送一夜情/北投旅館約妹愛愛/內湖區喝茶找女人/+賴j8562文山區找茶外送/土城找茶妹+賴j8562、馬來西亞高雄旅館飯店叫小姐外送台北外送茶新竹外送茶汐止正妹外送/中和探索約妹愛愛/泰山兼職美女外送/永和住家叫小姐/新莊motel外送/板橋學生妹兼職外送/新店性感美女外送/蘆洲區愛愛茶/三重性感茶淡水風騷茶/林口技術茶/龜山嬌小茶/台中外送/台中中區正妹兼職/北區找炮妹/東區叫雞/西區全套外送服務/南區淫蕩茶/西屯區美艷茶/南屯區白皙茶/北屯區熟女茶/大里人妻茶/大雅看照約妹/豐原約妹打炮/沙鹿外約兼職美女/彰化美腿茶/南投口碑茶/員林氣質茶/前金區喝茶/苓雅區外送茶/鼓山區看照約妹/前鎮區美腿茶三民區火辣茶/新興區惹火嫵媚茶/左營區MT外送/小港青澀茶/鳳山領薪必喝茶/汽車旅館約妹
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▲想要緩解一天的煩惱嗎 ▲想要把你硬硬的大肉棒插入MM的秘密花園嗎? ▲想要回味頂到底的快感嗎? ▲在這里讓你享受到人間的最高潮的性愛 ▲滿足你所有的視覺.觸覺.聽覺三享受 ▲挑逗你身上所有的敏感地位.所有的快感 ▲把所有的煩惱跟著褲子脫掉 ▲一雙攝人心魄的水靈眼睛和天生嬌氣溫柔性格的學生妹 ▲身材高窕冰肌玉骨的長腿麻豆 ▲外貌冶豔神情撫媚的辣妹 ▲性感妖艷的脫衣女郎賴ziq888或198967 ☆犒勞一下自己小頭 好去處給你不一樣的性福 —– 用你的槍來享受性福的時刻☆╮ 口爆 顏射 69 lg隨你操作 找安全的茶莊 找滿意的好茶 趕快點擊進入垂生欲死的天堂吧~ 外送大桃園花蓮嘉義宜蘭中歷三重屏東板橋台北新竹台中彰化員林雲林台南永康高雄 偷情少婦、寂寞欲女、檳榔西施、高貴空姐、車展模特 夜店辣妹、大學系花、鄰家女孩、三線名星、外拍正妹 封面女郎、夜店舞者、混血美姬、酒店紅牌、酒促小姐 高貴空姐 車展模特 大學系花 鄰家女孩 淫蕩人妻等 有台灣女生想兼職可以加我賴ziq888晴子或198967 台北外送茶 高雄外送茶 台南外送茶 台中外送茶 彰化外送茶 新竹外送茶 新北外送茶 桃園外送茶 南投外送茶 基隆外送茶 台北一夜情外約 台中一夜情外約 高雄一夜情外約 新竹一夜情外約 台北住家叫小姐 高雄住家叫小姐 台中住家叫小姐 台北汽車旅館叫妹 台中汽車旅館叫妹 新北汽車旅館叫妹 喝茶吃魚 茶魚分享 定點 個工 阿六茶 外約經驗分享 援交小姐 口爆內射服務 陪酒小姐 定點套房 3p 援交妹 西門町找援交妹 傳播 傳播小姐 板橋現金交易 板橋一夜情服務 板橋援交小姐 捷克論壇 伊利論壇 卡提偌論壇 yahoo yahoo電影 松山機場附近找小姐 松山找援交小姐 內湖找小姐 內湖援交妹 內湖汽車旅館 定點套房賴賴baby488 晴子外約喝茶官網:www.sexline998.com 加賴ziq888晴子或198967終身鑽石vip 終身免房費/車資 約3p只需要付一個妹妹的錢 免費參加抽獎活動 優質選妃 一次性過去三個 可以4p(兩男兩女一個房間)或者群P 從此無套無需小費 從此約妹都是無碼照OR影片選妹 從此約妹無需多等一分鐘 可以跟女神電愛40分鐘 北部消費滿5k買3送1 滿7k買2送2 滿9k買1送1 新竹消費滿7k買2送1 滿8k買3送1 滿9k買1送1 中部消費滿4k買3送1 滿5k買2送1 滿6k買1送1 彰化消費滿4k買3送1 滿5k買2送1 滿6k買1送1 高雄消費滿4k買3送1 滿5k買2送1 滿6k買1送1 台南消費滿4k買3送1 滿5k買2送1 滿6k買1送1 只要配合一次升級VIP就是永久的半價之後約小姐無套內射旅館費一律免費 可以加入色群(裏面是19-23歲的女孩子裏面有影片可以裸照視訊+賴ziq888晴子)送原味內褲絲襪
重口味老熟女:【加賴ziq888或198967 Telegram:ziq888 官網:www.sexline998.com 】 小錦 165cm C+cup 40歲重口味高挑氣質熟女媽媽來啦 #狼友看過來唷是不是你的菜起跳價就可以約啦 老公沒用下海就只想尋歡而已功夫茶老點回客多~服務保證你滿意到
內射大尺度妹:【加賴ziq888或198967 Telegram:ziq888 官網:www.sexline998.com 】 志玲 /163/D/28歲可無套的艷麗敢玩正妹 主動會讓你有被愛的FU要這麼一個高漲的正妹嗎那鎖定她 靈巧的舌頭舔功很好喜歡探索男人最敏感的地帶約過一次就會成為你幻想的對象
童顏巨乳蘿莉:【加賴ziq888或198967 Telegram:ziq888 官網:www.sexline998.com 】 糖小兮 /160/#H奶/20歲槍頭香 特推奶泡 皮膚白臉蛋可愛 .長相卡哇伊.. 清澀中帶給您粉色暇想深深情慾刺激您的感觀神經聲音超級甜der 粉會服務 都敢玩 可配合變裝(自備)胸部堅挺柔軟 帶你回到最初的體驗 讓你再次回到校園時光很有機會發展炮友哦
校花清純學生妹:【加賴ziq888或198967 Telegram:ziq888 官網:www.sexline998.com 】 橘子 150cm.B杯.19歲小蘿莉 很可愛 超級嬌小又嬌小 又瘦 你想什麼姿勢都ok跟她做愛配合度高 一點困難度都沒有因為都由你掌控 她不是很懂性愛方面 你帶著玩 想怎麼玩就怎麼玩 她爽就好就像包著你的女兒妹妹一樣 超級可愛看著就想讓一口吃掉 慢慢的玩弄她然後她在說~快進來~好想要~人家都濕濕了
最美氣質空姐:【加賴ziq888或198967 Telegram:ziq888 官網:www.sexline998.com 】 藍心 23歲.D奶.166cm空姐兼職超級女神超級正點 人很好聊 性格很阿莎力 有馬甲線有美背 有她那引以為傲的電動馬達翹臀會舔 會吸 讓你抵擋不住的誘惑 配合度超高 非常有女友fu
最夯甜美網紅:【加賴ziq888或198967 Telegram:ziq888 官網:www.sexline998.com 】 可馨 170cm/D.24歲網紅氣質型骨感正妹 腿型漂亮皮膚白白的 外貿A+ 聲音甜甜的很溫柔給人很好相處 貼心 主動的服務小清純帶一點小性感 服務不趕時間服務很好小穴 奶頭粉嫩粉嫩的哦 很敏感
單親奶水媽媽:【加賴ziq888或198967 Telegram:ziq888 官網:www.sexline998.com 】 奶糖 22歲 Ecup 159cm 50kg跟男朋友在一起三年 兩個人都是性欲比較大的因為年紀比較小 所以每次做的時候男朋友都是戴套做 做多了之後她跟男朋友想要玩更大的 想要無套做 小雨發現自己懷孕了賴ziq888她跟自己的男朋友講 說自己懷孕了男朋友叫她把孩子拿掉 可是小雨不願意 從那之後 男朋友就再也不見了 怎麼找也找不到 那男人太不負責了 小雨現在出來兼職賺錢自己養小孩 想要幫助她的哥哥 可以跟小雅講喲小雨比較敢玩 經驗比較多 所有的服務都可以配合 重點是有奶水
淫蕩雙飛3p很槍手密我看照:【加賴ziq888或198967 Telegram:ziq888 官網:www.sexline998.com 】 小米粒 164.D.23歲vs思思163.D.24歲 雙鳳一龍 玩起來超刺激的 讓你享受帝王服務!一王頂級服務 不偷懶 健談 一個會喜歡老漢推車 一個喜歡火車便當 兩個一搭一合 配合天衣無縫 火車便當插到深處 姿勢多 深插 側插 讓你欲仙欲死 活像神仙 需提前預約
極度淫蕩系列:【加賴ziq888或198967 Telegram:ziq888 官網:www.sexline998.com 】 小櫻桃 [162cm.D杯.46kg.24y]淫蕩搓奶無下限,女友fu十足,可配合各種愛愛姿勢,互動好可顏射 口爆 無套S哦~性欲很強,耐操,適合加節服務,愛愛前戲很精彩,會先舌吻,捏你的小豆豆,直到你一柱擎天在幫你洗口水澡,忘了說她很喜歡含肉棒,舌頭超靈活還會在你龜頭上畫圈圈~這時候妹妹就會考驗你忍耐力了要忍住嘿,不然之後更刺激的斯杯秀就很難享受到了
特別推薦風騷淫蕩牛奶正妹私下密我有禮包送喲【加賴ziq888或198967 Telegram:ziq888 官網:www.sexline998.com 】 果凍 162cm 48kg Ecup 25歲特別推薦一個可以無套內射的妹妹!想要做幾次 就做幾次又年輕還可以射到飽!還可以後門哦! 吞精哦!是大奶的奶泡哦!敢來挑戰!大奶淫蕩妹嗎!配合爆乳服裝哦!#今日相約正妹可享受禮包半價套餐喲正妹是比較淫蕩 床上功夫一點過分好 又是讓你一次性吃的飽飽的床上很聽話 好騷 好水 好粉的奶子喲
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來源/長沙晚報文字來源/桑琴(長沙晚報) 攝影/陳飛、劉哲(三湘都市報)
保羅V8 ptt
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