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kailasakalpataruchinese · 2 years ago
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❤️你的四大内在力量,可以显化你所选择的现实❤️ 如果你知道有个方法可以永远地清除你生命中的冲突、压力和痛苦?你会做什么呢? 仔细聆听:你可以做到的! 实际上你有力量来显化你所选择的现实! 你有自我转化的潜能来丰富你生命的各个层面,从健康到财富、到圆满的人际关系、到永恒的喜乐。 仔细聆听:在你们每个人内在都拥有一股巨大的潜能,简称为昆达里尼(Kundalini) 。 昆达里尼是潜伏在你体内在的内在能量,你未曾使用过的能量,你甚至从来都不知道它的存在! 昆达里尼通过四种不同的能量展现出来,被称为四大内在力量。这些内在力量就是昆达里尼能量在你生命中不同的展现。 虽然你在生活中每天都在使用这些力量,但你没有以明确的意向有意识地使用它们。 你要明白,这些内在力量是非常强大的能量,就如电力或风力一 般。如果你妥善地��使用它,它将给予你所要求的。如果你未能妥善地处理,它将会持续地以负面的方式影响着你的生命。 关键在于创造正确的内在空间来展现这最大的潜能。当你在内在创造了正确的空间,任何你所选择的都将毫不费力地进入你的人生。你所做的一切都将是成功的。当你懂得正确地去使用这些力量,你不仅马上转化了自己的生命,甚至也将转化周遭一起生活的人的人生。 为了开启你内在的强大力量,你必须先多了解自己。 你的四大内在力量与你生命的四个主要面向息息相关——你的语言、你的思想、你的情绪及你的生活。一旦你在这每个面向唤醒你最巅峰的可能性,这些将成为非常强大的力量来支持你的生命。 你的四大内在力量是: ☆语言的力量或梵文称为瓦莎蒂(vak-shakti) ☆思想的力量或梵文称为玛咯莎蒂(mano-shakti) ☆感觉的力量或梵文称为批马莎蒂(prema-shakti) ☆生活的力量或梵文称为阿马莎蒂(atma-shakti) ☆当你开启语言的力量时,你将拥有自发性(spontaneous)的智慧,对你自己及他人使用最正确及最有效的话语。 ☆当你发现你思想的力量时,你的思想将专注于工作、人际关系、 教育、财务以及人生,并在这些领域达到成功。 ☆感觉的力量教导你如何通过责任感将生命提升到另一个层次。 ☆当你理解到人生最大的回馈是与别人共享你的生命时,你将真正 地享受生活的力量 #许愿树 #kalpataru #健康 #财富 #人际关系 #修行 #吸引力法則 #吸引力法则 #愿望实现 #凯拉萨 #尼希亚南达 #灵修 #灵性 #修心修行 #圆满 #认知 #意识 #频率 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqefHCXLBsz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hmgdww1 · 2 years ago
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电报官方频道 https://t.me/hmbb96 电报客服 https://t.me/hmbb69 QQ3201487018备用q2759377767全国高端顶级资��� 萝莉 御姐 模特 网红 学生 空姐 处女 明星 萝莉 商务陪同 出国旅游 包天包月 主营地区全国一二线城市 三线可空降 靠谱八年老经济,非诚勿扰 十年匠心精神 高端品质提供专业外围 金牌诚信服务
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lune6988 · 1 year ago
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(via 六道众生(四):地狱道众生是怎么一回事儿?)
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macdaysh · 2 years ago
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#一位業障只有12趴的同修具備的素質;#尊師重道非常重要。 ⛅️Wenda20180511 01:00 男聽眾:上週弟子打通圖騰,師父幫一個1984年的老鼠看圖騰,師父說他的業障有12%。弟子向您反饋一下: 第一,他的根基非常好。 第二,他心地善良,品德很好。如上高中時,他走讀,每晚都10點多回家,有一天晚上快12點才回來,因為在路上救人,一個人被車撞了,躺在路上,頭上全是血,他第一意念就是“我要救他”,又叫兩個學生把他送到了醫院。 第三,他在生活中任何處事都是為他人著想,從不爭搶。 第四,他非常相信菩薩,非常相信師父,很愛我們的師父。學習心靈法門沒有人度他,他就是聽師父的錄音開始相信,然後修的。生活中有一點小事順利,他開口就是“感恩菩薩”。 第五,他修行唸經非常認真,只要叫他出去弘法,他馬上開車就去。 第六,他��別喜歡《白話佛法》,每天堅持讀。 師父答:看見了嗎?所以你看人家業障都沒了,只有12%了,再減掉2%,就是等於以後可以超脫六道了(是啊。他就是特別相信師父,尊師重道、相信菩薩,這是他最主要的)我告訴你,#尊師重道的人業障很少很少,#會消掉很多業障(在他心裡邊就是覺得尊師重道非常非常重要)自古以來就是這樣,孔老夫子儒家教育、佛家的教育全部都是講尊師重道。你想想看,一個學生上課,能不尊重老師嗎?這最起碼的吧(對啊)人家老師在教你,你還不尊重老師,人家老師在幫你身上減除毛病,你還要死辯,還要覺得自己是對的,你說說看,這個人的業障是不是加重了? (對啊。有的時候他說:“你知道嗎?在我心中,師父其實給了我們生命的靈魂的指引,讓我們生生世世脫離了輪迴,我們一定要相信師父。”)對啊,實際上師父教你們的解脫的方法讓你們在人間已經脫離六道了(對啊,師父您就是讓我們在人間已經離苦了,讓我們的精神得到非常非常滿足)“精神大餐”啊(對,希望師父經常帶著我們吃“精神大餐”,在末法時期一個人的精神是非常非常主要的)是啊。 ⛅️【世界各地共修會/观音堂】 https://xinlingfamen.info/contact https://xlch.org/ #心灵法门#观世音菩萨#观世音菩萨心灵法门#卢台长#卢军宏台长#宗教#佛教#佛法#学佛#念经#改变命运#心靈法門#觀世音菩薩#觀世音菩薩心靈法門#盧臺長#盧軍宏臺長#學佛#念經#改變命運 #xinlingfamen#guanyin#guanyincitta#masterlu#buddhism https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqj9GDnPan5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hmbbww15 · 2 years ago
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电报官方频道 https://t.me/hmbb96 电报客服 https://t.me/hmbb69 QQ3201487018全国高端顶级资源 萝莉 御姐 模特 网红 学生 空姐 处女 明星 萝莉 商务陪同 出国旅游 包天包月 主营地区全国一二线城市 三线可空降 靠谱八年老经济,非诚勿扰 十年匠心精神 高端品质提供专业外围 金牌诚信服务
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fateandloveentwined · 1 year ago
wuxia, xianxia, and cultivation differences meta
translations: wuxia 武俠, xianxia 仙俠, and cultivation 修真/修仙 (xīuzhēn/xīuxiān)
think i've seen posts on this eons ago, and i'm pretty sure there are tons of these online, but since this has been written up already let's just have another one.
wuxia 武俠
wuxia and xianxia sound similar, but basically for wuxia it is about the pugilistic world (江湖 jiānghú). It is relatively more down-to-earth, and people practice martial arts ("kungfu") in their current life -- they do not do it to become xians (仙) and gods (神) however.
Like Thousand Autumns and Faraway Wanderers/Word of Honor, it has more historical background and ties to the current court and kingdoms, because people are living in the moment and concern themselves with worldly issues.
Martial arts may seem unrealistic, but in view of chinese fantasy it would be considered "real". It consists of fighting moves and internal energy, which they call qi or nèigōng (內功), and at times you see people flying around, climbing hills and jumping across rooftops which is qīnggōng (輕功).
xianxia 仙俠
A level up would be xianxia, where characters in the story cultivate to become xians (and gods, like in the heaven official's blessing). They don't really care about earthly issues here now, because their ambitions lie beyond the current world, and cultivation, getting stronger, and an immortal life are majorly all their goals.
You may not always see them working towards that purpose, such as in mdzs they are considered a lower-xianxia society (低魔), meaning people don't go through all the steps of cultivation and only stay at the stage before the "golden core" stage.
In xianxia, characters still learn basic fighting moves aka. martial arts, but to direct the internal energy they use línglì (灵力), zhēnqì (真气), and fǎlì (法力), all xianxia terms you commonly see. "neigong" is practically nonexistent in this genre. That's why people building up their "neigong" instead of "lingli" are likely never going to be able to cultivate.
cultivation 修真/修仙
A subgenre in the xianxia category would be cultivation. Characters actively go through the stages of cultivation, and likely for the MC, because they are the main character, they successfully become a xian and exit the world at the end of the novel.
There are many stages of cultivation, usually defined at the beginning of the novel in the synopsis, and a typical example of the different levels would be this:
And with a cursory search, an English translation would be something like this, albeit not with all the cultivation ranks identified.
Qi condensation (练气), Foundation establishment (筑基), Core Formation (金丹), Nascent Soul (元婴), and the names after that vary too greatly with translation and fandom so I'll jump straight to Immortal Ascension
extra info: getting into the philosophy of it all
It'd be interesting to note that the word "xiá" (俠) permeates all these genres. This is something akin to the concept of "hero", but not at all also, and I'd love to speak more on this but this post has already gone way longer than I hoped it would be, so perhaps another day.
Regardless, it is interesting to note that wuxia has a greater emphasis on "xia" than xianxia. (some joke that cultivation doesn't have the word "xia" in it, and much of that is because characters have foregone heroism and focused on gaining powers and working towards ascension instead). As a result, wuxia is more confucianism-oriented, though not without its taoism and buddhism influences.
xianxia, on the other hand, is mainly derived from "dào" (道), from taoism, which is another lengthy concept if I ever get to it.
And some may have heard of the "farming" genre, 种田 (zhòngtián). This has to do with golden fingers (mary sues) in imperialistic china, earning a wealth of money, and all that. It has nothing to do with cultivation, alike they sound in english.
that's it for now, hmu if you wish to ask/discuss!
(and apologies for the pinyin translations, hope it's understandable still! formally writing pinyin they are supposed to be two separate words not one.)
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garcia-allen · 11 months ago
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Commission made by UTC-00791饕餮
My version of Sixty, after switching bodies with Connor-54 at Cyberlife Tower floor -49, was reactivated sometime post-revolution. He soon discovered that Connor had chosen to sacrifice himself during the speech, which occurred literally less than an hour after the body switch, making himself the one and only functional RK800 at that time.
而这样的遗憾,也同样是become human的一部分。
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alliumms · 3 months ago
What HuaLian mean to each other...
A handwritten note from TGCF AD's production
Currently TL-ing the BTS of the AD production, and I came across this tidbit that I want to share. I'm pretty sure Zhang Kai (张凯) wrote this; she is also the voice-acting director for the production. And the other crew members mention this in the video, but Zhang Kai has a penchant for using vocabulary that just strikes a chord. I think here she was writing a note for the production team, and it just beautifully dives into how Xie Lian acts around others VS how he acts around Hua Cheng.
I'll include the original CN that she wrote and the image I pulled it from below as well :)
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谢怜在对花城和对别人对话时,需要有明显的氛围差异。 谢怜虽然温柔善良,但人被伤害就会痛苦,这种痛苦不会因为他的温柔善良而減少,反而有可能因此而呈现更大的伤害。 为了抑制这种伤害对自己的心性造成的影响,类似脱敏疗法,他提高了自已承受伤害能力的阈值,使自己对各种形式的伤害,包括对自己本身的侮辱失去敏感度。所以我们现在能看到的是一个不太在乎旁人议论言语和身体疼病的谢怜,这其实是他的自我保护机制。 但在花城面前,这个自我保护机制自己失灵了。谢怜重新变回了一个敏感度非常高的“人”。原文说“不知道为什么,他在花城面前好像藏不住痛”。如果面前的人换一个,相信他还是能以一种近于麻木的态度处理生理上的疼病,但因为面前的人是花城,他被打回了原���。 花城面前的谢怜,是一个更加鲜活的谢怜,会窘迫脸红,会语无伦次,感觉自己修练800年的脸皮也不够用,需要有一点微妙的“破防”感。但对风信慕情就很游刃有余,甚至对南风扶摇,多少有点暗暗逗弄的意思。 总之,花怜对彼此都是最特别的存在!
There needs to be an obvious atmospheric difference when Xie Lian talks to Hua Cheng versus with other people.
Xie Lian may be gentle and kind, but anyone would feel pain when one is hurt, and this kind of pain wouldn't just lessen because of his natural gentleness and kindness. In fact, it might, in turn, create an even bigger wound.
To control the effect that this hurt has on his own psyche, like a sort of desensitising treatment, he raises his threshold on his ability to withstand pain. He causes all kinds of damage to himself, including forgoing the sensitivity to his own humiliation. Thus, the Xie Lian we can see now is someone who does not care much for others' opinions or his own bodily harm. This is actually his self-made defence mechanism.
However, in front of Hua Cheng, this defence mechanism becomes defective. Xie Lian reverts back into a very sensitive "human being." The original texts said, "For some reason, he's unable to hide his pain in front of Hua Cheng." If the person before him was switched, you can trust that he could still adopt a sort of near-numb attitude to deal with physical pain. But because the person before him is Hua Cheng, he has returned to his original self.
The Xie Lian in front of Hua Cheng is a more vivid Xie Lian. He will flush with embarrassment, speak incoherently, and feel that even after 800 years of cultivation, his skin is still not thick enough to be useful. There needs to be a subtle feeling of "breaking down his defences."
Yet, he handles everything with skill and ease when it comes to Feng Xin and Mu Qing. Even with Nan Feng and Fu Yao, there's an element of underlying teasing.
In conclusion, HuaLian are each other's most precious existence!
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nhu-an · 3 months ago
Chiều cao của cuộc đời không phải là bạn nhìn rõ được bao nhiêu chuyện, mà là bạn xem nhẹ được bao nhiêu chuyện; Chiều rộng của tâm hồn không phải là khi bạn quen biết bao nhiêu người, mà là bạn bao dung cho bao nhiêu người.
Sống như ngọn núi, trông thấy vạn vật, che chở vạn vật. Sống như dòng nước, có thể tiến thoái, và biết tiến thoái.
Đời người là một chặng đường tu dưỡng tâm hồn, sự đời không ngừng thay đổi, chỉ có tu dưỡng tâm hồn mình, mới có thể chậm chậm trưởng thành mà không phân vân, không sợ hãi, không lạc đường giữa năm tháng của cuộc đời.
- Như An dịch
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kailasakalpataruchinese · 2 years ago
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你是创造的空间,是你创造你生命中的一切 无论你觉察与否,每一刻,你都在以你自己的认知去编织你生命之网。不幸的是,很多时候你是在无意识的情况下进行。这就是为何生命带给你如此多的意外和震撼。 醒来吧!生命不只是关于成功、或赚钱、或拥有极佳的人际关系、 或是成名,或其他的;生命是与创造空间有关,创造你所要的,让你生命中所渴望的一切毫不费力地成为事实。 空间就像真空般可以把事件吸入到你的生命来。当你创造了正确的空间,所有的事情将会如你所愿的,顺其自然地发生在你的生命中。 创造正确的内在空间并不是一个很高深的灵修或需要达到很大的成就。你只需要停止相信那是“不可能的”,这就足够了 !你内在空间所携带着的就是一种可能性。 如果你心怀忧伤,你要明白,你是在命令宇宙让更大的忧伤来到你的生命中。如果你心怀喜悦,你是在等待更大的喜悦来到你的生命中。如果你心怀满足感、如果你心怀圆满,你是在命令宇宙为你的生命带来更多的圆满。 你是否经常感觉到,就因为错误的内在空间,你在人际关系上、在生意的交易上,在生命的扩展及成长上,在很多方面的很多可能性上,你都错失了某些东西。所以,现在你应该明白拥有正确空间的重要性了吧!现在,开始创造它吧! 当你意识到,是“你”在创造你生命中的所有一切时,有两件事情会发生: 一、你为了达到生命中某些目标的挣扎,或因某些事情你 想要逃离生命,这些举动都将失去意义。 二、你别无选择,必须唤醒你自身的巨大的力量。 好消息是,无论你接受与否、相信与否、明白与否一你是神!你的内在空间是无所不能的!以正确的内在空间,你可以通过你的话语来改变世界。 我祝福你们每个人汲取神圣的四大原则,并在生命中经历那能力超凡的“你”! #许愿树 #kalpataru #健康 #财富 #人际关系 #修行 #吸引力法則 #吸引力法则 #愿望实现 #凯拉萨 #尼希亚南达 #灵修 #灵性 #修心修行 #圆满 #认知 #意识 #频率 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqb6yE3reHS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nobody-answer · 6 months ago
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这三张都是我的AU下死后完全幽灵的Danny,左边两张是和群友讨论出的Clock Work可能喜欢在各种地方烙印重叠的“CW”所以就有了两种烙印在Danny身上的猜测,分别在耳垂和舌头上,也有想过眼睛但不打算放上来。
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gayxiaoshuo · 6 months ago
夏天很热 热到只穿一件黑色挖背背心和迷彩子弹内裤躺在家里的沙发上
空气很闷 闷到我那壮硕的胸肌和八块小丘般的腹肌都流出了充满了男人味道的汗水
把我的背心 弄的湿湿的 就连我的内裤也被汗水侵犯 将我那未勃起16公分的屌 慢慢的呈现
『干! 烂公寓 连个冷气都没有! 』躺在沙发上的我满腹牢骚的抱怨着
『还是去洗个澡好了 但是我又懒的洗衣服』自己这样想着 再看看最近这几天没洗的衣服
已经堆的快要跟花园造景的小假山一样了 但天气这样热 谁也不愿晒着太阳拿去送洗
无可奈何的走到阳台 突然看到隔壁房的老师 正赤裸着上半身 只穿一条ck的白内裤 在晒衣服
这老师是 XX初中的体育老师 拥有着倒三角的健美身材 健壮的胸肌 连着下来的是那八块玲珑有致的腹肌
肚脐连到内裤头的部份 长着性感的浓毛
啊! 他转身更是让我受不了 他那健壮的二头肌 饱满厚实就像水密桃一般的屁股 就呈现在我的眼前
看着看着 我那16公分的小弟 也想看看这美丽的画面 不禁慢慢的探出头来
后来这老师转过来看到了我 我的眼睛根本就逃离不了他那充满诱惑的黑色眼珠
那有如模特儿一般诱惑的眼睛 比我在网路上看那些会用眼神勾引的男男照片还要更吸引人
他对我笑笑的说「嘿! 天气这么热 还跑出来晒太阳阿小心晒黑阿!」
我马上尴尬的将我那探头偷看的小弟往我那仅仅一块布里面塞紧张的跟他说『没阿! 房间更闷 我出来透透气 』
「哦! 是吗?」他又用他那眼神看着我 然后跳过栏杆 (因为隔壁跟隔壁的间隔不远 用跨的就可以跨过来了)
走向我 对着我说 「我都知道喔!!」我突然惊慌的说『啊? 什么 ?』
「还装傻 别以为我不知道 ���偷拿我的内裤来干什么」听到这句话 自己突然心虚一下
后来他又在我耳边对我说「我都有看到喔 你那浓稠又腥臭又白的精液喷在我的内裤上 让我…」
这时他突然拉着我的手 往他那里碰 我才知道 他那大约有20公分的巨龙 已经苏醒了
还不时吐着前列腺液 把他的白内裤弄得一点一点湿湿的 这时我的手也不安分的开始帮他抚摸爱护
他闷哼了一下 在我耳边重重的吐气 对着我说 「我想插进你那欠操的屁眼里!!我要操到你哭着喊我爸爸」
我听到这就话 我那18公分的小弟已经忍受不住他的勾引 对着我那迷彩内裤吐着前列腺液
他看了看被我的屌撑起的内裤 他笑着对我说「这么好动阿?」
他马上蹲下 对着我那个着迷彩内裤的小弟 用舌头吸舔着 我的内裤也在他的舌头攻势下
内裤已经完全的湿了 而我的小弟吐的前列腺液也冒出来在我的内裤上诱惑着他
后来他也忍受不住 直接把我的内裤脱下 我的小弟受到这样突如其来的举动 不小心将前列腺液洒在他的脸上
他用手把我的前列腺液刮到他的嘴边 吃下 并对着我说「这么腥! 每天自己打枪很难受巴! 味道都变腥了」
他又对着我那18公分的大屌 又吸又含的 我便压着他的头 希望他能够再含的深一点
终于 我没办法忍受他的舌头 将我的浓稠白汁 射进他那饥饿的嘴里
可能是量太多了 他一时也没办法吞下 就这样射在他俊俏的脸上 他一点都不浪费的把我射在他脸上的精液吃掉
他说「来 换你帮我了!」我将他那已经被他20公分的巨龙弄得若影若限的内裤脱下
巨龙的嘴还不停的冒着那晶莹踢透的黏稠淫水 我二话不说 马上把它含下去
再看看他 似乎被我弄得很满足 我也就更卖力的吹含他的巨龙
在经过我的吹忝后 他开始肌肉紧绷 腹肌胸肌变的更加紧绷的时候 他马上把我推开
把我的背心撕破 ���咬我的乳头 腹肌 咬的我的18公分小弟变的更红更涨
他又用口水把他的手指沾湿 用他那修长的中指
慢慢插入我的屁眼里 对着我说「我要干死你!干到你的洨喷不停!!」
接着他用他那头巨龙 开始钻进我这个不和他尺寸的洞穴中
我咬着牙 眼泪马上流出来 这疼痛弄得我全身不舒服 他又跟我说「我的小宝贝 你忍一忍 等一下就有你爽了!」
他在抽差我的时候 还不停的用他灵活的舌头 跟我的舌头 口水交换着
我开始能适应他那20公分的巨龙的时候 一直渴望的对着他说 『我…我最敬爱…阿!!���.的体育老师快…快..快点用你的大鸡巴操死我!!不要拔出来 啊!!! ..插进去插进去阿!!!快…快点!!!』
「干!你这个贱娃 我要操到你的洨能够帮我洗澡 我要操死你的贱屁眼!! 干 !! 」
『啊!! 好…好..爽阿!! 体..体育老师啊!! 我..我错了!!快点用你的大鸡巴惩罚我!!』
「好!! 我就操到你知错能改!!」
他开始用他的腰力 将他的大鸡巴 深入我的小穴里 拔出来又插进去拔出来又插进去他的大睪丸也向钟摆一样
不停的拍打我的屁股 『阿~~阿~再进去一点!!阿~~不要停~阿~~~用力阿!!!』
他肥硕的阴囊不停在我的屁股上拍打…发出淫秽的水声…..而我的硬屌在我们两个结实的腹肌间来回拍打…好像有流不完的淫汁…每干一下就被挤出一些….四溅在我们身上….我已经分不出来我们全身沾满的是汗水还是情色的汁液….我觉得我的洨已经快要喷发了…『喔~喔~喔~喔~干~喔~~~操~我要喷了…我要喷了….阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿』一道道的腥咸洨喷在他的脸上 胸肌腹肌上 让抽插着我的他更加的性感!!
可是它已经来来回回抽插我数十次 我也喷了大概六到八次 我开始哭着对他说 『老..老师!!!阿~好痛阿~饶…饶了我巴我知~知道错了阿~~阿~~~~』
我全身是汗珠的躺在地上…只能虚弱的呻吟着…就当我觉得自己快被玩坏的时候,屁眼里的屌突然涨的更大,煌、纹、同X性. 体 直。父..子暴 ,荬纹 微、lm y p 9 8 7 6!
他那尾红巨龙龙头就在我的面前喷了20几道银白色的精液 射满了我的脸 嘴巴 和胸肌上…
后来他喘着气 抱着我舔着他刚刚射出来的精液 对着我说「每天这个时候 我们都来一次巴」
听完这句话 我只知道 我的小屁屁不保。
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lune6988 · 1 year ago
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(via 六道众生(四):地狱道众生是怎么一回事儿?)
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Zhang Qiling Archives Reconstruction Project
—A compilation of Daomu Biji official arts from Southern Archives Official Weibo (南部档案收发室)
Note: It's not directly related to the story of the Southern Archives "南部档案", so I excluded it from the tags.
◆ Tag: #张起灵档案重修计划#
◆ Time: November 1, 2024—December 1, 2024
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(Warning! Heavy amount of mtl + a little edit, sorry for my lame attempt at translating Zhang Qiling's bio (,,>﹏<,,))
❐ Name : Zhang Qiling
❐ Nickname : 小哥 (Xiaoge), 闷油瓶 (Men You Ping), 哑巴张 (Mute Zhang), 大张哥 (Da Zhang-Ge)
❐ Life Experience : A member of the Zhang family's main branch and born to a Tibetan doctor, Baima
❐ Profession : The patriarch of the Zhang family • Xilaimian Cashier
❐ Place of Residence : Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province
❐ Permanent Residence : Yucun, Southern Fujian Province
❐ Appearance Features :
Physical Appearance : Height 180 cm, thin and well-proportioned • Two-finger probing technique on the right hand • Qilin tattoo on the left chest when the body temperature rises
Appearance : Black hair, black eyes, fair skin, young and handsome
❐ Professional Abilities :
Character Traits : Silent, indifferent, clear-minded, quick to react
Force Value : S++
Outstanding Abilities : Two-finger probing technique is good at breaking traps • High-purity Qilin blood can repel insects • Bone contraction, disguise, and making human skin masks • Strong observation skills, mastering multiple languages, and understanding ancient civilizations
❐ Emergency Contacts :
Wu Xie : The third generation of the Wu family in Nine Gates, Changsha, he once operated Wushanju near West Lake
Wang Pangzi : A tomb robber from the Northern School, whose identity is unknown, runs an antique business in Panjiayuan
❐ Remarks : The most perfect state of immortality, with both appearance and body maintaining a stable state • Suffering from amnesia, losing memory during an attack
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xueyuverse · 6 months ago
Translation of the artist's note
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I feel like I've never drawn such a smooth picture. It took me three days in total, and my inspiration went straight to tian ling gai*. This is probably my favorite illustration in recent years~ Even though I'm progressing every day, I still like this illustration! The specific process is for Tian Guan Ci Fu.
The entire composition is determined by the “stability of the triangle*”: 1. Xie Lian used an almost self-destructive method to show mercy to the world and raise the sword for the common people, with determined eyes (because I liked reading some books and also studying some secondary cultures, so I always thought that there are worshipped gods who did not have their eyes painted to show respect, so I paint the statues of the gods without adding the eyes), so I didn't highlight the details here. The color I used is a mix of beige and purple to give Xie Lian a soft background. Under the sword is Qiong Lou*, which is the human world, but I have reduced it for comparison. What is striking is that people are the center and God is also a person. 2. Hua Cheng holds an umbrella in one hand and Xie Lian's self-destructive sword in the other, while protecting Xie Lian from the wind and rain, he cannot bear Xie Lian's sacrifice. The two are framed in a triangle by me because I don't want them to be separated. 3. Hua Cheng is sitting on a flower tree. The flowers are butterflies flying all over the sky with longing. The reflection of the sword's body turns into a silver butterfly resting on the tip of the sword, the hand blocking the hilt echoes Hua Cheng's protection and longing for Xie Lian. Even if I am among thousands of flowers, I am too lazy to look back; this is partly because of the asceticism of a monk and partly because of you I once had (取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君).
This image is inspired by “The flowers are blooming on the other side, and there is sadness on the other side, and love is so helpless and so lonely. This caused the string to break at the end, and the flowers fell onto the shoulders, in a trance. Tonight or any other night, I am no longer a stranger to you. Don't break the promise of three lifetimes, it's easy to look at Zhu Chengbi*. I am proud to be worthy of the world, and when I look back, I have kept my promise.”*
I wish everyone a happy appreciation~ If my illustrations can bring happiness to your life~ Then I will also be very happy~~
🔗 Official art, by 全国旅行中ing-cidacc
*天灵盖, refers to the bones on top of a person's or some animals' head, the second refers to the skull.
*三角形的稳定性. When all the lengths of the three sides of a triangle are determined, the area and shape of the triangle are completely determined. This property is called the stability of the triangle.
*琼楼, originally referred to the palace of the legendary Moon Palace, but now describes a beautiful building.
*看朱成碧, means to see red as green, to describe dazzled eyes.
*I don't know where this text comes from, whether it is the artist's own or from somewhere else, and I couldn't find it when I searched, if anyone knows, please tell me so I can add it to the post.
Sorry if I translated something wrong, I'm not that good at Mandarin.
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