#椅子樂團 The Chairs
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fyeahcindie · 1 year ago
Very interesting feature from NPR this morning, with TW bands 椅子樂團 The Chairs and Prairie WWWW / 落差草原 WWWW interviewed, along with Jocelle Koh from Asian Pop Weekly and Weining Hung from LUCfest.
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taiwan-ping · 2 years ago
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deathcar · 2 years ago
2023年7月8月 イベントメモ
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* 8/16 更新
[↓ 8月]
7/1(土)-2(日) 代々木公園 earth garden "夏" 2023 [7/1] サラーム海上 / ASA-CHANG / 宇田川別館バンド / エキゾ盆踊り [7/2] Bellydance Gala Show / 今井 龍一 / 伊藤 結美 / タブラクワイエサ https://www.earth-garden.jp/event/eg-2023-summer/
7/2(日) 日比谷野外大音楽堂 (16:30/17:30) リーガルリリー YAON 2023 https://www.office-augusta.com/regallily/live/?post=20230702
7/2(日) 下北沢 THREE (18:00/18:30) TIME IS ON YOUR BACK CAR10 / SaToA / Jurassic Boys / UlulU https://twitter.com/katasho/status/1658744361788772352
7/4(火) 渋谷 HMV record shop (20:00-) Arlo Parks ミニライブ+サイン会 https://www.hmv.co.jp/news/article/230623182
7/5(水) 六本木 ビルボード (2公演) Kimbra http://www.billboard-live.com/pg/shop/show/index.php?mode=detail1&event=14228&shop=1
7/5(水) 恵比寿 ガーデンホール (18:00/19:00) Arlo Parks "My Soft Machine" Tour 2023 Japan https://www.creativeman.co.jp/event/arlo-parks_2023/
7/5(水) 渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO (19:30/20:00) pneu music 2 長岡亮介 / aus https://enndisc.jp/post/720097702718963712/
7/7(金) 東中野 なかなかの (19:30/20:00) 波間とプリズムVol.4 見汐麻衣 / 浮 https://twitter.com/cafenakanakano/status/1668246452056002560
7/8(土)-9(日) 新宿 ルミネtheよしもと 蛙亭 単独ライブ「ベルセルクブレイズドラゴン」 https://magazine.fany.lol/112012/
7/8(土) 表参道 GROUND (2公演) アンガールズのジャンピンpresents リトルジャンガミーティング https://wepremium.jp/ticket/detail.php?ticket_id=1933
7/8(土) 所沢航空記念公園 (12:30/13:00) TONOFON FESTIVAL 2023 〜10th Anv! Final〜 トクマルシューゴ / Summer Eye / 優河 with 魔法バンド / 浦上想起・バンド・ソサエティ / 田中ヤコブ / みらい楽器ラボ / 鍵盤ハーモニカ研究所×おもちゃ楽器.com / のこぎりバンド (トクマルシューゴ、辻村友晴 (キセル)、西村直晃) https://www.tonofon.com/fes23/
7/8(土) 立川ステージガーデン (13:00/14:30-21:30) FESTIVAL FRUEZINHO 2023 Amaro Freitas trio / Bala Desejo / Sam Gendel, Benny Bock and Hans Kjorstad - dream trio / イ・ラン / 青葉市子 https://fruezinho.com/
7/9(日) 有楽町 プラネタリアTOKYO (2公演) 優河 with 魔法バンド「where the light leads」 https://planetarium.konicaminolta.jp/event/wherethelightleads/
7/9(日) 新代田 crossing (19:00/19:30) SADFRANK "tour gel" https://gel.sadfrncs.com/
7/11(火) 渋谷 WWW (18:30/19:30) The Chairs 椅子樂團 Japan Tour 2023 The Chairs 椅子樂團 / mei ehara https://www.bigromanticrecords.com/single-post/chairs2023
7/12(水) 渋谷 WWW (18:00/18:45) FESTIVAL FRUEZINHO 2023 Amaro Freitas -SOLO piano- / Sam Gendel, Benny Bock & Hans Kjorstad - dream trio https://fruezinho.com/
7/12(水) Zepp Shinjuku (18:15/19:00) cero 「e o」 Release Tour 2023 https://kakubarhythm.com/live/post/10888
7/12(水) 渋谷 ヴィレッジヴァンガード (18:30/19:00) 諭吉佳作/men『・archive:EIEN19』発売記念イベント https://www.yukichikasakumen.com/news/639/
7/12(水) 八丁堀 七針 (19:00/19:30) Joni Void Japan Tour 2023 Joni Void / 嶺川貴子 / Metoronori http://www.ftftftf.com/
7/12(水) 野方区民ホール (19:00/19:30-21:00) にぼしいわし 第4回単独ライブ「グーチョキパーにおいて」 https://tiget.net/events/248118
7/14(金)-15(土) 赤坂 草月ホール 吉住 第6回単独ライブ「ティーカップを、2つ」 https://www.p-jinriki.com/event/2023/07/006201.php
7/15(土)-17(月/��) 苗場グリーンランド rural 2023 AKIRAM EN / A.S.F. / CELTER / Chee Shimizu / Endurance / FELINE / GiGi FM / Higher Intelligence Agency / KAKUHAN / Nao / OLAibi + Kuniyuki / Piezo / Sandwell District / Solar / Terrence Dixon / Toner / Vladimir Ivkovic / Wata Igarashi https://ruraljp.com/
7/15(土) 下北沢 SHELTER (18:30/19:00) Chinese Football Japan Tour 2023 Chinese Football / DYGL / by the end of summer http://imakinnrecords.blogspot.com/2023/05/cf-japantour2023.html
7/17(月/祝) 東高円寺 U.F.O.CLUB (18:00/18:30) Visible & Invisible... 冬苺 / テニスコーツ / 割礼 https://ufoclub.jp/
7/18(火) 六本木 ビルボード (2公演) Durand Jones http://www.billboard-live.com/pg/shop/show/index.php?mode=detail1&event=14159&shop=1
7/19(水) 恵比寿 LIQUIDROOM (19:00/20:00) 羊文学 https://www.liquidroom.net/schedule/hitsujibungaku_20230719-2
7/20(木) 桜木町 神奈川県立音楽堂 (18:00/18:45) Bridget St. John × 青葉市子 http://haremame.com/schedule/75011/
7/21(金)-22(土) 銀座 博品館劇場 トム・ブラウン 全国六大都市ツアー2023「がちょん十二郎」 https://www.kdashstage.jp/topic/archives/1500
7/22(土)-23(日) 三鷹 SCOOL 吉川英理子のFiling Fever [7/22] 工藤冬里 / ジョンのサン [7/23] ASUNA / 葉っぱの裏側シスターズ https://scool.jp/event/20230721/
7/22(土) 高円寺 大和町八幡神社 (16:00-20:00) 大盆踊り会 https://daibon.jp/
7/22(土) 渋谷 duo (17:00/18:00) Sparks https://www.creativeman.co.jp/event/sparks/
7/22(土) 表参道 WALL&WALL (17:30/18:30) 冥丁 x 浮と港 -a part of "怪談" Tour- https://wallwall.zaiko.io/item/356765
7/23(日) 新代田 FEVER (18:30/19:00) Chinese Football Japan Tour 2023 Chinese Football / ミツメ http://imakinnrecords.blogspot.com/2023/05/cf-japantour2023.html
7/24(月) 新代田 FEVER (18:30/19:00) Chinese Football Japan Tour 2023 Chinese Football / tricot / KOTORI http://imakinnrecords.blogspot.com/2023/05/cf-japantour2023.html
7/25(火) LINE CUBE SHIBUYA (18:00/19:00) Sparks https://www.creativeman.co.jp/event/sparks/
7/25(火) 渋谷 WWW (18:15/19:00) Fiesta 五味岳久 (LOSTAGE) / Gotch / SADFRANK http://www.atfield.net/news/21284/
7/28(金)-30(日) 苗場スキー場 FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '23 [7/28] Ålborg / Alexander 23 / The Budos Band / Cory Henry / Daniel Caesar / Denzel Curry / eastern youth / EY∃ × COSMIC LAB / FEVER 333 / IDLES / NxWorries (Anderson Paak & Knxwledge) / Overmono / Ryoji Ikeda / The Strokes / STUTS / Sudan Archives / Vegyn / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Yo La Tengo / Yung Singh / Yves Tumor / 思い出野郎Aチーム / 君島大空 合奏形態 / 坂本慎太郎 / 矢沢永吉 [7/29] Alanis Morissette / ASA-CHANG & 巡礼 / BENEE / Caroline Polachek / Chilli Beans. / Cory Wong / d4vd / Dermot Kennedy / ELLEGARDEN / Foo Fighters / GEZAN with Million Wish Collective / GoGo Penguin / Itaca Band / Jatayu / Louis Cole Big Band / mei ehara / Romy / Slowdive / The Toys / TSHA / UA / Vaundy / Weyes Blood / オレンジスパイニクラブ / 君島大空 (独奏) / 長谷川白紙 / 羊文学 / 浮と港 / 優河 with 魔法バンド [7/30] 100 gecs / Ásgeir / Balming Tiger / black midi / The Black Madonna / Eddie Chacon / FKJ / G. Love & Donavon Frankenreiter / Ginger Root / Gryffin / Homecomings / John Carroll Kirby / Lewis Capaldi / Lizzo / Neal Francis / never young beach / NIKO NIKO TAN TAN / OKI DUB AINU BAND / SIRUP / Weezer / Yard Act / YUKI / Yung Bae / カネコアヤノ / きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ / 北村蕗 / 原田郁子 / 民謡クルセイダーズ https://www.fujirockfestival.com/
7/29(土) 八丁堀 七針 (18:00/18:30) Imaad Wasif / ASUNA https://ftftftf.com/
7/29(土) 表参道 VENT (23:00-) Janus Rasmussen https://t.livepocket.jp/e/vent_20230729 中止
[↑ 7月]
8/1(火) 恵比寿 ガーデンホール (18:00/19:00) Loyle Carner https://www.livenation.co.jp/show/1419631/loyle-carner/tokyo/2023-08-01/ja
8/1(火) 渋谷 HOME (19:00/19:30) Zoon Japan Tour https://www.toos.co.jp/home/h_schedule23_08.html
8/2(水)-6(日) 新宿三井ビルディング 55HIROBA 第45回 芸能山城組ケチャまつり https://www.yamashirogumi.jp/cakfestival/
8/2(水) 台場 Zepp DiverCity (18:00/19:00) Weezer https://smash-jpn.com/live/?id=3948
8/4(金) 西荻窪 FLAT (18:30/19:00) Zoon Japan Tour in Tokyo Zoon / herveil / Seasunsalt / Pado https://www.flat.rinky.info/blank/wood-of-heart-presents-zoon-from-canada-hamilton-japan-tour-in-tokyo
8/4(金) 渋谷 CIRCUS (23:00-) James Lavelle Japan Tour featuring DJ KRUSH http://circus-tokyo.jp/event/james-lavelle/
8/5(土) 原宿 BIG LOVE RECORDS (18:00-) SOAK Special Instore Event https://www.instagram.com/p/CumaJCdof72/
8/5(土) 吉祥寺 キチム (18:00/18:30) soleil 優河 / 浮 https://page.kichimu.la/soleil/
8/5(土) 八丁堀 七針 (19:00/19:30) 池間由布子 / mmm http://www.ftftftf.com/
8/6(日) 渋谷 WWW (17:30/18:30) ゆうらん船 定期演奏会 "Summer Shade" ゆうらん船 / mei ehara https://www-shibuya.jp/schedule/016463.php
8/7(月) 青山 月見ル��想フ (18:30/19:00) 美麗島 Underground 落差草原 WWWW / Mong Tong / 百合花 Lilium https://bit.ly/3CTJSsA
8/8(火) 渋谷 WWW X (18:00/19:00) Bruno Major https://www.livenation.co.jp/show/1420671/bruno-major/tokyo/2023-08-08/ja
8/11(金/祝) 日比谷野外大音楽堂 (17:00/18:00) ハンバート家の夏祭りと秋祭り https://humberthumbert.net/2023/04/11/1732/
8/12(土) 新代田 FEVER (17:00/17:30) SAGOSAID "Tough Love Therapy" RELEASE TOUR SAGOSAID / Cruyff / kurayamisaka https://www.fever-popo.com/schedule/2023/08/12/
8/13(日) J:COMホール八王子 (2公演) LIVE A LIVE A LIVE in HACHIOJI 2023 https://www.jp.square-enix.com/music/sem/page/lalconcert/
8/15(火) 渋谷 WWW (18:30/19:30) 遠雷 vol.2 マヒトゥ・ザ・ピーポー / 角銅真実 https://www-shibuya.jp/schedule/016575.php
8/16(水) 新宿 ACB HALL (18:30/19:00) Fiddlehead Live In Japan 2023 http://www.icegrillsnerds.com/?pid=174819322
8/17(木) 渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO (18:00/19:00) NEW VIEW スカート / Homecomings / Ålborg https://www.club-quattro.com/shibuya/schedule/detail.php?id=14748
8/17(木) 豊洲 PIT (18:00/19:00) Jacob Collier https://www.creativeman.co.jp/event/jacob-collier-ssextra/
8/17(木) 座・高円寺2 (18:30/19:00-21:00) ケンドーコバヤシ主催「地獄寄席 LEVEL II」 https://yoshimoto.funity.jp/search/?kgid=110704
8/18(金) 代官山 SPACE ODD (18:00/19:00) The Lounge Society https://www.creativeman.co.jp/event/the-lounge-society-ssextra/
8/18(金) 幕張メッセ (19:00/20:30) SONICMANIA Ali Shaheed Muhammad / Autechre / Camilo / Flying Lotus / Grimes / iri / James Blake / Licaxxx / Mura Masa / Perfume / PUNPEE / Shygirl / slowthai / The Stickmen Project / Thundercat / ずっと真夜中でいいのに。 / どんぐりず / 電気グルーヴ https://summersonic.com/sonicmania/
8/19(土)-20(日) 幕張 SUMMER SONIC 2023 [8/19] Ali Shaheed Muhammad / blur / Camilo / Cosmos People / Fall Out Boy / Gabriels / Holly Humberstone / HONNE / Jacob Collier / jxdn / The Lounge Society / NewJeans / Niall Horan / Pale Waves / Shygirl / slowthai / Sunset Rollercoaster / Thundercat / Two Door Cinema Club / Wet Leg / ペトロールズ / 張惠妹 [8/20] Awich / Cimafunk / Evanescence / FLO / Inhaler / Kendrick Lamar / The Kid LAROI / Kids Return / Lauv / Liam Gallagher / Maisie Peters / Nova Twins / Original Love / The Snuts / SOL / WILLOW https://www.summersonic.com/
8/19(土) 西荻窪 Pit Bar Lucid Lynx https://twitter.com/Goblin06825990/status/1647140640109780992
8/20(日) よみう��大手町ホール (15:30/16:00) 金属バットvs東京ダイナマイト ワンマッチ興行 https://live.yoshimoto.co.jp/live/live-4972/ 延期
8/20(日) 町田 簗田寺 (15:30/16:30-20:00) なつでら 2023 浮と港 / 馬喰町バンド https://sweetdreamspress.com/buoy/shows_20230820/
8/20(日) 渋谷 WWW X (17:00/18:00) つCOOL JAPAN おとぼけビ〜バ〜 / でんぱ組.inc / ヨネダ2000 https://connect.zaiko.io/item/353501
8/23(水)-27(日) 下北沢 本多劇場 ラバーガール LIVE「インフルエンサー」 https://www.p-jinriki.com/news/2023/05/006212.php
8/25(金)-27(日) 豊田大橋下 千石公園 橋の下大盆踊り https://2023.soulbeatasia.com/
8/26(土)-27(日) 酒々井 飯沼本家 (16:00-22:00) きのえね夜市 [8/26] おとぎ話 / カジヒデキ / グソクムズ [8/27] 野宮真貴 / バンバンバザール / 宮内優里 https://passmarket.yahoo.co.jp/event/show/detail/02q7z605x1431.html
8/26(土) 神保町 試聴室 (18:00/18:30) むき出しの愛 黒岡まさひろfulnga / 麓健一 http://shicho.org/2023/08/1_2308226/
8/26(土) 渋谷 WWW X (18:00/19:00) adieu coucou -夏のつどい- https://www.sonymusic.co.jp/artist/adieu/info/553722
8/27(日) 渋谷 WWW X (18:00/19:00) goat 10 year anniversary 東京公演 https://www-shibuya.jp/schedule/016578.php
8/28(月) 渋谷 WWW X (18:15/19:00) SOUL BEAT ASIA in 東京 LEENALCHI / 折坂悠太 / 中西レモン&すずめのティアーズ https://www-shibuya.jp/schedule/016659.php
[↑ 7月 | ↑ 8月]
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birdandreflections · 3 years ago
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椅子樂團 The Chairs - 巴黎德州 Paris, Texas (Official Music Video)
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asianamericano · 3 years ago
MUSIC ROUNDUP: 5 Taiwanese Indie Groups
MUSIC ROUNDUP: 5 Taiwanese Indie Groups
Taiwan has a thriving indie music industry, I love indie music, it’s basically a match made in heaven! The only downside is that my list of Taiwanese topics to cover has quickly been filling up with musical groups—so, here’s a quick roundup of some Taiwanese indie groups you may or may not know that have become my playlist staples: 1. Easyweeds (溫室雜草): Hailing from Taichung, Easyweeds is fairly…
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banachen · 4 years ago
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Taiwan Beats at SXSW Online 2021 ⠀ - 演出名單 Lineup|鄭宜農 Enno Cheng、滅火器 Fire EX.、椅子樂團 The Chairs、妮可醬 主辦單位 Official Organizer|文化部影視及流行音樂產業局 Bureau Of Audiovisual And Music Industry Development,MOC. 承辦單位 Executive Organizer|Young Team Productions 協辦單位 Cooperation|火氣音樂 FIRE ON MUSIC⠀⠀ 監製 Executive Producer|好秀有限公司 Good Show Lab 影像製作 Video Production|順天堂影像製作工作室 Soft Paradise Studio 導演 Director|順 Shaun Liu、陳容寬 Chen Jung Kuan、林悅恩 Wayne Lin 攝影師 Cameraman|郭彥澤 Kuo Yen Ze、陳貞文 Chen Chen Wen、高興萱 Kao Hsing Hsuan、順 Shaun Liu、莊竣瑋 Chun Wei Chuang 製片 Line Producer|古朝瀚 Harry Goo 燈光師 Gaffer|吳儼育 Yen Wu 燈光助理 Lighting Technician |陳龍達 Lung da Chen、沈源 Yuan Shen、楊鈺銘 Yu Ming Yang、田俊榮 Jun Rong Tian 剪接師 Editor|白欣田 Cordelia Pai、朱威 Wei Chu 調光師 Colorist|李子璇 Chih Xuan Lee、魚魚 Fish Fish 製片助理 Producer To Assistant|宋佾庭 Yi Ting Sung、賴俊亘 Jyun Lai 平面側拍 Still Photographer|陳奕筑 Bana Chen 妝髮 Make Up|顏維音 Echo Yen、湯淑琳 Wawa Tang、王禎旎 Aura Wang、丁詩穎 Ting Shih yin、鄭飛鴻 Cheng Fei-Hung、吳岱蓉 Wu Tai-Jung 音樂總監 Music Director|盧律銘 Lu Luming 音響工程 Audio Engineer|角局音響 TCM Sound 現場錄音師 Recording Engineer|黃勝偉 Kane Huang 混音工作室 Mixing Studio|112F Recording Studio 混音師 Mixing Engineer|錢煒安 Zen Chien 媒體企劃 Media Organizer|子 皿 In Utero  國際策略顧問 International Strategy Consultant|嚴敏 Mia Min Yen 主視覺設計 Key Visual Design|宋政傑 Cheng Chieh Sung⠀ 特別感謝 Special Thanks|露境東岳 Camping East Site、艋舺青山宮 Bangka Qingshan Temple、至善釣蝦場 Zhishan Shrimp Fishing
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gangjue · 6 years ago
僅存廣東Barber 二代主理人︰一家人去做好阿爸留下來的小生意
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愛群理髮新店有一張簇新的理髮椅Takara Belmont,原產地日本,深棕色皮革,鑽石針織,360度轉動,正對著鏡子時剪髮,理髮椅一轉,可以躺臥著洗頭。訪問開始前,我們想略為調整椅子的角度,請求劉太協助。她立即耍手擰頭。不單椅子,愛群理髮的一切,均是Mark精挑細選,莫說陌生人,即使親如劉太,也不敢輕舉妄動。這裡是Mark的專屬料理枱,處處顯露他對細節的執著。
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趟開大門,鵝黃燈光、微微的薰香氣味,播放著蘇絲黃年代的老歌。地面鋪滿紅白馬賽克,沒一絲頭髮。進門,右側兩張1952年日本Takara制的紅皮理髮椅,垂掛著黯黃色的皮帶,枱面簡潔,擺放的用品只兩三件。左方寬敞大方,白瓷洗髮盤、獨立的大鏡、理髮護髮用品、刀具,分門別類,以及那張Takara Belmont專為理髮店設計的Barber Chair。
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視頻│ Gabriel          Howard, Jamie, Jan, Nicole, William
撰文│ Simon
攝影│ Nicole, Sean
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iwritediarywiththumblrr · 2 years ago
椅子樂團 - 我們的地方
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littlebirdstoomach · 6 years ago
我們的世代 把厭世當一種習慣
椅子樂團 The Chairs/Rollin' On
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freqsho · 4 years ago
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We're virtually there. On March 16, SXSW kicks off an online version of the time-honored live music festival, featuring artists from all over the globe streaming special performances from their countries of origin. Although limited in scope compared to pre-pandemic times, there is no shortage of outstanding showcasing artists preparing to rock/groove/move you from afar this year. Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard and The Mysterines (U.K.), Jaguar Jonze and Indigo Sparke (Australia), JAMBINAI 잠비나이 and 드링킹소년소녀합창단 - DrinkingBoys&GirlsChoir (South Korea), Iceage and School of X (Denmark), Kinky and Ruido Rosa (Mexico), millennium parade and Haru Nemuri - 春ねむり (Japan), TEKE TEKE and Holy F (Canada), 滅火器 Fire EX. and 椅子樂團 The Chairs  (Taiwan), and Jade Jackson, Nino Man, Kevin Galloway, A Place To Bury Strangers, and Blushing (various United States), are just a few of the acts we’re particularly psyched to beam to our devices during the event. While we may need to wait another year before our favorite festival returns to the full-fledged, live-music madness for which it's known, this music video playlist of the entire 2021 lineup has got us fired-up for our annual foray into the future of music.
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djmykaltaipei · 5 years ago
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🔥🔥「金音十年系列活動:亞洲音樂大賞」參戰決定🔥🔥  很榮幸與落差草原 WWWW / Prairie WWWW、椅子樂團 The Chairs、 美秀集團、 The Roadside Inn這四組本屆金音獎入圍樂團一起在第六波卡司公布⚡️⚡️⚡️  ���家到時候見🤘🤘🤘  #金音10 #自由就是 #GIMA10 #AsiaRollingMusicFestival #落差草原 #椅子樂團 #TheChairs #美秀集團 #TheRoadsideInn #mykal #djmykal #林哲儀  https://www.instagram.com/p/B3vxOz2n5jV/?igshid=17g3lqji4t0sz
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hong-hui-lin-shenmu-blog · 7 years ago
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自我介紹 名字:清閨秀 出生日期:西元2004年9月28日 身高:166cm(5'4)(高中是183cm(6'0)) 血型:O型 胸圍:E罩杯(高中是H罩杯) 種族:植物人 家鄉:臺灣高雄市(但出生地是善金星球的穿越時空(國家)) 學歷:她現在是國中(會讀到博士) 職業:國中學生(現在) 個性:大膽、古怪、樂觀、開朗、文靜 專長:做動畫和影片、影像處理、畫畫、家政事務、觀察、攝影 喜好:愛、書本、動畫、大世界、色情的事物(目前是處女)、古怪的東西、宇宙......等等 討厭:人群、說話、虛偽 魔法能力:外表沒有眼睛,但有透視的能力、眼睛可以放大到看到細胞、會適應黑暗 愛人:這是未來的事,天機不可洩漏 家人:喜優優(媽媽)、清閨才(爸爸) 朋友:不多,雨桂花、雨天、洪蕙琳神木、一些外國人 敵人:很多,天機不可洩漏 Self introduction Name: Qing Gui Xiu Date of birth: September 28, 2004 Height: 166cm (5'4) (183cm in high school (6'0)) Blood type: O type Bust: E cup (high school is H cup) Race: Vegetative Hometown: Kaohsiung City, Taiwan (but birthplace is good gold Venus through time and space (country)) Education: She is now a middle school (will read Ph.D.) Occupation: Middle school students (now) Personality: bold, eccentric, optimistic, cheerful, quiet Expertise: Do animation and video, image processing, painting, housekeeping, observation, photography Likes: love, books, animations, big world, pornography (virginity now), weird stuff, universe ... etc Hate: Crowd, talking, hypocrisy Magic ability: the appearance of no eyes, but the ability to see, the eyes can zoom in to see the cells, will adapt to the dark Lover: This is the future of things, the secret can not be leaked Family: Hi You You (mom), Qing Gui Only (father) Friends: not much, Rain Osmanthus, rainy day, Hong Hui Lin Shenmu, some foreigners Enemy: a lot, secret can not be leaked 家族背景: 盲人植物在1965年發明的,其實清閨秀的祖先是洪蕙琳神木製造的,洪蕙琳神木為什麼要製造外表沒有眼睛的植物人,第一個理由是敵人對盲人的印象是很弱的,盲人植物是吸引敵人的,接下來,雨天會丟炸彈,把敵人殺死,第二個理由是沒有眼睛的動物生存能力高,可以在黑暗裡長大,可是���爭結束後,他們過了一般的生活,還修改善金星球的穿越時空的課本,其實洪蕙琳神木製造的盲人植物的眼睛是在裡面的,他們有透視的能力,盲人植物什麼都吃,連口水、蟑螂都吃,盲人植物的精神不錯,是屬於是可以出去的5級身心障礙植物 The blind plant was invented in 1965. Actually, the ancestors of Qing Gui Xiu were made by Hong Hui Lin Shenmu. Why should Hong Hui Lin Shenmu create a vegetative plant with no eyes? The first reason is that the enemy's impression of the blind is very weak, and the blind plant is to attract enemies. The next reason is that a rainy day will throw bombs and kill the enemy. The second reason is that animals without eyes have a high viability and can grow up in the dark, but after the war, they live a normal life and they also make improvements. The planet's time and space through the textbooks, in fact, the eyes of the blind plant made by Hong Hui Lin Shenmu are inside. They have the ability to see through. The blind plants eat everything. Even the saliva and quails eat. The spirit of the blind plant is good. A five-level plant for mental and physical disabilities 家庭背景: 清閨秀的父母都是盲人植物,她的爸爸是醫生,她的媽媽是出版社老闆,清閨秀的父母名字很特別,當然他們有特別的想法,把清閨秀放進地球,來學習地球的文化,是雨桂花的鄰居,清閨秀一出生就沒有眼睛,她從小大家知道她很特別,她沒有眼睛,熱愛攝影和動畫,地球的醫療像善金星球沒有發達,清閨秀能騙過地球的醫生,她假裝說看不到,她是表面的極重度視覺障礙,國小一半前她也經常被霸凌,清閨秀非常的樂觀,還是大笑的,雨桂花很佩服她很有自信,總是幫助雨桂花,但是清閨秀隨著國小的教育,越知道很多,她很聰明如何對付正常的同學,知道日記是什麼,她故意說他們的秘密,她說如果霸凌我,我就把你們的秘密繼續散播出去,一開始有用,後來沒有效果,國中,她想出一個方法,利用攝影機拍他們的裸照,說如果霸凌我,我就把你們的裸照繼續散播到網路,後來清閨秀很愛做整人道具,改造他們的父母車、丟飲料、把他們的椅子、調��......等等,她變成霸凌者,大家很怕她,現在雨桂花已經沒有被霸凌了,開始對雨桂花好一點 Qing Gui Xiu’s parents are all blind plants. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a publishing house owner. The names of Qing Gui Xiu’s parents are very special. Of course, they have special ideas. Put Qing Gui Xiu into the earth to learn about the culture of the earth. , is the neighbor of Rain Osmanthus fragrans, Qing Gui Xiu had no eyes when she was born. She knew that she was very special since she was young. She has no eyes and loves photography and animation. The earth’s medical care is not developed like the Golden Star, and Qing Gui Xiu can fool the doctors of Earth. She pretended not to see it. She was a superficial visual disorder on the surface. She was often bullied before half of the country. Qing Gui Xiu was very optimistic and she laughed. Yu Guihua admired her very confident. Helping the Rain Osmanthus, but Qing Gui Xiu knew more with the education of the elementary school. She was smarter how to deal with the normal classmates. She knew what the diary was. She deliberately said their secrets. She said that if I were to bully me, I would put you The secrets continue to spread out. They were useful at first. Later they did not work. In the middle of the country, she came up with a way to use a camera to shoot their nude photos, saying that if I were to bully me, I After spreading your nude photos to the Internet, Qing Gui Xiu later loved to make whole props, remodel their parents' cars, throw drinks, put their chairs, teach... and so on. She became a bully, Everyone was very afraid of her. Now Rain Osmanthus has not been overbearing, and it started to be better for Rain Osmanthus. 人物介紹: 清閨秀外表是文靜的盲人,她透視的能力很好,有時候會看到人的裸體,所以她裡面想是充滿18+的東西,經常講黃色笑話、看色情的事物,她認為接觸色情對人的心無害的,色情就是大自然,沒有色情就沒有我們,理由雖然很正確,但是有人認為她是變態盲人,只有雨桂花認同她的想法,清閨秀很喜歡看動畫,最喜歡的動畫是海綿寶寶、辛普森家庭、勞德之家、我們裸熊,她的夢想是當動畫師,她做了很多的動畫,清閨秀其實沒有被霸凌,她很重情重義,她從小看到雨桂花被霸凌,覺得太過分,一直想方法雨桂花不要被霸凌,最後成功了,跟雨桂花是電子書合作對象,還創立RQEOOK粉絲團,人氣好低,清閨秀發現臺灣不重視電子書,她會請一些外國人,來看他們的電子書 Qing Gui Xiu's appearance is a quiet blind person. Her ability to see through is very good. Sometimes she sees people's nakedness. So she wants to be full of 18+ things. She always tells yellow jokes and pornographic things. She thinks that she is exposed to pornography. People's hearts are harmless, pornography is nature, there is no porn without us. The reason is correct, but some people think she is a perverted blind person. Only Rain Osmanthus agrees with her idea. Qing Gui Xiu likes watching animations. The most favorite animation is Spongebob, The Simpsons, The Loud House, We Bare Bears, her dream is to be an animator. She has done a lot of animations. Qing Gui Xiu has actually not been overbearing. She is very affectionate. She has seen Rain Osmanthus since childhood. Being overbearing, I feel too much, I always wanted to Rain Osmanthus not to be bullied, and finally succeeded, Rain Osmanthus is the subject of e-book cooperation with the rain, but also founded the RQEOOK fan group, popularity is good, low, Qing Gui Xiu found that Taiwan does not attach importance to e-books, She will ask some foreigners to visit their ebooks 注意:雨桂花是用Adobe InDesign做電子書,清閨秀是用Adobe Flash做動畫 Note: Rain Osmanthus is done using Adobe InDesign e-books, Qing Gui xiu is Adobe Flash animation 特別注意:我的英文很爛,有些英文是錯的,可能會修改 Special Note: My English is poor, some English is wrong, may be modified 特別注意:只有中文,沒有英文,表示內容有一半不完整 Special Note: Only Chinese, no English, indicating that half of the content is incomplete
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lucioyslyon0101 · 8 years ago
排隊免移動屁股 日產自動列隊椅供體驗
據日本網站Engadget報導,日本東京羽田機場的咖哩烏龍麵店「Cuud」將可以體驗到日產最新的自動列隊椅「ProPLIOT CHAIR」。日產一年前就已公開自動移動座椅的椅片,這張椅子是日產自動車的自動駕駛技術中兩項技術的應用,分別為與前車保持行車距離的技術及維持車道中央方向盤的操作技術。去年二月公開影片時就造成過非常大的迴響。ProPLIOT CHAIR在去年底公開徵求能活用此技術的店家,在眾多的募集者中最後決定本周23日在日本東京羽田機場的咖哩烏龍麵店「Cuud」提供體驗活動。當天日本時間上午11點~下午2點間前往的顧客都可以體驗到這項技術應用的高科技椅。未來這項技術除了應用在自動駕駛及排隊列隊上,還期待能應用在輪椅或是照護用途來使用。(莊哲瑋/綜合報導) 快來「失焦der小確幸」社團分享有趣照片吧!副刊中心粉絲團:吃喝玩樂蘋果花  
from 排隊免移動屁股 日產自動列隊椅供體驗
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iwritediarywiththumblrr · 3 years ago
椅子樂團 - 巴黎德州
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fyeahcindie · 1 year ago
Tragic tale (XD) from 椅子樂團 The Chairs, this is a fun tune, very catchy! Lyrics on screen from Zoo Chronicle 動樂記 YT channel. (also back at YT)
This song is on their 2023 album, The Great Escape Of Our Time, and it might be an autobiographical tale about the singer, 裘詠靖 Jing Chiu? A few of the verses mention bad things happening to 'Jing'.
Links:  StreetVoice,  YouTube,  Instagram,  Spotify
裘詠靖 Jing Chiu-voc/gtr, 孫伯元 Benson Sun-bass/gtr, 陳仲穎 Zhong-Ying Chen-voc/gtr. Eazie Huang 黃榮毅 is their producer, supports on keys sometimes. Dee Chen (fr.百合花 Lilium) is their live drummer, but I'm not sure if she's playing on the recording.
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fyeahcindie · 2 years ago
Great wrap-up of the Taiwan Beats showcase at sxsw 2023!   =D
TaiwanBeatsShowcase site in English & TW: http://taiwanbeatsshowcase.com/
A bit of the 大象體操 Elephant Gym set:
And two nights later at Cheer Up Charlies, this was part of the Topshelf Records Showcase:
Sleeper Radio YT has 4 more from this set.
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