ka2mu7 · 1 month
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all good flowers寄ってその流れで21_21へ。
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SD FDの授業前に見たかった!知らなかった!
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winterlyblac · 4 months
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kennak · 3 months
[B! 教育] 「国立大学協会声明 -我が国の輝ける未来のためにー 」の発表について | 国立大学協会
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danzoku · 7 months
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radshoedeanherring · 2 years
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#みんなの学校 #学校の未来を考える会 #関西 #上映会 #ライブ配信 #WehelptheworldHeal 🌎 (#地球を癒す) #自然 #五感 #地球からのおくりもの #宇宙からのおくりもの  #出逢えてよかった #生まれてよかった #わたしは命 #これからもこの地球が美しくあり続けますように🌷🌏✨ #夢を叶える星よみアロマ #植物系ミネラル #食育 #農業 #自然農 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnatExxS7hf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sai313 · 2 years
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お越しいただきありがとうございました✨ #奥駿河を拡めたい #ぼけぼー I want you to get to know Oku-Suruga, Japan. #奥駿河 #okusuruga #okusurugaboard #奥駿河ボード #omusubi130 #写真から始まる地域ブランディング #写真好きの目線 #自分達の欲しい暮らしをつくる #未来の作り方 #おもしろいをつくる #地域創生 #関係人口 #地域活性化 #japan #shizuoka #izu #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #しずおかカメラ部 #BestShizuokaPics #東京カメラ部 #shizuokaprefecture #art_of_japan #numa_1 #fujifilm (omusubi) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClUW-jBS07w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moznohayanie · 3 months
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chikuri · 5 months
「民主党政権のどこがどう悪夢だったのかきちんとした説明を聞いたことがない」という主張は定期的に出現しますね。とはいえさすがに「聞いたことがない」なんてはずはないので、おそらく「自分の気に入る説明ではない」という意味か、「バカに分かるように説明したところで、そもそもバカは聞いてない」パターンのいずれかとは思いますが。 悪夢のような時代を生き抜いてきた者として私が言えるのは、「とにかく、あのような惨劇は二度と繰り返してはならない」ということだけです。あの時代がいかに酷いものであったか、ご存知ない方もぜひこの機会に知って頂きたいので、支持者から叩かれること覚悟で全力で反論していきますね。 個人的に、「悪夢の民主党政権」における大きな問題点は次の3点と考えています。 (1)国家運営能力の欠如により、内政上の失敗を数多く引き起こし、国益を損ない続けた。 (2)拙劣な外交を繰り返し、日米関係をはじめ、周辺諸国からの信頼を大きく毀損した。 (3)総理・閣僚をはじめとする所属議員の度重なる不祥事や、自分たちに都合が悪い情報を隠蔽する体質によって、国民の政治に対する信頼を失い続けた。 では、それぞれどんなことがあったか振り返っていきましょう。はらわたが煮えくり返る覚悟で読み進めてください。 (1)国家運営能力の欠如 ・財源の見込みが甘く、政権交代の際に掲げたマニフェストはほぼ未達成。 ・官僚を敵視して排除し、国家業務の停滞と質低下を招いた。 ・金融政策と財政政策が食い違い、タイミングの悪い増税も重なり、景気や株価は低迷を続けた。 ・歴史的水準まで進んだ円高を放置し、デフレを加速させた。 ・法的根拠がないばかりでなく、仕分人の選定や対象事業選定にも透明性を欠いた「事業仕分け」をデフレ時におこない、必要な公共投資を削減。経済を悪化させたにも関わらず、結果に責任を負わなかった。 ・「コンクリートから人へ」という誤った政策により、災害対策を疎かにしたうえ、地域社会を破壊した。 ・「朝鮮王室儀軌引渡」「尖閣事件の船長釈放」「運用3号通知」「国家公務員採用大幅減」など、閣僚たちが思い付きレベルの意思決定を独断でおこない、結果的に我が国の将来に禍根を残した。 ・法的根拠のない組織を乱立させ、意思決定過程が曖昧になり、指揮命令系統も混乱。 ・法的根拠のない大臣や副大臣を任命したり、個人的な友人を参与に、党職員を内閣官房職員に任命するなど、ルールを無視、公私の別がつかない人事を実施。 ・原発停止、ダム建設中止など、法令根拠や事前協議が必要な決定を手続無視で断行。 (2)外交能力の欠如 ・普天間基地問題が迷走し、沖縄とアメリカの信頼を大きく損なった。 ・来日したオバマ大統領を日本に残したまま、鳩山総理がAPEC首脳会議に出席するためにシンガポールに向かうという非礼行為。 ・尖閣沖漁船衝突事件では、中国側の脅迫や報復に屈して船長を早々に釈放、不起訴に。その後の尖閣諸島国有化でも迷走。 ・領空侵犯が頻発するも、実効的な対策をとらず。 ・韓国に対しては、通貨スワップ協定締結、朝鮮王室儀軌引渡し、慰安婦問題での「知恵を絞っていきたい」発言など、不用意な譲歩を重ねた。 ・韓国の歴代大統領として初めて、竹島へ李明博大統領が上陸。 ・旧ソ連時代を含めて初めて、北方領土へロシア国家元首が上陸。 ・実現に向けた方策が何ら決まっていない状態で、国連気候変動サミットにおいて「CO2の25%削減」を突如国際公約化。 ・実現の見込みも全くないまま、G8の場で、「太陽光パネルを1000万戸に設置する」と突如国際公約をおこなった。 (3)閣僚・所属議員の度重なる不祥事と情報隠蔽体質 ・鳩山総理⇒偽装献金問題、脱税問題、引退撤回、「最低でも県外」「Trust me」「国民の皆様が聞く耳を持たなくなった」 ・菅(直人)総理⇒外国人献金問題、北朝鮮関係団体献金問題、「顔が見たくなければ法案を通せ」 ・野田総理⇒在日韓国人献金問題、脱税企業献金問題、民団選挙協力お礼発言、「大きな音だね」 ・小沢元代表⇒政治資金規正法違反容疑で強制起訴(無罪判決)、献金虚偽記載で公設秘書が逮捕(有罪判決) ・仙谷官房長官⇒尖閣漁船衝突事件、「自衛隊は暴力装置」 ・赤松農水大臣⇒口蹄疫問題、「だから早く殺せって言ってるのに」 ・松本復興担当大臣⇒「知恵を出さないやつは助けない」「書いたらその社は終わりだから」 ・長妻厚労大臣⇒運用3号独断決定、職務停滞 ・蓮舫行政刷新担当大臣⇒事務所費架空計上問題、国会内ファッション雑誌撮影、「2位じゃダメなんでしょうか?」 ・前原外務大臣⇒外国人から政治献金受領 ・川端文科大臣⇒事務所費架空計上問題、キャバクラ費用を政治資金で計上 ・鹿野農水大臣⇒対中不正輸出疑惑、機密漏洩疑惑 ・鉢呂経産大臣⇒「死の街」「放射能をうつす」 ・一川防衛大臣⇒「安全保障に関しては素人」 ・柳田法務大臣⇒「答弁は二つだけ覚えておけばいい」 ・山岡消費者担当大臣⇒マルチ商法業者からの献金問題 ・中井国家公安委員長⇒議員宿舎にホステス連れ込み&カードキー貸与、式典で秋篠宮ご夫妻に「早く座れよ」とヤジ ・小林議員⇒違法献金問題で選対委員長が逮捕、選対幹部が公職選挙法違反で有罪 ・土肥議員⇒竹島領有権放棄を日本側に求める「日韓共同宣言」に署名 ・横峯議員⇒賭けゴルフ、女性暴行、恐喝事件への関与 ・緒方議員⇒「スーパー堤防はスーパー無駄遣い」 ・原発事故対応(SPEEDI、米実測値の非公表、議事録不作成など)、尖閣ビデオ、北朝鮮ミサイル発射への対応、温暖化対策の家計負担、年金改革の財政試算 など、自分たちに都合が悪い情報は隠蔽し、政府への深刻な不信感を招いた。 ・総理-閣僚間で見解の方向性や意見の不一致が常態化。それらも含め、自民党で同様の事態があれば野党のみならずマスコミも総出で吊し上げられる事態となるが、マスコミも概ね民主党に好意的な報道姿勢。 そんなに民主党時代が良かったなら、下野以降何度でも政権を取り戻すチャンスはあったはず。なのにただ一度もそうなっていないということは、それが民意ということです。私もあんな地獄のような時代は二度と御免です。
新田 龍 / X
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pikahlua · 3 months
MHA Chapter 427 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 No.427 死柄木弔とはなんだったのか 堀越耕平 ナンバー427 しがらきとむらとはなんだったのか ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 427 Shigaraki Tomura to wa nan datta no ka  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 427 What was Tomura Shigaraki? Kouhei Horikoshi
1 会社員(35) かいしゃいん(35) kaishain (35) Office worker (age 35)
2 恐ろしかったです おそろしかったです osoroshikatta desu "He was scary."
3 退治されてホントよかったです! たいじされてホントよかったです! taiji sarete HONTO yokatta desu! "I'm so glad he was exterminated!"
tagline 2 TV特番は語る‼︎ テレビとくばんはかたる‼︎ TEREBI tokuban wa kataru!! A television special narrates!!
4 学生(21) がくせい(21) gakusei (21) Student (age 21)
5 友だちが亡くなりました ともだちがなくなりました tomodachi ga nakunarimashita "My friend passed away."
6 最悪!殺人鬼! さいあく!さつじんき! saiaku! satsujinki! "He's the worst! A damn murderer!"
7 ありえないマジ人生めちゃくちゃなんですけど ありえないマジじんせいめちゃくちゃなんですけど arienai MAJI jinsei mechakucha nandesu kedo "Life has become an impossible mess."
8 家壊されてるし いえこわされてるし ie kowasareteru shi "My house is destroyed."
9 主婦(70) しゅふ(70) shufu (70) Housewife (age 70)
10 止められなかったのかなって…ねえ…… とめられなかったのかなって…ねえ…… tomerarenakatta no ka natte...nee...... "I guess he couldn't stop...you know......"
11 思いますねえ おもいますねえ omoimasu nee "That's what I think."
12 飲食店経営 いんしょくていけいえい(30) inshokutei keiei (30) Restaurant manager (age 30)
13 始めはただのチンピラだと誰もが思っていました はじめはただのチンピラだとだれもがおもっていました hajime wa tada no CHINPIRA da to daremo ga omotte imashita "At first everyone thought he was just a hooligan."
14 誰もここまでの脅威とは思ってなかった だれもここまでのきょういとはおもってなかった daremo koko made no kyoui to wa omottenakatta "No one thought he could be this much of a threat."
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1 国際支援とボランティアにより急速に進んでいる復旧作業ーーー こくさいしえんとボランティアによりきゅうそくにすすんでいるふっきゅうさぎょうーーー kokusai shien to BORANTIA ni yori kyuusoku ni susunde iru fukkyuu sagyou--- "Restoration work is progressing rapidly with international support and volunteers---"
2 X(た)しかその一方でX(た)だ復旧の手がX(間)に合っていないXXもーー X(た)しかそのいっぽうでX(た)だふっきゅうのてがX(ま)にあっていないXXもーー X(ta)shika sono ippou de X(ta)da fukkyuu no te ga X(ma) ni atte inai XX mo-- "On the other hand, it is true that some restoration work is not done in time XX--" (Note: A lot of this line is cut off from view, so I made some guesses on the words, but I still can't see the whole thing.)
3 堆く積まれた瓦礫は被害が如何に広範囲に渡ったかを物語っている うずたかくつまれたがれきはひがいがいかにこうはんいにわたったかをものがたっている uzutakaku tsumareta gareki wa higai ga ika ni kouhan'i ni watatta ka wo monogatette iru "The rubble piled high tells the story of how widespread the damage was."
4 多くの人間を巻き込み未曾有のテロを引き起こした敵連合 おおくのにんげんをまきこみみぞうのテロをひきおこしたヴィランれんごう ooku no ningen wo makikomi mizou no TERO wo hikiokoshita VIRAN rengou "The League of Villains, which caused an unprecedented terrorist attack in which many people were caught up--"
5 そのリーダー死柄木弔とは何だったのか特集第二弾をお送りします そのリーダーしがらきとむらとはなんだったのかとくしゅうだいにだんをおおくりします sono RIIDAA Shigaraki Tomura to wa nan datta no ka tokushuu dainidan wo ookuri shimasu "we will send you part 2 of the special freature on their leader: What was Tomura Shigaraki?"
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1 巨躯や鱗の複数"個性"に耐え切れず「脳無」化しかけていましたがーーー きょくやうろこのふくすう"こせい"にたえきれず「のうむ」かしかけていましたがーーー kyoku ya uroko no fukusuu "kosei" ni taekirezu 「noumu」 kashi kakete imashita ga--- "Unable to withstand the multiple quirks of a giant body and scales, he was on the verge of becoming a noumu, but---"
2 我々がかねてより脳無の研究を進めていた事と われわれがかねてよりのうむのけんきゅうをすすめていたことと wareware ga kanete yori noumu no kenkyuu wo susumete ita koto to "we have been conducting research on the noumu for some time, and"
3 脳無化の進行がまだ浅かった事で辛うじて抑えられました のうむかのしんこうがまだあさかったことでかろうじておさえられました noumu-ka no shinkou ga mada asakatta koto de karoujite osaeraremashita "because the progress of his transformation into a noumu was still in its early stages, we barely suppressed it."
4 何しにノコノコ来やがった人殺し なにしにノコノコきやがったひとごろし nani shi ni NOKONOKO kiyagatta hitogoroshi "What did you come here to do all nonchalantly, murderer?"
5 否定はしない ひていはしない hitei wa shinai "I won't deny that."
6 死柄木の最期を伝えに来た しがらきのさいごをつたえにきた Shigaraki no saigo wo tsutae ni kita "I came to tell you about Shigaraki's final moments."
7 …死体撃ちにでも来たのか?てめェ悪趣味だな …したいうちにでもきたのか?てめェあくしゅみだな ...shitai uchi ni demo kita no ka? temeE akushumi da na "...You came here to shoot a corpse*? You have some bad taste, bastard." (*Note: This is a concept of unsportsmanlike conduct in a first-person shooter video game.)
8 スピナーが生きてたら伝えてくれよ スピナーがいきてたらつたえてくれよ SUPINAA ga ikitetara tsutaete kure yo if Spinner is alive, please tell him [this].
9 生きてるから…伝える いきてるから…つたえる ikiteru kara...tsutaeru "Because you're alive...I'll tell you [this]."
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1-2 死柄木弔は最期まで壊す為に戦った しがらきとむらはさいごまでこわすためにたたかった Shigaraki Tomura wa saigo made kowasu tame ni tatakatta “Tomura Shigaraki fought to destroy until the very end.”
3 ……は? ......ha? "......Huh?"
4-5 ……死柄木にそう言えって言われたのか? ……しがらきにそういえっていわれたのか? ......Shigaraki ni sou iette iwareta no ka? "......Shigaraki told you to say that?"
6 スピナーにって SUPINAA ni tte "To Spinner, he said."
7 …俺? …おれ? ...ore? "...Me?"
8 トガや荼毘にも? トガやだびにも? TOGA ya Dabi ni mo? "And also to Toga and Dabi?"
9 コンプレスには? KONPURESU ni wa? "What about to Compress?"
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1 君だけだった きみだけだった kimi dake datta "It was only [for] you."
2 ……死柄木は………… ……しがらきは………… ......Shigaraki wa............ "......Shigaraki............"
3 希望だったんだ… きぼうだったんだ… kibou dattanda... "was [my] hope..."
4 笑って「全部壊そう」と言った! わらって「ぜんぶこわそう」といった! waratte 「zenbu kowasou」 to itta! "He smiled and said 'Let's destroy everything!'"
5 泥花で歪な地平を見せてくれた でいかでいびつなちへいをみせてくれた deika de ibitsu na chihei wo misete kureta "In Deika, he showed me a distorted horizon."
6 あいつは俺の代弁者だったんだ あいつはおれのだいべんしゃだったんだ aitsu wa ore no daibensha dattanda "He was my spokesperson."
7 虐げられても俺自身が しいたげられてもおれじしんが shiitageraretemo ore jishin ga "Even though I was being oppressed, I myself"
8 「異形だしな」って諦めてた… 「いぎょうだしな」ってあきらめてた… 「igyou da shi na」 tte akirameteta... "said 'I'm just a heteromorph' and gave up..."
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1 いや…考えるのをやめてたんだ いや…かんがえるのをやめてたんだ iya...kangaeru no wo yametetanda No...I stopped thinking.
2 考えてXくなる kangaete Xku naru (Note: An important symbol in this line is cut off, but this thought a continuation of his refleciton on how we stopped thinking.)
3 そんな俺に夢を見せてくれた そんなおれにゆめをみせてくれた sonna ore ni yume wo misete kureta "He showed a dream to me when I was like that."
4 Xかでかい事が起きるかもって Xかでかいことがおきるかもって X ga dekai koto ga okiru kamo tte "I thought maybe it would awaken something big." (Note: This line is cut off again, so I've made a guess at the gist of the meaning.)
5 何者かになれるかもって…‼︎ なにものかになれるかもって…‼︎ nanimono ka ni nareru kamo tte...!! "I thought maybe I could become someone...!!"
6 無理しなさんなすぐ抑え…! むりしなさんなすぐおさえ…! muri shinasanna sugu osae...! "Don't overdo it, restrain him right away...!"
7 死柄木弔は俺のヒーローだった! しがらきとむらはおれのヒーローだった! Shigaraki Tomura wa ore no HIIROO datta! "Tomura Shigaraki was my hero!"
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1 破壊が目的の破壊行為なんてのはですね はかいがもくてきのはかいこういなんてのはですね hakai ga mokuteki no hakai koui nante no wa desu ne "The purpose of destruction is vandalism, isn't it?"
2 なんの大義もない考えもないかんしゃくでしかない! なんのたいぎもないかんがえもないかんしゃくでしかない! nan no taigi mo nai kangae mo nai kanshaku de shika nai! "He had no great cause, no ideas--it was nothing but a tantrum!"
3-4 ゲームが……好きだったんだよ… ゲームが……すきだったんだよ… GEEMU ga......suki dattanda yo... "He liked......games..."
5 警察の調査が進み悲惨な過去も明るみになってきたわけですが けいさつのちょうさがすすみひさんなかこもあかるみになってきたわけですが keisatsu no chousa ga susumi hisan na kako mo akarumi ni natte kita wake desu ga "As the police investigation progresses, his tragic past is coming to light."
6 原因追明は重要ですがセンチメンタルに取り沙汰せば げんいんついめいはじゅうようですがセンチメンタルにとりざたせば gen'in tsuimei wa juuyou desu ga SENCHIMENTARU ni torizataseba "It's important to identify the cause, but if we get carried away sentimentally,"
7 感化された人間がまた現れる繰り返しますよ かんかされたにんげんがまたあらわれるくりかえしますよ kanka sareta ningen ga mata arawareru kurikaeshimasu yo "people inspired [by him] will apear again and [things will] repeat."
8 引きこもってる間ずっと俺ゲームばっかやってて ひきこもってるあいだずっとおれゲームばっかやってて hikikomotteru aida zutto ore GEEMU bakka yattete "The whole time I was shut in*, I was just playing games" (*Note: By "shut in," Spinner is referring to his time as a hikikomori.)
9 そしたらあいつも soshitara aitsu mo "and he also"
10 やってるゲームけっこうおんなじでさあ! yatteru GEEMU kekkou onnaji de saa! "was also playing pretty much the same games!"
11 我々はきぜんとした態度で言わなきゃいかんですよ! われわれはきぜんとしたたいどでいわなきゃいかんですよ! wareware wa kizen to shita taido de iwanakya ikan desu yo! "We have to say it in a firm manner!"
12 畜生であると! ちくしょうであると! chikushou de aru to! "That [in his next life] he'll be a lowly beast*!" (*Note: This term comes from the Buddhist ocncept of a reincarnation into an animal by a person with bad karma in a previous life.)
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1 初めてできた はじめてできた hajimete dekita "I was able to do it for the first time."
2 XXだちXXたんだよ…‼︎ XXdachi XXtanda yo...!! "I made friends...!!" (Note: While most of this line is missing, I have provided what I think is the most likely gist of it.)
3 あいつらのヒーローにならなきゃって言ってた あいつらのヒーローにならなきゃっていってた aitsura no HIIROO ni naranakya tte itteta "He was saying he had to become a hero to those guys."
4 死柄木の心の真ん中には敵連合がいたよ しがらきのこころのまんなかにはヴィランれんごうがいたよ Shigaraki no kokoro no mannaka ni wa VIRAN rengou ga ita yo "The League of Villains was at the center of Shigaraki's heart."
5 きっと死柄木も同じ事を思ってたから きっとしがらきもおなじことをおもってたから kitto Shigaraki mo onaji koto wo omotteta kara "I'm sure Shigaraki was thinking the same thing, so"
6 君には伝えたかったんだと思う きみにはつたえたかったんだとおもう kimi ni wa tsutaetakattanda to omou "I think that's why he wanted [me] to tell you."
7 熱に当てられたまま ねつにあてられたまま netsu ni aterareta mama While I was exposed to that heat,
8-9 "流れは止められない"と考える事をやめてきた "ながれはとめられない"とかんがえることをやめてきた "nagare wa tomerarenai" to kangaeru koto wo yamete kita I came to stop thinking, "The flow cannot be stopped."
10 俺という者はつくづく気付くのが遅すぎた おれというものはつくづくきづくのがおそすぎた ore to iu mono wa tsukudzuku kidzuku no ga oso sugita As the person I am, I came to realize it too late.
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1-2 もう一歩進んでいれば もういっぽすすんでいれば mou ipposusunde ireba If I had taken one more step,
3 俺は おれは ore wa could I
4-5 俺のヒーローを救えたのだろうか ともだちをすくえたのだろうか tomodachi (kanji: ore no HIIROO) wo sukueta no darou ka have saved my friend (read as: my hero)?
6 今もまた第二・第三の死柄木弔やAFOが息を殺しているかもしれません いまもまただいに・だいさんのしがらきとむらやオール・フォー・ワンがいきをころしているかもしれません ima mo mata daini ・ daisan no Shigaraki Tomura ya OORU FOO WAN ga iki wo koroshite iru kamo shiremasen "Even now, a second or third Tomura Shigaraki and All For One may be holding their breaths*." (*Note: This is an idiom in Japanese that means someone is holding their breath either to not make a sound or to focus hard on something. The implication here is that someone inspired by Tomura Shigaraki or All For One could be out there waiting to see how society reacts to all this.)
7 次の脅威に目を向けなければ つぎのきょういにめをむけなければ tsugi no kyoui ni me wo mukenakereba "If we don't focus on the next threat..."
8 おまえたちは omae-tachi wa "You all"
9 これからも戦い続けるんだろう? これからもたたかいつづけるんだろう? kore kara mo tatakai tsudzukerundarou? "will continue to fight from here on, right?"
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1-2 そしていずれ死柄木弔も敵連合も忘れて笑うんだろう そしていずれしがらきとむらもヴィランれんごうもわすれてわらうんだろう soshite izure Shigaraki Tomura mo VIRAN rengou mo wasurete waraundarou "And eventually you'll forget about Tomura Shigaraki and the League of Villains and laugh."
3 本を書く ほんをかく hon wo kaku "I'll write a book."
4 死柄木弔という恐怖の象徴をーーーー… しがらきとむらというきょうふのしょうちょうをーーーー… Shigaraki Tomura to iu kyoufu no shouchou wo----... "About the symbol of fear called Tomura Shigaraki----..."
5 敵連合は壊す為に生きたと永劫ヒーローに突きつけてやる ヴィランれんごうはこわすためにいきたとえいごうおまえたちにつきつけてやる VIRAN rengou wa kowasu tame ni ikita to eigou omae-tachi (kanji: HIIROO) ni tsukitsukete yaru "[about how] the League of Villains lived to destroy, and how they contronted all of you (read as: eternal heroes)."
6 過去は消えない俺が死柄木弔を紡ぐ かこはきえないおれがしがらきとむらをつむぐ kako wa kienai ore ga Shigaraki Tomura wo tsumugu "The past doesn't disappear. I will spin [the tale] of Tomura Shigaraki." (Note: Get it? Because he's Spinner? Eh? Eh?)
7 …コミックだといいな ...KOMIKKU da to ii na "...It'd be good as a comic."
8 あァ⁉︎ aA!? "Huh!?"
9 心配しなくていいよ しんぱいしなくていいよ shinpai shinakute ii yo "You don't have to worry."
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1 一生忘れない いっしょうわすれない isshou wasurenai "For my whole life, I won't forget."
2 フン… FUN... "Hmm..."
3 俺からも伝言だ おれからもでんごんだ ore kara mo dengon da "Here's a message from me, too."
4 タコに TAKO ni "To the octopus,"
5 頑張れよって がんばれよって ganbare yo tte "do your best."
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1 待合 まちあい machiai Waiting room
2 おかえり少年 おかえりしょうねん okaeri shounen "Welcome back, young man."
3 伝言は伝えられたかい? でんごんはつたえられたかい? dengon wa tsutaerareta kai? "Were you able to convey the message?"
4 はい hai "Yes."
5 頼まれていた…治崎の件だが たのまれていた…ちさきのけんだが tanomarete ita...Chisaki no ken da ga "You asked me about...the matter of Chisaki, but"
6 みっともねえ姿だなあ みっともねえすがただなあ mittomonee sugata da naa "What an unsightly appearance,"
7 治崎 ちさき Chisaki "Chisaki."
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1 組長… オヤジ… OYAJI (kanji: kumichou)... "Pops* (read as: boss)..." (*Note: I'm just going with the dub's translation of the "old man" monniker Chisaki uses for his adoptive father.)
2 寝たきりだった筈じゃ… ねたきりだったはずじゃ… netakiri datta hazu ja... "You should be bedridden..."
3 てめェの"個性"でな てめェの"こせい"でな temeE no "kosei" de na "By your quirk, right?"
4 だがサポートアイテムってのぁ加速度的に進んでるそうだ だがサポートアイテムってのぁかそくどてきにすすんでるそうだ daga SAPOOTO AITEMU tte noa kasoku doteki ni susunderu sou da "However, it seems support items are progressing at an accellerating pace."
5 それと組長じゃねえもう組はねえ それとくみちょうじゃねえもうくみはねえ sore to kumichou ja nee mou kumi wa nee "Also, I'm not the boss, we have no organization anymore."
6 組長 オヤジ OYAJI (kanji: kumichou) "Pops (read as: boss)."
7 人の道外れちゃあいけねえ ひとのみちはずれちゃあいけねえ hito no michi hazurechaa ikenee "Don't stay from the path of humanity."
8 そうなるからだよ sou naru kara da yo "Because that's what you become."
9 俺ぁずっとてめェに手を差し伸べてたんだよそっちに行くなってな おれぁずっとてめェにてをさしのべてたんだよそっちにいくなってな orea zutto temeE ni te wo sashinobetanda yo socchi ni iku natte na "I've been holding out my hand to you for a long time, telling you not to go that way."
10 玄野は叱ってくれなかっただろ くろのはしかってくれなかっただろ Kurono wa shikatte kurenakatta daro "Kurono didn't scold you, did he."
11 ごめん… gomen... "I'm sorry..."
12 オヤジ…ごめん OYAJI...gomen "Pops...I'm sorry."
13 遅ェよその台詞は生涯壊理へ向けろ おせェよそのせりふはじょうがいエリへむけろ oseE yo sono serifu wa jougai ERI e mukero "It's too late. Direct that line to Eri for the rest of your life."
14 壊理はおまえを忘れるがおまえは壊理にした事を忘れるな エリはおまえをわすれるがおまえはエリにしたことをわすれるな ERI wa omae wo wasreru ga omae wa ERI ni shita koto wo wasureruna "Eri will forget you, but never forget what you did to Eri."
15 安心しろ あんしんしろ anshin shiro "Don't worry."
16 てめェがくたばるまX(で)俺がずっと叱ってやるよ てめェがくたばるまX(で)おれがずっとしかってやるよ temeE ga kutabaru maX(de) ore ga zutto shikatte yaru yo "Until I kick the bucket, I'll keep scolding you."
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1 塚内さんありがとうございます つかうちさんありがとうございます Tsukauchi-san arigatou gozaimasu "Thank you, Mr. Tsukauchi."
2 いいよエリちゃんに思い出させるよりよっぽどいい いいよエリちゃんにおもいださせるよりよっぽどいい ii yo ERI-chan ni omoidasaseru yori yoppodo ii "It's fine, it's far better than making Eri-chan remember."
3 ………どうすれば .........dou sureba ".........What should I do"
4 こんな事なくなるんでしょう こんなことなくなるんでしょう konna koto nakunarundeshou "to stop this from being lost?"
5 なくならんよ nakunaran yo "It won't be lost."
6 ホークスにヒーローどちゃくそ増やしてもらうか ホークスにヒーローどちゃくそふやしてもらうか HOOKUSU ni HIIRO dochakuso fuyashite morau ka "Should we have Hawks increase the number of heroes?"
7 え⁉︎ e!? "Eh!?"
8 ホークスそんな強権あるんですか ホークスそんなきょうけんあるんですか HOOKUSU sonna kyouken arundesu ka "Does Hawks have that much governmental power?"
9 冗談だよ じょうだんだよ joudan da yo "It's a joke."
10 さ!切り換えていこう さ!きりかえていこう sa! kirikaete ikou "Well! Let's change it up."
11 今日からは新入生も授業に参加する 暗い顔みせたらいかんよ きょうからはしんにゅうせいもじゅぎょうにさんかする くらいかおみせたらいかんよ kyou kara wa shinnyuusei mo jugyou ni sanka suru kurai kao misetara ikan yo "Starting today, new students will also participate in classes. I don't want you to show them a gloomy face!"
12 でもヒーロー科は縦のつながりあんまり無いから顔合わせる事も… でもヒーローかはたてのつながりあんまりないからかおあわせることも… demo HIIROO-ka wa tate no tsunagari anmari nai kara kao awaseru koto mo... "But there aren't that many vertical connections* in the hero course, and that includes meeting face-to-face..." (*Note: "Vertical connections" refers to a type of relationship between people of different rankings of some sort. In this case, second-year students are in a senior ("senpai") social rank to first-years ("kohai").)
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1 轟先輩ィイ とどろきせんぱいィイ Todoroki-senpaiII "Todoroki-senpaiii!" (Note: "Senpai" is an honorific for a person senior in rank to oneself, such as an upperclassman or a more senior employee working at the same company.)
2 ダイナマイト先輩ィイイ ダイナマイトせんぱいィイイ DAINAMAITO-senpaiIII "Dynamight-senpaiiii!"
3 連絡先いいですかあ れんらくさきいいですかあ renraku saki ii desu kaa "Can I get your contact info?"
4 大ファンなんですぅ だいファンなんですぅ dai-FAN nandesuu "[I'm a] huge fan!"
5 写真とってくださあい しゃしんとってくださあい shashin totte kudasaai "Please take a photo [with me]!"
6 かっこいいいィイYEE かっこいいいィイイェエ kakko iiiIIIEE "You're so cooooool EEE!"
7 なんだってんだ? nanda ttenda? "What are they saying?"
8 除籍だろこいつら全員‼︎ じょせきだろこいつらぜんいん‼︎ joseki daro koitsura zen'in!! "Expel them, every last one of these guys!!"
9 一年生すげえ いちねんせいすげえ ichinensei sugee "The first years are amazing."
tagline 来る新一年逃げろ二年A組‼︎完結まであと3話 きたるしんいちねんにげろにねんエーぐみ‼︎かんけつまであと3わ kitaru shin-ichinen nigero ninen EE-gumi!! kanketsu made ato 3wa Run away from the coming new first-years, Class 2-A!! 3 chapters left until completion.
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leomacgivena · 2 months
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gu4 · 9 months
実は昔、私はお世話になった方から「勝手に人を助けるな、「助けてくれ」とはっきり言う人しか、助けないほうがいい」と言われたことがあります。 「どういうことですか?」と聞くと、彼は次のようなことを言いました。   まず、「勝手に人を助ける」とは、はっきりと助けを求められていないのに、何となくその人を助けてしまうこと。 いわゆる「善意」に近い。 しかし「善意」は問題を引き起こしやすい。   なぜか。 一つ目、当人が失敗して反省するという貴重な経験を奪う 命に関わる失敗はまずいですが、オフィスワークでそのようなことはまず、起きません。 むしろ、失敗から学ぶことは非常に多いので、失敗する前に助けてしまうと、いつまでたっても一人前になれません。   二つ目、自分からヘルプを出せない人に未来はない ヘルプを自分から出すことは、社会人の必須の教養です。 部下には「助けてほしいときは「助けてくれ」とはっきり言うこと」と、徹底して教えましょう。   三つ目、勝手に助けると、感謝されるどころか、嫌な気持ちになるかもしれない 三番目については、不思議な気がしたので「なぜですか?」と私は突っ込んで聞きました。 すると彼は「求めてもいないのに、余計なことをするな」という人もいるし、助けると「助けるのが遅い」「助け方が悪い」「上から目線」とか、理不尽な人も少なくない、と言いました。 あるいは「助けてもらって当然」という態度をとる人もいます。   もちろん、理不尽な人はそれほど多くないでしょう。 しかし、「善意」は必ずしも、意図したとおりにならない、というのは、先輩の言うとおりだと思いました。   ですから私もよほどの事態ではない限り、 「「助けてくれ」とはっきり言う人しか、助けない」 という方針を採用しました。
「助けてくれ」とはっきり言う人しか、助けないほうがいい。 | Books&Apps
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1.I blocked a suspicious ID who was following many blogs and only posting images without any reactions (click likes), because I thought, “Oh, this guy is following to other-blog for collecting images for the purpose of stealing." (I didn't realize you were following me, sorry gravure7xx something)  Do you know what marking is? ID:gravure7xxsomething. Are you an idiot?
2.I sent a protest message to hachicxxxx something again, but still no reply or explanation. It seems he still has time to update his blog.
Do you have any idea how many of my followers I've had to send messages to because of you? I'm sure the person who received the message is also feeling bad,by you hachicxxxx something.
I'll probably post another installment of this series in Ikumi.
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danieyells · 4 months
@mayoigotokurousagi asked for a few more of the home screen dialogues I liked from a couple of characters, so here's Leo! Also included are the Japanese versions of the text for this one.
I LOVE HIM HE'S SUCH A LITTLE SHIT. . . . Once again this is nearly now all of them because this mfer has such personality lmao his also go with a few other characters', so there's i think one for Romeo and two or three for Sho in there too.
Also as a warning. . .i got a little horny in my commentary for some of these. But it's not my fault, Leo's the one who's saying things like that lol
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Nice timing, Honor Roll. Give me your hand. Come on, just do it." あ、特待生サマちょうどよかった。手、貸して。早く早く
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Hey, your messages are piling up. Hurry up and open them, it's annoying." ねぇ、さっきからずっと未読の通知来てんじゃん。うざいから早く読んじゃってよ
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"Ugh, you're so loud. Ask for permission if you want to talk to me. ...Nope, denied." うるさ……オレに話しかけんなら先に許可取ってくんない? ……はい駄目
This isn't the only time he complains about volume. Maybe his ears are always sensitive even without using his stigma?
"I'm thirsty, go buy me a drink. What kind? Why don't you take a guess?" 喉乾いた。ジュース買ってきて。 なに系がいいって? じゃあ、オレが飲みたい味、当ててみてよ
he likes spicy stuff, do you think he likes bitter stuff too? Maybe lemonade? Do you think he's one of those influences who's like 'i never eat anything bad for me' so he either drinks diet soda or no soda at all? I feel like he wouldn't be able to handle restrictions like that--also he loves Painfully Spicy Food so. . . .
Hey Honor Roll! ...Don't make that face at me. I'm being totally genuine right now. ね、特待生サマ♡ ……なにその顔。別になんも企んでないよ
We were deprived of a cute heart in his localized text to emphasize how saccharine he was being. How dare they.
"Have you seen Cap? Ugh, bet he's lurching around lost again..." ねぇ、うちの寮長サマ見なかった? ……あいつ、また迷子にでもなってんじゃないの
the real question is, does Leo then go look for him himself, wait for him to come back on his own, or get Sho, the PC, or someone else to bring him back for him?
"We're fighting again? Which house? ...Ugh, pass." ……なになに、また揉めてんの?どこの寮? なんだ……つまんな
I wonder which houses he wouldbe up to fight. Probably Hotarubi since he's kind of invested in Subaru's suffering? Maybe Frostheim since they already have beef--on the other hand, maybe that'd be boring for him. But man he seems pretty ready to go with that, Sho wasn't kidding when he said they got kicked out of every club in Shibuya because Leo's always picking fights.
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Ugh, I'm so tired... I'm done with these classes already. I'll just show up for tests and skip the rest." は~……ねむ…… なんか怪異の授業も飽きたし、テスト以外もう出んのやめよ……
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm starving! Huh? Where'd Sho go? I swear he was here a second ago... Whatever. I'll make that NPC go buy something for me." お腹空いた~。 あれ、翔ちゃんは?ここにいると思ったんだけど…… ま、いっか。モブ女に購買行かせよ
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"That fucking himbo left me behind again..." あのポンコツ朴念仁……またオレのこと置いて行きやがって
he really wants to get involved in the spy situation huh. That or it's something administrative. Even at affinity 3 Alan leaving him out of something interesting upsets him a bit, which is interesting.
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Right now? I'm programming an app. I'm not doing anything that complex, just making an ordering system." 今? アプリのプログラミング中。 別にそんな難しいことしてないよ。オーダーシステム作ってるだけ~
Of note, this is Sho's Affinity 7 line:
"Nice, got an order. More demand than I thought. Getting Leo to make this app was a good call." お、出前の予約が入ったわ……思ったより需要あってよ。 玲音に予約アプリ作らせたの正解だったな
So he made Sho an app for his food truck! Probably not for free of course--good to get the occasional reminder that Leo's both really smart and really good with technology lol
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Ugh... Cap smashed my woofer. I was just playing music in the Pit since we can't go clubbing..." だっる……クラブ行けない代わりに地下で音楽流してたら、寮長サマにウーハーぶっ壊されたんだけど……
That was kinda mean on Alan's part haha
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Who's DMing me? Oh, it's this account. Huh... Now that's interesting."
the tea has arrived, piping hot i see. . . .
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Hey, over here. Give this tabloid to that national treasure wannabe in front of the food truck. Just do it!" キミ、こっちこっち。 あのキッチンカーの前にいる国宝気取りに、この週刊誌渡してきて。いいから早く!
My guy does not like Subaru huh lmao or rather he loves tea and wants to set Subaru off or something. . . .
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Hey, Cap, could you open this bottle for me? Do it yourself? I can't, that's why I'm— hey! Where are you going?! ねぇ寮長サマ~、このペットボトルの蓋開けて~♡  いや、無理だから頼んで…… ちょっとどこ行くの!?
Leo really said 'i need a big strong man in my life' and Alan said 'good luck becoming one' kekw ONCE AGAIN DEPRIVED OF HEARTS
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Time to see what the bug I planted in his car picked up... Huh? What the fuck?! Someone broke it!!" さてと、あいつの車に仕込んだ盗聴器の収穫は~…… は? なにこれ!壊されてんだけど!!
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"This pillow mist? I only bought it because it was trending, but it's better than I thought it'd be. Ro-Ro's hooked on it too." あ、この寝香水? バズってるから買ったんだけど、意外とよくてさ。ロミサマもハマってるみたいよ?
Romeo's Affinity 8 line references this:
"You're smelling the bedtime fragrance I bought from Kurossa earlier. He has a good eye, so I often ask him to pick things out for me." この香り? さっきクロッサから買った寝香水だよ。あいつセンスいいから、よく見繕ってもらうわけ
"Kurossa" obviously being from "Kurosagi", Leo's surname. These two became fast friends, huh. Maybe they already knew each other from social media, since Romeo has an Instagram too. I bet they take the prettiest selfies.
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Night, then. What? I haven't slept yet. Unlike you, I actually have shit to do." じゃ、おやすみ~…… なに? 今から寝るんだけど。オレ、キミと違って忙しいの
Sho also stays up pretty late lmao. I assume Leo does much of his hacking in the dead of night. . .then again why's he using his sleep mist before he goes to bed?
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Why is this place so overrun with fucking losers?! My eardrums are going to burst!! ...I'm going back to the garage to play with Cap." どこいても雑魚どもがうっさい!!この学園、マジどうなってんの!? ……ガレージ戻って寮長サマで遊ぼ
The word "雑魚" which was translated as 'loser' means "nobody" or "unimportant person" lol which means Alan is someone of greater importance than others to him? Or just more bearable? Or maybe just likes that he's quieter or finds him more entertaining lol it's kind of nice to see that they're "getting along" in the loosest sense of the term i guess. . . .
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Huh... The little kabuki prince's sister married an actor from a different troupe? Bet there's something going on there." ふ~ん……梨園の御曹司サマには、別の屋号の歌舞伎役者と結婚した姉がいる…… なんか、超匂うわ~……
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"You think I smell good? It's L'Occitane body lotion. I just throw some on after showering in the morning." この匂い? ロクシタンのボディーローションだけど。 朝シャンの後、ぱぱっとつけてるだけだよ
the pc mentions that Leo's hair smells floral, so I bet he smells super nice. And I guarantee you he's not using men's fragrances either, he wants to smell pretty, leave that hypermasculine shit to Alan and Sho.
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Okay, okay, I'm coming... Ugh. Calling the whole house out at the ass crack of dawn... What is wrong with that himbo?" はいはい、行くってば…… はぁ。朝っぱらから寮生集会とか、あのポンコツ朴念仁なに考えてんの?
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Ugh, I totally missed out on that ultra-spicy chicken thing they had in Shin-Okubo. Guess I'll read the reviews and get Sho to recreate it." あ~新大久保の激辛チキン、完全に食べ損ねてる…… ネットのレビュー調べて、翔ちゃんに再現させるか
I feel like, if not for that it'd have all the flavor sucked out of it from the spiciness, Sho would probably have a good time replicating flavors like that. He likes to make different cultures' foods after all.
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Wow, so late already. Better get a bath going and get ready for bed. Here you go. It's for scrubbing the bath." やば、もうこんな時間じゃん。さっさと風呂溜めて寝る支度しよ。 はいこれ、風呂掃除用のブラシ♪
If you do a real good job of cleaning the tub for him, he may even let you have some of his bathwater! Isn't he generous?
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"That dumb video got over 10k interacts? God, you're all so basic... Muting." あんな適当な動画が万バズとか、本当ちょろすぎ……うるさいから通知切ろ……
No respect or love for his fans is2g
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I can touch you, but you can't touch me. That's how this works, got it?" オレからキミに触るのはオッケー。キミからオレに触るのはダメ。 いい? これがオレたちのルールね
This is probably so much more innocuous than it sounds--like literal touching, or maybe him holding his fame as an influencer over you--especially since he's saying it with a straight face but. . .it's so easy to imagine this as Leo cuffing or tying your hands and when you ask what he's doing he climbs in your lap and moves your clothes out of his way and says this. . .and at this point you've probably never fucked or kissed or anything before so it's a little out of the blue but you can't really stop him and he just toys with you until he's satisfied. . .one of my favorite of his lines just because it's a little dirty lol
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"There she is. Hey, Honor Roll! You free? There's something I was really hoping you could help me with." あ、いたいた。ねぇ特待生サマ~、今日って暇?  ちょっと付き合って欲しいことがあんだけど♪
given this is his expression in the first line(and the little music note with his second line) he's probably up to no good lol there's either something he really needs to hear or something he really wants to do to you specifically. in Japanese he says "I just want you to keep me company for a while♪"
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BUT MAYBE I'M ASSUMING TOO MUCH MAYBE HE JUST DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO ASK YOU TO HANG OUT OTHERWISE. Like how the PC asks Sho if they need help on the food truck and he immediately clocks "you don't have to offer to help just so you can spend time with me you know"
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Hey, Honor Roll, come sit down. Not over there, next to me. Good, you're comfy. Don't move, I'm taking a nap." 特待生サマ、ちょっとここ座って。 違うよ、オレの隣。 あ~気持ち~♡しばらく昼寝するから動かないでね
Lap pillow hours! Whether you like it or not! He said no touching him, so no moving him off your lap, either! He might make an exception for having his hair pet though.
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"They went to the Pit again? Must really get a kick out of it... Like big, dumb animals throwing themselves at each other." あいつら、また地下に行ってんの?好きだね~本当…… やってること、虫相撲とほぼ変わんないじゃん……
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"The whole demon nickname? People can call me whatever they want. I know who I am." 悪魔って呼ばれてること? 別に、好きにすればって感じ。オレが何者かは、オレが一番わかってるもん
His expression saying this is his default one where he's smiling, so I guess it really doesn't bug him, which is good. He probably gets a kick out of it.
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Stay like this till I tell you to leave, okay? Got it? I didn't hear an answer." オレが行っていいって言うまで、キミはずっとこうしててね♡ ……わかった? 返事は?
Again, this one's a little dirty which makes me like it a lot hahaha. . .this is a late night one(it's labeled "GoodNight" and only pops up between 10pm and midnight) is he telling you to sit still while he sleeps on your lap or uses you as a body pillow? Is he making you sit still with a toy in you while he ignores you or pretends he's not tormenting you sexually? SORRY I FIND SEXUAL THINGS SO AMUSING BUT HE'S MAKING IT SOUNDS SO HORNY. The audio doesn't sound as horny as i'm making it sound off but like LOOK AT IT.
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"Wanna make a bet, Honor Roll? Over which will come first—me falling for you, or you getting hooked on me." 特待生サマさ、オレと賭けない? オレがキミを好きになるのが先か、キミがオレに沼るのが先か
I think it's a little late for you, sweetheart. I think you've already caught the feels and that ship is sailed.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"Why the hell would I go to class? I already learned all the first year material." 授業なんて出るわけないじゃん。1年で覚えなきゃいけない範囲は、もう全部やっちゃったし
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Cap really puts the "him" in "himbo..." Look at him, he's got a flower stuck in his hair." 寮長サマってさ、あんな見た目してなんでポンコツなんだろね…… ほら見てよ。頭に花くっついてるし
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Quick Honor Roll, stand over there. Perfect. Now hold my phone. You're the cameraman." ちょっと特待生サマ、そこ立って。そそ、いい感じ。 で、オレのスマホ持って。はいキミ、カメラマンね
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Can't believe how many gross dudes this account keeps reeling in. AI-generated pics make it so easy! "Could you send me some more money ♡?” Send." このアカ、変態ジジイ釣れすぎなんだけど。AI美女画像マジ便利~! もっとペイペイちょ~だい♡っと
I find it funny that they use AI generated images for their backgrounds and also have a character who scams people with AI generated images. . . .
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"That rule about having to wear your academy or house uniform on campus is so outdated. I'm going to die wearing all this crap in this heat." 学内は基本、制服か寮服じゃなきゃ駄目ってさ、今時そんな校則あり? 暑くて死んじゃうんですけど
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I can't believe Sho seriously ran out of my Killer Sauce. It's summer, this is when I want to eat spicy stuff." 翔ちゃん、オレのキラーソース切らしてんのマジあり得ないんだけど。夏こそ辛いもん食べたいのに
well maybe if you didn't dump so much of it on whatever you ate. . . .
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"I keep telling Sho we should let off some fireworks and he keeps saying no! You want to do it too, don't you, Honor Roll?" 翔ちゃんに花火したいって言ってんのに、全然付き合ってくんないの! 特待生サマも、やりたいもんね~?
One of Sho's summer lines references this:
"Leo won't shut up about wanting to let off fireworks, but no way am I doing that shit with him again. I'm sure you can guess why." 玲音が花火してぇってうるせぇんだけどよ、俺は二度とあいつとはやんねぇって決めてんの。わかんだろ?
I guess Leo isn't a very responsible fireworks user.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Yeah, apparently there's more anomalies around in summer. Statistically speaking. It's just fucking annoying more than anything else, really." ああ、なんかこの時期って、日本は怪異が増えるらしいね、統計的に。 普通にめんどくさいだけなんだけど
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Thought I could have some fun here at Japan's most elite educational institution. What a let down." 日本有数の名門校なんて言われて、期待して入ったのにさぁ。 結局この学園も、つまんないやつばっか
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Sports? Hard pass. I hate getting sweaty. Ask Sho instead." スポーツ? パス。オレ、汗かくの嫌いなの。 翔ちゃんでも誘ってきなよ
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Sho hurt himself playing basketball? How unfortunate." 翔ちゃんがバスケ中に怪我した? へぇ、そうなんだ。大変だね
He gives so few fucks about his best friend lmao then again they're ghouls, Sho'll probably be fine in like two hours.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Ugh, I want to go clubbing... We should make one in the Pit. Sinostra's got a casino, can't be that hard to get a permit." あ~クラブ行きて~…… いっそさ、地下改造して箱にしちゃうのどう?カジノがありなら余裕じゃない?
Leo pointing at sinostra: if the criminals in there can have a fucking casino there's no way it's hard to get a business permit here. They kill people like on a weekly basis and no one's shut them down. The standards must be in the ground.
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"This coat? Cute, right? I knew it'd look good on me, so I bought it." ああ、このアウター?可愛いっしょ。絶対オレに似合うと思って買ったんだ~♪
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm freezing... I'm having a carbonated bath tonight. Wanna join, Honor Roll? Of course I'm serious." あ~、さぶ。今日の風呂は強炭酸にしよ…… 特待生サマも一緒に入る? 別に、マジで言ってんだけど
This one happens regardless of affinity which is kinda funny to think about. then again, Japanese bathhouse culture probably means that's not super weird if you have a tub big enough, maybe? Then again a bathhouse and just having a bath with someone are different things. I bet he has lots of baths with Sho.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Hey, everyone! It's me! Ugh, my throat's all dry from the cold. I'll just stream tomorrow..." こんばんは。LEOだよ~! ……やば、乾燥で喉死んでるわ。配信は明日にしとこ……
Of note here, Leo's online handle is just "LEO" in Japanese. In English his name probably had to be given just as Leo to prevent this being lost in translation, because his actual name, in kanji, is 玲音, which is pronounced "Reio"(the same as 'leo' but with an r). But "Leo" is stylized since Japanese doesn't have the L sound and the R sound is closest. So in Japanese he says "It's LEO!" whereas in English he just says "It's me!" since his handle and his name are the same. Although, as someone who follows streamers, introducing yourself again at the top of a stream isn't too uncommon i think? But I also don't watch the influencer types, so the culture is probably very different haha.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"The ghouls won't listen to you? No shit. You realize we were hand-picked by demons, right?" グールが言うこと聞いてくれない?そんなの当たり前でしょ。 だって、オレたち悪魔に選ばれた人間よ?
He's one of the only ones who mentions something like this on the homescreen(off the top of my head Haku is the other one who really mentions how none of them are normal). And he's absolutely right--they were chosen by demons, made pacts with those demons, and ultimately overcame them somehow. Most of them are gonna be kinda stubborn. A demon probably wouldn't choose someone who'd be influenced easily. . .except the demon who chose Kaito apparently. Probably just looking for easy pickings, that one. Or maybe Kaito wasn't always such a coward. . . .
His birthday: (May 23rd)
"You got me a birthday present? Oh, thanks. Just put it over there, I'll look at it later.  I will, I promise." オレに誕生日プレゼント? あ~、ありがと。そこらへん置いといて。 大丈夫だよ、後で見るってば
Rude ungrateful little shit lmaoooooo "yeah yeah my fans sent me a bunch of gifts already. I'll get to it."
Your birthday:
"It's your birthday? I'll help you celebrate.  Meet me behind the garage later." へぇ。今日キミ、誕生日なんだ。 そうだ……オレが祝ってあげる♡後でガレージの裏においで
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year! I prefer digital payment.  What do you mean, what do I mean? I'll be nice to you again this year, so pay up." ハッピーニューイヤー♪ はい! なにって……今年も仲良くしてあげるから、お年玉ちょ~だい?
He's referencing otoshidama, money you're given on new years(usually as a child) but it sounds like you've just got a recurring subscription to Leo's friendship lmaoooo "We can still be friends, so compensate me monetarily" lolol i swear if he weren't vice captain i wouldn't be surprised if he eventually transferred to Sinostra in his second or third year. I think he'd fit in.
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"This is that ultra-spicy chocolate they only sell this time of year... I'm actually genuinely stoked right now." これ、毎年この時期にしか買えない激辛生チョコレートじゃん…… え、普通に嬉しいんだけど
White Day: (March 13th)
"Here, as thanks for the chocolate. You're not going to tell me you don't know Godiva, are you? All right, now we're even." はい、これお返し。キミ……まさかゴディバ知らないわけないよね? じゃ、これで貸し借りはチャラね
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Ha ha. You were photobombing one of my pics so I uploaded it and said I had a new girlfriend. 10K interacts in less than an hour. Suckers." あはは。新しく彼女できましたって特待生サマのこと匂わせたら、一瞬で万バズしたんだけど。嘘なのに~
Comments section like "gee Leo how come your boyfriend lets you have two partners?"
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Trick or treat!  Ugh, the only good thing about this dumb event is the video content it provides." トリックオアトリート!  って……こんなくだらないイベント、動画のネタになるだけマシなんだけどさぁ
Not much of a halloween guy. . .even though this is Sho's halloween dialogue???
"You really need an explanation? Leo made me wear it! Shit, why am I always the girl..." ああ? 言わなくてもわかんだろ。玲音に着せられたんだっつの! クソ、なんで毎年女装なんだよ……
You're making your boyfriend best friend crossdress for your halloween vids? When you don't even like Halloween? And this is a REGULAR occurrence??? Like I get that he doesn't like sweets I guess but lmaoooo
Christmas: (December 25th)
"This Christmas-themed food Sho made might pull some traffic.  All right, uploaded. You can eat the rest, Honor Roll. Say "ah"!" 翔ちゃんのクリスマス映えごはん、適当にあげて…… はい終わり。後は特待生サマが食べてね。あ~ん♡
what you want him to eat all of that? and mess up his figure?
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Was that on purpose?  Are you seriously ignoring me right now?" あのさ、それわざと? キミ今、オレのこと無視してるよね?
(13 affinity and above)
"Ugh, everyone's so loud.  I'm putting my headphones on, so tap here if you need me, okay?" はぁ……どこもうるさ…… オレ音楽聴いてるから、なんかあったらここ触って呼んでね~♡
oh no he's becoming self aware i like that he's not like. 'hey pay attention to me!!' instead he's like 'okay we can sit here in silence that's fine, i'm gonna listen to music so if you want something let me know'. Parallel play with Leo! He's content to just vibe out with you--and he likes you enough that he'll give you attention if you ask too.
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"Who are you? Ah ha ha! I'm kidding. Have you got a good excuse for why you've been gone so long?" ……キミ、誰? ……あはは!冗談だよ。 で、しばらく来なかった言い訳、ちゃんと用意してきた?
MAN THAT TOOK A LONG TIME. He really just has a lot of personality lol or maybe i just like his personality a lot? Either way I like a bunch of his lines so that's honestly like 90% of them. Bit of a goober. I'll do Sho's in a few hours! Since i already have his japanese file open from doing Leo's lol this is now all of his lines, and Sho's is partially done as well as of writing this! I love Leo so much haha
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kennak · 3 months
[B! 教育] 「国立大学協会声明 -我が国の輝ける未来のためにー 」の発表について | 国立大学協会
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pudknocker · 6 months
いまSNSでは原理やカルト宗教の勧誘を論破したり撃退したといった武勇伝めいた話をする人間が散見される。学生時代、カルト教義の矛盾をつける自信があった俺に、「で、論破の後は?」「何千名を超える信者にお前の存在を覚えられて、それが未来永劫続く」「勝ち続ける?」と諌めた教授に感謝している 原理やカルト宗教勧誘を撃退した自慢話を真に受けて真似してはいけない。カルトの怖さは物量だ。その場で終わらない。関わったら死ぬまで続くと思ったほうがいい。カルト対策は論破ではなく、近づかない、近寄ってきたら逃げる、助けを求める。これ以外にない。 カルト宗教の勧誘を論破して、その後に名前と住所、学校や職場、生活範囲を何千名何万名の人間に、何十年にも渡って知られて暮らしていく怖さを想像してほしい。カルトには近寄らない。逃げろ
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radshoedeanherring · 2 years
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子どもは宝物🌏👭✨ 「学校の未来を考える会in関西」本日500名満席です❤️ありがとうございます✨ 「みんなの学校」の上映会、スペシャル対談の無料ライブ配信があります✨https://youtu.be/8AOnZqKAphs 🌿自然と農業、食、身体と心 いのちが喜ぶものを大切なこどもたち、 わたしたちに 楽に、ナチュラルに、楽しんで贈りたいな◡̈♥︎ ──────────────── 💖1月15日 対話&スペシャル対談編 10時〜11時半 『夢見る小学校』上映会 11時半〜12時 対話会&スクール紹介 12時〜13時  休憩&ディスカッション 13時〜14時  市長対談& 会場対話会 14時〜15時  スクール運営者対談 15時〜16時  テーマ別交流会 16時〜16時半 エンディング #みんなの学校 #学校の未来を考える会 #関西 #上映会 #ライブ配信 #WehelptheworldHeal 🌎 (#地球を癒す) #自然 #五感 #地球からのおくりもの #宇宙からのおくりもの  #出逢えてよかった #生まれてよかった #わたしは命 #これからもこの地球が美しくあり続けますように🌷🌏✨ #夢を叶える星よみアロマ #植物系ミネラル #食育 #農業 #自然農 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnas357SVXK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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