ninelanguages · 1 month
Kanji for "way", "path", "road", "way of moral conduct"
道 = dou/ tou/ michi
歩道- hodou - a sidewalk - ほどう
帰り道に- kaerimichini - on one's way home (back) - かえりみちに
道に迷う- michinimayou - to lose one's way - みちにまよう
道具- dougu - a tool/ a utensil/ an instrument - どうぐ
柔道- juudou - Judo (Literally "gentle way")- じゅうどう
剣道- kendou - Kendo (Literally "way of the sword") - けんどう
水道- suidou - waterworks/ water service (supply) - すいどう
Kanji for "write", "writing", "book"
書- kaku / sho
教科書- kyoukasho - a textbook/ a schoolbook - きょうかしょ
辞書- jisho - a dictionary/ a lexicon/ a glossary/ a thesaurus - じしょ
名前を書- namae (w)o gaku - to write one's name - なまえ を がく
下書き- shitagaki - a (rough) draft - したがき
図書核- toshokaku - a library - としょがく
Kanji for "construction", "work", "artisan"
工 = kou/ ku
工芸品- kougeihin - a handicraft - こうげいひん
工場- koujou - a factory / a plant/ a workshop - こうじょう
工業- kougyou - (an) industry/ the manufacturing industry - こうぎょう
工事- kouji - contruction work - こうじ
大工- daiku - a carpenter - だいく
人工の- jinkouno - artificial/ manmade - じんこうの
Kanji for "sky", "air", "emptiness"
空 - kou/ sora/ a•ku/ a•keru/ kara
空手- karate - karate - からて
(Literally: empty hand)
空港- kuukou - an airport - くうこう
空く- aku - to become vacant (free)/ to be free - あく
空気- kuuki - air/ an atmosphere - くうき
空- sora - the sky/ the blue/ the heavens/ (the) weather - そら
空き缶- akikan - an empty can - あきかん
Kanji for "use", "employ", "messenger"
使 = shi/ tsuka•u
使う- tsukau - to use/ to handle/ to spend/ to employ - つかう
使い捨ての- tsukaisuteno - disposable/ throwaway/ single-use - つかいすての
天使- tenshi - an angel - てんし
使いこなす- tsukaikonasu - to use sth. effeciently/ to manage (people) - つかいこなす
使用- shiyou - use/ employment - しよう
使い方- tsukaikata - how to use (handle/ treat)/ management - つかいかた
Kanji for "direction", "way" "square", "side"
方 = hou/ kata
方法- houhou - a way (of doing)/ a method/ a system/ a means - ほうほう
この方- konokata - this gentleman/ this lady - このかた
方言- hougen - a dialect - ほうげん
両方- ryouhou - both sides - りょうほう
片方- katahou - one side/ the other side - かたほう
読み方- yomikata - pronounciation/ a way of reading/ how to read - よみかた
Kanji for "foot", "leg", "suffice", "be enough"
足 = soku/ ashi/ ta•riru/ ta•ru/ta•su
足- tasu - to add (to) / to make up (for)/ to supply - たす
足首- ashikubi - an ankle - あしくび
満足- manzoku - satisfaction/ contentment/ gratification - まんぞく
足りる- tariru - to be enough (sufficient) - たりる
足が痛い- ashigaitai - have a pain in one's leg (foot) - あしがいたい
不足- fusoku - shortage/ insufficiency - ふそく
Kanji for "origin", "beginning", "element"
元 = gen/ gan / moto
元 - genki - spirits/ energy/ vigor/ pep - げんき
元気のない- genki no nai - depressed/ low-spirited/ cheerless - げんき の ない
足元に- ashimotoni - at one's feet - あしもとに
元首相- motoshushou - the former Prime Minister - もとしゅしょう
元々- motomoto - originally/ from the outset/ all along/ by nature - もともと
元日- ganjitsu - New Year's Day - がんじつ
Kanji for "taste", "flavour"
味 = mi/ aji/ aji•wau
味わう- ajiwau - to taste/ to relish/ to savor/ to appreciate - あじわう
味をつける- aji (w)o tsukeru - to season (food)/ to flavor (food) - あじをつける
興味- kyoumi - (an) interest (in something) - きょうみ
味見する- ajimisuru - to taste/ to try (have) a taste of/ to sample - あじみする
趣味- shumi - an interest/ a hobby - しゅみ
意味- imi - (a) meaning/ a sense - いみ
Kanji for "outside", "without", "foreign"
外 = soto/ hoka/ hazu•su/ hazu•reru/gai/ge
外側- sotogawa - the outside/ outer side/ exterior - そとがわ
家の外- ie no soto - outside the home - いえ の そと
外食する- gaishokusuru - to eat out/ to dine out - がいしょくする
郊外- kougai - (in) the suburbs (of)/ suburbia - こうがい
外す- hazusu - to take off/ to remove/ to unfasten /to miss - はずす
外科- geka - (the science of) surgery / the surgical department - げか
Kanji for "weak"
弱 = jaku/ yowa•i/ yowa•ru/ yowa•maru/ yowa•meru
数字に弱い- suujiniyowai - have no (a poor) head for numbers - すうじによわい
弱点- jakuten - a weakness/ a weak point/ a shortcoming - じゃくてん
気が弱い- kigayowai - do not have the courage (guts/nerve) to do - きがよわい
体が弱い- karada ga yowai - to have a weak constitution - からだ が よわい
弱る- yowaru - to grow weak/ to weaken - よわる
弱まる- yowamaru - to weaken/ to abate - よわまる
Kanji for "heavy", "weight", "pile up", "duplicate", "repeat"
重 = shou/ chou/ e/ omo•i/ kasa•ne/ kasa•naru
二重の- nijuuno - double/ twofold/ dual - にじゅうの
重ねる- kasaneru - to pile up - かさねる
重要な- juuyouna - important/ essential/ principal - じゅうような
三重県- mieken - Mie prefecture (of Kinki region) -みえけん
重い- omoi - heavy/ weighty/ clumsy/ slow/ grave/ serious - おもい
重大な- juudaina - serious/ important/ grave - じゅうだいな
Kanji for "top", "up", "upper part", "rise", "go up", "climb up"
上 = jou/ shou/ ue/ uwa/ kami/ a•geru/ a•garu/ nobo•ru
差し上げる- sashiageru - to lift (up) / to raise/ to give/ to present - さしあげる
申し上げる- moushiageru - to tell/ to say/ to state/ to mention/ to relate - もうしあげる
上手な- jouzuna - skillful/ skilled/ dexterous/ proficient/ clever - じょうずな
上着- uwagi - a coat/ a jacket/ outerwear - うわぎ
机の上- tsukue no ue - on a desk - つくえ の うえ
上がる- agaru - to go up/ to rise/ to be promoted - あがる
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moko1590m · 1 year
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jonnyha · 2 years
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#弱 #weak #frail #flaw #defect . I've always liked #underdog stories. 😉 #弱者 の物語、いつもいいですね。w . #ペン習字 #筆ペン #Netflix #HustleNetflix #NetflixMovies #バスケ #バスケットボール #Basketball #ネットフリックス #映画 #漢字 #書道 #書法 #書遊 #毛筆 #墨 #習字 #筆文字 #文字 #インスタ書道部 #書道好きな人と繋がりたい https://www.instagram.com/p/CnBNUbPPBMS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mangalho · 27 days
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ela ia ficar feliz
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animepopheart · 3 months
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★ 【弱点】 「 ? 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me! insta • x • bsky
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seventh-fantasy · 3 months
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dihua + 情 | 莲花楼 mysterious lotus casebook
#莲花楼#mysterious lotus casebook#asiandramasource#dailyasiandramas#cdramasource#asiandramanet#cdramagifs#cdramanet#gifshistorical#cdrama#cheng yi#dihua#lhlgifs#jielin's edits#my posts#情 sentiments (not romance or love) / 圣人有情而无累 a sage possesses feelings but is unburdened by it#sgm lxy was described to be cold and unfeeling to the extent he's likened to a ''dead person''#not bc he was above feelings. bc clearly when he was made to face it...it went very badly#so llh ending at the point where he's so composed and at ease despite having to leave everything he cared about behind. yeah.#one would think llh would have been dead from bicha by then. but he's never been more alive tbh#very much a xianxia/cmyth narrative. by the theoretical definitions of xianxia/cmyth#it's a dihua thing to me also since it is them that evoked in one another each of their own ordeals with 情#dfs said to lxy that 你的弱点就是喜欢当英雄. what is good pretending your motivations are so noble#bc dfs had lived his whole life for himself and only himself. he does not pretend to be more than that#and the interesting thing is when it's followed by 一个剑客不该有弱点 as if he's speaking as the 理 of wulin.#being weak is bad and it means you'll lose. that's just the rule of wulin#he is that sort of paradoxical existence...#lxy goes on to prove otherwise as llh. while existing to bring to surface the 情 in dfs#-> just know i do not know what i'm talking about anymore i just have lots of convoluted thoughts about these two im incoherent about#uhhh enjoy some nice gifs!
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sailor-arashi · 5 months
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The Weakest Tamer meets The Strongest Cat.
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dreamysuite · 20 days
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Haku as the miku ponytail figure 💜
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tokutaiseichan · 7 days
the way Lyca's opinion on Ed rapidly changes from "The strongest vampire? That's so cool! 🥺" to "I take everything back. He's just a perverted old man. 🙄👎"
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the-weakest-tamer · 5 months
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This fandom is missing more memes so decided to make my own!
Feel free to use that meme template empty version after the read more
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a-titty-ninja · 2 years
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Kasane Teto 15th Anniversary artwork
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mikusiconx · 6 months
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★Puzzle 【Kuwagata-P】
★Yowane Haku 【弱音ハク】
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mangalho · 2 years
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XÔ !
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chiakit-art · 3 months
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animenekos · 3 months
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Saijaku Tamer wa Gomi Hiroi no Tabi wo Hajimemashita.; The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash - Episode 12
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