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strangewrita · 1 month ago
雨人 chapter 11
Meal Plan for Baby Yan Yan:
Day 1:
- Breakfast: Job's tears and sophora root porridge with rock sugar
- Mid-morning: Bean milk
- Lunch: Slow-cooked chicken soup with mushrooms
- Warrior's Dish: Egg fried rice with bell pepper, shredded meat, corn, and yellow bamboo shoot dice (eggs evenly coating each grain of rice)
- Dinner: Oyster yellow sauce, peas, potato and radish puree
- Late Night Snack: Fish fin soup (ham, chicken broth, fresh bamboo shoots, a little white sugar, radish shreds)
Day 2:
- Breakfast: Abalone (braised with duck for three days, served with winter cold vegetable)
- Lunch: Stir-fried sturgeon slices; Chinese cabbage and tofu soup; pickled cucumber side dish
- Afternoon Tea: Braised yellow croaker; dry-fried bitter gourd; mint cold cake; fresh squeezed watermelon juice
- Dinner: Roasted pig head (fire-blasted), dissected, water-scalded, lotus root wine pork steamed with ice, stir-fried pineapple pork; bamboo shoot pork, red-braised pig head, scallion yellow pork (small portions of each)
- Side Dish: Tofu vegetable
Day 3:
- Breakfast: Braised pig trotters (boiled and fried method)
- Mid-morning: Stir-fried loofah, snow gourd; crispy pork tripe stir-fry; stir-fried snow peas
- Afternoon Tea: West Lake Longjing tea; milk-flavored steamed buns
Day 4:
- Lunch Set: Long bread, strawberry jam, whale meat with cabbage strips, Osawa milk, spring rain soup, crispy small tomb
- Tender-fried cabbage
- Spring rain soup: carrots, tofu, kelp, green onion segments, vermicelli
- Dinner: Tomato, potato, pea, and meat stew; long bread; spinach, radish, bean sprouts; cream sauce; milk; apple
Day 5:
- Lunch: Triple soft noodles; pea and meat sauce French salad (with raisins, apple); long bread; strawberry jam; milk
- Dinner: Eight Treasures dish (onion, carrot, lotus root fish cake, sea jelly, snow peas, potato, pork); McFlurry butter; milk; glutinous rice fruit canned
Day 6:
- Fried fish (with cabbage strips, cherry tomatoes); mashed potatoes; miso soup (mushrooms, green onions, bamboo shoots, carrots); long bread, salad dressing, milk, butter
Day 7:
- Japanese cuisine: Chikuzen-ni (bamboo shoots, taro, carrots, dried shiitake, pork); spinach salad; miso soup (onion, bonito powder); grilled fish with tofu
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48271648282 · 1 year ago
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shihlun · 10 months ago
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Kim Longinotto & Jano Williams
- Eat the Kimono
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duskydrawz · 9 months ago
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Summer flower Hanamaru <3 Inspired by @Pas's beautiful image on Twitter: https://twitter.com/paxiti/status/1242075409262333952
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viciogame · 8 months ago
🎮 Lunacy (Sega Saturn)
Complete Gameplay: https://youtu.be/woSesRZbFl4
#Lunacy #Torico #SegaSaturn #Sega #Saturn #FMV #月花霧幻譚 #TecToy #セガサターン #セガ #RPG #Myst #Atlus #Viciogame #Gameplay #Walkthrough #Playthrough #Longplay #LetsPlay #Game #Videogames #Games
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nonono-zzz · 2 years ago
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ハナマル「(明日はヨハネちゃんお店に来てくれるといいなぁ)」#yohane #幻日のヨハネ pic.twitter.com/0WEN2qfvqF
— QY (@QY73) July 9, 2023
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anamon-book · 1 year ago
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修羅-家元制度打倒 花柳幻舟 三一書房
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hpmi-soba · 2 months ago
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findareading · 4 months ago
— 花咲一男著「雑魚のととまじり中巻」(『雑魚のととまじり』2020年6月、幻戯書房)
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mynameisemo · 8 months ago
人对世间有太多悲喜、爱恨、留恋与不舍时 一旦成執,一不小心…… 就会在这近乎于心魔的影响中,变成另一个人……
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如果形成「笼」,简直难以想象! 因此,我在看每个案例(笼)时 初看都挺可怖—— 但到了剖析完笼主背后的故事时
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strangewrita · 1 month ago
雨人 chapter 10
  orphanage, he continued to share an apartment with Alex.
  There was their small sofa, small room, small pot plants. Huddling on rainy days, soda pop on summer nights.
  The place Alex was from left scars that may never heal, but Marius's existence was new growth from another place.
  If he hadn't met Marius, perhaps on some unbearable night, he would have lost himself in his identity struggles and committed suicide alone in the night.
  He wouldn't commit crimes, he just didn't want to stay any longer.
  When with Marius, he wanted to share everything - the warm blankets poking at their bodies on rainy days, the smell of stir-fried meat with chilies, the smell of squid, PMT's wooden guitar, the street walk to Cambridge, their regular Chinese restaurant, the tea cafe's small garden downstairs from their rental.
  "Will you miss him?" Marius asked after learning about Banbi.
  Alex shed tears.
  Tears held back for decades finally came out.
  "I hate many things about that place, but there are things I'll miss too."
  "Me too."
  These are the scars this era has given us.
Marius awoke from a chaotic sleep and began to cry softly. Alex's wristwatch, detecting Marius's accelerated heartbeat, quickly came upstairs from the first floor.
Since Marius's last episode at the workshop, he had been in a deep sleep for a week.
The expert team had been monitoring his condition, concluding that it was PTSD and catatonia triggered by daily associations.
Marius was banned from attending workshops for the next month, though he was unaware of this at the moment while wetting the bed.
Carried to the adjacent bedroom by Alex, Marius gradually stopped crying after being given a new baby bottle. Alex lovingly patted and gently massaged Marius's small penis until he whimpered and released.
Marius woke up around noon, with an empty stomach. Alex had prepared Vongole Bianco - a soft tomato clam risotto - and Marius surprisingly ate a large bowl without throwing up.
A well-fed Marius looked adorable, with his pale pink skin, soft hair, and a fragrant aroma.
Alex wanted to have sex with him, if only he hadn't just woken up.
Alex held Marius in his arms and opened a picture book, reading softly.
"You haven't eaten yet," was the first sentence Marius said after waking, apart from crying.
Alex lovingly kissed him and then prepared to cook a meal from Mrs. Tanaka.
He ate some tuna steamed with radish and spicy sauce, and some tomato clam risotto.
"Pup Hears a Noise," an old children's picture book with only a few pages but large color blocks, potentially stimulating for his precious brain.
After reading, Marius fell asleep. Upon waking, he had a smooth bowel movement and cried, saying he was hungry.
Alex gently kissed Marius's forehead, relieved that he wasn't feverish, and began thinking about what to make for dinner.
Dinner was more elaborate: winter melon chicken leg soup, minced pumpkin chicken, mildly spicy mapo tofu, dry-fried okra, and baby-friendly potato and carrot with komatsuna stew, soft white rice, and dessert of soybean flour banana steamed buns.
Marius ate deliciously, like a little rabbit.
Alex watched him, his emotions surging. He loved his little rabbit so much.
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48271648282 · 1 year ago
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sinoeurovoices · 10 months ago
5月5日至10日,習近平啟程訪問歐洲三國,分別是法國、匈牙利與塞爾維亞。顯然,習近平選擇了三個「看得順眼」的國家,進行一種與歐盟和北約相區別的「隔離外交」。習近平的目的可謂「項莊舞劍,意在沛公」,一則分化歐盟,一則利誘親中。換言之,這次選擇性的出訪,具有特殊的選擇性目的。 法國/利用馬克���的「花蝴蝶外交」,以法制歐 選擇法國為出訪第一站,目標不是法國,而是歐盟。習近平看準了法國總統馬克宏的風派性格,看準了法國既想在歐盟內部獨風騷,又想與美國保持戰略距離,更想在中國市場兩手圖利;正是這種「馬式風格」,符合了習近平聲東擊西的分化策略。 就在習近平啟程之前,馬克宏在5月2日接受《經濟學人》訪問中指出,歐洲必須捍衛其在與中國經濟關係中的「戰略利益」。何謂「戰略利益」?馬克宏沒有明說,但可以確定的是,歐洲的戰略利益未必等同於法國的經濟利益。儘管馬克宏指責中國不尊重國際貿易規則,美國也不再試圖…
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jiunmaylin-blog · 11 months ago
第六部 曹家寶藏 楚王墓玲瓏塔 44 鳳凰鬼巫・崑崙胎
女人的雙手在腹部擺出奇特的咒術手勢,左手略高掌心向著自己,拇指掐住合攏的中指及無名指。右手在下手掌朝上,掌中擺放著一朵碩大的艷紅色彼岸花,數根弧形雄蕊飄散出淡黃色花粉,隨著花粉的飛散一股奇特氣味也跟著飄盪在整個空間。 阿朝吃驚的說道:『那花看起來像是鮮花,但怎麼可能還活著?!而且,彼岸花有這麼大?』 阿怙一雙微微上揚的眼睛狐疑且警惕的注視著那女人說道:『你們知道彼岸花又叫做幽靈花、死人花嗎?超不詳的。』
………奇幻盜墓探險小說之第六部 44
《第六部 曹家寶藏 楚王墓玲瓏塔 44 鳳凰鬼巫・崑崙胎��� ....................................... 她盤腿坐在一塊奇特的黃綠色玉石上,讓人驚訝的是那通透玉石內似乎有個嬰兒趴睡著。
... 閱讀完整故事請點擊以下網址: https://tombrobber2021.com .... 《歡迎點讚、訂閱、分享 網站:https://tombrobber2021.com/ FB: tombrobber2021 IG:tombrobber2021 希望神獸人間 奇幻盜墓小說系列故事能讓您在紛擾繁忙的日常之外忘憂的進入一個奇幻、神秘且美好的世界... 》 #奇幻盜墓小說 #盜墓探險小說 #盜墓小說 #探險小說 #靈異小說 #奇幻小說 #玄幻小說 #奇幻文學 #網路小說 #神獸小說 #鬼怪小說 #尋寶小說 #鬥法小說 #恐怖小說 #恐怖靈異小說 #神獸 #鬥法 #盜墓 #靈異 #神怪 #白澤 #奇幻 #玄幻 #崑崙胎 #地生胎
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a-space-opera · 2 years ago
Ranma ½: Kessen Tougenkyou! Hanayomewo Torimodose!
らんま1/2 決戦桃幻郷! 花嫁を奪りもどせ!
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modernheavy · 2 years ago
今日読んだ漫画 2023年7月24日(月)
🦁『贄姫と獣の王 SPショート』友藤結
LaLa 2023年9月号
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