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Paper Talk Special: YOSHIHARA Rieko's interview (1989)
“Riki is an almost full-grown black panther”
YOSHIHARA Rieko has written in a wide variety of genres, from high-school stories to fantasy and science fiction. If there is one thing her characters, like Aki and Kacchan or Iason and Riki, have in common, it’s their impressive charisma. We had the opportunity to ask her more about Ai no kusabi in this interview.
Pen name’s origin: My birth name. My family name changed when I got married, so I thought “nobody would know it’s me!”.
Date of birth: October 4th, 1954
Blood type: B
Place of birth and residence: born in Fukuoka Prefecture, living in Kumamoto Prefecture
What made you send your manuscript to the magazine: It had been a long night…
1. What made you start writing Ai no kusabi?
I didn’t really… want to write about “pure love” in a science fiction setting (ah ah ah), because I wanted to write about an “encounter” than would not just be casual, the bonds it would create and the various feelings they would draw along.
2. Which character can you empathize with the most?
Probably Riki, as one could expect. Because, even though he has a sharp tongue and is quite mature, his way of thinking is fundamentally straight. Him running around struggling yet unable to act, because he’s caught between two feelings of different natures, makes him seductive, I like it.
3. What is your favourite scene? And what is a line you like?
My favourite, hmm… It would have to be the scene where Katze cries while stifling his voice. But I also cannot put aside the scene where Riki is kept waiting in vain in the rain by Guy… As for the lines, those would be “there’s no way I’m letting him die alone” or “you may be able to look the other way despite everything, but I… wouldn’t be worth more than trash if I did. I couldn’t go on living.”
4. Could you tell us about the creation process of the characters, like Riki and Iason? (size, weight, blood type, date of birth, etc.)
I had their personality roughly figured out, so I didn’t think about their finer characteristics, but…
Riki: Because he’s a slum mongrel, I pictured him as an almost full-grown black panther. Not frail, but slender and lithe. As for his appearance, his intelligence shines through the strength of his obstinate spirit, that’s all.
Iason: Since he’s an absolutely perfect member of the elite and the Black Market’s king, he should definitely be like the God of the Sun Apollo, but raised in the depths of the sea (or something). He’s shrewd and good-looking, incredibly proud, and wouldn’t collapse under any circumstances. Regarding his height, all things considered, he’s a head taller that Riki.
Guy: In my first draft, he was a tolerant and broad-minded herbivorous felid… that was my intention, but I wonder where and how things went wrong.
Raoul: His looks, intellect and handsomeness are on par with Iason’s. He has a sense of humour and, even more than Iason, nerves of steel.
Katze: Went from being raised in the slums to being a Furniture in Eos to being a broker on the black market. Putting aside the protagonists, he’s the one with the most dramatic life, so that’s probably why I gave him a tragic handicap, like being a scarface or being a man without manhood…
Kirie: Representing slum dwellers in their late teens, he’s overconfident and reckless. He has a very limited worldview, so he’s the most fragile yet also the most dangerous character.
5. Concerning the way you chose the characters’ names, you previously said you were “drawn to the “dragon” kanji”, were you fixated on something like that for Ai no kusabi?
This time I wanted to give them names that would fit their character, so… I gave Riki a name conveying “power” (riki is one of the few ways to read the kanji meaning “power”), I named Iason after a hero from Greek mythology, and Guy after the goddess of the Earth, Gaia, for his ability to embrace everything. But when you list them, they’re not consistent. All things considered, you could say they’re just far-fetched choices, ah ah ah…
6. Writing Ai no kusabi, what did you enjoy? What did you find difficult?
For the most of it, the story was ever changing with the characters’ feelings, so until I had reached the ending, I had fun worrying (somehow) while writing. Difficult things that would bring wrinkles to my forehead, I tend not to think too much about them.
7. A number of different types of Pet Rings appear in readers’ four-case mangas, but how do you picture them yourself?
No, well, when it comes to Riki’s, its basic image was something like Sun Wukong’s circlet. Looking at it like this makes Journey to the West quite salacious too… don’t you think?
8. Could you tell us your thoughts about the cassette adaptation?
I thought “Are you sure we can really do that?”… but when it became real, well, I mean, ah ah ah, what could I say? As you know, this work involves many human relationships, some violent lines, and it’s quite heavy on that. “How can we make all that fit in 60 minutes?” I wondered… When I heard the tape for the first time, it dawned on me that letters and voices are truly two completely different things, obviously. I wrote it, so it’s weird for me to say that, but I thought “can I really make Mr SEKI and Mr SHIOZAWA say those things?”… on the other hand, when I wondered what faces they made then, Tokyo felt so far away… So those were my thoughts. But everyone used their beautiful voice to give impassioned performances, so I’m very happy!
9. And lastly, what is June to you?
A breather between child rearing and house chores, a teatime friend… or something like that. (October 1989)
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Today, June 29, 1900, is "The Little Prince Day" because it is the birthday of Saint-Exupéry, the author of the novel "The Little Prince". The greeting stamp "The Little Prince" (issued in 2019) features a stamp design with illustrations from the original artwork.
今日6月29日は1900年(明治33年)のこの日、小説「星の王子さま」の作者サン=テグジュペリの生誕日なので「星の王子さまの日」だそうです。 グリーティング切手「星の王子さま」(2019年発行)は、原画作品のイラストを使用した切手デザインになっています。
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (15)
H for Huath (Hawthorn) - May 13th - June 9th
“May tree - Sixth month of the Celtic tree calendar (Ref)”
colour: midnight blue; Gem: lapis lazuli; Gender: female; Patrons: Olwen, Blodeuedd, Chaldean, Humen, Selene, Virgin Mary; Symbols: love + marriage, fertility + birth, reproduction, heart
The short, thorny, graceful hawthorn. The slender hawthorn trunk and branches twist as the years go by. In winter they are particularly beautiful, standing clinging to misty wildernesses and craggy rocky outcrops, or clustered on open ranges of hills that their appearance is spectacular. Leaves and flowers appear simultaneously in May, signalling the change of season from spring to summer. Hawthorn flowers bloom in clusters, so that at the height of spring, rows of white froth run across the fields and mountains, a scene aptly captured by the English writer H. E. Bates as 'the fluffy cream floating in May'.
In spring, when the hawthorn flowers are in full bloom, the air releases a musky, sweet, rich fragrance all around. Small round berries turn burgundy in autumn.
In Ireland, hawthorn is still cherished as a magical tree protected by the fairy kingdom. Tradition has it that if you cut down a single hawthorn tree standing alone in a field or burial mound, you will lose your livestock and household possessions.
Hawthorn trees protect wells and springs as fairy trees. The beautiful flowers of hawthorn are also said to deliver prayers to the heavens. Even today, many people tie rags and other items to hawthorn trees standing near wells and springs, wishing for good luck or that their love will reach the person they love.
Before Christianity, hawthorn was the supreme fertility symbol and at the May Festival, people confided their love, danced to their heart's content and made love in the woods. Among the Celts, spring was the season for marriage, and it was customary to bring a bouquet of hawthorn flowers to weddings to ensure that the couple would be blessed with children.
In Britain, the earliest known hawthorn goddess was Olwen ('white footprints'), a woman of courage, wit and beauty. The well-known mythological tale of Culhwch and Olwen, in which King Arthur's cousin, Culhwch, overcame 40 impossible tasks that seemed virtually unattainable set out by Olwen's father, the giant king, Yspaddaden, and marry his beloved Olwen.
As the beautiful, white hawthorn flowers opened, people celebrated the power of nature and love to bring new life into the world and marvelled at the miracles of sexual activity, pregnancy and childbirth. For the Celts, sexual activity, pregnancy and childbirth were not something to be ashamed of, but an essential part of life and a sacred expression that one could love.

ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (15)
HはHuath (サンザシ) - 5月13日 - 6月9日
『5月の木〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第6月』
色: ミッドナイト・ブルー; 宝石: ラピスラズリ; 性: 女性; 守護神: オルェン、ブロダイウェズ、カルデア、ヒュメン、セレネ、聖母マリア; シンボル: 愛+結婚、豊穣+出産、生殖、心臓
春、サンザシの花が満開になると、麝香 (じゃこう)のような甘く濃厚な香りがあたり一面に放たれる。小さな丸い実は、秋になるとワインレッドに変わる。
英国では、サンザシの女神として最も古くから知られているのが、勇気と機転と美貌の持ち主、オルェン (‘白い足跡’の意)。アーサー王の従兄弟であるキルフーフが、オルェンの父である巨人の王アスパザデンが課した事実上達成不可能と思われる40の無理難題を克服し、愛するオルウェンと結婚した神話『キルフーフとオルェン』がよく知られている。
#trees#tree legend#tree myth#celtic mythology#celtic calender#hawthorn#may tree#magical tree#fairy tree#culhwch and olwen#legend#mythology#folklore#white footprints#philosophy#nature#art
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Hamlet Machine - 1997.07.18 at Club Que 小説June #88, 1997.10
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石原豪人(林月光) 松虫 (挿絵) 雑誌june 1979年8月号
石原豪人 松虫 神谷敬里・文 石原豪人・絵 「松虫」(JUNE 1979年8月号)
林月光が石原豪人のウラの名前なのは��く判ってるし、表の名前の石原豪人じゃキングコングやウルトラマンみたいな少年向け雑誌のヒーローものや怪獣怪物の類を書いてると思ってたんだよ! ところが、こういう雰囲気のものも書いていたんだね! オイラはかなりうっとりしちまったよー! 能「松虫」の短編化だろうか。能「松虫」のストーリーは、要約すると「死ぬ時も一緒と誓っていた同性愛の美男子二人。一人が亡くなり、後を追うようにもう一人もなくなる。」と言う事だと思う。その「現場」が演じられるのではなく、幽霊などが過去の話として語るんだよ! 能舞台で現場が演じられたらえらいこっちゃね~! 見てみたいけど!!!
新・当世女子大生気質>能「松虫」をみて の解説が判り易い方だよ!
『グイン・サーガ』の栗本薫の別名が中島 梓なのは有名らしいけど、神谷敬里も栗本薫のウラの名前なんだって!

石原豪人 松虫 神谷敬里・文 石原豪人・絵 「松虫」(JUNE 1979年8月号)
上の画像の右側文字部分をカットして、下中央の横書きお知らせ部分を判らなくした、加工画像が下の投稿 ↓ に挿入してあるよ。観賞用に良いと思うよ! DL, 転載, ���用ご自由に。

石原豪人 松虫 神谷敬里・文 石原豪人・絵 「松虫」(JUNE 1979年8月号)

石原豪人 松虫 神谷敬里・文 石原豪人・絵 「松虫」(JUNE 1979年8月号)
1枚目は手持ち画像のアップロード、それ以外は↑上のウェブページからの挿入だよ! 挿入って言葉に何か引っかかるんだけど? そのサイトに石原豪人・林月光の記事がいっぱいあるよー!
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Books actor Hong Kyug has read

1. 村上春樹 「職業としての小説家」/Novelist as a Vocation by Haruki Murakami (2015)
[Nylon Korea March 2018 | Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
2. Livro do Desassossego/The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa (1982)
[2018.10.12 bluecages instagram post | 2021.10.26 naver fancafe post | Dazed Korea January 2022 | Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
3. Wenn die Haut zu dünn ist: Hochsensibilität – vom Manko zum Plus by Rolf Sellin (2011)
[2018.10.12 bluecages instagram post]
4. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925)
[2018.10.12 bluecages instagram post]
5. Henry V by William Shakespeare
[2018.10.12 bluecages instagram post]
6. 제11회 젊은작가상 수상작품집 : 강화길 <음복> "The 11th Young Writer Award Collection: Eumbok (Partaking of Sacrificial Food and Drink)" by Kang Hwa-gil (2020)
[매경Economy interview ② 2020 | Cine21 June 2020 1259th edition]
7. Winners Take All by Anand Giridharadas (2018)
[Cine21 June 2020 1259th edition | bluecages Q&A instagram story | Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
8. Bieguni/Flights by Olga Tokarczuk (2007)
[매경Economy 2020 interview ②]
9. 村上春樹 「色彩を持たない多崎つくると、彼の巡礼の年」/Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami (2013)
[bluecages Q&A instagram story | Minumsa naver blog/Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람 | Dazed Korea January 2022]
10. The Shallows by Nicholas G. Carr (2010)
[bluecages Q&A instagram story]
11. 강화길, 서이제, 임솔아 <소설 보다 : 여름 2020> "See the Novel: Summer 2020" by Kang Hwa-gil, Seo I-je, Im Sol-ah
[bluecages Q&A instagram story | 2020.07.14 bluecages instagram post]
12. Agnès Varda: Interviews, Ed. T. Jefferson Kline (2014)
[bluecages Q&A instagram story]
13. 박은지 <여름 상설 공연>/"Summer Permanent Performance" by Park Eun-ji (2021)
[2021.11.03 bluecages instagram story]
14. 전하영, 김멜라, 김혜진, 박서련, 서이제, 한정현, 김지연 <2021 제12회 젊은작가상 수상작품집> "The 12th Young Writer Award Collection" by Jun Ha-young, Kim Mel-la, Kim Hye-jin, Park Seo-ryun, Seo I-je, Han Jung-hyun, Kim Ji-yeon (2021)
[bluecages instagram story]
15. 村上春樹 「女のいない男たち」/Men Without Women by Haruki Murakami (2014)
[2022.02.08, 2022.02.14 bluecages instagram story | Allure Korea March 2022 | Marie Claire Korea June 2022 | Minumsa naver blog/Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
16. 한강 <작별하지 않는다>/I Do Not Bid Farewell by Han Kang (2021)
[Marie Claire Korea June 2022 | 2022.09.19, 2022.10.01, 2022.10.03 bluecages instagram story, GQ Korea February 2024]
17. 김진영 <아침의 피아노> "The Morning Piano" by Kim Jin-young (2018)
[2022.05.30 bluecages instagram story | Marie Claire Korea June 2022]
18. 정보라 <저주토끼>/Cursed Bunny by Chung Bo-ra (2017)
[Marie Claire Korea June 2022 | Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
19. 최은영 <애쓰지 않아도> "Don’t Push Yourself" by Choi Eun-young (2022)
[bluecages instagram story]
20. 太宰治 「人間失格」/No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai (1948)
[Minumsa naver blog/Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
21. 장강명 <한국이 싫어서> "Because I Don't Like Korea" by Chang Kang-myoung (2015)
[Minumsa naver blog/Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
22. 松家仁之 「火山のふもとで」 "At the Foot of a Volcano" by Masashi Matsuie (2012)
[Minumsa naver blog/Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
23. 박준 <운다고 달라지는 일은 아무것도 없겠지만>/"Although Crying Would Not Change Anything" by Park Joon (2017)
[Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
24. 한강 <소년이 온다>/Human Acts by Han Kang (2014)
[Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
25. 한강 <채식주의자>/The Vegetarian by Han Kang (2007)
[Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
26. The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro (1989)
[Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
27. 松家仁之 「光の犬」 "Dog of Light" by Masashi Matsuie (2017)
[Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
28. 유현준 <공간이 만든 공간> "Space Created Space" by Yoo Hyun-joon (2020)
[Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
29. 한강 <여수의 사랑>/Yeosu by Han Kang (1995)
[Cine21 LIST 2022/GQ Korea February 2024]
30. Swimming in the Dark by Tomasz Jedrowski (2020)
[2023.01.17 bluecages instagram post]
31. 읽는 사람-허윤선 인터뷰집/Reader: Interview Collection by Heo Yoon-sun (2023)
[2023.04.15 bluecages instagram story]
32. 한강 <내 여자의 열매>/Fruits of My Woman by Han Kang (2000)
[Elle Korea September 2023]
33. 한강 <검은 사슴>/Black Deer (1998)
[GQ Korea February 2024]
34. 한강 <흰>/ The White Book (2016)
[GQ Korea February 2024]
35. Haruki Murakami 「一人称単数」 / First Person Singular (2020)
[bluecages instastory]
36. Yoshifumi Nakamura 「住宅巡禮」 "Housing Tour"
[bluecages instastory]
Goodreads Listopia:
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New novel announced!
Mononoke Karakasa and Mononoke Oni (seen above)
Both novels will be available on June 13th
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“Light Haiku” and Enlightenment (Essay)

In Japanese poetry, the five and seven syllables have unique meanings. I can't explain it clearly, but arranging the letters in this way makes me feel ``calm.'' The same is true for haiku and tanka.
When I was in elementary school, I once tried to write a haiku, but all I could come up with was one mediocre haiku, and I thought, ``Maybe I don't have the talent for haiku?'' However, fortunately, I trained in writing short sentences at university and was able to write haiku.
I pray to the sky
Eagle's tears
Since then, I have been writing haiku for about 30 years, but I have never had any trouble writing haiku.
On June 18, 2023, I was in a traffic accident. Fortunately, I wasn't seriously injured, but right before the accident, I took a photo of a yellow flower I saw and used in a haiku poem. (I enter with a haiku and photo as a set) A few tens of seconds later, I had an accident. If I hadn't taken the photo, I wouldn't have had the accident. The 10-odd seconds it takes to take a photo made the difference.
Yellow flowers
this color is a caution signal
Be careful
Since then, my haiku has become lighter than before. That doesn't mean it's bad. Perhaps the enlightenment that even writing poetry was risking one's life led me to write lighter haiku.
Rei Morishita
#Light Haiku#Enlightenment#essay#rei morishita#haiku#tanka#mantis#pray#eagle's tears#traffic accident#yellow flowers
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メキシコ1人旅紀行 pt1
Final examで忙しくしていたある夜、休憩がてらに見ていたYouTubeのオススメ欄にあるvlogが出てきた。まさにそれが2ヶ月後に行くことになるTepotzlanというメキシコシティ郊外にある小さな町だった。次の学期との間に3週間の休みがあり、どこかに行こうと思っていたのでメキシコに行ってみようとすぐ思ったが、正直父親が許してくれるはずがないと思っていた。というのも、健二がアメリカに留学していた時友人とメキシコに車で行った際、メキシコのカルテル地帯に入ってしまい襲撃されたというトラウマから中南米に行かせてくれない気がしていたからだ。メキシコ人のルームメイトにやると地域によってカルテルがいる場所いない場所があり、いない場所は全くもって問題ないということだったので、ここは説得するしかないと思い電話をかけてみた。答えは案外すんなりイェスだった。
2023/June 10
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地元と任地 似てるところ違うところ②
音楽 動画を貼れないので説明が難しいんですが こっちのパーカッションを聞くと、エイサーかな?と思うときがあります。 踊りもたまにカチャーシーっぽいことをしている。
オロロロロロロー! ていう掛け声?もなんか指笛を思い出します。 ちなみに私が通った小中学校は指笛禁止でしたが、こっちの学校でも授業中は禁止にしてほしい。 たぶん現地教員がいる前ではやらないんだろうけど。 自習なんかでハメが外れたときにうるさい。そしてそういうときに私が一人派遣される。
壁画 とにかく壁に絵を描く。そして回転が速い。 床に描く文化と壁に描く文化の違いみたいなのを感じます。 うまく言葉にできませんが。
ものつくり びっくりするほどものをつくらない。ほとんどmade in china (そのくせ「チャイナ」が侮辱語だと思ってるのはどういう思考回路なんでしょう) ご自慢のアラブコーヒーを入れるポットさえトルコ産がどうにか見つかるという状況。 沖縄も「産業がない」と言われるけど泡盛入れる甕くらいは地元で作っているが、となります。 日本から来た偉い人に言わせると「ヨルダン人は物を作らない」らしいのでそういう文化なのかもしれない。 (シリア人は手先が器用でものづくりの文化があるらしい)
ものを作る技術や知識よりものを買える財力が求められる というのは昔の日本もそうだったらしいので、社会が発展する一過程なんでしょう。おそらく。
とはいえ、よく探せばおもしろい取り組みをしている人もいるので全くの0ではない。 がしかしそういう人はやはり首都住みの富裕層だったりするので アートは金持ちの道楽 というのは世界的な兆候なのかなと思わなくもない。
「沖縄は普通の人がおもしろいことをしている」 とドイツ人が言ってましたがそういうことなんでしょうか… どこにでもそういう人はいるだろうと思っていたのですが
人 人付き合いが濃い。部族社会。 というのも沖縄に似ている気がします。 こっちでは 自分の名前、父親の名前、父方の祖父の名前 が身分証明?名乗り?になるようですが 沖縄で本当に親戚一同が集まるような場では ○○(祖父の名前)の次男の長女 という自己紹介をよくしてました。
あと沖縄の模合みたいなのがこっちにもあるらしい。(コロナ過で始まったのか元からあったのか不明) https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A8%A1%E5%90%88 コネ社会というのもとてもよく似ている。 少し前に教員のコネ採用が話題になりましたが今はどうなんでしょう 家族経営の会社で役員の息子娘が働かないのを他の社員がブラックな条件でカバーしてるというのはよくある話。 しかも大体契約社員とかアルバイトパートの身分で働かない役員のフォローするとか。 それでいて最低賃金も低いわ失業率も高いわのどうしようもない状態 あれ、沖縄途上国かな?
少し前に見かけた沖縄に関するこの話も、アラブ社会も一緒なんだろうなあ と思いました。
この記事についてはすでにさんざん叩かれまくっているので、私なんかがいまさら何かを付け足す意味もないですけど、まあいちおう沖縄社会研究の流れをふまえてコメントします。https://t.co/W9cqbTh3eI— 岸政彦 (@sociologbook) June 20, 2022
結局グチになってしまいましたが とはいえ、子どもたちは子どもたちなので 似ているところと違うところをおもしろがりながら できることをしていくしかないかなあとも思います。
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新しいことを学ぶ時は ・小学生向けの解説本×3冊 ・新書×3冊 ・一般書×5冊 ・論文や学術書×3本 の順番で学習進めると驚くほど身につくから社会人の人にめっちゃおすすめ。 投資とか生物学とか世界史とかプログラミングとか栄養学とか勉強してるけどマジではかどる。
— 藤原華|編集者 (@editor_hana) June 30, 2024
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The New England Journal of Medicineという雑誌は何年かに一度科学的に説明の付かない現象の記事を載せます.2007年に載った「人の死期を知る猫Oscar」もその一つでした.時々とんでもないジョークを載せる英国の雑誌と違い,これらの記事は説明が付かないだけで描かれている現象は実際にあったことです.以下長文ですが,一生懸命訳しましたので,ご一読いただければ幸いです.
The Phantom of the Organ
Author: John Guzzi, M.D.
Published June 22, 2024
N Engl J Med 2024;390:2236-2237
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2401849
VOL. 390 NO.
「精神異常者が私の頭の中にいるんです(The lunatic is in my head*)」 患者はベッドの上で唸った.きっと聞き間違いだろう.
*(私注:Pink Floyd 1973年の曲 Brain Damageの歌詞の一部)
“The lunatic is in my head.” 控えめだが紛れもないメロディーで,彼はこうつぶやいた.
「頭から離れないんだ. ・・・聞いてもいい?」
しかし,この一見素晴らしい回復にもかかわらず,看護師,理学療法士,そしてついには家族が同じ質問をしに私のワークステーションに立ち寄る: 「彼が何か幻覚を見ていることはご存知ですか?」
もし私の考えが正しければ,その幽霊は彼にとって臓器提供者以上の存在だったのかもしれない.子供の頃,母親に連れられて行ったピンク・フロイドのコンサートについて,彼は "母親がしてくれた唯一の良いこと "だったと語った.このことや,不安定な子供時代や緊張した人間関係についての他のヒントから,私は彼のゴーストが過去のトラウマを克服するための対処法だったのではないか,助けの乏しい中,移植された臓器を長期にわたって守るという困難な見通しに直面したときの霊妙なガイドだったのではないかと思った.
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――『JUNE』では、竹宮恵子「お絵描き教室」、中島梓「小説道場」が、読者に見るべき方向性を示していたのが大きかった気がします。 佐川:お手本があるとできるんですよ。だから日本は、ジェネリックの国だなと思います。竹宮さんと中島さんがお手本をはっきり示してくれて、それがどんどんつながって後進の作家さんを大量に生むことになってよかったと思います。
『JUNE』はエンタメ・パロディ志向の“お耽美”だった|Real Sound|リアルサウンド ブック
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Issay Interview 小説June #88, 1997.10
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おもしろすぎる「友達の逸話」で一生分笑ったわw 7選
一緒にいると笑いが絶えない「友達」とのエピソードをご紹介! 伝説的な逸話だらけで一生笑いには困らなそう。 1. 友達があまりシートパックをしたことがないって言うから一枚あげたら、顔にパックを貼ったあと目を閉じてファラオみたいに横たわるのでそのまま様子を見ていたら、途中で「これ安静にしてなくてもいい感じか…」って目を閉じたまま小さく呟いてて可愛すぎてめっちゃ笑った — ジューシーフルーツ井上 (@magro343) June 5, 2024 2. 親友「私達、価値観が凄く似てるだけでなく病気するタイミングまで同じだったりするじゃん?」ワイ「キモいよね……」親友「もしかして私達、前世でさ」ワイ「(恋人だったとか?)」親友「同じ頭に生えてるケルベロスだったのかな」ワイ「あと1人誰だよ」 — ひじりん (@hijirinseiko) May 8,…

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