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kisuruby · 1 year ago
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サヲリの誕生日をみんなで祝おう! #t7s #ナナシス #夜舞サヲリ誕生日
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ri6es · 6 years ago
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amyure · 6 years ago
Yamai Sawori (夜舞サヲリ)
Sawori is one of my favs! Thanks to Esh’s sharing about her character and story. Although I’m not actually a huge fan of her speaking voice lol - Nab
An orange-haired girl with bandages around her head, and numerous band aids and miscellaneous injuries almost 100% of the time, accidents always befall Yamai Sawori for some reason. Just on her way to Nanastar, she could get hit by a car, a falling flower pot, or even a falling electric pole; almost all her cards feature her on the brink of, in the middle of, or in the aftermath of some kind of accident. Yet, Sawori keeps smiling in spite of her troubles. Thanks to this, she has garnered many fans amongst the first responders in her area, who took a strong liking to her thanks to her unwavering smile. Sawori’s character development revolves around this aspect of hers, and how it affects the people around her. A kind and bright girl, Sawori does not back down from a broken bone or two [or more, I’m pretty sure...].
‘No matter what happens, I will go through it with a smile!’ is probably Sawori’s defining trait. No matter what kind of incident or bad luck is happening, she faces them with a smile. Sawori does not think of what happens to her as bad luck, as she said to Coney and Sawara in her 2.5 episode. If she doesn’t think of things as ‘bad’ and smiles in spite of them, everything would be alright. With this forward-looking and optimistic view, Sawori [somehow] survives her accident-prone life and even manages to support people around her. This, too, is one of the focus points of her character progression and also one of the most attractive parts of her personality.
In her episodes, it is speculated that Sawori perhaps has bad luck because she draws in the bad luck of others around her, redirecting them towards her. Sawori was happy to hear this theory, since it meant she had shielded someone else from bad luck every time an accident befell her in the past. Thus, she would be able to accept the things that happen to her as something good. Sawori felt very down when she was unable to help someone in her 2.5 episode, as she always wishes that she can help anyone get over their pain with smiles and turn that pain into a smile as well. If it’s to help others, Sawori would bear any kind of harsh words from others it it meant helping them vent their frustrations or sadness. Sawori also prefers to go alone when taking part in her sports if she is afraid going with others would endanger them. She would also go out of her way to help someone, like when Manon was crying.
Even with her accident-prone luck, Sawori loves to move. She was shown to really enjoy snowboarding, and usually prances around while running or moving her body in one way or another; this usually freaks her friends out for fear of her hurting herself (which she usually does). It seems that this trait of Sawori’s is one of the things that leads to her accidents, as there was a period, wherein she was being super careful and not as energetic as usual, when she appeared to not get hurt as much.
Sawori reads situations pretty fast, and is sensitive enough to act accordingly. This was shown in her 3.0 episode when, even though she knew from the very beginning what Ei and Xiao were trying to do, she did not say anything. Although there are times when Sawori took on the ‘wrong’ course of action such as in her 2.5, she is sensitive enough to understand that it was more of her venting her anger than born out of ill will.
Character development
Throughout her episodes, Sawori’s character development focuses on her optimism and how it affects the people around her. Her 1.5 episode mostly focused on how, no matter the amount of bad luck befalling her, Sawori would always smile through it all, showing her determination to not bow down to bad luck. In her 2.5, Sawori was faced with ‘the limit of smile’, the idea that there might be kinds of ‘bad luck’ that she could not cure with only her smile, and times when her philosophy clashes with reality. Sawori eventually learned that ‘to be smiling’, doesn’t always mean smiling immediately, and that sometimes people might need time before they can smile again, and what she can do is wait for a time when those people might need her help to remind themselves how to smile again. In her 3.0, Sawori learned that there are others who would be glad to take on her bad luck (just as she would do for people around her). This made her cry and led to her exclaiming how she was ‘the world’s happiest person’.
Yukuhashi Ei (逝橋エイ)
Their interaction happened mostly in Sawori’s 3.0, although they were first together during the Hip Hop event where they were in the same unit (although Ei does not remember much of that thanks to being possessed most of the time...) and also during Ei’s 2.5 episode. Ei appears to be very careful when around Sawori so as to not accidentally be responsible for her hurting herself; she warned Xiao whenever the latter was moving around too fast or too much, in case an accident happened. Ei also seems to understand Sawori’s selfless nature, as she refrains from telling Sawori that she is staying with her to protect her from bad luck (so as to not make Sawori feel bad). The two girls appear to have developed a strong bond later on, as Ei was shown to be willing to take on Sawori’s bad luck as well, risking her own safety when Sawori had a fall.
Xiao Fei hung (シャオ・ヘイフォン)
Their episode interaction was only in Sawori’s 3.0 where they were assigned to the same PV (promotional video) as Ei (although they have appeared in each other’s cards). Xiao, energetic and outspoken as she is, needed to be reminded by Ei time and time again to be careful so that Sawori didn’t accidentally get hurt one way or another. Xiao appears to care about Sawori very much, and Sawori appears to enjoy her company. Xiao was, like Ei, willing to take on Sawori’s bad luck, and risked her safety for Sawori. Xiao was the one who spurred the three of them to hold hands together, brightening the atmosphere with her jubilant personality.
Futagawa Mimi (二川ミミ)
Their interaction mostly happened during an event episode wherein they talked about the time they went to a skiing/snowboarding resort for a photoshoot. In the episode, Mimi is shown to care about Sawori very much, choosing her snowboarding outfit and telling Sawori that she has every right to look cute and wear cute clothes, and that Mimi would not mind if Sawori got injured in them. Mimi was willing to look after Sawori and went snowboarding with her, in spite of the chance that she might get hurt while looking after her.
Kawasumi Sisala (川澄シサラ)
Their interaction happened in the Hip Hop event. Seemingly nonchalant, Sisala quickly identified that the unrevealed last member of her unit was Sawori, just by the sound of an ambulance siren stopping in front of the office.
‘夜舞‘, Yamai, means ‘Night Dance’, and is a pun since sickness or ‘舞’ can also be read ‘Yamai’. Sawori is written in katakana however, so I can’t read deeper into the meaning.
Sawori addresses herself in the third person time to time, and by her last name Yamai instead of Sawori. She likes to use expressions that are related to injury, such as ‘cracking ribs’ or words with the kanji meaning ‘bones’ in them.
Sawori loves to ride buses. She seems to enjoy it the most in the company of others, even if they do practically nothing and just sit in the bus together [aww...]
Sawori is reluctant to buy cute clothes, because she is afraid of ruining them if she falls or gets injured somehow. 
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mxjfwd · 5 years ago
『Tokyo 7th シスターズ』にて「雲巻モナカ」新Pカードが獲得できるライブステージイベントが開催📷📷📷📷📷 好評配信中のスマートフォン用アイドル育成リズム&アドベンチャーゲーム『Tokyo 7th シスターズ』��本作において、最大38人でマルチプレイを楽しめるライブステージイベント「第9回 We are SISTERS」がスタートした。注目のイベント報酬は「雲巻モナカ」の新Pカード。協力プレイによるマルチ成績ポイントと個人成績ポイントの合計値からなるイベントポイント達成報酬で1枚、累計イベントポイントランキング1,000位以内入賞で1枚、さらに100位以内入賞でもう1枚の最大3枚獲得することができる。また、累計イベントポイントランキングでは1,500位内入賞で特別な称号および新コーデアイテムが獲得できる。 ※開催期間:開催中~2020年8月6日(木) 14:59 📷📷📷▲P モナカ リゾートナイト📷📷📷▲PS モナカ 野外ライブ 📷📷📷 「夜舞サヲリ」の新Pカードが登場する「イベント応援!七花少女ステップアップガチャ」が開催。新カードに加えて七花少女のカードがピックアップされ、出現しやすくなっている。Step3では七花少女のG以上カードが2枚確定、Step4では新Pカード「サヲリ リゾートナイト」が1枚確定で手に入り、初回は2,500セブンスコインで利用可能となっている。また、本ガチャで登場する一部のカードは同時開催イベント「第9回 We are SISTERS」の「特効アイドルカード」の対象となっており、さらに本ガチャの利用で入手できるドリームメダルを300枚集めると、同時開催される「7th ドリームメダルガチャ」で新Pカード「サヲリ リゾートナイト」を確実に手に入れることができる。 ※開催期間:開催中~2020年8月6日(木) 14:59 📷📷📷▲P サヲリ リゾートナイト📷📷📷▲PS サヲリ 野外ライブ 📷📷📷 「7th ロマンティックサマーログインボーナス」を実施。「7th オーディションガチャ」を1回引くことができる「オーディションチケット」やアイドルをレベルアップさせることができる「虹色ジャージコニー」などが配布される。 ※開催期間:開催中~2020年8月6日(木) 23:59 🎦 アニメ情報📷🔘『Tokyo 7th シスターズ -僕らは青空になる-』▶劇場上映 未定 ▶スタッフ 原作:Donuts 原案・脚本:茂木伸太郎 キャラクターデザイン原案:MKS 企画:鈴木篤志、森山義秀、加藤和夫、茂木伸太郎 プロデューサー:松浦寿志、小田元浩、鈴木康治 ラインプロデューサー:坂上貴彦 監督:北川隆之 副監督:砂川正和 アニメーションキャラクターデザイン・総作監:菊池陽介 美術監督:杉本あゆみ 美術設定:新妻雅行 色彩設計:寺分神奈 音楽プロデューサー:茂木伸太郎 音楽:出羽良彰 音楽制作:ビクターエンタテインメント 制作:東映アニメーション アニメーション制作:LandQ studios 製作:Project_t7s_A製作委員会 ▶キャスト 春日部ハル���篠田みなみ 天堂寺ムスビ:高田憂希 角森ロナ:加隈亜衣 野ノ原ヒメ:中島唯 芹沢モモカ:井澤詩織 臼田スミレ:清水彩香 神城スイ:道井悠 久遠寺シズカ:今井麻夏 アレサンドラ・スース:大西沙織 晴海サワラ:中村桜 晴海カジカ:高井舞香 晴海シンジュ:桑原由気 六咲コニー/七咲ニコル:水瀬いのり ほか
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loveandpepsi · 6 years ago
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入口からすっかり変わりました! 国旗で作る服のコンセプトボードをご覧いただけると入口をくぐる心持ちも変わると思います♪ 10/17(水)〜10/22(月)の6日間展開される【ファンタジア展】をどうぞお楽しみください♪ ◉展示:Exhibition
Cosmic art HILO(アート)
ナディア(植物アクセサリー) ◉イベント:Event
まったく電気を使わない1930年代につくられた手回し式蓄音機を使い、1920年代〜1950年代のSPレコード(78rpm)を舞わします。持参するレコードのリストを見て、リクエストもできます! ★10/20(土)14:00〜17:00「RuuRuu夢の服つく��」3,500円/甦らせたい服3枚以上持参して参加者募集中! ★10/20(土)露生万夢(ツユキマム)「タロット・夢分析」
ユング心理学をベースにしたタロットと夢分析で無意識の海から心を浮かびあがらせます。 ◉日替りカフェ:Food
10/17(水) 焼き菓子にの帆
10/18(木) InnaCafe アフリカンプレートランチ・夜は多国籍料理
10/19(金) ザランの回遊屋台 南北インドカレー
10/20(土) ナオカフェ
10/21(日) Taqueria & ABEFUSAI タコスパーティー
10/22(月) Suzy’s Kitchen アメリカンダイナーからガレリアサローネ通常営業に変更☆ [ 会場 ]
ガレリアサローネカフェギャラリー 東京都立川市栄町4−43−11
https://www.facebook.com/galleriasalone/ https://goo.gl/maps/2pcodzZ9jkN2 #くにたちパレード #ファンタジア展 #美食 #展示 #ワークショップ #イベント #アート #お祭り #帽子 #衣装 #写真 #サヲリ織り #アクセサリー #アフリカン #ファブリック #国旗で作る服 #植物アクセサリー #焼き菓子 #アフリカンランチ #南北インドカレー #ナオカフェ #タコスパーティー #盛りだくさんの1週間 (ガレリアサローネ) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpBTOFaHv2c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=us6jduxscrr8
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ekaosite · 9 years ago
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nanasisoka · 11 years ago
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メールイベント 夜舞サヲリ
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ri6es · 6 years ago
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過去絵 ㊗️デビュー
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amyure · 6 years ago
Yukuhashi Ei (逝橋エイ)
Ei has long black hair and a low, calm but somehow whimsical voice, Ei brings her bag full of charms around and is a miko [shrine priestess/maiden] who can see ghosts. Her family runs a Shinto shrine (’jinja’) in Tokyo-7th, and she often helps out at the shrine as a miko. Ever since she was a child, Ei could see ghosts, spirits and demons, and even got possessed by them, although she does not retain the memory of such possession episodes. When she was little, she got so used to running away from the supernatural that actually ends up being the fastest runner during the Nanastar sports day event (although Rena wasn’t there for comparison). Other than her (admittedly outlandish) ability to see spirits, Ei is just an ordinary girl who also happens to be an idol.
Ei is kindhearted, and not merely to other humans or living creatures, but also to the spirits that she meets. In several episodes where she appears, she is shown to be empathetic to spirits. She would let them talk to her, and try her best to help them (even if it was just by lending an ear). In Sawori’s 3.0 episode, Ei showed great empathy towards Sawori’s condition, and was willing to put herself on the line for her friend’s happiness and be Sawori’s ‘bodyguard’ to avoid her getting hurt. Ei also appears to have good awareness and sensitivity, telling others to not move about too fast in case they would hurt Sawori or make her feel bad. In Sisala’s 3.0, Ei was shown to be angry on Sisala’s behalf when someone was being aggressive towards them. She offers assistance and help to people in trouble, showing an ability to put herself in others’ shoes. Ei would also rather not make people feel bad if she can, opting to share her reason for choosing clothes with her friends after they had told her she was unfashionable.
(Sometimes) a pushover
Often ending up in embarrassing or compromising situations, Ei would have an obviously reluctant or troubled expression when people (or ghosts) are asking the impossible of her (like asking her to cosplay). However, when it comes to someone else’s happiness, Ei will eventually comply with enough persuasion (and not necessarily much at all). For example, Ei was vehemently against becoming ‘magical girl miko’ for Manon at first; however, she reluctantly ended up doing it (and very seriously at that) for the purpose of making Manon smile again.
Unusual sense of fashion
Ei’s everyday attire reflects a weird sense of fashion that her friends described as ‘dasakawaii’ (basically ‘lame, but cute’). The only cute factor about her outfit however is the fact that Ei is the one wearing it, so in fashion terms it is perhaps just lame. But, it turns out that Ei chooses clothes not based on how they would look on her, but the memories that they hold. That is why her clothes end up mismatched on her, as each piece represents a different memory (such as of her grandmother, mother, or even the Nanastar idols).
A tease
With her friends knowing that she can see ghosts, Ei at times teases them (especially the ones who are scared of ghosts) by pretending that there are ghosts around. One notable example was Kyouko (who is a scaredy-cat), or even Shihainin himself.
Ei actually has a lot of common sense, questioning a lot of things around her that do not add up (such as miko using magic). She uses polite speech when talking to her elders, properly uses honorifics, and is sensible enough to understand that sometimes one needs to hide things to protect others (such as in Sawori’s 3.0). Ei is often there as the foil to the other Nanastar members’ antics instead of being one of the strange or funny ones.
Actually an ordinary girl in most regards
Ei’s traits are, for the most part, very ‘average’. She shows concern about matters but does not rush headlong into issues; nor is she too stubborn before acting. She is kind, but still expresses displeasure when doing things that embarrass her. She also acts as a tsukkomi (straight man) to a lot of the strangeness in Nanastar. Ei is perhaps one of the most ‘ordinary’ out of all the girls, which is quite ironic given her absolutely unique ability to see ghosts.
Character development
Ei’s character development mostly revolves around how she copes and feels about her supernatural ability, as well as the strangeness of her life in general. In her 1.5, it is shared that her ability has brought a lot of trouble upon her since she was a child. However, after being able to help a ghost find their smile again, Ei was able to accept that, with her ability, she might at least be able to help the departed find happiness, or address their unresolved feelings. In her 2.5, Ei was able to use her ‘miko’ status to help Manon, despite her initial reluctance, as she believed it was worth it for the smiles of all the children present at that time. Ei also often uses her jinja’s purifying rites to help drive bad luck away from her friends, such as when she did it for Murasaki and also Sawori. In her 3.5, the emotional reason behind Ei’s strange sense of fashion was revealed.
Yamai Sawori (夜舞サヲリ)
Their interaction happened in Sawori’s 3.0, wherein the two were paired up alongside Xiao for a job. Upon hearing Sawori’s desire to not get wounded (at least up until the video shoot was over), Ei realized that ‘not getting injured’, what most people took for granted, was actually something rare for Sawori. She was touched by Sawori’s condition and was willing to spend time everyday with Sawori to keep her out of trouble, making good luck charms for her, and even risking herself for Sawori’s sake. They had a very close relationships, holding hands as they walked around town.
Kawasumi Sisala (川澄シサラ)
Ei was part of the Hip Hop event along with Sisala, and the two seemed to have bonded somewhat (although Ei, being possessed at the time, does not remember much about it). Sisala was one of the ones who asked Ei to turn into a magical girl for Manon. In Sisala’s 3.0, Ei is shown to care a lot for her, using a polite form of speech when she was asking Sisala about sensitive matters. Ei also expressed worry about Sisala potentially having to face her past alone.
Uesugi Kyouko (上杉・ウエバス・キョーコ)
The two have a light, easy going relationship where Ei mostly just teases Kyouko about her fear of ghosts. She was willing to design a ‘ghost hunter show’ simulation for Kyouko, leaving markers all over Nanastar for Kyouko to face and fight her fears.
Echizen Murasaki (越前ムラサキ)
Their interaction happened in Murasaki’s 2.5, when Ei came to help with her school festival. The first thing that Ei did was tell Murasaki about all the spirits in her school, also telling her to be careful of ‘the haunted stairs’. Murasaki was displeased with this, telling Ei to not just tell her about the ghosts in her own school in such a carefree manner. However, Murasaki showed gratitude to Ei and cherished her help, appearing happy when she was given a doll that Ei had put her shrine’s blessing on.
Xiao Fei Hung (シャオ・ヘイフォン)
One of the trio with Sawori, Xiao agreed with Ei to stay with Sawori in order to keep her from getting hurt. Ei kept reminding Xiao not to give away their real intentions so as to protect Sawori’s feelings, also warning her whenever she walked a little bit too fast. The three of them bonded during their days together, as shown when at the end of the episode when they were very comfortable with each other.
Araki Rena (木レナ ), Jedah Diamond (ジェダ・ダイヤモンド), Orisaka Ayumu ( 折笠アユム)
All three were featured in Ei’s 3.0 episode, helping her pick out new clothes. In the end, they were touched by Ei’s reasoning behind her choice of clothes. They talked about how Ei was a wonderful person and why her clothes were important to her.
The ‘Yuku’ in ‘Yukuhashi’ means ‘Death’, while the ‘Hashi’ means ‘Bridge’, likely signifying how Ei can see those who have died and not yet crossed the bridge to another realm. Her first name Ei, although in katakana, is perhaps referring to the word meaning ‘keen’, referring to her sixth sense ability to see spirits.
Ei collects charms, can do purifying rites (as expected of a proper shrine maiden), and can see other spiritual phenomena outside of just ghosts. When possessed, her eyes light up purple.
Every time she is offered a mascot or cosplay job, Ei rejects it by saying, “Leave those to Musubi!”
Ei addresses her friends by their first names without honorifics, reflective of a rather outgoing personality. However, she properly uses honorifics (such as ‘-san’) for those older than her.
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loveandpepsi · 6 years ago
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只今ギャラリー入替搬入中です。 ファンタジア展 - くにたちparade前夜祭 - 一人一人が思い思いのファッションを纏い、美しい国立の大学通りを歩き、歌い、おどる「くにたちPARADE」。今年は11月4日くにたち市民祭にて『第4回くにたちparade2018』の開催が決定しました! その前夜祭企画としてガレリアサローネにて10/17(水)〜10/22(月)の6日間展開される【ファンタジア展】をどうぞお楽しみください♪ ◉展示:Exhibition RuuRuu(帽子・衣装) 出原れい(写真) YOCHA'S WORKERS(サヲリ織り) Cosmic art HILO(アート) ナオ(アクセサリー) RunaEna(アフリカン・ファブリック) masa(国旗で作る服) ナディア(植物アクセサリー) ◉イベント:Event ★10/18(木)18:00〜20:00「蓄音機舞わす夜」 お一人様1,000円 まったく電気を使わない1930年代につくられた手回し式蓄音機を使い、1920年代〜1950年代のSPレコード(78rpm)を舞わします。持参するレコードのリストを見て、リクエストもできます! ★10/20(土)14:00〜17:00「RuuRuu夢の服つくり」3,500円/甦らせたい服3枚以上持参して参加者募集中! ★10/20(土)露生万夢(ツユキマム)「タロット・夢分析」 15分2,000円〜 ユング心理学をベースにしたタロットと夢分析で無意識の海から心を浮かびあがらせます。 ◉日替りカフェ:Food 10/17(水) 焼き菓子にの帆 10/18(木) InnaCafe アフリカンプレートランチ・夜は多国籍料理 10/19(金) ザランの回遊屋台 南北インドカレー 10/20(土) ナオカフェ 10/21(日) Taqueria & ABEFUSAI タコスパーティー 10/22(月) Suzy's Kitchen アメリカンダイナーからガレリアサローネ通常営業に変更☆ [ 会場 ] ガレリアサローネカフェギャラリー 東京都立川市栄町4−43−11 https://www.facebook.com/galleriasalone/ https://goo.gl/maps/2pcodzZ9jkN2 #くにたちパレード #ファンタジア展 #美食 #展示 #ワークショップ #イベント #アート #お祭り #帽子 #衣装 #写真 #サヲリ織り #アクセサリー #アフリカン #ファブリック #国旗で作る服 #植物アクセサリー #焼き菓子 #アフリカンランチ #南北インドカレー #ナオカフェ #タコスパーティー #盛りだくさんの1週間 (ガレリアサローネ) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo-pRu2noR-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ppw0nd897rk3
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loveandpepsi · 6 years ago
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ファンタジア展 - くにたちparade前夜祭 - 一人一人が思い思いのファッションを纏い、美しい国立の大学通りを歩き、歌い、おどる「くにたちPARADE」。今年は11月4日くにたち市民祭にて『第4回くにたちpaarde2018』の開催が決定しました! その前夜祭企画としてガレリアサローネにて10/17(水)〜10/22(月)の6日間展開される【ファンタジア展】をどうぞお楽しみください♪ ◉展示:Exhibition RuuRuu(帽子・衣装) 出原れい(写真) YOCHA'S WORKERS(サヲリ織り) Cosmic art HILO(アート) ナオ(アクセサリー) RunaEna(アフリカン・ファブリック) masa(国旗で作る服) ナディア(植物アクセサリー) ※Profileはイベントページ投稿欄を参照ください。 ◉イベント:Event ★10/18(木)18:00〜20:00「蓄音機舞わす夜」 お一人様1,000円 まったく電気を使わない1930年代につくられた手回し式蓄音機を使い、1920年代〜1950年代のSPレコード(78rpm)を舞わします。持参するレコードのリストを見て、リクエストもできます! ★10/20(土)14:00〜17:00「RuuRuu夢の服つくり」 3,500円/甦らせたい服3枚以上持参して参加 ★10/20(土)露生万夢(ツユキマム)「タロット・夢分析」 15分2,000円〜 ユング心理学をベースにしたタロットと夢分析で無意識の海から心を浮かびあがらせます。 ◉日替りカフェ:Food 10/17(水) 焼き菓子にの帆 10/18(木) InnaCafe アフリカンプレートランチ・夜は多国籍料理 10/19(金) ザランの回遊屋台 南北インドカレー 10/20(土) ナオカフェ 10/21(日) Taqueria & ABEFUSAI タコスパーティー 10/22(月) Suzy's Kitchen アメリカンダイナー [ 会場 ] ガレリアサローネカフェギャラリー 東京都立川市栄町4−43−11 https://www.facebook.com/galleriasalone/ https://goo.gl/maps/2pcodzZ9jkN2 #くにたちパレード #ファンタジア展 #美食 #展示 #ワークショップ #イベント #アート #お祭り #帽子 #衣装 #写真 #サヲリ織り #アクセサリー #アフリカン #ファブリック #国旗で作る服 #植物アクセサリー #焼き菓子 #アフリカンランチ #南北インドカレー #ナオカフェ #タコスパーティー #アメリカンダイナー #盛りだくさんの1週間 (ガレリアサローネ) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoQjP1MHkxy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1huid6qy0irbe
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ekaosite · 9 years ago
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