ultfreakme · 1 month
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Happy birthday to our jellyfish boy!!!!
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yaraaltrospace · 2 months
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Do you have your Junpei content to share for the big day? If not, you still have time! Bring your fanfics, your fanart, your moodboards, mvs, let's praise our jellyfish boi!
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havoc-inv · 2 months
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AHHH IT'S JUNDAY!! Little drawing I made of him :3 I love him sm,, I'll do some photos for his birthday in a while too :<
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jujutsuaiko-ka · 2 months
I reached to Yuuji-sensei and Yuuta-sensei for ideas. Kiyo-kun was busy with daily work, but eventually joined us.
Junpei's been working very hard as well, both in missions and classes, as well as aiding Shoko in extracurricular classes and attending the Yoshino Film Club reunions. Everyone agreed that after this exhausting week, Junpei deserved both recognition and a well-deserved break.
Henceforth, we all assembled a picnic birthday party, and everyone pitched in with gifts and food.
Yuuji-sensei was on the lead alongside me, making sure that everything was in place. Needless to say, Junpei was very happy, and also a bit relieved; in his words, he suspected that we were going to surprise him, but was concerned that it'd be a cliche move like a 'movie night party'. Not that he'd hate that, but he did want something different (I'm glad we did not aim for the obvious XD).
Not everyone could come to the party, but considering the amount of gifts, I'm glad everyone came together for this.
While we were about to take a picture, I saw Yuuji-sensei tear up; he told me that I helped a vision he had a long time ago, one he had to give up on almost immediately, come true now; he also asked me to keep helping Junpei the best I can.
Hehe, like he'd need to ask that. I wouldn't have it any other way.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JUNPEI! I'm glad to be your big sister, and I promise to keep helping you!
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yoshida-house · 6 months
3月に引き続き4月もばちがあたりそうに色んな場所でお会いしたかった一緒に演奏したかった方々と。ご予約情報がまだのものなど、 情報随時更新していきますので、時々覗いていただけたらです。 4/7(日)尼崎 タラ コーヒー&ハーブ 『ふちがみとふなとLive at TARA Coffee & Herb』 open 13:00 start 14:00 /¥2000(別)  ※ご予約制  兵庫県尼崎市七松町3-11-4 ご予約:[email protected]  090-9991-7657 4/18(木)名古屋 得三 『〜せーのっ!4人で今池の春〜』 w/Ett (西本さゆりvo, 渓g,vo) open 18:00 start 19:00¥3300/3500(別) 名古屋市千種区今池1-6-8 ブルースタービル2F  ご予約:052-733-3709(得三) [email protected] 4月21日(日)神戸 東極楽寺 『2024 第18回ひがしごくらくじの 祝 お花まつり音楽会』最終回 w/大塚まさじ、佐藤GWAN博、ロメルアマード、下田逸郎、 秋元節、佐久間順平、林亭 大江田信、 チョイスちゃん(西沢和弥、黒田かなで)、 伊香桃子、天四郎、松浦奏、中川みつお  open 12:00 start 12:30 (終演18:30)   協賛金 3000円 ご予約不要 神戸市中央区生田町2-5-8 問:090-5016-3608(小林)  4/24(水)吉祥寺 Star Pine's Cafe  『めおと楽団ジキジキの面白音楽祭り vol.2  ジキジキきよし誕生日スペシャル』 出演:めおと楽団ジキジキ、ちくわぶ、ふちがみとふなと ゲスト:寒空はだか 遠峰あこ      国産米(グレート義太夫・なにわのてつ・ジキジキきよし) open 18:00 start 19:00/¥3000/3500(別) 東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺本町1-20-16トクタケパーキングビルBF ご予約:こちらより または下記特別チケット当日お取り置きご希望の場合は [email protected]
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4/26(金)外苑前 南青山Mandala  〜南青山MANDALA 30th anniversary〜 LDK (友部正人+ふちがみとふなと)  open 18:00 start 19:00/¥4300/4800(別) 東京都港区南青山3-2-2 MRビルB1/03-5474-0411 ご予約:こちらから(3/3〜) 4/27(土)横浜 エアジン  『横浜国際なんでも音楽祭2024<春>(4/25~6/2 + )』 ふちがみとふなとワンマン open 18:00 start 19:00/¥3500(別) 横浜市中区住吉町5-60 4/30(火)京都 わからん屋 II 月イチワンマン  open 18:00 start 19:00 ¥1000/1200(別) 京都市左京区一乗寺地蔵本町6-1 メイコービルB1F//075-585-4226 ご予約:[email protected] 
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yaraaltrospace · 4 months
Anyone wanna join me for a second try?
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Last year I made a poll on Twitter and Tumblr to elect, at the very least among fans, a birthday date for our jellyfish boy; Gege never gave us this info anywhere sadly.
The days were:
July 9: Manga first appearance
August 13: https://mywaifulist.moe/waifu/junpei-yoshino…
November 21: Anime debut
The winner in both polls was August 13th, and I attempted to hype this idea up without much success or only later on noticing.
As an unapologetic Junpei fan (and self-proclaimed big sister), I decided to try again this year.
The celebration will happen with anything Junpei-related: fanarts, fanfic links, threads, AUs, etc.
Post it, share it, retweet it with the hashtags #呪術廻戦 #誕生日 #吉野順平 #吉野順平誕生祭2024 #Junpei Yoshino Birthday 2024 #JJK #jujutsu kaisen #August 13th #junpei yoshino on Twitter and Tumblr, even any other social media if you can.
So, anyone want in on celebrating?
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yaraaltrospace · 2 months
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14 days left!
Count the days, save the date!
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yaraaltrospace · 2 months
IG's birthdayofanime registered! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNPEI!
Let's start celebrating now since it's already August 13th on Japan!
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yaraaltrospace · 2 months
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yaraaltrospace · 3 months
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count the days, save the date
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yaraaltrospace · 3 months
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count the days, save the date
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yaraaltrospace · 2 months
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yaraaltrospace · 3 months
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32 days left! In case you want to see the rules again, link below:
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