madcat-world · 2 years
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危 Danger (1 of 3) - Jef Wu
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ninelanguages · 1 month
Kanji for "hope", "expect", "wish", "desire", "look afar", "gaze into the distance"
望 = bou/ mou/ nozo•mu
望- nozomu - a wish/ a desire/ ambition(s)/ (a) hope/ a chance - のぞむ
希望する - kibousuru - to hope [wish] (to do)/ to desire/ to expect - きぼうする
高望みする - takanozomisuru - to be overambitious/ to aim too high - たかのぞみする
望遠鏡 - bouenkyou - a telescope - ぼうえんきょう
失望 - shitsubou - loss of hope/ despair/ disappointment - しつぼう
望む - nozomu - to wish/ to desire/ to want/ to expect/ to hope (that) - のぞむ
絶望 - zetsubou - despair/ hopelessness - ぜつぼう
Kanji for "dangerous", "precarious"
危 = ki/ abu•nai/ aya•ui/ aya•bumu
危ない - abunai - dangerous/ risky/ perilous/ (be) in danger - あぶない
危険 - kiken - (a) danger/ (a) peril/ (a) risk/ a hazard - きけん
危害 - kigai - (an) injury/ harm - きがい
危ぶむ - ayabumu - to be afraid (of/ that...)/ to fear/ to be skeptical - あやぶむ
危機 - kiki - a crisis [crises] / risky/ perilous/ (be) in danger - きき
危うい - ayaui - dangerous/ risky/ perilous/ (be) in danger - あやうい
Kanji for "without fail", "certainly", "surely", "inevitable"
必 = hitsu/ kanara•su
不必要な - fuhitsuyouna - unnecessary/ needless/ superfluous - ふひつような
必死に - hisshini - desperately/ frantically - ひっしに
必需品 - hitsujuhin - necessaries/ necessities/ requisities/ a must - ひつじゅひん
必ずしも - kanarazushimo - (not) always [necessarily] ... - かならずしも
必ず - kanarazu - always/ invariably/ certainly/ surely/ inevitably - かならず
必要な - hitsuyouna - necessary /needed/ required/ indispensable - ひつような
Kanji for "return", "give back"
戻 = rai/ modo•su/ modo•ru
巻き戻す - makimodosu - to rewind (the film)/ to set back (one's watch) - まきもどす
戻す - modosu - to return/ to give back/ to restore/ to vomit - もどす
元に戻す - motonimodosu - to put a thing back/ to return to a former state - もとにもどす
戻る - modoru - to go [come, get] back/ to return/ to turn back - もどる
返戻する - henreisuru - to return / to give back - へんれいする
払い戻す - haraimodosu - to refund/ to pay back/ to repay - はらいもどす
Kanji for "Buddhist temple", "temple", "suffix of Buddhist temples"
寺 = ji / tera
尼寺 - amadera - a convent/ a nunnery - あまでら
寺 - tera - a Buddhist temple - てら
金閣寺 - kinkakuji - Temple of the Golden Pavilion (of Kyoto) - きんかくじ
寺院 - jiin - a (Buddhist) temple - じいん
山寺 - yamadera - a temple in a mountain/ a temple on a hillside - やまでら
東大寺 - toudaiji - Todaiji temple - とうだいじ
Kanji for ''medicine'', ''medical'', ''doctor''
医 = i
医院 - iin - clinic - いいん
内科医 - naikai - a physician - ないかい
医学 - igaku - medical science/ medicine - いがく
医者 - isha - a doctor/ a medical practitioner/ a surgeon - いしゃ
医師 - ishi - a doctor/ a medical practitioner/ a surgeon - いし
外科医 - gekai - a surgeon - げかい
Kanji for ''quality'', ''grade'', ''matter'', ''material'', ''query'', ''question''
質 = shitsu / shichi / chi
質問 - shitsumon - a question/ an interrogation/ an inquiry - しつもん
質屋 - shichiya - a pawnshop - しちや
たん白質 - tanpakushitsu - protein - たんぱくしつ
質 - shitsu - quality/ one's character/ (a person's) disposition - しつ
性質 - seishitsu - (a) nature/ (a) disposition/ (a) character - せいしつ
質問する - shitsumonsuru - to ask a person a question - しつもんする
Kanji for ''run'', ''dash'', ''run away'', ''flee''
走 = sou / hashiru
走り去る - hashirisaru - to run away [off]/ to drive off - はしりさる
走る - hashiru - to run/ to dash - はしる
ゆっくり走る - yukkurihashiru - to jog/ to run (at a slow pace) - ゆっくりはしる
暴走する - bousousuru - to drive recklessly/ to be out of control - ぼうそうする
競走 - kyousou - a race/ a run/ a running match/ a dash - きょうそう
走者 - sousha - a runner - そうしゃ
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atomic-chronoscaph · 29 days
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Black Tight Killers (1966)
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storge · 2 months
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Who are you? I’m your fiance.
FAN ZHIXIN as Yan Xingcheng My Lethal Man (2023)
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Crisis doesn't create character.
It reveals it.
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Zhang Luyi in the opening ceremony livestream of 安全危机 | A Dangerous and Secretive Path (2024/05/25)
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neerons · 22 days
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Kei is looking good in a kimono, and he even has Kazuomi’s pose 🥺❤️
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‘Puts him in my pocket he’s perfect’
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Meiko Kaji (梶芽衣子) in the TV movie Beautiful Wife’s Dangerous Journey (美しい人妻の危険な旅), 1990, directed by Masahisa Sadanaga (貞永方久).
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storge · 1 month
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My Lethal Man (2023)
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