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冬の二人 立原正秋・小川国夫 往復書簡 創林社 題字・装画=小川国夫
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'24.12.22 東大寺 二月堂付近にて
#奈良#nara#奈良公園#nara park#日本#japan#東大寺#todaiji temple#二月堂#nigatsudo hall#初冬#early winter#早朝#early morning#鹿#deer#photographers on tumblr#natgeoyourshot
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Splatfest Research Team here with a special Splatfest report!
Bundle up, because the Frosty Fest is coming. The Splatsville and Inkopolis halls will be decked to the nines, with Deep Cut and the Squid Sisters in their finest gala fits!
No date to save yet, but stay tuned.
「2023冬 Chill Season」では特別なフェス「FrostyFest」も開催予定だ。
And what would Frosty Fest be without gifts? Get ready to unwrap four swanky pieces of gear!
No need to set out a stocking—just open News on your Nintendo Switch system, then launch the Splatoon 3 game via the Squid Research Lab article. Your gifts will be at the lobby terminal!
先日の「Splatoween」と同様に、Nintendo Switch本体のゲームニュース「イカ研究所通信」で後日配信される予定なのでどうぞお楽しみに。
Ahem! If the SRL Fashion Report may be so bold, we've secured an advance look at Deep Cut's Frosty Fest attire.
"Ritzy" and "elegant" may not be words you associated with them before, but they never do things by halves, and their wintry ensembles are no exception.
Not to be outdone, the Squid Sisters are bringing their own inimitable looks to the Inkopolis stage. Their snow-white outfits dazzle amidst the chilly climate, wouldn't you say?
Our work here is done. The Splatfest Research Team will provide dates and a topic some other day. Ta!
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(Xユーザーの彦二・冬コミ29日・東J10bさん: 「ファンボックスに『乳首弄りをして仰け反り絶頂をする七草にちかちゃん』リクエストが来たのでそんな事はできないと正義の心で一人先っぽ当てゲームしてるところを描きました https://t.co/AaSI4LezNW」 / Xから)
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Oh! The Kizakura audio dramas! I always wanted to listen to Genocide Jack’s part of the audio but an English translation of it doesn’t exist sadly. Do you know what she said in audio drama? I love to know! Thank you!
Oh yeah! Genocide Jack's part was really great and I wanted to share the content of that part of the conversation, so I'm glad you asked! I've written a transcript below:
<After Kizakura visited Toko at her home and told her that he had come to recruit her as a student at Hope's Peak Academy, they talked for a while, but Kizakura fainted in the middle of the conversation because Toko's house and her own smell were too bad.>
Toko: ちょ、ちょっとぉ!そんな大袈裟に倒れて、埃が…っはっ…ハクシュッ! W-why are you collapsing!? Collapsing so dramatically like that... the dust... huff... achoo!
Kizakura: えぇっ、手を叩いて褒めてくれるの!?俺、頑張ったよね!?もう、ゴールしても…いいよね… What!? You’re clapping your hands* to praise me!? I did a good job, didn’t I!? It’s okay if I... reach the goal now, right...?* (*The reason he made this comment is because the Japanese word for sneezing, “hakusyu”, sounds the same as the word for clapping hands.) (*This is a parody of a line from a famous game called Air. It is often used among otaku.) Genocide Jack: はぁーーい、パチパーチ!!ってなんでやねん!ヒャハハハハハハハ! Allllllllll right, let’s give a round of applause!! Wait, what the hell!? Gyahahahahaha!
Kizakura: あぁー!?何何何、どうしちゃったのこの子!? Huh!? What, what, what’s with her!? What’s going on!? Genocide Jack: ヤァだ、ヤァだー!なぁにそんな熱視線困るんですけどー!ってなぁに!?この子ったら!?部屋に男連れ込んじゃってんのヒュゥーウ!! Oh my, oh my! What's with those intense stares, I'm embarrassed by your intense gaze! Wait, what’s this!? This girl’s got a guy in her room! Wheeew!! Kizakura: (演技…じゃないな。二重人格か?ただのはっちゃけ姉ちゃんにしか見えねーけど…こいつは何かヤバイぞ…。) (This isn't just an act... Is this a split personality? All I see is an endless amount of cheerful girl... but she looks like danger.) Genocide Jack: でも残念!あんたちょ〜っとストライク逃しちゃってるわ!ファウルボールにご注意くださーい。ってデァハハハハ!!で、どこのどなた? But too bad! You just barely struck out! Watch out for foul balls! Gya-hahahaha!! So, who are you? Kizakura: (記憶を共有していない…解離性人格障害か。考えられる原因としては、資料にあった母を2人持つという家庭事情だが…) 俺は黄桜公一。希望ヶ峰学園から腐川冬子くんをスカウトにやってきた。君こそ何者だ? (She doesn't seem to be sharing memories... Dissociative Identity Disorder, huh? According to the files, it could be due to her upbringing with two mothers...) I’m Koichi Kizakura. I’m here to scout Toko Fukawa from Hope’s Peak Academy. And you are? Genocide Jack: うーーん、かっちょよく名乗りたいところだけどぉ、アタシってホラ、有名人だから!ナイショにしと���わぁ! Hmmmmm, I’d love to introduce myself in style, but, you know, I’m kind of famous! So I’ll keep it a secret for now!
Kizakura: 有名人? Famous? Genocide Jack: その希望ヶ峰学園ってお上品な学校に行けばアタシ好みの萌える男子がオーガニックに栽培されてそうジャ〜ン? もしかしてぇ?あなたは意中の殿方も��ー?いらっしゃるのかしらァーー!?妄想が捗るわぁー!! If I go to that fancy Hope's Peak Academy, I bet there'll be a lot of hot boys growing up organically just for me, don't you think? Or maybe...? Do you have a guy you're head over heels for? My imagination is running wiiiild!
Kizakura: 意中の殿方って……あぁやべやべ、思い浮かべるな! A guy I’m head over heels for... Oh no, stop thinking about it! Genocide Jack: いいわ!その一瞬の油断!ふと脳裏をよぎった親友の面影!そ・れ・が!どんどん大きくなっていくからお大事にねェー!! Perfect! That momentary slip! The fleeting image of your dear friend flashing in your mind! That, my dear, will only grow bigger and bigger, so take careee!
Kizakura: 趣味嗜好がまるっきり正反対だな…腐川ちゃんの方はオーソドックスなラブコメすら嫌がってたのに、こっちはBLまで許容しているみたいだ… Their tastes are completely opposite... Fukawa-chan couldn’t even stand orthodox rom-coms, but this one seems fine with BL...
Genocide Jack: ハァーイ、大正解!アタシはぁ、パトスだだ漏れの貴腐人なので!調子いい時はぁ、視界に入った男をビンゴ方式でゼェーんぶ絡める!ウァハハハハ!ハ…ハ、ハクシュッ! Ding, ding, ding! Correct! I’m a kifujin* overflowing with pathos! And when I’m in a good mood, I’ll ship every guy in my sight like I’m playing bingo! Gyahahahaha! H- H- achoo! (* This is one of the ways that otaku girls who like BL refer to themselves, and refers to people who like BL even more than fujoshi.)
Toko: へ、あ、あれ…あたし…? Huh? W-wait... what was I...? Kizakura: (くしゃみで人格チェンジするって、そんな古典的な…。この子、自分を主役にして小説書いた方が売れるんじゃないの…?) (She changes personalities with a sneeze? That’s so old-school... She could probably sell more novels if she wrote about herself as the main character...)
Toko: き、記憶が飛んでる…!あ、あなたまさか、私を眠らせて、無理やり!? M-my memory’s blank...! D-Did you force me to sleep and then...!? Kizakura: 永遠の眠りにつきそうなのは、こっちの方��んだけど… I’m the one who feels like I’m about to sleep forever...
Toko: な、何よ、殺人鬼に遭遇したヒョロイ殺され役みたいなシケた顔して…! What’s with that pathetic look on your face, like you’re the weakling about to get killed by a murderer!? Kizakura: (殺人鬼…そういえばあの殺気…。いや、まさかな。) (Murderer...? Now that I think about it, that killing intent... No, it couldn’t be...)
Toko's part is much longer, but this is the whole part where Genocide Jack appears. If you listen to the audio, you'll see that Miyuki Sawashiro's performance is really wonderful, but I hope it conveys at least a little of what it was like!
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Scan and transcription of the Persona 3 part of Otomedia February 2016
©ATLUS ©SEGA/劇場版「ペルソナ3」製作委員会
HP http://www.p3m.jp
STAFF 原作/「ペルソナ3」 (アトラス)、脚本/熊谷 純、スーパーバイザー/岸 誠二、キャラクターデザイン/渡部圭祐、ぺルソナデザイン/秋 恭摩、プロップデザイン/常木志伸、色彩設定/合田沙織、美術監督/谷岡善王 (美峰)、美術設定/青 木薫 (美峰)、コンポジット&ビジュアルディレクター/高津純平、編集/櫻井 崇、音楽/目黒将司・小林哲也、音響監督/飯田里樹、第4章監督/田口智久、制作/A-1Pictures
CAST 結城理/石田 彰、岳羽ゆかり/豊口めぐみ、伊織順平/鳥海浩輔、桐条美鶴/田中理恵、真田明彦/緑川 光、山岸風花/能登麻美子、アイギス/坂本真綾、天田乾/緒方恵美、イゴール/田の中勇 (特別出演)、エリザベス/沢城みゆき ほか
ゆ う き まこと
結城 理
声/石田 彰
4月に月光館学園に転入した2年生。類まれなるぺルソナ能力を持ち、「特別課外活動部 (S.E.E.S.)」のリーダーを務める。
バレンタイン ホワイトデー
チョコをもらっても、ホワイトデ一は全無視しそう (笑)、周囲に「あんだけもらっといて返さないのかよ!」と怒られて、しぶしぶコンビニとかで気を使ってない感じのお返しを買ってそう。(田口監督)
●作画/山田裕子 仕上げ/合田沙織
も ち づ き りょう じ
声/石田 彰
女好きが浸透してしまって、意外ともらってなさそう。というより、むしろ配ってそうですね!気の利く男です (笑)。ホワイトデーは大盤振る舞いで、大量のお返しを用意してそう。(田口監督)
さ な だ あ き ひ こ
声/緑川 光
あ ら が き し ん じ ろ う
寮の女子たちすら、渡すのをためらいそう (笑)。ただ、もらったら手作りのお返しをくれそうですね。(田口監督)
い お りじゅんべい
あ ま だ け ん
天田 乾
本命多そうですね。お返しはきっちり準備して、周囲に「まだ用意してないんですか?」って言いそう (笑)。(田口監督)
#persona 3#p3#ryomina#tried so hard to get the scan to look good...#had to stich together 4 different ones#only for them to be too big for tumblr aagggghhhhhh......#i mean it still looked bad anyway...#since i edited them i saved them as a png instead of my usual png
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めおと (LIP×LIP) English Translation
めおと Meoto Married Couple
LIP×LIP (Aizou & Yuujirou) 2ndアルバム「生まれてきたことに感謝しなさい!」
Lyrics: Kaoru Composer: Kaoru Arrangement: HoneyWorks
T/N: Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
あなたの帰り待ちわびてしまう 私の心【あなた&お前】のものになってる
Anata no kaeri machiwabite shimau Watashi no kokoro [anata / omae] no mono ni natteru
I am waiting impatiently for your return This heart of mine is now yours to keep
あなたのことは何��知らない Ah 嫁ぐだけ これは定めよ お家の為にこの身捨てるわ お前のことに興味などない 同情もない めおとになるが 愛しはしない 政略の契り
Anata no koto wa nani mo shiranai Ah totsugu dake Kore wa sadame yo Oie no tame ni kono mi suteru wa Omae no koto ni kyōmi nado nai Dōjō mo nai Meoto ni naru ga aishi wa shinai Seiryaku no chigiri
I know nothing about you Ah, we are only to marry This is my fate For my family’s sake, I will cast this body away I have no interest in you at the very least I have no feelings for you either We will be married but not loving each other It’s a marriage of convenience
雪が溶ける度に 心も溶けてく 近くなっていく 当たり前の存在
Yuki ga tokeru tabi ni Kokoro mo toketeku Chikaku natte iku Atarimae no sonzai
Every time the snow melts Our hearts also soften We are becoming closer We are an existence meant for each other
口にはしない愛の言葉も 束縛しない恋の形も 以心伝心 添い遂げ歩み出すめおと あなたの帰り待ちわびてしまう 私の心あなたのものになってる
Kuchi ni wa shinai ai no kotoba mo Sokubaku shinai koi no katachi mo *Ishin-denshin Soitoge ayumidasu meoto Anata no kaeri machiwabite shimau Watashi no kokoro anata no mono ni natteru
The unspoken words of love between us This form of love free of any restrictions Ishin-denshin A husband and wife for life, walking to the end of time I am waiting impatiently for your return This heart of mine is now yours to keep
寒くはないか? 風邪ひかぬよう これを羽織りなさい 細くて白いその肩に触れ 守ると誓った
Samuku wa nai ka? Kaze hikanu yō Kore o haori nasai Hosokute shiroi sono kata ni fure Mamoru to chikatta
Are you not feeling cold? Don’t catch a cold Please put this on My hands brush your slender and pale shoulders I vowed to protect you
不器用な優しさ 強がりな性格 落ち着くその声に 堕ちていった二人は…
Bukiyō na yasashisa Tsuyogari na seikaku Ochitsuku sono goe ni Ochiteitta futari wa…
Your clumsy gentleness Your nature trying to be tough all the time That calm and steady voice of yours The two who were falling in love
離れはしないこの先永遠(とわ)に 来世だろうと引き寄せ合って 落花流水 困難も支え合うめおと お前の元へ急ぎ帰る 私の心お前のものになってる
Hanare wa shinai kono saki towa ni Raise darou to hikiyose atte Rakka ryūsui Konnan mo sasaeau meoto Omae no moto e isogi kaeru Watashi no kokoro omae no mono ni natteru
Won’t be apart now and for all eternity Would be drawn to each other even in our next life Each of our love returned A husband and wife supporting each other through thick and thin I hurry to return back to you This heart of mine is now yours to keep
桜吹雪いた春 風鈴涼む夏 紅葉色づく秋 雪化粧 寄り添う冬
Sakura fubuita haru Fūrin suzumu natsu Kōyō irodzuku aki Yukigeshō yorisou fuyu
A spring with a storm of sakura petals A summer with the wind chimes tinkling in the cool breeze An autumn with the leaves changing colors A winter blanketed in snow, us cuddling close
口にはしない愛の言葉も 束縛しない恋の形も 以心伝心 添い遂げ歩み出すめおと あなたの帰り待ちわびてしまう 私の心あなたのものになってる
Kuchi ni wa shinai ai no kotoba mo Sokubaku shinai koi no katachi mo Ishindenshin Soitoge ayumidasu meoto Anata no kaeri machiwabite shimau Watashi no kokoro anata no mono ni natteru
The unspoken words of love between us This form of love free of any restrictions Ishin-denshin A husband and wife for life, walking to the end of time I am waiting impatiently for your return This heart of mine is now yours to keep
離れはしないこの先永遠(とわ)に 来世だろうと引き寄せ合って 落花流水 困難も支え合うめおと お前の元へ急ぎ帰る 私の心お前のものになってる
Hanare wa shinai kono saki towa ni Raise darou to hikiyose atte Rakka ryūsui Konnan mo sasaeau meoto Omae no moto e isogi kaeru Watashi no kokoro omae no mono ni natteru
We won’t be apart now and for all eternity We’d be drawn to each other even in our next life Each of our love returned A husband and wife supporting each other through thick and thin I hurry to return back to you This heart of mine is now yours to keep
isshin-denshin - “what the mind thinks, the heart transmits”
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山茶花[Sazanka] Camellia sasanqua
Three Sazankas in cold winter.
[Sazanka wa shiroi hodo hin ga yoku, tankō wa yoku nai. Tsubomi no koro ka, kobore chiru koro ka ga watakushi no kokoro ni kanoute iru.] The whiter Sazanka, the more elegant it is, and pale red is not good. The time of the buds or the time of the petals falling is suitable for my taste. From 冬の庭[Fuyu no niwa](Gardens in winter) by 室生 犀星[Murou Saisei](1889 - 1962) Source: https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/1258055/1/73
山茶花の 白き冴ゆるや 寒の入り
[Sazanka no shiroki sayuruya kan no iri] It is Kan no iri, the first day of midwinter, and the whiteness of the Sazanka flowers stands out By 安藤 橡面坊[Andō Tochimenbō](1869 - 1914)
[Watashi wa tatte kitamuki no mado ni itte soto wo mioroshita. Hatsuka-amari no tsuki wa aojiroi mizu no yōna hikari wo sono atari ni otoshite ita. Sono shizuku ni nurete shittori to shita sazanka no kokage ni hito ga hitori suwatte ita. Magou kata mo nai jii de, itetsuita jimen ni betari to koshi wo oroshite, nandaka mono ni demo tsukareta yō ni kiregire ni uta wo utatte iru.] I stood and went to the north-facing window and looked down outside. Hatsuka-amari no tsuki(the moon in the lower sine after the twenty day of the lunar calendar) was casting a pale blue light like water around the area. One person was sitting in the shade of a Sazanka tree wet and moistened by the drops (of the moonlight). It was indeed Jii(the old man), and he is sitting with a smack on the frozen ground and singing a song intermittently as if he is possessed by something. From 老爺[Rōya](The Old Man) by 薄田 泣菫[Susukida Kyūkin](1877 - 1945) Source: https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/1019879/1/209
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#秋田県 #湯沢市 #川連漆器 #川連塗 #川連 #国指定伝統的工芸品 #伝統的工芸品 #秋田工芸 #秋田の物作り #漆 #うるし #ウルシ #髹漆 #寿次郎 #ざっこ蒸し #雑魚蒸し #雑魚 #ざっこ #秋田県湯沢市川連の冬 #雪投げ #雪除排雪 #雪投げボランティア #伝産法改正 #個人の未来と産地の未来 #kawatsura #japanlaquer #JapanTraditionalCrafts #KawatsuraLacquerwareTraditionalCrafts #jujiro
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“Ice in winter melts and flows in spring, and minerals and rocks are burnt and melted by fire. In this way, all things are established by causality and have no true nature.” - Kukai
[Kukai (b. 27 July 774 – d. 22 April 835), posthumously called Kōbō Daishi ("The Grand Master who Propagated the Dharma"), was a Japanese Buddhist monk, calligrapher, and poet who founded the esoteric Shingon school of Buddhism.]
Buddha to his disciples, mini-series (21)
Nidana - "direct cause" & "indirect cause" in all phenomenal things
Kukai's quotation of the sacred word 'causality' is referred to as the 'Twelve Causes (Pratītyasamutpāda,Ref)', etc., and is one of the fundamental doctrines that the Buddha taught to his first disciples after his enlightenment, and the content of enlightenment itself. The Buddha realised that "the phenomena of this world are the result of the interrelation of causes and conditions. Everything is the result of nidana".
In Buddhism, all phenomenal things which those caused by phenomena, have a hetu (direct cause), and a pratyaya (indirect cause) conditions that help the cause to produce the result..
―空海(くうかい、774年7月27日生 - 835年4月22日没)は、日本の僧侶、書家、詩人で、真言密教の創始者であり、「弘法大師」とも呼ばれる。
ブッダから弟子たちへ、ミニシリーズ (21)
因縁 〜 現象的事物 (有為) はすべて直接原因 (因)と間接原因縁 (縁)
仏教では,現象的事物には必ず原因があるとし,生滅に直接関係するものを「因 (梵:ヘートゥ=直接原因)」と言い,因を助けて結果を生じさせる間接的な条件を「縁 (梵: プラティヤヤ=間接原因)」と言う…
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「二人だけの秘密ですよ。ご主人様💗」 pic.twitter.com/0wjU9grkZP
— konomi(きのこのみ🍄)ライアー・ライアーアニメ配信中 冬コミ (@konominoco) October 14, 2023
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(Xユーザーの彦二・冬コミ29日・東J10bさん: 「ファンボックスに『グラッシー帝国地球侵略の成功を記念して地球人を拘束逆レイ〇して搾り取るグラッシーハルナ総帥閣下のイチャラブ子作りックス』リクエストが来たのですがそんな不健全なものは描けないと思い、正義の心で普通のグラッシーハルナさんを描きました https://t.co/dGdLhGHdQe」 / Xから)
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今年の冬を振り返る ~SL冬の湿原号と流氷MTBめぐり~
普段とは違ったアプローチで冬の湿原号を楽しみたいな…と考えていると過去に友人がなんとも面白いことをしている!? という事で、今後のロケハンも兼ねながらゆっくりファットバイクでSL撮影の旅へ!
さらに冬こそ流氷ライド!今年の冬は流氷の当たり年でした。 ごっつい流氷が打ち上げられ座礁しており、昨年以上に楽しむことができました。
流氷によって波が消え、海が鏡となって空の色を映す。 毎年見ているとはいえ、何故こんなにも見入ってしまうのでしょうか。
時間を見つけてはカメラ片手に自転車に乗って散策する… 気づけば、ファットバイクが私自身の人生には欠かせないものとなってきたことを強く感じた冬でした。
一枚目【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】320【SS】1/2000【F値】/8 二段目左【焦点距離】300mm【ISO】320【SS】1/2000【F値】/7.1 二段目右【焦点距離】85mm【ISO】64【SS】1/1250【F値】/2.8 四枚目【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】64【SS】1/2000【F値】/4.5 四段目左【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】64【SS】1/200【F値】/2.8 四段目右【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】64【SS】1/320【F値】/2 七枚目【焦点距離】600mm【ISO】90【SS】1/2500【F値】/4 八枚目【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】64【SS】1/640【F値】/6.3
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~just an attempted tl of meoto~
I’m waiting impatiently for you to return home
My heart completely belongs to “you”
Ah 嫁ぐだけ
I know absolutely nothing about you
Ah I’m being married off to you
This is just my destiny
I’ll give myself up for my family’s sake
I’m not interested in you in the least
I have no feelings for you either
I’ll marry you
But I’ll never love you
Such will be our politically-motivated marriage
Every time the snow melts
So do our hearts
As we grow closer
It becomes natural to be around each other
Our unspoken words of love
And our unrestrained expressions of love
With a telepathic understanding of each other
We’re husband and wife till death do us part
I’m waiting impatiently for you to return home
My heart completely belongs to you
Are you freezing?
Don’t catch a cold, okay?
Here, put this haori on
As I touched your slim, pale shoulders
I vowed to protect you
That clumsy kindness of yours
And that brave front you put on
With your soothing voice
The two of us fell in love…
We will never leave each other’s sides for all of eternity
We’ll be drawn to each other even in our next lives
With a reciprocated love for each other
We’re husband and wife through thick and thin
I’m rushing in my haste to return to you
My heart completely belongs to you
雪化粧 寄り添う冬
Spring, with cherry blossom petals blowing in the wind
Summer, with the cooling tinkles of wind chimes
Autumn, with the changing colours of the leaves
Winter, with us cuddling close amidst the snow
Our unspoken words of love
And our unrestrained expressions of love
With a telepathic understanding of each other
We’re husband and wife till death do us part
I’m waiting impatiently for you to return home
My heart completely belongs to you
We will never leave each other’s sides for all of eternity
We’ll be drawn to each other even in our next lives
With a reciprocated love for each other
We’re husband and wife through thick and thin
I’m rushing in my haste to return to you
My heart completely belongs to you
#honeyworks#lipxlip#aiyuu#also!!!!! please correct me where necessary!!!! thanks!!!!!!!!#AIYUU CANON MARRIED OK BYE GN GUYSSSSSSS#MEOTO CHANGED MY LIFE G O O D B Y E#LXL MEOTO CRISIS 2K24#lxl tl things
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10 People I'd Like to Get to Know Better
@nocturnalazure @yamanaka4576 Thank you so much for the tag♡♡♡♡
・Last song:だって君には彼氏がいるでしょ by 傘村トータ
・Favorite color: RED,BLACK
・Last Movie: パシフィック・リム - Pacific Rim
・Last book:仲の悪い許嫁の話 by 鉢谷くじら
・Sweet/spicy/savoury: savoury しょっぱいのが好き~😸
・Last googled: 解氷スプレー(De-icing spray) 今冬も車のフロントガラスが凍る対策のために検索したやつw
・Current obsession: 体調を回復させること。なかなか全快しませんね;;;
・Looking forward to:Going on a date to a “Mika Ninagawa art exhibition” with someone one-sided love😽
No tagging:I'll come and visit you again when I'm feeling better♡
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